First Sunday Of Advent - Year A

Advent 2019

Advent is once again upon us. This Sunday we begin our annual period of preparation for the great feast of Christmas. Although it is difficult to be recollected during this period, the Church asks us to try. We do this by trying to set aside a little more time for prayer and spiritual reading, by trying to get to Mass more often and especially by going to confession in preparation for the great feast. Please think today about how you and your family are going to prepare spiritually for Christmas this year.

Special Candlelit Rorate Masses

Ravelston- every Monday at 7pm – The Cathedral – Every Thursday at 7pm

This week we will begin our beautiful and popular candlelit Advent Masses. They will be in Ravelston on Monday nights at 7pm and in the Cathedral on Thursday nights at 7pm. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

Ordination to the Priesthood – Next Sunday at 12 noon

On Sunday 8th December during the 12noon Mass the Archbishop will ordain David Edwardson (a former Anglican clergyman) to the priesthood. Obviously, all parishioners are warmly invited to the ordination.

Archbishop’s Advent Catechesis

The Archbishop is again inviting all young Adults in the Archdiocese to join him at 5pm on the Sundays of Advent at the Gillis Centre. The theme this year is about getting to know ‘The Real Jesus’. All young adults aged 16-30 are welcome.

New Newsletter Format

The newsletter has a new format that combines St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston parish news and contains the readings and the hymns for the Sunday Mass. We hope you like it!

Download the newsletter for the 1st December (doc)

Download the newsletter for the 1st December (pdf)