
Twenty-Third Sunday Of The Year – Year A


The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — Available to Pre-Order Now

We are delighted to announce that our new choir CD, With Angels and Archangels, will be released on Sunday 20 September and is available now to pre-order. The CD was recorded by the Schola Cantorum in March just before lockdown and was produced for us by Delphian Records. The album showcases some of the very best choral music sung at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. It tells the story not only of our vibrant musical life, but of a shared search by Catholic composers for beauty and truth in sacred music. It’s a real must for anyone who loves beautiful choral music!

All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy.

New Dates for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communions

As you remember, we had to postpone the children’s first celebration of these beautiful Sacraments. The new dates for these are as follows: First Confessions will be on 14th (Cathedral) & 15th September (Ravelston) and First Holy Communions will be on the 10th October in both places. For more information or to register, please contact the Parish Office. And please keep the children in your parish in your prayers during these weeks!

Registration Open for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021

You can now register your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) or Confirmation (P7). Registration forms are available in the back of both churches or through the Parish Office. Please return the forms by Monday the 28th September.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or do you know someone who is?

The Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group is for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming members of the Church. It gives an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to Catholics about their beliefs. The group aims at helping to give an understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the teaching of the Church. The group also strives to deepen the faith of its members through studying the Holy Scriptures and through prayer. It’s a very supportive place for people to come together on a faith journey. We will be starting with four virtual meetings between September and December with the hope that we can meet physically as a group in January, providing Covid restrictions are lifted by then. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 29th September at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

Many of you have already joined our new Parish Bible Study, but there is still room for more! If you would like to join, please email This is a great way to come to know Jesus better through the Gospels, so why don’t give it a try?

Huge Thank you to All Our Covid Volunteers

As you know, we are working very hard to keep both the Cathedral and St. Andrews Ravelston sanitised and safe for worship in these difficult times. This is possible only because of a huge number of volunteers coordinated by Elizabeth Andrews (in the Cathedral) and Louise Gardiner (in Ravelston) and assisted by Deacon Peter and Marcin, our wonderful sacristan. Together, these volunteers man the Cathedral throughout the day ensuring that all the distancing regulations are followed, they collect the names and contact details of everyone attending mass in the Cathedral and Ravelston, and they sanitise both churches after every mass. This is a huge feat of organisation and I would like to thank all of you who are involved for your incredible generosity. It is only because of this great communal effort that we are able to keep the parishes open and functioning. Thank you!

Podcasts from the Cathedral

And remember, you can listen to sermons and talks from the Cathedral as mp3 files downloaded here. Make sure to subscribe so that you receive updates automatically through Apple Podcasts.

Special Collection Next Week for the Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund

The ACIF, which provides funds to care for our retired priests, is as you might know, very much in need of financial support during this time. Next Sunday, we will have a special collection, so please give generously to this important cause, especially since they lost the income the collection in May usually generates. Thank you so much for your generous support in enabling the Archdiocese to give the best possible care to the priests who have dedicated their lives to serving us and bringing us closer to Christ! You can donate online here.

Music for the 12noon Mass

Bach/Gounod Ave Maria

Bach Schafe konnen sicher weiden

Organ voluntary: William Russell Voluntary in C

Daily Mass in Ravelston

We are delighted that more and more parishioners keep joining us for our weekday Masses in Ravelston at 6pm. Coming to Mass at the end of the day is a beautiful way of growing closer to our Lord and of attaining inner peace. Why not give it a try?

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1st November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life have been organising peaceful, prayerful and simultaneous pro-life outreach. 40 Days for Life is a cross-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: Prayer and fasting: inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre and community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit

Last call for Wee Boxes

If you still have your SCIAF Wee Box at home, there is a second chance to hand it in or to donate money directly to SCIAF during September at As long as SCIAF receive the money before the end of September it will be eligible for the UK Government’s UKAID Match. Thank you in advance and God Bless!

Read the newsletter for 6th September (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 6th September (doc)

Twenty-Second Sunday Of The Year – Year A

ENewsletter image.jpg

New CD ‘With Angels and Archangels’ from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass available to pre-order now

We are delighted to announce that our new choir CD, With Angels and Archangels, will be released on Sunday 20 September and is available now to pre-order. The CD was recorded by the Schola Cantorum in March just before lockdown and was produced for us by Delphian Records. The album showcases some of the very best choral music sung at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. It tells the story not only of our vibrant musical life, but of a shared search by Catholic composers for beauty and truth in sacred music. It’s a real must for anyone who loves beautiful choral music!

All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy.

New Dates for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communions

As you remember, the P3 and P4 children’s Sacraments had to be postponed this year due to the lockdown. Together with the school, we have now found new dates to ensure that the children can receive these beautiful Sacraments before Christmas.

First Reconciliation

Monday 14th September 2020 at 7pm in the Cathedral, and Tuesday 15th September 2020 at 7pm in Ravelston.

First Holy Communion

Saturday 10th October 2020 at 11am and 12noon in both the Cathedral and Ravelston.

We will contact all parents this coming week with more details, but please add these dates to your diaries.

Registration Open for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021

You can now register your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) or Confirmation (P7). Registration forms are available in the back of both churches. If you are unable to attend Mass in person at this time, please contact the Parish Office to receive a form. Please return the forms by Monday the 28th September to enable us to order material and coordinate catechism classes.

Thank you to Fr Ephraim!

Fr Ephraim Ezulike, who has been with us here in the Parish for over a year, has now moved to Ss Ninian and Triduana in Restalrig. We are very grateful for all that Fr Ephraim has done in our Parish over this past year and wish him all the best in his new assignment!

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

We have now had two sessions of our new Parish Bible Study, lead by Fr Jamie. The response has been great, and many parishioners have told us how much they enjoyed learning more about the readings for Sunday Mass. If you would like to join this week, please email Why not try it?

Advance Booking for Sunday Masses

There are 14 Sunday Masses at the Cathedral. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until Saturday afternoon at 3pm. You can also phone the Parish Office on 0131 556 1798 (Mon-Fri). You do not need to reserve a seat for weekday Masses.

Podcasts from the Cathedral

And remember, you can listen to sermons and talks from the Cathedral as mp3 files can be downloaded from our website. You can also subscribe so that you receive updates automatically through Apple Podcasts.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

Fauré 'Pie Jesu' from Requiem
J. S. Bach 'Agnus Dei' from Mass in B minor BWV232

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

In order to make sure that we adhere to all of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 regulations, we need the help of generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers. If you would be able to help out in this absolutely essential capacity for an hour or so each week, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you in advance!!

First Saturday Devotions – Saturday at 9.30am

There will be First Saturday Devotions in the Cathedral on Saturday the 5th of September at 9.30am. All are welcome!

New St Andrew’s, Ravelston website

Fionnbar, who for many years so generously managed our website, has now had to retire due to other commitments. Since our two parishes are now combined, the Parish Council in St. Andrew’s have worked together with Fr. Jamie to create a new Ravelston section at the Cathedral website. Please have a look and let us know what you think!

Daily Mass in Ravelston

We are delighted that more and more parishioner keep joining us for our weekday Masses in Ravelston at 6pm. Coming to Mass at the end of the day is a beautiful way of growing closer to our Lord and to entrust to him all the joys of anxieties of the day. Why not give it a try?

Read the newsletter for 30th August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 30th August (doc)

Twenty First Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Our new Sunday Mass Schedule

Vigil Masses at the Cathedral

5pm, 6pm

Sunday at the Cathedral

8am, 9am, 10am (Polish), 11am, 12noon, 4pm, 5.45pm (Polish), 7.30pm

Sunday at Ravelston

9am, 10am, 11am, 12noon (Latin)

‘The Sacraments’ – Zoom Talk on Wednesday at 7pm

This week, we will continue with the next in our series of talk entitled ‘Rediscovering Catholicism’. One of the advantages with online talks is that we do not have to worry about the Government’s restrictions on congregation sizes – so you can still join! To sign up, please send an email to  And remember – the previous talks are available on our podcast! See below for more details. 

Why not join our new Parish Bible Study?

This week, our talented young Curate started up our new Parish Bible Study Group! It was an excellent and very well attended first meeting, and you can still join if you would like to learn more about Scripture and better understand the readings at Mass. The meetings will be held every Thursday night at 7pm for an initial trial period of 7 more weeks. The first meetings will be on Zoom, but hopefully we will be able to meet in person soon. To sign up, please email, and you will each week receive a short commentary on the readings for the coming week’s Sunday Mass, and then we will meet on Thursday nights to ask questions, talk about the readings and to pray together. The group is open to all parishioners, regardless of age or expertise, so why not think about it?

Podcasts from the Cathedral

Just a short note to remind you that some of the sermons and talks from the Cathedral can be downloaded as mp3 files on our website. You can also receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Why don’t use the time stuck in post-lockdown traffic jams to think about the Existence of God?

Gift Aid Envelopes

A couple of Gift aid envelopes for 2020/21 are still left at the back of both churches. If you have set up a standing order during the lockdown period and therefore no longer wish to have a set of envelopes for the current year, do not pick up your named set but email Caroline Reid, on Thank you!

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

In order to make sure that we adhere to all of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 regulations, we need the help of generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers. If you would be able to help out in this absolutely essential capacity for an hour or so each week, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you in advance!!

Music for the 12noon Mass

Plainchant: In te speravi, Domini
Plainchant: Panis quem ego dedero
Solo Hymn: Adoro te devote
Organ Postlude: William Russel Voluntary in Eb

Fabric Works at the Cathedral

This week, Andy Hilton, our Complex Manager, has met with different stonemasons, marble experts and joiners to sort out the best way to repair the cracked lintel over the window of the Parish Rooms and replace the rotten window at the rental flat. We’re making good progress – and are very grateful for your generous support!

Daily Mass in Ravelston

It has been great to see so many of you (usually between 15-30 people each night!) at our daily evening Masses at 6pm in Ravelston. If you have not yet been there, why not try?

Read the newsletter for 23rd August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 23rd August (doc)

The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary - Year A

Solemnity of the Assumption

This Sunday we are celebrating the patronal feast of our Cathedral, and so we welcome in a special way His Grace the Archbishop for the 12noon Mass. Do please also take the opportunity to say a special prayer for our Parish!

Our New Sunday Mass Schedule

Just a reminder that in order for as many people as possible to be able to attend Sunday Mass, we are putting on a few more Masses. Please carefully note the new times and please pass them on to others:

Vigil Masses at the Cathedral

5pm, 6pm

Sunday at the Cathedral

8am, 9am, 10am (Polish), 11am, 12noon, 4pm, 5.45pm (Polish), 7.30pm

Sunday at Ravelston

9am, 10am, 11am, 12noon (Latin)

You can also phone the Parish Office on 0131 556 1798. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until 4pm on Saturday. You do not need to reserve a seat for weekday Masses.

More Passkeeper Volunteers Needed

As you know, the Government’s cap on no more than 50 people in the congregation makes it difficult for everyone to be able to attend Mass. For that reason, we have put on as many Sunday Masses as we can, but we need volunteers who could act as passkeepers to take everyone’s details, remind everyone to wear face masks, etc. and to keep an eye on the Cathedral in between Masses. If you would like to volunteer in this absolutely essential capacity, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you so much for your help! Your generosity is what makes it possible to have all of these extra Masses!

‘Rediscovering Catholicism’

Due to the storms, we unfortunately had to cancel last weeks’ talk. Father Patrick will be away on Wednesday, but we look forward to continue again on Wednesday, 27 August. The talks have been very successful and more and more people are joining us each week. If you would like to join the next talk on the Sacraments, please send an email to, and we will get you signed up for the next talk!

Parish Bible Study – Commencing on Thursday!

Fr. Jamie is now back from his holidays and will be starting up our new Parish Bible Study on Thursday! As you know from his excellent homilies, our young Curate knows a lot about Scripture and is very good at explaining it, so don’t miss this opportunity! The meetings will be held on Thursday evenings at 7pm, initially on Zoom, but hopefully in person when possible. If you sign up, you will each week receive a brief and accessible commentary on the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday and then we will meet to share reflections, ask questions and pray together. The group is open to all parishioners, regardless of age or expertise. Why don’t think about it? If you would like to sign up, please email

Cathedral Podcasts

Did you miss one of our excellent ‘Rediscover Catholicism’ talks? Would you like to hear your favourite sermon again? You can download mp3 files here: If you subscribe, you can also receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. A great way to learn more about our faith as you jog, drive or do the dishes!

Second Collection

There will be a second collection weekend Masses for African Missions & Holy Places.

Big Crack in the Lintel of the Parish Rooms

After having repaired and painted the windows at the back of Cathedral House, we moved the scaffolding one step to the side to be able to do the same for the Parish Rooms and rental flats at 63 York Place. Upon doing so, a serious crack was discovered in one of the lintels, which means that the whole weight of that section of the wall is currently resting upon the rotten window below. We are of course working at having this repaired as soon as possible. It was also discovered that two of the windows of one of the rental flats was rotten beyond repair and will have to be replaced. We are currently getting quotations to do this, but expect that new windows will cost a lot...

… and New Roof Leaks

During the very heavy rains on Tuesday night, we got a new leak in the roof in the Hall, caused by a collection of water on the flat roof. We think we have fixed it now, but the four leaks in Sacristy 1 are, as you know, more complicated, and we are now continuing to look into re-roofing the whole sacristy.

Music for the 12noon Mass

Schubert Ave Maria

Mozart Tu virginum

Organ Voluntary: Bridge Allegro con spirito

Read the newsletter for 16 August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 16 August (doc)

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year - Year A

More Masses Next Week

A lot of people have mentioned how they have not been able to book places for Mass. We have, therefore, decided to put on a few more Masses. Please carefully note the new times and please pass them on to others:

Vigil Masses

5pm Cathedral

6pm Cathedral

Sunday at the Cathedral

8am, 9am, 10am (Polish), 11am, 12noon, 4pm, 5.45pm (Polish), 7.30pm

Sunday at Ravelston

9am, 10am, 11am, 12noon (Latin)

Our Online System to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass

Because of the Government’s restrictions on congregation size to 50 people, tickets must be reserved beforehand for Sunday Mass. Do so by visiting here for Masses in English or here for the Polish Masses.

For the 12noon Mass in Ravelston, please phone Fr. Emerson on 0131 332 3750. If you don’t have internet access, please phone the Parish Office on 0131 556 1798. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until 5pm on Saturday. No reservation needed for weekday Masses!

Sunday Mass at 10am at St Andrew’s, Ravelston

Please note (and pass it on) that from next week Sunday Masses at Ravelston will be at 9am, 10am, and 11am (so – no 10.30am). We will continue this until the 50 person limit is removed by the government so that more people can get to Mass

Daily Mass in Ravelston

Just a reminder about our new weekday Masses in Ravelston at 6pm. The turnout has been great with between 15-20 people attending Mass each night – but there are still some who should be there who have not yet come! Daily Mass is a great opportunity to grow closer to our Lord in the Eucharist. Why don’t give it a try and come along?

Solemnity of the Assumption – Next Week

Next Sunday is the Solemnity of the Assumption, which is the patronal feast of our Cathedral. The Archbishop will be celebrating the 12noon Mass.

“The Sacraments” – Wednesday at 7pm on Zoom

The next evening in our “Rediscovering Catholicism” series is on the sacraments. More people still join us every week, but there is still space for a few more. Why don’t think about doing the same? To join, please email and we will send you the link. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about our faith!

Parish Bible Study – Coming Soon!

Fr. Jamie will be away for another week on holiday, but he will come back refreshed and ready to start up a new Parish Bible Study! As you know, Fr. Jamie is very talented, knows a lot about Scripture and is also very good at explaining it. So, if you would like to find out more about the readings at Sunday Mass – this is going to be a great opportunity to do so! If you sign up, you will each week receive a brief and accessible commentary on the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday and then on Thursday evenings there will be a meeting to share reflections, ask questions and pray together. This group is open to all parishioners, regardless of age or expertise. We'll initially meet online via Zoom, but hope to meet in person when this becomes possible. The first meeting will take place at 7pm on Thursday 20th August and will run for a trial period of eight weeks. Why don’t you think about it? If you would like to sign up, please email

Cathedral Podcasts

You can now listen to sermons, talks and messages from the Cathedral as you jog, drive or do the dishes with our new podcast. You can download mp3 files here. You can also subscribe to receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Do you get your podcasts from another source? Let us know and we'll try to make ours available there too.

Gift Aid Envelopes - 2020/21

Gift aid envelopes for 2020/21 are still available at the back of both churches. For simplicity, we have allocated sets to all parishioners who regularly used envelopes during 2019/20. However, we know that many of you have set up standing orders during the lockdown period. If you therefore no longer wish wish to have a set of envelopes for the current year, do not pick up your named set but email Caroline Reid, on Thank you!

Continued Problems with the Roof in Sacristy 1

The problems with the roof in Sacristy 1 has unfortunately continued. We had three leaks during the heavy rains earlier in the week and the roofer came back on Thursday to have a look at it. He is trying the easy and less expensive ways of fixing it first and will begin with redoing the seal at the top of the domed sky light, which will cost £200. There is still a risk that we will have to re-slate the whole roof, and we are preparing to get quotes for this if it turns out to be the only possible solution. Obviously, we cannot repair the plaster work in Sacristy 1 until we manage to solve the problem with the leaks. On a happier note, the railings were repainted this week and they look very nice!

Read the newsletter for 9 August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 9 August (doc)

Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year A

Congratulations to Deacon Martin Eckersley!

On Saturday, the Archbishop will ordain Martin Eckersley, who has been staying with us here at the Cathedral for the past four months and featured as the altar server in most of our live-streamed Masses, to the diaconate here at the Cathedral. Deacon Martin will be staying here with us for a few more weeks before returning to seminary and will be preaching at several of the Masses in the Cathedral on Sunday. Please keep Deacon Martin and Deacon Bobby Taylor, who was ordained together with him yesterday, in your prayers during this year as they prepare for ordination to the priesthood. And do congratulate Martin after Mass!

And Congratulations also to our Confirmandi!

This past Thursday, the 14 adults who have participated in our Confirmation Classes during Lent could finally be confirmed by the Archbishop here in the Cathedral. Well worth the wait and congratulations to them!

Finally! Baptisms & Receptions into the Church on Thursday

We are very much looking forward to welcome Can, Adonis, Heman, Jack, Michael and Angus into the Church on Thursday! All of them have participated in our RCIA program during this year and we are very happy to finally be able to receive them. Please keep them in your prayers during this week. I know you will give them a warm welcome to our Parish!

“Why the Church?” – Wednesday at 7pm on Zoom

The Church, and why it is important, is our topic on Wednesday, when we will continue our very successful series of talk entitled “Rediscovering Catholicism”. More people still join us ever week, but there is still space for a few more. Why don’t think about doing the same? To join, please email and we will send you the link. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about our faith!

Parish Bible Study – Coming Soon!

Fr. Jamie will be going away today for a two-week holiday, and he will come back refreshed and ready to start up a new Parish Bible Study! As you know, Fr. Jamie is very talented, knows a lot about Scripture and is also very good at explaining it. So, if you would like to find out more about the readings at Sunday Mass – this is going to be a great opportunity to do so! If you sign up, you will each week receive a brief and accessible commentary on the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday and then on Thursday evenings there will be a meeting to share reflections, ask questions and pray together. This group is open to all parishioners, regardless of age or expertise. We'll initially meet online via Zoom, but hope to meet in person when this becomes possible. The first meeting will take place at 7pm on Thursday 20th August and will run for a trial period of eight weeks. Why don’ think about it? If you would like to sign up, please email

What is Different at Mass?

We are very happy to welcome you back to Mass again, but please keep the following in mind:

1. Facemasks must be worn during Mass. Exceptions: The priest and children under the age of 5.

2. 2m physical distancing must be observed between households at all times.

3. There will be no congregational singing.

4. Sunday Masses will be shorter than usual, to minimize the time an extended group spend together.

5. For track and trace purposes, everyone is asked to leave their contact details.

6. The congregation is restricted to 50 people. Therefore, you must reserve a place for Sunday Mass.

Our Online System to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass

Because of the Government’s restrictions on congregation size to 50 people, tickets must be reserved beforehand for Sunday Mass. Do so by visiting here for Mass in English or for the Polish Masses. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until 5pm on Saturday. No reservation needed for weekday Masses!

For the 12noon Mass in Ravelston, please phone Fr. Emerson on 0131 332 3750. If you don’t have internet access, please phone the Parish Office on 0131 556 1798.

Cathedral Podcasts

You can now listen to sermons, talks and messages from the Cathedral as you jog, drive or do the dishes with our new podcast. You can download mp3 files here: You can also subscribe to receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Do you get your podcasts from another source? Let us know and we'll try to make ours available there too.

Gift Aid Envelopes - 2020/21

Gift aid envelopes for 2020/21 are still available at the back of both churches. For simplicity, we have allocated sets to all parishioners who regularly used envelopes during 2019/20. However, we know that many of you have set up standing orders during the lockdown period. If you therefore no longer wish wish to have a set of envelopes for the current year, do not pick up your named set but email Caroline Reid, on Thank you!

Continued Problems with the Roof in Sacristy 1

The problems with the roof in Sacristy 1 has unfortunately continued. We had three leaks during the heavy rains earlier in the week and the roofer came back on Thursday to have a look at it. He is trying the easy and less expensive ways of fixing it first and will begin with redoing the seal at the top of the domed sky light, which will cost £200. There is still a risk that we will have to reslate the whole roof, and we are preparing to get quotes for this if it turns out to be the only possible solution. Obviously, we cannot repair the plaster work in Sacristy 1 until we manage to solve the problem with the leaks. On a happier note, the railings were repainted this week, which looks very nice!

Daily Mass in Ravelston

Just a reminder about our new weekday Masses in Ravelston at 6pm. The turnout has been great with between 15-20 people attending Mass each night – but there are still some who should be there who have not yet come! Daily Mass is a great opportunity to grow closer to our Lord in the Eucharist. Why don’t give it a try and come along?

Read the newsletter for 2 August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 2 August (doc)

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year - Year A

What is Different at Mass?

We are very happy to welcome you back to Mass again, but please keep the following in mind:

1. Face coverings must be worn during Mass. Exceptions: The priest, and children under the age of 5.

2. 2m physical distancing must be observed between households at all times.

3. There will be no congregational singing.

4. Sunday Masses will be shorter than usual, to minimize the time an extended group spend together.

5. For track and trace purposes, everyone is asked to leave their contact details.

6. The congregation is restricted to 50 people. Therefore, you must reserve a place for Sunday Mass.

Our Online System to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass

Due to the Government’s restrictions on congregation size, tickets must be reserved beforehand for Sunday Mass and other popular events. Please visit this page for tickets for Mass in English, or this page for the Polish Masses.

For the 12noon Mass in Ravelston, please phone Fr. Emerson at 0131 332 3750. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until 5pm on Saturday. Or call the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798. Reservation is not needed for weekday Masses.

Congratulations to Father Samuel Burke, O.P.

This weekend, the Archbishop will ordain Samuel Burke, O.P. to the priesthood here in the Cathedral. Father Samuel has been in Edinburgh for the past year as a deacon at St Albert the Great and serving as Chaplain for the University of Edinburgh. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins to serve Christ and his Church as a priest!

Confirmations this Week

On Thursday the 30th of July, His Grace the Archbishop will come to the Cathedral to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmations for the adults who were scheduled to be confirmed during the Easter Vigil. Please keep them in your prayers in a special way this week!

Our RCIA Candidates can finally be received into the Church!

And next week, the participants in our RCIA program will be received into the Church during a special Mass. They have waited very patiently for this day, so keep them in your prayers as well!

“Rediscovering Catholicism” – A Short Course in Theology on Zoom - Wednesdays at 7pm

Our very successful theology course over Zoom continues. If you would like to join in next Wednesday contact Fr. Jamie as soon as possible on

Cathedral Podcasts

You can now listen to sermons, talks and messages from the Cathedral as you jog, drive or do the dishes with our new podcast. You can download mp3 files here. You can also subscribe to receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Do you get your podcasts from another source? Let us know and we'll try to make ours available there too.

Gift Aid Envelopes - 2020/21

Now that we are able to celebrate mass in our churches once again, we will be putting out the 2020/21 gift aid envelope sets for collection this weekend. For simplicity, we have allocated sets to all parishioners who regularly used envelopes during 2019/20. However, I know that many of you have set up standing orders during the lockdown period and may therefore no longer wish to have a set of envelopes for the current year. In this case, please do not pick up your named set and, if possible, let us know that you no longer require envelopes. You can do this by calling the parish office, or sending a short email to our finance officer, Caroline Reid, on This will allow us to reallocate your set to another parishioner as appropriate. Thank you!

Music for the 12noon Mass

Sunday 26th July

Bach 'Quia Respexit' from the Magnificat

Franck Panis Angelicus

Buxtehude Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne in C BuxWV 137 - Buxtehude

Passkeepers needed for St Andrew’s, Ravelston

Due to the Government’s restrictions, we need two pass-keepers in attendance every time the church is open for Mass. We currently have only 11 volunteers left to fill 14 duties per week. We try to not ask anyone to volunteer more than once a week, so would anyone in the parish be able to join the current volunteering list? Please contact the Parish Office if so, you would be most welcome. 

Cathedral Fabric Update

The heavy rains this week have caused some problems at the Cathedral. Unfortunately, the recent repairs to the roof of the Sacristy proved inadequate to keep the rain out (!), and our Fabric Team is now looking into other options together with the roofer. There is a risk that we will have to remove all of the slates above Sacristy 1, which of course will be very expensive. However, during sunnier days we have been able to use the scaffolding at the back of Cathedral House to repair and paint the windows there, which will secure them for the future.

Read the newsletter for 26th July (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 26th July (doc)

Sixteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Welcome Back – Extra Masses

Due to the very large requests for tickets for Sunday Masses, we will be adding extra Masses from next Sunday, the 26th of July, and onwards. Masses at the Cathedral next Sunday will be at:

6pm – Vigil
10am (Polish)
5.45pm (Polish)

Baptisms and Weddings Resume Again

In addition to Masses, we can now also resume baptisms (with up to 50 guests) and weddings (with a maximum of 20 guests). For more information or to book, please contact the Parish Office.

What is Different at Mass?

We are very happy to welcome you back to Mass again, but please keep the following in mind:

1. Facemasks must be worn during Mass. Exceptions: The priest and children under the age of 5.

2. 2m physical distancing must be observed between households at all times.

3. There will be no congregational singing.

4. Sunday Masses will be shorter than usual, to minimize the time an extended group spend together.

5. For track and trace purposes, everyone is asked to leave their contact details.

6. The congregation is restricted to 50 people. Therefore, you must reserve a place for Sunday Mass.

Our Online System to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass

Due to the Government’s restrictions on congregation size, tickets must be reserved beforehand for Sunday Mass and other popular events. Please visit here to book a place for Sunday Mass in English or click here for the Polish Masses. For the 12noon Mass in Ravelston, please phone Fr. Emerson at 0131 332 3750. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until 5pm on Saturday. Or call the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798. Reservation is not needed for weekday Masses.

Chrism Mass – Friday at 10am

One of many things which was cancelled due to the lockdown was the annual Chrism Mass. It has now been rescheduled to Friday the 24th of July at 10am. If you would like to attend, please make sure to reserve a seat here.

Our RCIA Candidates can finally be received into the Church!

We are very happy to announce that we are now finally able to receive our RCIA candidates into the Church! Since the Easter Vigil had to be celebrated privately, they have waited very patiently during these months and will now be received into the Church on Thursday the 6th of August during a special Mass. Please keep all of them in your prayers as they prepare for this big step in their faith journey.

…and the Confirmandi can be Confirmed

In addition to our RCIA group, all who attended our confirmation class for adults during Lent have also had a long wait to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. With the lockdown, the confirmation classes moved online, and it seemed to have worked quite well. On Thursday the 30th of July they will now finally be confirmed by the Archbishop. Please keep them in your prayers as well!

“Rediscovering Catholicism” – A Short Course in Theology on Zoom - Wednesdays at 7pm

Our very successful theology course over Zoom continues. If you would like to join in next Wednesday contact Fr. Jamie as soon as possible on

Cathedral Podcasts

You can now listen to sermons, talks and messages from the Cathedral as you jog, drive or do the dishes with our new podcast. You can download mp3 files here: You can also subscribe to receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Do you get your podcasts from another source? Let us know and we'll try to make ours available there too.

Thank you to Sister Maria Guadalupe

After a year here in Edinburgh, Sister Maria Guadalupe returned to the United States earlier this week for her profession of first vows and to begin nursing studies in Toledo, Ohio. We are so grateful for everything Sister has contributed to the life of the Parish during her time here, and we wish her all the best in the future!

Welcome to Our New Organist

This weekend we welcome our new Cathedral Organist, Tom Wilkinson. Tom is University Organist and Associate Lecturer at the University of St Andrews. In 2015 he founded the Kellie Consort baroque ensemble, and from 2009 to 2018 he was Director of Chapel Choirs at the University of St Andrews. He comes to us with a First Class degree in Music from the University of Oxford and a Masters degree in Early Keyboard Performance from the University of Edinburgh. A Fellow of the Royal College of Organists, Tom is former Organ Scholar of Truro Cathedral, and of the Queen’s College, Oxford. We’re delighted to welcome him to the St Mary's music team, and we look forward to hearing him play our wonderful organ on a regular basis!

Organ Music for Mass

Vigil Mass Organ Postlude: Allegro maestoso from Sonata No. 2 - Mendelssohn

12noon Mass Organ Postlude: Carillon from 24 Pieces in Free Style - Vierne

Cathedral Fabric Update

This week, the renovations of the stained-glass windows in Sacristy 2 were completed. See the difference here or on our Facebook page – it’s quite remarkable! Thank you so much to all who contribute financially to enable us to care for our beautiful Cathedral.

Read the newsletter for 19th July (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 19th July (doc)

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year - Year A

Public Masses Resume on Wednesday the 15th of July

After months of waiting, we are finally permitted to resume Public Masses again – but obviously with restrictions and no more than 50 people in any one congregation. We are very happy to welcome you back again, but please keep the following in mind:

1. Everyone except the priest must wear a face covering during Mass.

2. 2m physical distancing must be observed at all times.

3. There will be no congregational singing.

4. Sunday Masses will be shorter than usual, to minimize the time an extended group spend together.

5. Everyone attending Mass must leave their contact details, which will be shared with the Scottish Government’s contact tracers upon request.

6. For Sunday Masses, it will be mandatory to reserve a place online (please see below). Those who do not have internet access, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798.

New Online System to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend Mass. We have therefore introduced an online booking system to facilitate this. From Monday at 8am – Saturday at 5pm you can reserve a seat for Sunday Mass in both the Cathedral and Ravelston. Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats for the members of your household who wish to attend Mass. After you have filled in your details, you will receive a confirmation by email. If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you. Please note that registration is mandatory for Sunday Mass. No registration is required for weekday Masses.

Extended Opening Times for the Cathedral

From Wednesday the 15th of July, the Cathedral will be open for personal prayer all day. As previously, we will open in time for the 8am Mass, and then close after the Polish Mass in the evening.

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions in English are Monday-Friday at after the 12.45 pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30-12noon. There are also confessions in Polish from 5pm-6pm every weekday. To provide better ventilation, the Sacristy has been set up as a confessional with a screen to ensure anonymity

Cathedral Fabric Update

As you will see, this week was busy at the Cathedral! The floor in the Café was replaced following the flooding earlier in the year, and the joiners at the same time repaired the main doors between the Café and the porch, which have not been able to be opened for a while. In addition, they also replaced the floor between the Café and the toilets. The scaffolding has been moved from the front of Cathedral House to the back so that the windows can be renovated at the back of the house. Some roof leaks in 65 York Place were repaired and the renovation of the stained glass window in Sacristy 2 is also underway and is looking very good! Thank you so much to all who have contributed financially to enable these repairs!

Daily Evening Masses in Ravelston

From Wednesday the 15th of July, we will introduce evening Masses in Ravelston Monday-Friday at 6pm.

Changes to the Opening Times of the St Andrew’s, Ravelston

As a consequence of the new evening Masses, we will also stop having the church open during the day in order to free up the volunteers. Thank you so much to all of you who have so generously volunteered during these past weeks!

Young Adults Group’s Midnight Mass

The Young Adults’ Group will have a Mass of Thanksgiving for the resumption of Public Masses in Scotland at midnight between the 14th/15th July. We are also trying out our new ticket reservation for this Mass, so if you would like to attend, please register

“Rediscovering Catholicism” – A Short Course in Theology on Zoom - Wednesdays at 7pm

Our very successful theology course over Zoom continues. If you would like to join in next Wednesday contact Fr. Jamie as soon as possible on

Cathedral Podcasts

You can now listen to sermons, talks and messages from the Cathedral as you jog, drive or do the dishes with our new podcast. You can download mp3 files here. You can also subscribe to receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Do you get your podcasts from another source? Let us know and we'll try to make ours available there too.

Sea Sunday, 12th July

In a normal year this would have been Sea Sunday when the parish has given generously to the Apostleship of the Sea. It is important that parishioners should know what their generosity achieves. Around Britain seafarers are confined to their ships, unable to travel home at the end of their contracts and even worse some have been abandoned. The Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris) is delivering welfare parcels of food and toiletries to ships and importantly providing phone top ups so that seafarers can contact their families. In Scotland there is particular concern for the Philippino crews of fishing boats. Please pray for the seafarers and for AoS chaplains. For more information, and to donate please see the Apostleship of the Sea website:

Lockdown Research Project

A research team at Edinburgh University is investigating the impact the COVID-19 lockdown has had on people in the city and across the Lothians. Participants are asked to express their views in the form of audio/video diaries, using their smartphone, and also to complete a short survey. Each participant is given £15 which they can request to be paid to a charity (you may wish to donate it to the upkeep of our Cathedral!). To find out more about the project, visit:

4 O’clock Prayer for Vocations

Priests for Scotland is promoting a new initiative to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, called the 4 O’clock Prayer, with inspiration from the hour when Jesus called St Andrew in the Gospel:

“Lord Jesus, at this hour, you called Andrew, our patron, and his companion to be your disciples. We pray that the men and women of our country may hear your call to discipleship at this same hour. May they respond to your call with generosity, confidence and enthusiasm. Inspired by the example of Mary Immaculate may they say ‘yes’ to service in the priesthood, the consecrated life and the diaconate.”

Read the newsletter for 12th July (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 12th July (doc)

Fourteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Some Thoughts For Sunday

“In today’s Gospel Christ says that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. But how can this be true? Doesn’t each Christian among us have a heavy burden to carry?

Nobody needs me to list what things make a person’s burden heavy. Everyone can look at his own life and make that list. And even if there is some person who has no worries or sadness for himself, he must be a very lonely person if he is not carrying a burden for someone else whom he loves.

So, in what sense is Christ’s yoke easy and his burden light?

To see why Christ’s saying really is true after all, consider the condition Christ sets for getting the gift he offers to us, the easy yoke and the light burden: “Come to me,” he says.

To come to someone is to be willing to be united with that person. It is to be open to him, to let his will make a difference to what you yourself will and do. This isn’t safe, generally speaking.

But when the person to whom you come is Christ himself, the vulnerability which openness brings with it is more than matched by the love Christ gives. In the gift of that love, everything that might be loss is turned into gift given and gift received, to be returned again in love.

Even death is like this. You do not have to face death as if it were a depredation. Within the love of Christ, what might be only irrevocable loss of your life can become a sharing with Christ too. You can offer your life as gift to Christ, with Christ, for Christ, as you go through death to arrive at life in love in Christ.

And if even the heavy load of death can be lightened in this way, then what Christ says is true about every other heavy burden, too: in coming to him, in shared love with him, we will find that his yoke is easy and his burden is light.”

-Eleonore Stump

The Church is Open!!

The Cathedral will continue to be open every day this week from 12noon-6pm, and St Andrew’s Church in Ravelston will open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 10am-12noon. Welcome back!

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions in English are Monday-Friday at 1pm-2pm, and on Saturdays from 12noon-2pm. There are also confessions in Polish from 5pm-6pm. To provide better ventilation, the Sacristy has been set up as a confessional with a screen to ensure anonymity

Petition to the Government to Allow Public Worship Sooner

The current plan for lifting of lockdown measures places the return to public worship well after the reopening of cinemas, pubs, and other clearly non-essential leisure activities. People of Faith are able to gather to worship responsibly and safely, following physical distancing measures. And our Faith is much more important to us than entertainment. If you would like to try to get public worship allowed sooner – please sign this petition. All you need to do is click on the link below. There is no just reason to delay this return for so long, especially not when entertainment venues will be allowed to open sooner. Sign the petition here

Cathedral Fabric – Part of the Ceiling Fell In!

The heavy rains this week caused issues in the Cathedral – on Monday part of the ceiling collapsed in Sacristy One! Andy, our Complex Manager, is already working together with our roofer and our joiner to repair the damage. Work has also started on the floor in the Hall and on the stained-glass windows in the Cathedral. Thank you to all who have contributed financially to enable these repairs.

“Rediscovering Catholicism” – A Short Course in Theology on Zoom - Wednesdays at 7pm

Over 80 people join us for these sessions on Wednesdays. They’re a great success. If you would like to join in next Wednesday contact Fr. Jamie as soon as possible on

Cathedral Podcasts

You can now listen to sermons, talks and messages from the Cathedral as you jog, drive or do the dishes with our new podcast. You can download mp3 files here: You can also subscribe to receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Do you get your podcasts from another source? Let us know and we'll try to make ours available there too.

Online Safeguarding Training Sessions

On Monday, 6th July, we will offer safeguarding training via Zoom for current volunteers who need to have a training update. There will be a maximum of 10 volunteers at each session - all you need to take part is access to the internet. To register, please email Chris McCabe at

Lockdown Research Project

A research team at Edinburgh University is investigating the impact the COVID-19 lockdown has had on people in the city and across the Lothians. Participants are asked to express their views in the form of audio/video diaries, using their smartphone, and also to complete a short survey. Each participant is given £15 which they can request to be paid to a charity (you may wish to donate it to the upkeep of our Cathedral!). To find out more about the project, visit:

4 O’clock Prayer for Vocations

Priests for Scotland is promoting a new initiative to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, called the 4 O’clock Prayer, with inspiration from the hour when Jesus called St Andrew in the Gospel:

“Lord Jesus, at this hour, you called Andrew, our patron, and his companion to be your disciples. We pray that the men and women of our country may hear your call to discipleship at this same hour. May they respond to your call with generosity, confidence and enthusiasm. Inspired by the example of Mary Immaculate may they say ‘yes’ to service in the priesthood, the consecrated life and the diaconate.”

Free Online Dental Health Workshop for Children

LINKnet Mentoring will be offering a Zoom workshop with bilingual support to help promote dental care for children during the summer vacation by giving tips and advice to parents. The workshop will be held on Friday the 10th July from 3pm-5pm. To register, please visit:

Read the newsletter for Sunday, 5th July (pdf)

Read the newsletter for Sunday, 5th July (doc)