8th Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Ash Wednesday

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the 40-day season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence, which means that all of us are obliged to abstain from meat on Wednesday and all ages 16-65 who are able are obliged to fast. Mass times are as follows:


8.00am Mass

10.00am Mass

12.45pm Mass

6.00pm (Polish)

7.00pm Mass


10.00am Mass

Stations of the Cross

A Lenten tradition is to follow the footsteps of the Lord on the way to Calvary, meditating on his suffering and death for our salvation. On Fridays at the Cathedral during Lent, we will pray the Stations of the Cross after the 12:45pm Mass. Please consider joining us in this Lenten spiritual exercise.

Confirmation Class for Adults Begins This Monday

Thanks to everyone who has registered for our Confirmation class for adults, which begins this Monday at 7:00pm. This course will prepare adults for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, 16th April 2022. To register, please contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

A New Way to Prepare for Easter

Would you like to try something new as part of your Lenten journey? We are holding a small Faith Sharing Group to help us prepare for Easter at 63 York Place on the six Saturdays in Lent commencing March the 5th. We will share our Faith journey in the light of scripture readings. Everyone is welcome whatever your age or background. If interested, please contact Lis at ejherschan@aol.com

Help Needed….

As you know it takes a lot of effort from a lot of different people to keep the Cathedral running! Most of these people are volunteers and we really couldn’t run without them (you)! Because we have a fairly fluid parish population, at times our pool of volunteers runs low. We are in this position now!

Specifically, we need volunteers for two crucial tasks: Cleaning and Flower Arranging.

Could you (would you) consider helping with either one (or both) of these apostolates?

Cleaning: The cleaners are organised into different teams and meet on different days and times. If you were able to give even just an hour a week we could integrate you into one of our teams and put you on the rota. If you are open to this, please contact Elizabeth at elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Flowers: The flower arrangers meet regularly on a Friday afternoon to do the arrangements. Our idea would be to have 2 or 3 groups so that each group would only be on once every three weeks. If you would like to give this a go, please contact Sr. Miriam Fidelis at the parish office cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk or 0131 556 1798.

Young Adults Group: This Tuesday at 7pm

It was great to see so many of you on Tuesday night! Thanks to Fr Matthew for an excellent talk on Veritatis Splendor. This coming Tuesday, we're welcoming Fr Nicholas Monaghan, a priest of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, who'll speak about the teaching of St John Paul II on the Christian vision for marriage and family. This will be a great talk! Doors open at 7pm and the evening will conclude with a time of prayer before we head to the pub for some refreshments.

Join Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

Come along and join the Society of St Vincent de Paul and the Coffee Saints Café for the Over Sixties Club for the Cathedral. We meet every Tuesday from 2.30-4pm for coffee and cake (all free!) and anyone over 60 years of age is welcome! Next cinema visit is ‘Cyrano,’ meeting at Coffee Saint 1.30pm for 2.25pm showing, join us for tea and coffee before the film. For more information contact Graham 07568 202 547 or graham@grassmarket.org

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 21st May and 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 21st of May from 10am-5pm and the last one of the year will be held Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 25th June - 5th July 2022

A reminder to all booked on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land that you should have received a letter from Special Pilgrimages. If you didn’t, please speak to Fr. Patrick quickly. If you’ve decided not to come, let us know as soon as possible at cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk or 0131 556 1798.

Job Opening: Cathedral Facilities Manager – Closing Date 4th March

St Mary’s Cathedral is looking to employ a facilities manager. The job is 21 hours per week (£16,200 pro rata) and the closing date for applications is Friday 4 March. Job description and how to apply at https://www.s1jobs.com/job/facilities-manager-52764122

First Saturday Devotions

On Saturday, 5th March, 9:30am all are welcome for Our Lady of Fatima devotions before 10:00am Mass.

Rite of Election – Next Sunday

His Grace, Archbishop Leo Cushley, will receive all those preparing for reception into the Church this Easter at the Rite of Election during the Noon Mass next Sunday.

Outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

The Lord’s Passion is beautifully depicted in 14 outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road) along the walking path. Prayers to carry with you are provided near the First Station, or bring along the podcast of the Stations of the Cross by our Cathedral readers and singers: https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/podcasts

First Holy Communion Classes

Welcome to all children attending this year's First Holy Communion classes, which start this weekend!

Parish Rooms and House Rewiring Pledges

Our rewiring project is nearing completion after a lot of hard work and a few unforeseen tasks. So, if you kindly pledged money for this project (and have not already done so), would you please contact Caroline our finance officer finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk and arrange payment at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

A Warm Welcome Awaits You at Our Cafés in the Parish Rooms

Teas & coffees have already returned on Sundays after 10:30am Mass - every Sunday! Additionally, the Friday cafe (10am-Noon) has reopened with delicious home-baking. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat at either or both cafes!

Married and Engaged Couples’ Holy Hour with Archbishop: 6th March

Married and engaged couples are invited to attend a Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley to pray and reflect on the gift of the vocation to marriage and to ask for God’s blessing of their love. The event will be held Sunday 6th March 2022, 4.00-5.00pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh.

Please register for this and other upcoming events for married and engaged couples at bit.ly/ArchEventbrite (scroll down to select event). For more information, contact 0131 623 8900 or VEmarriage@staned.org.uk

Help Keep Assisted Suicide Out of Scotland

Liam McArthur MSP is planning on bringing a bill to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland later this year. MSPs need to hear from you why assisted suicide is dangerous and should never be legalised in Scotland. To contact your MSPs, visit www.spuc.org.uk/assistedsuicidescotland and enter your postcode to send an email to all eight of your MSPs.

Archbishop Leo to Pray Pro-Life Stations of the Cross: Tues., 8th March

Register to join Archbishop Cushley on Zoom to pray the Stations of Cross for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions on Tuesday 8 March. He will give the reflection in the first of the weekly prayer events that takes place on Tuesdays at 7:45pm throughout Lent. Sign up to join on Zoom at https://archedinburgh.org/lent-register-now-for-pro-life-stations-of-the-cross/

Online Retreat: Through Lent with Ignatius of Loyola, Begins 2nd March

The Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Glasgow is hosting an online retreat in Lent. Each day features an episode from the life of St Ignatius, music, art, a reading from Scripture and a reflection. Details at https://iscglasgow.co.uk/lent22.html or email admin@iscglasgow.co.uk

SCIAF Wee Boxes 2022

SCIAF Wee Boxes for Lent 2022 are now available! This year’s Wee Box appeal is helping families in Malawi who are facing extreme hunger. You can collect your Wee Box together with an information pack on the table in the Octagon. Alternatively, you can donate online at https://www.sciaf.org.uk/get-involved/appeals

Read the newsletter for 27th February (pdf)