Twenty-Third Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Comings and Goings…

Just to let you know that, after two very happy years here, Fr. John Peter is taking up his new role as Administrator in Musselburgh this month. In order to show our appreciation for his ministry here, we will have a second collection at the end of all Masses next week. We will then invite him and Fr. Jamie to return to the Parish for a Farewell Reception! To replace Fr. John Peter we are very happy to welcome Fr. Ajeesh George who has recently arrived from India and who will be staying with us for a number of years. I know you will make him very welcome.

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above):

First Holy Communion (P4 and above):

Confirmation (P7 and above):

More information about class format and dates will be provided on registration. Please spread the word!

Young Adults Group: Guest Testimonials on Living the Creed

We are called to live the Creed in our daily lives and the first talk of our new Young Adults series on the Creed will include guest testimonials reflecting on their experience of living the Creed! Speakers will include those discerning a call to the priesthood, a married couple, and those who have come to the faith after some time. All between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings beginning Tuesday, 13th September, 7pm. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place for the talk and a short group discussion. Each talk will be followed with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up for a drink. We look forward to seeing you there!

Holy Land Pilgrimage Talk — RSVP by Sunday, 11 September

The Religious Sisters of Mercy, based at St Andrew's, Ravelston, accompanied the Cathedral pilgrimage to the Holy Land this summer. We are delighted that on Tuesday, 13th September, 7:30pm, in Coffee Saints, Sr Mary Pierre, RSM, Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM and Sr Anna Marie, RSM will give a talk about the pilgrimage open to the whole parish. To be sure of your place, please RSVP by Sunday, 11th September to or phone the office. The pilgrimage was a wonderful spiritual experience and was blessed with the Sisters’ companionship, knowledge and good humour. Join us for the talk as they take us on a journey back to the Holy Land, with insights, anecdotes, and pictures from the trip. There will be a chance to socialise with the pilgrims afterwards.

Saturday Morning Mass and Eucharistic Adoration

“The uniqueness of the eucharistic liturgy lies precisely in the fact that God himself is acting and that we are drawn into that action of God.” (Pope Benedict XVI)

God who is love, and who chose each one of us for a relationship with Himself, is in action at every Mass, drawing us into His very own Divine life! Come for 10:00am Mass on Saturdays here at the Cathedral and then take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist here at the Cathedral. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. Saturday morning Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Over Sixties Club Events Include Lauriston Castle Outing

  • Tuesday 6th September, Coffee Afternoon 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints

  • Thursday 8th September, outing to Lauriston Castle. Meet at 10.30am at Coffee Saints. Numbers are limited, pre notification is required, when capacity is reached you will be placed in the cancellation list and get priority access for the next outing. Contact Trish on 07716963215, or sign up at the coffee afternoon.

  • Next cinema outing Wednesday 14th September; programme to be confirmed.

  • Book Club to meet Thursday 15th September, 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints.

  • Thursday 29th September, 11.00 - 1.30pm – IT Clinic: this may be the last for a while. Don’t miss it!

Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral

Become a Friend of the Cathedral and you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. Join here to access a super programme of events and to receive Crux, the new Cathedral magazine, straight to your door.

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Needed for Cathedral Masses

Would you be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector at any of the Cathedral Masses? We are looking to add to our complement of volunteers. If you are interested or would like more information about being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, please contact the Cathedral Office at Thank you!

Want to Become Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up for our weekly meetings to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church. Meetings begin in September. For more information, email or call the parish office at 0131 556 1798.

Red Mass at Noon on Sunday, 18 September

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the annual Red Mass at Noon on Sunday 18 September at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. The Mass will see members of Scotland’s legal fraternity come together for the Mass, marking the start of the new Legal Year.

Safeguarding in the Parish

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of any member/visitor to our Parish is important to us. If you have any safeguarding concerns or need support as you were a victim of abuse, you can get help by visiting

To discuss in confidence any concerns, contact Emma Boothroyd, Acting Safeguarding Advisor,, 0131 623 8949 / 07903 619 342 or write to: The Safeguarding Advisor, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.

Extra or Broken Rosaries Collected for Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Do you have any extra or broken rosaries to donate? Please turn them in at the parish office, 61 York Place, and Deacon Peter will repair them as needed and bring them to the patients he visits at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Thank you for your contributions of rosaries for this important ministry to the sick.

Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley at Noon on Saturday 12th November

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley here at the Cathedral at Noon on Saturday 12th November. During the Mass, the Archbishop will bless an altar crucifix that has been donated in his memory and will dedicate a plaque in his memory for the sacristy. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that many of you will want to be present to pay tribute to a man who played a huge part in the life of this Cathedral over so many decades. As many of you know, Joe dedicated almost his entire adult life to St Mary's Cathedral, serving for nearly 50 years as MC and sacristan.

Congratulations to Mina Brown!

Today we congratlate Mina Brown as she receives the Archdiocesan Medal for Outstanding Service to the Church, presented by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, at the 10:30am Mass. Mina is honored with this medal for her service to the Church during a period of over 70 years, as our organist here at Ravelston and elsewhere in the Archdiocese. Join us after Mass for a festive reception in the hall and come along to congratulate Mina! The Archdiocesan Medal was established in 1975 by Cardinal Gordon Joseph Gray, Archbishop of St Andrews & Edinburgh.

Parish BBQ Next Sunday 1:30pm! Tickets Available, Volunteers Needed!

Next Sunday all parishioners are welcome to our Parish Barbecue at St. Andrew’s starting at 1.30pm, rain, hail or shine! Tickets will be sold today in Parish Rooms after Mass and on the day itself: £5 per person or £10 for a family. We need your help to get this off the ground in the short period of time! If you can volunteer some time to help in the organisation and running of the day, then please contact any member of the Parish Council or email

Disabled Access Parking Only

Please do not park cars in the parish driveway unless for disabled access. The BBQ uses the driveway and cars may become stuck. Thank you.

Ravelston BBQ Donations Needed: Bottle Stall Items, Bric-a-Brac…

Donations for the Raffle Bottle Stall are needed as Kate and Robbie look forward to running the stall again this year. Any foods and drinks in a bottle would be gratefully received: wine, whisky, sauce, jam and more. At the BBQ, draw a number and win a bottle! Questions? Ask Kate or Robbie, or email

‘Top Quality’ Bric-a-Brac

Also, in advance of 11th September, please bring along ‘top quality’ donations for our exquisite Bric-a-Brac stall. For example, children's jigsaws or games, jewellery, crystal, handbags, golf clubs…

Donate a Scrumptious Cake

On the day itself, donations of cakes (no nuts, please!) for sale on a stall or for consumption with a cuppa would be most welcome!

No Nuts in BBQ Food Items or Baked Goods, Please!

We have parishioners with nut allergies, so please ensure any food items, baked goods, etc. that are brought the Parish BBQ do not contain nuts. Thank you!

Apply for MA in Applied Catholic Theology — Classes Begin in October

Do you want to study theology and come to know your faith better? Don’t miss out on the opportunity to apply for the MA in Applied Catholic Theology offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. Classes begin in October and are held in the evenings and at weekends. Find out more at

Mass for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, 12th September

The monthly Mass to pray for vocations is at 7:00pm on Monday 12 September, at St David's, 41 Eskbank Road, Dalkeith. Some of our seminarians will be present. Come and pray that more young people listen to God’s call to the priesthood and religious life in our Archdiocese. Fr Andrew Garden is the celebrant.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Begins 13th September at St. Columba’s

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. Free of charge at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish welcome! Sessions begin for 3-4 year olds on Tuesday, 13 September,10:30am - 12:30pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Friday, 16 September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6+year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm. To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

Beginning Experience: A Time to Heal After Separation, Divorce or Death

The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. Beginning Experience, Scotland Team are holding a weekend for those ready to come to terms with that loss and begin to move forward with their lives. The weekend will take place 30th September-2nd October 2022 at the Conforti Centre, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge ML5 4JS. For details contact Catherine, 0131 665 3383 or Completed applications must be returned by Saturday, 12th March 2022. More information at

Read the newsletter for 4th September (pdf)