
Deacon Peter

(Adelbert Hamman)

"Sadly out of print, my 1961 translation from the original french cost 35 shillings net. I paid a fifty pence for it when I discovered it at a jumble sale in Glasgow. I was researching some early prayers written on broken pottery (ostraca) when I came across it. It has provided me ever since with wonderful insights into the early prayers of the Church. It begins with prayers from the first few generations of Christians, through the Greek and Latin Fathers in some of these prayers we hear echoes of the very earliest liturgies in both the eastern and western Churches. I go back to it time and time again and in never fails to inspire me."

(Leo Trese)

Deacon Peter says: "I suppose this falls into the category of an apologetic in that it sets out in a very easy fashion the Church’s teaching on key elements of theology. Written over 70 years ago its language is slightly dated but inspirational none the less. I like to read the chapter “The voice of holiness” because it reminds me of the call to holiness which Christ makes to us all. The book is a series of short essays on God, Man, Truth, Holiness, Miracles, the Church and so on. At 144 pages it is an easy read in 8/9 page chapters and it will help you as St Peter said to “ always be prepared to make a defence to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence."

(JND Kelly)

"Covering the first five centuries from the end of the Apostolic era to the middle of the fifth century. It really does set the context in which many of our doctrines evolved. It spans the development of the Church in the east and west and how it dealt with the evolving theology on the Trinity, Christ, Grace and The sacraments and much much more. Its very well written and one that I find myself constantly pulling off the bookshelf."

(Karl Rahner)

"Many people will warn you about reading Karl Rahner but I found this book to be a delightful clear and concise exposition of what is often called Mariology. This month of May, I re-read his lecture “A Short Introduction of the Teaching of Faith about Mary” It was originally one of eight individual lectures which Rahner himself collated and re-edited and at 106 pages is very easily digested and one which it is easy to pick up and re-read again and again."

(Louis Bouyer)

"I suppose this one is a history of the Church through a series of reflections down through the centuries, from patristic beginnings through medieval scholasticism, reformation, counter reformation and on into the 20th century. At just under 600 pages its not one for the beach but it certainly gets you thinking about what is Church and its one of my “Go to” texts when I want to look behind many of the texts of the Second Vatican Council on the life of the Church."