The Baptism Of The Lord– Year C

2022 Diploma in Catechetics: Grow Deeper in Your Catholic Faith!

The online Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics program – 36 one-hour courses over 1 year – is back by popular demand after a successful first year which saw almost 150 people graduate! The courses are held on Zoom on Thursdays at 7:30pm beginning in January and will all be recorded so if you’re not able to attend in the evenings, you can watch them at your convenience. Here's what students from our 2021 session said about the course:

“A life changer, I learnt so much and it really deepened my faith. I can’t recommend it enough.” - Margo Saliba, Edinburgh

“I recommend this course to anyone who will listen; it has given me a thirst for knowledge and, hopefully, has made me a better person.” - Peter McCaffery, Cowdenbeath

“Inspirational. You won’t want to miss a session. Please give it a go - it’s a course for everyone.” - Liz Brown, Edinburgh

“Really enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone.” - Anne Collins, Kilsyth

“Our faith explored. Go deeper with this highly enjoyable course.” - Janice Mary Evans, Falkirk.

“As a ‘cradle Catholic,’ this diploma helped to enable me to develop my Faith and deepen my understanding of scripture.” - Gwen Gemmell, Dunfermline

“So interesting that I wish there was a 2nd year of study.” - Anne Marie, Linlithgow.

“The diploma in catechetics is invaluable, there is no one who I wouldn't recommend this course to!” - Sarah Schuler, Edinburgh

When does the Diploma in Catechetics start? We begin 27th January and finish 8th December, with a break over the summer holidays.

How do I sign up? You can register through Eventbrite here:

More details? Contact for information about the course and about bursaries, student rates, and reductions.

What’s involved? Each week, content is delivered via Zoom from a variety of instructors from all over the Archdiocese. After each module, participants have a one-to-one interview with Sr Anna Marie, the course leader, to go over the content and revisit questions they may have.

Over 60s Parishioners: Come by for a Chat with Graham Burnett at Coffee Saints

We welcome all over 60’s parishioners to come by Coffee Saints to meet Graham Burnett, the new ‘Engagement Officer’ for St Mary’s – just pop in enjoy a chat with Graham over a FREE cuppa and cake! He is in Coffee Saints every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am-4pm. Do stop in or contact Graham: 07568 202 547 to arrange a time to meet. (Home/garden/outside visits also available if preferred) More info on FREE mini-bus trips and groups to follow.

Rite of Illumination (P4) – Next Sunday at 9am & 10.30am

On Sunday the 16th of January we welcome the children preparing for their First Confession for the Rite of Illumination, which will take place at 9am in the Cathedral and at 10.30am in Ravelston.

Children’s Catechism Classes for First Communion and Confirmation

Classes resume today in preparation for First Confession. Soon we’ll be getting ready to start preparations for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. First Communion is open to all children in Primary 4 and above and will begin with a meeting for all parents on Monday 21st February. For children aged Primary 7 and above, there will be an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, with an introductory meeting for parents on Monday 24th January. Prior registration is essential! Please do so online here:

First Holy Communion:


Parish Bible Study: Resumes Monday 17th January 2022, 7pm

The online parish Bible Study will resume next Monday the 17th of January at 7pm. Each week, the group meets to discuss in advance the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings, to try to unpack their deeper meaning and reflect together on how these readings apply to our everyday lives. This year, as well as continuing these weekly meetings online, we’d like to start also organising monthly, in-person talks by invited speakers on different books or themes of the Bible. Watch this space for more details! To sign-up or to find out more, please email

Young Adults Group: Tuesday 18th January

The Cathedral Young Adults Group offers opportunities for young people aged between 18 and 35 to learn more about their faith and build strong friendships with other young Catholics in the city. The group meets every Tuesday evening at 7pm at 63 York Place for a talk by an invited speaker, followed by conversation, prayer and a visit to one of the local pubs. This semester, the talks will focus on the life and thought of St John Paul II, beginning on Tuesday 18th January. Look out for more details in upcoming newsletters, as well as on the Facebook group

Synod Events for our Deanery – 19th and 26th January

The Archdiocese is in “a period of consultation and discernment” for the local church in which Pope Francis has asked for the voice of the laity to be heard. To help make this happen a Holy Hour and synodal meeting are being hosted in each deanery. For our St. Giles’ Deanery, the Holy Hour will be at 7:30pm on Wednesday, 19th January in the Cathedral and the synodal meeting will be at 7:00pm on Wednesday, 26th January, in 63 York Place. All are welcome to attend.

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 29th January, 10am – 5pm

Congratulations to all recently engaged couples in the parish! To help to accompany them in their preparations for this important vocation, the Cathedral organises four courses each year, featuring presentations, testimonies and workshops led by married couples from the parish. The next course will take place on Saturday 29th January from 10am-5pm, with future courses running on the 18th of June and 27th of August. Although priority is given to Cathedral / Ravelston parishioners, this course is also open to people from other parishes and dioceses – feel free to spread the word! To register, email

Have You Received the Sacrament of Confirmation?

If you are an adult who has never received the Sacrament of Confirmation, do consider joining the Cathedral’s preparation course during Lent this year with a view to Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, 16th April 2022. To register, contact

Christian Meditation Group

Experience how Christian Meditation with others leads you to the joy of God´s healing. We meditate in person at 63 York Place on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom. The up-to-date schedule is here: Contact info - mobile: 0771 777 2614 Facebook:

Want to become Catholic? RCIA Tuesdays 7pm at Cathedral House

Do you know someone not baptized or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition, who is thirsting for what it means to become Catholic? Do you know someone already Catholic who hasn’t received Confirmation? The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is a place to ask questions and deepen your journey of faith in preparation for the sacraments of initiation. After Christmas, meetings will resume every Tuesday, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register, email

To find out more about the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith and making the journey to full communion with the Catholic Church, visit The Coming Home Network,

Free Disabled Parking in St. James Centre Car Park

If you have a disabled badge, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park in the future, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office. For those who have sent in their details, the Car Park will have free disabled parking on Sundays only 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply. Questions? Email

Fundraising Pledge Board for Donations to Rewire Parish House

The Ravelston Parish House and Rooms have an electrical circuit which is over 50 years old and which needs to be replaced urgently. The capacity of the circuit needs to be increased and we also need to install mains-wired interlinked smoke alarms (by Feb 2022). In summary, to avoid the accident which is waiting to happen and make the house and rooms safe and legally compliant we need to rewire. We have put out to tender and this will cost in the region of £19,000. In order to progress this project, therefore, we need to do some fundraising! We have created a pledge board to allow parishioners to donate towards a particular item. For details of how to donate and to view the pledge board, please click here.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-7)

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is offered, free of charge, to children ages 3-7 at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part. This Montessori-based method of Catechesis focuses on the development of the child and the unique relationship children have with Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Sessions for children ages 3-4 are held Tuesday mornings from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and sessions for children ages 5-7 are held on Friday afternoons. Please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at to register your child.

Free Mini-Course on Family Life and Love: Monday, 10th January, 1:30pm

A free three-week mini-course about family life and love in God's plan of salvation is offered explaining Pope Francis’ 2016 Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia). The course begins on Zoom on Monday, 10 January 1:30pm led by Sr Anna Marie, RSM, the Archdiocese’s Catechetics Advisor, and Fr Nick Welsh, vice rector of the Scots College in Rome. Register and attend the live sessions or watch the recording anytime:

Way of St. Andrew’s Local Pilgrimage Opportunities

Explore Scotland on our many great pilgrimage trails with scenery from coastal to moorland, with opportunity for reflection or prayer. To get started try the mini-pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel 13 km south of Edinburgh. All details, contact information and help from

Read the newsletter for 9th January (pdf)