Divine Mercy Sunday - Year A

Overcoming Fear

Jesus had been abandoned by his disciples at the time of his death. One of them had turned him over to the authorities. Another had denied he even knew Jesus. The others ran away, apparently in fear and horror.

That same fear still gripped the disciples as they stayed behind locked doors. The risen Jesus suddenly appears among them, and there is not a word about their betrayal, denial, and abandonment.

“Peace be with you,” he says, as though nothing had ever happened. They look at his wounds, and he repeats his remarkable greeting: “Peace be with you.”

If only we could follow in the footsteps of Christ and wish peace to everyone! If only we could forgive as he forgave! Where would be the wars? the discrimination? the hatred? the death penalty? They would go the way of death itself, conquered by the resurrection.

Jesus assures us that we have received the Holy Spirit. We have the power to release others of their wrongs against us, just as we have the power to keep them and ourselves bound. Our Easter faith that we have “become a new creation” should strengthen our resolve to forgive as Christ forgave.

Fr. Patrick

☎️ The Telephone Apostolate ☎️ Latest News

Since the Telephone Apostolate began at the beginning of April, our volunteers are now making over 100 phone calls each week. It has already proved to be a very good way to support our elderly or anxious parishioners during this difficult time, but also for all of us to stay in touch with the parish community until we can meet again for Mass. If you know anyone who would appreciate a friendly chat, please fill in the form on our website or email Deacon Peter.

Watch Daily Mass from Cathedral House Online

Each day, we publish one of the private Masses in Cathedral House, where we pray for our parishioners, mass intentions and an end to the spread of coronavirus. To participate spiritually in the Mass, please visit our Facebook page or on this website.

Mass Intentions

Although all public Masses are currently suspended, Fr. Patrick, Fr. Jamie and Fr. Tadeusz continue to offer Mass for the parishioners’ intentions. If you would like to schedule a Mass for someone who has recently died, for the anniversary of a loved one or for a special intention, please contact the Parish Office and we will help you to arrange a Mass.

The Parish Office can be contacted on 0131 556 1798 or email here. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please do not visit the office in person at the moment.

Young Adults – Ratzinger Reading Group

To continue to “grow on the inside”, some people from the Young Adults Group have started an online theology book club together with Fr. Jamie. Each week, we read twenty pages or so of Cardinal Ratzinger’s ‘Introduction to Christianity’ and then we meet talk together about what we have read. If you are between 18-35 years and would like to join, please email here.

Cathedral E-Newsletter

Join hundreds of Cathedral parishioners and friends of the Cathedral across the world in receiving the latest Cathedral news and spiritual reflections straight to your inbox. Since the Cathedral closed, we are contacting our parishioners more frequently by email as a vital means of staying in touch with our community. You can join the mailing list at the bottom of any page of this website.

Thank you for the Easter Gifts!

Many thanks to those of you who kindly donated to our parish account using the 'Easter Gift' reference. Your donation is very much appreciated, especially in these extraordinary times with no public Masses. If you missed the opportunity and would like to donate, please email the finance office or phone the Parish Office (0131 556 1798) for details of how to contribute remotely.

Download the newsletter for 19th April (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 19th April (doc)