33rd Sunday of the Year - Year C

Sunday Parking Restrictions

The City of Edinburgh Council is proposing to introduce parking restrictions on Sundays from 12.30pm to 6.30pm in 2020. This is going to have a very disruptive effect on all city centre churches. The churches would prefer a later start time - perhaps 1.30pm or 2pm and possibly finishing at 6pm. It is important that the Council receives as many individual letters and emails as possible if it is to re-consider the timings of these restrictions. Objections to the proposal must be made by letter or email by 26 November 2019 quoting notice reference number TRO/19/29. Please take time to write to: City of Edinburgh Council, Traffic Orders, 3.3 Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG or email at trafficorders@edinburgh.gov.uk, find out more here.

No Car Access to the Cathedral for a couple of weeks

Due to the road work that are being undertaken in the area, there will be no car access to the Cathedral until the 1st December. You can still access the Cathedral by foot and LOR will do their best to accommodate blue badge holders during Sunday Masses. Please talk to their representatives on Elder Street for more details.

“Once in a Lifetime…” Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land – June 2021

The response for this Pilgrimage has been very positive but numbers are limited. So, if you are interested in coming, it is imperative that you register interest as soon as possible. The Pilgrimage will be 16-27 June 2021. The indicative cost for 11 days is £2,155. We will have a preliminary meeting with the tour operator once we have an idea of numbers interested. There is no commitment until the time to pay a deposit.

Rite of Acceptance – 12 noon Mass this Sunday

Today we welcome the participants in our RCIA program for the Rite of Acceptance. I know you will make them feel very welcome. Please also keep them in your prayers as they continue to learn about our Catholic faith.

Representatives from ‘Aid to the Church in Need’ Visiting us Today

Representatives from the charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will be speaking at all Masses this weekend about “Red Wednesday” on 27th November when buildings across the UK will be lit up in red in solidarity with persecuted Christians throughout the world. ACN Christmas Cards will be on sale after Mass.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for the 17th November (doc)

Download the newsletter for the 17th November (pdf)