Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Message from Fr. Nick

Dear Friends, I would just like to thank you all for organizing my Farewell “Do” last week. It was lovely to catch up with so many familiar faces who are part of your wonderful parishes. I would like to thank the many people who left gifts and cards for me and also to thank you all for the very generous cheques from both parishes. I am extremely grateful not only for this generosity but also for the many years of support and encouragement that you have given me. I will never forget my time at the Cathedral and St. Andrews. I will pray for you and ask you also to keep me in your prayers. With profound gratitude, Fr. Nick.

Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

Thanks to everyone who came along to the first of our Young Adults’ talks last week- it was great to see so many new faces. The next talk will be this Tuesday 2nd of October in the Cathedral Café, titled ‘I Believe in God the Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth,’ followed by Night Prayer and the pub! All young adults, 18-35, very welcome!

Advance Notice – Important Polish-Scottish Celebration

At the 12 o’clock Mass on Sunday 4th November the Archbishop, accompanied by various Bishops from Poland, will unveil a Plaque in the Cathedral to mark the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining it’s independence and in thanksgiving for the hospitality shown by the Scottish people to the Polish government and military forces in exile. It will be a lovely event and I hope you will put the date in your diaries and join us to celebrate the deep friendship which exists between our two nations.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 30th of September (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 30th of September (.pdf)