3rd Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Introduction to the Gospel of Luke

Thursday 27 January at 7pm on Zoom

This year in our Sunday Gospel Readings we will be working our way through Luke’s Gospel. Each of the Gospels has its own structure and its own viewpoint – and so to really understand the message of the Gospel we need to know something about it and about its particularities.

To help you understand the Gospel this year I am giving a one-off, special event (!) broadcast on Thursday 27th January at 7pm on Luke and his Gospel.

Zoom is super easy to use – all you need is a computer (or a smartphone) and the internet. So why not “come along” this Thursday. It will only be an hour and I think it might just help you to understand the Gospel readings this year and their relevance for your life.

To “attend” all you need to do is email Fr. Jamie on frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk and if you can’t make it on Thursday, the recording will be on the website afterwards.

Young Adults Group (18-35): Tuesday 25th January 7pm

This Tuesday 25th the series of talks on the Pontificate of St John Paul II begins with guest speaker Fr Michael John Galbraith, Catholic chaplain at the University of Andrews. He'll be speaking on Pope John Paul II's first encyclical 'Redemptor Hominis' and the tremendous impact of his Pontificate. Fr Michael John is an excellent speaker - do mark your diaries and make sure to come along! No prior knowledge will be assumed, but if you'd like to read the encyclical in advance of the talk, you can find it here.

Confirmation Class for Adults: Begins March

Once again, this Lent the Cathedral will be offering a course with an overview of the Catholic faith aimed at adults, with opportunities for group discussion, in preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, 16th April 2022. To register, contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Synod Meeting for St. Giles’ Deanery at the Cathedral 26th January

Pope Francis invites the whole Church to question itself on synodality. For all the parishes in our St. Giles’ Deanery, a Synodal Meeting will be held at St. Mary’s Cathedral Wednesday, 26th January - Synodal Meeting, 7:00pm-9:00pm, Coffee Saints café. All are welcome. Find out more about the Synod process in our Archdiocese visit https://archedinburgh.org/synod-deanery-events-in-2022/

2022 Marriage Preparation Course: 29th January, 10am – 5pm

The Cathedral organises four Marriage Preparation courses each year, featuring presentations, testimonies and workshops led by married couples from the parish. The next course will take place on Saturday 29th January from 10am-5pm, with future courses running on the 18th of June and 27th of August. Although priority is given to Cathedral / Ravelston parishioners, this course is also open to people from other parishes and dioceses – feel free to spread the word! To register, email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Children’s Catechism Classes for First Communion and Confirmation

First Communion is open to all children in Primary 4 and above and will begin with a meeting for all parents on Monday 21st February. For children aged Primary 7 and above, there will be an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, with an introductory meeting for parents on Monday 24th January. Prior registration is essential! First Holy Communion: https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion

Confirmation: https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/confirmation

Legion of Mary Youth Group Meetings

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seek to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. The youth group meets on Mondays at 19:00 at 63 York place. Just come along and see what we do - there is no commitment immediately. For more details, please email OurLadyCauseOfOurJoyEdinburgh@gmail.com or contact Godwin Enemali, ilemonaene@gmail.com

Progress Report on Rewire of Parish House

At time of writing, the toilets and kitchen of the Parish Rooms are largely rewired and usable. The main Parish Rooms are rewired apart from finishing jobs and the two chandelier lights (which will be rewired from the floors above in February). Rewiring is well underway in the Parish House. A 'thermometer chart in the bay window shows funding progress. Our achievable target is £5,000, 25% of the total cost. Many thanks to those who have already donated to achieve the new balance of £3,710. More donations are very welcome to achieve (or even exceed?) the target amount. Find out how you can donate and view the pledge board here.or contact finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Ravelston Sunday Café reopening on 23rd January

Given the progress listed above we are 95% confident that the cafe can reopen on Sunday 23 Jan.

Concluding Talk on Family Life and Love: Monday, 24th January

The final talk in free mini-course about family life and love in God's plan of salvation will be offered on Monday, 24th January, 1:30pm on Zoom explaining Pope Francis’ 2016 Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia). Register at bit.ly/AmorisTalks

This is the third in a series of talks led by Sr Anna Marie, RSM, the Archdiocese’s Catechetics Advisor, and Fr Nick Welsh, Vice Rector of the Scots College in Rome. Watch the 10th and 17th January talks anytime at bit.ly/ArchYouTube

Becoming and Making Disciples Today Workshop – 25th-27th February

The Archdiocese is hosting a Forming Intentional Disciples workshop, where you can learn how God is at work in your life and in the lives of others. It will show how each of us can be an instrument in God’s hand as we walk as His disciples. The three-day workshop starts on Friday 25th February at St Kentigern’s Church, 26-28 Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, EH4 7QR. To register and for more info please email SrAnna.Marie@staned.org.uk

Called and Gifted Workshop – 19th February

You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Come and discover these charisms in you at the Called and Gifted Workshop. It takes place at 9-5pm on Saturday February 19th at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh and is hosted by the Archdiocese’s Catechetics Commission. To register and for more info please email SrAnna.Marie@staned.org.uk

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-7)

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program rooted in Scripture and the liturgy of the Church, is offered, free of charge, to children ages 3-7 at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part. Sessions for children ages 3-4 are held Tuesday mornings from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and sessions for children ages 5-7 are held on Friday afternoons. Please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at SrAnna.Marie@staned.org.uk to register your child. To learn more about the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, visit http://www.cgsuk.org/

Events for Married and Engaged Couples in March, April and May

The Archdiocese is hosting events for married and engaged couples in the lead up to the 10th World Meeting of Families (Rome 22-26 June 2022). These events are for couples to come before the Lord together in reflection on the beautiful Catholic vision of marriage and family life, thanksgiving for the gift of this calling and prayer for the blessing of their love. The reflections will draw on themes developed in Pope Francis' Encyclical Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love).

Events at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh:

Sunday 6th March 2022, 4.00-5.00pm - Holy Hour with Archbishop Leo Cushley.

Sunday 3rd April 2022, 4.00-5.30pm - Testimony and Holy Hour with Anton and Angela Colella.

Sunday 8th May 2022, 3.00-5.30pm - Afternoon Retreat with Brian and Maureen Devine.

St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral: Wednesday 18th May 2022, 7.00pm - Mass for Married and Engaged Couples

Register for all events at bit.ly/ArchEventbrite (scroll down to select event).

Alma Mater Fund

The Alma Mater Fund is an initiative of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, which provides financial grants to pregnant students facing difficulties at university to support them in pursuing their academic and personal goals. For more information, visit almamaterfund.org.uk or email info@almamaterfund.org.uk

Stronghold Festival 2022 for Young People Aged 16-35

A four-day camping event in Dalmally for young people aged 16-35 who want to draw deeper into relationship with God will be held over Pentecost Weekend, 2nd-5th June at Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, PA33 1AR. Stronghold Festival 2022 is an opportunity for young people to come away to be with the Lord and includes Mass, Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, insightful talks and more! Early bird tickets on sale now! For more information, visit www.strongholdfestival.com

Pro-Life Youth Conference 25-27 February

The largest UK pro-life youth conference takes place 25-27 February 2022 in Stone, Staffordshire. It’s open to people aged 16-35 and a chance to meet fellow young pro-life leaders, be inspired and have fun. Register https://www.spuc.org.uk/youthconference2022. Sponsorship available to young people in our Archdiocese. Please contact the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office at prolife@staned.org.uk.

National Safeguarding Update

The new Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency has been established as an independent body to oversee the Church’s safeguarding practice. The latest issue of the Safeguarding Matters newsletter provides details of what the agency will do available at bit.ly/3tyeInn

Lady Rae is looking to recruit people to act as Board Directors to support the work of the agency. Details at https://aspenpeople.co.uk/microsite/scssa/

There will be a special collection today for the National Commission for Justice and Peace.

Read the newsletter for 23 January (pdf)