Feast of the Baptism Of The Lord – Year C

Young Adults Group Meets on 14th January

The Young Adults Group will meet again on Tuesday, 14th January for our new series of talks ‘A Year of Hope.’ Join us as our own Fr. Jeremy speaks about ‘The Holy Year of Hope.’ All those aged 18+ are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!

Next Saturday – Cathedral’s Big Clean!

Please sign-up to join us next Saturday, 18 January for our annual Big Clean at the Cathedral. Anyone is welcome to come along from 12:00pm-4:00pm to help us keep our Cathedral beautiful as our team of volunteers sweeps, dusts, mops and polishes and more.....there will be plenty of work to do! (Those age 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult.) Many hands will make light work and will prepare our Cathedral for many weeks of prayerful Masses and celebration of the sacraments. Please consider signing up to help by contacting Darlene at complexmanager@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

2025 Archdiocesan Directories on Sale

The new Archdiocesan directories are on sale after Mass this weekend. They cost £3 and include up-to-date Mass times from across the city, some pictures of events from throughout the past year and, of course, your chance to play ‘where has the priest moved to now’? Every Catholic dinner party is not complete until you’ve played that game at least once!

Jubilee Cross and Plenary Indulgence

The Jubilee Cross at the National Shrine of St Andrew here at the Cathedral is a destination and a focus for pilgrims in the Archdiocese and beyond during this Jubilee Year of Hope. The Holy See has granted permission for the Jubilee Cross to carry a plenary indulgence, which is a remission of the temporal punishment for sins already forgiven and can be gained by visiting the Jubilee Cross through this Holy Year with the following conditions: a detachment from sin, going to Confession, receiving Holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the Holy Father. All are encouraged to visit the cross in this Jubilee Year. Prayer cards are available at the cross.

From Pope Francis’ Message for the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025

“SPES NON CONFUNDIT. ‘Hope does not disappoint’ (Rom 5:5). In the spirit of hope, the Apostle Paul addressed these words of encouragement to the Christian community of Rome. Hope is also the central message of the … Jubilee that, in accordance with an ancient tradition, the Pope proclaims every twenty-five years. My thoughts turn to all those pilgrims of hope who will travel to Rome in order to experience the Holy Year and to all those others who, though unable to visit the City of the Apostles Peter and Paul, will celebrate it in their local Churches. For everyone, may the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the ‘door’ (cf. Jn 10:7.9) of our salvation, whom the Church is charged to proclaim always, everywhere and to all as ‘our hope’ (1 Tim 1:1).’ (Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, Spes Non Confuduit, 1)

Registration Open: Children’s First Holy Communion & Confirmation

Registration is open for First Holy Communion classes and Confirmation classes. Please register online at

All classes held at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (EH4 3DS). First Holy Communion Classes will begin on Sunday, 9 March, 9:30am and Confirmation classes on Sunday, Sunday, 16 March, 4:30pm-5:30pm. For more details, please contact Fr. Robert at frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Marriage Preparation Courses

The next parish Marriage Preparation Courses are Saturday 1st March and Saturday 31st May, both at St Andrew’s, Ravelston (EH4 3DS), with presentations by married couples. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.

White Flower Appeal Next Weekend: Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) will hold a White Flower Appeal after all Masses next weekend, 11th-12th January. The White Flower Appeal is dedicated to protecting unborn children and promoting the right to life in society. The donations allow SPUC to continue its work to build a culture of life through its pro-life activities and efforts in the community and providing support to students facing crisis pregnancies. Visit https://spuc.org.uk/white-flower-2025/ for information.

Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Mass

Every Wednesday at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston we have Eucharistic Adoration with Confessions 5:00pm-5:45pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Especially in this Jubilee Year of Hope, all are encouraged to come for Adoration and begin a regular practice of coming to Confession, a sacrament of healing in which we are reconciled to God, our relationship with Jesus Christ is deepened, and we receive grace and strength to live our spiritual life. Learn more about Confession at https://goodconfession.com/

Tickets Available Today: Burns Supper – Friday 24th January

The annual Burns Supper takes place on Friday 24th January so put the date in your diary and line up for tickets which go on sale next Sunday, 12th January at a bargain price of £20 per person. The ticket includes a three-course meal and the entertainment on the night. The supper will take place in the hall at St Margaret’s, Davidson Mains. Doors open from 6:00pm, for a 6.30pm start.

Coming Back in the New Year

The Youth Group will return on the first Sunday of February (2nd February) and thereafter on the 2nd March, 6th April and 4th May, between 2.30pm and 4pm. Please keep the dates in your diary! All P3-P7’s are welcome. The St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 24th February with Peter Diamond talking about the work of Aid to the Church in Need as it supports the Catholic faithful and other Christians facing oppression, persecution or pastoral need. Learn more at https://acnuk.org/. All St Andrew’s Talks begin after the 6pm Mass in the Ravelston rooms.

Bacon Roll Thank You from Sister Aelred

Sister Aelred of the Sisters of Mercy St. Catherine’s Homeless Project at Lauriston Gardens sent a thank you to Caroline to be shared with the parish: “Dear Caroline, I write to thank you for your Christmas greetings and the extremely generous donation of £628.05 which you all raised at your bacon roll sale on Sunday, 8 Dec. and which you sent to us on behalf of the parishioners at St. Andrew’s Church, Ravelston for the homeless this Christmas. We deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness and great goodness! Please extend my gratitude to all involved. At this present time, we are working with the vulnerable and needy in different ways. We pray daily for all our very generous benefactors. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a good New Year. Yours sincerely, Sister Aelred”

Property Surveyor

The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a Property Management Surveyor. To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter detailing how your skills and experience make you suitable for the role to recruitment@staned.org.uk. Deadline: Friday 17 January 2025. The job description can be found on the Archdiocesan website(https://archedinburgh.org) in the News-Events section.

Synodal Event 2025

All parishioners are welcome to attend a FREE Archdiocesan event with Fr Matthew Nunes from the Archdiocese of Liverpool titled Conversations in the Spirit, to help guide us on how to lead and participate in parish Synodality. Learn the practical steps of being synodal in the parish, with speaker input, workshops and a chance to have your say. It takes place on Saturday 1 February, (optional Mass at 10am) 11:00am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB. Details and registration for this event at bit.ly/inthespirit25 Please bring a packed lunch. Local cafes/shops available.

Valentine’s Retreat for Couples

The Archdiocese has organised a Valentine’s mini-retreat for married and engaged couples from 2-5pm on Saturday 15 February at St Kentigern’s Church, 26 Parkgrove Avenue, Edinburgh, EH4. The speaker is Fr Andrew Garden (St David’s, Dalkeith) and the event is free. Register at bit.ly/valretreat25

World Day for Consecrated Life

Join religious Brothers and Sisters at St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday 2 February to celebrate the World Day for Consecrated Life with midday Mass. It is a chance to meet some of those who live and work in the Archdiocese and to pray for more vocations to the religious life.

Diploma in Catechetics

This is the last week to register for the Diploma in Catechetics 2025. It is a year-long course beginning on Thursday 23 January at 7:30pm. It consists of a weekly lecture on Zoom, readings from the Catechism and regular one-to-one support. Holy Year discount: £125 (normally £200). Register at bit.ly/diploma2025

Choose Jesus for Your Child: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Ages 3-9

There are still spots available in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd teaches children to pray, wonder, and work while nurturing their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. Sessions are Fridays 1:30-3:00pm for 3-6 year-olds & Tuesdays 4:00-5:30pm for 6-9 year-olds. Contact brodie.douglas-young@staned.org.uk for registration

Order of Malta Annual Fundraising Ball 17th May

The Order of Malta, the Catholic Church's largest and oldest charity, supports the disadvantaged in Scotland and 120 other countries. On Saturday 17th May, the Order will host a fundraising Ball at Prestonfield House (EH16 5UT. Enjoy a three-course dinner, as well as reels, a live band and piping, and live and silent auctions to support the charity’s work in Scotland and the Middle East. Tickets cost £140 per person (£125 for students). Book online at https://www.orderofmaltaball.com/

Marriage, Family and Life

Support for engaged couples, married couples and families, and information on marriage counselling are available at https://marriagefamilyandlife.org.uk/ as well as the online Catholic Families for Life Newsletter.

Cyrenians’ Malaysian Supper Night in Coffee Saints

Local charity Cyrenians will be hosting a Malaysian Supper Club in Coffee Saints, 2a Little King Street at 7:00pm on Thursday, 21 February. This regular community event offers the opportunity to try delicious Malaysian food and all money raised through ticket sales supports Cyrenians work to tackle the causes and consequences of homelessness. Tickets are £35 (£17.50 children) and can be purchased online at www.cyrenians.scot/events

Read the newsletter for 12 January. (pdf)

Solemnity Of The Epiphany of the Lord – Year C

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Very many thanks for all the lovely cards and gifts that we have received in Cathedral House this Christmas. They are very warmly and gratefully received as signs of our belonging to a very wonderful parish family!

We begin this Jubilee Year as Pilgrims of Hope. Our hope is born of our faith in Jesus Christ who has won the victory over sin and death and calls us to new life in a kingdom that will have no end. Like the star of Bethlehem that guided the Magi to the manger, the hope of eternal life is planted in us and leads us on in joyful expectation of the Lord’s promises being fulfilled. In times of darkness and turmoil, hope, ‘the anchor of our souls’, holds us fast and ever ready to move into the future with confidence, knowing that God is with us. As time marches on, so do we! The hope within strengthens us to face the challenges and encourages us to proclaim Christ as the light that every poor soul longs for. May this year be one of true and lasting blessing for us all as we recommit ourselves to following Jesus as his faithful disciples.

Mary, Mother of Hope, pray for us!

Jubilee Volunteers

It takes a lot of people to keep the Cathedral and St Andrew’s running smoothly and well, and we are constantly in need of volunteers to help with all manner of things. In particular at this time, we are looking for more volunteers to join the regular Cathedral cleaning rota so that we can keep our beautiful churches beautiful. So why not take this Jubilee Year as an inspiration to set aside some of your time and energy to serve in the parish? If you are interested in volunteering in any way – in either the Cathedral or St. Andrew’s during this Holy Year – please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com or telephone 0131 553 1510.

Parish Pastoral Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Thursday, 9th January. To contact the Parish Council you can e-mail parishcouncil@stmarycathedral.co.uk.

January Big Clean

We need your help! The Cathedral is cleaned every week by a dedicated team of volunteers but, once a year the church gets a deep clean. This year, that will take place on Saturday, 18 January from 12:00pm-4:00pm. Please consider signing up to help carry out the annual Big Clean of the Cathedral. You can volunteer by contacting Darlene at complexmanager@stmaryscathedral.co.uk. Thank you!

2025 Archdiocesan Directories on Sale

The new Archdiocesan directories are on sale after Mass this weekend. They cost £3 and include up-to-date Mass times from across the city, some pictures of events from throughout the past year and, of course, your chance to play ‘where has the priest moved to now’? Every Catholic dinner party is not complete until you’ve played that game at least once!

Young Adults Group Meets on 14th January

The Young Adults Group will meet again on Tuesday, 14th January for our new series of talks ‘A Year of Hope.’ Join us as our own Fr. Jeremy speaks about ‘The Holy Year of Hope.’ All those aged 18+ are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!

Bookshop Reopens Tuesday, 7th January

St Pauls Bookshop has been closed for annual stock taking since 1st January and will reopen at 10:00am on Tuesday, 7th January. The shop is open 10am-5:30pm daily. Contact the bookshop at edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk 0131 510 4260.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika – 07751213612, Emmy – 07879074240.

Kathedral Knits Thank You

A big thank you to everyone who contributed at the Kathedral Knits stall during Advent – either in St Mary’s Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston. The total figure raised from sales during December was £1,769.48. A very special thanks to Joanna Kopystynska and her family for their hard work during Advent.

Children’s Catechism Classes: Dates for your 2025 Diary

For children registered for First Reconciliation in 2025:

Sunday, 12 Jan - First Reconciliation Classes at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston recommence

Sunday, 19 Jan - Rite of Illumination: 9am Mass (Cathedral)

Sunday, 26 Jan - Rite of Illumination: 10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Monday, 27 Jan, 7pm - Final Parents’ Meeting on Zoom

Sacrament of First Reconciliation services:

Monday, 3 Feb after 6pm evening Mass (St Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Tuesday, 4 Feb (Cathedral)

For children registered for First Holy Communion in 2025:

Monday, 3 March, 7pm - Initial Parents Meeting on Zoom

Sunday, 9 March, 9:30am - First Holy Communion Classes start at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Enrolment Mass: 9am Mass (Cathedral)

10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Monday, 2 June, 7pm – Final Parents’ Meeting on Zoom

Sacrament of First Holy Communion Masses:

Saturday, 21 June - 11:00am Mass, St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Sunday, 22 June - 11:00am Mass, Cathedral

For children registered for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2025:

Monday, 17 February, 7pm – Initial Parents’ Meeting on Zoom

Sunday, 23 February - Enrolment Mass: 9am Mass (Cathedral)

10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Sunday, 16 March, 4:30pm-5:30pm – Confirmation classes start at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Monday, 2 June, 7pm – Final Parents’ Meeting on Zoom

Sacrament of Confirmation Mass:

Sunday, 8 June – 9am Mass, Cathedral

Registration is open for First Holy Communion classes and Confirmation classes. Please register online at

Confirmation registration (P7): www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/confirmation

First Communion registration (P4): www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion

For more details, please contact Fr. Robert at frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Ravelston Mass Times Return to Normal

Following the Christmas break, the daily 6pm Mass will return to St Andrew’s tomorrow (Monday 6th) evening. This also means that Eucharistic Adoration with Confessions will be back on Wednesdays from 5:00pm-5:45pm. Why not take that time every week to come to Christ in peace and prayer?

Burns Supper – Friday 24th January

The annual Burns Supper takes place on Friday 24th January so put the date in your diary and line up for tickets which go on sale next Sunday, 12th January at a bargain price of £20 per person. The ticket includes a three-course meal and the entertainment on the night. The supper will take place in the hall at St Margaret’s, Davidson Mains. Doors open from 6, for a 6.30pm start.

Coming Back in the New Year

The Youth Group will return on the first Sunday of February (2nd February) and thereafter on the 2nd March, 6th April and 4th May, between 2.30pm and 4pm. Please keep the dates in your diary! All P3-P7’s are welcome. The St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 24th February with Peter Diamond talking about the work of Aid to the Church in Need as it supports the Catholic faithful and other Christians facing oppression, persecution or pastoral need. Learn more at https://acnuk.org/. All St Andrew’s Talks begin after the 6pm Mass in the Ravelston rooms.

Reserving the Ravelston Rooms

If you would like to reserve the parish rooms at Ravelston for a meeting or event, please contact the parish office at cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

Justice and Peace

The annual Justice and Peace collection will be taken up after Mass this weekend. Archbishop William Nolan of Glasgow, the President of Justice and Peace Scotland, has written a letter which you can find copies of at the back of the church today. Justice and Peace Scotland works in campaigns around social justice, care for creation, human rights and others on behalf of the Catholic Church in Scotland. Parishes are encouraged to form their own Justice and Peace groups to put into action the social teaching of the Catholic Church. If you are interested in this, please e-mail cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Diploma 2025: The Catholic Faith – Examined, Enriched, Alive

Join the 500+ people who have taken the Diploma in Catechetics course since it began in 2021. As 2025 is a Holy Year, the cost is reduced from £200 to £125. Register today for this systematic and rich walk through the Catholic faith. Sessions are on a Zoom webinar and take place each Thursday at 7:30pm (1hr max), or catch-up on Youtube. The course begins on Thursday 23 January 2025 and ends Thursday 11 December, with July-August summer break. Details and registration available at bit.ly/diploma2025 People of all denominations and faiths welcome! Questions? Contact Sr. Miram Ruth Ryan, RSM at srmiriam.ruth@staned.org.uk

Disabled Parking for Blue Badge Holders

If you have a Blue Badge for disabled parking, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park for Sunday morning Mass, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office, or email your details to cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk The Car Park offers free disabled parking on Sundays, 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply.

EXPLORE: Discussion and Prayer on Women's Religious Life

The Archdiocese is running EXPLORE for young women interested in finding out more about the religious life. Join us for talks, discussion, prayer and socialising on the Sunday of every month at St Columba's,

9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1SN: 26 Jan, 23 Feb, 30 Mar, 25 May. To register, email Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO at religiousvocations@staned.org.uk EXPLORE includes a retreat from Friday, 4 April – Monday, 7 April.

Evangelisation & Culture: Bishop Barron Conference on the Bible

Join Bishop Barron, N.T. Wright, Tracey Rowland, and other renowned speakers at the Evangelisation & Culture Conference on the Bible at Excel London, in the heart of London’s historic Royal Docks, Friday, 20 February-Saturday, 21 February 2025. Gain a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and grow in your evangelisation efforts. Full event details at https://events.wordonfire.org/the-bible-event

Read the newsletter for 5 January 2025( (pdf)

Fourth Sunday of Advent – Year C

Rorate Mass at theCathedral on Monday

Our beautiful Rorate Masses are candlelit Masses and are the perfect way to prepare spiritually for Christmas. Join us for the 7:00pm Rorate Mass tomorrow. The Cathedral bookshop will also stay open until 8:00pm tomorrow.

Christmas Mass times

The Mass Schedule over the Christmas period is now available through the website, Facebook page or by picking up a copy from the back of the churches. For Christmas, please note the following:

Christmas Eve

5.30pm for Carol Service followed by Vigil Mass – St Andrew’s Ravelston

6:00pm Vigil – St Mary’s Cathedral

9:00pm – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

11.15pm for Carol Service and readings, followed by Midnight Mass

Christmas Day

10:00am Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston

12 Noon – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

6:00pm – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

Mass times will be as normal over the weekend of 28/29 December, including the Inauguration of the Holy Year at the 12 Noon Mass on the 29 December by Archbishop Cushley.

New Year’s Day, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

9.30am Polish Mass – St Mary’s Cathedral

11:00am Mass – St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston

6:00pm Polish Mass – St Mary’s Cathedral

May the Lord grant you every blessing during the Christmas season!

Crux Magazine & Cathedral Calendars on Sale This Weekend

The new issue of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine will be on sale today – a bargain at just £5 per copy! The perfect gift for Christmas! Articles include an interview with Fr. Jeremy, a look back at events of 2024, a feature on the Cathedral archives and more! Another great gift idea is the 2025 Cathedral calendar – also on sale today! Another bargain at just £10!

Confessions During Advent

Going to Confession is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas. Make time to receive the Lord’s healing and forgiveness this Advent. Priests will be available for Confession during Advent at the regular Confession times: Saturday, 10:30am-12:00pm and 5pm-6pm, as well as Monday and Tuesday next week beginning at 1:15pm. Please note, the regular times of Confession will be suspended during the Octave (25th December – 1st January).

Kathedral Knits on Sale During Advent

Joanna Kopystynska’s beautiful, knitted goods will be on sale in the Octagon after the 9:00am and Noon Masses today. The items are also available at www.kathedralknits.etsy.com.

Next Sunday: Mass for the Opening of the Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope”

Archbishop Cushley will solemnly open the Jubilee Year 2025 for the Archdiocese with Holy Mass next Sunday, 29 December at Noon and the blessing of the Jubilee Cross here at the Cathedral. Do come along and lend your prayers for the blessing of a fruitful Jubilee for the Archdiocese and the Parish. Jubilee Year activities will be the main focus of the activities of the new Cathedral Parish Council during the next twelve months and, in conjunction with the Archdiocese, work is under way to consider what the Parish will be able to do to support the objectives of the Jubilee Year. Follow 'Holy Year Scotland 2025' on Facebook and visit www.iubilaeum2025.va for more details about this special year.

Parish Pastoral Council Welcomes Your Suggestions

The overall aim of the Parish Pastoral Council is to support the Parish Priest in fostering pastoral activity, identifying pastoral needs and evaluating pastoral programmes. Your input is welcomed by the Council and a separate e-mail address has been established for parishioners to make suggestions for activities that they think the Council should undertake or to raise other matters that they wish the Council to consider. This is an opportunity for all parishioners to participate in the development of the Cathedral’s pastoral programme and all suggestions will be welcomed and reviewed. In due course, Minutes of each meeting will be posted on the Cathedral website, as well as on the Parish Noticeboard in the Octagon, together with a photoboard which will enable Parishioners to identify Council members. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday, 9th January. Please email your ideas and suggestions as we begin to plan ahead together for the coming year: parishcouncil@stmarycathedral.co.uk

Bookshop – Christmas Crib Sets, Cards and More!

St Pauls Bookshop has a beautiful selection of Christmas crib sets, gifts, Christmas cards, calendars —including the beautiful new Cathedral calendar. The new Sunday missal is in stock. Please note the bookshop holiday hours: 10am-3pm on 24th December, CLOSED 25th-26th December, normal hours 27th-30th December (10am-5:30pm), 10am-4pm on 31st December and CLOSED 1st-6th January inclusive for annual stock taking. The shop will reopen on the 7th at the usual times (provided stocktaking goes well enough!) Contact the bookshop at edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk 0131 510 4260.

Assisted Suicide Debate in Holyrood

Next year the Scottish Parliament will debate and vote on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill which was introduced as a Members bill earlier this year. Now is the time to contact your MSP, you can find their details through the Parliament website, www.parliament.scot/msps. The result does not have to be the same in Holyrood as it was in Westminster.

Crib Collection Today for Children Affected by War in Ukraine

Today we will have our parish Crib Collection, which will be donated to the Christmas Miracles project at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine, which is bringing the spirit of Christmas through events, workshops and concerts, especially for children affected by the ongoing war.

Coffee Saints Café

Our very popular Coffee Saints café is a social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. Every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. The café is open 7 days a week 8:30am-4:00pm! Please note: The café will be closed on 24th-26th December and 1st-2nd January.

Young Adults Group Meets on 14th January

The Young Adults Group will meet again on Tuesday, 14th January for our new series of talks ‘A Year of Hope.’ Join us as our own Fr. Jeremy speaks about ‘The Holy Year of Hope.’ All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!

After Christmas No 6:00pm Masses at Ravelston Until 6th January

Please note that there will be no weekday 6:00pm Masses at Ravelston after Christmas until Monday, 6th January. Adoration and Confessions will resume on Wednesday, 8th January.

Coming Back in the New Year

The Youth Group has now concluded for this year and will return on the first Sunday of February (2nd February) and thereafter on the 2nd March, 6th April and 4th May, between 2.30pm and 4pm. Please keep the dates in your diary! All P3-P7’s are welcome. The St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 24th February with Peter Diamond talking about the work of Aid to the Church in Need as it supports the Catholic faithful and other Christians facing oppression, persecution or pastoral need. Learn more at https://acnuk.org/ All St Andrew’s Talks begin after the 6pm Mass in the Ravelston rooms.

Feast of the Holy Innocents

Join Archbishop Cushley, priests and people of the Archdiocese to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents at St Margaret’s Chapel at The Gillis Centre on Saturday 28 December at midday. Complimentary refreshments and social afterwards. Register at bit.ly/prolifeevents or just come along on the day.

Diploma 2025: The Catholic Faith – Examined, Enriched, Alive

Join the 500+ people who have taken the Diploma in Catechetics course since it began in 2021. As 2025 is a Holy Year, the cost is reduced from £200 to £125. Register today for this systematic and rich walk through the Catholic faith. Details and registration available at bit.ly/diploma2025 or use the QR code. People of all denominations and faiths welcome. Questions? Contact Sr. Miram Ruth Ryan, RSM at srmiriam.ruth@staned.org.uk

OK Rehab: Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Edinburgh

OK Rehab specialises in local drug and alcohol rehab and addiction treatment and works with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment in your own home for professional intervention and home detoxification. Find out more about our service in Edinburgh at https://www.okrehab.org/local-areas/drug-alcohol-rehab-edinburgh/ Contact Number: 0800 326 5559, Email: info@okrehab.org

EXPLORE: Discussion and Prayer on Women's Religious Life

The Archdiocese is running EXPLORE for young women interested in finding out more about the religious life and exploring God's will. Includes talks, discussion, prayer and socialising. It takes place on the last Sunday of the month at St Columba's, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1SN: 26 Jan, 23 Feb, 30 Mar, 25 May. To register, email Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO at religiousvocations@staned.org.uk Includes a retreat Friday, 4 April – Monday, 7 April.

Teens Group for P7-S4

All young people P7-S4 are invited to join the Teens Group at St. Columba's, 9 Upper Gray Street, EH9 1SN which meets on the last Wednesday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, in St. Columba's halls. Join us for fun, games, activities, prayer and pilgrimages. Don't miss this opportunity to grow in your faith and meet new friends! Next meeting is Wednesday 29th January. Cost £25 (per year). Questions? Email Clare at teens.stcolumbaedinburgh@staned.org.uk

Evangelisation & Culture: Bishop Barron Conference on the Bible

Join Bishop Barron, N.T. Wright, Tracey Rowland, and other renowned speakers at the Evangelisation & Culture Conference on the Bible at Excel London, in the heart of London’s historic Royal Docks, Friday, 20 February-Saturday, 21 February 2025. Gain a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and grow in your evangelisation efforts. Full event details at https://events.wordonfire.org/the-bible-event

Shalom World  Free Catholic Movies, News, Shows and More

Shalom World is a Catholic, commercial-free, 24/7, HD family entertainment channel. “Change what you watch and watch the world change!” https://www.shalomworld.org/

Read the newsletter for 22 December (pdf)

Third Sunday of Advent – Year C

Crux Magazine & Cathedral Calendars on Sale This Weekend

The new issue of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine will be on sale today – a bargain at just £5 per copy! The perfect gift for Christmas! Articles include an interview with Fr. Jeremy, a look back at events of 2024, a feature on the Cathedral archives and more!

Another great gift idea is the 2025 Cathedral calendar – also on sale today! Another bargain at just £10!

Rorate Masses at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Our beautiful Rorate Masses are candlelit Masses and are the perfect way to prepare spiritually for Christmas.

Rorate Mass (Cathedral)

7:00pm, Thursday 19th December

7:00pm, Monday 23rd December

The Cathedral bookshop will also stay open until 8:00pm on the evenings of the Cathedral Rorate Masses.

Rorate Mass (Ravelston)

6:00pm, Monday 16th December

Christmas Mass times

The Mass Schedule over the Christmas period is now available through the website, Facebook page or by picking up a copy from the back of the churches. For Christmas, please note the following:

Christmas Eve

5.30pm for Carol Service followed by Vigil Mass – St Andrew’s Ravelston

6:00pm Vigil – St Mary’s Cathedral

9:00pm – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

11.15pm for Carol Service and readings, followed by Midnight Mass

Christmas Day

10:00am Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston

12 Noon – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

6:00pm – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

Mass times will be as normal over the weekend of 28/29 December, including the Inauguration of the

Holy Year at the 12 Noon Mass on the 29 December by Archbishop Cushley.

New Year’s Day, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

9.30am Polish Mass – St Mary’s Cathedral

11:00am Mass – St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston

6:00pm Polish Mass – St Mary’s Cathedral

Volunteers Required for Christmas and New Year Masses

If you are a current registered volunteer and would like to assist with the Christmas Masses on 24th and 25th December and the Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on Wednesday, 1st January, please let us know about your availability. If you can help with any of the following Ministries – Reading, EMHC, Passkeeping, Welcoming, or Money collecting, please sign up on the sheets at the passkeepers’ table or contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Please consider giving of your time to lend a hand! Many additional helpers are needed to assist as we welcome numerous visitors to our Cathedral for the Christmas and New Year’s season.

Confessions During Advent

Going to Confession is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas. Make time to receive the Lord’s healing and forgiveness this Advent. Priests will be available for Confession during Advent at the regular Confession times: Saturday, 10:30am-12:00pm and 5pm-6pm, as well as Monday-Friday beginning at 1:15pm.

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council has been re-established and the first two meetings have taken place. The overall aim of the Council is to support the Parish Priest in fostering pastoral activity, identifying pastoral needs and evaluating pastoral programmes. In due course, Minutes of each meeting will be posted on the Cathedral website, as well as on the Parish Noticeboard in the Octagon, together with a photoboard which will enable Parishioners to identify Council members. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday, 9th January and a separate e-mail address has been established parishcouncil@stmarycathedral.co.uk for parishioners to make suggestions for activities that they think the Council should undertake or to raise other matters that they wish the Council to consider. This is an opportunity for all parishioners to participate in the development of the Cathedral’s pastoral programme and all suggestions will be welcomed and reviewed.

Thank You!: Society of St Vincent de Paul Christmas Mass and Lunch

A huge thank you to the volunteers who helped make this year’s event the success it was. The event was a joy to host but only made possible by a lot of help. Thank you to the Conference members for their planning, Rosa and Monica from the Legion of Mary, without whom we’d still be washing up, the Young Adults for their wonderful carol singing and Santa for his visit. A special thank you to Fr Robert for celebrating a wonderful Mass which preceded lunch and all the Cathedral clergy for spending time with the guests. The Conference would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the support we receive throughout the year from the congregation in helping us achieve our goals in the community.

Bookshop – Christmas Crib Sets, Cards and More!

As we prepare our hearts and homes for the celebration of Christ’s birth, the St Pauls Bookshop is preparing, as well, with a beautiful selection of Christmas crib sets, gifts, Christmas cards, calendars —including the beautiful new Cathedral calendar — and much more! A great selection of Bibles for adults and children are in stock, as well as rosaries, icons, holy images, statues and classic spiritual reading and prayer books. Hours: 10:00am to 5:30pm, 7 days a week, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk, 0131 510 4260.

Kathedral Knits on Sale During Advent

Joanna Kopystynska’s beautiful, knitted goods will be on sale in the Octagon after the 9:00am and Noon Masses today, as well as Sunday 22 December. The items are also available at www.kathedralknits.etsy.com

Assisted Suicide Debate in Holyrood

Next year the Scottish Parliament will debate and vote on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill which was introduced as a Members bill earlier this year. Now is the time to contact your MSP, you can find their details through the Parliament website, www.parliament.scot/msps. The result does not have to be the same in Holyrood as it was in Westminster.

Crib Collection Next Weekend for Children Affected by War in Ukraine

Next weekend we will have our parish Crib Collection, which will be donated to the Christmas Miracles project at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine, which is bringing the spirit of Christmas through events, workshops and concerts, especially for children affected by the ongoing war. Please be generous! Thank you.

Bacon Roll Fundraiser Thank You!

Last Sunday’s Bacon Roll Fundraiser at Ravelston raised a fantastic £628.05 for the Sisters of Mercy homeless project at St. Catherine's Convent, Lauriston Gardens. Thank you so much for supporting this effort for a vulnerable group of people!

Adoration & Confession Before Christmas at Ravelston

Our final time of Adoration and Confession in 2024 will be this Wednesday, 18th December at 5:00pm. Stop in and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord during Eucharistic Adoration, and come to the Sacrament of Confession until 5:45pm in preparation for Christmas. Adoration and Confession at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston will return to its normal time on Wednesday, 8 January 2025.

Lourdes Carol Servicet Davidson’s Mains

The annual Carol service organised by the Lourdes Hospitalité Committee takes place on Sunday 15 December 2024 at 3pm in St Margaret's Church, Davidson’s Mains, Edinburgh. All welcome.

Online Pro-Life Advent Rosary

The annual Advent Rosary continues on Zoom this Monday (16 Dec) at 7:45pm. Join us to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Register at bit.ly/adventrosary

Explore the New Lectionary

Join Fr Jamie McMorrin at 7:00pm this Wednesday (18 Dec) on Zoom as he continues his series exploring the new Lectionary. Register at bit.ly/lectionaryadvent. Series videos are on the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/@standrewsedinburgh2024

Feast of the Holy Innocents

Join Archbishop Cushley, priests and people of the Archdiocese to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents at St Margaret’s Chapel at The Gillis Centre on Saturday 28 December at midday. Complimentary refreshments and social afterwards. Register at bit.ly/prolifeevents or just come along on the day.

Diploma 2025: The Catholic Faith – Examined, Enriched, Alive

Join the 500+ people who have taken the Diploma in Catechetics course since it began in 2021. As 2025 is a Holy Year, the cost is reduced from £200 to £125. Register today for this systematic and rich walk through the Catholic faith. Details and registration available at bit.ly/diploma2025 or use the QR code. People of all denominations and faiths welcome. Questions? Contact Sr. Miram Ruth Ryan, RSM at srmiriam.ruth@staned.org.uk

Mass for the Opening of the Jubilee Year

Archbishop Cushley will solemnly open the Jubilee Year 2025 for the Archdiocese with Holy Mass and the blessing of the Jubilee Cross at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, at midday on Sunday 29 December. Do come along and lend your prayers for the blessing of a fruitful Jubilee for the Archdiocese and the Parish. Jubilee Year activities will be the main focus of the activities of the new Cathedral Parish Council during the next twelve months and, in conjunction with the Archdiocese, work is under way to consider what the Parish will be able to do to support the objectives of the Jubilee Year. Follow 'Holy Year Scotland 2025' on Facebook and visit http://www.iubilaeum2025.va

Mary’s Meals Donations to be Doubled

At this time of year, donations made to Mary’s Meals will be doubled.  This means your kindness will go even further and we can reach even more hungry children with a life-changing school meal. Mary’s Meals serves nutritious school meals to children in some of the world’s poorest countries, including the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Latin America.  It costs just £19.15 to feed a child with Mary's Meals every day for a school year. And, with Double the Love, a donation of £19.15 will feed two children. To donate, please visit  https://donate.marysmeals.org/gb

Read the newsletter for 15th December (pdf)

Second Sunday of Advent – Year C

Parish Pastoral Council 

The Parish Pastoral Council has been re-established and the first two meetings have taken place. The overall aim of the Council is to support the Parish Priest in fostering pastoral activity, identifying pastoral needs and evaluating pastoral programmes. In due course Minutes of each meeting will be posted on the Cathedral website, as well as on the Parish Noticeboard in the Octagon, together with a photoboard which will enable Parishioners to identify Council members. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on 9th January and a separate e-mail address has been established (parishcouncil@stmarycathedral.co.uk) for parishioners to make suggestions for activities that they think the Council should undertake or to raise other matters that they wish the Council to consider. This is an opportunity for all parishioners to participate in the development of the Cathedral’s pastoral programme and all suggestions will be welcomed and reviewed.

Rorate Masses at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Our beautiful Rorate Masses begin the first week of Advent. These are candlelit Masses and are the perfect way to prepare spiritually for Christmas.

Rorate Mass (Cathedral)

7:00pm, Thursdays 12th, 19th December

7:00pm, Monday 23rd December

Rorate Mass (Ravelston)

6:00pm, Mondays 9th, 16th December

The Cathedral bookshop will also stay open until 8:00pm on the evenings of the Cathedral Rorate Masses.

Rorate Masses – Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the Rorate Masses and tidying up afterwards. You would need to be available from 6:00pm; if you can assist, then please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com with a note of your availability.

Assisted Suicide Debate in Holyrood

In the recent Westminster debate on Assisted suicide the majority of Scottish MP’s voted against the bill – 17 voted for and 11 abstained or did not vote. Whilst it has been considered that the Westminster result would have an influence on the debate here, the recent batch of replies received from our MP’s reflect the importance of engaging elected representatives to make our views known on the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person. Next year the Scottish Parliament will debate and vote on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill which was introduced as a Members bill earlier this year. Now is the time to contact your MSP, you can find their details through the Parliament website, www.parliament.scot/msps. The result does not have to be the same in Holyrood as it was in Westminster.

Thank You Very Much!

To our parishioners at the Cathedral and St Andrew’s for the generous response to our request for Christmas gifts for the children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison. The gifts are very much appreciated by the prisoners as it allows them to give their children a gift at Christmas. Your continued kindness and generosity is very much appreciated.

Christmas Mass times

The Mass Schedule over the Christmas period is now available through the website, Facebook page or by picking up a copy from the back of the churches. For Christmas, please note the following:

Christmas Eve

5.30pm for Carol Service followed by Vigil Mass – St Andrew’s Ravelston

6pm Vigil – St Mary’s Cathedral

9pm – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

11.15pm for Carol Service and readings, followed by Midnight Mass

Christmas Day

10am Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston

12 Noon – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

6pm – Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

Mass times will be as normal over the weekend of 28/29 December, including the Inauguration of the

Holy Year at the 12 Noon Mass on the 29th December by Archbishop Cushley.

New Years Day, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

9.30am Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

11am Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston

6pm Polish Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral

New Years Day is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Volunteers required for Christmas and New Year Masses

If you are a current registered volunteer and would like to assist with the Christmas or New Year Masses, please let us know about your availability. If you can help with any of the following Ministries – Reading, EMHC, Passkeeping, Welcoming, or Money collecting, please sign up on the sheets at the passkeepers’ table or contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Catenians Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men to their regular meeting on Wednesday, 11th December, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Catenians are an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men and their families at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com

Bookshop – Christmas Crib Sets, Cards and More!

As we prepare our hearts and homes for the celebration of Christ’s birth, the St Pauls Bookshop is preparing, as well, with a beautiful selection of Christmas crib sets, gifts, Christmas cards, calendars and much more. A great selection of Bibles for adults and children are in stock, as well as rosaries, icons, holy images, statues and classic spiritual reading and prayer books. Hours: 10:00am to 5:30pm, 7 days a week, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk 0131 510 4260.

Kathedral Knits on Sale During Advent

Joanna Kopystynska’s beautiful, knitted goods will be on sale in the Octagon after the 9:00am and Noon Masses today, as well as Sunday 15th December and Sunday 22nd December. The items are also available at www.kathedralknits.etsy.com

Crux Magazine on Sale This Weekend

The new issue of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine will be on sale next weekend – a bargain at just £5 per copy! The perfect gift for Christmas! Articles include an interview with Fr. Jeremy, a look back at events of 2024, a feature on the Cathedral archives and more!

Helpers Needed: Setup and Cleanup for Ravelston Rorate Masses

Please consider helping us to setup and cleanup for the beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston beginning tomorrow at 6:00pm, and then each Monday until 16th December. We need helpers for each Mass to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, please contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Bacon Roll Fundraiser

Come along to our bacon roll morning on Sunday, 8 December after 10:30am Mass in aid of the Sisters of Mercy homeless project at St. Catherine's Convent, Lauriston Gardens. Please support this effort for a vulnerable group of people.

Coming back in the New Year

The Youth Group has now concluded for this year and will return on the first Sunday of February (2nd February) and thereafter on the 2nd March, 6th April and 4th May, between 2.30pm and 4pm. Please keep the dates in your diary! All P3-P7’s are welcome. The St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 24th February with Peter Diamond talking about the work of Aid to the Church in Need as it supports the Catholic faithful and other Christians facing oppression, persecution or pastoral need. Learn more at https://acnuk.org/. All St Andrew’s Talks begin after the 6pm Mass in the Ravelston rooms.

Advent Zoom Series on the New Lectionary

The translation of the Bible we hear at Mass is changing. Are you intrigued to find out more about what's new and why? Join Fr Jamie McMorrin in 45-minute sessions on Zoom over three weeks in December, exploring some practical examples of key words and phrases to listen out for in the Sunday Mass readings. The talks are at 7:00pm on Wednesdays: 4, 11 and 18 December. Register at bit.ly/lectionaryadvent

Diploma in Catechetics 2025 – Holy Year Discount

Join the 500+ people who have taken the Diploma in Catechetics course since it began in 2021. As 2025 is a Holy Year, the cost is reduced from £200 to £125. Register today for this systematic and rich walk through the Catholic faith. Details and registration available at bit.ly/diploma2025 or use the QR code. People of all denominations and faiths welcome. Questions? Contact Sr. Miram Ruth Ryan, RSM at srmiriam.ruth@staned.org.uk

Online Pro-Life Advent Rosary

The annual Advent Rosary continues on Zoom this Monday (9 Dec) at 7:45pm, with a reflection from Fr Peter Shankland (St Francis Xavier's, Falkirk). Join us to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Register at bit.ly/adventrosary

Lourdes Carol Service

The annual Carol service organised by the Lourdes Hospitalité Committee takes place on Sunday 15 December 2024 at 3pm in St Margaret's Church, Davidsons Mains, Edinburgh. All welcome.

Mass for the Opening of the Jubilee Year

Archbishop Cushley will solemnly open the Jubilee Year 2025 for the Archdiocese with Holy Mass and the blessing of the Jubilee Cross at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, at midday on Sunday 29 December. Do come along and lend your prayers for the blessing of a fruitful Jubilee for the Archdiocese and the Parish. Jubilee Year activities will be the main focus of the activities of the new Cathedral Parish Council during the next twelve months and, in conjunction with the Archdiocese, work is under way to consider what the Parish will be able to do to support the objectives of the Jubilee Year. Follow 'Holy Year Scotland 2025' on Facebook and visit www.iubilaeum2025.va for more details about this special year.

Help After Abortion

Abortion Recovery Care & Helpline (ARCH) helps anyone struggling after an abortion with counselling and supportive help. All services are provided confidentially, compassionately, without judgement and free of charge. Call the UK Helpline: 0345 603 8501, 7pm-10pm daily & 9am-5pm Mon-Fri or email info@archtrust.org.uk

Feast of the Holy Innocents

Join Archbishop Cushley to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents at St Margaret’s Chapel at The Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB on Saturday 28 December. Complimentary refreshments and social afterwards. Register at bit.ly/prolifeevents or just come along on the day.

Read the newsletter for the 8th December (pdf)

First Sunday of Advent – Year C

Visit of Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, will be at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh this evening, Sunday 1st December. His Eminence will preach at the 7:30pm Mass that will be presided at by Archbishop Cushley. All are welcome. This is an opportunity to hear something of the experience of the Church and wider community in the midst of the terrible war in the Holy Land and to express solidarity with all those who are suffering there.

Youth Group!

The next Youth Group event is Sunday, 1 December. Children from Primary 3 upwards are welcome to join us at St Andrew’s, Ravelston from 2.30pm – 4:00pm. New members are very welcome! Register at https://bit.ly/ParishYouthGroup-Registration or use the QR code. The new registration fee is £1.00. The afternoon has lots of fun activities, time to learn more of our faith and to make new friends, too. Don’t forget the spending money for the tuckshop! Questions? Contact Fr. Robert at frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Chapter Mass with Archbishop

On Tuesday, 3 December, His Grace, Archbishop Cushley will come to the Cathedral to celebrate Chapter Mass at 12:45pm together with the Chapter of Canons.

Prayers for Priests

The first Wednesday of each month, after the 12:45pm Mass, please join in prayers near the Lady Altar, including a Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to ask Our Lady’s intercession for our priests. All are welcome to participate in the prayers on Wednesday 4 December following 12:45pm Mass.

Rorate Masses at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Our beautiful Rorate Masses begin the first week of Advent. These are candlelit Masses and are the perfect way to prepare spiritually for Christmas.

Rorate Mass (Cathedral)

7:00pm, Thursdays 5th*, 12th, 19th December

7:00pm, Monday 23rd December

*Outdoor crib blessing following Rorate Mass on Thursday, 5th December.

Rorate Mass (Ravelston)

6:00pm, Mondays 2nd, 9th, 16th December

The Cathedral bookshop will also stay open until 8:00pm on the evenings of the Cathedral Rorate Masses.

Rorate Masses – Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the Rorate Masses and tidying up afterwards. You would need to be available from 6:00pm; if you can assist, then please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com with a note of your availability.

Outdoor Nativity Blessings by Archbishop

Archbishop Cushley will bless the Nativity Scene at Mound Place, Edinburgh, EH1 2LU, at 3:00pm today, Sunday, 1 December. Then on Thursday, 5 December, at the end of the 7:00pm Rorate Mass at the Cathedral, the Archbishop will bless our outdoor crib at the top of the Cathedral steps. Do come along!

Catenians Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men to their regular meeting on Wednesday, 11th December, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Catenians are an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men and their families at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com

Bookshop – Christmas Crib Sets, Cards and More!

Advent begins next Sunday. As we prepare our hearts and homes for the celebration of Christ’s birth, the St Pauls Bookshop is preparing, as well, with a beautiful selection of Christmas crib sets, gifts, Christmas cards, calendars and much more. A great selection of Bibles for adults and children are in stock, as well as rosaries, icons, holy images, statues and classic spiritual reading and prayer books. Hours: 10:00am to 5:30pm, 7 days a week, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk 0131 510 4260.

Kathedral Knits on Sale Next Sunday

Joanna Kopystynska’s beautiful, knitted goods will be on sale in the Octagon after the 9:00am and Noon Masses today, as well as Sunday 15th December and Sunday 22nd December. The items are also available at www.kathedralknits.etsy.com

Crux Magazine on Sale Next Weekend

The new issue of the Cathedrals’ Crux magazine will be on sale next weekend – a bargain at just £5 per copy! The perfect gift for Christmas! Articles include an interview with Fr. Jeremy, a look back at events of 2024, a feature on the Cathedral archives and more!

January Big Clean

Please save the date of Saturday, 18 January, 12:00pm-4:00pm for our annual Big Clean of the Cathedral. If you would like to volunteer, please email Darlene at complexmanager@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

Fabric Update

We have now accepted a quote for the repair of the roof of Sacristy 1 and hope that the work will commence as soon as possible in the new year. Unfortunately, the cost is much higher than was originally thought. It will cost £260,000. The good news is that due to the amazing efforts and generosity of so many people we have raised £160,000 towards this. That’s very well done and a huge thank you to you all! We await the results of the survey of the rest of the complex rooves to see the scale of the works required there before we consider a fresh fundraising campaign.

Children to Help with the Manger

Before Mass in Ravelston on Sunday, the children are invited to help us place the statues of Mary, Joseph, the shepherd and the empty manger in the crib. Adults and children will be singing “Away in the Manger.”

Helpers Needed: Setup and Cleanup for Ravelston Rorate Masses

Please consider helping us to setup and cleanup for the beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston beginning tomorrow at 6:00pm, and then each Monday until 16th December. We need helpers for each Mass to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, please contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Ravelston: Kathedral Knits on Sale

Joanna Kopystynska’s beautiful, knitted goods for Christmas will be on sale at Ravelston after Mass next Sunday. The items are also available at www.kathedralknits.etsy.com All proceeds go to support the parish.

Message from Caroline: Indian Night Fundraiser

I am very pleased to tell you that the recent Indian Night at Ravelston raised almost £350.00. We are therefore arranging to send £175.00 each to our current Parish Projects (Edinburgh Direct Aid and Fr Binu’s seminary in India). Thank you to all who attended and a particular thank you to all those who helped cook and organise this wonderful evening. Edinburgh Direct Aid and Fr Binu’s seminary will remain our Parish Projects until the end of December 2024. From 1st January 2025, we will begin a five-year period of one-year projects starting with SCIAF. Therefore, if you would still like to contribute to our current Projects, please donate on or before 31st December 2024. You can leave cash donations in ‘Jessie’s Box’ at the back of the church, or send a donation to the parish office. If you would like to donate by BACS, please contact Caroline Reid at finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you for your support!

Bacon Roll Fundraiser Next Sunday

Come along to our bacon roll morning on Sunday, 8 December after 10:30am Mass in aid of the Sisters of Mercy homeless project at St. Catherine's Convent, Lauriston Gardens. Please support this effort for a vulnerable group of people.

St. Andrew’s Talks Return in February

Thank you to all who attended Fr. Andrew Garden’s talk on the Gospel of Luke last week. Our St Andrew’s Talks will return on Monday, 24 February with a talk by Peter Diamond, Community Fundraiser for Scotland for the charity Aid to the Church in Need, which supports the Catholic faithful and other Christians facing oppression, persecution or pastoral need. Learn more at https://acnuk.org/

The talk will be in the parish rooms after the 6pm Mass.

Wednesday Start of Advent Zoom Series on the New Lectionary

The translation of the Bible we hear at Mass is changing. Are you intrigued to find out more about what's new and why? Join Fr Jamie McMorrin in 45-minute sessions on Zoom over three weeks in December, exploring some practical examples of key words and phrases to listen out for in the Sunday Mass readings. The talks are at 7:00pm on Wednesdays: 4, 11 and 18 December. Register at bit.ly/lectionaryadvent

Cyrenians Syrian Supper Club

Local charity Cyrenians will be hosting a Syrian Supper Club in Coffee Saints, 2a Little King Street at 7pm on Thursday 5th December. This regular community event offers the opportunity to try delicious Syrian food and all money raised through ticket sales supports Cyrenians work to tackle the causes and consequences of homelessness. Tickets are £35 (£17.50 children) and can be purchased online at www.cyrenians.scot/events.

Diploma in Catechetics 2025 – Holy Year Discount

Join the 500+ people who have taken the Diploma in Catechetics course since it began in 2021. As 2025 is a Holy Year, the cost is reduced from £200 to £125. Register today for this systematic and rich walk through the Catholic faith. Details and registration available at bit.ly/diploma2025

People of all denominations and faiths welcome. Questions? Contact Sr. Miram Ruth Ryan, RSM at srmiriam.ruth@staned.org.uk .

Polish Christmas Carols and Folk Dances

The Scottish Polish Cultural Association presents Christmas Carols and Polish Folk Dances performed by Parzenica, a Polish Folk Dance Ensemble, on Sunday 8th December 2024 at 16:00, Morningside United Church at Bruntsfield, 15 Chamberlain Rd, Edinburgh, EH10 4DH. Tickets: £5.00, children £3.00 (under 16 years). Mulled wine and mince pies included in the price. Purchase tickets at https://www.scotpoles.co.uk/christmas-carols-concert-2024/

Read the newsletter for 1 December (pdf)

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – Year B

Young Adults Group Talk by Bishop Hugh Gilbert on the Eucharist

Our Young Adults Group will host Bishop Hugh Gilbert, OSB, of Aberdeen on Tuesday, 26 November for his talk on ‘Eucharist: The Source and Summit of the Christian Life’ for the conclusion of our series of talks ‘The Language of the Church.’ Young adults (ages 18-35) are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!

Mass for the Solemnity of St. Andrew

This Saturday, 30 November, we will celebrate the feast day of St. Andrew, our National Patron, whose relics are preserved here in the National Shrine of St. Andrew. Mass will be celebrated at 12:00pm by Archbishop Cushley, with public veneration of the relics following Mass. It was Andrew who, famously, brought St. Peter to Jesus – this feast day is your opportunity in a special way – to go to Jesus, through Andrew. The Sacrament of Confession will be available 1:00pm-2:00pm. Please note there will be no 10:00am Mass, and no Eucharistic Adoration or Confessions on that morning.

Visit of Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, will be at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh on Sunday 1st December. His Eminence will preach at the 7:30pm Mass that will be presided at by Archbishop Cushley. All are welcome. This is an opportunity to hear something of the experience of the Church and wider community in the midst of the terrible war in the Holy Land and to express solidarity with all those who are suffering there.

Youth Group – Sunday, 1st December

The next Youth Group event will be Sunday, 1 December. Children from Primary 3 upwards are welcome to join us at St Andrew’s, Ravelston from 2.30pm – 4:00pm. New members are very welcome! Register at https://bit.ly/ParishYouthGroup-Registration or use the QR code. The new registration fee is £1.00. The afternoon has lots of fun activities, time to learn more of our faith and to make new friends, too. Don’t forget the spending money for the tuckshop! Questions? Contact Fr. Robert at frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Rorate Masses at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Our beautiful Rorate Masses begin the first week of Advent. These are candlelit Masses and are the perfect way to prepare spiritually for Christmas.

Rorate Mass (Cathedral)

7:00pm, Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th December

7:00pm, Monday 23rd December

Rorate Mass (Ravelston)

6:00pm, Mondays 2nd, 9th, 16th December

The Cathedral bookshop will also stay open until 8:00pm on the evenings of the Cathedral Rorate Masses.

Rorate Masses – Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the Rorate Masses and tidying up afterwards. You would need to be available from 6:00pm; if you can assist, then please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com or telephone 0131 553 1510 with a note of your availability.

Save the Dates: Outdoor Nativity Blessings by Archbishop

Archbishop Cushley will bless the Nativity Scene at Mound Place, Edinburgh, EH1 2LU, at 3:00pm on Sunday, 1 December. Then on Thursday, 5 December, at the end of the 7:00pm Rorate Mass at the Cathedral, the Archbishop will bless our outdoor crib at the top of the Cathedral steps. Do come along!

Use of New Lectionary Beginning Next Sunday

A New Lectionary will be in use for the readings at Masses in the UK starting next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, 1st December. To learn more about the new translation, please take one of the leaflets available at the back of church “The New Lectionary Explained” (Catholic Truth Society).

First Wednesdays — Prayers for Priests

The first Wednesday of each month, after the 12:45pm Mass, please join in prayers near the Lady Altar, including a Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to ask Our Lady’s intercession for our priests. All are welcome to participate in the prayers on Wednesday 4 December following 12:45pm Mass.

Bookshop – Christmas Crib Sets, Cards and More!

Advent begins next Sunday. As we prepare our hearts and homes for the celebration of Christ’s birth, the St Pauls Bookshop is preparing, as well, with a beautiful selection of Christmas crib sets, gifts, Christmas cards, calendars and much more. A great selection of Bibles for adults and children are in stock, as well as rosaries, icons, holy images, statues and classic spiritual reading and prayer books. Hours: 10:00am to 5:30pm, 7 days a week, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk, 0131 510 4260.

Special Collection for Catholic Education This Weekend

The annual special collection for work of the Scottish Catholic Education Service will take place after all Masses this weekend.

Children Invited to Help with Outdoor Christmas Crib Today

After Mass today, Sunday, 24th November, children of the parish (and parents, too!) are invited to join us to set up our outdoor crib at St. Andrew's, Ravelston in preparation for Christmas. Then before 10:30am Mass on the First Sunday of Advent, 1st December, the children are invited to help us place the statues of Mary, Joseph, the shepherd and the empty manger as we look forward to Jesus' birth at Christmas.

St Andrew’s Talk on the Gospel of Luke

The next St Andrew’s Talk will be tomorrow Monday, 25th November when Fr Andrew Garden will be at Ravelston to talk about the Gospel of Luke as we prepare to enter into the new liturgical year in Advent which focuses on the Gospel account of St Luke. Join us for Mass at St Andrew’s from 6pm with the talk taking place in the rooms from 6.45pm. Refreshments will be available.

Each Wednesday 5:00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord during Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5:00pm, we have Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions until 5:45pm. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

Parish Mass and Supper on Friday for Feast of St Andrew

Join us for a St Andrew’s supper on Friday, 29 November after 6:00pm Mass to celebrate the feast day of our patron (Saturday 30th November) in the church rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass and then join for two-course supper at 7:00pm in the parish rooms. Tickets on sale after Mass: £8 individual and £12 family (2 adults and children). Funds will go to St Andrew's church funds. Raffle on the night, prizes can be donated at the supper.

Kathedral Knits on Sale Next Sunday

Joanna Kopystynska’s beautiful, knitted goods for Christmas will be on sale at Ravelston after Mass next Sunday. The items are also available at www.kathedralknits.etsy.com. All proceeds go to support the parish.

Helpers Needed: Setup and Cleanup for Ravelston Rorate Masses

Please consider helping us to setup and cleanup for the beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, scheduled for 6:00pm on Mondays, starting 2nd December and concluding 16th December. We need helpers for each Mass to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, please contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Save the Date: Bacon Roll Fundraiser

Come along to our bacon roll morning on Sunday, 8 December after 10:30am Mass in aid of the Sisters of Mercy homeless project at St. Catherine's Convent, Lauriston Gardens. Please support this effort for a vulnerable group of people.

Ravelston Community Meeting Thank You & Notes

Thank you to all who attended our recent community meeting in Ravelston. Notes from the meeting are published on the parish noticeboard in the rooms and copies are available at the back of church. If you are interested in putting your name forward to serve as a Ravelston representatives to sit on the Parish Pastoral Council, please e-mail Fr Jeremy, administrator@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Nominations for this will close on Sunday 1st December.

Ask Your MP to Vote ‘No’ on Assisted Suicide Bill

Take a minute and ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law. On 29 November, the UK Parliament will vote on an assisted suicide Bill. The result at Westminster will strongly influence MSPs at Holyrood, where the Scottish Parliament is also considering this issue. If passed, assisted suicide laws will damage NHS end of life care. Experience in other countries shows that abuses start to happen and vulnerable people are pressured to die. Many MPs have not made up their minds and want to hear from you: https://bit.ly/AssistedSuicideTalkingPoints

New Documentary: 'Do No Harm: The Slippery Slope of Assisted Dying'

“Do No Harm” is a short documentary, under 20 minutes, which highlights some of the grave concerns around proposals to legalise assisted dying in the UK and Scottish Parliaments. The video features Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Bishop John Keenan, along with experts from the medical and palliative care professions. The video challenges the robustness of tabled safeguards in the UK legislation by citing the experience of other jurisdictions which quickly eased access and expanded eligibility. View the documentary at https://bit.ly/DoNoHarm-video.

The Abortion Debate with Dr Calum Miller and Ann Furedi

Edinburgh Life Society is hosting a debate on Monday, 25 November, 7:00pm between Dr Calum Miller, a well-known pro-life medic, and Ann Furedi, former Chief Executive of the abortion provider, BPAS. The ticketed event will be held at the University of Edinburgh, 40 George Square, Lecture Theatre C, EH8 9JX. Whether you're pro-life, pro-choice, or somewhere in between, this event promises to challenge your thinking and spark meaningful conversations. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with two experts in the field. Purchase tickets (£5.00) at https://bit.ly/Callum-and-Furedi-Debate

Advent Zoom Series on the New Lectionary: What’s New and Why?

The translation of the Bible we hear at Mass is changing. Are you intrigued to find out more about what's new and why? Join Fr Jamie McMorrin in 45-minute sessions on Zoom over three weeks in December, exploring some practical examples of key words and phrases to listen out for in the Sunday Mass readings. The talks are at 7:00pm on Wednesdays: 4, 11 and 18 December. Register at https://bit.ly/lectionaryadvent

Read the newsletter for 24 November (pdf)

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Young Adults Group ‘The Language of the Church’ Talks

The Young Adults Group will meet again Tuesday, 19th November for our talks on ‘The Language of the Church.’ Fr Michael John Galbraith will speak on ‘Jesus Christ: True Lamb.’ All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!

Archdiocesan Catholic Education Mass

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the Archdiocesan Catholic Education Mass here at the Cathedral at 7:00pm on Tuesday, 19 November during Catholic Education Week. Clergy, teachers and Catholic school students from across the Archdiocese will attend.

No 10:00am Mass on Thursday, 21 November

Some of the parish clergy will be attending an Archdiocesan Clergy Gathering this week so it is necessary to cancel the 10:00am Mass this Thursday, 21 November. Please keep our priests in your prayers during the Clergy Gathering.

Ukrainian Prayer Service in Commemoration of the Holodomor

All are invited to join the Ukrainian Community in Scotland to honour and pay tribute to the millions of innocent people of Ukraine who suffered and perished during the Holodomor in 1932 and 1933. A prayer service will be held here in St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral on Saturday 23rd November at 2:00pm with Fr. Vasyl Kren of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Edinburgh.

Mass for the Solemnity of St. Andrew

On Saturday, 30 November we will celebrate the feast day of St. Andrew, our National Patron, whose relics are preserved here in the National Shrine of St. Andrew. Mass will be celebrated at 12:00pm by Archbishop Cushley with public veneration of the relics following Mass. It was Andrew who, famously, brought St. Peter to Jesus – this feast day is your opportunity in a special way – to go to Jesus, through Andrew.

Visit of Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, will be at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh on Sunday 1st December. His Eminence will preach at the evening Mass that will be presided at by Archbishop Cushley. Mass begins at 7.30pm. All are welcome. This is an opportunity to hear something of the experience of the Church and wider community in the midst of the terrible war in the Holy Land and to express solidarity with all those who are suffering there.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group (previously the Over 60s Club) Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 19 November at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Last Weekend for Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

This is our final weekend for the annual collection of donated gifts for the children of the adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas. Please donate gifts that are new and wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, including a label stating the age of the child and if the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl. Gifts for children from 11 years upwards are most appreciated. A collection box will be at the back of both churches before all Masses. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

World Day for the Poor Collection This Weekend

Today is World Day for the Poor and Archbishop Cushley has asked that a special collection take place at Mass this day for elderly Christians in need in Palestine. Your donation will be given directly to the Beit Afram Home for the Elderly (a project of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem), so that elderly people living amidst the violence of war and in need of care are not abandoned and that their costs to live with dignity are covered. Please continue to pray for peace in the Middle East. You can also use the QR Code to donate. Find out more at www.lpj.org/en

Rorate Masses – Volunteers Needed

The beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses will take place at the Cathedral on Thursdays 5th, 12th, and 19th December and Monday, 23 December. The Masses start at 7pm and we are looking for volunteers to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the Masses and tidying up afterwards. You would need to be available from 6pm; if you can assist, then please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Special Collection for Catholic Education Next Weekend

The annual special collection for work of the Scottish Catholic Education Service will take place after Masses next weekend, 23rd and 24th November.

Save the Date: Big Clean

Please save the date of Saturday, 18 January, 12:00pm-4:00pm for our annual Big Clean of the Cathedral. If you would like to volunteer, please email Darlene at complexmanager@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

Ravelston Community Meeting Thank You

Thank you to all who attended our recent community meeting in Ravelston. Notes from the meeting will be published on the parish noticeboard in the rooms next week. At the meeting, nominations were asked for Ravelston representatives to sit on the Parish Pastoral Council. If you are interested in putting your name forward for this please e-mail Fr Jeremy, administrator@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Nominations for this will close on Sunday 1st December.

Ravelston Meetings for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers on Friday

Thank you to all who attended the meetings last week for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers. All current Readers and Eucharistic Ministers and those new members who recently signed up to these ministries are asked to come on Friday, 22 November: Readers at 4.00pm and Eucharistic Ministers at 4.45pm. These sessions will take place in the church. If you cannot attend either of these, please e-mail Fr Robert directly, frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Next Sunday: Children Invited to Help with Outdoor Christmas Crib

After Mass next Sunday, 24th November, children of the parish (and parents, too!) are invited to join us to set up our outdoor crib at St. Andrew's, Ravelston in preparation for Christmas. Then before 10:30am Mass on the First Sunday of Advent, 1st December, the children are invited to help us place the statues of Mary, Joseph, the shepherd and the empty manger as we look forward to Jesus' birth at Christmas.

St Andrew’s Talk on the Gospel of Luke

The next St Andrew’s Talk will be Monday, 25th November when Fr Andrew Garden will be at Ravelston to talk about the Gospel of Luke as we prepare to enter into the new liturgical year in Advent which focuses on the Gospel account of St Luke. Join us for Mass at St Andrew’s from 6pm with the talk taking place in the rooms from 6.45pm. Refreshments will be available.

Each Wednesday 5:00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord during Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5:00pm, we have Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions until 5:45pm. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

Parish Mass and Supper on 29th November for Feast of St Andrew

Come and join us for a St Andrew’s supper on Friday, 29 November after 6:00pm Mass to celebrate the feast day of our patron (Saturday 30th November) in the church rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass and then join for two-course supper at 7:00pm in the parish rooms. Tickets on sale this weekend, £8 individual and £12 family (2 adults and children). Funds will go to St Andrew's church funds.

Public Demonstration Against Assisted Suicide: Glasgow, Friday 22 November, 6.00-9.00pm

All are encouraged to attend a Public Demonstration Against Assisted Suicide in Glasgow at 6.00pm-9.00pm on Friday 22 November. The event, organised by an Alliance of Concern and supported by the Campaign Against Assisted Dying, will hear civic concerns around the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, which will be voted on by MPs in the UK Parliament on Friday 29 November. All MPs and MSPs in the Central Belt have been invited to attend. This event is supported by our Scottish Bishops’ Parliamentary Office and Marriage, Family and Life Office. Meet at Blythswood Square, Glasgow at 6.00pm to make the short walk to Renfield St. Stephen’s Centre on Bath Street for the Public meeting from 7.00-9.00pm. For more information contact assisthelp04@gmail.com

Ask Your MP to Vote ‘No’ on Assisted Suicide Bill in November

Take a minute and ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law. On 29 November, the UK Parliament will vote on an assisted suicide Bill. The result at Westminster will strongly influence MSPs at Holyrood, where the Scottish Parliament is also considering this issue. If passed, assisted suicide laws will damage NHS end of life care. Experience in other countries shows that abuses start to happen and vulnerable people are pressured to die. Many MPs have not made up their minds and want to hear from you. Use the QR Code or https://bit.ly/AssistedSuicideTalkingPoints. You can find your MP & MSPs at https://writetothem.com

Diploma in Catechetics 2025 Registration Open

Take the Diploma in Catechetics and make the Holy Year 2025 a time of newness and deepening in your life of faith! The course starts in January with weekly lectures on Zoom, guided reading from the Catechism and regular 1-to-1 support. For the Holy Year the course is being offered at £125 (normally £200). Register at bit.ly/diploma2025

Advent Zoom Series on the New Lectionary: What’s New and Why?

The translation of the Bible we hear at Mass is changing. Are you intrigued to find out more about what's new and why? Join Fr Jamie McMorrin in 45-minute sessions on Zoom over three weeks in December, exploring some practical examples of key words and phrases to listen out for in the Sunday Mass readings. The talks are at 7:00pm on Wednesdays: 4, 11 and 18 December. Register at bit.ly/lectionaryadvent

2025 Faith Winter Conference for Young Adults: ‘Why the Church?’

This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Thursday, 2nd January to Saturday, 4th January. The conference will be held at Stonyhurst College, Clitheroe, and the theme is “Why the Church?: ‘The Fullness of Him Who Fills All in All.’ (Ephesians 1:23). Young people ages 16 and 30 are invited to join with young Catholics from across the UK for these days of catechetical, spiritual and social activities. Cost for students: £180. Register at www.faith.org.uk/events

Read thew newsletter for 17 November (pdf)

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Young Adults Group ‘The Language of the Church’ Talks

The Young Adults Group will meet again Tuesday, 12th November for our talks on ‘The Language of the Church. Fr Matthew Carlin will speak on ‘Economy of Salvation.’ All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!

Masses for the Faithful Departed

Please mark your diary and prepare to join us to remember the Faithful Departed of our parish, especially those who have died this year. We will celebrate this Mass at the Cathedral on Wednesday 13th November at 7:00pm and at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Monday 18th November at 6:00pm.

November Lists

This month, we pray especially for the faithful departed. Please take a November List from the back of church, write names of those friends and family members who have passed away and return it to the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston by placing it in the marked box found at the back of either church. A special prayer for the faithful departed will be said at the end of Masses during November. The book of November Lists at the Cathedral is on display at the St. Andrew’s Altar.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group (previously the Over 60s Club) Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 12 November at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Marriage Preparation Courses

The next parish Marriage Preparation Courses are Saturday 23rd November and then Saturday 1st March, both at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, with presentations by married couples. To register, please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Tickets on Sale for Adult Quiz Night Friday, 15th November

Tickets are on sale from this weekend after all Masses for our next Adults Quiz Night in Coffee Saints on Friday 15th November at 7:00pm. Our quizmaster has compiled cunning questions on categories including literature, film, science, history, music and more! Come as a team (up to a max of 6 persons) or play it solo and win undying glory. We will have a cash bar and homemade curry and rice by Fr John Peter for the intermission. Cash prize for the winner, with wine for the runners up. Tickets are £10 per person with all proceeds to Cathedral funds. Due to the high level of demand, tickets will NOT be available on the door. There will only be 70 tickets, so it is first come, first served! We only have a limited supply left! Email reservations for tickets to cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

This month the parish will have the annual collection of donated gifts for the children of the adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas. Please donate gifts that are new and wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, including a label stating the age of the child and if the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl. Gifts for children from 11 years upwards are most appreciated. A collection box will be at the back of both churches before all Masses over the weekends of Saturday 9th/Sunday 10th November and Saturday 16th/Sunday 17th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

St. Paul’s Bookshop: New Lectionary Study Edition, Christmas Gifts

Starting on Sunday 1 December, an updated Lectionary with slightly different translation of the Sacred Scriptures (the ESV-CE) will be used in all parishes. A new Sunday Missal also will be available, as well. Visit the Cathedral’s St Pauls Bookshop for the new Lectionary Study Edition, Ambo Edition and Chapel Edition, all at a 10% discount. Stop in the shop for Christmas gifts, crib sets, Christmas cards, calendars and lots more. Hours: 10:00am to 5:30pm, 7 days a week, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk 0131 510 4260.

Leaflets on the New Lectionary

To find out more about why a New Lectionary will be used starting the First Sunday of Advent, please take one of the leaflets available at the back of church “The New Lectionary Explained” (Catholic Truth Society).

World Day for the Poor Collection Next Weekend

World Day for the Poor is on Sunday 17 November and Archbishop Cushley has asked that a special collection take place at Mass that day for elderly Christians in need in Palestine. Your donation will be given directly to the Beit Afram Home for the Elderly, so that elderly people living amidst the violence of war and in need of care are not abandoned and that their costs to live with dignity are covered. Please continue to pray for peace in the Middle East. You can also use the QR Code to donate. Find out more at www.lpj.org/en

Ravelston Meetings for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers

All current Readers and Eucharistic Ministers and those new members who recently signed up to these ministries are asked to come to one of the following dates for training and commissioning for the role. Two dates have been put aside. As a Reader – current or new - you can come to either 6.30pm on Thursday, 14th November or 4pm on Friday, 22nd November. If you have signed up as a Eucharistic Minister, please attend either 7.15pm on 14th November or 4.45pm on 22nd November. All of these sessions will take place in the church. If you cannot attend any of these, please e-mail Fr Robert directly, frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Each Wednesday 5:00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord during Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5:00pm, we have Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions until 5:45pm. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

Parish Mass and Supper on 29th November for Feast of St Andrew

Come and join us for a St Andrew’s supper on Friday, 29 November after 6:00pm Mass to celebrate the feast day of our patron (Saturday 30th November) in the church rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass and then join for two-course supper at 7:00pm in the parish rooms. Tickets on sale from this weekend, £8 individual and £12 family (2 adults and children). Funds will go to St Andrew's church funds.

Next Saturday: Youth Day P4-P7 – Wonder Woman St Margaret!

The Archdiocese is hosting a youth day for P4-P7 children at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, next Saturday 16 November, 11:00am to 3:00pm, to coincide with the Feast of St Margaret. Includes games, talks and activities, concluding with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Leo. Register at bit.ly/youthdaymargaret

Young Adults’ Ceilidh Ball

The national Young Adults’ Ceilidh Ball is at Central Hall, 2 West Tollcross, Edinburgh, EH3 9BP on Saturday 16 November at 7:00pm. Includes live band and buffet. Details and tickets (£40) at bit.ly/edinburghceilidh Queries: Fr Robert Taylor frrobert.taylor@staned.org.uk

Diploma in Catechetics 2025 Registration Open

Take the Diploma in Catechetics and make the Holy Year 2025 a time of newness and deepening in your life of faith! The course starts in January with weekly lectures on Zoom, guided reading from the Catechism and regular 1-to-1 support. For the Holy Year the course is being offered at £125 (normally £200). Register at bit.ly/diploma2025

Advent Zoom Series on the New Lectionary: What’s New and Why?

The translation of the Bible we hear at Mass is changing. Are you intrigued to find out more about what's new and why? Join Fr Jamie McMorrin in 45-minute sessions on Zoom over three weeks in December, exploring some practical examples of key words and phrases to listen out for in the Sunday Mass readings. The talks are at 7:00pm on Wednesdays: 4, 11 and 18 December. Register at bit.ly/lectionaryadventn

Evangelisation & Culture: Bishop Barron Conference on the Bible

Join Bishop Barron, N.T. Wright, Tracey Rowland, and other renowned speakers at the Evangelisation & Culture Conference on the Bible at Excel London, in the heart of London’s historic Royal Docks, Friday, 20 February-Saturday, 21 February 2025. Gain a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and grow in your evangelisation efforts. Full event details at https://events.wordonfire.org/the-bible-event

Supporting our Hospices

Much more funding is required for palliative care services in Scotland to ensure the best possible care for the terminally ill and support for their families. Please contact your MP and MSPs and ask them to support the hospice movement and oppose assisted suicide proposals currently at Holyrood and Westminster: https://writetothem.com

Ask Your MP to Vote ‘No’ on Assisted Suicide Bill in November

Take a minute and ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law. On 29 November, the UK Parliament will vote on an assisted suicide Bill. The result at Westminster will strongly influence MSPs at Holyrood, where the Scottish Parliament is also considering this issue. If passed, assisted suicide laws will damage NHS end of life care. Experience in other countries shows that abuses start to happen and vulnerable people are pressured to die. Many MPs have not made up their minds and want to hear from you: https://bit.ly/AssistedSuicideTalkingPoints You can find your MP & MSPs at https://writetothem.com

Advent Rosary for Life

Our annual Rosary for Life starts on 2nd December at 7.45pm on Zoom and then on every Monday in Advent. Speakers include Bishop John Keenan and Archbishop Cushley. Register now: https://bit.ly/adventrosar You only need to register once to attend all the events

2025 Faith Winter Conference for Young Adults: ‘Why the Church?’

This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Thursday, 2nd January to Saturday, 4th January. The conference will be held at Stonyhurst College, Clitheroe, and the theme is “Why the Church?: ‘The Fullness of Him Who Fills All in All.’ (Ephesians 1:23). Young people ages 16 and 30 are invited to join with young Catholics from across the UK for these days of catechetical, spiritual and social activities. Cost for students: £180. Register at www.faith.org.uk/events

Read the newsletter for 10 November (pdf)

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Rite of the Signing of the Cross

Today we celebrate the Rite of the Signing with the Cross for those children preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in February. May they always know the Cross as a sign of God’s love and mercy. Do please keep these children and their families in your prayers.

Youth Group

The Youth Group is back on Sunday, 3 November! Children from Primary 3 upwards are welcome to join us at St Andrew’s, Ravelston from 2.30pm – 4:00pm for fun activities, time to learn more of our faith and to make new friends, too. Fee is £1.00. Don’t forget spending money for the tuckshop! Register at https://bit.ly/ParishYouthGroup-Registration Questions? Contact Fr. Robert at frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Young Adults Group ‘The Language of the Church’ Talks

The Young Adults Group will meet again Tuesday, 5th November for our talks on ‘The Language of the Church. Fr. Ninian Doohan will speak on ‘Be with Him in His Resurrection.’ All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Come along!

Masses for the Faithful Departed

Please mark your diary and prepare to join us to remember the Faithful Departed of our parish, especially those who have died this year. We will celebrate this Mass at the Cathedral on Wednesday 13th November at 7:00pm and at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Monday 18th November at 6:00pm.

November Lists

This month, we pray especially for the faithful departed. Please take a November List from the back of church, write names of those friends and family members who have passed away and return it to the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston by placing it in the marked box found at the back of either church. A special prayer for the faithful departed will be said at the end of Masses during November.

Saturday Morning Mass, Eucharistic Adoration & Confession

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, every Saturday following the 10:00am Mass, from 10:30am-12:00pm concluding with Benediction. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm. “From the Eucharist comes the strength to live the Christian life with zeal and to share that life with others.” St. John Paul II

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 5 November at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60; enjoy a 20% discount during the session time. Please come along and join us!

Marriage Preparation Courses

The next parish Marriage Preparation Courses are Saturday 23rd November and then Saturday 1st March, both at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, with presentations by married couples. To register, please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Tickets on Sale for Adult Quiz Night Friday, 15th November

Tickets are on sale from this weekend after all Masses for our next Adults Quiz Night in Coffee Saints on Friday 15th November at 7:00pm. Our quizmaster has compiled cunning questions on categories including literature, film, science, history, music and more! Come as a team (up to a max of 6 persons) or play it solo and win undying glory. We will have a cash bar and homemade curry and rice by Fr John Peter for the intermission. Cash prize for the winner, with wine for the runners up. Tickets are £10 per person with all proceeds to Cathedral funds. Due to the high level of demand, tickets will not be available on the door. There will only be 70 tickets, so it is first come, first served! Email reservations for tickets to cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

This month the parish will have the annual collection of donated gifts for the children of the adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas. Please donate gifts that are new and wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, including a label stating the age of the child and if the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl. Gifts for children from 11 years upwards are most appreciated. A collection box will be at the back of both churches before all Masses over the weekends of Saturday 9th/Sunday 10th November and Saturday 16th/Sunday 17th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

St. Paul’s Bookshop: New Lectionary Study Edition, Christmas Gifts

Starting on Sunday 1 December, an updated Lectionary with slightly different translation of the Sacred Scriptures (the ESV-CE) will be used in all parishes. A new Sunday Missal also will be available, as well. Visit the Cathedral’s St Pauls Bookshop for the new Lectionary Study Edition, Ambo Edition and Chapel Edition, all at a 10% discount. Stop in the shop for Christmas gifts, crib sets, Christmas cards, calendars and lots more. Hours: 10:00am to 5:30pm, 7 days a week, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk 0131 510 4260.

Leaflets on the New Lectionary

To find out more about why a New Lectionary will be used starting the First Sunday of Advent, please take one of the leaflets available at the back of church “The New Lectionary Explained” (Catholic Truth Society).

Annual Mass Attendance Census This Weekend

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken this weekend Saturday, 2nd November and Sunday, 3rd November.

Ravelston Community Meeting: Thursday, 7 November

You are invited to a meeting in the rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston to hear about the work that is ongoing in the church from pastoral to fabric. It is also a chance to come and meet Fr Jeremy and hear about his vision for the wider parish of which St Andrew’s is an important part. The meeting follows on from 6:00pm Mass on Thursday, 7th November and will start at 6.30pm. Refreshments will be available.

Each Wednesday 5:00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord during Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5:00pm, we have Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions until 5:45pm. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

Parish Mass and Supper on 29th November for Feast of St Andrew

Come and join us for a St Andrew’s supper on Friday, 29 November after 6:00pm Mass to celebrate the feast day of our patron (Saturday 30th November) in the church rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass and then join for two-course supper at 7:00pm in the parish rooms. Tickets on sale from 9/10 November, £8 individual and £12 family (2 adults and children). Funds will go to St Andrew's church funds.

Diploma in Catechetics 2025 Registration Open

Take the Diploma in Catechetics and make the Holy Year 2025 a time of newness and deepening in your life of faith! The course starts in January with weekly lectures on Zoom, guided reading from the Catechism and regular 1-to-1 support. For the Holy Year the course is being offered at £125 (normally £200). Register at bit.ly/diploma2025

Reflection Group for Young Women on Religious Life

What is the vocation of Religious Sister? Young women are invited to find out as we read, discuss and pray Wednesday, 6 November, 7:00pm-9:00pm at the Convent at 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1SN. Our reading will be from Vita Consecrata, the apostolic exhortation from St John Paul II. To attend, please contact Sr. Mirjam Hugens at religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Young Adults’ Ceilidh Ball

The national Young Adults’ Ceilidh Ball is at Central Hall, 2 West Tollcross, Edinburgh, EH3 9BP on Saturday 16 November at 7:00pm. Includes live band and buffet. Details and tickets (£40) at bit.ly/edinburghceilidh Queries: Fr Robert Taylor frrobert.taylor@staned.org.uk

Youth Day P4-P7 – Wonder Woman St Margaret!

The Archdiocese is hosting a youth day for P4-P7 children at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, on Saturday 16 November, 11:00am to 3:00pm, to coincide with the Feast of St Margaret. Includes games, talks and activities, concluding with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Leo. Register at bit.ly/youthdaymargaret

Advent Zoom Series on the New Lectionary: What’s New and Why?

The translation of the Bible we hear at Mass is changing. Are you intrigued to find out more about what's new and why? Join Fr Jamie McMorrin in 45-minute sessions on Zoom over three weeks in December, exploring some practical examples of key words and phrases to listen out for in the Sunday Mass readings. The talks are at 7:00pm on Wednesdays: 4, 11 and 18 December. Register at bit.ly/lectionaryadvent

Evangelisation & Culture: Bishop Barron Conference on the Bible

Join Bishop Barron, N.T. Wright, Tracey Rowland, and other renowned speakers at the Evangelisation & Culture Conference on the Bible at Excel London, in the heart of London’s historic Royal Docks, Friday, 20 February-Saturday, 21 February 2025. Gain a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and grow in your evangelisation efforts. Full event details at https://events.wordonfire.org/the-bible-event

Ask Your MP to Vote ‘No’ on Assisted Suicide Bill in November

Take a minute and ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law. The bill will be voted on by MPs on 29 November and is the most serious threat to vulnerable lives since the Abortion Act in 1967. Visit https://www.spuc.org.uk/assistedsuicidescotland to contact your MP or use the QR code. The text of a letter is already prepared and you can add your own words – it takes a minute!

2025 Faith Winter Conference for Young Adults: ‘Why the Church?’

This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Thursday, 2nd January to Saturday, 4th January. The conference will be held at Stonyhurst College, Clitheroe, and the theme is “Why the Church?: ‘The Fullness of Him Who Fills All in All.’ (Ephesians 1:23). Young people ages 16 and 30 are invited to join with young Catholics from across the UK for these days of catechetical, spiritual and social activities. Cost for students: £180. Register at www.faith.org.uk/events

Read the newsletter for 3 November (pdf)