Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

New Cathedral Choir for the 9:00am Sunday Mass

Michael Ferguson, our Musical Director, with the backing of the Parish Council has decided to launch a  new mixed-ability Cathedral Choir and he needs your help! Starting on Sunday 4th November, our new choir will sing weekly at the 9am Sunday Mass. Rehearsals will take place weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm. Come along and sing a wide range of liturgical music. Prior choir experience and music reading abilities are helpful, but not necessary! First meeting: Wednesday 31st October, 7-9pm in the Cathedral. Contact Michael, our Director of Music, for more information:

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – 22nd November

There will be an important meeting for all Communion Ministers on Thursday 22nd of November at 7.30pm in the Cathedral Café. This evening will offer spiritual formation and practical training for all those taking part in this important work. If you’re unable to attend, please speak to Fr Patrick or Fr Jamie. Likewise, if you know anyone who is unable to get to Mass and would like to receive Communion at home, please fill in a referral sheet available at the back of the church.

Preparing for the Year of Saint Luke

With the start of a new liturgical year upon the first Sunday of Advent we will embark upon Lectionary Cycle C and the Gospel of Saint Luke. To prepare ourselves, there will be a seminar day on the Gospel of Saint Luke on Saturday 17 November at the Gillis Centre from 11am to 3.30pm. The day will consist of a presentation on Saint Luke by Father Andrew Garden as well as directed prayer and a presentation on public reading. The event is open to both clergy and the lay faithful, especially those who are lectors or catechists. Those attending should bring a packed lunch. Please contact Father Daniel Doherty VE at to book a place or for more information.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 14th of October (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 14th of October (.pdf)