Nineteenth Sunday of the Year - Year A

More Masses Next Week

A lot of people have mentioned how they have not been able to book places for Mass. We have, therefore, decided to put on a few more Masses. Please carefully note the new times and please pass them on to others:

Vigil Masses

5pm Cathedral

6pm Cathedral

Sunday at the Cathedral

8am, 9am, 10am (Polish), 11am, 12noon, 4pm, 5.45pm (Polish), 7.30pm

Sunday at Ravelston

9am, 10am, 11am, 12noon (Latin)

Our Online System to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass

Because of the Government’s restrictions on congregation size to 50 people, tickets must be reserved beforehand for Sunday Mass. Do so by visiting here for Masses in English or here for the Polish Masses.

For the 12noon Mass in Ravelston, please phone Fr. Emerson on 0131 332 3750. If you don’t have internet access, please phone the Parish Office on 0131 556 1798. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until 5pm on Saturday. No reservation needed for weekday Masses!

Sunday Mass at 10am at St Andrew’s, Ravelston

Please note (and pass it on) that from next week Sunday Masses at Ravelston will be at 9am, 10am, and 11am (so – no 10.30am). We will continue this until the 50 person limit is removed by the government so that more people can get to Mass

Daily Mass in Ravelston

Just a reminder about our new weekday Masses in Ravelston at 6pm. The turnout has been great with between 15-20 people attending Mass each night – but there are still some who should be there who have not yet come! Daily Mass is a great opportunity to grow closer to our Lord in the Eucharist. Why don’t give it a try and come along?

Solemnity of the Assumption – Next Week

Next Sunday is the Solemnity of the Assumption, which is the patronal feast of our Cathedral. The Archbishop will be celebrating the 12noon Mass.

“The Sacraments” – Wednesday at 7pm on Zoom

The next evening in our “Rediscovering Catholicism” series is on the sacraments. More people still join us every week, but there is still space for a few more. Why don’t think about doing the same? To join, please email and we will send you the link. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about our faith!

Parish Bible Study – Coming Soon!

Fr. Jamie will be away for another week on holiday, but he will come back refreshed and ready to start up a new Parish Bible Study! As you know, Fr. Jamie is very talented, knows a lot about Scripture and is also very good at explaining it. So, if you would like to find out more about the readings at Sunday Mass – this is going to be a great opportunity to do so! If you sign up, you will each week receive a brief and accessible commentary on the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday and then on Thursday evenings there will be a meeting to share reflections, ask questions and pray together. This group is open to all parishioners, regardless of age or expertise. We'll initially meet online via Zoom, but hope to meet in person when this becomes possible. The first meeting will take place at 7pm on Thursday 20th August and will run for a trial period of eight weeks. Why don’t you think about it? If you would like to sign up, please email

Cathedral Podcasts

You can now listen to sermons, talks and messages from the Cathedral as you jog, drive or do the dishes with our new podcast. You can download mp3 files here. You can also subscribe to receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Do you get your podcasts from another source? Let us know and we'll try to make ours available there too.

Gift Aid Envelopes - 2020/21

Gift aid envelopes for 2020/21 are still available at the back of both churches. For simplicity, we have allocated sets to all parishioners who regularly used envelopes during 2019/20. However, we know that many of you have set up standing orders during the lockdown period. If you therefore no longer wish wish to have a set of envelopes for the current year, do not pick up your named set but email Caroline Reid, on Thank you!

Continued Problems with the Roof in Sacristy 1

The problems with the roof in Sacristy 1 has unfortunately continued. We had three leaks during the heavy rains earlier in the week and the roofer came back on Thursday to have a look at it. He is trying the easy and less expensive ways of fixing it first and will begin with redoing the seal at the top of the domed sky light, which will cost £200. There is still a risk that we will have to re-slate the whole roof, and we are preparing to get quotes for this if it turns out to be the only possible solution. Obviously, we cannot repair the plaster work in Sacristy 1 until we manage to solve the problem with the leaks. On a happier note, the railings were repainted this week and they look very nice!

Read the newsletter for 9 August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 9 August (doc)