The Seventh Sunday Of Easter – Year A

Some Thoughts For The 7th Sunday Of Easter

Having ascended into heaven, Jesus can now say that “I am in the world no more, but these are in the world.” He is not physically present in the world the way he was in the first third of the first century. It is now up to us to deal with the world.

In the past the Church was defensive in its approach to the world, which was regarded as an occasion of sin. Vatican II heralded a new approach to the world.

The world is viewed not as the enemy but rather as the object of service. This positive approach is much closer to our biblical roots: “I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.” “Time is the unfolding of truth that already is.”

The world and its history are where we encounter the eternal God, “reaching from end to end of the universe.” We are not called to abandon the world but to remain in it and to take responsibility for its well ordering. The paschal mystery is a challenge to us to lift the world to the heavens.

Holding faithfully to the gospel and exercising her mission in the world, the Church consolidates peace among men, to God’s glory. For it is her task to uncover, cherish, and ennoble all that is true, good, and beautiful in the human community.

Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, 76

Preparing for Re-Opening our Churches

As you will have seen, the First Minister has announced that Churches will reopen for private prayer in Phase II of the relaxation of the lockdown. Phase II will probably be around 18th June. This gives us plenty of time to organise ourselves with seating plans, disinfection routines and volunteers. We are working on this at present and I will give you an update next in next week’s newsletter.

Daily Mass livestreamed from Cathedral House

Each day, we publish one of the private Masses in Cathedral House, where we pray for our parishioners, mass intentions and an end to the spread of coronavirus. To please visit our Facebook page, or watch a recording of the Mass at

Visit the Outdoor Shrine to Our Lady in Ravelston

We are delighted that so many of you have already visited the outdoor shrine to Our Lady by St Andrew’s Church in Ravelston. Our Blessed Mother is now surrounded by beautiful flowers, and you are very welcome to bring more prayer intentions and flowers. Why not make a little pilgrimage together with your family this weekend?

Why Faith and Science Belong Together - Faraday Institute Summer Course June 2020

Faith and science are often seen as uncomfortable bed-fellows. However, this has not always been so. In this series of webinars we examine the ways in which Faith and Science speak to each other in contemporary society and explore the theological and ethical issues which this dialogue raises. We aim to show that there is a better story to be told about faith and science than the prevalent one of conflict and mutual distrust.

Each day, from Monday 29th June to Friday to 3rd July we shall be hosting two or three webinars each day given by an array of international speakers highly qualified in their individual fields. There will also be some opportunity for on-line discussion.

It is completely free to attend and open to anyone, anywhere, who is interested. You are free to join us for as much or as little of our programme as you wish. Find more information here.

Alcoholics Anonymous Goes Online During Covid-19 Pandemic

Alcoholics Anonymous members are coping with the Covid-19 pandemic by taking their meetings online. The majority of groups have turned to Zoom, Skype and other online platforms to hold their weekly meetings. In Edinburgh and Midlothian there are currently 45 online AA meetings. These can be accessed here.

Where any meeting is shown as CLOSED only AA members and newcomers with a desire to stop drinking can join. Where a meeting is shown as OPEN anyone with a genuine interest in AA and how it works can join. These would typically be health professionals, those supporting problem drinkers in the community and family members affected by someone's drinking.

Alcoholics Anonymous runs a national telephone helpline as well as an online 'chat now' service for the suffering alcoholic to receive help and an email response service. For help contact or call our 24 hour helpline on 0800 9177 650.

Read the newsletter for 24th May here (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 24th May here (doc)