6th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Comings and Goings….

Just to let you know that Fr. Peter Kelly has recently resigned as Parish Priest of Davidson’s Mains because of ill health and will be coming to stay at Cathedral House at the end of the month. Sadly (for us!) he is to be replaced as Parish Priest by Fr. Jamie. This will be an awful loss for us – but fortunately Fr. Jamie will continue to work part time (!) with us until this Summer when he will be replaced. So, happily, we are not really saying goodbye to Fr. Jamie yet, and we are getting Fr. Peter – who I know you will make very welcome.

Cathedral Over Sixties Club – Tuesdays 2.30-4pm

As you know the SVDP and the Coffee Saints Café have got together to found a new Over Sixties Club for the Cathedral. This club meets every Tuesday from 2.30-4pm for coffee and cake (all free!) and is open to anyone over 60 years of age. Why not come along and join the fun!

And there is more…

The first outing of the Over Sixties Club will be this Wednesday, 16th February. The outing will be to the Vue Cinema to see “Death on the Nile.” Meeting in Coffee Saints at 1.30pm. Also free!!!

For more information contact Graham 07568 202 547 or graham@grassmarket.org

A New Way to Prepare for Easter

Try something new for the 6 weeks of Lent! We are starting a small Faith Sharing Group at 63 York Place to help people prepare for Easter. We will share our Faith journey in the light of Scripture readings. Everyone is welcome, whatever your age or background. If you are interested, please contact Lis for more information at ejherschan@aol.com

Young Adults Group: The Church and the Eucharist – Tuesday, 15th Feb.

It was great to see so many of our young people at the Vocations Mass here at the Cathedral last Tuesday. This Tuesday 15th February, our series of talks resumes with guest speaker Fr. Kevin Douglas talking about the Church and the Eucharist. Talk begins at 7:30pm with teas and coffees available from 7:00pm at 63 York Place. All young adults 18-35 welcome!

Bible Study – Monday, 14th Feb.

Thank you very much to Fr. Paul Denny for a fascinating talk on the Book of Genesis. For those who missed it you can watch it online at https://youtu.be/0sjJUaYPzvw

This Monday 14th February our weekly meetings resume on Zoom at 7:00pm. All welcome! For more information contact Fr. Jamie at frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Confirmation Class for Adults: Begins March

Thanks to everyone who has registered for our Confirmation class for adults! This course will prepare adults for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, 16th April 2022. To register, please contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

2022 Archdiocesan Directory – Only a few remaining!

We are down to the last few copies of the 2022 Archdiocesan Directory. It is on sale today at the back of the Church for only £3.00 each. Hurry before all are sold!!

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 21st May and 27th August

The Cathedral organises four Marriage Preparation courses each year, featuring presentations, testimonies and workshops led by married couples from the parish. The next course will take place on Saturday, 21st of May from 10am-5pm and the last one of the year will be held Saturday, 27th of August. Although priority is given to Cathedral / Ravelston parishioners, this course is also open to people from other parishes and dioceses –spread the word! To register, email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Parish Volunteers – Online Safeguarding Training in March

Safeguarding Training currently only needs to be done by volunteers who are in a regulated role requiring a Protecting Vulnerable Group form. Induction Part 1 must be completed before Induction Part 2 is done. (Induction Part 2 should be completed approx. 18 months after Induction Part 1 has been done). Both Part 1 and Part 2 are approximately 90 minutes each. To register for either during March and for further details, please visit, https://archedinburgh.org/administration/safeguarding-training/

New Sanctuary Curtains

Just in time for Lent and Easter, our new Cathedral sanctuary curtains were installed this week! The red Aragon tapestry fabric contains many symbols representing truths of our rich Catholic faith: an elegantly decorated urn, a container for oils and perfumes, signifying St. Mary Magdalene; the Blue Iris, symbolizing the Blessed Virgin Mary; the thistle, representing the Lord’s Passion and the sufferings endured by the martyrs, and the grapevine and grapes, representing the Most Holy Eucharist.

Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 25th June - 5th July 2022

All those booked on the Pilgrimage to the Holy land should have received a letter from Special Pilgrimages this week. If you didn’t, please speak to me quickly. Anyone who has decided not to come needs to let us know asap.

Volunteer for the Parish – Many Roles Available at Ravelston!

Consider offering your time for the parish to help with cleaning, cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, flower arranging, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers. Many of the roles are on a rota basis and would only need a commitment every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk or fill in and return a parish registration form (see below) where you can indicate which roles you are interested in. We have had some good interest this week (thank you!) and are still processing these. We have capacity for more volunteers - please do get in touch!

Parish Registration Forms - St Andrew’s Ravelston

Parish registration forms are once again available at the back of the church. If you have not completed one before, please take one. As you will see, filling in and returning a registration form will allow us to keep you informed of events and/or opportunities in the parish according to your interests and preferences. The form also gives you the opportunity to let us know of any volunteer roles you may be interested in so that we can provide you with further information and help you get involved. Thank you!

FREE Event to Help you Grow in Sharing Your Faith!

Making Disciples Seminar

Friday 25 Feb: 7pm-9 pm

Saturday 26 Feb: 9am-5pm

Sunday 27 Feb: 11am-4pm

This seminar is for all who want to grow in sharing their faith with others! The event will be held at St Kentigern’s Church, 26-28 Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, EH4 7QR. You will learn:

• How discipleship makes catechesis a life-changing experience.

• How to introduce non-believers, and the lukewarm, to Jesus and the Church.

• Ways to share your own personal witness in gentle, intriguing, and non-threatening ways.

• How to integrate these evangelizing skills and concepts into parish life and ministry.

To register for this FREE event and for more info visit bit.ly/disciplesseminar

Obligation to Attend Sunday Mass Restored as of Sunday, 6th March

The Bishops Conference of Scotland has announced in a pastoral letter that the obligation for Catholics to attend Sunday Mass will be restored from the First Sunday in Lent, Sunday 6th March, “given the easing of restrictions in every other walk of life.” To read the letter, visit https://archedinburgh.org/news-events/

Vacancy: Primary Schools Adviser in Religious Education

The Archdiocese is recruiting an Adviser in Religious Education (primary schools). While the post is full-time, applicants looking for part-time or flexible working patterns are also encouraged to apply. Please see archedinburgh.org.uk/news-events for full details.

Vacancy: Cathedral Complex Manager

The Cathedral is looking to recruit a new Complex Manager, responsible for the operational running of the Cathedral, Cathedral House, hall and café area and offices. The successful applicant will have experience of facilities management and a flexible and hands on approach to working in this unique environment. To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant experience and suitability for the role to recruitment@staned.org.uk by 5pm, 4th March 2022. Please share with anyone who might be interested! Find out more about the role here

Holy Hours, Retreat and Mass for Married and Engaged Couples

Married and engaged couples are invited to register for a variety of FREE upcoming events hosted by the Archdiocese in the lead up to the 10th World Meeting of Families (Rome 22-26 June 2022). These events are for couples to come before the Lord together in reflection on the beautiful Catholic vision of marriage and family life, thanksgiving for the gift of this calling and prayer for the blessing of their love. The reflections will draw on themes developed in Pope Francis' Encyclical Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love).

Events at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh:

Sunday 6th March 2022, 4.00-5.00pm - Holy Hour with Archbishop Leo Cushley.

Sunday 3rd April 2022, 4.00-5.30pm - Testimony and Holy Hour with Anton and Angela Colella.

Sunday 8th May 2022, 3.00-5.30pm - Afternoon Retreat with Brian and Maureen Devine.

St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral: Wednesday 18th May 2022, 7.00pm - Mass for Married and Engaged Couples

Register for all events at bit.ly/ArchEventbrite (scroll down to select event).

Pilgrimage in Scotland – The Way of St. Andrew’s

Try the “Little Camino”, Scotland at its best! Great trails, great scenery, great opportunity for reflection. For details please visit http://www.thewayofstandrews.com

Read the newsletter for 13th February (pdf)