Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Farewell to Fr. Ajeesh

As you may know, after three years here at the Cathedral, Fr. Ajeesh George will be leaving us at the end of August. As we always do when priests are leaving the parish – we will want to make a presentation to Fr. Ajeesh as a token of our gratitude for his work here amongst us. For this reason, there will be a second collection at the end of all Masses next weekend for Fr. Ajeesh.

Crux Magazine on Sale Today

The latest edition of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine includes a fascinating interview with Fr. Vasyl Kren about his work as the Prison Chaplain at HMP Edinburgh and an absorbing article by Fr. Kevin Dow about his spiritual journey to becoming an army chaplain. Copies will be on sale (for £5 – cheap! – Ed) will be available to purchase after all Masses today.

Friends of the Cathedral, Tuesday, 23 July at 7.30pm in Coffee Saints

Nathan Jeffay is The Times of Israel's science and health correspondent who holds an MA in Christian Theology from Cambridge and is a contributor to The Tablet. He will be speaking to the Friends of the Cathedral on Tuesday, 23 July at 7:30pm in the Coffee Saints café. Come along to hear about Nathan’s experiences behind the headlines in the Holy Land, where he encounters people of all faiths and walks of life. Please reply to if you wish to attend.

New Altar Servers Needed

If you have made your First Holy Communion and would like to be an altar server, please speak with Fr. Robert or email him at and he will let you know about the next opportunity to be trained as an altar server. Save the Date! On Saturday, 31 August, there will be a day of faith, fun and friendship at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh for altar servers from across the Archdiocese. Details to come!

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 23 July at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door:

Thank you!

Stella Maris would like to thank the parish for their generosity on Sea Sunday last weekend and for the kindness shown to Stella Maris volunteer, Mrs. Stephen.

Pause for Sunday Teas & Coffees

Today Sunday, 21st July, is the final teas and coffees at Ravelston for a while. They’ll be suspended as the Parish Rooms undergo a bit of a transformation. Stay tuned for the return date!

Volunteers Needed for Furniture Moving Today

As the work takes place in the parish rooms, we need to move all of the furniture into the garage. If you are able to spare some time to help with this, please join us at St Andrew’s today, Sunday 21 July from 2:00pm-3:00pm. Thank you!

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly Mass at Carfin Grotto

To mark World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2024, Holy Mass will be celebrated at the National Marian Shrine, Carfin, Motherwell, ML1 5AJ, on Sunday 28 July 2024 at 3:00pm. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop John Keenan, President of the Bishops’ Conference Marriage, Family and Life Commission.

Anniversary Mass for Archbishop Paul Bakyenga of Mbarara,Uganda

On Saturday 3rd August at 10.00am there will be an anniversary Mass in Holy Cross Church, Bangholm Loan , Ferry Rd., Edinburgh EH5 3AH for Archbishop Paul Bakyenga of Mbarara. The Archbishop died a year ago in his home diocese. He was a former student of the then St. Andrews and Edinburgh diocesan seminary at Drygrange, near Melrose, from 1967-1971. All old friends and acquaintances are invited to take part in this Mass to thank God for the life of Archbishop Paul both in Uganda and Scotland. '

Survey on Proposals to Legalize Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide Short Survey: The Scottish Parliament Health Committee is asking for your views on proposals to legalize assisted suicide in Scotland. It is vital that as many people as possible complete the short survey before it closes on 16th August. Full guidance, including a link to the survey, can be accessed by scanning the QR code at

 Read the newsletter for 21 July (pdf)

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Friends of the Cathedral Seek the Meek: A Journalist on Reporting from the Holy Land

Tuesday, 23 July at 7.30pm in Coffee Saints

Nathan Jeffay is based in the Holy Land and is The Times of Israel's science and health correspondent.  He also writes for publications in Britain, the Unites States and Australia. He has an MA in Christian Theology from Cambridge and is a contributor to The Tablet.  He is visiting the UK in July to talk at in-person events and we are delighted that he has made time to make a special trip to Edinburgh to speak to Friends of the Cathedral on Tuesday, 23 July at 7:30pm in the Coffee Saints café. Come along to hear about Nathan’s experiences behind the headlines in the Holy Land, where he encounters people of all faiths and walks of life. Please reply to if you wish to attend.

New Altar Servers Needed

If you have made your First Holy Communion and would like to be an altar server, please speak with Fr. Robert or email him at and he will let you know about the next opportunity to be trained as an altar server. Save the Date! On Saturday, 31 August, there will be a day of faith, fun and friendship at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh for altar servers from across the Archdiocese. Details to come!

Thank You!

Fr Paul Henderson wants to thank everyone for the incredible generosity he has received from so many in the parish in gifts and cards, which he says has been deeply touching. 

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon 

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 16 July at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!  

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door:

Second Collection Today for Sea Sunday

Today is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who earn their living from the sea and for their families. There will be a second collection after Mass for Stella Maris, the Church’s Maritime welfare agency. Anne Marie Stephen, a volunteer for Stella Maris, will give a short report at Masses on the work of this organisation. Learn more about Stella Maris at

Crux Magazine on Sale Next Weekend

The latest edition of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine includes a fascinating interview with Fr. Vasyl Kren about his work as the Prison Chaplain at HMP Edinburgh and an absorbing article by Fr. Kevin Dow about his spiritual journey to becoming an army chaplain.  Next weekend, copies will be on sale (for £5 – cheap! – Ed) will be available to purchase after all Masses.

Pause for Sunday Teas & Coffees

Next Sunday, 21st July, will be the final teas and coffees in Ravelsotn for a while. They’ll be suspended as the Parish Rooms undergo a bit of a transformation. Stay tuned for the return date!

Next Sunday: Volunteers Needed for Furniture Moving

As the work takes place in the parish rooms, we need to move all of the furniture into the garage. If you are able to spare some time to help with this, please meet at St Andrew’s on Sunday 21 July from 2:00pm-3:00pm. God will reward you for your service!

Survey on Proposals to Legalise Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide Short Survey: The Scottish Parliament Health Committee is asking for your views on proposals to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. It is vital that as many people as possible complete the short survey before it closes on 16th August. Full guidance, including a link to the survey, can be accessed at

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly Mass at Carfin Grotto

To mark World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2024, Holy Mass will be celebrated at the National Marian Shrine, Carfin, Motherwell, ML1 5AJ, on Sunday 28 July 2024 at 3:00pm. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop John Keenan, President of the Bishops’ Conference Marriage, Family and Life Commission. 

Read the newsletter for 14th July (pdf)

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

New Edition of Crux Magazine

An “eminent” (!) visitor to the parish recently commented to me in passing that he thought our Cathedral Magazine was “really excellent” – as in, of a way higher quality than these things usually are - and I must say that I agree! This latest edition of Crux Magazine includes a fascinating interview with Fr. Vasyl Kren about his work as the Prison Chaplain at HMP Edinburgh and an absorbing article by Fr. Kevin Dow about his spiritual journey to becoming an army chaplain. Copies will be on sale (for £5 – cheap! – Ed) will be available to purchase after all masses this weekend.

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

Time is running out to signup for the Faith Summer Session and spaces are limited! All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to, ‘Reasons for Believing’, at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 9 July 2024. To book your place, visit See Fr. Robert for more details.


…to Fr Peter Shankland who will be here on Sunday to celebrate Mass in the Cathedral. Father Peter was a parishioner here until he left for seminary in 2020. After each Mass on Sunday, he will offer his first blessing to which a plenary indulgence is attached. The conditions for that indulgence are a detachment from sin and going to confession, receiving Holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the Holy Father.

We also welcome Gerard Holden, a seminarian for the archdiocese who is based at the Cathedral this summer. During the month of July he will be here during the weekends as he attends a pastoral course organised by the Scots College during the week. Then during August, Gerard will be hard at work in the parish as part of his summer parish placement.

Legion of Mary

Every year some members of the Legion of Mary volunteer to take part in a Peregrinatio Pro Christi project (PPC) to another country. Scotland was given the responsibility of helping with evangelisation in Finland. For over 40 years teams of legionaries from Scotland have been spending part of their summer holidays at their own expense going out to share the Gospel in various parts of Finland. On 1 July, a team left for Oulu in Finland sharing their faith with all those they meet. It can often be very difficult work and is supported by the many prayers being said by those at home. We would like to invite you to pray for this project which concludes on Thursday, 11 July.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 9 July at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Save the Dates:

Festival Mass

Please note that His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass on Sunday, 11 August at Noon at the Cathedral.

Altar Server Day

There will be a day for altar servers at the Gillis Centre on the 31 August. If you would like to attend the event or you are interested in becoming an altar server, please speak with Fr. Robert or email him at Anyone interested in becoming an altar server must have made their First Communion.

Barbara Dickson fundraising concert

On Thursday 3rd October, Cathedral parishioner Barbara Dickson will be singing live in the Cathedral – with special guest Nick Holland – to raise funds for the Cathedral roof appeal. Tickets will be available from 1st August.

Young Adults Ceilidh

It is never too early to put this event in your diary. On 16 November, the Young Adults Group will be hosting a Ceilidh for young adults from across Scotland. Doors open at 7pm at Central Hall at the top of Lothian Road. Tickets will be available through Eventbrite soon.

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door:

Altar Servers

We are always looking to welcome new servers to the serving team in the Cathedral and at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. If you are interested, then please pick up a flyer available in both churches or speak to Fr Robert directly. Serving is open to all Catholics who have received their First Holy Communion. You can also e-mail to register your interest,

Edinburgh: City of Faith. A walking tour

This year marks the start of celebrations to mark the 900th birthday of Edinburgh. King St David – son of St Margaret – issued the charter to create the royal burgh in 1124. The foundation of the city was closely linked to David’s establishment of monasteries, one of which was in this city at Holyrood. This walking tour will journey around some of the key sites in the centre of Scotland’s capital, that have been centres of the worship of God. On 13 July the tour will leave from St Mary’s Cathedral at 9.30am and include Mass with the Archbishop at St Patrick’s, Cowgate at 12.30pm before concluding at St Cuthbert’s on Lothian Road.

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist here at the Cathedral. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. You may want to pray the Rosary or read the Scriptures, mediating on the readings for Sunday Mass. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am.

Second Collection Next Weekend for Sea Sunday

Next Sunday is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who earn their living from the sea and for their families. There will be a second collection after Mass for Stella Maris, the Church’s Maritime welfare agency, which supports seafarers both spiritually and practically through its network of chaplains and volunteers. Anne Marie Stephen, a volunteer for Stella Maris, will give a short report at Masses on the work of this organisation. Learn more about Stella Maris at

Marriage Preparation Courses

Remember, if you are planning to get married – congratulations! Dates in the cathedral fill up quickly, so to register the date, please contact the office 6 months before your proposed wedding date. As part of the preparation for your wedding day couples are required to attend a marriage preparation course. The next day long course in the parish will be at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Saturday 24th August – or on the 23rd November.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession. This opportunity to pray before Our Lord continues throughout the summer, so don’t miss the chance to spend time with Jesus.

Come and Pray with the Sisters at Saturday and Sunday Holy Hours

All are welcome to come to join the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew’s Convent for their Holy Hours at 5:10pm on Saturdays and at 3:55pm on Sundays. Please do contact the Sisters beforehand at or call 01313433380 to allow for sufficient seating. Holy Hour includes, silent Adoration, recitation of the rosary, and chanted Vespers. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to pray the Divine Office, which is the prayer of the Church! The Sisters are happy to answer any questions you may have about praying the Divine Office. Do come along and bring your family and friends.

St Andrew’s Groups

Here is something to think about over the summer holidays. In the past couple of years, as part of the series of St Andrew’s Talks, we have heard of various ways in which the community at St Andrew’s can get more involved with the work of the Catholic Church. One example could be, following the recent talk from Justice and Peace Scotland that you would be interested in forming a Justice and Peace Group. Maybe you’d like to form a group that supports other parts of the social teaching of the Church – if so, please e-mail or speak to Fr Robert (

Archdiocesan Lourdes pilgrimage

Pilgrims from across the Archdiocese are in Lourdes this week for the annual pilgrimage, led by Archbishop Leo Cushley. We wish all pilgrims a happy and holy time. Find out more about the pilgrimage at

African & Caribbean Community

The next Mass with the African & Caribbean community in the Archdiocese is at St Cuthbert’s Church, 104 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1PT at 2pm on Sunday 7 July.

Columba Trust

The Columba Trust provides funding to organisations and individuals to support projects which promote the Roman Catholic faith, its ministry and values. The deadline for applications this year is 31 July 2024.

Further details about the Trust and how to apply for a grant can be found at:

Save the Date – 5 October

A Scripture Reflection Day titled ‘Celebrating the Gift’ will take place at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh on Saturday 5 October 2024. The event will help explain more about the new lectionary that is being introduced in Advent and is also a chance to reflect on the Word of God. Details to follow.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

To mark this day, Holy Mass will be celebrated at the National Marian Shrine, Carfin, on Sunday 28 July at 3:00pm. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop John Keenan (Paisley Diocese), who is President of the Bishops’ Conference Marriage, Family and Life Commission. The Café will be open for refreshments.

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at

Mass for the Chinese Catholic Community

Mass is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month in Cantonese and English at 2:00pm at Sacred Heart Church, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. The next Mass in Cantonese and English will be on Sunday 14 July at 2pm. On Sunday 21 July, Fr Li Chi Yuen will celebrate Mass in Cantonese at 2pm.

Read the newsletter for 7 July (pdf)

Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul – Year B

Congratulations to Fr. Peter and Fr. Paul!

As you all know, this weekend the Archbishop ordained our two parishioners, Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, to the priesthood – and at the 12noon Sunday mass Fr. Paul Henderson will celebrate his first Mass – which will be followed by First Blessings. Then next Sunday Fr. Peter Shankland will celebrate his first Mass here at the Cathedral and give his first blessings. We rejoice with them on this wonderful occasion, and we pray that they will both be good and faithful priests of our Lord Jesus Christ.

New Edition of Crux Magazine

An “eminent” (!) visitor to the parish recently commented to me in passing that he thought our Cathedral Magazine was “really excellent” – as in, of a way higher quality than these things usually are - and I must say that I agree! This latest edition of Crux Magazine includes a fascinating interview with Fr. Vasyl Kren about his work as the Prison Chaplain at HMP Edinburgh and an absorbing article by Fr. Kevin Dow about his spiritual journey to becoming an army chaplain. Copies will be on sale (for £5 – cheap! – Ed) will be available to purchase after all masses next weekend.

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

Time is running out to signup for the Faith Summer Session and spaces are limited! All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to, ‘Reasons for Believing’, at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, use the QR code or visit See Fr. Robert for more details.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 2 July at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Save the Dates:

Festival Mass

Please note that His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass on Sunday, 11 August at Noon at the Cathedral.

Altar Server Day

There will be a day for altar servers at the Gillis Centre on the 31 August. If you would like to attend the event or you are interested in becoming an altar server, please speak with Fr. Robert or email him at Anyone interested in becoming an altar server must have made their First Communion.

Young Adults Ceilidh

It is never too early to put this event in your diary. On 16 November, the Young Adults Group will be hosting a Ceilidh for young adults from across Scotland. Doors open at 7pm at Central Hall at the top of Lothian Road. Tickets will be available through Eventbrite in the near future.

Marathon T-Shirts

Thank you to all those who purchased a replica Marathon runners T-shirt to support the fundraising efforts of the Young Adults. The T-Shirts are now available to collect, please speak to Fr Robert after Mass this weekend. Alternatively, you can come to Cathedral House during the week to collect between 9am-3pm. Thanks again for the support in raising nearly £9,000 for the roof fund.

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door:

Altar Servers

We are always looking to welcome new servers to the serving team in the Cathedral and at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. If you are interested then please pick up a flyer available in both churches or speak to Fr Robert directly. Serving is open to all Catholics who have received their First Holy Communion. You can also e-mail to register your interest,

Edinburgh: City of Faith. A walking tour

This year marks the start of celebrations to mark the 900th birthday of Edinburgh. King St David – son of St Margaret – issued the charter to create the royal burgh in 1124. The foundation of the city was closely linked to David’s establishment of monasteries, one of which was in this city at Holyrood. This walking tour will journey around some of the key sites in the centre of Scotland’s capital, that have been centres of the worship of God. The tour will leave from St Mary’s Cathedral at 9.30am and include Mass with the Archbishop at St Patrick’s, Cowgate at 12.30pm before concluding at St Cuthbert’s on Lothian Road.

Brilliant Summer Reading: Catholic Books at St Pauls Bookshop

Thinking about your summer spiritual reading? Want to deepen your knowledge of Church teaching and the lives of the saints? Browse the wide array of books and periodicals in St Pauls Bookshop including Bibles, the Catechism, books on the saints, prayer, Our Lady, and more! Holy cards, saints medals, bookmarks and a variety of gifts are also on sale. Hours: 10am-5pm, 7 days a week, 0131 510 4260,

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession. This opportunity to pray before Our Lord continues throughout the summer, so don’t miss the chance to spend time with Jesus.

Volunteers Needed for Ravelston Parish Barbecue!

Please consider volunteering for the annual St Andrews parish barbecue on Sunday September 1st at 1:30pm. We will have games for kids, a book stall, plant stall, bric a brac stall and bottle tombola. Helpers for various jobs are needed including organisation, setup and clean up. Add your name and contact details to the list at the back of church or email

Come and Pray with the Sisters at Saturday and Sunday Holy Hours

All are welcome to come to join the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew’s Convent for their Holy Hours at 5:10pm on Saturdays and at 3:55pm on Sundays. Please do contact the Sisters beforehand at or call 01313433380 to allow for sufficient seating. Holy Hour includes, silent Adoration, recitation of the rosary, and chanted Vespers. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to pray the Divine Office, which is the prayer of the Church! The Sisters are happy to answer any questions you may have about praying the Divine Office. Do come along and bring your family and friends.

St Andrew’s Groups

Here is something to think about over the summer holidays. In the past couple of years, as part of the series of St Andrew’s Talks, we have heard of various ways in which the community at St Andrew’s can get more involved with the work of the Catholic Church. One example could be, following the recent talk from Justice and Peace Scotland that you would be interested in forming a Justice and Peace Group. Maybe you’d like to form a group that supports other parts of the social teaching of the Church – if so, please e-mail or speak to Fr Robert

General Election

The Bishops of Scotland have published a letter ahead of the General Election on 4 July. It highlights issues to help Catholics reflect on how they will vote. Please pick up a copy from the back of the Church. There is also a copy of questions for candidates. Visit the website of the Catholic Parliamentary Office for more information and resources:

African & Caribbean Community

The next Mass with the African & Caribbean community in the Archdiocese is at St Cuthbert’s Church, 104 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1PT at 2pm on Sunday 7 July.

Marriage Counselling

If you are concerned about your relationship and feel as a couple that you are unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The Archdiocese has an arrangement with a qualified Catholic marriage counsellor who may be able to help you. For information or advice or to arrange counselling sessions please email in confidence or phone 07511928621 (Please note that counselling fees apply).

Columba Trust

The Columba Trust provides funding to organisations and individuals to support projects which promote the Roman Catholic faith, its ministry and values. The deadline for applications this year is 31 July 2024. Further details about the Trust and how to apply for a grant can be found at:

SCIAF School Volunteers

SCIAF is looking for volunteers to support its work in schools across the Archdiocese. You’ll receive training, travel expenses and a fulfilling role that uses your gifts to serve God and others. To find out more email

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at

Be a Mentor with LINKnet

We all have expertise in one field or another and may be able to help someone. Be a Mentor! LINKnet in Edinburgh can connect you with someone in need of mentoring to find a job or educational opportunities, grow in personal development or gain English language skills. As a mentor, you will meet or talk online with your mentee once a week for 1 to 2 hours for about three to four months. To help, please e-mail Afaf at by email with your phone number. For details visit

Personal Word of Thanks…

Can I just say a heartfelt and deep word of thanks to all of you who handed in gifts and cards for my 60th Birthday. I was overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness. Also a huge thank you to Michael and the Choir for the wonderful concert that they put together on Wednesday. I am more grateful than I can adequately express. Thank you so much….Fr. Patrick

Second Collection This Weekend

There is a second collection today at all Masses for Peter’s Pence

Read the newsletter for 30th June (pdf)

Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B

'An Evening of Summer Music' this Wednesday at 7pm

This Wednesday the Catheral Choir will perform Vivaldi's famous Gloria in D, accompanied by a chamber orchestra followed by a reception in the Octagon. Tickets are £10 (including prosecco) and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Book at
Tickets will also be sold after Masses this weekend.

Ordinations Next Saturday

Next Saturday, 29th June, Archbishop Cushley will ordain Deacons Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson to the sacred priesthood. The mass will be at 12noon in the Cathedral and will be attended by priests and people from around the Archdiocese. As both Peter and Paul are former Cathedral parishioners – it would be good for as many of us as possible to attend the ordination to pray for them and to show them our support. Please make every effort to attend.

Adoration and Holy Hours in Preparation for the Ordinations

In preparation for the ordinations, this coming Thursday (27th June) and Friday (28th June) we will have some extended time of Eucharistic Adoration, praying for Peter and Paul and for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Adoration will run from the end of the daily lunchtime Mass –1.15pm until 8pm – with a Holy Hour from 7pm, led by the two men being ordained.

Note the Changes in the Mass Schedule This Week

Due to the Summer Music Concert and the Eucharistic Adoration next week, the 6pm Polish mass on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be held at 9.00am. And there is no 10am Mass at the Cathedral on Saturday.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 18 June at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Marathon T-Shirts

Thank you to all those who purchased a replica Marathon runners T-shirt to support the fundraising efforts of the Young Adults. The T-Shirts are now available to collect, please speak to Fr Robert after Mass this weekend. Alternatively, you can come to Cathedral House during the week to collect between 9am-3pm. Those who have left details will be contacted during the week. Thanks again for the support in raising nearly £9,000 for the roof fund.

Consider Volunteering To Help Keep Our Church Clean And Sparkling

Every Wednesday, the Cathedral cleaning team meet between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the team with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Save the Date: Festival Mass

Please note that His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass on Sunday, 11 August at Noon at the Cathedral.

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door:

Don’t forget to Visit Coffee Saints Café Today – All Day Brunch!

Our very popular Coffee Saints café is a social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. This means that every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. Browse the full menu, including All Day Brunch, at

Disabled Parking for Blue Badge Holders

If you have a Blue Badge for disabled parking, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park for Sunday morning Mass, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office, with your name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number or email your details to The Car Park offers free disabled parking on Sundays, 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply.

Memorial Mass for Peter MacLaren at 12noon on Tuesday

Please note that there will be a Requiem Mass at 12noon on Tuesday 25th June for Peter MacLaren – who was as you all know a faithful member of our community here at Ravelston. The Mass will be followed by a reception in the Parish Rooms, and Marie would like to invite anyone who knew Peter to attend both the Mass and the Reception. There will be no 6pm Mass in Ravelston on Tuesday.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Volunteers Needed for Ravelston Parish Barbecue!

Please consider volunteering for the annual St Andrews parish barbecue on Sunday September 1st at 1:30pm. We will have games for kids, a book stall, plant stall, bric a brac stall and bottle tombola. Helpers for various jobs are needed including organisation, setup and clean up. Add your name and contact details to the list at the back of church or email

General Election

The Bishops of Scotland have published a letter ahead of the General Election on 4 July. It highlights issues to help Catholics reflect on how they will vote. Please pick up a copy from the back of the Church. There is also a copy of questions for candidates. Visit the website of the Catholic Parliamentary Office for more information and resources:

“God’s Mercy and Yours” Conference Hosted by Edinburgh Dominicans

The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, “God’s Mercy and Yours”, on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June at Assembly Hall, Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LU. The conference seeks to explore the theme of mercy. Full details of talks and speakers are at This is a public event and there is no charge. However, because of catering, we ask that, if you wish to eat or drink either on Friday or Saturday, you book online.

African & Caribbean Community

The next Mass with the African & Caribbean community in the Archdiocese is at St Cuthbert’s Church, 104 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1PT at 2pm on Sunday 7 July.

Columba Trust

The Columba Trust provides funding to organisations and individuals to support projects which promote the Roman Catholic faith, its ministry and values. The deadline for applications this year is 31 July 2024.

Further details about the Trust and how to apply for a grant can be found at:

SCIAF School Volunteers

SCIAF is looking for volunteers to support its work in schools across the Archdiocese. You’ll receive training, travel expenses and a fulfilling role that uses your gifts to serve God and others. To find out more email

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to the Faith Summer Session, ‘Reasons for Believing’, at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, visit See Fr. Robert for more details.

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat in June

A retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held 26-28 June 2024 (mid-week) in the Glasgow Area. These confidential, supportive retreats are for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. Participants who have often experienced deep anger towards themselves or others, experience forgiveness; peace is found and a sense of hope and meaning for the future is discovered. For more information please call or email Sr. Andrea at 07816 942 824 or More details at

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at

Be a Mentor with LINKnet

We all have expertise in one field or another and may be able to help someone. Be a Mentor! LINKnet in Edinburgh can connect you with someone in need of mentoring to find a job or educational opportunities, grow in personal development or gain English language skills. As a mentor, you will meet or talk online with your mentee once a week for 1 to 2 hours for about three to four months. To help, please e-mail Afaf at by email with your phone number. For details visit

Second Collections

Please note that there is a second collection today for both the Apostolate of Life and the Apostolate of Communications. And there is another next week for Peter’s Pence.

Read the newsletter for 23rd June (pdf)

Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B

Friends of the Cathedral Garden Party, Saturday, 22 June

Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have a limited number of tickets for their Garden Party at the Archbishop’s residence on 22 June, 1:00pm-3:00pm. Friends of the Cathedral have received invitations. Tickets for this popular event are available to non-members on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like to find out more about Friends of the Cathedral, why not join us next Saturday? Please contact as soon as possible.

'An Evening of Summer Music' with the Schola Cantorum: Wednesday 26 June at 7pm

Join the Schola Cantorum choir for a concert of summer music next month. The performance will feature Vivaldi's famous Gloria in D, accompanied by a chamber orchestra — a first for the choir! The evening will conclude with a drinks reception in the Octagon. Tickets are £10 (including a glass of prosecco) and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Book at Tickets will be sold after Masses this weekend.

Ordinations and Holy Hours for Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life

This month the Cathedral will host the priestly ordinations of Deacons Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, who were both active parishioners in the Cathedral before they left for seminary studies in Rome. Archbishop Cushley will ordain them on Saturday 29th June at 12 Noon. On Thursday, 27 June and Friday, 28 June, we will have some extended time of Eucharistic Adoration, praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Adoration will run from the end of the daily lunchtime Mass –1.15pm until 8pm – with a Holy Hour from 7pm, led by the two men being ordained. Thanks to all who have signed up so far! We require a minimum of two people to take an hour to watch the Blessed Sacrament on both of these days. Please sign up today on the sheets at the passkeepers’ table or email with the hour you would like to take for Adoration.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 18 June at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Save the Date: Festival Mass

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass on Sunday, 11 August at Noon at the Cathedral. Join us for this beautiful celebration of our Sunday Liturgy at the start of the week of our Cathedral’s patronal feast of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 15th August in the season of Edinburgh’s International Festival.

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door:

Don’t forget to Visit Coffee Saints Café Today – All Day Brunch!

Our very popular Coffee Saints café is a social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. This means that every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. Browse the full menu, including All Day Brunch, at

Disabled Parking for Blue Badge Holders

If you have a Blue Badge for disabled parking, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park for Sunday morning Mass, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office, with your name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number or email your details to The Car Park offers free disabled parking on Sundays, 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply.

Catenians Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 19 June, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Next Weekend: Second Collection for Day for Life and Communications

There will be a second collection next weekend for the Bishops' Conference of Scotland's Apostolate for Life and for the apostolate of communications, which helps fund the Catholic Media Office.

Thank You from the McDermott Family

On behalf of the McDermott Family, Nancy extends a heartfelt thank you to all who attended the funeral for Fiona on Wednesday, and for the many prayers, cards and messages to the family. Thank you so much for all your kindness!

Friday 6pm Mass and Reception for Milligan's 40th Wedding Anniversary

The 6 p.m. Mass at St Andrew’s on Friday 21 June will be offered in thanksgiving for Andrew and Rosemary Milligan’s fortieth wedding anniversary. Anyone attending the Mass is very welcome to join us in the parish rooms (hopefully garden) afterwards for celebratory drinks and nibbles.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Volunteers Needed for Ravelston Parish Barbecue!

Please consider volunteering for the annual St Andrews parish barbecue on Sunday September 1st at 1:30pm. We will have games for kids, a book stall, plant stall, bric a brac stall and bottle tombola. Helpers for various jobs are needed including organisation, setup and clean up. Add your name and contact details to the list at the back of church or email

Tuesday Workshop: Key Concerns on Assisted Dying Bill

The Assisted Dying Bill could come into law in Scotland in soon. The Archdiocese is hosting a workshop in the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh on Tuesday 18 June at 7:30pm to show you how to engage with, and inform others, about concerns arising from this proposed law. Free event.

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage Next Sunday, 23rd June

Gather in faith and thanksgiving to celebrate one of Scotland's patron saints in Dunfermline on Sunday 23 June 2024. The procession to St Margaret’s Church takes place from the Glen Gates in Bridge Street to the Church at 2:00pm, followed by Mass at 3:00pm. Ecumenical Prayers at the tomb of St Margaret at Dunfermline Abbey is at 12:30pm. All welcome. No registration required.

“God’s Mercy and Yours” Conference Hosted by Edinburgh Dominicans

The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, “God’s Mercy and Yours”, on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June at Assembly Hall, Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LU. The conference seeks to explore the theme of mercy. Full details of talks and speakers are at This is a public event and there is no charge. However, because of catering, we ask that, if you wish to eat or drink either on Friday or Saturday, you book online.

Catholic Schools’ Community Mass

The annual Edinburgh Catholic Schools’ Community Mass takes place at St. Catharine’s Convent, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh, EH3 9HH, on Thursday 20 June at 7.00pm. All welcome.

Columba Trust

The Columba Trust provides funding to organisations and individuals to support projects which promote the Roman Catholic faith, its ministry and values. The deadline for applications this year is 31 July 2024.

Further details about the Trust and how to apply for a grant can be found at:

SCIAF School Volunteers

SCIAF is looking for volunteers to support its work in schools across the Archdiocese. You’ll receive training, travel expenses and a fulfilling role that uses your gifts to serve God and others. To find out more email

Marriage Counselling

If you are concerned about your relationship and feel as a couple that you are unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The Archdiocese has an arrangement with a qualified Catholic marriage counsellor who may be able to help you. For information or advice or to arrange counselling sessions please email in confidence or phone 07511928621 (Please note that counselling fees apply).

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to the Faith Summer Session, ‘Reasons for Believing’,

at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, visit . See Fr. Robert for more details.

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat in June

A retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held 26-28 June 2024 (mid-week) in the Glasgow Area. These confidential, supportive retreats are for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. Participants who have often experienced deep anger towards themselves or others, experience forgiveness; peace is found and a sense of hope and meaning for the future is discovered. For more information please call or email Sr. Andrea at 07816 942 824 or More details at

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at

Be a Mentor with LINKnet

We all have expertise in one field or another and may be able to help someone. Be a Mentor! LINKnet in Edinburgh can connect you with someone in need of mentoring to find a job or educational opportunities, grow in personal development or gain English language skills. As a mentor, you will meet or talk online with your mentee once a week for 1 to 2 hours for about three to four months. To help, please e-mail Afaf at by email with your phone number. For details visit

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Enjoy being a pilgrim in Scotland! Try one of the eight great pilgrim ways wending their way quietly through Scotland’s diverse and scenic landscape to St Andrews. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. To plan your pilgrimage route and get more information please visit

Read the newsletter for 16th June (pdf)

Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B

First Holy Communion This Weekend

Congratulations to all of the children of our parish receiving their First Holy Communion this weekend both at Ravelston on Saturday, 8 June, and on Sunday, 9 June at the 9:00am Mass at the Cathedral. A big thank you to their teachers and parents for preparing them to receive our Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the first time. Please keep the children in your prayers!

Young Adults Talks by Young Adults: ‘Figures of My Faith’

In the Young Adults Group talk series, ‘Figures of My Faith,’ young adults themselves share stories of their faith journeys speaking about figures who have helped their own growth in our faith. Join us, for the final talk of the year, on Tuesday, 11 June as Daniel Kerr speaks about St Columba. Come along at 7:00pm for teas/coffees in 63 York Place followed by the talk at 7.30pm. We will conclude with Night Prayer and discuss in a local pub. All young adults 17-35 are welcome!

Tickets on Sale: 'An Evening of Summer Music' with the Schola Cantorum: Wednesday 26 June at 7pm

Tickets will be sold after all Masses this weekend for the Evening of Summer Music concert with the Schola Cantorum choir. The performance will feature Vivaldi's famous Gloria in D, accompanied by a chamber orchestra — a first for the choir! The evening will conclude with a drinks reception in the Octagon. Tickets are £10 (including a glass of prosecco) and are available on sale today, from Eventbrite or on the door. Book at

Ordinations and Holy Hours for Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life

This month the Cathedral will host the priestly ordinations of Deacons Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, who were both active parishioners in the Cathedral before they left for seminary studies in Rome. Archbishop Cushley will ordain them on Saturday 29th June at 12 Noon. On Thursday, 27 June and Friday, 28 June, we will have some extended time of Eucharistic Adoration, praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Adoration will run from the end of the daily lunchtime Mass –1.15pm until 8pm – with a Holy Hour from 7pm, led by the two men being ordained. Thanks to all who have signed up so far! We require a minimum of two people to take an hour to watch the Blessed Sacrament on both of these days. Please sign up today on the sheets at the passkeepers’ table or email with the hour you would like to take for Adoration.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika – 07751213612, Emmy – 07879074240.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon & Theatre Visit Planned

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 11 June at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us! A theatre visit is planned for Willy Russell’s ‘Blood Brothers.’ Showing at the Playhouse Theatre 2.30pm Wednesday 25th September. If you’d like to reserve a ticket call Trish on 07541 552070. Let us know by this Friday, 14th June if you’d like a ticket. The cost will depend on the volume of tickets purchased but will be between £25 and £40 per person. Anyone in the Parish can request a ticket, you don’t have to take part in the Friendship Group sessions.

Festival Mass on Sunday 11th August

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass at Noon at the Cathedral on Sunday 11 August. Join us for this beautiful celebration in the presence of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh during the Sunday Liturgy at the start of the week of our Cathedral’s patronal feast of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 15th August in the season of Edinburgh’s International Festival.

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door:

Catechisms, Bibles and Children’s Books at St Pauls Bookshop

Try reading a few pages a day of the Catechism of the Catholic Church this summer! You can do it — and you’ll know more about our Catholic faith, too! Or, find your very own Bible, so you can take a few minutes every day to read the Scriptures and draw closer to the Lord and His infinite wisdom and love. Find both in the St Pauls Bookshop here at the Cathedral. The shop has plenty of gift ideas for loved ones and a range of Cathedral items for sale. You will find beautiful rosaries and many children’s books on Jesus and the saints, as well as statues and paintings of Jesus and Mary. Visit the second-hand bookshelf, too, and discover a treasure to enjoy for your spiritual reading this summer. Donations of used Catholic books in good condition are welcome! Open daily 10am-5pm. 0131 510 4260,

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-5:45pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Parish Barbecue Volunteers Needed!

Thanks to all who have signed up so far to volunteer for our Parish Barbecue on Sunday, 1st September! More volunteers are needed to make this event happen. Please sign up on the sheet after Mass today to assist in the organisation of the event and the running of the day itself. If you have any questions, please speak to Fr Robert.

Save the Date: Scripture Reflection Evening for Women

All women in the parish are very welcome to a special evening of Scripture reflection at the convent of the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew's, Ravelston on Thursday, 13 June, beginning at 5:30pm with Vespers, followed by 6pm Mass at the church. Then after dinner there will be a time of reflection and discussion together on the Gospel of Mark reading for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time: “What can we say the kingdom of God is like? … It is like a mustard seed which at the time of its sowing in the soil is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all.” (Mark 4:30-32) Please RSVP by Monday, 10 June at or call 01313433380.

Come and Pray with the Sisters at Saturday and Sunday Holy Hours

All are welcome to come to join the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew’s Convent for their Holy Hours at 5:10pm on Saturdays and at 3:55pm on Sundays. Please do contact the Sisters beforehand at or call 01313433380 to allow for sufficient seating. Holy Hour includes, silent Adoration, recitation of the rosary, and chanted Vespers. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to pray the Divine Office, which is the prayer of the Church! The Sisters are happy to answer any questions you may have about praying the Divine Office. Do come along and bring your family and friends.

Workshop: Key Concerns About the Assisted Dying Bill

The Assisted Dying Bill could come into law in Scotland in soon. The Archdiocese is hosting a workshop in the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh on Tuesday 18 June at 7:30pm to show how to engage with, and inform others, about concerns arising from this proposed law. The workshop will be supported by the Campaign Against Assisted Dying group (CAAD), who have experience in such development work. CAAD will also provide materials to support engagement and information sharing. They’ll also provide ongoing advice and support. Free event. Register at

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage – Sunday, 23rd June

Gather in faith and thanksgiving to celebrate one of Scotland's patron saints in Dunfermline on Sunday 23 June 2024. The procession to St Margaret’s Church takes place from the Glen Gates in Bridge Street to the Church at 2:00pm, followed by Mass at 3:00pm. Ecumenical Prayers at the tomb of St Margaret at Dunfermline Abbey is at 12:30pm. All welcome. No registration required.

“God’s Mercy and Yours” Conference Hosted by Edinburgh Dominicans

The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, “God’s Mercy and Yours”, on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June at Assembly Hall, Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LU. The conference seeks to explore the theme of mercy. Full details of talks and speakers are at

This is a public event and there is no charge. However, because of catering, we ask that, if you wish to eat or drink either on Friday or Saturday, you book online. To view the full programme and book for the conference visit If you can please help with costs by making a donation at the booking link.

Catholic Schools’ Community Mass

The annual Edinburgh Catholic Schools’ Community Mass takes place at St. Catharine’s Convent, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh, EH3 9HH, on Thursday 20 June at 7.00pm. All welcome.

Columba Trust

The Columba Trust provides funding to organisations and individuals to support projects which promote the Roman Catholic faith, its ministry and values. The deadline for applications this year is 31 July 2024. Further details about the Trust and how to apply for a grant can be found at:

Marriage Counselling

If you are concerned about your relationship and feel as a couple that you are unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The Archdiocese has an arrangement with a qualified Catholic marriage counsellor who may be able to help you. For information or advice or to arrange counselling sessions please email in confidence or phone 07511928621 (Please note that counselling fees apply).

Help for Marriages: Online Retrouvaille Programme Begins 19th June

Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. Learning how to communicate effectively and clearly can be a key element in saving a troubled marriage. Retrouvaille England and Wales is delighted to offer a Virtual Retrouvaille programme 8pm to 10pm on Wednesday 19th June and every Wednesday, ending on the 4th September 2024. Please call or email in confidence and without obligation. + 44 788 729 6983 / + 44 797 338 0443, To learn more, visit

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to the Faith Summer Session, ‘Reasons for Believing’,

at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, visit See Fr. Robert for more details.

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat in June

A retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held 26-28 June 2024 (mid-week) in the Glasgow Area. These confidential, supportive retreats are for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. Participants who have often experienced deep anger towards themselves or others, experience forgiveness; peace is found and a sense of hope and meaning for the future is discovered. For more information please call or email Sr. Andrea at 07816 942 824 or More details at

Summer Family Retreats at Craig Lodge House of Prayer, Dalmally

Families have always held a special place in the life of Craig Lodge and we love welcoming them into our House of Prayer. From 8-12 July we are running 3 weeks for young families. We will pray together, adore Jesus together and have fellowship. Book your place at Adults and over 16s: £270; aged 11-16: £100; under 11: donation.All meals included. Contact 1838 200216, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR.

Read the newsletter for 9th June (pdf)

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Year B

Young Adults Talks by Young Adults: ‘Figures of My Faith’

In our new series of Young Adults Group talks, ‘Figures of My Faith,’ young adults themselves will share stories of their faith journeys speaking about figures who have helped their own growth in our faith. Join us on Tuesday, 4 June as Michael Okoro speaks about how Nietzsche made him more faithful. Come along at 7:00pm for teas/coffees in 63 York Place followed by the talk at 7.30pm. We will conclude with Night Prayer and discuss in a local pub. All young adults 17-35 are welcome!

'An Evening of Summer Music' with the Schola Cantorum: Wednesday 26 June at 7pm

Join the Schola Cantorum choir for a concert of summer music. The performance will feature Vivaldi's famous Gloria in D, accompanied by a chamber orchestra — a first for the choir! The evening will conclude with a drinks reception in the Octagon. Tickets are £10 (including a glass of prosecco) and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Book at

Tickets will be sold after Masses beginning the weekend of 8th-9th June.

Raise the Roof! Pledge Collections and T-Shirt Sales

Congratulations and thank you to all those who took part in the Edinburgh Marathon Festival raising funds for the Cathedral roof fund. As a group they clocked up 202 miles between them over the festival weekend, which is more than four times the journey between here and St Andrew’s Cathedral in Glasgow. Thank you for your generosity so far with various donations and pledges made. This weekend the runners will be at all of the Masses to collect your generous pledges and also give you the opportunity to get a memento of the occasion. You can buy a replica of the eye-catching T-Shirts that they ran in for £15 – another ‘fashionable’ way to contribute to their fundraising efforts. Please fill in an order form with one of the runners – this offer is only available this weekend!

Ordinations and Holy Hours for Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life

This month the Cathedral will host the priestly ordinations of Deacons Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, who were both active parishioners in the Cathedral before they left for seminary studies in Rome. Archbishop Cushley will ordain them on Saturday 29th June at 12 Noon, and on Thursday, 27 June and Friday, 28 June, we will have some extended time of Eucharistic Adoration, praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Adoration will run from the end of the daily lunchtime Mass –1.15pm until 8pm – with a Holy Hour led by the two men being ordained from 7pm. We require a minimum of two people to take an hour to watch the Blessed Sacrament on both of these days. Please sign up on the forms that are available on the passkeepers table today.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon & Theatre Visit Planned

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 4 June at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us! A theatre visit is planned for Willy Russell’s ‘Blood Brothers.’ Showing at the Playhouse Theatre 2.30pm Wednesday 25th September. If you’d like to reserve a ticket call Trish on 07541 552070. Let us know by 14th June if you’d like a ticket. The cost will depend on the volume of tickets purchased but will be between £25 and £40 per person.

Festival Mass on Sunday 11th August

Just advance notice that His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass at Noon at the Cathedral. Join us for this beautiful celebration of our Sunday Liturgy at the start of the week of our Cathedral’s patronal feast of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 15th August in the season of Edinburgh’s International Festival.

Disabled Parking for Blue Badge Holders

If you have a Blue Badge for disabled parking, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park for Sunday morning Mass, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office, with your name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number or email your details to The Car Park offers free disabled parking on Sundays, 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply.

Brilliant Summer Reading: Catholic Books at St Pauls Bookshop

Thinking about your summer spiritual reading? Want to deepen your knowledge of Church teaching and the lives of the saints? Browse the wide array of books and periodicals in St Pauls Bookshop including Bibles, the Catechism, books on the saints, prayer, Our Lady, and more! Holy cards, saints medals, bookmarks and a variety of gifts are also on sale. Hours: 10am-5pm, 7 days a week, 0131 510 4260,

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Parish Barbecue Volunteers Needed!

Don’t forget to save the date! Sunday, 1st September is the date for the Ravelston Barbecue this year. To make this event happen though we need volunteers. Please sign up after Mass today to assist in the organisation of the event and the running of the day itself. If you have any questions, please speak to Fr Robert.

St Andrew’s Groups

In the past couple of years, as part of the series of St Andrew’s Talks, we have heard of various ways in which the community at St Andrew’s can get involved with the work of the Catholic Church. If you are interested in forming a Justice and Peace Group, for example, after the talk on Monday evening, please e-mail or speak to Fr Robert (

Save the Date: Scripture Reflection Evening for Women

All women in the parish are very welcome to a special evening of Scripture reflection at the convent of the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew's, Ravelston on Thursday, 13 June, beginning at 5:30pm with Vespers, followed by 6pm Mass at the church. Then after dinner there will be a time of reflection and discussion together on the Gospel of Mark reading for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time: “What can we say the kingdom of God is like? … It is like a mustard seed which at the time of its sowing in the soil is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade.” (Mark 4:30-32) Please RSVP by Monday, 10 June at or call 01313433380.

Corpus Christi Mass and Procession Today at St. Patrick’s

St Patrick’s, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1TQ, on Sunday 2 June, beginning with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley at 11:00am, followed by a procession. All are welcome to this special event. First Holy Communicants are encouraged to wear their First Holy Communion outfits. Route details are posted at

Next Saturday: Learn About the Bible and Treasure the Gift!

Do you want to learn more about the Bible? The translation of the Bible that we hear at Mass is changing this Advent. The Archdiocese has organised a day of prayer, study and discussion to learn more about this and to reflect on the gift of the Word of God for the Church. Come along to this free event! Treasuring the Gift takes place next Saturday 8 June 10:00am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. The day includes Mass, talks from invited speakers, light lunch, a panel of testimonies from lay people from across the Archdiocese, and Eucharistic Adoration. Come along and treasure the gift! Register at

Marriage Counselling

If you are concerned about your relationship and feel as a couple that you are unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The Archdiocese has an arrangement with a qualified Catholic marriage counsellor who may be able to help you. For information or advice or to arrange counselling sessions please email in confidence or phone 07511928621 (Please note that counselling fees apply).

Help for Marriages: Online Retrouvaille Programme Begins 19th June

Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. Learning how to communicate effectively and clearly can be a key element in saving a troubled marriage. Retrouvaille England and Wales is delighted to offer a Virtual Retrouvaille programme 8pm to 10pm on Wednesday 19th June and every Wednesday, ending on the 4th September 2024. Please call or email in confidence and without obligation. + 44 788 729 6983 / + 44 797 338 0443, To learn more, visit

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage – Sunday, 23rd June

Gather in faith and thanksgiving to celebrate one of Scotland's patron saints in Dunfermline on Sunday 23 June 2024. The procession to St Margaret’s Church takes place from the Glen Gates in Bridge Street to the Church at 2:00pm, followed by Mass at 3:00pm. Ecumenical Prayers at the tomb of St Margaret at Dunfermline Abbey is at 12:30pm. All welcome. No registration required.

“God’s Mercy and Yours” Conference Hosted by Edinburgh Dominicans

The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, “God’s Mercy and Yours”, on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June at Assembly Hall, Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LU. The conference seeks to explore the theme of mercy. Full details of talks and speakers are at This is a public event and there is no charge. However, because of catering, we ask that, if you wish to eat or drink either on Friday or Saturday, you book online. To view the full programme and book for the conference visit If you can please help with costs by making a donation at the booking link.

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to the Faith Summer Session, ‘Reasons for Believing’,

at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, use the QR code or visit See Fr. Robert for more details.

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work, and will be offered a close-up insight into some of the treasures of the monastic tradition. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat in June

A retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held 26-28 June 2024 (mid-week) in the Glasgow Area. These confidential, supportive retreats are for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. Participants who have often experienced deep anger towards themselves or others, experience forgiveness; peace is found and a sense of hope and meaning for the future is discovered. For more information please call or email Sr. Andrea at 07816 942 824 or More details at

Summer Family Retreats at Craig Lodge House of Prayer, Dalmally

Families have always held a special place in the life of Craig Lodge and we love welcoming them into our House of Prayer. From 8-12 July we are running 3 weeks for young families. We will pray together, adore Jesus together and have fellowship. Book your place at Adults and over 16s: £270; aged 11-16: £100; under 11: donation.All meals included. Contact 01838 200216, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR.

Bishop Barron Video Series on The Mass

Learn how the Mass “brings us out of the fallen world and into the heavenly realm,” and how we are truly united with God Himself in Christ through the Holy Eucharist, in a beautiful 6-part video series on the Mass by Bishop Robert Barron. Each video is about 25 minutes. Watch at

Read the newsletter for 2nd June here (pdf)

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – Year B

Marian Holy Hours with Rosary, 6:30pm Tuesdays in May

Join us for our Tuesday Marian Holy Hour in the Cathedral 6:30pm-7:30pm on 28 May with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying of the Rosary and a reflection on Our Lady. Come and spend some time in prayer before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. We will have a reflection by Deacon Peter.

Young Adults Talks by Young Adults: ‘Figures of My Faith’

In our new series of Young Adults Group talks, ‘Figures of My Faith,’ young adults themselves will share stories of their faith journeys speaking about figures who have helped their own growth in our faith. Join us on Tuesday, 28 May as Caitlin O’Neill speaks about Pope St. Celestine. Come along at 7:00pm for teas/coffees in 63 York Place followed by the talk at 7.30pm. We will conclude with Night Prayer and discuss in a local pub. All young adults 17-35 are welcome!

Wednesday Mass with Archbishop for Married & Engaged Couples

His Grace, Archbishop Leo, will celebrate the annual Mass for Married and Engaged Couples is at 7:15pm this Wednesday 29 May 2024 at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. Come and celebrate the gift of marriage, renew your commitment and receive God's blessing upon your love. Requests for special invitations for couples celebrating significant anniversaries can be made at or 0131 334 1693.

'An Evening of Summer Music' with the Schola Cantorum: Wednesday 26 June at 7pm

Join the Schola Cantorum choir for a concert of summer music next month. The performance will feature Vivaldi's famous Gloria in D, accompanied by a chamber orchestra — a first for the choir! The evening will conclude with a drinks reception in the Octagon. Tickets are £10 (including a glass of prosecco) and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Book at Tickets will be sold after Masses beginning the weekend of 8th-9th June.

No Saturday Morning Adoration on 1 June

This upcoming Saturday, 1 June, there will be no adoration after morning mass due to the celebration of Holy First Communion for the Polish Community. Adoration will return as normal the following weekend.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 28 May at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Disabled Parking for Blue Badge Holders

If you have a Blue Badge for disabled parking, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park for Sunday morning Mass, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office, with your name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number or email your details to The Car Park offers free disabled parking on Sundays, 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply.

St. Andrew's Talk on Justice and Peace

Join us in the parish rooms at Ravelston on Monday, 27th May for a talk by Anne-Marie Clements, the Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer for Justice and Peace Scotland about the work of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland Commission and how it is all underpinned by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. This is a great opportunity to find out more about how we can enact the words of Pope St Paul VI, “If you want peace, work for justice”. Talk begins at 6.45pm with refreshments available afterwards.

Rosary After Weekday Masses in May

All are invited to join praying the Rosary during May after 6:00pm weekday Masses at St. Andrew’s.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Volunteers Needed for Ravelston Parish Barbecue – Sign Up Today!

Sign up now to volunteer for the annual St Andrews parish barbecue on Sunday September 1st at 1:30pm! We will have games for kids, a book stall, plant stall, bric a brac stall and bottle tombola. Helpers for various jobs are needed including organisation, setup and clean up. Add your name and contact details to the list at the back of church or email

Wednesday Webinar on MA Theology Programme

This Wednesday 29 May join a webinar, 6-7pm offering everything you need to know about the forthcoming MA in Applied Catholic Theology Course at St Mary's University's campus in Edinburgh. Register at SAAS funding is available for all Scottish students taking the MA in Applied Catholic Theology course 2024/25. The course is offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. To register for the programme, visit

Corpus Christi Mass and Procession, Sunday 2 June at St. Patrick’s

St Patrick’s, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1TQ, on Sunday 2 June, beginning with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley at 11:00am, followed by a procession. All are welcome to this special event. First Holy Communicants are encouraged to wear their First Holy Communion outfits! St Patrick’s hosts a 40 Hours’ Devotion ahead of the event. Schedule posted at

Treasure the Gift of the Bible: Talks and Testimonies at Free Event

Do you want to learn more about the Bible? The translation of the Bible that we hear at Mass is changing this Advent. The Archdiocese has organised a day of prayer, study and discussion to learn more about this and to reflect on the gift of the Word of God for the Church. Come along to this free event! Treasuring the Gift takes place on Saturday 8 June 10:00am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. The day includes Mass, talks from invited speakers, light lunch, a panel of testimonies from lay people from across the Archdiocese, and Eucharistic Adoration.

Register at Come along and treasure the gift!

Order of Malta: Day of Recollection

A Day of Recollection organised by the Order of Malta will take place on Saturday 1st June 2024 from 11:00am to 4.30pm at Kilgraston School, Bridge of Earn, Perthshire PH2 9BQ. The day will include Mass and spiritual talks led by Fr Malcolm Hutchison of the Diocese of Dunkeld, and is open to all of the Order’s friends and supporters. Tea and coffee will be provided; however, attendees are asked to provide their own lunch, and to contribute £15 to cover expenses. Ordained to the priesthood in 2022, Fr Malcolm returned to Scotland in 2023 following studies at the Pontifical Scots College, Rome, and was appointed as assistant priest of Ss Peter and Paul, Dundee. For further information, please contact Mark Hamid on 07944 190454 or at Alternatively, please register via Learn more about the Order of Malta in Scotland at

Marriage Counselling

If you are concerned about your relationship and feel as a couple that you are unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The Archdiocese has an arrangement with a qualified Catholic marriage counsellor who may be able to help you. For information or advice or to arrange counselling sessions please email in confidence or phone 07511928621 (Please note that counselling fees apply).

Help for Marriages: Online Retrouvaille Programme Begins 19th June

Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. Learning how to communicate effectively and clearly can be a key element in saving a troubled marriage. Retrouvaille England and Wales is delighted to offer a Virtual Retrouvaille programme 8pm to 10pm on Wednesday 19th June and every Wednesday, ending on the 4th September 2024. Please call or email in confidence and without obligation. + 44 788 729 6983 / + 44 797 338 0443, To learn more, visit

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage – Sunday, 23rd June

Gather in faith and thanksgiving to celebrate one of Scotland's patron saints in Dunfermline on Sunday 23 June 2024. The procession to St Margaret’s Church takes place from the Glen Gates in Bridge Street to the Church at 2:00pm, followed by Mass at 3:00pm. Ecumenical Prayers at the tomb of St Margaret at Dunfermline Abbey is at 12:30pm. All welcome. No registration required.

“God’s Mercy and Yours” Conference Hosted by Edinburgh Dominicans

The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, “God’s Mercy and Yours”, on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June at Assembly Hall, Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LU. The conference seeks to explore the theme of mercy. Full details of talks and speakers are at This is a public event and there is no charge. However, because of catering, we ask that, if you wish to eat or drink either on Friday or Saturday, you book online. To view the full programme and book for the conference visit If you can please help with costs by making a donation at the booking link.

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to the Faith Summer Session, ‘Reasons for Believing’,

at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, visit See Fr. Robert for more details.

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work, and will be offered a close-up insight into some of the treasures of the monastic tradition. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat in June

A retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held 26-28 June 2024 (mid-week) in the Glasgow Area. These confidential, supportive retreats are for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. Participants who have often experienced deep anger towards themselves or others, experience forgiveness; peace is found and a sense of hope and meaning for the future is discovered. For more information please call or email Sr. Andrea at 07816 942 824 or More details at

Summer Family Retreats at Craig Lodge House of Prayer, Dalmally

Families have always held a special place in the life of Craig Lodge and we love welcoming them into our House of Prayer. From 8-12 July we are running 3 weeks for young families. We will pray together, adore Jesus together and have fellowship together. To book your place and to learn more details, visit Adults and over 16s: £270; aged 11-16: £100; under 11: donation.

All meals included. For more details, please contact, 01838 200216, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR.

Shalom World Free Catholic Movies, News, Shows and More

Shalom World is a Catholic, commercial-free, 24/7, HD family entertainment channel. “Change what you watch and watch the world change!”

Read the newsletter for 26th May (pdf)

Solemnity of Pentecost– Year B

Confirmations at 9:00am Mass

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the 9:00am Mass today at which children from our parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please keep them in your prayers!

Marathon Pledge Collection: Raise the Roof

This weekend, members of the Young Adults Group will be at all the Masses to gather your pledges ahead of their running in the Edinburgh Marathon festival at the end of the month. This is a great chance to meet some of those who have been going through their paces training for next weekend’s Edinburgh Marathon Festival 25th and 26th May. They are looking forward to receiving your pledge of support in this effort to raise funds for the roof project, which will also serve as a gentle encouragement when the legs start wearying!

Friends of the Cathedral Event Doing God? The Personal Faith of the Prime Ministers: Fr Mark Vickers, Tuesday, 21st May, Coffee Saints, 7.30pm

Friends of the Cathedral will host Fr Mark Vickers speaking about his book God in Number 10: The Personal Faith of the Prime Ministers from Balfour to Blair on Tuesday, 21st May at 7.30pm in Coffee Saints. There are a limited number of extra places available. If you would like to attend, please email

'An Evening of Summer Music' with the Schola Cantorum: Wednesday 26 June at 7pm

Join the Schola Cantorum choir for a concert of summer music next month. The performance will feature Vivaldi's famous Gloria in D, accompanied by a chamber orchestra — a first for the choir! The evening will conclude with a drinks reception in the Octagon. Tickets are £10 (including a glass of prosecco) and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Book at Tickets will be sold after Masses beginning the weekend of 8th-9th June.

Marian Holy Hours with Rosary, 6:30pm Tuesdays in May

Join us for our Tuesday Marian Holy Hour in the Cathedral 6:30pm-7:30pm with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying of the Rosary and a reflection on Our Lady. Come and spend some time in prayer before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. This Tuesday, 21st May we will have a reflection by Fr. Jose. All are invited to join us! Our St. Pauls Bookshop has many beautiful spiritual reading books on the Blessed Virgin Mary and the rosary, including The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Monfort and many rosaries to choose from, too. The shop is open daily 10am-5pm. Contact 0131 510 4260,

Young Adults Talks by Young Adults: ‘Figures of My Faith’

In our new series of Young Adults Group talks, ‘Figures of My Faith,’ young adults themselves will share stories of their faith journeys speaking about figures who have helped their own growth in our faith. Join us on Tuesday, 21 May as Jesse Angelo speaks about St. Francis Xavier. Come along at 7:00pm for teas/coffees in 63 York Place followed by the talk at 7.30pm. We will conclude with Night Prayer and discuss in a local pub. All young adults 17-35 are welcome!

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7)

The Parish Youth Group meets Sunday, 19 May at 6:00pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston EH4 3DS. Come along for lots of games and activities as well as learning something about the Feast of Pentecost. Our final meeting before the summer will be on Sunday 2nd June.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon & Edinburgh Museums Visit

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 21 May at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us! Also, we’ll have a group visit to the Museum of Edinburgh and The People’s Story Museum. On Tuesday, 21 May, meet outside Canongate Kirk, 153 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8BN, shortly before 11:00am to enjoy a visit to these two fascinating landmarks.

Save the Date: Festival Mass

Sunday, 11 August: His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass at Noon at the Cathedral. Join us for this beautiful celebration of our Sunday Liturgy at the start of the week of our Cathedral’s patronal feast (the Assumption) on 15th August in the season of Edinburgh’s International Festival.

Rosary After Weekday Masses in May

All are invited to join praying the Rosary during May after 6:00pm weekday Masses at St. Andrew’s.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

St. Andrew's Talk on Justice and Peace

Our final St. Andrew’s talk will be on Monday, 27th May when Anne-Marie Clements will join us to speak about the work of the Justice and Peace Commission in Scotland. Talk begins at 6.45pm with refreshments available afterwards.

Save the Date: Ravelston Parish Barbecue

The annual St Andrews parish barbecue will take place on Sunday September 1st at 1:30pm. It's always a very enjoyable afternoon and a great opportunity to get involved and meet fellow parishioners both old and new. We will of course need volunteers on the day. More details will follow over the summer, but in the meantime.... save the date!

Corpus Christi Mass and Procession, Sunday 2 June

St Patrick’s, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1TQ, on Sunday 2 June, beginning with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley at 11:00am, followed by a procession. All are welcome to this special event. First Holy Communicants are encouraged to wear their First Holy Communion outfits! St Patrick’s hosts a 40 Hours’ Devotion ahead of the event. Schedule posted at

Pray & Discuss Sacred Scripture – Treasure the Gift!

Do you want to learn more about the Bible? The translation of the Bible that we hear at Mass is changing this Advent. The Archdiocese has organised a day of prayer, study and discussion to learn more about this and to reflect on the gift of the Word of God for the Church. Come along to this free event! Treasuring the Gift takes place on Saturday 8 June 10:00am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. The day includes Mass, talks from invited speakers, light lunch, a panel of testimonies from lay people from across the Archdiocese, and Eucharistic Adoration. Register at Come along and treasure the gift!

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage – Sunday, 23rd June

Gather in faith and thanksgiving to celebrate Scotland's patron saint in Dunfermline on Sunday 23 June 2024. The procession to St Margaret’s Church takes place from the Glen Gates in Bridge Street to the Church at 2:00pm, followed by Mass at 3:00pm. Ecumenical Prayers at the tomb of St Margaret at Dunfermline Abbey is at 12:30pm. All welcome. No registration required.

Mass at the Cathedral for Married & Engaged Couples

The annual Mass for Married and Engaged Couples is at 7:15pm on Wednesday 29 May 2024 at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. Come and celebrate the gift of marriage, renew your commitment and receive God's blessing upon your love. Requests for special invitations for couples celebrating significant anniversaries can be made at or by calling 0131 334 1693.

Order of Malta: Day of Recollection

A Day of Recollection organised by the Order of Malta will take place on Saturday 1st June 2024 from 11:00am to 4.30pm at Kilgraston School, Bridge of Earn, Perthshire PH2 9BQ. The day will include Mass and spiritual talks led by Fr Malcolm Hutchison of the Diocese of Dunkeld, and is open to all of the Order’s friends and supporters. Tea and coffee will be provided; however, attendees are asked to provide their own lunch, and to contribute £15 to cover expenses. Ordained to the priesthood in 2022, Fr Malcolm returned to Scotland in 2023 following studies at the Pontifical Scots College, Rome, and was appointed as assistant priest of Ss Peter and Paul, Dundee. For further information, please contact Mark Hamid on 07944 190454 or at Alternatively, please register via Learn more about the Order of Malta in Scotland at

Marriage Counselling

If you are concerned about your relationship and feel as a couple that you are unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The Archdiocese has an arrangement with a qualified Catholic marriage counsellor who may be able to help you. For information or advice or to arrange counselling sessions please email in confidence or phone 07511928621 (Please note that counselling fees apply).

Help for Marriages: Online Retrouvaille Programme Begins 19th June

Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. Learning how to communicate effectively and clearly can be a key element in saving a troubled marriage. Retrouvaille England and Wales is delighted to offer a Virtual Retrouvaille programme 8pm to 10pm on Wednesday 19th June and every Wednesday, ending on the 4th September 2024. Please call or email in confidence and without obligation. + 44 788 729 6983 / + 44 797 338 0443, To learn more, visit

Funding for Teachers

Are you a teacher considering studying for the Catholic Teacher's Certificate to teach Religious Education? The Archdiocese will pay half the cost of this course for 20 teachers working in our Archdiocese. For an application form please email

29 May Webinar on MA Theology Programme

Join a 29 May webinar, 6-7pm offering everything you need to know about the forthcoming MA in Applied Catholic Theology Course at St Mary's University's campus in Edinburgh. Register at SAAS funding is available for all Scottish students taking the MA in Applied Catholic Theology course 2024/25. The course is offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. To register for the programme, visit

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to the Faith Summer Session, ‘Reasons for Believing’,

at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, visit . See Fr. Robert for more details.

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work, and will be offered a close-up insight into some of the treasures of the monastic tradition. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at

Read the newsletter for 19th April (pdf)