Seminarians Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland
Christmas Masses 2022
St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral
Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December:
6:00pm Mass
9:00pm Mass (Polish)
11:15pm Carols and Readings
Midnight Mass
Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December:
10.30am Mass
12noon (Polish) Mass
6:00pm (Polish) Mass
St Andrew’s Church, Ravelston
Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December:
5:30pm Carols & Readings
6:00pm Mass
Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December:
10.30am Mass
Rorate Mass with Archbishop Tomorrow at 7pm
The Archbishop will be the main celebrant at the Rorate Mass tomorrow (Monday) evening at 7pm. After the Mass he will bless the new crib outside the Cathedral and then he will join us in Coffee Saints for Mulled Wine and Mince Pies. It will be a lovely occasion- please join us for the Candlelit Mass.
Chapter Mass – Tuesday at 12.45pm
The Cathedral’s Chapter of Canons will gather on Tuesday, 13th December. Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the Mass at 12.45pm, joined by the other members of the chapter.
Over Sixties Club – Tuesday at 2.30pm
All over 60 are welcome to our wonderful Over Sixties Club events this week including Tuesday 13th December 2.30 - 4pm, Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints, and Wednesday 14th December our last group cinema outing for the year Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical, upstairs in Omni at 1.10pm. Next week will be our final week of activities ‘till the New Year.
Young Adults Advent Talk – Tuesday at 7pm
Our Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – continues on Tuesday, 13 December, with a talk on ‘John the Baptist’ by Fr. Robert and a concluding talk on 20 December by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, ‘The Annunciation’. After Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for refreshments!!
Catholic Men: Catenians’ Membership Meeting on 21st December
The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a Membership meeting Wednesday 21st December, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. We would like to extend our group, sharing friendship and faith in our community. For more information contact John Russell on 01555 728032,
Hand-Made Knitted Hats and Toys for Sale in Octagon
Beautiful knitted hats and soft toys hand-made by our own parishioners Anne Macaulay and Joanna Kopystynska are available for sale at bargain prices in the Octagon after all Masses. Shop for a Christmas gift for someone you love! All proceeds benefit the Cathedral! The items are also available at
Light from Light: Schola Cantorum Concerts
The Cathedral’s Schola Cantorum performed marvellously last week in its tour of the Archdiocese with a series of choral concerts by candlelight. The octet will perform its final concert at St Margaret's Memorial Church in Dunfermline on Friday, 16 December at 8pm. We thank Michael, Tom, and the singers as they go out as musical ambassadors for the Cathedral, and continue to treat parish audiences to some of what we are used to enjoying week-on week!
Votive Candles
Please note that only the small candles provided in the box next to the candle stands may be used. Please do not use or leave ANY other candles in the church. Also, please do not put any papers near or in the votive candles since this is a major fire hazard. Thank you for your cooperation.
Going fast!....Last of the 2023 Cathedral Diaries on Sale after Mass
Nearly all the diaries have sold and this weekend is the last chance to support the Cathedral and give the perfect Christmas gift of our 2023 Cathedral Diary! Diaries are priced at a very reasonable £10 each. All proceeds support the Cathedral.
Thank you…
…to our parishioners at the Cathedral and St Andrew’s for the fantastic response to our request for Christmas gifts for the children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison. The gifts are very much appreciated by the prisoners as it allows them to give their children a gift at Christmas. Your continued kindness and generosity is very much appreciated.
Special Cathedral Cleaning Day: Saturday 28th January, 1.30 – 4pm
We intend to have a Spring Cleaning Day on Saturday 28th January, between 1.30 and 4 and are looking for volunteers to help out on a one off basis. If you think you might be able to spare the time, please put the date in your diary. Closer to the time, we will be asking for names and numbers to make sure we have enough cleaning equipment.
Admitted to Candidacy!
Seminarians Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland from our Cathedral parish were among those admitted to Candidacy for ordination to the Diaconate by Bishop Paul Tighe at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome on 7th December. They will both be ordained to the Diaconate on 14th June 2023. Please continue to keep them both in your prayers!
Young People Invited to Set Up Christmas Crib Today at 1:00pm
The outdoor Christmas crib will be set up today at 1:00pm. It is a great tradition that our young people have helped out with this task in previous years, so all are invited to come and help out. Hot chocolate and hard hats will be provided!
Last Youth Group Meeting on Sunday night with Games & Pizza!
Tonight the Youth Group will meet for the final time before the Christmas break. All P3-S1 are welcome at St Andrew’s Parish Rooms, Ravelston from 6-7.30. The evening starts with games, includes activities on the faith and this week will finish with pizza! We look forward to seeing you there.
Thank You…
…to everyone who came out for the celebration of the Solemnity of St Andrew last week. It was great to have so many gather for Mass and then join for a wonderful meal prepared by Mairi-Angela, Kate and Robbie in celebration of our patron. Thanks, too, to those members of the social committee involved with preparing the event which raised £277 for the parish fund. Next date for your diary is Thursday 15th December, when refreshments will be available after the blessing of the Ravelston crib at the end of the Rorate Mass.
Upcoming St. Andrew’s Talk on the Eucharist
Thanks to Sr Miriam Fidelis RSM for her wonderful presentation on the beautiful ‘O Antiphons’ that the Church prayers in the final few days before Christmas and to those of you who turned out. Mark your diary for our next talk on Monday 9th January when Fr James Cadman will speak on the Eucharist and especially the beautiful devotion of Eucharistic Adoration. Soup and sandwiches will follow!
Bacon Roll Charity Thank you!
A huge thank you to our very generous parishioners who supported our Bacon Roll Charity last Sunday for Kindred. We raised a total of £615. Special thanks to the willing and delightful helpers who made it a smooth and fun morning.
2023 Diploma in Catechetics, Begins Thursday, 12th January
Register online today to learn about the richness and depth of the Catholic spiritual tradition with course leader Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM in the 2023 Diploma in Catechetics course which begins Thursday, 12th January. She and a range of guest speakers bring you lectures, with guided reading, conversations, retreats, and supplementary courses available. The year-long course costs £200 (concessions available), with weekly sessions by Zoom webinar on Thursdays at 7:30pm (1hr max) and includes regular one-to-one sessions with Sr Anna Marie or another course leader. To learn more and read testimonials, visit
Let Us Pray: Online Talks on Different Forms of Prayer
Rediscover prayer as we await anew the gift of life in Jesus. Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM leads this series of three 30 minute online talks on different forms of prayers - vocal, meditative, contemplative – 12th and 19th December at 7:30pm on Zoom. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:
Monthly Chats for Women About Religious Life Begin in January
Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 29 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month at the same time/venue: 26 Feb, 26 Mar, 30 Apr, 28 May. To register or find out more, please email
Sunday Holy Hours with Archbishop Cushley at St. Margaret’s Chapel
Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. It takes place at 6pm on the following dates: Sun 18 Dec, Tue 10 Jan, Sun 12 Feb, Sun 12 Mar. No registration required, just turn up and pray.
Save the Date: Valentine’s Retreat for Couples on 11th February
This free half-day retreat offers couples a chance to reflect on their love and commitment to each other, to God and to their community. It will be led by Annette and Paul O’Beirne, of Equipes Notre-Dame - Teams of Our Lady, which supports married couples in their vocation. They will share some of the stories and tools gathered over their 42 years together. The retreat takes place from 2-5pm on Saturday 11 February at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB (free parking onsite). Register at
Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine & Co. Mayo, Ireland in April 2023
A pilgrimage to Knock Shrine is being organized in April 2023 for the parishes within Scotland with day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Cost is £699.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight, all transfers, 4 nights in Knock House Hotel with full board. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email