Twenty First Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Our new Sunday Mass Schedule

Vigil Masses at the Cathedral

5pm, 6pm

Sunday at the Cathedral

8am, 9am, 10am (Polish), 11am, 12noon, 4pm, 5.45pm (Polish), 7.30pm

Sunday at Ravelston

9am, 10am, 11am, 12noon (Latin)

‘The Sacraments’ – Zoom Talk on Wednesday at 7pm

This week, we will continue with the next in our series of talk entitled ‘Rediscovering Catholicism’. One of the advantages with online talks is that we do not have to worry about the Government’s restrictions on congregation sizes – so you can still join! To sign up, please send an email to  And remember – the previous talks are available on our podcast! See below for more details. 

Why not join our new Parish Bible Study?

This week, our talented young Curate started up our new Parish Bible Study Group! It was an excellent and very well attended first meeting, and you can still join if you would like to learn more about Scripture and better understand the readings at Mass. The meetings will be held every Thursday night at 7pm for an initial trial period of 7 more weeks. The first meetings will be on Zoom, but hopefully we will be able to meet in person soon. To sign up, please email, and you will each week receive a short commentary on the readings for the coming week’s Sunday Mass, and then we will meet on Thursday nights to ask questions, talk about the readings and to pray together. The group is open to all parishioners, regardless of age or expertise, so why not think about it?

Podcasts from the Cathedral

Just a short note to remind you that some of the sermons and talks from the Cathedral can be downloaded as mp3 files on our website. You can also receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Why don’t use the time stuck in post-lockdown traffic jams to think about the Existence of God?

Gift Aid Envelopes

A couple of Gift aid envelopes for 2020/21 are still left at the back of both churches. If you have set up a standing order during the lockdown period and therefore no longer wish to have a set of envelopes for the current year, do not pick up your named set but email Caroline Reid, on Thank you!

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

In order to make sure that we adhere to all of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 regulations, we need the help of generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers. If you would be able to help out in this absolutely essential capacity for an hour or so each week, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you in advance!!

Music for the 12noon Mass

Plainchant: In te speravi, Domini
Plainchant: Panis quem ego dedero
Solo Hymn: Adoro te devote
Organ Postlude: William Russel Voluntary in Eb

Fabric Works at the Cathedral

This week, Andy Hilton, our Complex Manager, has met with different stonemasons, marble experts and joiners to sort out the best way to repair the cracked lintel over the window of the Parish Rooms and replace the rotten window at the rental flat. We’re making good progress – and are very grateful for your generous support!

Daily Mass in Ravelston

It has been great to see so many of you (usually between 15-30 people each night!) at our daily evening Masses at 6pm in Ravelston. If you have not yet been there, why not try?

Read the newsletter for 23rd August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 23rd August (doc)