Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) – Year A

Spring Issue of Cathedral's Crux Magazine on Sale Today

Pick up your copy of the Spring issue of Crux magazine today. At only £5, with all proceeds benefitting the Cathedral, enjoy exciting articles and features written by Fr. Patrick, Fr. Nick Welsh, our seminarians Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland, as well as an exclusive interview with our organist Tom Wilkinson and a special article on our new St Pauls Bookshop! Crux is a must-read over the Easter season for you and your family and the perfect keepsake for Cathedral visitors. Crux is the new magazine for all Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral, who receive this magazine straight their door. Join Friends here

Feast of Divine Mercy

Join us for our Holy Hour here in the Cathedral on Sunday at 3:00pm for the Feast of Divine Mercy, in English and Polish, with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for Confession.

“Divine Mercy reaches human beings through the heart of Christ crucified.” – St. John Paul II

Parish Retreat 22-24 September 2023 at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull

For the first time in a very long time(!) we have decided to have a Parish retreat! The Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have organised the retreat for the whole parish on 22-24 September this year in the idyllic St Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull (near Perth). The theme of the retreat is Allowing Jesus to Love You, and it will be led by Fr Charlie Corrigan CSsR. Whether you have never been to a retreat or are an old hand – this will be a wonderful opportunity to spend time away to deepen your relationship with God - a perfect opportunity to nourish your spiritual faith in beautiful surroundings. Places are limited so please book now. The all-inclusive price is £200 (this includes a £50 non-returnable deposit): book for it here:

Organ Recital: Bach, Mendelssohn and More! Next Sunday 1:30pm

Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, will host an organ recital on Sunday 23 April, 1:30pm to feature magnificent pieces including Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor BWV 582 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Sonata in A Op. 65 No. 3 – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), Four Chorale preludes – Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Prelude and Fugue in D minor – Clara Schumann (1819-1896) and Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H – Franz Liszt (1811-1886). Admission free, retiring collection in aid of Cathedral music.

‘Bach in the 19th Century,’ Featuring Musical Examples, Monday 24 April

Today, Johann Sebastian Bach is commonly regarded as one of the greatest composers of in the history of Western music. It was in the nineteenth century – the age of Brahms, Liszt and Mendelssohn – that he came to be regarded as such. Join us for a talk on ‘Bach in the 19th Century’ at 7.30pm, Monday 24 April, hosted by Friends of the Cathedral. Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, will explore the huge impact Bach’s music had on 19th-century German composers. Musical examples will illustrate the talk, offering an opportunity to hear a powerful repertoire played on our magnificent Cathedral organ. Please email if you would like to come. Thank you!

Fire Marshal Training Certificates

Fire Marshal training certificates are now available. If you completed one of the Fire Marshal Training sessions, please pick up your certificates from Father Puton or from the folder on the table in the back of the Cathedral. Thank you!

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Book Club, Theatre Outing and More!

Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon, Tuesday 18 April, 2.30pm - 4pm: Join us at Coffee Saints café to meet up with old friends and new. We welcome newcomers to come along!

Book Club, Thursday 20th April, 2.30pm - 4pm: Meet at McDonald Road Library, EH7 4LU. Current book is The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. If you’ve not read the current choice, you are welcome to come along and hear what others thought of the book. As of 20th April, a new book will be chosen and can be collected.

Theatre Outing, Wednesday 26th April, 2.30pm: We have a planned outing to the Playhouse Theatre to see Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap.” This iconic play has now been running for over 70 consecutive years. If you’d like to come along, we are arranging a group booking which will include a discount on normal pricing, making the ticket cost £20 per head. Call Trish on 07716963215 if you would like to attend.

Kaffe Fassett exhibition at Dovecot Studio, date to be confirmed: An opportunity to view this talented designer’s work with a unique insight from an experienced guide. The tour will be on a Friday, date to be announced, with a hefty discount on the admission price! Stay tuned for more information soon!

Young Adult Talk on Tuesday 7:30pm & Other Upcoming Events

The Young Adults Group will return on Tuesday 18th April with a talk from Sr Angela Marie, OP who is based in Elgin. She’ll talk about one of the psalms of praise and thanksgiving starting at 7.30pm. Join us in 63 York Place for tea and coffee at 7pm, followed by the talk. Upcoming events for the Young Adults group include an Afternoon of Recollection at St Albert’s Chaplaincy on Saturday 27th May. During the summer the Young Adults will also be visiting places with significance for the faith in Scotland, day trips will include Melrose Abbey and Abbotsford House on the 24th of June and St Andrews on Saturday 19th August. These trips will be by train and will include lots of walking. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join the group! Please contact Fr Robert for more information,

Young Adults Sponsored Mountain Walk, Saturday 29th April

Members of the Cathedral Young Adults Group will be doing a sponsored climb of Schiehallion, the mountain that helped to weigh the world, the result of an interesting 18th century experiment. The group won’t be conducting any experiments on the climb but will bring with them any intentions you’d like to be prayed as they ascend around 700 metres of the Perthshire Munro on the 29th April to raise funds for the Cathedral Lenten appeal. You can donate now via this link or by completing the sponsor forms available at the back of the church. There is also a box on the passkeepers table in the Cathedral for any prayer intentions.

Youth Group Upcoming Events

The Youth Group has concluded for the Easter holidays. It will return on the 7th May at 6pm in St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Don’t miss information about the Youth Group Day out in June, details coming soon!

No 10am Mass This Week

While some of the Cathedral priests are away, the 10am Mass is cancelled and will resume on Monday 24th April.

Save the Date: Coronation Lunch Party at Ravelston

On Sunday, 7th May, a coronation lunch party with children's activities is planned. Tickets and details of the program will follow later and as we are hoping for sunshine. This is a preliminary call for help so that bunting can go up during the week of the coronation, followed by the gazebo and tables on Sunday morning. If you are able to help please text or phone me on 07841 419240. Thank you, Judy Sutherland.

Called & Gifted Workshop: Discover Your Unique Purpose in Life

You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Identify your charisms (spiritual gifts) and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. We will learn about the ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community, and we will delve into the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. The workshop is hosted by the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre (100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh) in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details & registration at Queries? Email

Catenians Meeting on Wednesday, 19th April at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 19th April, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Informal chat to follow in a local pub. Join us! The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or

Rosary and Pro-Life Chain, Saturday, 22nd April

Join Archbishop Cushley on Saturday, 22nd April at 10am to pray the Rosary at Sacred Heart Church, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ, followed by SPUC’s Pro-Life Chain at 11am on Lothian Road. Refreshments afterwards, approximately 1:15pm. Register for the Rosary:

Safeguarding Training Induction Part 1

If you are in need of Safeguarding training (Part I) here are the available dates:

  • Face-to-face Training: 90 mins, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, Friday 28th April at 1pm. To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

  • Online Training: 90 mins, Thursday 11th May at 7pm. To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

Thinking About Becoming a Religious Sister? Come Along for our Chat!

Is God calling you to serve the Church as a religious Sister? Join other young Catholic women on Sunday, 30 April, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street, EH9 1SN to explore God's will as we chat in monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. The meetings are led by Sr Mirjam Hugens, FSO, director for religious vocations in the Archdiocese. Share and discuss in a relaxed environment and enjoy refreshments. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month. Contact Sr. Mirjam for more information at Watch Sr. Mirjam discuss seeking God’s will in discerning your vocation in a short video, “What is God’s Plan for You?” at

Multilingual Welfare Workshops for EU Migrants

Citizens Rights Project, a charity that provides information, advice, and support to EU migrants and their family members in Scotland about their rights after Brexit, is organizing multilingual workshops on rights for EU migrants. They have partnered with organisations such as Shelter, Social Security Scotland or Unite to cover topics like housing, benefits, social security Scotland, and working rights, among others. If you would like to attend, please send your details to with the subject line “Welfare Workshops”. Please include your full name, email address and phone number. These workshops aim to provide EU migrants with information and tools to exercise their rights and ultimately make informed decisions.

Standing Strong 2023: Meet Persecuted Christians & Hear Their Stories

In Edinburgh, at St Paul’s and St George’s Church, Hea Woo from North Korea will be speaking and sharing her story of persecution for her faith. Hea Woo became a Christian in China in the 1990s after she fled North Korea – but she was arrested and sent back. She was imprisoned for many years, but did not give up her faith, leading other women in the prison to Jesus. She was eventually released and escaped to South Korea. Join us on Saturday 13th May, 2023, St Paul’s and St George’s Church, 46 York Place, 10am-2.30pm. Book tickets online at

Standing Strong is free to attend and refreshments will be provided. Open Doors to serves millions of persecuted Christians in over 60 countries, working with churches and local partners to provide Bibles, Christian materials, training, livelihood skills and advocacy.

 The Scottish Catholic Free E-Newsletter

The Scottish Catholic offers a free e-newsletter with news on the Catholic Church in Scotland. To receive it, just enter your email at the ‘sign-up’ section on (scroll to bottom of the page).

Read the newsletter for 16th April (pdf)

Easter Sunday oftThe Resurrection of The Lord – Year A

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Cathedral Team, I would like to wish you all a happy and truly blessed Easter. I hope that you will be able to celebrate with your loved ones and I would like to thank all those who have handed in cards and gifts to Cathedral House. We are very grateful indeed! Thank you all for participating so generously not just over the last week, but throughout the whole of Lent. I would like to thank especially all those who have worked so hard to make our celebrations so beautiful; the Servers, the Musicians, the Flower Arrangers, the Church Cleaners and the Passkeepers, and I would like to thank Fr. Robert for coordinating the liturgies so well. It has been a wonderful Holy Week and we, the Cathedral clergy, wish you all a very Happy and Holy Easter. May the Risen Lord Bless You All, Fr. Patrick

Cathedral Lenten Appeal

Dear Friends, This is the final week of our special appeal to repair and replace the windows in the Cathedral. Thank you so much for your outstanding generosity! Remember that everything that you give will be doubled by our anonymous benefactor.

If you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church. Please use the white Gift Aid envelopes that we have put out at the back of the church to ensure that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation.

Easter Vigil Congratulations

Congratulations to all who received the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion or Confirmation at the Easter Vigil: 4 people were Baptized and received into the Church: Ashley, Steven, Felix and Cizel; we received a further 9 people into the Church who received Holy Communion and were Confirmed: Phil, Jane, Marcelina, David, Jane, Craig, John, Simon, Andrew, and an additional 13 people were Confirmed: Matthew, Briccio, Sofia, Harriet, Eladio, Jack, Alicja, Jacek, Emilie, Kelvin, William, Shanida and Oskar. Whilst this is the end of a long journey for each of them, I know that you will make them very welcome as they make this step and I ask you to keep them all in your prayers as they participate in our parish community.

Parish Retreat 22-24 September 2023 at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull

For the first time in a very long time(!) we have decided to have a Parish retreat! The Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have organised the retreat for the whole parish on 22-24 September this year in the idyllic St Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull (near Perth). The theme of the retreat is Allowing Jesus to Love You, and it will be led by Fr Charlie Corrigan CSsR. Whether you have never been to a retreat or are an old hand – this will be a wonderful opportunity to spend time away to deepen your relationship with God - a perfect opportunity to nourish your spiritual faith in beautiful surroundings. Places are limited so please book now. The all-inclusive price is £200 (this includes a £50 non-returnable deposit): book for it here:

Feast of Divine Mercy: Sunday, 16 April

Join us for our celebration for Feast of Divine Mercy, in English and Polish, here in the Cathedral at 3:00pm on Sunday, 16th April, Divine Mercy Sunday, including a Holy Hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for Confession.

Organ Recital on Sunday 23 April

Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, will host an organ recital on Sunday 23 April, 1:30pm to feature magnificent pieces including Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor BWV 582 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Sonata in A Op. 65 No. 3 – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), Four Chorale preludes – Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Prelude and Fugue in D minor – Clara Schumann (1819-1896) and Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H – Franz Liszt (1811-1886). Admission free, retiring collection in aid of Cathedral music.

‘Bach in the 19th Century,’ Featuring Musical Examples

Today, Johann Sebastian Bach is commonly regarded as one of the greatest composers of in the history of Western music. It was in the nineteenth century – the age of Brahms, Liszt and Mendelssohn – that he came to be regarded as such. Join us for a talk on ‘Bach in the 19th Century’ at 7.30pm, Monday 24 April, hosted by Friends of the Cathedral. Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, will explore the huge impact Bach’s music had on 19th-century German composers. Musical examples will illustrate the talk, offering an opportunity to hear a powerful repertoire played on our magnificent Cathedral organ. Please email if you would like to come. Thank you!

Thank You to Fire Marshal Training Participants

Once again a huge thank you to those of you who did the Fire Marshal training. The certificates are now with Father Puton or at the back of the Cathedral in a folder for collection. If you should have one and it is not there or your name has been misspelled and you would like a new one issued correctly, please let me know. Alice ( In due course, we will be following up this training with an evacuation practice at the end of a Mass so we can check that our procedures will operate safely when the Cathedral is occupied.

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 11 April at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm. Come along and join us!

Young Adults Group Upcoming Events

The Young Adults Group is now on its Easter break; however it will return on Tuesday 18th April with a talk from Sr Angela Marie OP who is based in Elgin. She’ll talk about one of the psalms of praise and thanksgiving starting at 7.30pm. Enjoy the break! Upcoming events for the Young Adults group include an Afternoon of Recollection at St Albert’s Chaplaincy on Saturday 27th May. During the summer the Young Adults will also be visiting places with significance for the faith in Scotland, day trips will include Melrose and Abbotsford House on the 24th of June and St Andrews on Saturday 19th August. These trips will be by train so will include lots of walking. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join the group, please contact Fr Robert for more information,

Young Adults Sponsored Mountain Walk

Members of the Cathedral Young Adults Group will be doing a sponsored climb of Schiehallion, the mountain that helped to weigh the world, the result of an interesting 18th century experiment. The group won’t be conducting any experiments on the climb but will bring with them any intentions you’d like to be prayed as the ascend around 700 metres of the Perthshire Munro on the 29th April to raise funds for the Cathedral Lenten appeal. You can donate now via the Cathedral Facebook page or by completing the sponsor forms available at the back of the church. There is also a box on the passkeepers table in the Cathedral for any prayer intentions.

Youth Group Upcoming Events

The Youth Group has concluded for the Easter holidays. It will return on the 7th May at 6pm in St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Don’t miss information about the Youth Group Day out in June, details coming soon!


Please note that toilet facilities are available between Coffee Saints and the Bookshop during their opening hours (0900-1700). Toilets are available, outside those times, in John Lewis and within the St James Quarter. Please do not enter the sacristy during Mass.

2023/24 Gift Aid Envelopes Ready for Collection

The new 2023/24 Gift Aid envelope sets are now available for collection from the back of the church from this weekend. With the new tax year approaching, this is also an ideal time to consider registering for Gift Aid with the parish if you have not already done so. For more information, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, at Thank you!

No 10am Mass or Confessions This Week

While some of the Cathedral priests are away, the 10am Mass is cancelled and will resume on Monday 17th April, and there will be no Confessions this week.

Sunday Fun Run Spectacular Finish!

Thank you to all those who joined Fergus on his weekly run from St Andrew’s Church to the Cathedral during Lent and thank you, too, to all those who sponsored the runners and donated to this fundraiser for the Cathedral Windows and SCIAF. So far, a total of just over £900.00 has been raised! If you would still like to contribute, or if you sponsored the runners and have not yet paid the amount pledged, please either speak to Fergus or Caroline after Mass. Alternatively, if you would like to make a donation via BACS, please email Caroline in the parish office at who will provide you with details on her return from annual leave on 17th April 2023.

Save the Date: Coronation Lunch Party at Ravelston

On Sunday, 7th May, a coronation lunch party with children's activities is planned. Tickets and details of the program will follow later and as we are hoping for sunshine. This is a preliminary call for help so that bunting can go up during the week of the coronation, followed by the gazebo and tables on Sunday morning. If you are able to help please text or phone me on 07841 419240 after the Easter weekend. Thank you, Judy Sutherland.

Called & Gifted Workshop: Discover Your Unique Purpose in Life

You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Identify your charisms (spiritual gifts) and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. We will learn about the ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community, and we will delve into the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. The workshop is hosted by the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre (100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh) in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details & registration at Queries? Email

Save the Date: ‘ReThink Abortion’ Interactive Training Day

Pro-life speaker Isabel Vaughan Spruce and her team from March for Life will lead ‘ReThink Abortion,’ an interactive training day on how to speak about abortion. The event will be Saturday, 13 May, 10am-5pm in the Catholic Chaplaincy of the University of Glasgow. Mass will be celebrated at 9.00am before the day starts and lunch will be provided along with refreshments throughout the day. General Admission, £25.00. Register at Attendees must be over 18.

Catenians Meeting on Wednesday, 19th April at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 19th April, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Informal chat to follow in a local pub. Join us! The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or

Christian Meditation (in person and online)

Lent is a time to grow in prayer, and Easter a time to rejoice in the Lord. Experience how Christian Meditation with others leads you on this journey. We meditate in person at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH3 5AD, on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom. Schedule is at: Contact mobile: 0771 777 2614 Facebook:

Safeguarding Training Induction Part 1

If you are in need of Safeguarding training (Part I) here are the available dates:

  • Face-to-face Training: 90 mins, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, Friday 28th April at 1pm. To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

  • Online Training: 90 mins, Thursday 11th May at 7pm. To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

Read the newsletter for the 9th April (pdf)

Palm Sunday of the Passion of The Lord – Year A

Cathedral Lenten Appeal

Dear Friends, Your generous response last week for the fifth week of our Lenten Appeal to repair the windows in the Cathedral raised an astounding £1,081.93 an amount which, as you know, will be doubled by a very generous benefactor. We are continuing our appeal for the next two weeks.

Remember if you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church. Please use the white Gift Aid envelopes that we have put out at the back of the church to ensure that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation.

Holy Week and Easter

This is the most sacred week of the year. While Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday are not holy days of obligation, all are encouraged to attend these special liturgies in preparation for Easter. His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Chrism Mass on Tuesday at 7:00pm with priests from throughout the Archdiocese. On Holy Thursday, His Grace will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00pm followed by procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose, with watching until 11:00pm. Night Prayer will be celebrated at 11.00 p.m.

Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence which means that all Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat, and all adults between 16 and 65 are obliged to fast. The Passion Liturgy will be held at 3:00pm and for those who cannot attend, Stations of the Cross will be prayed at 7:00pm. Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts.

There will be additional priests available this week for Confessions Monday-Wednesday after the 12:45pm Mass and on Good Friday after the 3:00pm Passion Liturgy. His Grace will celebrate the Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00pm on Holy Saturday and 34 catechumens and candidates will be received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at this Mass. Easter Sunday Masses will be celebrated at the usual Sunday Mass times. Blessed Holy Week!

Sacrament of Confession

Times for Confession during Holy Week are printed on the front of this Newsletter and additional priests will be available at those times. The Archdiocese has put together a helpful guide about returning to Confession. Watch it at Another resource is the `How to Go to Confession` sheets by the Confessionals, also available on this website.

Easter Postcards

We really do have Postcards this week (!) to invite those who are away from the Church or who haven't attended in a while to come to church during Holy Week and Easter. Please pick up a postcard at the back of church to share with someone who may not have been to Mass in a while and who may appreciate an invite to Mass during this most important time in the Church year!

Easter Knitted Goods on Sale Today

Our wonderful Joanna Kopystynska has spent the last 3 months knitting Easter-themed gift items!! They will be on sale after all Masses today. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish. See also at Support the parish and give a lovely Easter gift!

Digital Copies of the Newsletter

If you use ‘The Catholic App’, you can access the newsletter digitally. Find St Mary’s Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston, go to the news section and click on this weeks’ newsletter. You can also sign up for the newsletter to be e-mailed direct to your inbox via the Cathedral website.

Parish Retreat 22-24 September 2023

St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull

For the first time in a very long time(!) we have decided to have a Parish retreat! The Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have organised the retreat for the whole parish on 22-24 September this year in the idyllic St Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull (near Perth). The theme of the retreat is Allowing Jesus to Love You, and it will be led by Fr Charlie Corrigan CSsR. Whether you have never been to a retreat or are an old hand – this will be a wonderful opportunity to spend time away to deepen your relationship with God - a perfect opportunity to nourish your spiritual faith in beautiful surroundings. Places are limited so please book now. The all-inclusive price is £200: book for it here:

Young Adults Group Upcoming Events

The Young Adults Group is now on its Easter break; however it will return on Tuesday 18th April with a talk from Sr Angela Marie OP who is based in Elgin. She’ll talk about one of the psalms of praise and thanksgiving starting at 7.30pm. Enjoy the break! Upcoming events for the Young Adults group include an Afternoon of Recollection at St Albert’s Chaplaincy on Saturday 27th May. During the summer the Young Adults will also be visiting places with significance for the faith in Scotland, day trips will include Melrose and Abbotsford House on the 24th of June and St Andrews on Saturday 19th August. These trips will be by train so will include lots of walking. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join the group, please contact Fr Robert for more information,

Young Adults Sponsored Mountain Walk

Members of the Cathedral Young Adults Group will be doing a sponsored climb of Schiehallion, the mountain that helped to weigh the world, the result of an interesting 18th century experiment. The group won’t be conducting any experiments on the climb but will bring with them any intentions you’d like to be prayed as the ascend around 700 metres of the Perthshire Munro on the 29th April to raise funds for the Cathedral Lenten appeal. You can donate now via the Cathedral Facebook page or by completing the sponsor forms available at the back of the church. There is also a box on the passkeepers table in the Cathedral for any prayer intentions.

Youth Group Upcoming Events

The Youth Group has concluded for the Easter holidays. It will return on the 7th May at 6pm in St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Don’t miss information about the Youth Group Day out in June, details coming soon!


Please note that toilet facilities are available between Coffee Saints and the Bookshop during their opening hours (0900-1700). Toilets are available, outside those times, in John Lewis and within the St James Quarter. Please do not enter the sacristy during Mass.

2023/24 Gift Aid Envelopes Ready for Collection

The new 2023/24 Gift Aid envelope sets are now available for collection from the back of the church from this weekend. With the new tax year approaching, this is also an ideal time to consider registering for Gift Aid with the parish if you have not already done so. For more information, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, at Thank you!

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon and Book Group

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 4 April at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm.

Please note last week’s date had an error and the next Welcome book group is on Thursday 20th April, 2.30 - 4pm at McDonald Road Library.

Wednesdays: Sacrament of Confession, Adoration, Mass & Stations

Continue your preparations for Easter with the final Wednesday evening of Eucharistic Adoration from 5:00pm - the Sacrament of Confession is also from 5:00pm-5:45pm. Then Mass is celebrated at 6:00pm and immediately following we pray the Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm-7:00pm. A beautiful chance to prepare and walk with Christ in Holy Week.

Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF last Sunday

I am very pleased to tell you that the Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF held after mass last Sunday raised a total of £389.44! This amount has now been sent to SCIAF, the official relief and development agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland. Thank you for your support!

Sunday Fun Run – Final Week 2nd April 2023

We have completed the first 5 runs / walks. The last one is today (more to follow) Many thanks to all who have participated .We are now looking to collect sponsorships monies. There is a form at back of the Church to enable us to claim Gift Aid .Could you give the form and money to Fergus or Caroline Reid on Sunday (or as soon as possible). You can also donate by BACS – please contact Caroline Reid at for details. Many thanks for your support.

Called & Gifted Workshop: Discover Your Unique Purpose in Life

You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Identify your charisms (spiritual gifts) and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. We will learn about the ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community, and we will delve into the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. The workshop is hosted by the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre (100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh) in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details & registration at Queries? Email

Archdiocesan Stations of the Cross

Start Holy Week by joining people across the Archdiocese for Stations of the Cross. It takes place on Zoom on Monday 3 April at 7:45pm and is a chance to pray for all pro-life intentions. Includes a reflection from Archbishop Leo. Register at

Christian Meditation (in person and online)

Lent is a time to grow in prayer, and Easter a time to rejoice in the Lord. Experience how Christian Meditation with others leads you on this journey. We meditate in person at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH3 5AD, on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom, and you can join from anywhere. The up-to-date schedule is here: Contact info - mobile: 0771 777 2614 Facebook:

Neocathecumenal Vigil Mass

On Holy Saturday, the 8th of April, at 11:00pm, the Neocathecumenal community from the Cathedral will celebrate Easter Vigil in the Church Hall of St John the Baptist. We will celebrate the Easter Vigil like the Early Church used to do - all through the night until the rising star appears in the sky - with songs and hymns. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Alexander Mileto at 07424938885

Address: St John the Baptist, Church Hall, 37 St Ninian's Road, Edinburgh EH12 8AL

Safeguarding Training Induction Part 1

If you are in need of Safeguarding training (Part I) here are the available dates:

Online Training: Duration approx 90 mins, the available dates are:-

  • Wednesday 12th April at 7pm

  • Thursday 11th May at 7pm

To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

Face-to-face Training: Duration approx 90 mins, venue Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, the available dates are:-

  • Friday 28th April at 1pm

To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

Read the newsletter for 2nd April (pdf)

Fifth Sunday of Lent – Year A

Cathedral Lenten Appeal

Dear Friends, Your generous response last week for the fourth week of our Lenten Appeal to repair the windows in the Cathedral raised an astounding £1,723.23 an amount which, as you know, will be doubled by a very generous benefactor. The current total for our Lenten Appeal is £6,708. So, with the help of our benefactor, we are even closer to our goal of £14,000 for the cost of the repairs. Thank you for your continued generosity!

Remember if you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church. Please use the white Gift Aid envelopes that we have put out at the back of the church to ensure that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation.

Parish Retreat 22-24 September 2023

St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull

For the first time in a very long time(!) we have decided to have a Parish retreat! The Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have organised the retreat for the whole parish on 22-24 September this year in the idyllic St Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull (near Perth). The theme of the retreat is Allowing Jesus to Love You, and it will be led by Fr Charlie Corrigan CSsR. Whether you have never been to a retreat or are an old hand – this will be a wonderful opportunity to spend time away to deepen your relationship with God - a perfect opportunity to nourish your spiritual faith in beautiful surroundings. Places are limited so please book now. The all-inclusive price is £200: book for it here:

Complex Manager Report

A massive thank you to all those who kindly gave up time to take part in our statutory Fire Marshal training. Approximately 50 people answered the call and I am most grateful to them for their help in making the Cathedral a safer and more compliant place. The key lesson I took away from the training is that should the alarm go off, we should not assume it is a false alarm and wait for others to move, but should take the lead and encourage movement towards the exits. It is everyone’s responsibility to make the Cathedral a safer place. Thank you again and let us pray that we never have to carry out an evacuation for real. If you did take part, I will be in touch in due course with your certificate! - Alice

Digital Copies of the Newsletter

If you use ‘The Catholic App’, you can access the newsletter digitally. Find St Mary’s Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston, go to the news section and click on this weeks’ newsletter. You can also sign up for the newsletter to be e-mailed direct to your inbox via the Cathedral website.

Young Adults Group Talk on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook’ Tuesday at 7pm

Join us this Tuesday for our Young Adults talks on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook.’ Fr. John Deighan will speak on Psalm 130, fifth psalm in our series. In this Psalm, we hear a cry of mercy followed by a model expression of trust in God. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us in 63 York Place. We start at 7pm with teas and coffees, the talk will begin at 7.30pm and will be followed by Night Prayer and Confessions in the Cathedral, before a time to discuss in the pub.

Young Adults Sponsored Mountain Walk

Members of the Cathedral young adults group will be doing a sponsored climb of Schiehallion, the mountain that helped to weigh the world, the result of an interesting 18th century experiment. The group won’t be conducting any experiments on the climb but will bring with them any intentions you’d like to be prayed as the ascend around 700 metres of the Perthshire Munro on the 29th April to raise funds for the Cathedral Lenten appeal. You can donate now via the Cathedral Facebook page or by completing the sponsor forms available at the back of the church. There is also a box on the passkeepers table in the Cathedral for any prayer intentions.

Youth Group on Sunday night!

The Youth Group meets this evening from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All young people from P3 are welcome! We will have games, and activities to learn more about the faith! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations. Please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

2023/24 Gift Aid Envelopes Ready for Collection

The new 2023/24 Gift Aid envelope sets are now available for collection from the back of the church from this weekend. With the new tax year approaching, this is also an ideal time to consider registering for Gift Aid with the parish if you have not already done so. For more information, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, at Thank you!

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Cinema Trip Planned

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 28 March at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm.

Wednesday 29th, cinema trip to see Allelujah, programme starts at 2pm, purchasing a ticket online is the cheapest way to see the film. If you are unable to access the online facility it can be done in the foyer ten minutes before the start time of the programme. Meet upstairs in Omni centre. Thursday 30th April, The Welcome Book Club meet at McDonald Road Library. Current read is The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Hungry in Zambia

SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal this Lent is for communities in Zambia where families are suffering from devastating hunger. Your donations help provide families training and tools to grow food. Pick up a Wee Box today at the back of church, or donate at

Easter Postcards

Each parish has received a delivery of postcards from the Archdiocese to invite those who are away from the Church or who haven't attended in a while to come to church during Holy Week and Easter. Please pick up a postcard at the back of church to share with someone who may not have been to Mass in a while and who may appreciate an invite to Mass during this most important time in the Church year!

Easter Knitted Goods to Support Parish on Sale on Palm Sunday

Easter-themed knitted gift items will be on sale on Palm Sunday at the Cathedral. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska. Knitted items are also available online at Support the parish and give a lovely Easter gift!

 Holy Week at the Cathedral

Please refer to the posters at the entrance of the Cathedral or the Cathedral website for the times of all masses during Holy Week here

Wednesdays: Sacrament of Confession, Adoration, Mass & Stations

Wednesday evenings in Lent at St. Andrew’s are a great way to prepare for Easter: Eucharistic Adoration begins at 5:00pm and the Sacrament of Confession is available 5:00pm-5:45pm. Then Mass is celebrated at 6:00pm and immediately following we pray the Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm-7:00pm. Don’t miss this spiritual opportunity as we draw nearer to Holy Week and Easter.

Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF Today

Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass at our Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF, the official relief and development agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland. SCIAF helps people in the world's poorest places end poverty and recover from disasters. Any donation on the day will be appreciated! Vegetarian option available.

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

Thanks to all who have participated in our run/walk so far! We have now successfully completed 3 runs / walks! That’s halfway! It has been great fun and not too energetic, so as the weather improves, think about joining in. At 11:30am today and every Sunday in Lent we will run/walk from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km). Funds raised are being donated to the Cathedral stained-glass window repair appeal & SCIAF. Please consider sponsoring us. Speak to Fergus or Caroline to make donation and set up Gift Aid, or contact

Holy Week at Ravelston

Please refer to the posters at the entrance of the Church or the Cathedral website for the times of all masses during Holy Week here

Talk by Archbishop Leo: Palm Sunday & the Passion in Matthew’s Gospel

Archbishop Leo hosts a talk about Palm Sunday and the Passion in St. Matthew’s Gospel on Monday 27 March at 7:30pm. It is for those who want to better understand the background to the liturgy and prepare for the day. Register for this Zoom talk at

Explore God’s Will for You: Sunday Chats for Women on Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the next one takes place today, Sunday 26 March, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. To register or find out more, please email

Called & Gifted Workshop: Discover Your Unique Purpose in Life

You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Identify your charisms (spiritual gifts) and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. We will learn about the ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community, and we will delve into the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. The workshop is hosted by the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre (100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh) in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details & registration at Queries? Email

Safeguarding Training Induction Part 1

If you are in need of Safeguarding training (Part I) here are the available dates:

Online Training: Duration approx 90 mins, the available dates are:-

  • Wednesday 12th April at 7pm

  • Thursday 11th May at 7pm

To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

Face-to-face Training: Duration approx 90 mins, venue Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, the available dates are:-

  • Monday 27th March at 7pm (NOT at Gillis - see below)

  • Friday 31st March at 1pm

  • Friday 28th April at 1pm

To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

Face-to-face Training: Duration approx 90 mins, venue St Cuthbert's Church, 104 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1PT.

  • Monday 27th March at 7pm

To register, please email providing details of your name, parish and role.

Read the newsletter for 26th March (pdf)

Fourth Sunday of Lent – Year A

Cathedral Lenten Appeal 

Dear Friends, Your generous response last week for the third week of our Lenten Appeal to repair the windows in the Cathedral raised a remarkable…£1,126.03 …an amount which, as you know, will be doubled by a very generous benefactor. The current total for our Lenten Appeal is £4,984.77. So with the help of our benefactor, we are more than halfway to our goal of £14,000 for the cost of the repairs. Thank you so much!

Remember if you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church.

Sacrament of Confession in Lent

Please take the time in Lent to go to Confession to help you prepare for Easter. Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to Confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts. Priests are available to hear confessions Monday-Friday after the 12:45pm Mass and Saturdays 10:30am-12Noon and 5:00-5:45pm.

Friday Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross. The sacrament of Confession is also available after the 12:45 pm Mass.

Young Adults Group Talk on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook’ Tuesday at 7pm

Join us this Tuesday for our Young Adults talks on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook.’ Fr. Kevin Douglas will speak on Psalm 102, fourth psalm in our series. In this Psalm, we hear the cry of one who is afflicted, yet has great confidence in the Lord’s saving help! All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us in 63 York Place. We start at 7pm with teas and coffees, the talk will begin at 7.30pm and will be followed by Night Prayer and Confessions in the Cathedral, before a time to discuss in the pub.

Youth Group on Sunday night!

The Youth Group meets this evening from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All young people from P3 are welcome! We will have games, and activities to learn more about the faith! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations. Please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

2023/24 Gift Aid Envelopes Ready for Collection

The new 2023/24 Gift Aid envelope sets are now available for collection from the back of the church from this weekend. With the new tax year approaching, this is also an ideal time to consider registering for Gift Aid with the parish if you have not already done so. For more information, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, at Thank you!

Fire Marshal Training This Week

Thank you to all of you who have kindly said that you will take part in Fire Marshal training this week. I am very grateful and I look forward to seeing you in 63 York Place, either on Tuesday 21st, 9.30am-12Noon or on Wednesday 22nd, 7:00pm-9:00pm. Alice:

Toilet Works

Works are planned to the Ladies toilets at Coffee Saints on Monday and Tuesday (20th/21st), with possible disruption to their usage also possible on Wednesday (22nd) next week. During this period Ladies are requested to use the disabled toilet. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Cinema Trip Planned

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 21 March at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm.

Advance notice of cinema trip Wednesday 29th March: Film is ‘Allelujah,’ time to be confirmed.

Children’s Bibles, Books on the Mass, Saints & More

St Pauls Bookshop has a wide selection of children’s books, from Bibles to books on prayer and the Rosary, the Mass, the sacraments, the saints, and the Church year. You can also find beautiful gifts and greeting cards for First Holy Communion. Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-5pm (closed Mondays).

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Hungry in Zambia

SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal this Lent is for communities in Zambia where families are suffering from devastating hunger. Your donations help provide families training and tools to grow food. Pick up a Wee Box today at the back of church, or donate at

Holy Week at the Cathedral

Sunday 2nd April: Palm Sunday

6.00pm (Vigil Mass on Saturday)

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6.00pm

Tuesday 4th April: Chrism Mass

9.00am (Polish)



6.00pm (Polish): Cancelled

7.00pm: Chrism Mass

Thursday 6th April: Maundy Thursday

6.00pm (Polish): Cancelled

7.00pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Friday 7th April: Good Friday

3.00pm: Passion Liturgy

5.00pm: Passion Liturgy (Polish)

7.00pm: Stations of the Cross

Saturday 8th April: Holy Saturday

Polish Food Blessing:

 12Noon, 3.00pm and 5.00pm

8.00pm: Easter Vigil Mass

Sunday 9th April: Easter Sunday

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6:00pm

Confessions during Holy Week:

After 12.45pm Mass, Monday-Wednesday

Easter Postcards

Each parish has received a delivery of postcards from the Archdiocese to invite those who are away from the Church or who haven't attended in a while to come to church during Holy Week and Easter. Please pick up a postcard at the back of church to share with someone who may not have been to Mass in a while and who may appreciate an invite to Mass during this most important time in the Church year!

Wednesdays Sacrament of Confession, Adoration, Mass & Stations

Wednesday evenings in Lent at St. Andrew’s are a great way to prepare for Easter: Eucharistic Adoration begins at 5:00pm and the Sacrament of Confession is available 5:00pm-5:45pm. Then Mass is celebrated at 6:00pm and immediately following we pray the Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm-7:00pm. Don’t miss this spiritual opportunity as we draw nearer to Holy Week and Easter.

Easter Knitted Goods to Support Parish on Sale

Easter-themed knitted gift items will be on sale today after Mass. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska. Knitted items are also available online at Support the parish and give a lovely Easter gift!

Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF on Next Sunday, 26 March Holy Week at Ravelston

Palm Sunday, 2nd April


Tuesday, 4th April

6pm Mass cancelled

Holy Thursday, 6th April

6pm Mass cancelled

Good Friday, 7th April

3pm Passion Liturgy

Easter Sunday, 9th April


Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass next Sunday, 26 March at our Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF, the official relief and development agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland. SCIAF helps people in the world's poorest places end poverty and recover from disasters. Any donation on the day will be appreciated! Vegetarian option available.

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

Thanks to all who have participated in our run/walk so far! We have now successfully completed 3 runs / walks! That’s halfway! It has been great fun and not too energetic, so as the weather improves, think about joining in. At 11:30am today and every Sunday in Lent we will run/walk from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km). Funds raised are being donated to the Cathedral stained-glass window repair appeal & SCIAF. Please consider sponsoring us. Speak to Fergus or Caroline to make donation and set up Gift Aid, or contact

Concluding Online Lenten Talk on Jesus in the Servant Songs of Isaiah

Join Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, and Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM as they host the concluding talk in their series of Lenten talks on the talks on Jesus Christ in the Servant Songs of Isaiah. The talk will be at 7:30pm, Wednesday 22 March. Videos posted after the talks at

Register at Booklets with Isaiah readings are available near the church entrance.

Next Weekend: Encountering Jesus Retreat at St. Kentigern’s

An Encountering Jesus Retreat led by Fr Bart Parys, a Divine Word Missionary based in Ireland, will be at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh during 24-26 March. It is designed as a three-day retreat, but no requirement to come to all three days if you can't make it! Come for private prayer, fellowship, an opportunity to listen to testimonies and participate in the Eucharist: Friday 24 March 7:30pm - 8:30pm; Saturday 25 March 10:00am - 3:00pm (Bring packed lunch - teas/coffees and biscuits served); Sunday 26 March 9:30am - 11:00am. No registration required.

Talk by Archbishop Leo: Palm Sunday & the Passion in Matthew’s Gospel

Archbishop Leo hosts a talk about Palm Sunday and the Passion in St. Matthew’s Gospel on Monday 27 March at 7:30pm. It is for those who want to better understand the background to the liturgy and prepare for the day. Register for this Zoom talk at

Survey on Religion in the Workplace

A new inquiry has been launched by the UK Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights into human rights at work and part of the inquiry is considering freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and freedom of expression in the workplace. The Catholic Union invites you to complete a brief online survey on religion in the workplace. The closing date is 20 March and the survey takes less than 2 minutes to complete. Visit

Responses will form the basis of its written evidence to the inquiry. The Catholic Union ( is dedicated to the defence of Catholic values in Parliament and public life.

Explore God’s Will for You: Sunday Chats for Women on Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the next one takes place on Sunday 26 March, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. To register or find out more, please email

Called & Gifted Workshop: Discover Your Unique Purpose in Life

You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Identify your charisms (spiritual gifts) and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. We will learn about the ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community, and we will delve into the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. The workshop is hosted by the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre (100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh) in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details & registration at Queries? Email

Read the newsletter for 19th March (pdf)

Third Sunday of Lent – Year A

Cathedral Lenten Appeal

Dear Friends, Thank you again for your generous response to the second week of our Lenten Appeal to repair the windows in the Cathedral. The collection last week raised an amazing…£2,182.95…which, as you know will be doubled by a very generous benefactor. So, for the first two weeks of our Lenten Appeal our total is £3,858.74. The cost of the repairs will be £14,000. We are off to a great start, but we still have a way to go. Thank you so much!

Remember if you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church.

Sacrament of Confession in Lent

Please take the time in Lent to go to Confession to help you prepare for Easter. Our merciful and loving God forgives our sins through the Sacrament of Confession, instituted by Jesus when he told his Apostles, “If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven” (John 20:23). Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to Confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts. Priests are available to hear confessions Monday-Friday after the 12:45pm Mass and Saturdays 10:30am-12Noon and 5:00-5:45pm. The Archdiocese put together a helpful guide about returning to Confession last year and it is posted on YouTube: ‘How to Go to Confession’ cards are available by the Confessionals or at

For further information on the Sacrament of Confession, visit

Friday Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross. The sacrament of Confession is also available after the 12:45 pm Mass.

Holy Week Mass Times

Holy Week Mass Times can be found here. 

Young Adults Group Talk on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook’ Tuesday at 7pm

As we continue our Young Adults talks on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook,’ Fr. Christopher Doig will speak on Psalm 51, one of the penitential psalms, with its familiar beginning “Have mercy on me, O God, in your faithful love, in your great tenderness wipe away my offence.” All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us in 63 York Place. We start at 7pm with teas and coffees, the talk will begin at 7.30pm and will be followed by Night Prayer and Confessions in the Cathedral, before a time to discuss in the pub.

Youth Group on Sunday night!

The Youth Group meets this evening from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All young people from P3 are welcome! We will have games, and activities to learn more about the faith! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations. Please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

Volunteers Needed for Cathedral Fire Warden Training

For Health and Safety Compliance, we are required to have 60 people who regularly attend Mass here to be trained as Fire Wardens. In our recent Fire Inspection, one of the things that was highlighted was that there must be sufficient numbers of people who are trained in fire safety procedures and so we need to enlist some of you! Please sign up to attend one of the sessions: Tuesday, 21st March, 9.30am until 12pm or Wednesday, 22nd March, 7pm-9pm, in 63 York Place. These will cover evacuation principles, active fire safety, and human behaviour in emergency situations. To register, please contact Alice at or sign up on the list at the back of church.

Mother’s Day at Coffee Saints

Mother’s Day is next Sunday! Book a lovely Morning Tea at Coffee Saints for the perfect treat for your mum, including mini filled breakfast rolls, pastries, granola & yoghurt pots, fresh fruit & cake slices, tea, coffee & fruit juice. £15 per person, served 9am-11:30am. Book at

Coffee Saints is social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. Every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints all profits go to support the vulnerable

St. Pauls Bookshop: Stations of the Cross, Cards for Mother’s Day & Easter

Deepen your devotion to our Lord’s saving Passion and death on the cross by meditating on the Stations of the Cross. A variety of books on the Stations are available in St Pauls Bookshop including The Way of the Cross with the Book of Isaiah, In His Master’s Footsteps, The Way of the Cross with the Cure of Ars, The Way of the Cross with St. Paul, and My Wounded Hands: A Way of the Cross. Plan ahead for your spiritual reading after Easter with You Will be My Witnesses: Meditations for the Easter Season. Send a Mother’s Day card or an Easter greeting with one of the many lovely cards available in the bookshop!

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Book Club 

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 14 March at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm.

Thursday 16 March, Book Club meet up at McDonald Road library, 2.30 till 4pm. We are reading Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart.

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Hungry in Zambia

SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal this Lent is for communities in Zambia where families are suffering from devastating hunger. Your donations help provide families training and tools to grow food. Pick up a Wee Box today at the back of church, or donate at

Sacrament of Confession on Wednesdays in Lent 5pm-5:45pm

The Sacrament of Confession is available every Wednesday in Lent from 5:00pm-5:45pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. The priest will hear Confessions in the sacristy. ‘How to Go to Confession’ cards are available in the church or at to help make a good examination of conscience. Come and receive the mercy of God who, in His great love for us, forgives our sins in this sacrament. We will have Eucharistic Adoration during that hour, as well, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm.

Next Sunday: Easter Knitted Goods on Sale to Support Parish

Easter-themed knitted gift items will be on sale next Sunday, 19 March after Mass. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska. Knitted items are also available online at Support the parish and give a lovely Easter gift!

Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF on Sunday, 26 March

Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass on Sunday, 26 March at our Bacon Roll Fundraiser for SCIAF, the official relief and development agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland. SCIAF helps people in the world's poorest places end poverty and recover from disasters. Any donation on the day will be appreciated! Vegetarian option available.

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

Join Fergus Christie for a charity run/walk at 11:30am today from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km) and continuing every Sunday during Lent. Funds raised will be donated to the Cathedral stained-glass window repair appeal & SCIAF. If you don’t want to take part, please consider donating/sponsoring. Any queries please contact Fergus Christie at

Holy Hour Tonight with Archbishop at Gillis Centre, 6:00pm

"I invite all the faithful to come and pray with me before Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament." + Leo

Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration tonight, Sunday, 12 March at 6pm in St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. No registration needed, just come and pray!

Mass for Vocations at St. Albert’s Chaplaincy Tomorrow

The next Archdiocesan Mass for Vocations takes place at 5:15pm tomorrow, Monday 6 March, at the St Albert’s Chaplaincy, 24 George Square, EH8 9LD, near the University of Edinburgh’s Main Library. Refreshments served after Mass. Join us! For directions, visit

Catenians Meeting on Wednesday at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 15th March, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Wednesday Lenten Online Talks: Jesus in the Servant Songs of Isaiah

Discover Jesus Christ in the Servant Songs of Isaiah with a series of online talks this Lent. Videos posted after the talks at Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, and Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM host the talks at 7:30pm, Wednesday 15 March and 22 March. Register at Booklets with Isaiah readings are available near the church entrance.

Encountering Jesus Retreat at St. Kentigern’s – Come One Day or More!

An Encountering Jesus Retreat led by Fr Bart Parys, a Divine Word Missionary based in Ireland, will be at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh during 24-26 March. It is designed as a three-day retreat, but no requirement to come to all three days if you can't make it! Come for private prayer, fellowship, an opportunity to listen to testimonies and participate in the Eucharist: Friday 24 March 7:30pm - 8:30pm; Saturday 25 March 10:00am - 3:00pm (Bring packed lunch - teas/coffees and bisc

Read the newsletter for 12th March (pdf)

Second Sunday of Lent – Year A

Cathedral Lenten Appeal

Dear Friends, thank you so much for the wonderful response to our Lenten Appeal to repair the windows in the Cathedral. Last week the second collection raised an incredible…£1,675.79

…which, as you know will be doubled by a very generous benefactor. The cost of the repairs will be £14,000. So we still have a long way to go – but this is a great start. Thank you so much!

Remember if you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church.

Friday Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross. The sacrament of Confession is also available after the 12:45 pm Mass.

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Hungry in Zambia

SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal this Lent is for communities in Zambia where families are suffering from devastating hunger. Your donations help provide families training and tools to grow food. Only a few Wee Boxes are left at the back of church. Take yours today, or donate at

Young Adults Group Meets on Tuesday at 7pm

We continue our Young Adults talks on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook’ about the Psalms this week with Deacon Colm Martin who will speak about Psalm 38. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us in 63 York Place. We start at 7pm with teas and coffees, the talk will begin at 7.30pm and will be followed by Night Prayer and Confessions in the Cathedral, before a time to discuss in the pub.

Youth Group on Sunday night!

The Youth Group meets this evening from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All young people from P3 are welcome! Tonight we will be talking about Lenten practices of fasting and almsgiving. We will have games, and activities to learn more about the faith, and we will have the tuck shop – so don’t forget spending money! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations. Please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Guided Tour at Doocot Studios

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 7 March at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm. Guided tour for ‘Knitwear Chanel to Westwood’ exhibition at Dovecot Studios on Thursday 9th March. Tour starts at 1pm. Spaces are limited. Please pre-book a place on 07716963215. Please note this tour will cost £9.50 per person, payable on arrival. If you have booked a place and can no longer make it, please let Trish know by Tuesday 7th. To learn more, visit

Marriage Preparation Courses

Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on the following Saturdays: 20th May 2023, 2nd September 2023, 18th November 2023, 2nd March 2024 and 25th May 2024. The course includes talks by married couples from the parish. Email to register.

Congratulations to our new Catechumens and Candidates!

We extend warm congratulations to our catechumens and candidates who attended the Rite of Election at the Cathedral last Sunday, 26 February. These men and women have been participating in our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program and Archbishop Cushley has accepted them as being ready to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist. During the season of Lent, they enter into a time of personal preparation that concludes at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, 8th April. Congratulations to Steven, Ihuoma, Felix, Cizel, Ashley, Nikki, Marcelina, Craig, Phil, Jane, Simon, Andrew, David and John. Photos from the day are at

Please pray for each of them as they prepare to be received into full communion in the Catholic Church!

St. Pauls Bookshop: Books and Religious Articles for Lenten Journey

What’s on your reading list for Lent? Stop in at St Pauls Bookshop and find a great assortment of Lenten and other reading for your spiritual enrichment. You can find copies of Stations of the Cross, books on prayer, the sacraments, children’s books and Bibles, church documents, books on the saints and Our Lady, and more! As always, excellent year-round spiritual reading is available with the Holy Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Do you have a crucifix, religious statue or rosaries in your home? In this holy season of Lent, create a prayerful home with these and other religious items, and make a beautiful a place set aside especially for your daily prayer to the Lord.

Fire Safety at Cathedral

As part of our ongoing efforts to upgrade Health and Safety Compliance here at the Cathedral we have recently completed a Fire Inspection. One of the things that was highlighted by the Fire Brigade is our duty to ensure that when people attend Mass here there are sufficient numbers of people who know what to do if the alarm goes off and direct others if needed. In other words, we need to volunteers who regularly attend Mass here to agree to be trained as Fire Wardens. Please consider helping us meet this requirement by participating in one of the training sessions: Tuesday, 21st March, 9.30am until 12, or Wednesday, 22nd March, 7pm-9pm, both in the downstairs meeting room of 63 York Place. These will cover evacuation principles, active fire safety and human behaviour in emergency situation, plus more. To register, please contact Alice at

Holy Week at the Cathedral 

Sunday 2nd April: Palm Sunday

6.00pm (Vigil Mass on Saturday)

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6.00pm

Tuesday 4th April: Chrism Mass

9.00am (Polish)



6.00pm (Polish): Cancelled

7.00pm: Chrism Mass

Thursday 6th April: Maundy Thursday

6.00pm (Polish): Cancelled

7.00pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Friday 7th April: Good Friday

3.00pm: Passion Liturgy

5.00pm: Passion Liturgy (Polish)

7.00pm: Stations of the Cross

Saturday 8th April: Holy Saturday

Polish Food Blessing:

 12Noon, 3.00pm and 5.00pm

8.00pm: Easter Vigil Mass

Sunday 9th April: Easter Sunday

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6:00pm

Confessions during Holy Week:

After 12.45pm Mass on Monday-Wednesday

St. Andrew’s Talk on Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

The next St Andrew's Talk will be tomorrow, Monday, 6 March, 6:45pm with Penelope Blackwell from the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF, who will talk about the Lenten appeal and the charity’s work. After the talk there will be soup and sandwiches and a chance to discuss.

Wednesdays in Lent: Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Draw closer to Christ in Lent! At St. Andrew’s on Wednesdays during Lent we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. We will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. You are also very welcome to visit the outdoor Stations of the Cross at Ravelston anytime to walk and pray the around the peaceful and lovely garden path.

Ravelston Eucharistic Ministers & Readers, Save the Date!

Two training sessions are scheduled for Saturday 13th May at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. The first is for all readers and will be 2.00pm-3.00pm, and the second is for all Eucharistic Ministers, 3.00pm-4.00pm.

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

All are welcome to join Fergus Christie for a charity run/walk at 11:30am today from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km) and continuing every Sunday during Lent. Funds raised will be donated to the Cathedral stained-glass window repair appeal & SCIAF. If you don’t want to take part, please consider donating/sponsoring. Any queries please contact Fergus Christie at

Holy Week at Ravelston

Palm Sunday, 2nd April


Tuesday, 4th April

6pm Mass cancelled

Holy Thursday, 6th April

6pm Mass cancelled
Good Friday, 7th April

3pm Passion Liturgy

Easter Sunday, 9th April


Archdiocesan Stations of the Cross

This takes place on Monday 3 April at 7:45pm on Zoom. It is a chance pray for all pro-life intentions and includes a reflection from Archbishop Leo Cushley. Register at

Mass for Vocations at St. Albert’s Chaplaincy Tomorrow

The next Archdiocesan Mass for Vocations takes place at 5:15pm tomorrow, Monday 6 March, at the St Albert’s Chaplaincy, 24 George Square, EH8 9LD, near the University of Edinburgh’s Main Library. Refreshments served after Mass. Join us! For directions, visit

Wednesday Lenten Online Talks: Jesus in the Servant Songs of Isaiah

When we hear the Gospels proclaimed, the writers of the New Testament are often quoting the Prophet Isaiah. Why? Learn more about this incredibly important book of the Bible and discover Jesus Christ in the Servant Songs of Isaiah with a series of online talks this Lent. Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, and Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM host the talks at 7:30pm,Wednesday 8, 15, 22 March. Register at Videos posted after the talks at Booklets with Isaiah readings are in the Octagon at the Cathedral or at the back of St. Andrew’s.

‘Art in Light of the End: John Henry Newman's Aesthetics’

Dr Rebekah Lamb of St Andrew’s University will give the Inaugural Holy Ground Lecture, ‘Art in Light of the End: John Henry Newman's Aesthetics.’ The lecture will be on Monday, on 13 March at 5pm in LG.09, 40 George Square followed by Vespers. Register at

Catenians Meeting, Wednesday, 15th March, at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 15th March, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Mass and Relics of Padre Pio in Broxburn

Relics of Padre Pio are touring Scotland (including his gloves and bloodstained bandages). They will be in the Archdiocese on Friday 24 March at 7:00pm at Ss John Cantius & Nicholas, West Main Street, Broxburn. There will be Holy Mass and a chance to receive an individual blessing with the relics.

Read the newsletter for 5th March (pdf)

First Sunday of Lent – Year A

Cathedral Lenten Appeal – Gift Aid Envelopes Available 

This week we begin our Lenten Appeal to repair the windows in the Cathedral. We will do this primarily through a second collection each week during Lent. Remember that a very generous parishioner has offered to double whatever we raise through these second collections. I know how difficult things are these days for many people – so please give only as generously as you can. Any little will help.

As you know, if you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church. If you complete the back of the envelope and place your donation inside before putting it into the collection basket, we will be able to reclaim 25% of the amount given from HMRC after the end of the tax year, which will of course raise further funds for this appeal. If you have any questions or would like to enquire about other ways to give to this appeal, please contact Caroline Reid, our Finance Officer, at

Rite of Election at Noon Mass Today

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Noon Mass today with the Rite of Election in which he will accept those preparing to be received into the Church at Easter. Please keep all of them in your prayers.

Friday Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross. The sacrament of Confession is also available after the 12:45 pm Mass.

Adoration, Confession and Prayer Books at St. Pauls Bookshop

Want to advance in your spiritual life? Commit to regular spiritual reading this Lent and pick up some good resources in St Pauls Bookshop on Adoration, Confession and Prayer, such as Holy Hour, Meditations for Lent, 40 Reflections for 40 Days of Lent, A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary, The Sacrament of Confession, Why Go to Confession?, St Paul Prayer Book, and Praying a Scriptural Rosary. Or for excellent year-round spiritual reading, shop for a Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

‘Christ’s Prayerbook’: New Series of Young Adults Talks Begins Tuesday

Join us for our new series of Young Adults talks on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook’ about the Psalms! This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Psalms that Christ Himself prayed. Our first talk will be on Psalm 32 by Fr. Matthew Carlin. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us in 63 York Place. We start at 7pm with teas and coffees, the talk will begin at 7.30pm and will be followed by Night Prayer and Confessions in the Cathedral, before a time to discuss in the pub.

Thank You for your Generosity to the Earthquake Victims

Daniel Adams, Executive Director, Mary’s Meals UK, wrote a note of thanks for our parish’s response to support those affected by the earthquakes in Syria — an incredible total of £4,935.99 was raised from the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston: “A heartfelt thank you for your precious donation … This is helping us to deliver much-needed food aid to children in Syria, following two devastating earthquakes. Many of those who have survived these earthquakes have lost their loved ones and their homes, and they have very little access to food and shelter. Conditions in and around the city of Aleppo are very difficult – roads are damaged, and our partner organisation has seen heavy damage to its buildings. Despite these challenges, we are already reaching many vulnerable children with essential food supplies. Our emergency response is providing urgent support to children in desperate need. On behalf of the families affected by this terrible situation, I thank you with all my heart for your kindness.”

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Hungry in Zambia

This Lent, SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal is focusing on communities in Zambia where families are suffering from devastating hunger. Your donations will help provide families training and tools to grow food. Take a Wee Box at the back of church today. Visit for details.

Youth Group Returns on sunday night!

The Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All young people from P3 are welcome! Tonight we will be talking about prayer and in the coming weeks the other Lenten practices of fasting and almsgiving. We will have games, discussions on prayer and activities to learn more about the faith, and we will have the tuck shop – so don’t forget spending money! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations. Please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

Adult Confirmation Classes Begin in March

This Lent, the Cathedral will run a course for adults to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 8th April. Classes start on Wednesday 1st March at 7pm. If you are interested and would like to register, contact

Marriage Preparation Courses

Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on the following Saturdays: 20th May 2023, 2nd September 2023, 18th November 2023, 2nd March 2024 and 25th May 2024. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. Email to register.

Over Sixties Coffee, March Trip to Doocot Studios

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 28th February at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm. ADVANCE NOTICE: Trip to Doocot Studios, a renowned tapestry studio in central Edinburgh, 1pm Thursday 9th March. Exhibition is ‘Knitwear Chanel to Westwood.’ Spaces are limited and must be prebooked. Call Trish on 07716 963215. To learn more, visit

No Flowers During Lent

During the season of Lent, we respectfully ask that you do not leave flowers or plants in any area of the Cathedral. Thank you for your co-operation.

Wednesday in Lent: Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Draw closer to Christ in Lent! At St. Andrew’s on Wednesdays during Lent, beginning 1st March, we will have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. We will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. You are also very welcome to visit the outdoor Stations of the Cross at Ravelston anytime to walk and pray the around the peaceful and lovely garden path.

Fundraising Run (Or Walk!) Sundays in Lent: Windows Appeal & SCIAF

All are welcome to join Fergus Christie for a charity run/walk starting at 11:30am today from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km) beginning today and continuing every Sunday during Lent. Funds raised will be donated to the Cathedral stained-glass window repair appeal & SCIAF. If you don’t want to take part, please consider donating/sponsoring. Any queries please contact Fergus Christie at

World Day of Prayer Service on Friday 3 March

St. Andrew’s will host a World Day of Prayer service for the city centre group of churches on Friday 3rd March at 3:00pm followed by tea and home baking. All welcome!

St. Andrew’s Talk: Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

The next St Andrew's talk will be on Monday, 6 March at 6:45pm with Penelope Blackwell from the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund, better known as SCIAF, who will talk about the Lenten appeal and the work of the charity. After the talk there will be soup and sandwiches and a chance to discuss. To learn more, visit

Discerning a Call to be a Religious Sister? Come for our Chat Today!

Join other young Catholic women today, Sunday, 26 February, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street, EH9 1SN to explore God's will as we chat about discerning a call to be a religious Sister. We will meet in monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. The meetings will be led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, director for religious vocations in the Archdiocese. Share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and enjoy refreshments. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month. Contact Sr. Mirjam for more information at

Lenten Online Talks: Jesus in the Servant Songs of Isaiah

Discover Jesus Christ in the Servant Songs of Isaiah with four online talks from the Archdiocese this Lent. The talks are hosted by Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, and Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM and take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 1, 8, 15, 22 March. Register at

‘Listening in Lent’ Talks on YouTube

Prepare for each Sunday in Lent with a reflection from Canon Hugh White, a retired priest of the Archdiocese. The ‘Listening in Lent’ talk is posted each Tuesday on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel:

Mass for Vocations at St. Albert’s Chaplaincy on 6th March

The Archdiocesan Mass for Vocations is a chance to pray that more young people answer God’s call to the priesthood and religious life. The next one takes place at 5:15pm on Monday 6 March at the St Albert’s Chaplaincy, 24 George Square, EH8 9LD, near the University of Edinburgh’s Main Library. Refreshments served after Mass.

Catenians Meeting, Wednesday, 15th March, at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 15th March, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Encountering Jesus Retreat: St. Kentigern’s, 24 March to 26 March

An ‘Encountering Jesus’ retreat takes place at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh, EH4 7QR from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 March. It is led by Fr Bart Parys, A Divine Word Missionary based in Ireland. The retreat is open to all to find time in Lent to enter into or renew a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We will explore Gospel stories about people encountering Christ, with space for silent prayer, time for fellowship, and an opportunity to listen to testimonies and attend Holy Mass. Times: Friday 24 March 7:30pm-8:30pm, Saturday 25 March 10:00am-3:00pm, Sunday 26 March 9:30am-11:00am. All welcome! No registration required.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: Spiritual and Emotional Healing After Abortion

A Rachel's Vineyard retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held on Friday, 12th May - Sunday, 14th May (Glasgow area). This confidential, supportive retreat is powerful for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. For more information, please call or text Sr Andrea on 07816 942824 or email Further details at

Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage July 2023

The Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, France takes place 7th-14th July 2023. The Pilgrimage package is now available from the Tangney Tours. Visit to book online; 7 Nights from £919 by air from Edinburgh. Helpers are needed to assist sick pilgrims. Details about various helper roles, and the Helper Declaration Form are on the website. The organising committee requires at least 3 months to arrange for the processing of checks for new helpers, so please complete the helper form early.

Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine & Co. Mayo, Ireland in 18-22 April 2023

A pilgrimage to Knock Shrine is being organized in April for parishes in Scotland. It will include day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Cost: £699.00 per person sharing. Contact Patricia 01268 762 278, 07740 175557 or

Want to Volunteer at Stronghold Festival?

Do you want to step out in Christian ministry? Craig Lodge Family House of Prayer is looking for young volunteers to help lead Stronghold Festival, its annual festival of prayer and worship, May 26-29. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up for a training weekend 31 March-2 April at Craig Lodge in the highlands, Dalmally PA33 1AR. Email to book your ticket today, £50 food and board.

Read the newsletter for 26th February (pdf)

Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time – Year A

Message from Archbishop Leo

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and it is a day of fasting and abstinence to acknowledge our mortality and begin preparing ourselves spiritually for Easter. Lent is a time of prayer and penance and I encourage you to take the opportunity to go to Confession if you have not been for a while. It is there that we experience the loving mercy of God, who forgives our sins and offers us His grace as we look with hope to the joy of Easter when Jesus was resurrected from the dead. The Friday after Ash Wednesday is the Day of Prayer for Those who have Suffered Abuse, and we hold in prayer all those who have experienced abuse. I wish you all a prayerful and peaceful Lent.

Ash Wednesday Mass Times


8.00am Mass

10.00am Mass (school)

12.45pm Mass

6.00pm Mass (Polish)

7.30pm Mass


6.00pm Mass

Lenten Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.

Cathedral Lenten Appeal

As you know, in order to undertake the urgent and necessary repairs to the windows in the Cathedral, we will be trying to raise funds during Lent this year for the project. We will do this primarily through a weekly second collection at all Masses. I am delighted to inform you that a very generous donor (who wishes to remain anonymous) has undertaken to double any moneys that we can raise through this second collection. This is an enormous help, and we are very grateful. I also appealed to you to think about other possible fundraising ideas and, despite various people speaking to me about Quiz Nights or sales, as of yet I have not been overwhelmed with ideas and offers to organise!! Please do think about this – and in the meantime, please remember the second collection that we will begin next Sunday.

Spiritual Reading for Lent: St Pauls Bookshop

What are you reading this Lent? An excellent assortment of books for Lent on prayer, the Stations of the Cross, and spiritual meditations on the Passion of Christ are on sale now in St Pauls Bookshop. Stop in today and choose a book for enriching spiritual reading this Lent.

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Hungry in Zambia

This Lent, SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal is focusing on communities in Zambia where families are suffering from devastating hunger and need help. Your donations will give families the ability to grow their own food by providing the training and tools they need. Pick up your Wee Box at the back of church today. Visit for details.

Talk on Shroud of Turin — Monday 7:30pm

Henry James Creechan will speak on the Shroud of Turin tomorrow in Coffee Saints at 7:30pm in an event hosted by Friends of the Cathedral. Please RSVP to if you wish to attend. The exhibition of a replica of the Shroud of Turin will remain in place at the St. Andrew’s Altar to 27th February. The Shroud has been a source of fascination since the 14th century. The exhibition and presentation offer both the opportunity to reflect on how early observers of the Shroud would have interpreted the cloth prior to the onset of science and how the Shroud has come under renewed scrutiny in modern times. For more information on the Shroud and its history, visit

Archdiocesan YouTube Channel: Synod Informational Videos

What happened at the recent Continental Assembly of the Synod in Prague? And what happens next? Find out in a series of feedback videos on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel. See

Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine — Friday 7:00pm

His Grace, the Archbishop, and Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski, the Catholic Ukrainian Eparch in the UK, will lead an Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine on Friday, 24 February, 7:00pm here at the Cathedral. The prayer service is just one of several events taking place as part of Edinburgh's Ukraine Forever programme to commemorate the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of the country. All are welcome!

Parents’ Meeting for First Holy Communion

This Monday parents are invited to online meetings ahead of the preparation for children making their First Holy Communion in June. Parents of those children who go to St Mary’s Primary School will receive details from the school on Monday for their meeting at 6.30pm. Those parents who have registered their children through St Andrew’s, Ravelston will already have details for the meeting on Monday at 7pm.

Adult Confirmation Classes Begin in March

This Lent, the Cathedral will run a course for adults to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 8th April. Classes start on Wednesday 1st March at 7pm. If you are interested and would like to register, contact

Marriage Preparation Courses

Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on the following Saturdays: 20th May 2023, 2nd September 2023, 18th November 2023, 2nd March 2024 and 25th May 2024. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. Email to register.

Youth Group Returns Next Sunday

The Youth Group will return next Sunday 26th February between 6 and 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Young people from P3 are welcome. The meetings will include games, discussions and activities to learn more about the faith, prayer and the tuck shop – so don’t forget spending money! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations. Please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, National Museum of Scotland Visit

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 21st February at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm.

Join us for a visit to National Museum of Scotland for Bernat Klein Design in Colour exhibition on Thursday 23rd February. Meet at 2pm in front of the museum, Chambers Street, EH1 1JF.

Day of Prayer for Those who have Suffered Abuse

All are invited to a time of Eucharistic Adoration on Friday, 24 February between 10.30 and 12.30 as the Church remembers and prays for those who have suffered any form of abuse. This annual day of prayer falls on the Friday after Ash Wednesday. Join us as we unite in prayer for those who have suffered abuse: Lord Jesus, we praise you for calling us to the service of others. We pray for a generosity of spirit to ensure the vulnerable are protected. We pray for a compassionate heart so that we will reach out to those who are wounded by abuse. We pray for courage and determination as we seek the safety of everyone in our parish communities. We dedicate ourselves to this work of service and pray that you will help us to do your will at all times and in all places. Amen.

Rite of Election at Noon Mass Next Sunday

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Noon Mass next Sunday 26 February with the Rite of Election in which he will accept those preparing to be received into the Church at Easter. Please keep all of them in your prayers.

Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Draw closer to Christ in Lent! At St. Andrew’s on Wednesdays during Lent, beginning 1st March, we will have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. We will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us! You are also welcome to walk and pray the outdoor Stations of the Cross around the lovely garden path at Ravelston anytime.

Fundraising Run (Or Walk!) Sundays in Lent: Windows Appeal & SCIAF

All are welcome to join Fergus Christie for a charity run/walk starting at 11:30am from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km) beginning next Sunday 26 February and continuing every Sunday during Lent. Funds raised will be donated to the Cathedral stained-glass window repair appeal & SCIAF. If you don’t want to take part, please consider donating/sponsoring. Any queries please contact Fergus Christie at

World Day of Prayer Service on Friday 3 March

St. Andrew’s will host a World Day of Prayer service for the city centre group of churches on Friday 3rd March at 3:00pm followed by tea and home baking. All welcome!

St. Andrew’s Talk: Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

The next St Andrew's talk will be on Monday, 6 March with Penelope Blackwell from the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund, better known as SCIAF, who will talk about the Lenten appeal and the work of the charity. To learn more, visit

Lenten Online Talks: Jesus in the Servant Songs of Isaiah

Discover Jesus Christ in the Servant Songs of Isaiah with four online talks from the Archdiocese this Lent. The talks are hosted by Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, and Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM and take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 1, 8, 15, 22 March. Register at

Retreat for Lent at St. Kentigern’s

Save the date: A retreat takes place at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh, from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 March. It is led by Fr Bart Parys, A Divine Word Missionary based in Ireland. The retreat is open to all to find time in Lent to draw closer to Jesus. No registration required. Details to follow soon.

Job Opening: Catholic Social Teaching Officer

The Justice & Peace Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland is looking for a Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer. The position is full time and the salary is £32-36k, dependent upon experience. For full job description email Closing date for applications is Friday 24 February.

Mass for Vocations at St. Albert’s Chaplaincy on 6th March

The Archdiocesan Mass for Vocations is a chance to pray that more young people answer God’s call to the priesthood and religious life. The next one takes place at 5:15pm on Monday 6 March at the St Albert’s Chaplaincy, 24 George Square, EH8 9LD, near the University of Edinburgh’s Main Library. Refreshments served after Mass.

Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine & Co. Mayo, Ireland in 18-22 April 2023

A pilgrimage to Knock Shrine is being organized in April for parishes in Scotland. It will include day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Cost: £699.00 per person sharing. Contact Patricia 01268 762 278, 07740 175557 or

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Enjoy being a pilgrim in Scotland! Try one of the eight great pilgrim ways wending their way quietly through Scotland’s diverse and scenic landscape to St Andrews. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. To plan your pilgrimage route and get more information please visit

Read the newsletter for 19th February (pdf)

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Syria Earthquake Appeal

On 6 February, two earthquakes – registering 7.8 and 7.5 magnitude – hit Syria and Turkey in the space of just 12 hours, killing more than 20,000 people and causing widespread devastation. Mary’s Meals has been serving at schools in Syria since 2017. Working alongside their partner on the ground, Dorcas, they stand ready to provide emergency support to communities affected in Aleppo and the surrounding areas. Mary’s Meals’ emergency response will provide urgent support to children and families in desperate need. A special collection will be taken at all Masses this weekend for this emergency response. Thank you!

Shroud Exhibit at St. Andrew’s Altar This Week

We are delighted to host an exhibition of a replica of the Shroud of Turin this week from Tuesday 14th February at the St. Andrew’s Altar. The Shroud of Turin has been a source of fascination since the 14th century. This exhibition offers both the opportunity to reflect on how early observers of the Shroud would have interpreted the cloth prior to the onset of science and how the Shroud has come under renewed scrutiny in modern times. The exhibition will conclude on Monday, 20th February with a presentation hosted by Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral at 7.30pm. Please RSVP for the presentation by emailing

‘The Eucharist’: Tuesday Talk for Young Adults

Fr. Scott Deeley will conclude our Young Adults series of talks on the Liturgy with his talk on the Eucharist this Tuesday evening. We start in 63 York Place at 7pm with teas and coffees. The talk will begin at 7.30pm and will be followed by Night Prayer and Confessions in the Cathedral, before a time to discuss in the pub. All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome!

Adult Confirmation Classes Begin in March

This Lent, the Cathedral will run a course for adults to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 8th April. Classes start on Wednesday 1st March at 7pm. If you are interested and would like to register, contact

Children’s Catechism for First Holy Communion

Classes in preparation for First Holy Communion are open to all children in Primary 4 and above who have received First Reconciliation and will begin on Sunday, 26 February. Prior registration is essential! Please visit

Youth Group

The Youth Group will return on Sunday 26th February between 6 and 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Young people from P3 are welcome. The meetings will include games, discussions and activities to learn more about the faith, prayer and the tuck shop – so don’t forget spending money! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations, please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

Ash Wednesday Mass Times

Ash Wednesday is 22 February, and the Cathedral Mass times will be 8am, 10am (school Mass), 12.45pm, 7.30pm, and 6pm Polish. All are encouraged to attend Mass as we begin the holy season of Lent.

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Cinema Outing and Book Club

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be meeting on Tuesday 14th February at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm. On Wednesday 15th February is our cinema visit. Please meet upstairs at Omni to see ‘The Fabelmans’. If you can purchase your ticket online do so. Film starts at 1.40pm. On Thursday 16th February, The Welcome Book Club meet to review Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart. The new venue for the group is McDonald Road Library, 2-8 McDonald Rd, EH7 4LU, 2.30pm - 4pm. Tea and coffee available.

Catenians Meeting, Wednesday, 15th February, at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 15th February, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Friday, 24 February: Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine

His Grace, the Archbishop, and Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski, the Catholic Ukrainian Eparch in the UK, will lead an Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine on Friday, 24 February, 7:00pm here at the Cathedral. Save the date and join us praying for peace.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514

No 10am Mass This Week

Two of our priests will be making their annual retreat this week so there will be no 10am Mass this week. Thank you for your understanding.

Sunday Holy Hours Conclude Today at 2:00pm

Thanks to all who have joined us for our Sunday Holy Hours these past several weeks. We will celebrate our concluding Holy Hour today at 2:00pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. All are invited for this quiet, prayerful way to spend the Lord’s Day with an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Hour will end with Benediction at 3pm.

No 6pm Mass on Wednesday

Please note there will be no 6pm Mass this Wednesday, 15 February, at Ravelston.

Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund Talk

The next St Andrew's talk will be on Monday, 6 March with Penelope Blackwell from the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund, better known as SCIAF, who will talk about the Lenten appeal and the work of the charity. To learn more, visit

Ash Wednesday Mass

Mass at Ravelston for Ash Wednesday, 22 February, will be at 6.00pm. Begin the holy season of 40 days of Lent with Mass as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter.

Lenten Online Talks: Jesus in the Servant Songs of Isaiah

Discover Jesus Christ in the Servant Songs of Isaiah with four online talks from the Archdiocese this Lent. The talks are hosted by Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, and Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM and take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 1, 8, 15, 22 March. Register at

Holy Hour Tonight with Archbishop at Gillis Centre, 6:00pm

"I invite all the faithful to come and pray with me before Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament." + Leo

Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration tonight, Sunday, 12 February at 6pm in St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. The next Holy Hour will take place on Sunday 12 March.

Craig Lodge ‘Be Transformed’ Weekend, 3-5 March

Who are we listening to? The world's narrative fills us with worry, anxiety and fear. We can become so used to feeling burdened with these thoughts that we forget Jesus offers us a new way of thinking. Changing the way we think allows God to transform us and transform our lives. Join us for a weekend of teaching, ministry, sacraments and worship during the ‘Be Transformed’ retreat 3-5 March. This is a weekend to help us put on the mind of Christ. To book your place please email us: Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, 01838 200216,

Summer Retreats for Young Families at Craig Lodge House of Prayer

Grow in your Catholic faith as a family this summer! Craig Lodge House of Prayer is offering Family Week retreats in July and August: 3-7 July, 17-21 July and 31 July-4 August. These weeks, especially for young families (ages 16 and under), start on Monday evening and finish up Friday lunchtime. They include organised activities for children, Mass, opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and time for prayer. All-inclusive cost for a family week is £250 per adult, £100 per child (11-16s), donation for under 11s. To book a place this year or for more details, please contact Ruth at, 01838 200216 or visit, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR.

2023 ‘Catholic Medical Ethics’ Bioethical Series for University Students

A series of bioethical talks for those studying at University on the Catholic response to difficult issues will be held by the Anscombe Centre’s Education and Research Officer, Chris Wojtulewicz, and hosted by the King’s College London Chaplaincy on Mondays, beginning 13 February 7pm-8pm on Microsoft Teams. Medical and other healthcare students wishing to sign up and get the video link can register via their academic e-mail address, with King’s Catholic Chaplain for Guy’s Campus, Laurence Jasper: The talks will be on topics in contemporary medicine and ethics: Catholic Anthropology, Personhood & the Human Embryo, IVF & Reproductive Technology, Contraception & Natural Family Planning, Conscience & Conscientious Objection and End-of-Life Decisions.

Retrouvaille: A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages

Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. There is no group therapy or group work. For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the next programme at the Focolare Centre in Welwyn Garden City on Friday 24th to Sunday 26th February 2023, call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443 or email To learn more, visit

Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage July 2023

The Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, France takes place 7th-14th July 2023. The Pilgrimage package is now available from the Travel Agent (Tangney Tours). Visit to book online; 7 Nights from £919 by air from Edinburgh. Helpers are needed to assist sick pilgrims. Details about various medical and non-medical helper roles, and the helper declaration form are at. The organising committee requires at least 3 months to arrange for the processing of checks for new helpers, so please complete the helper form early.

Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Cathedral News: Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website or bookmark the Newsletter in your browser at Archdiocesan News: For a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, subscribe at (scroll to bottom of page).

Read the newsletter for 12th February (pdf)