Second Sunday Of Advent – Year A

Rorate Masses by Candlelight on Mondays of Advent at 7pm

Our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses at the Cathedral begin tomorrow, Monday, 5th December at 7:00pm, and will be celebrated on the following two Mondays. The Mass is accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

New Crib Scene for Outside the Cathedral

For many years we have felt that it would be lovely to have a proper large outdoor crib scene in front of the Cathedral during the Christmas period. Then, out of the blue last year, we “inherited” a full set of crib figures from the parish in Pittenweem. This spurred us into action (!) and we have, in the meantime, commissioned and had built a beautiful (and vandal-proof) Manger which will sit at the top of the Cathedral steps and be visible across the whole of Picardy Place. Hopefully this will add grace and beauty to the city and will help people to realise the true significance of Christmas. To mark the occasion, Archbishop Leo will celebrate the Rorate Mass next Monday, 12th December, at the end of which he will bless the new crib. We will then retire to Coffee Saints for delicious mulled wine and mince pies! This has been a major project (!) so please do come along and celebrate its completion on Monday week.

Light from Light: Our Schola Cantorum is on Tour this Advent!

In the coming weeks, the Cathedral’s Schola Cantorum will tour the Archdiocese with a series of choral concerts by candlelight. This will be the first time the choir has shared its wonderful choral singing beyond the Cathedral walls in quite this way. The octet will perform to audiences in St Francis Xavier's Church in Falkirk on 7 December, St Patrick's Church in Kilsyth on 10 December, and St Margaret's Memorial Church in Dunfermline on 16 December, with all concerts starting at 8pm. We wish Michael, Tom, and the singers all the very best as they go out as musical ambassadors for the Cathedral, and as they treat parish audiences to some of what we are used to enjoying week-on week!

2023 Cathedral Diaries on Sale after Mass

Support the Cathedral and give the perfect Christmas gift of our 2023 Cathedral Diary, which is on sale after all Masses this weekend! This is a very special spiritual and practical gift for Christmas, with all the holy days marked. Diaries are priced at a very reasonable £10 each. All proceeds support the Cathedral. Our wonderful Cathedral Schola Cantorum’s CD With Angels and Archangels is also available — for a special Advent price of £10. The CD includes music by Palestrina, James MacMillan, and our own Director of Music, Michael Ferguson. Both can be purchased online at

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas are on sale after the Noon Mass today by parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Sales will be held on the following two Sundays, as well!

Parish Youth Group Meets on Sunday

All those in P3-S1 are invited to join our Parish Youth Group tonight at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston between 6 & 7.30pm to meet new friends, play, and learn about our Catholic faith! Don’t forget some spending money for the tuck shop! The evening begins at 6pm. Any questions, please speak to Fr. Robert or email Reminder: Next Sunday is our last Youth Group meeting of the year.

Young Adults Advent Talks

Our Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – begin on Tuesday, 6 December with Fr. Albert Robertson, OP, on The Immaculate Conception. Then on 13 December, we will have a talk on ‘John the Baptist’ by Fr. Robert and a concluding talk on 20 December by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, ‘The Annunciation’. As always, after Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment.

Over Sixties Club – Farewell to Graham Burnett on Tuesday, 6 December

On Tuesday 6th December, our Over Sixties Club will host a farewell for Graham Burnett, Engagement Officer for the Over 60s Community, 2.30 – 4:00pm at Coffee Saints. This will be an opportunity to say goodbye to Graham as he not only leaves the Grassmarket Community Project, but also Edinburgh. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. The Over Sixties Club are looking to continue meeting and organising events, so keep an eye on this notice for news. The Book Club will relocate to another venue in the New Year, with news to follow when it has been finalised.

Catholic Men: Catenians’ Membership Meeting on 21st December

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a Membership meeting Wednesday 21st December, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. We would like to extend our group, sharing friendship and faith in our community. For more information contact John Russell on 01555 728032,

St Andrew’s Talk Tomorrow at 6.45pm

Our next talk in our St. Andrew's Talk series will be tomorrow evening, 5th December at 6:45pm with Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM on the beautiful ‘O Antiphons’ that are a prominent feature of the liturgy of the Church in the days closest to Christmas. After the talk there will be soup and sandwiches and a chance to discuss.

Ravelston Rorate Masses Begin this Thursday, 8th December

This week we begin our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses at St. Andrew’s, scheduled on Thursdays at 7:00pm starting 8th December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Rorate Mass originated during the course of the Middle Ages as one of the various popular Advent devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Do come along and bring your children!

We are in need of helpers for the Rorate Masses to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, then please sign up on the sheets at the back of church or contact

Young People Invited: Christmas Crib Set Up Sunday 11 December 1:00pm

The outdoor Christmas crib will be set up next Sunday, 11th December at 1:00pm. It is a great tradition that our young people have helped out with this task in previous years, so all are invited to come and help out. Hot chocolate and hard hats will be provided!

Today after Mass: Bacon Roll Charity to Support Kindred

Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass today at our Bacon Roll Charity for Kindred, a charity that helps families who have a child with complex needs. Any donation on the day will be appreciated! Vegetarian option available.

2023 Diploma in Catechetics, Begins Thursday, 12th January

Register online today to learn about the richness and depth of the Catholic spiritual tradition with course leader Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM in the 2023 Diploma in Catechetics course which begins Thursday, 12th January. She and a range of guest speakers bring you lectures, with guided reading, conversations, retreats, and supplementary courses available. Modules cover the Sacraments, Scripture, Christology, Moral Theology and more. The year-long course costs £200 (concessions available), with weekly sessions by Zoom webinar on Thursdays at 7:30pm (1hr max) and includes regular one-to-one sessions with Sr Anna Marie or another course leader. To learn more and read testimonials, visit

Let Us Pray: Online Talks on Different Forms of Prayer

Rediscover prayer as we await anew the gift of life in Jesus. Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM leads this series of three 30 minute online talks on different forms of prayers - vocal, meditative, contemplative - on Monday 5, 12, and 19 December at 7:30pm on Zoom. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Online Advent Rosary for Life at 7:45pm on Wednesdays

Join people from across the Archdiocese to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Includes a reflection from a priest of the Archdiocese each week. Each Wednesday in Advent, 7:45pm – 8:20pm. Register at (Zoom event).

Explore God’s Will for You: Sunday Chats for Women on Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 29 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month at the same time. To register, please email

Make Your Voice Heard: Government Survey on the Future of Education

Make sure Catholic voices are heard in the national discussion on the future of education in Scotland! Submit your response to the Scottish Government’s 10-question survey by 5 Dec at

Free Hot Food This Winter for People on Low Incomes

LifeCare Edinburgh’s Meals on Wheels service offers fresh, hot meals delivered for those over 50 on Universal Credit or Pension Credit in north Edinburgh. The Warm Space café has free soup and hot drinks available 3:30pm-6:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays at the LifeCare Centre in Stockbridge,

2 Cheyne Street. For more information call 0131 343 0940 or visit

Blessing of the “Bambinelli” on Sunday 18th December

The beautiful Advent Tradition, Bambinelli Sunday, was instituted by Saint Pope John Paul II during his Papacy. The tradition follows that on the last Sunday of Advent children and adults bring their Baby Jesus figures from their homes to Mass where they are blessed.

Parishes around the world now join in the celebration, encouraging young children to make the connection between the Nativity set at home and the local church where they worship each weekend.

Pope Francis says: “It helps children and young people to prepare for Jesus.”

This year we will celebrate 'Bambinelli Sunday' on December the 18th. Please remember to bring your baby Jesus figures to Mass that Sunday for blessing.

Stella Maris Carol Concert in Leith on 7th December

Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) is holding a carol service on Wednesday 7 December at 7pm in St Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution St., Leith, followed by a reception at 8 pm. All are welcome.

Read the newsletter for 4th December (pdf)