Young Adults Group Meets on 28th January
The Young Adults Group will meet again on Tuesday, 28th January for our series of talks ‘A Year of Hope.’ Join us as Mrs. Mary Keenan Ross and Deacon Michael Killoran Ross speaks about ‘Hope and Mental Health.’ All those aged 18+ are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!
Thank You!!
A very heartfelt thank you from myself and Deacon Peter to all of the almost 30 volunteers who came out last weekend to participate in The Big Clean! We were able to tackle some long overdue cleaning and polishing in the Cathedral, including all the floors and chairs, statues, the entire wall of the Stations of the Cross, both the Lady Altar and the St. Andrew's Shrine, the entirety of nave and choral stalls. We also managed to clean underneath the altar rail kneelers and brush down the kneelers themselves. Glass was cleaned and the octagon was given a spruce up as well. I also think we hit every piece of brass in the Sacristy. I hope you have noticed the difference as much as I have. If you are interested in helping out our regular cleaning crew so we don't have to wait for a big clean to keep our church looking beautiful, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at to volunteer. - Darlene
World Day for Consecrated Life: Noon Mass Next Sunday with Archbishop
His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the Noon Mass next Sunday, 2 February for the World Day for Consecrated Life. Members of religious communities throughout the Archdiocese will attend the Mass on this day of prayer to thank God for the gift of religious life and to pray for those discerning a religious vocation.
New congregational Mass setting: 'Mass of the Resurrection'
A message from Michael Ferguson, Director of Music
In the next few weeks we will begin learning a new congregational Mass setting, Mass of the Resurrection. We'll aim to add this setting to our current congregational repertoire: Mass of Christ the Saviour (at the 9am Mass), and Mass of Padre Pio (at the 7:30pm Mass). We've sung these existing settings for many years, and we have a wonderful opportunity now to begin to expand our repertoire of congregational music. Melody sheets will be available to help you learn the new setting in the next weeks and months. Thank you in advance for your efforts to get Mass of the Resurrection off the ground. Learning a new setting inevitably takes time and requires perseverance, but I have no doubt that the rewards will be great in the long term!
Registration Open: Children’s First Holy Communion & Confirmation
Registration is open for First Holy Communion classes and Confirmation classes. Please register online at
First Communion registration (P4):
Confirmation registration (P7):
If you have already registered, you do not need to re-register. All classes held at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (EH4 3DS). First Holy Communion Classes will begin on Sunday, 9 March, 9:30am and Confirmation classes on Sunday, Sunday, 16 March, 4:30pm-5:30pm. For more details, please contact Fr. Robert at
Adult Confirmation Classes Begin in March
This Lent, the Cathedral will run a six-week course for adults to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 19th April. Classes start with an in-person meeting on Wednesday 12th March at 7pm at Cathedral House, 61 York Place. We will then have four on-line meetings before concluding with an in-person meeting again at Cathedral House on Wednesday 16th April at 7pm. If you are interested and would like to register, contact
Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon
The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 28 January at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!
First Wednesdays — Prayers for Priests
The first Wednesday of each month, after the 12:45pm Mass, please join in prayers near the Lady Altar, including a Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to ask Our Lady’s intercession for our priests. All are welcome to participate in the prayers on Wednesday 5 February following 12:45pm Mass.
Catenians Meeting
The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men to their regular meeting on Wednesday, 19 February, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Catenians are an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men and their families at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or
Happy 100th Birthday!
As many of you may know, parishioner Susan Lonie celebrates her 100th birthday this week on Friday, 31 January. We wish you a very Happy Birthday, Susan. God bless you!
Jubilee Cross and Plenary Indulgence
The Jubilee Cross at the National Shrine of St Andrew here at the Cathedral is a destination and a focus for pilgrims in the Archdiocese and beyond during this Jubilee Year of Hope. The Holy See has granted permission for the Jubilee Cross to carry a plenary indulgence, which is a remission of the temporal punishment for sins already forgiven and can be gained by visiting the Jubilee Cross through this Holy Year with the following conditions: a detachment from sin, going to Confession, receiving Holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the Holy Father. All are encouraged to visit the cross in this Jubilee Year. Prayer cards are available at the cross.
From Pope Francis’ Message for the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025
“… let us return to the message that the Apostle Paul wished to communicate to the Christians of Rome. ‘Since we are justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing in the glory of God… Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us’ (Rom 5:1-2.5). In this passage, Saint Paul gives us much to reflect upon. We know that the Letter to the Romans marked a decisive turning point in his work of evangelization. Until then, he had carried out his activity in the eastern part of the Empire, but now he turns to Rome and all that Rome meant in the eyes of the world. Before him lay a great challenge, which he took up for the sake of preaching the Gospel, which knows no barriers or confines. The Church of Rome was not founded by Paul, yet he felt impelled to hasten there in order to bring to everyone the Gospel of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen from the dead, a message of hope that fulfils the ancient promises, leads to glory and, grounded in love, does not disappoint….”
(Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, Spes Non Confuduit, 1-2)
Marriage Preparation Courses
The next parish Marriage Preparation Courses are Saturday 1st March and Saturday 31st May, both at St Andrew’s, Ravelston (EH4 3DS), with presentations by married couples. Please email
Youth Group Next Sunday
The Youth Group will return next Sunday, 2nd February from 2:30pm-4:00pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and thereafter on the 2nd March, 6th April and 4th May. All P3-P7’s are welcome! Parents please register children at or use the QR code. Fee: £1.00. The afternoon has lots of fun activities, time to learn more of our faith and to make new friends, too. Don’t forget the spending money for the tuckshop! Questions? Contact Fr. Robert at
Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Mass
Especially in this Jubilee Year of Hope, all are encouraged to come for Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration as we seek to grow in faith, hope and love of Christ, and to begin a regular practice of coming to Confession, as we ask God’s forgiveness, receive His pardon and healing grace. Every Wednesday at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston we have Eucharistic Adoration with Confessions 5:00pm-5:45pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. “We are able to give the assent of faith because the will – the heart – has been touched by God.” – Pope Benedict XVI
New Card Readers
As many people nowadays prefer to use cards rather than carry cash, there are now two card readers near the main door to the church, beside St Joseph's statue and beside the war memorial. Parishioners and visitors are invited to use these to make donations to church funds. The card readers are set for £5, £10 and £20 but other smaller/larger amounts can be specified and Gift Aid can be subscribed to as well.
St. Andrew’s Talks: Aid to the Church in Need
The St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 24th February with Peter Diamond on the work of Aid to the Church in Need as it supports the Catholic faithful and other Christians facing oppression, persecution or pastoral need. All St Andrew’s Talks begin after the 6pm Mass in the Ravelston rooms.
Women's Religious Life Discussion Today 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will for your vocation in the Church. Come along today, Sunday, 26 January, from 4:00pm-7:00pm at St Columba's, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1SN. Other dates are 23 Feb, 30 Mar and 25 May. Retreat from Friday, 4 April – Monday, 7 April. Email to register.
Wednesday, 29 January: Teens Group for P7-S4
All young people P7-S4 are invited to join the Teens Group at St. Columba's, 9 Upper Gray Street, EH9 1SN which meets on the last Wednesday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, in St. Columba's halls. Join us for fun, games, activities, prayer and pilgrimages. Don't miss this opportunity to grow in your faith and meet new friends! Next meeting is Wednesday 29th January. Cost £25 (per year). Questions? Email Clare at
Next Saturday: Synodal Event ‘Conversations in the Spirit’
All parishioners are welcome to attend a free Archdiocesan event with Fr Matthew Nunes from the Archdiocese of Liverpool titled Conversations in the Spirit, to help guide us on how to lead and participate in parish Synodality. It takes place on Saturday 1 February, (optional Mass at 10am) 11:00am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB. Details and registration at Please bring a packed lunch. Local cafes/shops available.
Next Sunday: Mass in Honour of Our Lady of Lourdes
The February Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place at 4:00pm next Sunday, 2 February, in St Cuthbert’s Church, 104 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1PT. Archbishop Cushley will be the principal celebrant. The Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes for the Holy Year 2025 takes place from 11-18 July. For more details please visit
Valentine’s Retreat for Couples
The Archdiocese has organised a Valentine’s mini-retreat for married and engaged couples from 2-5pm on Saturday 15 February at St Kentigern’s Church, 26 Parkgrove Avenue, Edinburgh, EH4 7QR. The speaker is Fr Andrew Garden (St David’s, Dalkeith) and the event is free. Register at
Workshop for Children's Liturgy Leaders
If you are involved with Children's Liturgy in your parish, the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission invites you to The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, for a workshop on Children's Liturgy of the Word. The day takes place on Saturday 22 February from 9:30am-12:00pm and will include Mass, discussion groups, a presentation on resources, and a presentation on the Liturgy of the Word within Mass. Registration and full event schedule at
Young Adults Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome
Archbishop Cushley leads our Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome for young adults (18+) which takes place 28 July to 4 August 2025. Cost £1,175 includes return flights from Edinburgh to Rome, coach transfers, bed and breakfast at Casa Santa Lucia and an opportunity to take part in the Jubilee for Young People programme, including attending Mass with the Holy Father. Limited single rooms available. Email by Sunday 2 February.