
Divine Mercy Sunday - Year A

Overcoming Fear

Jesus had been abandoned by his disciples at the time of his death. One of them had turned him over to the authorities. Another had denied he even knew Jesus. The others ran away, apparently in fear and horror.

That same fear still gripped the disciples as they stayed behind locked doors. The risen Jesus suddenly appears among them, and there is not a word about their betrayal, denial, and abandonment.

“Peace be with you,” he says, as though nothing had ever happened. They look at his wounds, and he repeats his remarkable greeting: “Peace be with you.”

If only we could follow in the footsteps of Christ and wish peace to everyone! If only we could forgive as he forgave! Where would be the wars? the discrimination? the hatred? the death penalty? They would go the way of death itself, conquered by the resurrection.

Jesus assures us that we have received the Holy Spirit. We have the power to release others of their wrongs against us, just as we have the power to keep them and ourselves bound. Our Easter faith that we have “become a new creation” should strengthen our resolve to forgive as Christ forgave.

Fr. Patrick

☎️ The Telephone Apostolate ☎️ Latest News

Since the Telephone Apostolate began at the beginning of April, our volunteers are now making over 100 phone calls each week. It has already proved to be a very good way to support our elderly or anxious parishioners during this difficult time, but also for all of us to stay in touch with the parish community until we can meet again for Mass. If you know anyone who would appreciate a friendly chat, please fill in the form on our website or email Deacon Peter.

Watch Daily Mass from Cathedral House Online

Each day, we publish one of the private Masses in Cathedral House, where we pray for our parishioners, mass intentions and an end to the spread of coronavirus. To participate spiritually in the Mass, please visit our Facebook page or on this website.

Mass Intentions

Although all public Masses are currently suspended, Fr. Patrick, Fr. Jamie and Fr. Tadeusz continue to offer Mass for the parishioners’ intentions. If you would like to schedule a Mass for someone who has recently died, for the anniversary of a loved one or for a special intention, please contact the Parish Office and we will help you to arrange a Mass.

The Parish Office can be contacted on 0131 556 1798 or email here. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please do not visit the office in person at the moment.

Young Adults – Ratzinger Reading Group

To continue to “grow on the inside”, some people from the Young Adults Group have started an online theology book club together with Fr. Jamie. Each week, we read twenty pages or so of Cardinal Ratzinger’s ‘Introduction to Christianity’ and then we meet talk together about what we have read. If you are between 18-35 years and would like to join, please email here.

Cathedral E-Newsletter

Join hundreds of Cathedral parishioners and friends of the Cathedral across the world in receiving the latest Cathedral news and spiritual reflections straight to your inbox. Since the Cathedral closed, we are contacting our parishioners more frequently by email as a vital means of staying in touch with our community. You can join the mailing list at the bottom of any page of this website.

Thank you for the Easter Gifts!

Many thanks to those of you who kindly donated to our parish account using the 'Easter Gift' reference. Your donation is very much appreciated, especially in these extraordinary times with no public Masses. If you missed the opportunity and would like to donate, please email the finance office or phone the Parish Office (0131 556 1798) for details of how to contribute remotely.

Download the newsletter for 19th April (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 19th April (doc)

Easter Sunday - Year A


“Since you have been brought back to true life with Christ, you must look for the things that are in heaven, where Christ is” says St Paul in today’s Second Reading.

Many of us in these days are hoping that our lives will soon “return to normal.” But is normal life the same as true life?

We have the opportunity during this period of lockdown to stop and survey our normal life. What is it like when society is running as it usually does? What are we like as people when things are normal? Are we at peace with ourselves or with others or with God? Or are we just swept along by the normal turbulent flow of daily living, rarely stopping to wonder if we are going in the right direction? Are we just flowing with everything else in one direction, not really aware of where we are going?

At the Easter Vigil, we heard the great reading from the Book of Exodus of how God rescued the People of Israel from the pursuing Egyptian army led by Pharaoh. This was the first Passover. He led them out of slavery, where they could not be at all free but had to live at the whims of their masters. It is significant that God leads the people through the Red Sea. The whole event is given as a pattern for how God will deal with His people: being overpowered by some form of slavery, the sudden realisation that we are powerless, realising that God is the one who is truly in charge, and being led through turbulent waters to freedom. They pass over from slavery to the freedom of the Spirit.

This pattern appears again and again in the Bible. Take Psalm 17 for example, written many years after the events of the Exodus, probably by King David. He uses the template of the Exodus to describe how God has saved him:

The waves of death rose about me;
the torrents of destruction assailed me;
the snares of the grave entangled me;
the traps of death confronted me. (vv.5-6)

The psalmist then goes on to describe how God saves him from his dire situation:

From on high He reached down and seized me;
He drew me forth from the mighty waters.
He snatched me from my powerful foe,
from my enemies whose strength I could not match. (vv.17-18)

He brought me forth into freedom,
He saved me because He loved me. (v20)

This same template was employed when we were baptised: through the waters poured upon us we moved from being merely children of nature to being children of God. At Easter, Christ passed through the deep and turbulent waters of suffering and death and sin to the new and utterly free life of Resurrection. He is now the new and eternal Passover. This same pattern has been engraved upon our souls: if we wish to call upon its saving power to move us out of our slavery to sin or fear then we can – and the Lord will bring us forth into freedom. The only reason He does this is because He loves us – He loves you, He loves me, utterly and absolutely, and nothing we may do can limit His power to love.

This Easter, locked down as we are, is an opportunity to reflect: in my normal life, what are the good things? What enslaves me? What do I do automatically and even selfishly? What are the blessings that I have? Do I realise and use the infinite spiritual potential that is within my heart since I was joined to Christ the new Passover at my baptism? When things get back to normal, do I want to live the “normal” life - or the true life?

Yes, Christ is risen. He goes before us. To follow Him where He leads us as our Good Shepherd, we have to hold on to Him. If we don’t, we will just drift aimlessly in the normal flow. Life is about more than drifting. It has an aim. Following Christ each day means that our life has a real goal. He gives us the grace to live and experience life with freedom and not just let it happen to us. We can count on Christ to help us find the way: He is risen with an eternal, indestructible and unfailing life. And He is with us always, yes, to the end of time.

On behalf of all of us here at Cathedral House, I wish you and your loved ones a Truly Blessed Easter, Fr. Patrick

Update from Deacon Peter on the Telephone Apostolate

Having launched our telephone apostolate on the 1st of April, I would just like to update you all with how we are getting on.

The biggest issue we have faced as a team has been that due to the current "lockdown" we are all working from home! This means that all of the lovely information which can usually be found at my fingertips in the Cathedral office, now has to be accessed on-line and communication conducted by either telephone or email or indeed by video conferencing. Let me tell you that this has proven to be something of a challenge for the less technically minded amongst us, including me, but everyone is trying their best and achieving great results. Thankfully we have some very gifted people on our Parish Councils, and we have all pulled together with our volunteers to make the outreach programme work.

We now have over 40 active volunteers who have been in contact with over 50 parishioners from both St Andrews and the Cathedral and our volunteers will continue to keep in touch with them over the coming weeks and months. Some people would like a call once a month, others weekly, and yet some others twice a week. Social distancing, self-isolation and anxiety about the epidemic can take their toll in different ways, in different people and at different times as this phase of the Government's response has lengthened from days into weeks and its impact may well affect us for much longer that we think . If you know someone who would benefit from a friendly chat from our volunteers then please let us know using the website, Facebook or by email. We are here for you!

Watch Daily Mass from Cathedral House Online

Each day, we publish one of the private Masses in Cathedral House, where we pray for our parishioners, mass intentions and an end to the spread of coronavirus. To participate spiritually in the Mass, please visit our Facebook page or

Mass Intentions

Although all public Masses are currently suspended, Fr. Patrick, Fr. Jamie and Fr. Tadeusz continue to offer Mass for the parishioners’ intentions. If you would like to schedule a Mass for someone who has recently died, for the anniversary of a loved one or for a special intention, please contact the Parish Office and we will help you to arrange a Mass.

The Parish Office can be contacted on 0131 556 1798 or In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please do not visit the office in person at the moment.

Young Adults – Ratzinger Reading Group

To continue to “grow on the inside”, some people from the Young Adults Group have started an online theology book club together with Fr. Jamie. Each week, we read twenty pages or so of Cardinal Ratzinger’s ‘Introduction to Christianity’ and then we meet talk together about what we have read. If you are between 18-35 years and would like to join, please email here.

Vincent Wallace, RIP

We were informed over the weekend of the recent death of Vincent Wallace, Director of Music at the Cathedral from 1992 - 1997. The choir he founded, the St Andrew Camerata, recently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary here at the Cathedral late last year. Vincent passed away on Friday the 3rd of April, aged only 59. The former Cathedral parishioner who informed us remembered him as "a dear friend who loved the Church." One of the Masses on Easter Sunday will be offered for the repose of his soul. May he rest in peace.

Cathedral E-Newsletter

Join hundreds of Cathedral parishioners and friends of the Cathedral across the world in receiving the latest Cathedral news and spiritual reflections straight to your inbox. Since the Cathedral closed, we are contacting our parishioners more frequently by email as a vital means of staying in touch with our community. You can join the mailing list at the bottom of any page of the Cathedral website.

Read the newsletter for 12th April (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 12th April (doc)

Palm Sunday - Year A

Some thoughts for this Sunday

This Sunday we read the Passion of the Lord from Matthew’s Gospel. Matthew depicts the loneliness of Christ on the cross. The crowd gathered there jeer at Him, mock Him and taunt Him. For them, the fact He is on the cross is a sign of failure. Even Christ’s words on the cross seem to confirm their view: ‘My God, my God, why have you deserted me?’

Yet Matthew indicates that something very different is going on. At the moment of Christ’s death, he writes, “Jesus yielded up his spirit.”

Jesus doesn’t just pass away on the cross; death doesn’t just happen to Him. He gives Himself up completely. He willingly breathes forth His spirit – and He has done this not to stop the suffering He is going through, but rather to bring it to completion.

St. Paul writes: “For the sake of the joy which was still in the future, Jesus endured the cross, disregarding the shamefulness of it.” In other words, he actively engaged in the whole of His suffering and death on the cross for the sake of the joy which lay ahead. What was that joy? Well, here it would be worth looking at those words that Jesus cries out on the cross: “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” Jesus was, as you know, quoting Psalm 21.

Why not have a look at it in your bible today? You will find that it is a complete prophecy of the death of Christ.

When Jesus said those words on the cross He wasn’t crying out in some kind of despair. He was living out the words in the Psalm that prophesied this death. The Psalm passes from words of pain and desolation to words of triumph, of exaltation and resurrection:

I will tell of your name to my brethren
and praise you where they are assembled. (v.23)

All the earth shall remember and return to the Lord. (v.28)

Here is the joy that lies in the future: Jesus will assemble all His brothers and sisters around Him and the whole world will return to the Lord.

The word for “the assembly” of His brothers and sisters is the word we use for the Church. We - the Church – we are the joy which lay in the future; we are the joy for whose sake Christ yielded up His life on the cross. We are His brothers and sisters not because we belong to the same nation but because we are assembled by Christ and joined to Him through our faith and baptism. The Mass is the great moment when the Church, the being assembled by Christ, happens most of all.

At the moment we are unable to be physically at Mass. But each time it is celebrated, we are there spiritually, and we are assembled together by Christ. Presently we are participating spiritually. Maybe we are learning a little more how to participate not just externally at Mass but internally as well – offering our lives and selves together with Christ, worshiping in spirit and in truth.

We all look forward to the joy of being assembled again at Mass physically. Hopefully this lockdown is helping us to renew our appreciation of the importance of the Mass for our lives. The Mass is the joy which lay in the future for Jesus. Every time we are there, we take part in the offering of Himself that He made on Calvary – and we receive Him in Holy Communion: the whole Christ, the real Christ.

Maybe we do not find much joy in this lockdown. But we can look forward to the joy of being freed from it and of being able to come to the Mass again to participate fully. Like Jesus, we can endure this time of isolation and make it our offering in love to the Lord: our worship, our sacrifice. All for the joy that lies in the future. That joy will come. That joy is Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus.

Fr. Patrick

Holy Week Liturgies Available Online

The Cathedral Clergy will celebrate Mass in the Cathedral on Palm Sunday and next week on Easter Sunday. You can attend Mass with us virtually either on the Cathedral website or on Facebook page (@edinburghcathedral). Father Jamie will celebrate Mass online on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week and you can participate spiritually in these Masses again on either our website or our Facebook page.

The Archbishop will celebrate the Easter Triduum from his Chapel at St Bennett’s. The liturgies for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil will be available on the Archdiocesan Website.

During Holy Week, the Cathedral Clergy will also be offering short daily reflections on the readings of the day in order to help you to stay in touch with the liturgy and to remain spiritually united with the Parish. Please visit the Cathedral Website or Facebook page to listen to them.

☎️ Telephone Apostolate ☎️

The programme, sponsored by the Parish Councils of the Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston, is up and running since the 1st of April. We already have a team of 47 volunteers from both churches. Chris McCabe, our Safeguarding co-ordinator, has been working hard to get all of the volunteers not already registered and approved onto our system, since the Catholic Church’s strong commitment to safeguarding continues also during this time. If you also would like to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office.

We have already contacted many of our parishioners at home and many more will be added in the coming weeks as they programme develops. If you are at home, self-isolating or feeling lonely and would like to receive a friendly call from one of our volunteers, then please let us know.

Or perhaps you have a relative or friend whom you think would benefit from such a call? Please pass on that information through the parish website or via the Parish Office.

Although we cannot meet face to face during this time, we hope that this apostolate will become an important way for us to stay in touch with each other. We believe that God can make all things new and create good even out of evil. Hopefully this time offers all of us an opportunity to grow closer together as a parish community.

Preparing Your Children Spiritually for Easter

The Catechetics Commission at the Archdiocese has put together an excellent daily guide to help families prepare their children spiritually for Easter, find it here.

Cathedral E-Newsletter

Join hundreds of Cathedral parishioners and friends of the Cathedral across the world in receiving the latest Cathedral news and spiritual reflections straight to your inbox. Since the Cathedral closed, we are contacting our parishioners more frequently by email as a vital means of staying in touch with our community. You can join the mailing list at the bottom of any page of the Cathedral website.

Read the newsletter for 5th April (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 5th April (doc)

The Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year A

Fr Jamie Altar

Sunday Sermon

Fr Jamie recorded his sermon in St Andrew's Church, Ravelston, this morning.

The Archbishop recorded Mass in St Bennet’s, Edinburgh

A message from Fr Patrick

Dear Friends, 
I hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe indoors. Here at Cathedral House we are all still virus free (thank God) and we are continuing to function after a fashion! However, we miss you, our friends and parishioners, and we miss being able to celebrate the sacraments with you.

As you may know, Fr Jamie (being young and tech-savvy!) has arranged for Mass to be posted on our website and Facebook page every day, and I (being old and stupid) have managed to put up some material for meditation and even a thought for the week! The Archdiocesan website also has regular Mass with the Archbishop and, I believe, very soon will be posting a “Thought for the Day” by different priests from around the Diocese. Both websites are worth checking out!

We want you to know however that, each day, we are offering Mass and praying the Hours of Breviary throughout the day for all of you, for the church and the world. Right now, as we all know, our best service to the world around us is through prayer, supporting each other and neighbours or fellow citizens in need, and staying at home as much as possible so as to relieve any pressure from the NHS. 

Doing all this can become our sacrifice which we offer to God. Sacrifice does not just mean giving something up. For us Catholics it means much more. First of all, the Mass is the Sacrifice of Christ – what He did 2000 years ago in His Suffering, Death and Resurrection is made present today in every Mass. He offered Himself up for us in perfect love.

So how can what we are doing now become a sacrifice in the fullest sense? This is done by making a clear offering of everything I do, feel, think, give up, endure, enjoy – my whole self – each day to God. If we make a Morning Offering every day when we wake up, then it means that everything we do in the day, our entire life that day, becomes a gift to God, an offering to Him. At Mass we are normally meant to bring our offerings of the past week to the Lord to offer them with Him in His sacrifice being offered in the Mass. We worship God by offering Him our entire selves, our whole lives: that’s our sacrifice. By doing this each day, we make our daily lives a mini-Mass, if I can put it like that.

Jesus tells us that the Father wants true worshippers who will worship in spirit and in truth. The Morning Offering is our way of continuing what happens at Mass in our own daily lives. And throughout the day, we can keep offering all we’re doing to God out of love for Him: it is our daily worship of the Father, through Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit. One day, when we all are able to return to the public celebration of Mass, we will be able to say a very heartfelt Amen to that prayer which ends the great Prayer of Sacrifice, the Eucharistic Prayer: Through him, and with Him, and in Him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours, for ever and ever.

This is a sample of a typical Morning Offering which we can use as soon we get up in the morning:

O my Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered throughout the world this day, I offer you all that I do and say and think and feel and suffer and enjoy this day, my entire self, body, mind and soul: for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart, in reparation for my sins and those of the whole world, for [here you can mention you intentions that you wish to pray for], and for our Holy Father the Pope. Through you, Lord Jesus, may my offering be sanctified by the Holy Spirit; through you, Lord Jesus, may my offering give praise and love to our Father in Heaven. 

After this, you might want to pray slowly the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

God bless you all and your families and friends, Fr. Patrick

The Telephone Apostolate 

From this week,  church volunteers will be available to call anyone over the age of 18 for a friendly chat and to check-in on general well-being.  

A regular and friendly natter on the phone can break up the day and can make you feel more in touch with the parish and the world generally.  If you think you might benefit from a telephone call from a parish volunteer or would like to know more, then please fill out the form on the website or get in touch with Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 29th March (pdf)
Read the newsletter for 29th March (doc)

The Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year A

No Masses this weekend

The Bishops Conference of Scotland announced a few days ago the news that all public Masses across the country are suspended due to coronavirus. As a consequence, there will be no further public liturgies in the Cathedral or in St. Andrews Ravelston until we have received more instructions from the Archbishop.

This means that:

  • All Catholics are dispensed from their Sunday obligation to go to Mass until further notice;

  • The clergy at the Cathedral will celebrate daily Mass privately in the Cathedral House Chapel from now on. We will each remember you all in our Masses;

  • As usual, the church will be open every day from 8.00am to 6.00pm. I encourage you all, while we are without the Sacrifice of the Mass, to visit the Blessed Sacrament at the Cathedral to sustain yourselves and your families spiritually;

  • Since the Cathedral is open, you will still be able to make the Stations of the Cross for Lent privately;

  • Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals can go ahead but in the presence of close family who do not display coronavirus symptoms. Please contact the Parish Office about these services;

  • There will be confessions at the usual times in our parish: on weekdays at 1.15pm and on Saturday mornings from 10.30-12 noon and on Saturday evenings from 5-6pm;

  • The sick and the dying will receive the Sacraments when necessary. Contact the parish office if you need a priest;

  • All families are encouraged to say the Rosary together at the time when you would usually be at Mass.

  • While we are unable to be together at the altar, we can still be united in our prayers. You could read the readings that we would have had at Mass. You can also access Mass online;

  • If possible, try to make a private visit with your family to the church on Sundays to pray for a time before Jesus in the tabernacle, even though you will not be able to receive Him in Holy Communion;

  • The newsletter will still be printed. It can be accessed online or collected at the back of the Cathedral, please take it away with you;

  • The Parish Council is working with me to coordinate a programme of parish outreach to those who are unable to leave their homes and who may need our help. In the meantime, if you need assistance or you know of someone who may need assistance, call the parish office on 0131 556 1798 to let us know.   

Read the statement in full in the post below

A spiritual take on coronavirus

There are a number of ways you can continue to lead a spiritual life during these times, in addition to the points above. We have published reflections on a spiritual communion on our website, please read and reflect on these passages during your Eucharistic fast. 

Prayers for a time without Mass are also available on our website, to be said whether you can visit the Cathedral or whether you are at home.

Mass intentions

Although all public Masses are currently suspended, the Cathedral Clergy continues to offer Mass for your intentions. To request a Mass intention, please put an envelope in the box at the back of the Cathedral as usual or contact the Parish Office

Gift Aid and other donations

These are difficult and unsettling times.  Under normal circumstances, we would be starting to distribute new gift aid envelope sets this coming weekend for the approaching new tax year.  However, these are designed to be used for donations into the weekly offertory collections, of which there will be none over the coming weeks.  In addition, many of you may be unable to visit and collect your envelope set for a while.

Unfortunately, despite the suspension of daily and weekly Masses, the running costs of our churches will continue to accrue.  For those of you who have moved to give by standing order, we thank you, for this provides the parish with a continuous source of income even in these uncertain times.  If you currently use weekly envelopes, please consider moving to standing order instead. Contact the Finance Office for more information.

Do You Need Help Getting Groceries Home?

Are you unable to get to the shops to buy food? Or would you like to join the team of volunteers who will be bringing groceries to our elderly and housebound parishioners? Please contact Marie McQuillan on 0131 332 6028.

A Big Thank You to Our Concerts in the Cathedral Organisers and Volunteers

The Concerts in the Cathedral weekend raised a fantastic £18,000 towards Cathedral funds and a generous donor has promised to match the income from the ticket sales! Thank you so much to Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham, Barbara Dickson and Nick Holland for giving of their time and talent. And a heartfelt thank you to our organisers and all of our parishioners who volunteered during the concerts – this really would not have been possible without your generosity!

Read the newsletter for 22nd March (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 22nd March (doc)

The Third Sunday of Lent - Year A

Update on Coronavirus

All Masses and liturgies at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral and St Andrew's, Ravelston are being celebrated as announced in the newsletter and on our website. We are currently reviewing all other parish activities: please expect all non-essential meetings to be cancelled over the next few days.

In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, from now on until Easter:

  1. Holy Communion under only one kind.

  2. No sign of peace and no Holy Water.

  3. No Communion on the tongue.

Stations of the Cross during Lent

Every week during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral on Mondays at 7pm and on Fridays after the 12.45pm Mass. Stations in Polish will be on Fridays following Mass at 6pm.

In St Andrew’s , Ravelston, the Prayer Group will lead Stations of the Cross in the church on Thursdays at 7pm. Please do take the opportunity to come along to this special way of growing closer to Christ.

City Mobility Plan Council Consultation – ends 27th of March

The Council plans for the future of the City emphasise walking, cycling and public transport as the means of transport around the city. We are concerned that the needs of elderly, infirm and disabled people are not given due consideration. Travelling by private car is an absolute lifeline to many of our parishioners. Please support the disabled and infirm of this parish by responding to the Council’s consultation stating the need for any future transport plan to clearly set out how it will accommodate the housebound and those who have mobility problems or who cannot access public transport. You can respond until 27 March 2020 here.

Read the newsletter for 15 March (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 15 March (doc)

The Second Sunday of Lent

Precautions due to the Coronavirus

In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the Cathedral & St Andrew’s, Ravelston are introducing the following precautions:

1) For the time being, Holy Communion will be given under only one kind.
2) The sign of peace and the use of Holy Water will be temporarily suspended.
3) We ask everyone to please receive Communion in the hand, rather than on the tongue.

Lenten Night of Recollection – 17th of March

On Tuesday the 17th of March, Fr. Jamie will lead a Lenten Evening of Recollection in Ravelston. There will be a talk on the theme “The Desert” in the Parish Rooms at 7.30pm, followed by a time of prayer.

Clergy Changes in the Parish

Fr Martins, who has been with us since September, has been assigned by the Archbishop to St Cuthbert’s Parish. We are very grateful to Fr Martins for all he has contributed to our Parish during this time. We are also happy to welcome Father John Peter Sippai Siluvappan, who is coming to us from Falkirk. Father Peter John will be full-time chaplain at the Western General, in addition to helping us in the Parish.

Stations of the Cross

Every week during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral on Mondays at 7pm, and on Fridays after the 12.45pm Mass and at St Andrew’s, Ravelston at 7pm. Stations in Polish will be on Fridays following Mass at 6pm.

With Angels and Archangels – Schola Cantorum recording CD

This week our Schola Cantorum will embark on recording sessions with Delphian Records for our first CD album, With Angels and Archangels. The disk will present some of the best of our Cathedral music, including choral works by Palestrina, Rheinberger, MacMillan, and our own Michael Ferguson. The recording will be available for purchase at the end of the year, and you will have the opportunity pre-order copies soon! Due to the CD recordings, the Cathedral will close at 4pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. The Masses in Polish are moved to 9am.

Gender Recognition Bill consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting now on proposed changes to gender recognition legislation. These include removal of the current medical requirements and reducing the age limit for legally changing gender from 18 to 16. The Catholic Church believes that sex or gender cannot be reduced to a mere construct of society that is fluid and changeable. The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a briefing paper to help you understand the key issues. It is available at the back of the church and in the porch of the Cathedral and online at the Catholic Parliamentary Office website. Please make your voice heard in this consultation which can be completed by following this link. The deadline for responses is 17th March.

Read the newsletter for 8 March (doc)

Read the newsletter for 8 March (pdf)

The First Sunday of Lent - Year A

Concerts in the Cathedral – Tickets for Sale after all Masses

This is the last time we will sell tickets for the Aly and Phil and Barbara Dickson concerts in the Cathedral after Mass because they take place next weekend! Snap up the remaining tickets after all Masses - we take cash, cheques and credit/debit cards, buy them at Eventbrite and through the Parish Office. See you there!

Rite of Election

Today at 12 noon Mass the Archbishop will celebrate the Rite of Election for all those in the Diocese preparing to be received into the Church this Easter.

Stations of the Cross

Every week during Len Stations of the Cross will be held in the Cathedral on Mondays at 7pm and on Fridays after the 12.45pm Mass.

Stations of the Cross in Polish will be on Fridays following Mass at 6pm.

Guidance to Catholics on Coronavirus

Despite the low risk to the public from Coronavirus, the Archbishop is encouraging us to think about taking the following temporary precautions: Receive Communion in the hand; do not receive from the chalice; avoid shaking hands at the sign of peace.

Gender Recognition Bill consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting now on proposed changes to gender recognition legislation. These include removal of the current medical requirements and reducing the age limit for legally changing gender from 18 to 16. The Catholic Church believes that sex or gender cannot be reduced to a mere construct of society that is fluid and changeable. The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a briefing paper to help you understand the key issues. It is available at the back of the church and in the porch of the Cathedral and online at the Catholic Parliamentary Office website. Please make your voice heard in this consultation which can be completed by following this link. The deadline for responses is 17th March.

Read the newsletter for 1 March (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 1 March (doc)

Seventh Sunday of the Year - Year A

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. It is a day of fasting and abstinence which means that all Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat and all adults between 16 and 65 are obliged to fast. Ashes will be distributed at all Masses, which will be at 8am, 10am (School Mass), 12.45pm, 6pm (Polish) and 7.30pm in the Cathedral and at 9.30am and 6pm (Extraordinary Form) in Ravelston. The booklet Walk with Me with daily reflections for Lent is available after all Masses this weekend for only £1 each.

Concerts in the Cathedral – Tickets for Sale After All Masses

There are still a few tickets available for the fundraising concerts in the Cathedral. During the week we received the great news that an anonymous donor will double all that we make on the night. So the more tickets we sell the better! Tickets (£25/each) can be purchased after all Masses this weekend (we can take cash, cheques and credit/debit cards), at Eventbrite and through the Parish Office. Thank you for supporting this initiative to raise very much needed funds to care for our Cathedral!

Day of Prayer for Those who have Suffered Abuse

This Friday has been designated as a day of special prayer for those who have suffered abuse in the Church. All of us are encouraged to pray and fast for this intention on Friday. The Stations of the Cross after the 12.45pm Mass will also be offered for this intention.

Gender Recognition Bill consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting now on proposed changes to gender recognition legislation. These include removal of the current medical requirements and reducing the age limit for legally changing gender from 18 to 16. The Catholic Church believes that sex or gender cannot be reduced to a mere construct of society that is fluid and changeable.

The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a briefing paper to help you understand the key issues. It is available at the back of the church and in the porch of the Cathedral and online at the Catholic Parliamentary Office website. Please make your voice heard in this consultation which can be completed by following this link. The deadline for responses is 17th March.

Read the newsletter for 23rd February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 23rd February (doc)

Sixth Sunday of the Year - Year A

Guidance to Catholics on Coronavirus

Despite the low risk to the public from Coronavirus, the Catholic bishops are taking people’s concerns seriously and have issued some guidelines. As during every ‘flu season, we ask anyone with cold or flu symptoms to not shake hands during the sign of peace, to refrain from taking communion from the Chalice and receive the host on the hand only. As things stand, the bishops have decided that there is no need for the Chalice to be withdrawn or the sign of peace suspended, such as was advised during the 2009 ‘flu pandemic. This advice would only come if we had a very serious epidemic in the UK and at the time of writing this is unlikely.

Concerts in the Cathedral – Tickets for Sale After All Masses

There are still a few tickets available for the fundraising concerts in the Cathedral. On Friday the 6th of March “Aly and Phil” will be performing and on Saturday the 7th of March our own Barbara Dickson will be singing. Both concerts begin at 7.30pm and doors open at 7pm. Tickets (£25/each) can be purchased after all Masses this weekend. We can take cash and credit/debit cards and contactless payment. You can also buy tickets on Eventbrite and through the Parish Office. Thank you for supporting this initiative to raise very much needed funds to care for our Cathedral!

Statue of Our Lady of Aberdeen in the Cathedral

As a part of the Scottish Bishops’ Conference’s program to pray for the re-evangelisation of Scotland, a statue of Our Lady of Aberdeen will be visiting our eight Cathedrals. It is now our turn to host the statue, which will stay in the Cathedral until the 17th February. Please do take this opportunity to pray in a special way that our friends, family members and neighbours may come to know Jesus in a personal way.

Contactless Giving

We have introduced a contactless giving device at the back of the Cathedral. It is very easy to use, with a mere tap of the screen, select an amount and then tap your card or your phone to donate to the Cathedral parish.

This may be of particular interest to visitors to Edinburgh who wish to contribute to the parish when visiting the Cathedral. Please do feel free to test it out and let us have any feedback on your experience by contacting the parish finance office.

Download the newsletter for 16th February (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 16th February (doc)