Twenty-Eighth Sunday of The Year – Year C

Enrolment for First Confession – This Sunday at Mass

Congratulations to the children of our parish being enrolled today for preparations to make their First Confession in February 2023. Thanks to Mary, Michael and Roberto and the teachers at St. Mary’s Primary School for all their work in teaching the children. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers during these important months of preparation.

Young Adults: Jesus Christ, Ascended into Heaven, Who Will Come Again

It was a great turnout for last week’s Young Adults Group! Thanks to all who attended! As we continue our series on the Creed on Tuesday, October 11, don’t miss this week’s talk by Peter Forster on “I Believe Jesus Christ, Ascended into Heaven, Who Will Come Again.” Join us at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. We will conclude with Night Prayer in the Cathedral before we head over to a local pub for a ‘refreshment’!

Readers’ Training and Refresher This Week

All new and old volunteers who are serving as Readers are invited to a short training and refresher course on Wednesday, 12th October, 7:00pm or Saturday, 15th October, 12:00pm. You only need to come to one of these dates, but please do come along when free to 63 York Place. If you can't make either, please speak to Fr Robert or one of the coordinators for each ministry. Also, thanks to so many of you who attended our recent training for Eucharistic Ministers! Any questions, please contact

Friends of the Cathedral Melanie McDonagh to speak on “Famous Catholic Converts” on Friday, 14th October

Melanie McDonagh, the art critic of The Evening Standard and Spectator columnist, will speak to the Friends of St Mary's Cathedral this Friday, 14th October in Coffee Saints at 7.30pm. Friends who wish to attend this event need to RSVP to

This event is free for Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral. Join today at to attend this and other events in our super autumn/winter 2022 programme. By joining, you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. You will also receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

Children’s Sacramental Preparation

First Reconciliation classes begin today at 9:30am in the parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, 77 Belford Road, EH4 3DS. Registration is open for classes for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 & above):

First Holy Communion (P4 and above):

Confirmation (P7 and above):

First Holy Communion class starts on Sunday 26 February 2023 and Confirmation class starts on 29 January 2023. Any questions, please contact Fr. Robert at

Chapter Mass – Tuesday 11th October

The Cathedral’s Chapter of Canons will gather on Tuesday, 11th October. Mass at 12.45 will be celebrated by Canon McMullan, the Chapter Provost, along with the other members of the chapter.

Parish Youth Group Returns: Sunday Evening, 30th October

We are delighted to announce that the Parish Youth Group will return to St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday evenings from the 30th October! If you are in P4-P7 you are invited to join us between 6 & 7.30pm for an opportunity to learn about your faith, pray and play! To join, please arrive from 5.30pm on 30th October for registration, or collect a form today from the back of the Church. Registration fee is £1.

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November 2022; Saturday, 28th January, 2023; and Saturday, 20th May, 2023. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Over Sixties Club – Coffee Afternoon and Cinema Outing

Come along and join the Society of St Vincent de Paul and the Coffee Saints Café for the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday 11th October, Coffee afternoon at Coffee Saints 2.30 - 4pm, and Wednesday 12th October, Cinema outing, meet upstairs at Omni Centre, 12.45pm. Programme is ‘Mrs Harris goes to Paris’

Catenians’ Catholic Men’s Association Recruitment Appeal

Members of The Catenian Association will make a Recruitment Appeal at all Masses next weekend, 15th-16th October. The association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives, whether married or single. For those who are married, their common friendship is enjoyed by their wives (whether Catholic or not), their children and continues after a member’s death, with widows involved on a continuing basis. All are welcome to a membership meeting Wednesday 9th November, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place, EH1 3JD. Visit for more information. To learn more, speak to one of the representatives next week after Mass or contact, 024 7622 4533.

Care Not Killing: Say No to Assisted Suicide in Scotland

Next weekend a Petition to Stop Assisted Suicide in Scotland will be available to sign in the back of church after all the Masses. Care Not Killing (CNK), supported by the Catholic Parliamentary Office, has launched a petition which aims to stop plans to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. This bill risks undermining the provision of palliative care and efforts to prevent suicide. It may make the most vulnerable people, including the elderly and disabled, feel like a burden. The current law is the safeguard - it prohibits assisting someone’s suicide and/or killing them by euthanasia. Please plan to sign the petition next weekend or sign online at

Want to be Catholic?

Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults group has begun its weekly meetings on Tuesdays for all those interested in learning about how to become Catholic. Join us Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:30pm in Cathedral House, 61 York Place. To register, please contact

Fabric Update

As you will see, our beautiful new bespoke canopy is now in place above the tabernacle at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. There will eventually be a new curtain and extra lighting under the canopy. Meantime, there are interim placements. Brilliant new lighting is up in the sanctuary and choir loft. Lots more to do, but great progress!

St Andrew’s Talks’ Welcomes Sr. Roseann Reddy Monday, 7th November

Thank you to everyone who came out to the talk on `What happens at Mass' on Monday evening. The next talk in the series will be on Monday 7th November after 6pm Mass in the rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Sr Roseann Reddy of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life will join us to talk about their work creating a civilisation of love, supporting the fundamental belief that every person is a unique individual, with infinite dignity and created in the image and likeness of God. It is sure to be an interesting talk and you are all welcome. Soup and sandwiches available after the talk. Please mark your diary and RSVP to

Join Us for the Rosary after 6pm Mass

Join us at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston in praying the Rosary after the 6pm weekday Masses during October. The Church traditionally dedicates the month of October to the holy Rosary since the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is October 7th.

Talk with Archbishop Cushley: Holy See Diplomatic Service, 12th October

The Edinburgh Jesuit Centre at Sacred Heart Parish in Lauriston, Edinburgh, is hosting a series of conversations with people who work at the interface of faith and politics. On Wednesday 12 October at 7pm, Fr Adrian Porter SJ will be in conversation with Archbishop Leo Cushley about the work and influence of the diplomatic service of the Holy See. More at

Aquinas’ 4th Proof for God’s Existence, 13th October, 7:30pm

A lecture titled ‘Aquinas & the Fourth Way’, on St. Thomas Aquinas’ fourth proof for God’s existence, takes place on Thursday 13 October at 7.30pm in Room G.04, 50 George Square, Edinburgh. The speaker is Fr Ambrose Little OP, from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC. The talk will last around 45 minutes followed by Q&A. Register at:

Romero Lecture 2022, Friday 14 October at Sacred Heart

The inaugural Romero Lecture will take place at Sacred Heart Church on Friday 14 October, exploring the life and legacy of St. Oscar Romero, who served as Archbishop of San Salvador and was a champion of the poor. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop William Nolan at 6pm, followed by the Romero Lecture by Fr Martin Maier SJ at 7pm, introduced by Archbishop Cushley. Details at

Annual Divine Mercy Conference: Saturday, 29 October in Coatbridge

The annual Divine Mercy Conference takes place at St Augustine’s, Dundyvan Road, Coatbridge, ML5 1DQ, on Saturday 29 October from 9am-6pm. Workshops available on the Eucharist, Divine Mercy and Our Lady. To view the full schedule and to register, visit

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Children Ages 3 to 6+

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. Free of charge at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish welcome! Sessions begin for 3-4 year olds on Tuesday, 13 September,10:30am - 12:30pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Friday, 16 September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6+year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm. To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

Workshop on ‘Life Before Death: The Psychology of Flourishing’

A workshop on the psychology of flourishing, faith and spirituality will be led by Fr Roger Dawson SJ at The Edinburgh Jesuit Centre at Sacred Heart Parish in Lauriston, Edinburgh, on Saturday 22 October 10am to 4.30pm. Register at

Glasgow Torchlight Procession to Mark 55th Anniversary of Abortion Act

On Thursday, 27th October a torchlight procession will take place in Glasgow to mark the 55th anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Action. The UK passed 10 million abortions last month so important to come together, pray and rededicate ourselves. You meet loads of great people too!! 6.30pm, Rosary in George Square followed by procession to St Andrew’s Cathedral and Mass at 7.30pm

2nd November All Souls’ Day Mass at Mount Vernon Cemetery

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place at 10am on Wednesday 2 November (All Souls' Day) in the Mount Vernon Cemetery Chapel.

OK Rehab: Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Edinburgh

OK Rehab specialises in local drug and alcohol rehab and addiction treatment via both inpatient and outpatient treatment providers. We also work with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment taking place in your own home for professional intervention and home detoxification. At OK Rehab, our aim is to help individuals break free from the shackles of addiction and find a treatment that’s ideally suited to them. Find out more about our service in Edinburgh by visiting /drug-alcohol-rehab-edinburgh/. Contact Number: 0800 326 5559, Email:

Read the newsletter for 9th October (pdf)

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year – Year C

Training and Refresher for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers

Following our appeal for new Readers and Eucharistic Ministers, all new and old volunteers in these ministries are invited to a short training and refresher course:

Readers: Wednesday, 12th October, 7:00pm or Saturday, 15th October, 12:00pm

Eucharistic Ministers: Thursday, 6th October, 7:00pm or Saturday, 8th October, 3:00pm

You only need to come to one of these dates, but please do come along when free to 63 York Place. If you can't make either, please speak to Fr Robert or one of the coordinators for each ministry.

Children’s Sacramental Preparation

First Reconciliation classes start next Sunday 9th October 2022 at 9:30am in the parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, 77 Belford Road, EH4 3DS. Registration is now open for classes for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 & above):

First Holy Communion (P4 and above):

Confirmation (P7 and above):

First Holy Communion class starts on Sunday 26 February 2023 and Confirmation class starts on 29 January 2023. Any questions, please contact Fr. Robert at

Young Adults: I Believe in Jesus Christ, Crucified, Died and Risen

We welcome back Fr. Martin Eckersley to our Young Adults Group talks this Tuesday, October 4. He will continue our series on The Creed with his talk on “I believe Jesus Christ, Crucified, Died & Risen from the Dead.” Fr. Eckersley was ordained in 2021 and is assigned to St. Francis Xavier in Falkirk. We will meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. The evening concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up for a drink.

Friends of the Cathedral - Melanie McDonagh to speak on “Famous Catholic Converts” on Friday, 14th October

We are delighted that Melanie McDonagh, the art critic of The Evening Standard and Spectator columnist, is coming to speak to the Friends of St Mary's Cathedral on Friday, 14th October in Coffee Saints at 7.30pm. Friends who wish to attend this event need to RSVP to

This event is free for Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral. Join today at to attend this and other events in our super autumn/winter 2022 programme. By joining, you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. You will also receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November 2022; Saturday, 28th January, 2023; and Saturday, 20th May, 2023. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Want to be Catholic?

This year’s RCIA has started again – but it’s not too late to join. If you are not a Catholic and would like to become one, or even just know more about the Church, sign up now for the Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group for adults. The group meets Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:30pm in Cathedral House, 61 York Place. To register or for more information, email

Saturday Morning Mass & Eucharistic Adoration: Christ our God Present

“I have loved you just as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love.” (John 15:9) Join us for 10:00am Mass on Saturdays here at the Cathedral and then take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist following Mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am, concluding at 12:00pm with Benediction. Saturday morning Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Over Sixties Club – Visits to Mary King’s Close and The Kelpies

  • Tuesday 4th October - Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints 2.30pm – 4:00pm

  • Wednesday 5th October - Visit to Mary King’s Close at The Close 2:00pm. Make you own way there.

  • Thursday 6th October - Visit to The Kelpies, meet at Coffee Saints at 9:00am, bus leaves 9.15am sharp.

Both Mary King’s Close and The Kelpies will need to be prebooked. Call Graham on 07568 202547

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514

Volunteers Needed! Cathedral Flower Arranging Team

Our beautiful Cathedral flower arrangements are prepared by four wonderful teams of volunteers who take it in turn to meet on a Friday to arrange the flowers for the weekend Masses. We are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our teams, which meet either mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday and are led by experienced volunteers, so lack of experience is not a barrier! Can you help? To join a team or find out more, please contact or 0131 556 1798.

Join the Cathedral Cleaning Team!

Are you able to help clean our lovely Cathedral? The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. Either once a week or once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. To join the group, or find out more, please contact or 0131 556 1798.

‘What Happens at Mass’: 3rd October Talk, Soup & Sandwiches

Our St. Andrew’s Talks series begins Monday, 3 October. Fr. Robert will speak on ‘What Happens at Mass’ at 6.45pm, followed by soup and sandwiches and a discussion in the Parish Rooms. Please RSVP by Sunday, 2 October to the Parish Office so we can count you in for the talk and food afterwards, 0131 556 1798.

Parish Youth Group Returns in October

Our Youth Group will return at the end of this month for young people in P4 – P7. Keep an eye on the Newsletter for details!

First Reconciliation Preparation Classes Begin Next Sunday

We welcome the children of our parish beginning their First Reconciliation preparation classes at 9:30am next Sunday, 9th October in the parish rooms. Please keep them in your prayers! Thank you to our catechists and parents who are helping to prepare the children for their first Confessions in Spring 2023.

Parish Barbecue

Thank you again to everyone who helped to make the Parish BBQ such a success. Just to let you know that after all the expenses were deducted, we raised £607.81, which will be donated to the St Andrew’s Parish Project.

Parish Community and Social Committee Volunteers Needed

Do have some suggestions to share for Ravelston community activities and are willing to volunteer to help get them going? If so, please do get in touch with Fr Robert Cathedral Office or any member of the St Andrew’s Parish Council. We look forward to hearing from you!

Month of the Rosary: Join Us for a Decade of the Rosary after 6pm Mass

The Church traditionally dedicates the month of October to the holy Rosary since the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary falls on October 7th. Join us at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston in praying a decade of the Rosary after the 6pm weekday Masses during October, beginning Monday, 3rd October.

Fr. David Cullen, MAfr, RIP

We recently learned of the death of Fr David Cullen, MAfr, who died on 10 March shortly after his 90th birthday and whose work in Zambia was supported for many years by the parishioners of St Andrew’s. If anyone would like to make a donation to the White Fathers in his memory, contributions may be sent to Missionaries of Africa, 15 Corfton Road, London W5 2HP. May Fr. Cullen rest in peace!

Thank You from Mina’s Family

We received this letter form Mina’s daughter this week. I thought I’d share it with you:

“Dear Monsignor Burke and Parishioners of St Andrew’s Ravelston, I am writing on behalf of Mum and all the family to thank you for the wonderful honour in awarding Mum the Archdiocesan Medal for Outstanding Service to the Church through her musicianship and teaching; for the beautiful and thoughtful Mass you arranged celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, in particular the wonderful organist and the delightful soloist. We thank you all most sincerely.” Maria Ahmed

Recruitment for Marriage Counselling Services

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (BCOS) is looking to increase the provision of marriage counselling available to Dioceses in Scotland. If you are an experienced counsellor, it offers you an opportunity to broaden your professional practice (CPD training provided). BCOS hopes to expand upon a service already used in some areas of the country that supports couples married in the Catholic Church and is underpinned by the Christian tradition.

Essential criteria:

  • Current registration with a professional counselling body including BACP, COSCA, UKCP or registered equivalent.

  • Hold a minimum of a Diploma in Counselling or equivalent.

  • Have a minimum of 450 client hours (post qualifying) experience.

Interested? Please contact us on 07706 063936 to have an initial chat.

The Ten Million: Lives Lost to Abortion Since 1967

On 23 September 2022, at 11:41am, thousands of people across the UK stopped for a minute of silence to commemorate the 10 million lives that have been lost to abortion across Great Britain since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967. Right To Life UK have released a compelling short 2-minute video called The Ten Million. Visit for more information and watch the video.

Day for Readers and Those Wishing to Reflect on the Gospel of St. John

Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. It is also for anyone who wants to come and reflect on the Gospel of St John. Fr Andrew Garden of St David’s in Dalkeith will be the main speaker and there will be practical sessions. The day concludes with Mass at 2:15pm. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Register at

Mass and Romero Lecture 2022: The Life, Loss and Legacy of Romero

The inaugural Romero Lecture will take place at Sacred Heart Church. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop William Nolan at 6pm, followed by the Romero Lecture by Fr Martin Maier SJ at 7pm, introduced by Archbishop Leo Cushley. To register on Eventbrite, visit

Rosary Book: Mysteries Made Visible: Praying the Rosary with Sacred Art

As we enter October, the Month of the Rosary, take time to pray the Rosary for the needs of our parish, your family or other special intentions. Mysteries Made Visible: Praying the Rosary with Sacred Art, a beautiful book by Dominican Father Lawrence Lew, OP, is available with sacred art images to accompany you in praying the mysteries of the Rosary. Available for just £12.95 at Catholic Truth Society by phone 020 7640 0042 or online at

Read the newsletter for 2 October (pdf)

Twenty-Sixth Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Parents’ Meeting for First Reconciliation, Monday, 26 September

A parents’ meeting for those whose children are preparing for First Reconciliation (P3 and above) will be held on Monday, 26 September. The meeting will on Microsoft Teams at 6.30pm (Cathedral) and 7.00pm (Ravelston). To attend please register at

If you have already registered, you will receive the Microsoft Teams link by email. For more information, please email

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above):

First Holy Communion (P4 and above):

Confirmation (P7 and above):

First Reconciliation class starts on Sunday 9th October 2022, First Holy Communion class starts on Sunday 26 February 2023 and Confirmation class starts on 29 January 2023. Please spread the word!

Training and Refresher for New Readers and Eucharistic Ministers

Following our appeal for new Readers and Eucharistic Ministers, all new and old volunteers in these ministries are invited to a training and refresher:

Readers: Wednesday, 12th October, 7:00pm or Saturday, 15th October, 12:00pm

Eucharistic Ministers: Thursday, 6th October, 7:00pm or Saturday, 8th October, 3:00pm

You only need to come to one of these dates, but please do come along when free to 63 York Place. If you can't make either, please speak to Fr Robert or one of the coordinators for each ministry.

Young Adults: ‘I Believe in Jesus Christ, Born of the Virgin Mary’

Last week’s Young Adults Group was another great evening with our talk and discussion together. Thanks to all who joined us! This week, on Tuesday, 26 September, Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, will continue our series on The Creed with her talk on “I believe Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary.” Sr. Anna Marie is the Archdiocesan Advisor on Catechetics, who is based at St Andrew's Convent in Edinburgh. We will meet at 63 York Place at 7pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. The evening concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up for a drink.

Open Rehearsal of the 9am Sunday Choir, Wed 28th September at 7:30pm

Please join members of the 9am Sunday choir for an open rehearsal on Wednesday 28th September from 7:30pm to 9pm in the Cathedral. If you've ever been curious about what goes on behind the scenes of this friendly group, then please come along. There's no obligation to join, but the group is looking for new singers and so now is your chance to get involved!

Extra or Broken Rosaries Collected for Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Do you have any extra or broken rosaries to donate? Please turn them in at the parish office, 61 York Place, and Deacon Peter will repair them as needed and bring them to the patients he visits at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Thank you for your contributions of rosaries for this important ministry to the sick.

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November, 2022; Saturday, 28th January, 2023; and Saturday, 20th May, 2023. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral

Melanie McDonagh to speak on “Famous Catholic Converts” on Friday, 14th October

We are delighted that Melanie McDonagh, the art critic of The Evening Standard and Spectator columnist, is coming to speak to the Friends of St Mary's Cathedral on Friday, 14th October in Coffee Saints at 7.30pm. Friends who wish to attend this event need to RSVP to

This event is free for Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral. Join today at to attend this and other events in our super autumn/winter 2022 programme. By joining, you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. You will also receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

Over Sixties Club - Cinema Trip and Book Club

  • Coffee Afternoon, Tuesday 27th Sept 2.30 - 4pm, Coffee Saints

  • Cinema trip, Wednesday 28Th Sept, “Ticket to Paradise.” Meet 12.10 pm upstairs at Omni.

  • IT Clinic, Thursday 29th September, 11.30 - 1pm Coffee Saints

  • Book Club, Thursday 29th sept, 2.30 - 4pm Coffee Saints

If you need any further information, contact Graham on 07568 202546.

Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday Devotions – 1st October 9:30am

On Saturday, 1st October at 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

St. Andrew’s Talks: ‘What Happens at Mass’, Monday, 3 October

Our St. Andrew’s Talks series begins Monday, 3 October. Fr. Robert will speak on ‘What Happens at Mass’ at 6.45pm, followed by tea and coffee and a discussion in the Parish Rooms. Mark your diary!

Parish Community and Social Committee Volunteers Needed

Do have some suggestions to share for parish community activities and are willing to volunteer to help get them going? Following Fr Robert's request for Community and Social Committee volunteers last Sunday, please do get in touch with Fr Robert, Cathedral Office or any member of the Parish Council. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ravelston Fabric Update

Over the next two weeks, there are two key fabric installations scheduled at St. Andrew’s Church, Ravelston: a new, hand-made canopy above the tabernacle, combined with upgrades to the lighting throughout the church. These projects started many months ago and the results are affordable, properly designed solutions which will make lasting improvements to our beautiful building. Both changes are thanks to one parishioner who made a very generous donation for investment in the church. Thank you for your patience during this installation period.

Relics of St. Bernadette at Carfin Grotto Until 1 October

The relics of St. Bernadette are at Carfin Grotto, Scotland's National Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes, from 24 September to 1 October. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette in 1858 in Lourdes, France. All are welcome to attend the Archdiocesan Day at Carfin Grotto on Thursday 29 September, including a Mass for schools at 1pm celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, a torchlight procession at 8pm, and Mass at 9pm. For more information, visit Carfin Grotto is located in the village of Carfin, on the outskirts of Motherwell, at St Francis Xavier's Church, Carfin, ML1 5AJ.

Webinar on Seafarer Abandonment and Role of Stella Maris in Support

Thank you for your recent generous support for seafarers and fishers on Sea Sunday. As a follow up, Catholic charity Stella Maris invites you to join a webinar on Tuesday 27th September 7.30pm to 9pm to learn about the issue of seafarer abandonment. In recent months, crews have been stranded without wages or basic necessities, far from home, for months on end. Learn how donations to Stella Maris like yours support those in crisis. Please register in advance

Day for Readers and Those Wishing to Reflect on the Gospel of St. John

Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. It is also for anyone who wants to come and reflect on the Gospel of St John. Fr Andrew Garden of St David’s in Dalkeith will be the main speaker and there will be practical sessions. The day concludes with Mass at 2:15pm. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Register at

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Children Ages 3 to 6

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. Free of charge at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN, children from any parish are welcome! Sessions begin for 3-4 year olds on Tuesday, 13 September, 10:30am - 12:30pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Friday, 16 September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6+year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm. To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life Edinburgh

Pray for an end to abortion with 40 Days for Life between 28th September and 6th November on the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information, please contact or visit

Retrouvaille: A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages

Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. There is no group therapy or group work.

For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the next programme commencing with a Virtual weekend on 13 - 16 October 2022 or a Face to Face weekend in Welwyn Garden City on 24 - 26 February 2023, call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443 or email To learn more, visit

Read the newsletter for 25th September (pdf)

Twenty-Fifth Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above):

First Holy Communion (P4 and above):

Confirmation (P7 and above):

First Reconciliation class starts on Sunday 9th October 2022, First Holy Communion class starts on Sunday 26 February 2023 and Confirmation class starts on 29 January 2023. Please spread the word!

Young Adults: “I believe in God, Father and Creator...”

It was great to see so many of you last week at our Young Adults Group! This week, on Tuesday, 20 September, we will continue our series on The Creed with a presentation on “I believe in God, Father and Creator of Heaven & Earth.” As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. The evening concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up for a drink. See you there!

Friends of the Cathedral

Melanie McDonagh to speak on “Famous Catholic Converts” on Friday, 14th October

We are delighted that Melanie McDonagh, the art critic of The Evening Standard and Spectator columnist, is coming to speak to the Friends of St Mary's Cathedral on Friday, 14th October in Coffee Saints at 7.30pm. Friends who wish to attend this event need to RSVP to

This event is free for Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral. Join today at to attend this and other events in our super autumn/winter 2022 programme. By joining, you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. You will also receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

Many thanks to Sr Mary Pierre, RSM, Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM and Sr Anna Marie, RSM who gave a super presentation this week on the parish’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It was wonderful to see so many people there!

Over Sixties Club: Royal Yacht Britannia Visit and More!

  • Tuesday 20th September, Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints 2.30pm - 4pm

  • Wednesday 21st September, Visit to Royal Yacht Britannia at Ocean Terminal. Meet up at Costa Coffee in Ocean Terminal (ground floor) at 2.30pm. Places are limited, please pre-book this visit by calling Graham on 07568 202546.

  • Thursday 22nd September, Visit to New Coffee Saints at Grassmarket Community Project. Meet there at 2.30pm 86 Candlemaker Row. No booking required. If directions needed, contact Graham on 07568 202546.

Coming up later this month:

  • Cinema Trip - Wednesday 28th September, programme TBC

  • IT Clinic - Thursday 29th September 11.30 - 1pm at Coffee Saints

  • Book Club - Thursday 29th September 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints

Calling All Singers: Open Rehearsal of 9am Sunday Choir 28th September

The 9am Sunday choir is looking for new members. If you are interested in joining this friendly group, or if you are simply curious about what goes on behind the scenes, you are warmly invited to an open rehearsal on Wednesday 28 September at 7:30pm in the Cathedral. Why not come along and give it a try?

Volunteers Needed!

Cathedral Flower Arranging Team

As we hope you have noticed, we always have a beautiful display of flowers in the Cathedral. These are prepared by wonderful teams of volunteers who take it in turn to meet on a Friday to arrange the flowers in preparation for the weekend Masses. To ease the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences, we are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our teams. There are currently four teams, who meet either mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday and each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier! Can you help? If you would like to join a team of flower arrangers, or find out more, please contact or 0131 556 1798.

Cathedral Cleaning Team

Are you able to help clean our lovely Cathedral? The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact or find out more, please contact or 0131 556 1798.

Many Options Available to Support St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish

We are very grateful to all our parishioners who generously donate to help St. Mary’s Cathedral parish. We have a variety of options available for supporting the parish:

Contactless: We have two contactless donation devices in the Cathedral, which you may prefer to use instead of handling notes and loose change.

Gift Aid: Gift Aid is another way of raising money for the parish. It is a government-led initiative whereby UK taxpayers may register for Gift Aid with the Cathedral and/or with St Andrew’s such that the government will give an additional 25% of the value of donations made during the year to the charity, at no additional cost to the donor. Many of you are already registered, but if not, do contact our finance officer, Caroline, on if you are interested.

Online: The Cathedral website also has a ‘donate’ button on our website menu (to see the menu, click on the three lines in the top right corner of the main page) which has the added advantage of allowing you to ‘Gift Aid’ any donations you make at the time that you make them.

Become a Friend of the Cathedral: You can find more details about how to become a Friend by going to our website

Other: We have a page on the ‘easyfundraising’ website. is a website through which you can shop at various retailers online while simultaneously raising a small percentage for your chosen charity at no additional cost to you! By registering as a supporter of a particular charity (we are listed as St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral), you can then search for your chosen retailer and, if listed, open their website and shop as normal. With Christmas just around the corner, many retailers are offering ‘double-donations’, increasing their usual percentage donation to the selected charity.

A big Thank You….!

….to all who gave so generously of their time and effort for our Parish BBQ at St Andrew’s, Ravelston last Sunday, and particularly to our amazing grill cooks and all our wonderful booth and games volunteers! It was a wonderful day for our parish community! We are already looking forward to next years’ barbeque!

Altar Servers Training Next Sunday

A training session will be held for all altar servers - new and old alike - before Mass next Sunday 25th September at St Andrew's, Ravelston. If you would like to join the servers and have made your First Holy Communion, then please come to the church for 9:30am for a session to fit you with an alb and to learn the ropes. Thanks to all our servers and we look forward to welcoming new members, too!

‘St. Andrew’s Talks’: First Monday of the Month Talks Series

From Monday 3rd October, you are invited to a series of talks in the Ravelston Parish Rooms. The talks, on the first Monday of every month, will start at 6.45pm and be followed by tea and coffee and a chance to discuss the subject presented. Keep an eye on the newsletter for more information and put those dates in your diary!

Parish Community and Social Committee Volunteers Needed

Do have some suggestions to share for parish community activities and are willing to volunteer to help get them going? Following Fr Robert's request for Community and Social Committee volunteers last Sunday, please do get in touch with Fr Robert Cathedral Office or any member of the Parish Council. We look forward to hearing from you!

Day for Readers and Those Wishing to Reflect on the Gospel of St. John

Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. It is also for anyone who wants to come and reflect on the Gospel of St John. Fr Andrew Garden of St David’s in Dalkeith will be the main speaker and there will be practical sessions. The day concludes with Mass at 2:15pm. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Register at

Edinburgh Jesuit Centre: ‘An ever more united Christian voice in the land’

Archbishop Leo Cushley speaks on the recent landmark commitment of friendship and unity between the Catholic Church in Scotland and the Church of Scotland (the St Margaret Declaration). This event takes place in-person and online at Sacred Heart Church, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh on Wednesday 21 September at 7pm. Details at

Craig Lodge: Spirit & Truth Weekend, 30 September to 2 October

Craig Lodge is delighted to announce its Spirit & Truth weekend from 30 September to 2 October. Led by Joseph and Rosemary Black, this weekend will ignite a desire for encountering the Lord through worship. Joseph and Rosemary are involved in ministries across the UK, such as Youth 2000 and Stronghold. To register, visit Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, T: +44(0)1838 200216,

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life Edinburgh

Pray for an end to abortion with 40 Days for Life between 28th September and 6th November on the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information, please contact or visit

Edinburgh Jesuit Centre: Faith & Politics

This term, the Edinburgh Jesuit Centre is running a series of conversations with people whose work combines faith and politics. On Wednesday 28 September at 7pm, Fr Adrian Porter SJ will be in conversation with Alistair Dutton, Chief Executive of SCIAF. In-person and online. Details at

Carpet Bowling and Scrabble at Broughton St. Mary’s

Broughton St Mary’s Parish Church, 12 Bellevue Cres, Edinburgh EH3 6NE, has carpet bowling and Scrabble that meets every Wednesday 2-4pm from 5th October until April. Would you like to join us? Or just come along to have a cup of tea, a biscuit & blether. The Scrabble group is small and friendly and would be delighted to have your company. For information, call Margaret Davidson 0131 258 1244.

And finally…Visit Coffee Saints Café Today!

Our own Coffee Saints café is social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. This means that every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. Please continue to spread the word about Coffee Saints café, in which all profits go to charity! Browse the full menu at Follow on Facebook (Coffee Saints) and Twitter @coffeesaints! The café is open 7 days a week 9:00am-4:00pm!

Read the newsletter for 17 September (pdf)

The Newsletter for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday Of The Year

HRH The Queen and text fro. Archbishop Cushley

Requiem Mass, 11 September

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a Requiem Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Sunday, 11th September at Noon.10am Weekday Mass Resumes

After all the comings and goings of the summer – we are now back to some sort of stability and so we will resume the 10am Mass from this Monday. Thank you for your patience over the last months.

No Saturday Morning Adoration Next Saturday

Next Saturday, 17 September, there will be an Investiture Mass for the Order of the Holy Sepulchre here in the Cathedral. His Grace, the Archbishop will celebrate the Mass in the Cathedral for the order’s new members, and Archbishop Mario Conti, Archbishop Emeritus of Glasgow, will conduct the investiture. There will, therefore, be no Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament next Saturday – but there will be confessions as normal.

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above):

First Holy Communion (P4 and above):

Confirmation (P7 and above):

More information about class format and dates will be provided on registration. Please spread the word!

Tuesday Young Adults: Guest Testimonials on Living the Creed

What do we believe as Catholics and how does our faith inform the way we live in today’s world? Young adults between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to join us Tuesday, 13th September, for the start of our new weekly series of talks on the Creed. This week, we look forward to welcoming guest speakers, including those discerning a call to the priesthood, a married couple, and those who have come to the faith after some time. Each will give testimonials reflecting on their experience of living the Creed. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. The evening concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up for a drink. See you there!

Melanie McDonagh speaks to Friends of the Cathedral, Friday, 14th October

We are delighted that Melanie McDonagh, a journalist who writes for The Evening Standard and The Spectator, will speak exclusively to Friends of St Mary's Cathedral on Friday, 14th October in Coffee Saints at 7.30pm.

Join The Friends today at to attend this and other events in our fantastic autumn/winter 2022 programme. By joining, you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. You will also receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

Friends who wish to attend this event must RSVP to Thank you and see you there!

Over Sixties Club Events

  • Tuesday 13th September, Coffee Afternoon, 2.30pm - 4pm at Coffee Saints.

  • Wednesday 14th September, Cinema Outing, meet upstairs at Omni Cinema 2pm, programme will be ‘See How They Run’.

  • Thursday 15th September, Book Club, 2.30pm-4pm at Coffee Saints.

  • Thursday 29th September,11.00am - 1.30pm – IT Clinic: this may be the last for a while. Don’t miss it!

Holy Land Pilgrimage Talk on Tuesday 7:30pm at Coffee Saints

Thanks to so many who have signed up for our parish Holy Land Pilgrimage talk on Tuesday! The pilgrimage this summer included the Religious Sisters of Mercy, based at St Andrew's, Ravelston, and we are delighted that on Tuesday, 13th September, 7:30pm, in Coffee Saints, Sr Mary Pierre, RSM, Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM and Sr Anna Marie, RSM will give a talk about the Holy Land Pilgrimage open to the whole parish. To be sure of your place, please RSVP to or call the office. The pilgrimage was a wonderful spiritual experience and was blessed with the Sisters’ companionship, knowledge and good humour. Join us for the talk as they take us on a journey back to the Holy Land, with insights, anecdotes, and pictures from the trip. There will be a chance to socialise with the pilgrims afterwards.

Cathedral Fabric Matters – Update from Alice

“I’d like to begin by offering a huge thank you to Richard, Elizabeth and Deacon Peter for organising the two First Aid and Fire Evacuation training sessions, in which over 20 volunteers took part.

As I mentioned last time, we have recently had a skylight in the corridor between Sacristy 1 and Sacristy 2 replaced. Unfortunately, the work uncovered more issues with the roof that will need to be addressed, but at least we have one less bucket out to catch the drips in the meantime!

You will have noticed that the damaged coping stones outside the Café have now been replaced. The remains of the barrier in the same area, which was crushed by a delivery truck, will also be removed shortly.

A variety of stonemasons, roofers, heating engineers and plumbers (!) have all been to see the rising damp in Sacristy 2, but the cause remains a mystery! They have also all looked at the long-standing damp issue around the windows in Sacristy 2 and have come up with a range of opinions as to what is needed. The unifying element in all their suggestions, unfortunately, is that any solution will expensive... This is also, unfortunately, true of the Cathedral Heating system, which was recently serviced, and which requires work to make it compliant.

Finally, thanks are due to Marcin, our wonderful Sacristan, who rose heroically to the challenges presented by the bin strike and kept the area around the Cathedral about the cleanest place in Edinburgh!”

If you have any observations or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Alice (Cathedral Complex Manager)

Retiral Collection for Fr. John Peter

At the end of all Masses this weekend, we will have a retiral collection Fr. John Peter for his farewell presentation. Thank you!

Parish BBQ Today 1:30pm!

Today all parishioners are welcome to our Parish Barbecue at St. Andrew’s starting at 1.30pm, rain, hail or shine! Tickets are available at £5 per person or £10 for a family. Come along and join us for this special parish event of great food and family fun!

Altar Servers Training

A training session will be held for all altar servers - new and old alike - before Mass on Sunday 25th September at St Andrew's, Ravelston. If you would like to join the servers and have made your First Holy Communion, then please come to the church for 9:30am for a session to fit you with an alb and to learn the ropes. Thanks to all our servers and we look forward to welcoming new members, too!

Day for Readers and Those Wishing to Reflect on the Gospel of St. John

Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. It is also for anyone who wants to come and reflect on the Gospel of St John. Fr Andrew Garden of St David’s in Dalkeith will be the main speaker and there will be practical sessions. The day concludes with Mass at 2:15pm. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Register at

Zoom Event on the Catholic Church & Judaism, Saturday 17 September

‘Two Sisters: Synagogue & Church’ takes place on Zoom from 11am-1pm on Saturday 17 September, led by Sr Maureen Cusick, NDS, Former General of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion. Event organised by the Scottish Bishops’ Committee for Interreligious Dialogue. To register email

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life Edinburgh

Pray for an end to abortion with 40 Days for Life between 28th September and 6th November on the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information, please contact or visit

Mass for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, 12th September

The monthly Mass to pray for vocations is at 7:00pm on Monday 12 September, at St David's, 41 Eskbank Road, Dalkeith. Some of our seminarians will be present. Join us on praying for vocations!

OK Rehab: Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Edinburgh

OK Rehab specialises in local drug and alcohol rehab and addiction treatment via both inpatient and outpatient treatment providers. We also work with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment taking place in your own home for professional intervention and home detoxification. At OK Rehab, our aim is to help individuals break free from the shackles of addiction and find a treatment that’s ideally suited to them. Find out more about our service in Edinburgh by visiting Contact Number: 0800 326 5559, Email:

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 12pm-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

Pregnancy Support

There are a number of free, confidential, and non-judgemental resources available to women with unplanned pregnancies, or women who have had an abortion. To find out more or get involved, consider connecting with Stanton Healthcare , St. Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society (, or Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline

Read the newsletter for 11th September (pdf)

Twenty-Third Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Comings and Goings…

Just to let you know that, after two very happy years here, Fr. John Peter is taking up his new role as Administrator in Musselburgh this month. In order to show our appreciation for his ministry here, we will have a second collection at the end of all Masses next week. We will then invite him and Fr. Jamie to return to the Parish for a Farewell Reception! To replace Fr. John Peter we are very happy to welcome Fr. Ajeesh George who has recently arrived from India and who will be staying with us for a number of years. I know you will make him very welcome.

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above):

First Holy Communion (P4 and above):

Confirmation (P7 and above):

More information about class format and dates will be provided on registration. Please spread the word!

Young Adults Group: Guest Testimonials on Living the Creed

We are called to live the Creed in our daily lives and the first talk of our new Young Adults series on the Creed will include guest testimonials reflecting on their experience of living the Creed! Speakers will include those discerning a call to the priesthood, a married couple, and those who have come to the faith after some time. All between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings beginning Tuesday, 13th September, 7pm. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place for the talk and a short group discussion. Each talk will be followed with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up for a drink. We look forward to seeing you there!

Holy Land Pilgrimage Talk — RSVP by Sunday, 11 September

The Religious Sisters of Mercy, based at St Andrew's, Ravelston, accompanied the Cathedral pilgrimage to the Holy Land this summer. We are delighted that on Tuesday, 13th September, 7:30pm, in Coffee Saints, Sr Mary Pierre, RSM, Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM and Sr Anna Marie, RSM will give a talk about the pilgrimage open to the whole parish. To be sure of your place, please RSVP by Sunday, 11th September to or phone the office. The pilgrimage was a wonderful spiritual experience and was blessed with the Sisters’ companionship, knowledge and good humour. Join us for the talk as they take us on a journey back to the Holy Land, with insights, anecdotes, and pictures from the trip. There will be a chance to socialise with the pilgrims afterwards.

Saturday Morning Mass and Eucharistic Adoration

“The uniqueness of the eucharistic liturgy lies precisely in the fact that God himself is acting and that we are drawn into that action of God.” (Pope Benedict XVI)

God who is love, and who chose each one of us for a relationship with Himself, is in action at every Mass, drawing us into His very own Divine life! Come for 10:00am Mass on Saturdays here at the Cathedral and then take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist here at the Cathedral. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. Saturday morning Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Over Sixties Club Events Include Lauriston Castle Outing

  • Tuesday 6th September, Coffee Afternoon 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints

  • Thursday 8th September, outing to Lauriston Castle. Meet at 10.30am at Coffee Saints. Numbers are limited, pre notification is required, when capacity is reached you will be placed in the cancellation list and get priority access for the next outing. Contact Trish on 07716963215, or sign up at the coffee afternoon.

  • Next cinema outing Wednesday 14th September; programme to be confirmed.

  • Book Club to meet Thursday 15th September, 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints.

  • Thursday 29th September, 11.00 - 1.30pm – IT Clinic: this may be the last for a while. Don’t miss it!

Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral

Become a Friend of the Cathedral and you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. Join here to access a super programme of events and to receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Needed for Cathedral Masses

Would you be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector at any of the Cathedral Masses? We are looking to add to our complement of volunteers. If you are interested or would like more information about being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, please contact the Cathedral Office at Thank you!

Want to Become Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up for our weekly meetings to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church. Meetings begin in September. For more information, email or call the parish office at 0131 556 1798.

Red Mass at Noon on Sunday, 18 September

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the annual Red Mass at Noon on Sunday 18 September at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. The Mass will see members of Scotland’s legal fraternity come together for the Mass, marking the start of the new Legal Year.

Safeguarding in the Parish

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of any member/visitor to our Parish is important to us. If you have any safeguarding concerns or need support as you were a victim of abuse, you can get help by visiting

To discuss in confidence any concerns, contact Emma Boothroyd, Acting Safeguarding Advisor,, 0131 623 8949 / 07903 619 342 or write to: The Safeguarding Advisor, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.

Extra or Broken Rosaries Collected for Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Do you have any extra or broken rosaries to donate? Please turn them in at the parish office, 61 York Place, and Deacon Peter will repair them as needed and bring them to the patients he visits at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Thank you for your contributions of rosaries for this important ministry to the sick.

Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley at Noon on Saturday 12th November

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley here at the Cathedral at Noon on Saturday 12th November. During the Mass, the Archbishop will bless an altar crucifix that has been donated in his memory and will dedicate a plaque in his memory for the sacristy. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that many of you will want to be present to pay tribute to a man who played a huge part in the life of this Cathedral over so many decades. As many of you know, Joe dedicated almost his entire adult life to St Mary's Cathedral, serving for nearly 50 years as MC and sacristan.

Congratulations to Mina Brown!

Today we congratlate Mina Brown as she receives the Archdiocesan Medal for Outstanding Service to the Church, presented by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, at the 10:30am Mass. Mina is honored with this medal for her service to the Church during a period of over 70 years, as our organist here at Ravelston and elsewhere in the Archdiocese. Join us after Mass for a festive reception in the hall and come along to congratulate Mina! The Archdiocesan Medal was established in 1975 by Cardinal Gordon Joseph Gray, Archbishop of St Andrews & Edinburgh.

Parish BBQ Next Sunday 1:30pm! Tickets Available, Volunteers Needed!

Next Sunday all parishioners are welcome to our Parish Barbecue at St. Andrew’s starting at 1.30pm, rain, hail or shine! Tickets will be sold today in Parish Rooms after Mass and on the day itself: £5 per person or £10 for a family. We need your help to get this off the ground in the short period of time! If you can volunteer some time to help in the organisation and running of the day, then please contact any member of the Parish Council or email

Disabled Access Parking Only

Please do not park cars in the parish driveway unless for disabled access. The BBQ uses the driveway and cars may become stuck. Thank you.

Ravelston BBQ Donations Needed: Bottle Stall Items, Bric-a-Brac…

Donations for the Raffle Bottle Stall are needed as Kate and Robbie look forward to running the stall again this year. Any foods and drinks in a bottle would be gratefully received: wine, whisky, sauce, jam and more. At the BBQ, draw a number and win a bottle! Questions? Ask Kate or Robbie, or email

‘Top Quality’ Bric-a-Brac

Also, in advance of 11th September, please bring along ‘top quality’ donations for our exquisite Bric-a-Brac stall. For example, children's jigsaws or games, jewellery, crystal, handbags, golf clubs…

Donate a Scrumptious Cake

On the day itself, donations of cakes (no nuts, please!) for sale on a stall or for consumption with a cuppa would be most welcome!

No Nuts in BBQ Food Items or Baked Goods, Please!

We have parishioners with nut allergies, so please ensure any food items, baked goods, etc. that are brought the Parish BBQ do not contain nuts. Thank you!

Apply for MA in Applied Catholic Theology — Classes Begin in October

Do you want to study theology and come to know your faith better? Don’t miss out on the opportunity to apply for the MA in Applied Catholic Theology offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. Classes begin in October and are held in the evenings and at weekends. Find out more at

Mass for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, 12th September

The monthly Mass to pray for vocations is at 7:00pm on Monday 12 September, at St David's, 41 Eskbank Road, Dalkeith. Some of our seminarians will be present. Come and pray that more young people listen to God’s call to the priesthood and religious life in our Archdiocese. Fr Andrew Garden is the celebrant.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Begins 13th September at St. Columba’s

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. Free of charge at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish welcome! Sessions begin for 3-4 year olds on Tuesday, 13 September,10:30am - 12:30pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Friday, 16 September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6+year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm. To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

Beginning Experience: A Time to Heal After Separation, Divorce or Death

The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. Beginning Experience, Scotland Team are holding a weekend for those ready to come to terms with that loss and begin to move forward with their lives. The weekend will take place 30th September-2nd October 2022 at the Conforti Centre, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge ML5 4JS. For details contact Catherine, 0131 665 3383 or Completed applications must be returned by Saturday, 12th March 2022. More information at

Read the newsletter for 4th September (pdf)

Twenty-Second Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Young Adults Group Returns

The Young Adults Group will meet again from Tuesday, 13th September. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings, where we will be exploring the Creed. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for the talk at 7.30pm and a short group discussion. Each talk will be followed with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up for a drink. We look forward to seeing you there!

Talk on the Parish Holy Land Pilgrimage, Tuesday, 13th September, 7:30pm

The Religious Sisters of Mercy, based at St Andrew's, Ravelston, accompanied the Cathedral pilgrimage to the Holy Land this summer. We are delighted that Sr Mary Pierre, RSM, Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM and Sr Anna Marie, RSM will give a talk open to the whole parish about the pilgrimage on Tuesday, 13th September, 7:30pm, in Coffee Saints. To be sure of your place, please RSVP by Sunday, 11th September to or call the office. The pilgrimage was a wonderful spiritual experience and was blessed with the Sisters’ companionship, knowledge and good humour. Join us for the talk as they take us on a journey back to the Holy Land, with insights, anecdotes, and pictures from the trip. There will be a chance to socialise with the pilgrims afterwards.

Join the Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral Today!

Become a Friend of the Cathedral and you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. Our joint membership offer of £30 per month has been so popular that we are offering it permanently. Join here to access a super programme of events and to receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Opens 2nd September

We’re getting ready for a new year of catechism classes for children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register your child for these sacraments please visit the Cathedral website from the 2nd September where all the information will be available.

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist here at the Cathedral. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. You may want to pray the Rosary or read the Scriptures, mediating on the readings for Sunday Mass. Saturday morning Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Over Sixties Club: Coffee Afternoon and Cinema Outing

Don’t miss the upcoming Over Sixties Club activities! Come along and join us!

  • Tuesday 30th August, Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints café, 2.30pm – 4:00pm

  • Wednesday 31st August, Cinema Outing, ‘Where the Crawdads Sing.’ Meet 1pm upstairs at Omni cinema.

  • Thursday 1st September, Book Club, 2:30pm – 4:00pm at Coffee Saints. Graham will not be there to facilitate, self administered meet up should still go.

  • Thursday 29th September 11.00 - 1.30pm – IT Clinic: this clinic may be the last for a while, so get your IT problems seen to.

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Needed for Cathedral Masses

Would you be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector at any of the Cathedral Masses? We are looking to add to our complement of volunteers. If you are interested or would like more information about being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, please contact the Cathedral Office at Thank you!

Want to Become Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up for our weekly meetings to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church. Meetings begin in September. For more information, email or call the parish office at 0131 556 1798.

First Aid Session for All Cathedral Volunteers Saturday, 3 September

Thanks to all volunteers who attended our First Aid class last week! We are running another First Aid class for passkeepers, cleaners, flower arrangers, and members of any other ministry. The course, which is not certificated, will be held in 63 York Place on Saturday, September 3, 2:00pm-4:00pm. The course will cover some basic First Aid skills. If you are interested in attending, please contact Alice Harrison, Complex Manager at with a note of whether you have any previous First Aid experience.

Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley at Noon on Saturday 12th November

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley here at the Cathedral at Noon on Saturday 12th November. During the Mass, the Archbishop will bless an altar crucifix that has been donated in his memory and will dedicate a plaque in his memory for the sacristy. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that many of you will want to be present to pay tribute to a man who played a huge part in the life of this Cathedral over so many decades. As many of you know, Joe dedicated almost his entire adult life to St Mary's Cathedral, serving for nearly 50 years as MC and sacristan.

Red Mass at Noon on Sunday, 18 September

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the annual Red Mass at Noon on Sunday 18 September at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. The Mass will see members of Scotland’s legal fraternity come together for the Mass, marking the start of the new Legal Year. The Red Mass dates back to the 13th century and gains its name from the robes worn by Scots judges, a colour adopted in symbolism of the tongues of fire that descended on the Apostles at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).

Next Sunday - Congratulations to Mina Brown!

His Grace, the Archbishop, will present Mina Brown with the Archdiocesan Medal next Sunday at the 10:30am Mass, in recognition of her outstanding service to the Church during a period of over 70 years, as our organist here at Ravelston (and elsewhere in the Archdiocese). Do plan to join us for this special occasion, followed by a reception in the hall.

Parish BBQ Sunday 11th September – Tickets Available, Volunteers Needed!

The Parish Barbecue at St. Andrew’s will be on Sunday 11th September, starting at 1.30pm, rain, hail or shine! Tickets will be available from today in the Parish Rooms after Mass and on the day itself: £5 per person or £10 for a family. We need your help to get this off the ground in the short period of time! If you can volunteer some time to help in the organisation and running of the day, then please contact any member of the Parish Council or email

Ravelston BBQ Donations Needed: Raffle Bottle Stall and More!

Kate and Robbie will be running their Raffle Bottle Stall again at the Parish Barbecue. Donations of anything in a bottle would be gratefully received: wine, whisky, sauce, jam and more. Please bring your bottle to the parish rooms by Sunday 4th September. At the BBQ, draw a number and win anything from a bottle of sauce to a bottle of whisky! Questions? Ask Kate or Robbie, or email

Superb Bric-a-Brac Stall

Also, in advance of 11th September, please bring along 'top quality' donations for our exquisite Bric-a-brac stall. For example, children's jigsaws or games, jewellery, crystal, handbags, golf clubs, etc

… and Yummy Cakes!

On the day itself, donations of cakes of all kinds for sale on a stall or for consumption with a cuppa would be most welcome! Thank you.

Still Time to Apply for MA in Applied Catholic Theology!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to apply for the MA in Applied Catholic Theology! It is being offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh, beginning in September. Teaching is flexible and the programme is suitable for graduates of most academic disciplines. Find out more at

Safeguarding Training

All parish volunteers who work with children and/or protected adults require annual safeguarding training. This is provided by the Archdiocese and available courses can be found in the safeguarding section of the Archdiocesan website:

Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day, Saturday, 3rd September

The Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day is on Saturday, 3 September at the Gillis Centre. If you are interested in joining the group of servers in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, this is a great opportunity to find out more about serving at Mass. Registration is at 10:30am and the day will feature games and workshops. It will conclude with Mass celebrated by the Archbishop at 2pm. He will present medals to new members of the Guild of St Cuthbert. If you would like to attend, please contact Fr. Robert or the Cathedral Office to register your interest at

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Children Growing in Love for Jesus

In a child-friendly space called an atrium, children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about the Bible, the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is offered free of charge at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part!

  • Tuesdays: 10:30am - 12:30pm, 3-4 year olds

  • Fridays: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 5-6 year olds

  • Fridays: 3:00pm - 4:30pm, 6+ year olds

To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

Want to learn more? An informative 5-minute video about one Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program is available at Eternal Word Television Network:

Today: 40 Hours’ Devotion at St. Joseph’s, Bonnybridge

Each parish in the Archdiocese is having 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to help renew our Faith and love of Jesus Christ. This weekend (28 August) it’s on at St Joseph’s, Bonnybridge, while the following weekend it’s at St Michael’s, Linlithgow. See parish websites/social media for details. Find out more about Eucharistic Adoration:

Annual Caritas, Justice & Peace Mass on Monday, 5 September

This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission, and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register at

Conversation: Christian and Muslim Speakers, Saturday, 10 September

Is Scotland a tolerant country for people of faith? Take part in an in-depth conversation on the experience of Christians and Muslims, with guest speakers outlining obstacles and opportunities. This event takes place at the parish hall of St John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, on Saturday 10 September, from 11am to 3pm. Register at

Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage

The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September at St. Patrick’s Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh Eh1 1NA. It starts at 2pm and concludes with Mass at 4:30pm. This will be an afternoon of quiet reflection and prayer for the beatification of Margaret Sinclair. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

National Pilgrimage for Young People Saturday, 24 September

The National Pilgrimage for young people 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. Join young Catholics from across Scotland, along with priests and bishops, for this one-day pilgrimage. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Holy Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

Relics of St Bernadette to Carfin Grotto: Archdiocesan Day 29 September

The relics of St Bernadette will come to Carfin Grotto, St Francis Xavier's Church, Taylor Avenue, Carfin ML1 5AJ from 24 September to 1 October. The relics are touring the UK and arrive at Carfin Grotto on 10:30am on 24 September. The Archdiocesan Day is being held there on Thursday 29 September and it includes a Mass for schools at 1:00pm, celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, a torchlight procession at 8pm, and Mass at 9pm. All welcome! In 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette at Lourdes, France. Visit for more details.

Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is on from 1 September to 4 October. This year’s theme is ‘Listening to the voice of creation’. Find out more at

Please consider reading Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si,’ on caring for our common home – it is freely available online by searching ‘Laudato Si’.

Read the newsletter for 28th August (pdf)

Twenty-First Sunday of the Year – Year C

Festival Mass on Sunday at Noon

His Grace, Archbishop Leo Cushley, will celebrate the Festival Mass at the Cathedral on Sunday. The Lord Provost, members of Edinburgh City Council and other dignitaries will be present. Welcome to all joining us for this special Mass!

Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley at Noon on Saturday 12th November

As many of you know, Joe Gilhooley dedicated almost his entire adult life to St Mary's Cathedral, serving for some 49 years as MC and sacristan before ill-health prevented him from continuing a few years back. Unfortunately, Joe died during the pandemic and because of the restrictions we were not able to pay him a fitting tribute at the time. In recognition, therefore, of his outstanding service to the Cathedral and in order to pray for the repose of his soul, His Grace the Archbishop will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Joseph here at the Cathedral at Noon on Saturday 12th November. During the Mass, the Archbishop will bless an altar crucifix that has been donated in his memory and will dedicate a plaque in his memory for the sacristy. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that many of you will want to be present to pay tribute to a man who played a huge part in the life of this Cathedral over so many decades.

Over Sixties Club: Minibus Trip to South Queensferry and more!

The parish’s Over Sixties Club has many activities planned! Come along and join us!

  • Tuesday 23rd August, Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints café, 2.30pm – 4:00pm

  • Thursday 25th August, minibus trip to South Queensferry, this is a limited numbers event, pre notification will be required. Call Trish on 07716963215 or sign up at the Coffee Afternoon on Tuesday. As normal, if the outing is oversubscribed you will get priority booking for the next event.

  • Thursday 25th August, Information Technology Clinic, 11:30am – 4:00pm at Coffee Saints.

  • Wednesday 31st August, Cinema Outing, programme to be confirmed.

  • Thursday 1st September, Book Club, 2:30pm – 4:00pm at Coffee Saints.

An Update from Alice – the Complex Manager

“I have now been working as the Cathedral Complex Manager for a number of months. During that time, I have met many of you who volunteer and I have discovered that there is plenty to keep me busy. I currently have a list of repair and maintenance jobs which is 83 items long! The things that need attention range from minor repairs to the imminent replacement of one or all of the Cathedral boilers.

The roof received an inspection at the end of June, with only minor damage located, however water ingress from the roof and especially to the rear of the main Sacristy remains an ongoing issue.

A skylight above the sacristy corridor will be replaced at the end of this month and the coping stones on the wall near the bookshop, which are badly cracked, will be replaced shortly. I have also had the control and ventilation systems for the boilers serviced for the first time in many years. The next urgent matter is a new area of damp in Sacristy 2, the cause of which requires further investigation but may be linked to the poor state of the stonework around some of the windows on Cathedral Lane.

If there are any other fabric issues you think I may not be aware of or am not addressing, please contact me on

With thanks again for your help to date, Alice”

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Opens 2nd September

As our children return to school, we’re getting ready for a new year of catechism classes for children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Registration will open on Friday, 2nd September. Watch this space for more details!

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Needed for Cathedral Masses

Would you be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector at any of the Cathedral Masses? We are looking to add to our complement of volunteers. If you are interested or would like more information about being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, please contact the Cathedral Office at Thank you!

Want to Become Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2023. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call the parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

First Aid Session for All Cathedral Volunteers

We are planning to run a couple of First Aid classes for passkeepers, cleaners, flower arrangers, and members of any other ministry. The course, which is not certificated, will be held in 63 York Place on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, 23 August from 7pm – 9pm

  • Saturday, 3 September from 2pm – 4pm

The course will cover some basic First Aid skills, such as actions in an emergency, calling for help, emergency life support, and use of a defibrillator. There will also be a short session covering the emergency evacuation procedures for the cathedral. If you are interested in attending, please contact Alice Harrison, Complex Manager at with a note of your preferred date, and whether you have any previous First Aid experience.

Congratulations to Mina Brown!

As a recognition of her outstanding service to the Church during a period of over 70 years, as our organist here at Ravelston (and elsewhere in the Archdiocese), His Grace, the Archbishop, will present Mina with the Archdiocesan Medal at Mass here on Sunday, 4th September. This will be a lovely occasion and will be followed (naturally) by a reception in the hall, so I am sure that many of you will want to be present and will join with me in thanking Mina for all of her service to our parish, especially for her generous sharing of her musical talents. Do try to come along to celebrate this special occasion.

Parish Barbecue Sunday 11th September – Tickets Available 28th August

The Parish Barbecue at St. Andrew’s will be on Sunday 11th September, starting at 1.30pm, rain, hail or shine! Tickets will be available from Sunday 28th August in the Parish Rooms after Mass and on the day itself. They cost £5 per person or £10 for a family. To get this off the ground in the short period of time we also need your help! If you can volunteer some time to help in the organisation and running of the day, then please contact any member of the Parish Council or email

Archdiocese Mini-Pilgrimage to March for Life UK on 3rd September

The Archdiocese has a limited number of discounted return train tickets to the annual March for Life UK in London on Saturday 3rd September. CLOSING DATE is this Monday (22 August). Join our mini-Pilgrimage for Life from Edinburgh to King's Cross! We will leave Edinburgh by train at 6:24am on 3rd September. It's an early start but 'bacon rolls at Berwick' watching the East Coast roll by is a great way to start a day. We leave London at 6.00pm from Kings Cross returning to Edinburgh Waverley by 22:38. Concession fare £40 (Students/Unemployed), Discounted fare: £80. For more details and to book your seat visit

Pro-Life Fringe: ‘Do I?’ Explores Coercion in Contemporary Culture

The pro-life play ‘Do I?’ explores the themes of relationships, coercion and the lack of morality in contemporary culture. The play invites audiences to reconsider cultural attitudes towards romantic expression in society today and revaluate/challenge mainstream views. 15-20 August and 22-27 August. Book here:

Retrouvaille: A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages

Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. There is no group therapy or group work. For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the next programme commencing with a Virtual weekend on 13 - 16 October 2022 or a Face to Face weekend in Welwyn Garden City on 24 - 26 February 2023, call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443 or email To learn more, visit

Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day, Saturday, 3rd September

The Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day is on Saturday, 3 September at the Gillis Centre. If you are interested in joining the group of servers in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, this is a great opportunity to find out more about serving at Mass. Registration is at 10:30am and the day will feature games and workshops. It will conclude with Mass celebrated by the Archbishop at 2pm. He will present medals to new members of the Guild of St Cuthbert. If you would like to attend, please contact Fr. Robert or the Cathedral Office to register your interest at

Annual Justice & Peace Mass, Monday, 5 September

This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register at

Conversation: Christian and Muslim Speakers, Saturday, 10th September

Is Scotland a tolerant country for people of faith? Take part in an in-depth conversation on the experience of Christians and Muslims, with guest speakers outlining obstacles and opportunities. This event takes place at the parish hall of St John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, on Saturday 10 September, from 11am to 3pm. Register at

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage in Scotland? Try the “Little Camino”, as Scotland enjoys its long summer. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. For details please visit

Children’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-7)

Nourish your child in the Catholic faith! The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program rooted in Scripture and the liturgy of the Church, is offered, free of charge, at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part.

  • Tuesdays: 10:30am - 12:30pm, 3-4 year olds

  • Fridays: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 5-6 year olds

  • Fridays: 3:00pm - 4:30pm, 6+ year olds

To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

National Pilgrimage for Young People Saturday 24 September

The National Pilgrimage for young people 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. Join young Catholics from across Scotland, along with priests and bishops, for this one-day pilgrimage. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Holy Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

OK Rehab: Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Edinburgh

OK Rehab specialises in local drug and alcohol rehab and addiction treatment via both inpatient and outpatient treatment providers. We also work with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment taking place in your own home for professional intervention and home detoxification. At OK Rehab, our aim is to help individuals break free from the shackles of addiction and find a treatment that’s ideally suited to them. Find out more about our service in Edinburgh by visiting Contact number: 0800 326 5559, Email:

Bethany Christian Trust Job Opportunities – 26th August Closing Date

Bethany Christian Trust are currently recruiting for the next season at the Rapid Re-accommodation Welcome Centre at the Haymarket Hub Hotel in the West End. They are searching for people who are passionate about helping those experiencing homelessness. Previous experience in this field is not essential as full training will be provided. Closing date is 26th of August, you can apply here:

The Scottish Catholic Magazine’s 19th August Issue Now Available!

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 19th August issue has arrived with news, opinions and features on Catholic life in Scotland. A new edition is printed every two weeks. The Scottish Catholic is the only publication dedicated to Scotland’s 600,000 Catholics. For just £2 pick up your copy on the table in the Octagon while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral. Thank you! For more information, visit

Read the newsletter for 21st August (pdf)

Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Most Spiritual of the Arts: The ‘Schola Cantorum’ Sings MacMillan – this Monday at 7.30pm

A final reminder that our Cathedral Choir (the Schola Cantorum) will perform a special concert of choral music composed by Sir James MacMillan this Monday 15th August to celebrate the Cathedral's Patronal Feast of the Assumption. Sir James will be with us at the Cathedral, and during the concert he will discuss how his Catholic faith has shaped his music.

The concert is part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts, and will include works such as the Strathclyde Motets, Hymn to the Blessed Sacrament, and Ave Maris Stella. You can hear the choir performing a preview of James MacMillan's Ave Maria at the 12 noon Mass this Sunday 14th August!

Tickets are £15 and are available at the door or f

All proceeds from the concert will go directly towards supporting the future musical life of St Mary's Cathedral. At the event you can purchase a copy of the debut CD recording of the Schola Cantorum, With Angels and Archangels, for £12.99 or purchase online from the Cathedral store.

Join Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral now to attend the reception after the concert on 15th August!

It’s not too late to join Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral and receive member benefits at The Schola Cantorum sings the music of Sir James MacMillan on 15 August. Hurry to receive priority seating at the concert and entry to the drinks reception afterwards! You can join here: Friends must RSVP their attendance at the concert and reception to

Over Sixties Club: Variety of Activities to Choose From

We are continuing and expanding activities for the Over Sixties Club:

  • Coffee Afternoon on Tuesdays 2.30pm - 4pm, at Coffee Saints

  • Cinema visit, next trip Wednesday 17th August, ‘Nope’ – meeting at Omni upstairs at 1.45pm.

  • Book Club will meet up on Thursday 18th August, 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints

  • Information Technology Clinic - last Thursday of the month, next session 25th August 11.30am - 1pm, at Coffee Saints.

First Aid Session for All Cathedral Volunteers

We are planning to run a couple of First Aid classes for passkeepers, cleaners, flower arrangers, and members of any other ministry. The course, which is not certificated, will be held in 63 York Place on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, 23 August from 7pm – 9pm

  • Saturday, 3 September from 2pm – 4pm

The course will cover some basic First Aid skills, such as actions in an emergency, calling for help, emergency life support, and use of a defibrillator. There will also be a short session covering the emergency evacuation procedures for the cathedral. If you are interested in attending, please contact Alice Harrison, Complex Manager at with a note of your preferred date, and whether you have any previous First Aid experience.

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Needed for Cathedral Masses

Would you be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector at any of the Cathedral Masses? We are looking to add to our complement of volunteers. If you are interested or would like more information about being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, please contact the Cathedral Office at Thank you!

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD and are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact Monika – 07751213612 or Atama – 07832903514.

Want to Become Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2023. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call the parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

Congratulations to all recently engaged couples in the parish! To help to accompany them in their preparations for this important vocation, the Cathedral organises four courses each year, featuring presentations, testimonies and workshops led by married couples from the parish. The next course will take place on Saturday 27th of August. Although priority is given to Cathedral / Ravelston parishioners, this course is also open to people from other parishes and dioceses – feel free to spread the word! To register, email

Festival Mass – 12noon next Sunday 21st August

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Festival Mass at the Cathedral. The Lord Provost and members of Edinburgh City Council will join us for the Mass and the choir will provide the music. It is always a lovely occasion – do come and join us.

Pro-Life Play 8th August to 13th August at Edinburgh Fringe

As an Edinburgh Festival Fringe show this year, a pro-life play, ‘A Viking Summer’ will be performed from 8th August to 13th August, 7:00pm-8:30pm. The play follows the lives of several university women volunteering on the island of Iona for the summer, who have a summer romance with young men who are staying on the island. But when romance yields two unplanned pregnancies hard decisions must be made between ideals of youthful freedom and realities of adult responsibility. Tickets are priced £7, and £5 for concessions, available from the Edinburgh Fringe Office at

The play will be at Mannafields Christian School, Edinburgh EH7 6AE, with access via the car park and the entrance on Restalrig Road South, about 100 yards north of its junction with the A1. Walk through car park to school.

Pregnancy Support

There are a number of free, confidential, and non-judgemental resources available to women with unplanned pregnancies, or women who have had an abortion. To find out more, consider connecting with Stanton Healthcare (, St. Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society ( ), or Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline ( )

Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day, Saturday, 3rd September

The Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day is on Saturday, 3 September at the Gillis Centre. If you are interested in joining the group of servers in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, this is a great opportunity to find out more about serving at Mass. Registration is at 10:30am and the day will feature games and workshops. It will conclude with Mass celebrated by the Archbishop at 2pm. He will present medals to new members of the Guild of St Cuthbert. If you would like to attend, please contact Fr. Robert or the Cathedral Office to register your interest at

Annual Justice & Peace Mass, Monday, 5 September

This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register at

Conversation: Christian and Muslim Speakers, Saturday, 10th September

Is Scotland a tolerant country for people of faith? Take part in an in-depth conversation on the experience of Christians and Muslims, with guest speakers outlining obstacles and opportunities. This event takes place at the parish hall of St John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, on Saturday 10 September, from 11am to 3pm. Register at

Children’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-7)

Nourish your child in the Catholic faith! The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program rooted in Scripture and the liturgy of the Church, is offered, free of charge, at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part.

  • Tuesdays: 10:30am - 12:30pm, 3-4 year olds

  • Fridays: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 5-6 year olds

  • Fridays: 3:00pm - 4:30pm, 6+ year olds

To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

St. Mary’s University’s Edinburgh campus offers a Master’s programme in Applied Catholic Theology that provides a grounding in key aspects of Catholic theology while enabling students to apply that theology to the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. Classes start in September! Studies include Scripture, Doctrine, Christian Spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching, and Ethics. In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening for the programme. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead,, 07773 689535.

National Pilgrimage for Young People Saturday 24 September

The National Pilgrimage for young people 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. Join young Catholics from across Scotland, along with priests and bishops, for this one-day pilgrimage. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Holy Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage in Scotland? Try the “Little Camino”, as Scotland enjoys its long summer. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. For details please visit

Cathedral’s Coffee Saints Café: Support Edinburgh’s Most Vulnerable.

Café Open 7 Days a Week 9:00am-4:00pm

Come and enjoy an iced tea or coffee, or a fruit cooler or smoothie, and a delicious breakfast or lunch at our Coffee Saints café, in which all profits go to charity! The café is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens, including those dealing with homelessness, mental health problems, poverty and more. Purchases at this totally unique café in the St. James’ Quarter directly support those in need! To see the full menu, visit

Bethany Christian Volunteer Opportunities

Anne Hope House Gardener

We are looking for a female volunteer gardener to help us maintain the lovely garden at Anne Hope House, our twelve bed residential unit for females coming out of a situation of homelessness who are seeking to make positive changes in their lives. Tasks include seed sowing, planting out, pruning, watering and weeding. Days/hours flexible depending on your schedule.

Care Van Volunteer

The Care Van, which Bethany runs in partnership with Edinburgh City Mission, is an all year round service that provides anyone struggling on the streets with hot drinks and food — and we need your help to continue serving those experiencing homelessness in the city. Do you have a few hours to spare over lunchtime between Monday and Friday to help out?

To volunteer, please email call 07884 537231 or visit Bethany Christian Trust is a national charity whose mission is to relieve the suffering and meet the long-term needs of homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland

Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage on 18th September

The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

Doctor, Nurse, or Generally Interested in Bioethics?

Want to read good, short explanations of various issues in medicine? Visit the Educational Resources page for ‘Bioethics in Brief’ at, the new website of The Anscombe Bioethics Centre. An Oxford-based research institute, the Centre serves the Catholic Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Established in 1977, the Centre promotes the study of Catholic bioethics in service of the common good by engaging with moral questions arising from clinical practice and biomedical research. The Centre fosters dialogue among established and emerging scholars from different religious and philosophical backgrounds and frequently publishes academic books or articles. Subscribe to its monthly digest for the latest news, events, and accessible briefings on moral matters in medicine at

Shalom World  Free Catholic Movies, News, Shows and More

Shalom World is a Catholic, commercial-free, 24/7, HD family entertainment channel. “Change what you watch and watch the world change!”

Read the newsletter for 14th August (pdf)

Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C

The ‘Schola Cantorum’ Sings MacMillan – Monday, 15th August at 7.30pm

Don’t miss the special recital by our own Cathedral Choir (the Schola Cantorum) with choral music composed by James MacMillan on Monday 15th August to mark the Cathedral's Patronal Feast of the Assumption. Sir James MacMillan is Scotland’s most distinguished composer. At the concert, Sir James will discuss the relation between faith and music with Michael Ferguson, Director of the Schola Cantorum. For details, visit Tickets are £15 and are available at the door or from the Fringe Box Office

Join Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral now to attend the reception after the concert on 15th August!

It’s not too late to join Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral and receive member benefits at The Schola Cantorum sings the music of Sir James MacMillan on 15 August. Hurry to receive priority seating at the concert and entry to the drinks reception afterwards!

First Aid Session for All Cathedral Volunteers

We are planning to run a couple of First Aid classes for passkeepers, cleaners, flower arrangers, and members of any other ministry. The course, which is not certificated, will be held in 63 York Place on the following dates:

Tuesday, 23 August from 7pm – 9pm

Saturday, 3 September from 2pm – 4pm

The course will cover some basic First Aid skills, such as actions in an emergency, calling for help, emergency life support, and use of a defibrillator. There will also be a short session covering the emergency evacuation procedures for the cathedral. If you are interested in attending, please contact Alice Harrison, Complex Manager at with a note of your preferred date, and whether you have any previous First Aid experience.

Over Sixties Club: Variety of Activities to Choose From

We are continuing and expanding activities for the Over Sixties Club:-

  •  Coffee Afternoon on Tuesdays 2.30pm - 4pm, at Coffee Saints

  •  Portobello visit Wednesday, 10th August- meet at Beach House, 57 Bath Street 2.30 - 4pm, no pre booking required, this is a turn up event.

  •  Rosslyn Chapel visit Thursday, 11th August- meet at Coffee Saints at 10.30am for 10.45am minibus departure. Returning around 2.30pm. Pre-Booking for this event is essential and on a first come, first served basis. If the places are all taken a reserve list will be compiled. If you miss out on this event you will have priority placing for further upcoming events. Contact Graham 07568 202 547 or

  •  Cinema visit, next trip Wednesday 17th August, programme and time TBC

  •  Book Club will meet up on Thursday 18th August, 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints

  •  Information Technology Clinic - last Thursday of the month, next session 25th August 11.30am - 1pm, at Coffee Saints.

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

Congratulations to all recently engaged couples in the parish! To help to accompany them in their preparations for this important vocation, the Cathedral organises four courses each year, featuring presentations, testimonies and workshops led by married couples from the parish. The next course will take place on Saturday 27th of August. Although priority is given to Cathedral / Ravelston parishioners, this course is also open to people from other parishes and dioceses – feel free to spread the word! To register, email

Volunteers Needed for Cathedral Masses

Would you be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector at any of the masses? We are looking to add to our complement of volunteers. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact the Cathedral Office.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD and are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact Monika – 07751213612 or Atama – 07832903514.

Want to Become Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2023. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call the parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Choir Rehearsals

The Schola Cantorum will have rehearsals on Sunday 7 August, and so there will be no choir at the 12pm Mass today. The choir is preparing for the special concert of the music of Sir James MacMillan in the Cathedral on Monday 15 August.

Festival Mass – 21st August

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Festival Mass at the Cathedral. Plan to join us for this Mass!

Volunteers Needed at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston! Many Roles Available!

Help is needed with cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers, sacristans, doing altar linens laundry, or church maintenance. Many of the roles are on a rota basis of every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact Please do get in touch!

Friday and Sunday Cafés in the Parish Rooms

Teas & coffees are available Sundays after 10:30am Mass - every Sunday! Additionally, the Friday cafe (10am-Noon) is available with delicious home-baking. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat at either or both cafes!

Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day

The Archdiocesan Altar Servers' Day is on Saturday, 3 September at the Gillis Centre. If you are interested in joining the group of servers in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, this is a great opportunity to find out more about serving at Mass. Registration is at 10:30am and the day will feature games and workshops. It will conclude with Mass celebrated by the Archbishop at 2pm. He will present medals to new members of the Guild of St Cuthbert. If you would like to attend, please contact Fr. Robert or the Cathedral Office to register your interest.

Annual Justice & Peace Mass

This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register at

My Faith & Scotland

Is Scotland a tolerant country for people of faith? Take part in an in-depth conversation on the experience of Christians and Muslims, with guest speakers outlining obstacles and opportunities. This event takes place at the parish hall of St John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, on Saturday 10 September, from 11am to 3pm. Register at

Pro-Life Play 8th August to 13th August at Edinburgh Fringe

As an Edinburgh Festival Fringe show this year, a pro-life play, ‘A Viking Summer’ will be performed from 8th August to 13th August, 7:00pm-8:30pm. The play follows the lives of several university women volunteering on the island of Iona for the summer, who have a summer romance with young men who are staying on the island. But when romance yields two unplanned pregnancies hard decisions must be made between ideals of youthful freedom and realities of adult responsibility. Tickets are priced £7, and £5 for concessions, available from the Edinburgh Fringe Office at

The play will be at Mannafields Christian School, Edinburgh EH7 6AE, with access via the car park and the entrance on Restalrig Road South, about 100 yards north of its junction with the A1. Walk through car park to school.

Children’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-7)

Nourish your child in the Catholic faith! The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program rooted in Scripture and the liturgy of the Church, is offered, free of charge, at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part.

  • Tuesdays: 10:30am - 12:30pm, 3-4 year olds

  • Fridays: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 5-6 year olds

  • Fridays: 3:00pm - 4:30pm, 6+ year olds

To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

St. Mary’s University’s Edinburgh campus offers a Master’s programme in Applied Catholic Theology that provides a grounding in key aspects of Catholic theology while enabling students to apply that theology to the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. Classes start in September! Studies include Scripture, Doctrine, Christian Spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching, and Ethics. In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening for the programme. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead,, 07773 689535.

Catholic Parliamentary Office Briefing on Abortion Bill

The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a two-page briefing on Gillian Mackay, MSP's proposal to introduce buffer zones around abortion facilities in Scotland. The briefing provides details on the proposal, highlights some concerns and shows how people can respond to the consultation, which closes on Thursday 11th August. Find it at

National Pilgrimage for Young People Saturday 24 September

The National Pilgrimage for young people 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. Join young Catholics from across Scotland, along with priests and bishops, for this one-day pilgrimage. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Holy Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage in Scotland? Try the “Little Camino”, as Scotland enjoys its long summer. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. For details please visit

Cathedral’s Coffee Saints Café: Support Edinburgh’s Most Vulnerable

Café Open 7 Days a Week 9:00am-4:00pm

Come and enjoy an iced tea or coffee, or a fruit cooler or smoothie, and a delicious breakfast or lunch at our Coffee Saints café, in which all profits go to charity! The café is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens, including those dealing with homelessness, mental health problems, poverty and more. Purchases at this totally unique café in the St. James’ Quarter directly support those in need! To see the full menu, visit

Bethany Christian Volunteer Opportunities

Anne Hope House Gardener

We are looking for a female volunteer gardener to help us maintain the lovely garden at Anne Hope House, our twelve bed residential unit for females coming out of a situation of homelessness who are seeking to make positive changes in their lives. Tasks include seed sowing, planting out, pruning, watering and weeding. Days/hours flexible depending on your schedule.

Care Van Volunteer

The Care Van, which Bethany runs in partnership with Edinburgh City Mission, is an all year round service that provides anyone struggling on the streets with hot drinks and food — and we need your help to continue serving those experiencing homelessness in the city. Do you have a few hours to spare over lunchtime between Monday and Friday to help out?

40 Hours’ Devotion

Each parish in the Archdiocese is having 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to help renew our Faith and love of Jesus Christ. This weekend (Aug 7) it is at St Joseph’s in Peebles and The Sacred Heart, Lauriston, Edinburgh. See parish websites/social media for details. Find out more about Eucharistic Adoration:

Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage on 18th September

The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

Read the newsletter for 7th August (pdf)