Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B

Friends of the Cathedral Garden Party, Saturday, 22 June

Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have a limited number of tickets for their Garden Party at the Archbishop’s residence on 22 June, 1:00pm-3:00pm. Friends of the Cathedral have received invitations. Tickets for this popular event are available to non-members on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like to find out more about Friends of the Cathedral, why not join us next Saturday? Please contact ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk as soon as possible.

'An Evening of Summer Music' with the Schola Cantorum: Wednesday 26 June at 7pm

Join the Schola Cantorum choir for a concert of summer music next month. The performance will feature Vivaldi's famous Gloria in D, accompanied by a chamber orchestra — a first for the choir! The evening will conclude with a drinks reception in the Octagon. Tickets are £10 (including a glass of prosecco) and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Book at https://bit.ly/CathedralSummerMusic2024 Tickets will be sold after Masses this weekend.

Ordinations and Holy Hours for Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life

This month the Cathedral will host the priestly ordinations of Deacons Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, who were both active parishioners in the Cathedral before they left for seminary studies in Rome. Archbishop Cushley will ordain them on Saturday 29th June at 12 Noon. On Thursday, 27 June and Friday, 28 June, we will have some extended time of Eucharistic Adoration, praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Adoration will run from the end of the daily lunchtime Mass –1.15pm until 8pm – with a Holy Hour from 7pm, led by the two men being ordained. Thanks to all who have signed up so far! We require a minimum of two people to take an hour to watch the Blessed Sacrament on both of these days. Please sign up today on the sheets at the passkeepers’ table or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk with the hour you would like to take for Adoration.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 18 June at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Save the Date: Festival Mass

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass on Sunday, 11 August at Noon at the Cathedral. Join us for this beautiful celebration of our Sunday Liturgy at the start of the week of our Cathedral’s patronal feast of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 15th August in the season of Edinburgh’s International Festival.

Swing with the Spirit: Sacred Jazz with the Schola Cantorum on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm

As part of this year's Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, the Schola Cantorum choir will perform an innovative concert of sacred jazz music in the Cathedral. The performance will feature Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and young jazz pianist Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. Music will include Bob Chilcot’s 'A Little Jazz Mass' and Richard Michael’s swinging 'Jubilate Deo' and 'Te Deum'. Save the date for what is sure to be an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available now from Eventbrite or at the door: https://bit.ly/SacredJazz2024

Don’t forget to Visit Coffee Saints Café Today – All Day Brunch!

Our very popular Coffee Saints café is a social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. This means that every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. Browse the full menu, including All Day Brunch, at https://www.coffeesaints.co.uk/.

Disabled Parking for Blue Badge Holders

If you have a Blue Badge for disabled parking, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park for Sunday morning Mass, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office, with your name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number or email your details to cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk. The Car Park offers free disabled parking on Sundays, 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply.

Catenians Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 19 June, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com

Next Weekend: Second Collection for Day for Life and Communications

There will be a second collection next weekend for the Bishops' Conference of Scotland's Apostolate for Life and for the apostolate of communications, which helps fund the Catholic Media Office.

Thank You from the McDermott Family

On behalf of the McDermott Family, Nancy extends a heartfelt thank you to all who attended the funeral for Fiona on Wednesday, and for the many prayers, cards and messages to the family. Thank you so much for all your kindness!

Friday 6pm Mass and Reception for Milligan's 40th Wedding Anniversary

The 6 p.m. Mass at St Andrew’s on Friday 21 June will be offered in thanksgiving for Andrew and Rosemary Milligan’s fortieth wedding anniversary. Anyone attending the Mass is very welcome to join us in the parish rooms (hopefully garden) afterwards for celebratory drinks and nibbles.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Volunteers Needed for Ravelston Parish Barbecue!

Please consider volunteering for the annual St Andrews parish barbecue on Sunday September 1st at 1:30pm. We will have games for kids, a book stall, plant stall, bric a brac stall and bottle tombola. Helpers for various jobs are needed including organisation, setup and clean up. Add your name and contact details to the list at the back of church or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Tuesday Workshop: Key Concerns on Assisted Dying Bill

The Assisted Dying Bill could come into law in Scotland in soon. The Archdiocese is hosting a workshop in the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh on Tuesday 18 June at 7:30pm to show you how to engage with, and inform others, about concerns arising from this proposed law. Free event.

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage Next Sunday, 23rd June

Gather in faith and thanksgiving to celebrate one of Scotland's patron saints in Dunfermline on Sunday 23 June 2024. The procession to St Margaret’s Church takes place from the Glen Gates in Bridge Street to the Church at 2:00pm, followed by Mass at 3:00pm. Ecumenical Prayers at the tomb of St Margaret at Dunfermline Abbey is at 12:30pm. All welcome. No registration required.

“God’s Mercy and Yours” Conference Hosted by Edinburgh Dominicans

The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, “God’s Mercy and Yours”, on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June at Assembly Hall, Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LU. The conference seeks to explore the theme of mercy. Full details of talks and speakers are at https://scotland.op.org/gods-mercy-and-yours. This is a public event and there is no charge. However, because of catering, we ask that, if you wish to eat or drink either on Friday or Saturday, you book online.

Catholic Schools’ Community Mass

The annual Edinburgh Catholic Schools’ Community Mass takes place at St. Catharine’s Convent, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh, EH3 9HH, on Thursday 20 June at 7.00pm. All welcome.

Columba Trust

The Columba Trust provides funding to organisations and individuals to support projects which promote the Roman Catholic faith, its ministry and values. The deadline for applications this year is 31 July 2024.

Further details about the Trust and how to apply for a grant can be found at: https://columbatrust.org.uk/

SCIAF School Volunteers

SCIAF is looking for volunteers to support its work in schools across the Archdiocese. You’ll receive training, travel expenses and a fulfilling role that uses your gifts to serve God and others. To find out more email schools@sciaf.org.uk

Marriage Counselling

If you are concerned about your relationship and feel as a couple that you are unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The Archdiocese has an arrangement with a qualified Catholic marriage counsellor who may be able to help you. For information or advice or to arrange counselling sessions please email in confidence marriage.counsellor@staned.org.uk or phone 07511928621 (Please note that counselling fees apply).

Five-Day Summer Session for Young Adults: ‘Reasons for Believing’

All Catholics ages 16-30·are invited to the Faith Summer Session, ‘Reasons for Believing’,

at Ampleforth Abbey, York, Monday, 29 July-Friday, 2 August 2024. The focus of the week will be a series of talks, each building on one another to develop a coherent, dynamic vision of the faith. The event includes daily Mass, morning and night prayer, Adoration and Confession, plus social activities including a Ceilidh and a quiz night! Cost: £180 / Concessions: £160. Registration deadline is 2 July 2024. To book your place, visit https://www.faith.org.uk/events . See Fr. Robert for more details.

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat in June

A retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held 26-28 June 2024 (mid-week) in the Glasgow Area. These confidential, supportive retreats are for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. Participants who have often experienced deep anger towards themselves or others, experience forgiveness; peace is found and a sense of hope and meaning for the future is discovered. For more information please call or email Sr. Andrea at 07816 942 824 or sisterandrea@rachelsvineyard.org.uk. More details at https://www.rachelsvineyard.org.uk

August: Monastic Experience Weekend for Men at Pluscarden Abbey

The community of Benedictine monks at Pluscarden offer a special opportunity for men to experience what monastic life is all about Friday 16th-Monday 19th August. This opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith, are aged 18-40, and at least open to the possibility of considering a monastic vocation. Participants will join the monks in their daily prayer and work. The event may be of assistance in the process of discerning one's vocation in life. There will be no charge for the weekend. Register at https://www.pluscardenabbey.org/monastic-experience-weekend

Be a Mentor with LINKnet

We all have expertise in one field or another and may be able to help someone. Be a Mentor! LINKnet in Edinburgh can connect you with someone in need of mentoring to find a job or educational opportunities, grow in personal development or gain English language skills. As a mentor, you will meet or talk online with your mentee once a week for 1 to 2 hours for about three to four months. To help, please e-mail Afaf at Linknet2@linknetmentoring.com by email with your phone number. For details visit https://www.linknetmentoring.com/

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Enjoy being a pilgrim in Scotland! Try one of the eight great pilgrim ways wending their way quietly through Scotland’s diverse and scenic landscape to St Andrews. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. To plan your pilgrimage route and get more information please visit http://www.thewayofstandrews.com/

Read the newsletter for 16th June (pdf)