Second Sunday Of Advent – Year A

Advent 2019

As we go deeper into the season of Advent, John the Baptist calls us to a renewed spirit of conversion. There are lots of ways of doing this: perhaps by setting aside a little more time for prayer and spiritual reading, by trying to get to Mass more often and especially by going to confession in preparation for the great feast. Please think today about how you and your family are going to prepare spiritually for Christmas this year.

Special Candlelit Rorate Masses

St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Monday at 7pm; The Cathedral, every Thursday at 7pm

Thanks to all those who came along to our first Advent Rorate Masses, in spite of the inclement weather. Our churches looked especially beautiful by candlelight. They continue this coming week in Ravelston on Monday night at 7pm and in the Cathedral on Thursday night at 7pm. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

Ordination to the Priesthood – Sunday at 12 noon

On Sunday we welcome in a very special way David Edwardson together with his friends and family. The Archbishop will ordain Deacon David Edwardson (a former Anglican clergyman) to the priesthood during the 12 noon Mass. We are very honoured by the presence at this Mass of Bishop Nicholas Chamberlain, the Anglican Bishop of Grantham. Please keep David and his family in your prayers as he takes this new step in his journey with the Lord.

Divine Mercy Devotions – Sunday at 3pm

There will be Divine Mercy Devotions with Adoration and opportunity for confessions and veneration of the relics of St Faustina will be held in the Cathedral at 3pm on Sunday.

Chapter Mass on Tuesday at 12.45pm

On Tuesday, the Archbishop will come to the Cathedral to celebrate the Chapter Mass together with the Chapter of Canons. All are welcome!

Download the newsletter for the 8th December (doc)

Download the newsletter for the 8th December (pdf)