Fourth Sunday Of Easter – Year A

‘Figures of My Faith’ Talks By Young Adults for Young Adults

All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to attend our new series of talks, ‘Figures of My Faith,’ featuring talks by young adults for young adults, beginning on Tuesday 2 May with a talk on C.S. Lewis by Jason Mitala. Teas & coffees from 7:00pm in 63 York Place, followed by the talk at 7:30pm. We will have an opportunity for Confession, prayer and Night Prayer in the Cathedral afterwards, then a chance to discuss in a local pub. Come along!

Young Adults Events in May, June and August

Upcoming events for the Young Adults group include an Afternoon of Recollection at St Albert’s Chaplaincy on Saturday 27th May. During the summer the Young Adults will also be visiting places with significance for the faith in Scotland. Day trips will include Melrose Abbey and Abbotsford House on the 24th of June and St Andrews on Saturday 19th August. These trips will be by train and will include some walking. Contact Fr Robert at Registration for Abbotsford is open now.

Schola Cantorum Fundraising Concert Friday, 19 May

for Support of Cathedral Music

Join the Cathedral's flagship choir for a concert of beautiful music in support of the music at St Mary's Cathedral on Friday 19 May at 7:30pm. Come along to hear some of the highlights of the choir's choral repertoire, plus Handel Coronation Anthems, African American spirituals, and more. With a prosecco bar and choir-themed fundraising auction at the interval, it’s an event not to be missed! Tickets are £10 / £8 (concessions), available from Eventbrite or at the door:

Organ Recital Thank You!

Thank you to all who attended the organ recitals last Sunday and Monday by Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, featuring magnificent pieces by Bach, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Schumann and Liszt. Over £360 was received in the retiring collection in aid of Cathedral music on Sunday. Thank you for your support!

Holy Hours with Rosary in May on Wednesday Evenings

Join us for Holy Hours with the Rosary during the first four weeks of May at the Cathedral, beginning Wednesday 3 May from 7pm to 8pm, with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a reflection and concluding with Benediction.

Volunteers Needed: Help with Cathedral Cleaning and Flower-Arranging

The work of our Cathedral volunteer cleaners and flower-arrangers is extremely important and so help our current volunteers cover holiday and absences, we are looking to recruit new volunteers to help with both of these activities. The Cathedral cleaning team meets every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm and 4pm to undertake various cleaning tasks. For flower arranging, there are currently four teams, who meet mid-morning on a Friday. For both cleaning and flower arranging, each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier. Even if you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated! To join either or both, or to find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews,

Youth Group Returns Next Sunday, Day Trip Planned for June

The Youth Group returns on the 7th May at 6pm in the parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Please pick up a registration form today for any first-time registrations. During May we will be learning about Mary and then, the final event before the summer will be on 10th June, when the Youth Group will travel to Carfin Grotto and Strathclyde Park! You can register your children for that day trip today – see the posters for more information.

Catenians Meeting, Wednesday, 17th May, at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 17th May, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Parish Retreat 22-24 September 2023 at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull

For the first time in a very long time, we will have a Parish retreat! The Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have organised the retreat for the whole parish on 22-24 September this year in the idyllic St Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull (near Perth). The theme of the retreat is Allowing Jesus to Love You, and it will be led by Fr Charlie Corrigan CSsR. Places are limited so please book now. The all-inclusive price is £200 (this includes a £50 non-returnable deposit): book for it here:

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon

Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon, Tuesday 2 May, 2.30pm - 4pm: Join us at Coffee Saints café to meet up with old friends and new. We welcome newcomers to come along and enjoy our coffee afternoon!

St Pauls Bookshop: First Communion Gifts & Scottish Saints Prayers

First Holy Communion gifts are available in our St Pauls Bookshop, including rosaries, First Communion medals, children’s Bibles, prayerbooks, bookmarks, posters and more. A lovely new selection of Scottish saints prayer cards recently arrived, including St. Andrew, St. John Ogilvie, St. Mungo, St. Ninian, as well as Our Lady of Paisley and Our Lady of Aberdeen. St. Andrew medals are now in stock, too.

New Cathedral notecards are available for £2.99 for 6 cards and envelopes. Images include the painting of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Pieta statue, Our Lady’s Altar, the icon at St. Andrew’s Altar, and stained glass windows of the Cathedral. Bookshop hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00am to 5:00pm (closed Mondays), 0131 510 4260,

First Saturday Devotions

Next Saturday, 6 May, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Wednesday 5:00pm Adoration and Confessions in May

Our Wednesday evening Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions will return starting this week, beginning at 5:00pm and concluding at 5:45pm, with Mass at 6:00pm to follow. Come along for some quiet prayer before our Lord and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession in this holy Easter season.

Coronation Party Next Sunday: Tickets on Sale, Volunteers Needed

Come along to the Coronation Garden Party at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday 7th May, 1:00pm-3:30pm to mark King Charles’ coronation. There will be a selection of tasty treats for all and activities for the children. Tickets are £5 per person or £10 for a family (2 adults, children come free), and all proceeds support the parish Youth Group! There is a lot of work involved in running this day so please email or speak to Judy Sutherland or Father Robert if you can help.

St. Andrew Talk Cancelled for 1st May

The St Andrews Talk for Monday 1st May has been cancelled. Talks will resume after the summer break.

Ministry Day at Ravelston on Saturday, 13th May

All existing ministers are invited along and anybody who would like to become an altar server (and have made – or will make their First Holy Communion this year), would like to be a reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion are all very welcome at the associated times: 1300-1400 Servers, 1400 – 1500 Readers, 1500-1600 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

Crux Magazines on Sale Today at Ravelston!

Pick up your copy of the Spring issue of Crux magazine today. It is just £5 and all proceeds support the Cathedral. Enjoy articles and features from Fr. Patrick, Fr. Nick Welsh, our seminarians Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland, and an exclusive interview with our organist Tom Wilkinson plus a special article on the St Pauls Bookshop! Crux is a must-read over the Easter season for you and your family and the perfect keepsake for Cathedral visitors. Crux is the new magazine for all Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral, who receive this magazine straight to their door. Join Friends here

World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Special Collection for Seminarians

Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations and there will be a special collection today for those studying for the priesthood. Please pray that more men and women answer God’s call to the priesthood and the religious life. Keep in your prayers the seminarians from the Archdiocese – Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson (Beda College, Rome), Gerard Holden and Matthew McCafferty (Scots College, Rome) and Matthew Frankland (Royal Scots College, Salamanca). If you feel called to the priesthood or religious life, have a chat with the Cathedral clergy today.

Called & Gifted Workshop: Discover Your Unique Purpose in Life

Through our Baptism and Confirmation we have received gifts through which God intends His love to reach others. Identify your charisms and discern God’s call through the Called and Gifted Workshop. Learn about the ancient teachings of the Church on how the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit work in our lives and parish communities and delve into the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. The workshop is hosted by the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre in collaboration with the St Catherine of Siena Institute and takes place on Saturday 20 May from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Cost is £25 and includes materials, online access, and lunch. Details & registration at Email

Thinking About Becoming a Religious Sister? Come Along for our Chat!

Join other young Catholic women today (30th April) at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street,4pm-7pm to explore God's will in your life. Come along or contact Sr Mirjam at

Six-Week Online Talk: What We Believe About the Holy Trinity

Join this six-week series to prepare and learn about two feasts, Pentecost and Holy Trinity Sunday. Led by Sister Anna Marie McGuan RSM and Fr Kevin Douglas, it will take a closer look at what we believe about the Holy Trinity based on the writings of St Thomas Aquinas. Begins on Tuesday 2 May at 7:30pm (1 hour). Register at

Mass in May for Married & Engaged Couples

Archbishop Leo Cushley will celebrate Mass for Married and Engaged Couples here at the Cathedral at 7:15pm on Wednesday 31 May. Reception in Coffee Saints afterwards. Submit names, address and number of years married to or phone 0131 334 1693.

St. Dominic and His Preachers of Grace: Friday 23 June – Saturday 24 June

Come and explore what lies at the heart of being a Dominican! The Dominicans will host a two-day conference in Edinburgh in June to share what they have done, are doing and could do in the future. Speakers include Fr Timothy Radcliffe, OP as well as other Friars, Sisters and Lay Dominicans. The event includes a Noon Mass on Saturday 24 June at the Cathedral, celebrated by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley. Book at

Are You Looking for a Job? LINKnet Can Help

Meet with a qualified and trained mentor and through employability trainings conducted by LINKnet, 31 Guthrie Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JG. LINKnet was established to help minority ethnic people secure work, further education opportunities and help with personal development. The service is free of charge and available online or face-to-face. Everyone over 18 years of age from any minority ethnic group is eligible to join the mentoring programme. Email or visit

Read the newsletter for 30th April (pdf)