The Baptism of The Lord - Year B

Here we go again….

My Dear Friends,

As you will be fully aware by now, the Scottish Government ordered the closure of all Churches on Wednesday and forbade communal public worship in Scotland except in the case of funerals and weddings. The Scottish Government also took the step of illegalising baptisms. These are strange and difficult times and many of us are deeply disturbed by these measures which appear inequitable and unjustified by evidence. However, we have no choice but to comply and so, until the Government decides otherwise, the Cathedral and St. Andrews will be closed. There will be Mass live streamed daily from Cathedral House at 10am. And we will record Sunday Mass in the Cathedral every week. In addition, anyone wishing to go to confession should contact the Cathedral Office and we will be available every day to hear confessions. Finally, anyone who is ill and in need of the Sacrament of the Sick should call the Cathedral. We will respond to all requests for the Last Rites.

I am printing the Statement of the Bishops Conference of Scotland in response to these Government measures for your information.

Fr. Patrick

Statement of the Bishop’s Conference of Scotland on 5th January 2021

“Recognising the dangers posed by the new faster-spreading variant of COVID-19, we note the Scottish Government’s decision to close all places of worship from Friday 8 January 2021.

The Scottish Government believes that such measures are necessary to curtail the spread of this new strain during the roll-out of the vaccine. We appreciate the difficult choices facing the Scottish Government at this time and we have shown ourselves ready both to cooperate with and to support its efforts in protecting the common good. This has included curtailing public worship in extreme circumstances and for a limited period.

However, we are also perplexed by the decision, given that the stringent measures taken since last March to ensure public safety in our churches have been effective. No evidence has been forthcoming to justify the inclusion of places of worship as sources of infection. Without such scientific evidence these restrictions will appear to Catholics to be arbitrary and unfair. Moreover, a significant number of other sectors similarly restricted last March alongside public worship – such as construction, manufacturing and elite sports - have now been left free to continue in operation.

We also note that, in England, the essential contribution of public worship to the spiritual welfare of all citizens during this crisis has now been endorsed by the decision not to close places of worship while the Scottish Government has apparently retreated from this view, causing dismay and confusion.

We are very aware of the disappointment these closures will cause not only to our own Catholic community, but to many of our fellow-Christians and those of other faiths in Scotland. We wish to emphasise again the spiritual, social and psychological benefits provided by continuing public worship, and we ask for these to be taken into full account in future decisions. Public worship is a human right and is a duty humanity owes to God. More concretely, Catholics need the Eucharist and the Sacramental encounter with the LORD as necessary to their spiritual wellbeing and their ultimate salvation.

While we unequivocally share the common goal of protecting public health, we urge the Scottish Government, when the present measures are reviewed later in January, to reconsider these restrictions in the light of the above concerns.”

“Do you want to learn how to pray…?” Seminar

Thank you to all who have registered so far for the online seminar for anyone who is interested in learning more about deep inner prayer! There is still room for more! If you would like to participate, please send an email to with the title “Online Seminar on Prayer”. We will send you a link with days and times for which you can sign up to participate.

When I say “online seminar” I mean that I will set up groups of about 10 people who will meet with me on Zoom at a time and on a day that suits them. These small groups will meet once a week for a short (20 mins) seminar on prayer. I will give suggestions for reading and some pointers (gleaned from the saints – not from me!) on how to approach prayer. Having it in the format of small seminars will mean that people will be able to ask questions and that it will be easier to have meaningful discussion. Prayer is not a “technique”, and no one can give you a formula for how to gain sanctity! However, there is a great spiritual tradition in the Church and there are many things that we can profitably learn from that tradition.

Think about it! I look forward to meeting with you if you think you are being called to a deeper relationship with God.

Talk on the Sacraments by Sr. Anna Marie – Monday 18th at 7.30pm

Rediscover the power of the Sacraments in a new online talk on Zoom titled “Fire & Water” by Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, on Monday 18th Jan 7:30pm. Sign up by emailing

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021 -- Zoom meeting Wednesday, 20th January at 7.30pm

A meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th-25th January) will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, 20th January at 7.30pm. The theme is 'Abiding in Christ' and this year is prepared by the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland (, a religious community of women who come different Christian churches, countries and cultures. To register, please visit:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Have You Received the Sacrament of Confirmation?

If you are an adult baptized Catholic who has never received the Sacrament of Confirmation, do consider joining the Cathedral’s preparation course during Lent this year with a view to Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, 3rd April 2021. To register, please contact the Parish Office at

Telephone Apostolate Update

Our telephone apostolate volunteers have continued to reach out to the lonely and the vulnerable throughout the pandemic. Please contact the Cathedral Parish Office at if during this time of increasing isolation and fear you know of anyone who would benefit from a call from one of our volunteers.

Online Support for Those Suffering with Addiction

Rehab 4 Addiction is a free drug and alcohol addiction helpline to help those affected by addiction. To find out more visit, or to make an enquiry call 0800 140 4690. Alcoholics Anonymous members are coping with the Covid-19 pandemic by taking their meetings online. You can reach AA on their national telephone helpline as well as an online 'chat now' service. For help contact or call their 24-hour helpline on 0800 9177 650.

CTS Sunday Missal

To support you during the pandemic, the CTS New Sunday Missal 2021 is now £1.99 This liturgical companion for Catholics is beautifully designed for every churchgoer and runs from the First Sunday of Advent 2020 to Christ the King 2021.

Read the newsletter for 10th January (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 10th January (doc)