Easter Sunday oftThe Resurrection of The Lord – Year A

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Cathedral Team, I would like to wish you all a happy and truly blessed Easter. I hope that you will be able to celebrate with your loved ones and I would like to thank all those who have handed in cards and gifts to Cathedral House. We are very grateful indeed! Thank you all for participating so generously not just over the last week, but throughout the whole of Lent. I would like to thank especially all those who have worked so hard to make our celebrations so beautiful; the Servers, the Musicians, the Flower Arrangers, the Church Cleaners and the Passkeepers, and I would like to thank Fr. Robert for coordinating the liturgies so well. It has been a wonderful Holy Week and we, the Cathedral clergy, wish you all a very Happy and Holy Easter. May the Risen Lord Bless You All, Fr. Patrick

Cathedral Lenten Appeal

Dear Friends, This is the final week of our special appeal to repair and replace the windows in the Cathedral. Thank you so much for your outstanding generosity! Remember that everything that you give will be doubled by our anonymous benefactor.

If you are a UK taxpayer, you should be eligible to Gift Aid any amounts that you give to this appeal. A supply of Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church. Please use the white Gift Aid envelopes that we have put out at the back of the church to ensure that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation.

Easter Vigil Congratulations

Congratulations to all who received the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion or Confirmation at the Easter Vigil: 4 people were Baptized and received into the Church: Ashley, Steven, Felix and Cizel; we received a further 9 people into the Church who received Holy Communion and were Confirmed: Phil, Jane, Marcelina, David, Jane, Craig, John, Simon, Andrew, and an additional 13 people were Confirmed: Matthew, Briccio, Sofia, Harriet, Eladio, Jack, Alicja, Jacek, Emilie, Kelvin, William, Shanida and Oskar. Whilst this is the end of a long journey for each of them, I know that you will make them very welcome as they make this step and I ask you to keep them all in your prayers as they participate in our parish community.

Parish Retreat 22-24 September 2023 at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull

For the first time in a very long time(!) we have decided to have a Parish retreat! The Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have organised the retreat for the whole parish on 22-24 September this year in the idyllic St Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull (near Perth). The theme of the retreat is Allowing Jesus to Love You, and it will be led by Fr Charlie Corrigan CSsR. Whether you have never been to a retreat or are an old hand – this will be a wonderful opportunity to spend time away to deepen your relationship with God - a perfect opportunity to nourish your spiritual faith in beautiful surroundings. Places are limited so please book now. The all-inclusive price is £200 (this includes a £50 non-returnable deposit): book for it here: ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Feast of Divine Mercy: Sunday, 16 April

Join us for our celebration for Feast of Divine Mercy, in English and Polish, here in the Cathedral at 3:00pm on Sunday, 16th April, Divine Mercy Sunday, including a Holy Hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for Confession.

Organ Recital on Sunday 23 April

Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, will host an organ recital on Sunday 23 April, 1:30pm to feature magnificent pieces including Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor BWV 582 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Sonata in A Op. 65 No. 3 – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), Four Chorale preludes – Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Prelude and Fugue in D minor – Clara Schumann (1819-1896) and Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H – Franz Liszt (1811-1886). Admission free, retiring collection in aid of Cathedral music.

‘Bach in the 19th Century,’ Featuring Musical Examples

Today, Johann Sebastian Bach is commonly regarded as one of the greatest composers of in the history of Western music. It was in the nineteenth century – the age of Brahms, Liszt and Mendelssohn – that he came to be regarded as such. Join us for a talk on ‘Bach in the 19th Century’ at 7.30pm, Monday 24 April, hosted by Friends of the Cathedral. Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, will explore the huge impact Bach’s music had on 19th-century German composers. Musical examples will illustrate the talk, offering an opportunity to hear a powerful repertoire played on our magnificent Cathedral organ. Please email ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk if you would like to come. Thank you!

Thank You to Fire Marshal Training Participants

Once again a huge thank you to those of you who did the Fire Marshal training. The certificates are now with Father Puton or at the back of the Cathedral in a folder for collection. If you should have one and it is not there or your name has been misspelled and you would like a new one issued correctly, please let me know. Alice (complexmanager@stmaryscathedral.co.uk). In due course, we will be following up this training with an evacuation practice at the end of a Mass so we can check that our procedures will operate safely when the Cathedral is occupied.

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon

The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 11 April at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm. Come along and join us!

Young Adults Group Upcoming Events

The Young Adults Group is now on its Easter break; however it will return on Tuesday 18th April with a talk from Sr Angela Marie OP who is based in Elgin. She’ll talk about one of the psalms of praise and thanksgiving starting at 7.30pm. Enjoy the break! Upcoming events for the Young Adults group include an Afternoon of Recollection at St Albert’s Chaplaincy on Saturday 27th May. During the summer the Young Adults will also be visiting places with significance for the faith in Scotland, day trips will include Melrose and Abbotsford House on the 24th of June and St Andrews on Saturday 19th August. These trips will be by train so will include lots of walking. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join the group, please contact Fr Robert for more information, frrobert.taylor@staned.org.uk

Young Adults Sponsored Mountain Walk

Members of the Cathedral Young Adults Group will be doing a sponsored climb of Schiehallion, the mountain that helped to weigh the world, the result of an interesting 18th century experiment. The group won’t be conducting any experiments on the climb but will bring with them any intentions you’d like to be prayed as the ascend around 700 metres of the Perthshire Munro on the 29th April to raise funds for the Cathedral Lenten appeal. You can donate now via the Cathedral Facebook page or by completing the sponsor forms available at the back of the church. There is also a box on the passkeepers table in the Cathedral for any prayer intentions.

Youth Group Upcoming Events

The Youth Group has concluded for the Easter holidays. It will return on the 7th May at 6pm in St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Don’t miss information about the Youth Group Day out in June, details coming soon!


Please note that toilet facilities are available between Coffee Saints and the Bookshop during their opening hours (0900-1700). Toilets are available, outside those times, in John Lewis and within the St James Quarter. Please do not enter the sacristy during Mass.

2023/24 Gift Aid Envelopes Ready for Collection

The new 2023/24 Gift Aid envelope sets are now available for collection from the back of the church from this weekend. With the new tax year approaching, this is also an ideal time to consider registering for Gift Aid with the parish if you have not already done so. For more information, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, at finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

No 10am Mass or Confessions This Week

While some of the Cathedral priests are away, the 10am Mass is cancelled and will resume on Monday 17th April, and there will be no Confessions this week.

Sunday Fun Run Spectacular Finish!

Thank you to all those who joined Fergus on his weekly run from St Andrew’s Church to the Cathedral during Lent and thank you, too, to all those who sponsored the runners and donated to this fundraiser for the Cathedral Windows and SCIAF. So far, a total of just over £900.00 has been raised! If you would still like to contribute, or if you sponsored the runners and have not yet paid the amount pledged, please either speak to Fergus or Caroline after Mass. Alternatively, if you would like to make a donation via BACS, please email Caroline in the parish office at finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk who will provide you with details on her return from annual leave on 17th April 2023.

Save the Date: Coronation Lunch Party at Ravelston

On Sunday, 7th May, a coronation lunch party with children's activities is planned. Tickets and details of the program will follow later and as we are hoping for sunshine. This is a preliminary call for help so that bunting can go up during the week of the coronation, followed by the gazebo and tables on Sunday morning. If you are able to help please text or phone me on 07841 419240 after the Easter weekend. Thank you, Judy Sutherland.

Called & Gifted Workshop: Discover Your Unique Purpose in Life

You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Identify your charisms (spiritual gifts) and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. We will learn about the ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community, and we will delve into the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. The workshop is hosted by the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre (100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh) in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details & registration at https://bit.ly/calledgifted2023 Queries? Email sranna.marie@staned.org.uk

Save the Date: ‘ReThink Abortion’ Interactive Training Day

Pro-life speaker Isabel Vaughan Spruce and her team from March for Life will lead ‘ReThink Abortion,’ an interactive training day on how to speak about abortion. The event will be Saturday, 13 May, 10am-5pm in the Catholic Chaplaincy of the University of Glasgow. Mass will be celebrated at 9.00am before the day starts and lunch will be provided along with refreshments throughout the day. General Admission, £25.00. Register at https://www.marchforlife.co.uk/rethink-abortion/ Attendees must be over 18.

Catenians Meeting on Wednesday, 19th April at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 19th April, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Informal chat to follow in a local pub. Join us! The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com

Christian Meditation (in person and online)

Lent is a time to grow in prayer, and Easter a time to rejoice in the Lord. Experience how Christian Meditation with others leads you on this journey. We meditate in person at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH3 5AD, on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom. Schedule is at: https://www.meetup.com/Christian-Meditation-Group/events/ Contact mobile: 0771 777 2614 Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1cuO5QJ

Safeguarding Training Induction Part 1

If you are in need of Safeguarding training (Part I) here are the available dates:

  • Face-to-face Training: 90 mins, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, Friday 28th April at 1pm. To register, please email elaine.anderson@staned.org.uk providing details of your name, parish and role.

  • Online Training: 90 mins, Thursday 11th May at 7pm. To register, please email margaret.andow@staned.org.uk providing details of your name, parish and role.

Read the newsletter for the 9th April (pdf)