Pentecost Sunday - Year A

Preparing for Reopening our Churches – Volunteers Needed

We have now entered into Phase I of the relaxation of the lockdown. The First Minister has announced that Churches will reopen for private prayer in Phase II, and this will probably be around 18th June. We are doing well with preparations for seating plans, disinfection routines, etc.. However, we really do need volunteers who can help us keep both the Cathedral and Ravelston open. We will need at least one person per hour, which means that how much our churches will be open depends on the number of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer as a Church Guardian, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you!

Day for Life - 31 May

The theme for this year’s Day for Life is “Choose Life”. During the coronavirus crisis calls from pregnant women are still being received so your donations will be well used by the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office to help them. You can donate online here.

The Monthly Vocation Mass Livestreamed – Monday 1st June at 6.30pm

The monthly Mass for Vocations will be streamed on the Facebook page of St David’s Parish, Dalkeith (@stdavidsdalkeith) on Monday 1st June at 6.30pm. You can also watch it live on the Archdiocesan Facebook page (@EdinburghRCdiocese). Please pray for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Daily Mass livestreamed from Cathedral House

Each day, we publish one of the private Masses in Cathedral House, where we pray for our parishioners, mass intentions and an end to the spread of coronavirus. To please visit our Facebook page, or watch a recording of the Mass on the website.

Visit the Outdoor Shrine to Our Lady in Ravelston

We are delighted that so many of you have already visited the outdoor shrine to Our Lady by St Andrew’s Church in Ravelston. Our Blessed Mother is now surrounded by beautiful flowers, and you are very welcome to bring more prayer intentions and flowers. Why not make a little pilgrimage together with your family this weekend?

Why Faith and Science Belong Together - Faraday Institute Summer Course June 2020

Faith and science are often seen as uncomfortable bed-fellows. However, this has not always been so. In this series of webinars we examine the ways in which Faith and Science speak to each other in contemporary society and explore the theological and ethical issues which this dialogue raises. We aim to show that there is a better story to be told about faith and science than the prevalent one of conflict and mutual distrust.

Each day, from Monday 29th June to Friday to 3rd July we shall be hosting two or three webinars each day given by an array of international speakers highly qualified in their individual fields. There will also be some opportunity for on-line discussion. It is completely free to attend and open to anyone, anywhere, who is interested. You are free to join us for as much or as little of our programme as you wish. Click here for more information.

Read the newsletter for 31st May (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 31st May (doc)