St Mary's Catholic Cathedral Edinburgh

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

October Devotions – This Evening at 5pm

This afternoon is the first in a series of Rosary Holy Hours for the month of October, from 5pm until 6pm at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. There will a time of quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, followed by a guided meditation on the Joyful mysteries of the Rosary and concluding with Benediction at 6pm. If you find the Rosary difficult or haven’t prayed it in a long time, this could be a great opportunity to give it another try!

 Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

The next talk in our series on the Creed will be this Tuesday 9th of October in the Cathedral Café at 7pm. Fr David Howell, a recently ordained priest from the Archdiocese of Southwark, will give a talk on the Incarnation titled ‘I Believe in Jesus Christ, Born of the Virgin Mary,’ followed by Night Prayer and the pub. All young adults, 18-35, very welcome.

Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund – Special Collection Today

The Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund (‘AICF’) of the Archdiocese provides support for all of our retired priests with one of the main sources of income for the fund being the amounts received from the Special Collections.  Please remember to pray for those priests who have served us well and be as generous as you can. Gift Aid envelopes are already available at the back of the church. If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider gift aiding your donation by filling in the form on the back of one of these envelopes and using it when putting your donation into the collection basket.  Please note that gift aid relief can only be claimed if the back of the envelope has been completed.  As you know, using the gift aid envelopes in this way will uplift the amount that you give by a further 25% at no additional cost to you. For those of you using weekly envelopes, you may alternatively use the envelope in your set marked for the Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund to ensure that gift aid can be claimed on your donation. Thank you for your support.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 7th of October (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 7th of October (.pdf)
