Thirtieth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Important Parish Meeting

Monday, 2nd November – What is God saying to us in these times?

You will be aware by now that the present restrictions imposed upon us because of the Covid pandemic are, in all likelihood, going to be in force for a long time to come. Faced with this situation – I think we need to begin to think deeply about what God is saying to us at this time and what he is asking us to do in response to the crisis?

To that end – I would like to invite you all to an on-line parish meeting on the evening of 2nd November. With the help of Zoom we are able to meet in fairly large numbers online and so I would ask you to think about participating in this meeting. All you need is a computer and the internet and we will do the rest!! If you would like to participate. Thank you for your interest, the meeting is now full!

November Lists

November is traditionally known as the month of the Holy Souls, in which we pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones. Together with your newsletter, you will have received a 'November List' on which you can make a note of all those people you wish to pray for. These lists will be placed before the altar and remembered at every Mass during this month ahead. Please fill in the form, the name will be printed out by the Parish Office and placed on the altar. You can also download the form and hand it in at the back of the church at Sunday Mass or post it through the letterbox at Cathedral House.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom

Our new Parish Bible Study meets online every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. Email to sign up. You will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for the Bible study. At the meetings, we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. Do join us!

Be Sure to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass - Online or by Phone

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend.  We are delighted to report an increasing demand for all Sunday Masses at St Andrews. Therefore, it is increasingly important that everyone uses the booking process to reserve a seat for any of these masses. We wish to avoid having people who have not booked queueing outside in wintry weather or indeed being redirected to a bigger church. Thank you for your understanding. Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats Monday, 8am – Saturday, 5pm. If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you.

Speak Out Against Abortions at Home

The Scottish Government is holding a consultation on whether to continue the practice of sending dangerous abortion pills to women to undergo abortions at home. We need as many pro-life people as possible to complete the Scottish Government’s questionnaire in order to stop dangerous DIY abortions becoming permanent. SPUC has prepared a briefing which gives a step by step guide to completing the questionnaire. Please go to

‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’

Online Catechesis with Sr. Anna Marie – Monday, 23rd November

Learn more about how to deepen your prayer life, draw closer to God and ask questions during the Archdiocese’s exciting new Zoom catechesis events led by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, a Religious Sister of Mercy who holds a licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. The 45-minute talk ‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’ will be held for the Edinburgh deanery on Monday, 23rd November at 2pm and 7pm. Registration details will be published on the parish website in the coming weeks. Do join us for this event!

National Rosary Rally for Faith, Life and Peace – Pray with Us Saturday, 31st October

Join with other Catholics across our archdiocese to pray the Rosary for faith, life and peace during the National Rosary Rally. The Religious Sisters of Mercy will lead us in the Joyful Mysteries from St Margaret's Chapel at the Gillis Centre at 1pm on Saturday, 31st October: More information is available at

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church over the weekends of 14th/15th and 21st/22nd November.

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

Please consider volunteering as a pass keeper to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. We are still in need of volunteers. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews. Many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day—thank you to all passkeepers who help to make this possible!

Most of the installation is now complete. A major improvement as we approach wintry weather!

Most of the installation is now complete. A major improvement as we approach wintry weather!

On-going Renovations to Cathedral House

Having done so much to improve the fabric of Cathedral House in recent years, we were shocked to find that the roof of the house has never actually been insulated. Andy, our ever-resourceful Complex manager, has therefore been installing insulation this week. By doing this, we will, as you know, both reduce heating costs but also eliminate unnecessary waste.

Parish Project Top-up Opportunity

As you may remember, the Rosmini Seminary in Bangalore (where Fr Binu is the Superior) was voted-in as our Parish Project. Following Fr Binu's recent Mass in St Andrews, we have a great opportunity to donate to the Parish Project over the month of November and top-up the existing donations. All parish project monies will be transferred to the Seminary in December. Please make any electronic transfers to St Andrews account with a payment reference of 'Parish Project' or contact Caroline via or via the Parish Office. Many thanks!

Return of Catechism Classes

Welcome back to all children to Catechism Classes this weekend following the mid-term holidays! It’s still not too late to register to take part. These classes are at 10am each Sunday of term for children in Primary 3 (or those who have not yet made their First Confession). In January 2021, classes will begin for those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021. More details will be provided nearer the time.

Pilgrimage Challenge

Please help support the revival of the ancient Scottish Pilgrimage to St Andrews. Great scenery from coastal to moorland, with opportunity for reflections. Start off with a mini-pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel 13 km south of Edinburgh or pick up the St Margaret’s Way Challenge, all the way in easy stages from here in Edinburgh to St Andrews and the great ruined cathedral, built in the honour of Scotland’s patron saint overlooking the North Sea. All details and contact information on

Read the newsletter for 25th October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 25th October (doc)

Twenty-Ninth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Parish Online Meeting, Monday, 2nd November – What is God calling us to do in these times?

To try to discern how God might be calling us as a parish to respond to this changing situation of the pandemic, the Parish Council has decided to call a parish meeting to discuss a way forward. This will take place online on Monday 2nd of November at 7-9pm. This is an important moment in the life of our parish, so please make every effort to participate. Thank you for your interest, the meeting is now full!

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom

Our new Parish Bible Study meets online every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. Email to sign up. You will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for the Bible study. At the meetings, we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. Do join us!

Bible Talk: St Mark’s Gospel

Speaking of Bible studies… on the first Sunday of Advent, we will start reading the Gospel of Mark at Sunday Mass. To prepare for this, the Archdiocesan Catechetics has organised a talk by Scripture expert Fr Andrew Garden titled ‘Getting to Know St Mark’ at 7pm on Monday, 19th October. For the link Zoom link to attend, visit here.

Catechesis on Prayer Event Online – Monday, 23rd November

The Archdiocese is also running an exciting new Zoom series of catechesis events for adults, led by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM: ‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’ The 45-minute talk will give you tips on improving your prayer life to help you draw closer to God, and will be followed by a Q&A. Sister Anna Marie will host a session for parishioners in each deanery. The date for Edinburgh is Monday, 23rd November at 2pm and 7pm. Registration details will be published on the parish website in the coming weeks. Sister Anna Marie is a much sought-after speaker and we’re very lucky to have her in the Archdiocese!

Hospital Chaplaincy

Our own Fr John Peter is the designated chaplain for the Western General Hospital. If you know of anyone who has been admitted to hospital, please call the parish office to request a visit or inform the on-duty nurse. The priests in the parish are more than happy to provide the sacraments to anyone in need of spiritual care – please don’t hesitate to inform us!

In God’s Image

The Bishops in Scotland want to hear from you if you wish to propose any changes to ‘In God’s Image’, the safeguarding policy manual for the Catholic Church in Scotland. To offer comments and suggestions, please visit

National Rosary Rally for Faith, Life and Peace

This national event for praying the rosary takes place in our diocese at 1pm on Saturday, 31st October. Pray the Rosary online with others on the Archdiocese’s Facebook, YouTube or website:

Fratelli Tutti

The Pope’s new encyclical is available to read online now. ‘Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship’ can be found in the encyclicals section of the Vatican’s website:

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass

Available now for purchase is With Angels and Archangels, the Cathedral Choir’s first CD. You can have a look at the beautiful CD and purchase it online. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. Thank you for your support of music at St Mary’s through your purchase of the CD and listen to samples until your own copy arrives in the post!

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church over the weekends of 14th/15th and 21st/22nd November.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

We are always here to help, supporting individuals and families in need of assistance. If you become aware of ways in which our support would be welcome or needed, please contact the Parish Office. Whilst the presence of our SSVP Conference has not been as visible as usual during these COVID restricted times, we have been able to continue our work through telephone calls and virtual meetings. We remain committed to responding to requests for assistance and/or to give support wherever and to whomever we can. Thank you to all who have made donations to the Conference in recent months.

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions are available at the Cathedral Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not using the confessionals. Rather, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity.

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

Please consider volunteering as a passkeeper to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. We are still in need of volunteers. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at or on 0131 553 1510. Many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day—thank you to all passkeepers who help to make this possible!

Mass to be Celebrated by Fr Binu – Friday, 23rd October

Fr Binu, who lived in the Cathedral parish while studying for a Masters at the University of Edinburgh, will return to Ravelston on Friday, 23rd October to celebrate Mass in thanksgiving for the generous support given to the seminary where he now works by the parish project fund. If you'd like to say hello to him, do come along to Mass at 6pm!

Return of Catechism Classes

Well done to all the children who participated in the first Catechism class of the new term and the Rite of Enrolment last week. The class takes a holiday this weekend and will resume again next Sunday. It’s still not to late to register to take part. These classes are for children in Primary 3 (or those who have not yet made their First Confession) and take place at 10am each Sunday of term. In January 2021, classes will begin for those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021. More details will be provided nearer the time.

Pilgrimage Opportunities

Need to ‘Get Out’? Take a “Day Out” on one of Scotland’s great pilgrimage trails, to Rosslyn Chapel a few miles south of Edinburgh or north along St Margaret’s Way to St Andrews. Check the “Little Camino” on this website.

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1st November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has been organising pro-life outreach that is prayerful and supportive of future moms. 40 Days for Life is an inter-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: 1) prayer and fasting—inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion; 2) a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre; and 3) community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit this website.

Read the newsletter for the 18th October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 18th October (doc)

The Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year - Year A

Parish Meeting, Monday 2 November - A date for your diaries

In order to try to discern how we, as a parish community, should respond to the Covid crisis and how we try to listen to the God in this situation, we have decided to hold a parish meeting on the evening of Monday 2 November, 7-9pm. The meeting will be held on Zoom (which is not ideal) but it will be very well moderated and we will have break out rooms for small group discussions. There will be more details about the meeting next week but I just want you put the date in your diaries and encourage you to participate in this initiative.

If you would like to know more about the idea behind the meeting watch the video in this post and register with the form below or send us an email. Please mark the date and please make every effort to participate.

Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Cushley

His Grace the Archbishop has published a Pastoral Letter about the Pandemic. The letter is available here.

SCIAF – Wednesday 14th October at 7pm

The Cathedral is hosting a Zoom meeting with speakers from SCIAF to find out more about the impact of the current pandemic on the poorest societies and links between poverty and climate change. We’ll be joined by Alistair Dutton CEO, Blessings Kachale, Programme Officer, and Thomas Mulvey, Community Engagement Officer, to explore these questions and much more. If you’d like to join us, please email the Cathedral Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom

Fr. Jamie’s Bible Study continues on Thursday evenings. Email to sign up. You will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for the Bible study. At the meetings, we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. Come and join us as we build community and seek to nourish our friendship with God.

Live-streamed Mass from Glasgow for Persecuted Christians, Tuesday, 13 October

“Aid to the Church in Need” will host a live-stream Mass on Tuesday 13th October at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow, to pray for persecuted Christians. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Philip Tartaglia and Bishop John Keenan. For further information please see

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — For Sale after Mass!

Available now for purchase is With Angels and Archangels, the Cathedral Choir’s first CD. You can have a look at the beautiful CD and buy one after the 9am and 12pm Masses at the Cathedra this weekend. You can also purchase it online. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. Thank you for your support of music at St Mary’s through your purchase of the CD!

Society of St Vincent de Paul

While the presence of our SSVP Conference has not been as visible as usual during these COVID restricted times, we have been able to continue our work through telephone calls and virtual meetings. Please know we are always here to help, supporting individuals and families. If you become aware of ways in which our support would be welcome or needed, please contact the Parish Office . While we have had to suspend our communal activities and home visits, we remain committed to responding to requests for assistance and/or to give support wherever and to whomever we can. A grateful and heartfelt thank you to all who have made donations to the Conference in recent months.

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions are available at the Cathedral Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not using the confessionals. Rather, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. Also, if you need help remembering how to go to Confession, no worries—the priest will be happy to walk you through it. Do take advantage of this great Sacrament of healing!

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

We are still looking for generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you, one and all, for your help—many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day!

Congratulations and Return of Catechism Classes

Warm congratulations to all of the children who celebrated their First Holy Communion in our churches on Saturday! We now welcome to catechism class those children (P3 and above) who do not attend a Catholic school and have been registered for their First Confession / Reconciliation in 2021. The class meets at 10am in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew's, Ravelston. For those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021 - please note that these classes are scheduled to begin in January 2021. More details will be provided nearer the time. Thank you for your patience.

October: Month of the Rosary

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. To mark this special month, the Archdiocesan pro-life office have produced a series of prayer intentions to pray for this intention. Pray the rosary here.

Pilgrimage Opportunities

Need to ‘Get Out’? Take a “Day Out” on one of Scotland’s great pilgrimage trails, to Rosslyn Chapel a few miles south of Edinburgh or north along St Margaret’s Way to St Andrews. Check the “Little Camino” on

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1 November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has been organising pro-life outreach that is prayerful and supportive of future moms. 40 Days for Life is an inter-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: 1) prayer and fasting—inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion; 2) a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre; and 3) community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit

Conferences from Lauriston Jesuit Centre

The Lauriston Jesuit Centre will offer conferences in October on the “Four Last Things.” Sign up is available through Zoom.

Black History Month

St Andrew's and St George's West is hosting ‘Stories from Scotland and Beyond’ – a panel discussion of speakers sharing their experiences and stories with opportunities to ask questions. This will take place on 15th October.

Read the newsletter for 11 October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 11 October (doc)

Twenty-Seventh Sunday Of The Year – Year A

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — For Sale after Mass!

With Angels and Archangels, the Cathedral Choir’s first CD, is available to purchase. You can have a look at the beautiful CD and buy one after all Masses this weekend. You can also purchase it online. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or do you know someone who is?

The Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group is for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming members of the Church. It gives an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to Catholics about their beliefs. The group aims at helping to give an understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the teaching of the Church. The group also strives to deepen the faith of its members through studying the Holy Scriptures and through prayer. It’s a very supportive place for people to come together on a faith journey. We will start with four virtual meetings between September and December with the hope that we can meet physically as a group in January, providing Covid restrictions are lifted by then. Please contact the Parish Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

Fr Jamie is leading a bible study for the parish on Thursday evenings! If you have not yet signed up, please email In preparation for the meeting, you will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel. Then, at the meetings on Thursday nights we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. This is a great way to build community and grow together in our friendship with God.

SCIAF – Wednesday 14th October at 7pm

Are you concerned about the impact of the current pandemic on the poorest societies? Or the links between poverty and climate change? The Cathedral is hosting a Zoom meeting with speakers from SCIAF to find out more. We’ll be joined by Alistair Dutton CEO, Blessings Kachale, Programme Officer, and Thomas Mulvey, Community Engagement Officer, to explore these questions and much more. If you’d like to join us, email the Cathedral Office to register.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

Last Sunday, 27th September, saw the feast day of St Vincent de Paul celebrated by communities throughout the world. The presence of our SSVP Conference during these Covid restricted times has not been as visible as usual. In spite of this we have been able to continue our work through telephone calls and by the Conference meeting virtually.

We are always here to help, supporting individuals and families as we would support a friend. Please let us know if you become aware of ways in which our support would be welcome or needed by contacting the Parish Office. Whilst we have had to suspend our communal activities and home visits, we remain committed to responding to requests for assistance and/or to give support wherever and to whomever we can. Donations we have received during recent months have been very welcome, a grateful and heartfelt thank you to all for remembering the Conference.

100 years of Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris)

On 4 October 1920, the Apostleship of the Sea was founded in the Jesuit parish in Glasgow. Now it operates in 300 ports and 41 countries. Plans to mark the centenary with a World Congress in Glasgow have had to be cancelled but the everyday work continues. Chaplains have been delivering care packages and phone cards to seafarers in Glasgow unable to get home because of travel restrictions. This is possible because of the generosity of our parish and others. Please pray for the chaplains and seafarers. For more information visit

Message from Sister Mary Simone, RSM

“Thank you so much for all of the beautiful cards and gifts you gave me as I departed for my new assignment in Rome, but thank you even more for the privilege of getting to know all of you over these past two years. I am so deeply grateful for my time in Scotland, and please know of my continued prayers for all of you. I hope I will be able to come back to visit at some point!”


Fabric Update

In the photo to the right you will see vegetation that came out of the gutters after they were cleaned. Clearly a much-needed project! Additionally, in Sacristy One the roof has been repaired and we are looking at redecoration. The inner roof has been re-plastered. We have updated some of our cameras as well for enhanced CCTV. We now have an additional 2 cameras. Thank you for helping us keep the Cathedral safe and orderly!

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions are available at the Cathedral Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not using the confessionals. Rather, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. Also, if you need help remembering how to go to Confession, no worries—the priest will be happy to walk you through it. Do take advantage of this great Sacrament of healing!

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

We are still looking for generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers, at or on 0131 553 1510. Thanks, one and all for your help—many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day!

Return of Catechism Classes

The Parish Rooms are now ready for the return of catechism classes for the delayed First Holy Communion class of 2019-20. Families have been informed by email. We look forward to welcoming the children back!

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1st November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has been organising pro-life outreach that is prayerful and supportive of future moms. 40 Days for Life is an inter-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: 1) prayer and fasting—inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion; 2) a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre; and 3) community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit

Conferences from Lauriston Jesuit Centre

The Lauriston Jesuit Centre will offer conferences in October on the “Four Last Things.” Sign up is available through Zoom.

Read the newsletter for the 4th October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for the 4th October (doc)

Twenty-Sixth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Last Day for Registration for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021

If your child is in P3, P4, or P7 and is due to receive a Sacrament this year, please be sure to register your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) or Confirmation (P7). Registration forms are available in the back of both churches or through the Parish Office. Please note that the forms are due by Monday the 28th September. If you are in contact with someone who has not been able to attend Mass recently, please help spread the word!

SCIAF – Wednesday 14th October at 7pm

Are you concerned about the impact of the current pandemic on the poorest societies? Or the links between poverty and climate change? The Cathedral is hosting a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 14th October at 7 pm with speakers from SCIAF to find out more. We’ll be joined by Alistair Dutton CEO, and Keira Commins, Programme Manager to explore these questions and much more. If you’d like to join us, email the Cathedral Office to register. A link will then be sent to you so that you can join the meeting.

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — For Sale after Mass!

The Cathedral Choir CD, With Angels and Archangels, is available to purchase. You can have a look at the beautiful CD and buy one after all Masses this weekend. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy. Listen to samples or purchase by visiting:

First Holy Communions – 10th October

This week the children in P3 made their First Reconciliation. On the 10th October, the First Holy Communions that had to be postponed from June will now take place in both the Cathedral and Ravelston. If you still need to register your child, please contact the parish office. Please keep these children in your prayers as they prepare for their first reception of Holy Communion.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or do you know someone who is?

The Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group is for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming members of the Church. It gives an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to Catholics about their beliefs. The group aims at helping to give an understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the teaching of the Church. The group also strives to deepen the faith of its members through studying the Holy Scriptures and through prayer. It’s a very supportive place for people to come together on a faith journey. We will be starting with four virtual meetings between September and December with the hope that we can meet physically as a group in January, providing Covid restrictions are lifted by then. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 29th September at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

Our outstanding Parish Bible Study continues with Fr Jamie! If you have not yet signed up, please email You will receive a short and accessible commentary each week in preparation for the coming Sunday’s Gospel. At the meetings on Thursday nights we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. Our Lord said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” This is a great way to take an initial step of opening the door to God and His word.

First Saturday Devotions on 2nd October

First Saturday devotions to Our Lady of Fatima will take place at 9:30 am in the Cathedral on Saturday 2nd October 2020. These will be followed by Holy Mass at 10:00 and Confessions will be available thereafter.

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

We are still looking for generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers, at or on 0131 553 1510. A big thank you to all who are already assisting, and thank you in advance to those who will volunteer!!

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions are available at the Cathedral Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not using the confessionals. Rather, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. Also, if you need help remembering how to go to Confession, no worries—the priest will be happy to walk you through it. Do take advantage of this great Sacrament of healing!

Return of Catechism Classes

The Parish Rooms are now ready for the return of catechism classes for the delayed First Holy Communion class of 2019-20. Families have been informed by email. We look forward to welcoming the children back!

A Request from Our Passkeepers

Since it takes a bit of time to get everyone checked in and seated for Mass, our passkeepers are asking if you could please arrive a little early, rather than right before Mass begins. This will allow them to safely check in all those attending Mass, and to do so before the Gospel reading. Thank you very much!

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1st November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has been organising pro-life outreach that is prayerful and supportive of future moms. 40 Days for Life is an inter-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: 1) prayer and fasting—inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion; 2) a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre; and 3) community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit

Street Pastors

Edinburgh Street Pastors are recruiting new volunteers. Training will take place on the weekends of 18 to 20 October and 15 to 17 November and will be run on the Friday evening, Saturday part day and the Sunday afternoon of both weekends. If you are interested, please email or call 07523 267 906. For background information see

Read the newsletter for 27th September (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 27th September (doc)

Twenty-Fifth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Comings and goings….

It is with a very heavy heart that we say goodbye to Sr. Mary Simone this weekend. Sister has been working in the Parish Office for the last two years and has made an enormous contribution to our parish life. She has been incredibly hard working, patient and gracious. We wish her well as she returns to Rome to study theology – but we will miss her very much. Please keep Sister in your prayers and hopefully she will come back to visit us soon.

To replace Sr. Mary Simone, three new Alma Mercy Sisters have now arrived in Ravelston! Sister Edith Mary will be working with the retired priests in the Diocese, Sister Anna Marie will work in catechetics and Sister Miriam Fidelis will take over in the Parish Office. We are delighted to have them here – and I know you will make them feel welcome!!

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — For Sale after Mass!

We are delighted to announce that our new choir CD, With Angels and Archangels, will be released on Sunday 20 September and is available for purchase. The CD was recorded by the Schola Cantorum in March just before lockdown and was produced for us by Delphian Records. The album showcases some of the very best choral music sung at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. It tells the story not only of our vibrant musical life, but of a shared search by Catholic composers for beauty and truth in sacred music. It’s a real must for anyone who loves beautiful choral music!

All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy.

Parish SCIAF Meeting Wednesday 14th October at 7pm

Are you concerned about the impact of the current pandemic on the poorest societies? Or the links between poverty and climate change? The Cathedral is hosting a Zoom meeting with speakers from SCIAF to find out more. We’ll be joined by Alistair Dutton CEO, and Ciara Commins, Programme Manager to explore these questions and much more. If you’d like to join us, email the Parish Office to register.

First Holy Communions – 10th October

This week the children in P3 made their First Reconciliation. On the 10th October, the First Holy Communions that had to be postponed from June will now take place in both the Cathedral and Ravelston. If you still need to register your child, please contact the parish office. Please keep these children in your prayers as they prepare for their first reception of Holy Communion.

Registration Open for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021

If your child is in P3, P4, or P7 and is due to receive a Sacrament this year, you may now register your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) or Confirmation (P7). Registration forms are available in the back of both churches or through the Parish Office. Please return the forms by Monday the 28th September. Please spread the word, especially if you are in contact with someone who has not been able to attend Mass recently.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or do you know someone who is?

The Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group is for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming members of the Church. It gives an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to Catholics about their beliefs. The group aims at helping to give an understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the teaching of the Church. The group also strives to deepen the faith of its members through studying the Holy Scriptures and through prayer. It’s a very supportive place for people to come together on a faith journey. We will be starting with four virtual meetings between September and December with the hope that we can meet physically as a group in January, providing Covid restrictions are lifted by then. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 29th September at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

Our talented young curate is continuing his extremely popular Parish Bible Study on Thursday evenings. If you have not yet signed up, please email You will receive a short and accessible commentary each week in preparation for the coming Sunday’s Gospel. Then, join the meeting on Thursday night as we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. This is a great way to come to know Jesus better through the Gospels, so why not give it a try?

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

In order to comply with all COVID-19 regulations, we need the help of generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers. If you would be able to help in this essential capacity, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you in advance!

A Request from Our Passkeepers in St Andrew’s, Ravelston

Since it takes a bit of time to get everyone checked in and seated for Mass, our passkeepers are asking if you could please arrive at least 10 minutes early, rather than right before Mass begins. This will allow them to safely check in all those attending Mass in good time. Thank you very much!

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Just a reminder that we have resumed our regular schedule for confessions in the Cathedral, which means Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not currently using the confessionals. Instead, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. Please do take this opportunity to encounter the mercy of God in this beautiful Sacrament!

Fire Panel Installation Completed in Cathedral House

This week the installation of the fire protection system in the Cathedral complex was completed! This has been a big and very expensive project, but it means that we now for the first time have a functioning fire alarm system in both the Cathedral and the house, which means that fires can be detected much earlier than previously. Thank you very much to all who have donated so generously!!

Fabric Updates in St Andrew’s, Ravelston

In advance of other garden changes, the long-standing skip has been removed from church grounds and replaced by an outsourced garden waste recycling service. Additionally, a permanent solution has been made to our two most regular leaks in the church roof. These leaks occurred where heavy rainfall streamed from the top gutter across the tiles to the lower gutter. Recent heavy downpours have confirmed this fix works. One final note: the gas meters for each of the Church and House/Rooms were upgraded to smart meters this week.

Return of Catechism Classes

The Parish Rooms in St Andrew’s, Ravelston are now ready for the return of catechism classes for the delayed First Holy Communion class of 2019-20. Families have been informed by email. We look forward to welcoming the children back!

Read the newsletter for 20th September (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 20th September (doc)

Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year


The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — Last Chance to Pre-Order!

We are delighted to announce that our new choir CD, With Angels and Archangels, will be released on Sunday 20 September and is available to pre-order. The CD was recorded by the Schola Cantorum in March just before lockdown and was produced for us by Delphian Records. The album showcases some of the very best choral music sung at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. It tells the story not only of our vibrant musical life, but of a shared search by Catholic composers for beauty and truth in sacred music. It’s a real must for anyone who loves beautiful choral music!

All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy. Listen to samples and pre-order.

First Confessions on Monday & Tuesday

Due to the lockdown, the celebration of First Reconciliation for the children in P3 (now in P4!) had to be postponed. After a long wait, the children in our Parish will now be able to receive this beautiful Sacrament for the first time on Monday (Cathedral) and Tuesday (Ravelston) this week. Please do keep them in your prayers this week!

First Holy Communions – 10th October

The First Holy Communions that had to be postponed from June will now take place on Saturday the 10th of October in both the Cathedral and Ravelston. To help us to plan for the big day, we ask the parents to please register their attendance as soon as possible.

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Just a reminder that we have resumed our regular schedule for confessions in the Cathedral, which means Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not currently using the confessionals. Instead, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. Please do take this opportunity to encounter the mercy of God in this beautiful Sacrament!

Vocation Awareness Week

Each year, the Church in Scotland sets aside this week to reflect and pray on the theme of vocation. If you are thinking about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, please talk to Fr. Patrick or Fr. Jamie. You can also contact Fr. Andrew Garden, the vocations of the Archdiocese, directly at 0131 6634286 or, or Sr. Mirjam Hugens, director for religious vocations, at 0131 6238902 or Please also keep the three seminarians from our Parish, Alessio, Peter and Paul, in your prayers as they prepare to return to Rome shortly!

Why Not Join in the 4 O’clock Prayer for Vocations?

Lord Jesus, at this hour, you called Andrew, our patron, and his companion to be your disciples. We pray that the men and women of our country may hear your call to discipleship at this same hour. May they respond to your call with generosity, confidence and enthusiasm. Inspired by the example of Mary Immaculate may they say ‘yes’ to service in the priesthood, the consecrated life and the diaconate.

Mary, Star of the New Evangelisation, pray for us.

Andrew, Patron Saint of Scotland, pray for us.

All Saints of our land, pray for us.

Registration Open for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021

You can now register your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) or Confirmation (P7). Registration forms are available in the back of both churches or through the Parish Office. Please return the forms by Monday the 28th September.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or do you know someone who is?

The Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group is for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming members of the Church. It gives an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to Catholics about their beliefs. The group aims at helping to give an understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the teaching of the Church. The group also strives to deepen the faith of its members through studying the Holy Scriptures and through prayer. It’s a very supportive place for people to come together on a faith journey. We will be starting with four virtual meetings between September and December with the hope that we can meet physically as a group in January, providing Covid restrictions are lifted by then. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 29th September at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

Our very popular Parish Bible Study continue on Thursday evenings. If you would like to join, please email, and you will each week receive a short and accessible commentary to this coming Sunday’s Gospel, before we meet on Thursday night to ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. This is a great way to come to know Jesus better through the Gospels, so why don’t give it a try?

Podcasts from the Cathedral

And remember, you can listen to sermons and talks from the Cathedral as mp3 files downloaded from our website. Make sure to subscribe so that you receive updates automatically through Apple Podcasts.

Special Collection Today for the Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund

Our second collection this weekend is for the Aged and Infirm Clergy fund. This fund is vital to supporting retired priests in their retirement after dedicating their lives to the service of the church and parish communities, so thank you very much for your generosity! If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider gift aiding your donation by using the AICF donation envelopes at the back of the church. Please ensure that you complete the reverse side of the envelope to allow gift aid to be claimed on any amounts that you give. This will effectively uplift your donation by a further 25% at no additional cost to you. If you do not have cash with you, you can also give online through the Archdiocese’s website. Please visit this site. Online donations can also be gift aided.

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

In order to comply with all COVID-19 regulations, we need the help of generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers. If you would be able to help in this essential capacity, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers.

Fabric Works at the Cathedral

The cracked lintel in the Parish Rooms has now been repaired, and we have obtained quotations for replacing the broken windows. In addition, the extensive work to install fire panels across the complex have begun in Cathedral House and will be continued on Wednesday. A broken heating pipe under the floor of the large Hall has caused substantial damage to the floor in the Hall, but the cause has been discovered and we are now discussing with the tenant how to move forward. Thank you for your generous support which enables us to care for the future of our Parish!

Read the newsletter for 13th September (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 13th September (doc)

Twenty-Third Sunday Of The Year – Year A


The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — Available to Pre-Order Now

We are delighted to announce that our new choir CD, With Angels and Archangels, will be released on Sunday 20 September and is available now to pre-order. The CD was recorded by the Schola Cantorum in March just before lockdown and was produced for us by Delphian Records. The album showcases some of the very best choral music sung at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. It tells the story not only of our vibrant musical life, but of a shared search by Catholic composers for beauty and truth in sacred music. It’s a real must for anyone who loves beautiful choral music!

All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy.

New Dates for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communions

As you remember, we had to postpone the children’s first celebration of these beautiful Sacraments. The new dates for these are as follows: First Confessions will be on 14th (Cathedral) & 15th September (Ravelston) and First Holy Communions will be on the 10th October in both places. For more information or to register, please contact the Parish Office. And please keep the children in your parish in your prayers during these weeks!

Registration Open for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021

You can now register your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) or Confirmation (P7). Registration forms are available in the back of both churches or through the Parish Office. Please return the forms by Monday the 28th September.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or do you know someone who is?

The Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group is for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming members of the Church. It gives an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to Catholics about their beliefs. The group aims at helping to give an understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the teaching of the Church. The group also strives to deepen the faith of its members through studying the Holy Scriptures and through prayer. It’s a very supportive place for people to come together on a faith journey. We will be starting with four virtual meetings between September and December with the hope that we can meet physically as a group in January, providing Covid restrictions are lifted by then. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 29th September at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

Many of you have already joined our new Parish Bible Study, but there is still room for more! If you would like to join, please email This is a great way to come to know Jesus better through the Gospels, so why don’t give it a try?

Huge Thank you to All Our Covid Volunteers

As you know, we are working very hard to keep both the Cathedral and St. Andrews Ravelston sanitised and safe for worship in these difficult times. This is possible only because of a huge number of volunteers coordinated by Elizabeth Andrews (in the Cathedral) and Louise Gardiner (in Ravelston) and assisted by Deacon Peter and Marcin, our wonderful sacristan. Together, these volunteers man the Cathedral throughout the day ensuring that all the distancing regulations are followed, they collect the names and contact details of everyone attending mass in the Cathedral and Ravelston, and they sanitise both churches after every mass. This is a huge feat of organisation and I would like to thank all of you who are involved for your incredible generosity. It is only because of this great communal effort that we are able to keep the parishes open and functioning. Thank you!

Podcasts from the Cathedral

And remember, you can listen to sermons and talks from the Cathedral as mp3 files downloaded here. Make sure to subscribe so that you receive updates automatically through Apple Podcasts.

Special Collection Next Week for the Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund

The ACIF, which provides funds to care for our retired priests, is as you might know, very much in need of financial support during this time. Next Sunday, we will have a special collection, so please give generously to this important cause, especially since they lost the income the collection in May usually generates. Thank you so much for your generous support in enabling the Archdiocese to give the best possible care to the priests who have dedicated their lives to serving us and bringing us closer to Christ! You can donate online here.

Music for the 12noon Mass

Bach/Gounod Ave Maria

Bach Schafe konnen sicher weiden

Organ voluntary: William Russell Voluntary in C

Daily Mass in Ravelston

We are delighted that more and more parishioners keep joining us for our weekday Masses in Ravelston at 6pm. Coming to Mass at the end of the day is a beautiful way of growing closer to our Lord and of attaining inner peace. Why not give it a try?

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1st November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life have been organising peaceful, prayerful and simultaneous pro-life outreach. 40 Days for Life is a cross-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: Prayer and fasting: inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre and community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit

Last call for Wee Boxes

If you still have your SCIAF Wee Box at home, there is a second chance to hand it in or to donate money directly to SCIAF during September at As long as SCIAF receive the money before the end of September it will be eligible for the UK Government’s UKAID Match. Thank you in advance and God Bless!

Read the newsletter for 6th September (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 6th September (doc)

Twenty-Second Sunday Of The Year – Year A

ENewsletter image.jpg

New CD ‘With Angels and Archangels’ from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass available to pre-order now

We are delighted to announce that our new choir CD, With Angels and Archangels, will be released on Sunday 20 September and is available now to pre-order. The CD was recorded by the Schola Cantorum in March just before lockdown and was produced for us by Delphian Records. The album showcases some of the very best choral music sung at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. It tells the story not only of our vibrant musical life, but of a shared search by Catholic composers for beauty and truth in sacred music. It’s a real must for anyone who loves beautiful choral music!

All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy.

New Dates for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communions

As you remember, the P3 and P4 children’s Sacraments had to be postponed this year due to the lockdown. Together with the school, we have now found new dates to ensure that the children can receive these beautiful Sacraments before Christmas.

First Reconciliation

Monday 14th September 2020 at 7pm in the Cathedral, and Tuesday 15th September 2020 at 7pm in Ravelston.

First Holy Communion

Saturday 10th October 2020 at 11am and 12noon in both the Cathedral and Ravelston.

We will contact all parents this coming week with more details, but please add these dates to your diaries.

Registration Open for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2021

You can now register your child to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) or Confirmation (P7). Registration forms are available in the back of both churches. If you are unable to attend Mass in person at this time, please contact the Parish Office to receive a form. Please return the forms by Monday the 28th September to enable us to order material and coordinate catechism classes.

Thank you to Fr Ephraim!

Fr Ephraim Ezulike, who has been with us here in the Parish for over a year, has now moved to Ss Ninian and Triduana in Restalrig. We are very grateful for all that Fr Ephraim has done in our Parish over this past year and wish him all the best in his new assignment!

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

We have now had two sessions of our new Parish Bible Study, lead by Fr Jamie. The response has been great, and many parishioners have told us how much they enjoyed learning more about the readings for Sunday Mass. If you would like to join this week, please email Why not try it?

Advance Booking for Sunday Masses

There are 14 Sunday Masses at the Cathedral. Tickets are available from Monday at 8am until Saturday afternoon at 3pm. You can also phone the Parish Office on 0131 556 1798 (Mon-Fri). You do not need to reserve a seat for weekday Masses.

Podcasts from the Cathedral

And remember, you can listen to sermons and talks from the Cathedral as mp3 files can be downloaded from our website. You can also subscribe so that you receive updates automatically through Apple Podcasts.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

Fauré 'Pie Jesu' from Requiem
J. S. Bach 'Agnus Dei' from Mass in B minor BWV232

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

In order to make sure that we adhere to all of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 regulations, we need the help of generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers. If you would be able to help out in this absolutely essential capacity for an hour or so each week, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you in advance!!

First Saturday Devotions – Saturday at 9.30am

There will be First Saturday Devotions in the Cathedral on Saturday the 5th of September at 9.30am. All are welcome!

New St Andrew’s, Ravelston website

Fionnbar, who for many years so generously managed our website, has now had to retire due to other commitments. Since our two parishes are now combined, the Parish Council in St. Andrew’s have worked together with Fr. Jamie to create a new Ravelston section at the Cathedral website. Please have a look and let us know what you think!

Daily Mass in Ravelston

We are delighted that more and more parishioner keep joining us for our weekday Masses in Ravelston at 6pm. Coming to Mass at the end of the day is a beautiful way of growing closer to our Lord and to entrust to him all the joys of anxieties of the day. Why not give it a try?

Read the newsletter for 30th August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 30th August (doc)

Twenty First Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Our new Sunday Mass Schedule

Vigil Masses at the Cathedral

5pm, 6pm

Sunday at the Cathedral

8am, 9am, 10am (Polish), 11am, 12noon, 4pm, 5.45pm (Polish), 7.30pm

Sunday at Ravelston

9am, 10am, 11am, 12noon (Latin)

‘The Sacraments’ – Zoom Talk on Wednesday at 7pm

This week, we will continue with the next in our series of talk entitled ‘Rediscovering Catholicism’. One of the advantages with online talks is that we do not have to worry about the Government’s restrictions on congregation sizes – so you can still join! To sign up, please send an email to  And remember – the previous talks are available on our podcast! See below for more details. 

Why not join our new Parish Bible Study?

This week, our talented young Curate started up our new Parish Bible Study Group! It was an excellent and very well attended first meeting, and you can still join if you would like to learn more about Scripture and better understand the readings at Mass. The meetings will be held every Thursday night at 7pm for an initial trial period of 7 more weeks. The first meetings will be on Zoom, but hopefully we will be able to meet in person soon. To sign up, please email, and you will each week receive a short commentary on the readings for the coming week’s Sunday Mass, and then we will meet on Thursday nights to ask questions, talk about the readings and to pray together. The group is open to all parishioners, regardless of age or expertise, so why not think about it?

Podcasts from the Cathedral

Just a short note to remind you that some of the sermons and talks from the Cathedral can be downloaded as mp3 files on our website. You can also receive updates automatically on Apple podcasts. Why don’t use the time stuck in post-lockdown traffic jams to think about the Existence of God?

Gift Aid Envelopes

A couple of Gift aid envelopes for 2020/21 are still left at the back of both churches. If you have set up a standing order during the lockdown period and therefore no longer wish to have a set of envelopes for the current year, do not pick up your named set but email Caroline Reid, on Thank you!

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

In order to make sure that we adhere to all of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 regulations, we need the help of generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers. If you would be able to help out in this absolutely essential capacity for an hour or so each week, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you in advance!!

Music for the 12noon Mass

Plainchant: In te speravi, Domini
Plainchant: Panis quem ego dedero
Solo Hymn: Adoro te devote
Organ Postlude: William Russel Voluntary in Eb

Fabric Works at the Cathedral

This week, Andy Hilton, our Complex Manager, has met with different stonemasons, marble experts and joiners to sort out the best way to repair the cracked lintel over the window of the Parish Rooms and replace the rotten window at the rental flat. We’re making good progress – and are very grateful for your generous support!

Daily Mass in Ravelston

It has been great to see so many of you (usually between 15-30 people each night!) at our daily evening Masses at 6pm in Ravelston. If you have not yet been there, why not try?

Read the newsletter for 23rd August (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 23rd August (doc)