2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) – Year B

Feast of Divine Mercy Holy Hour Today at 3:00pm

Join us for our celebration for Feast of Divine Mercy, in English and Polish, here in the Cathedral at 3:00pm today Sunday, 7th April, Divine Mercy Sunday, including a Holy Hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for Confession.

Request Recital and Demonstration of the Organ by Cathedral Organist, Tom Wilkinson

Have you ever wondered how the Cathedral organ works? And do you have a favourite piece that you would like to hear played on the Cathedral organ? If so, this event is for you. Join us at 1.30pm, Sunday 21 April for a Request Recital and Demonstration of the Organ by Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson who will explain and demonstrate what the mighty machine can do. A video link will enable you to see Tom’s fingers and feet in action. Please submit requests for pieces to be played by Sunday 14 April to organist@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Duration: Approximately 1 hour. Retiring collection in aid of Tom’s attendance at an international conference on the music of J. S. Bach, at which is presenting some of his research into the composer.

Sir James MacMillan talk: “Chant, the Music of Faith, and Its Influence on the History of Music”, Tuesday 23 April, 7:30pm, in the Cathedral

Join Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral for a rare opportunity to hear insights from the Cathedral’s Patron of Music, Sir James MacMillan, one of the world’s most acclaimed composers, and one of the Church’s great musicians. All are welcome! You can book free tickets to attend this popular event here: https://bit.ly/StMarysM

Friends of the Cathedral should have received an invitation and are to confirm by emailing ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 9th April at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60. Please come along and join us!

Holy Sepulchre Investiture Mass on Saturday, 13th April

His Grace, Archbishop Leo Cushley, will celebrate the Investiture Mass for the new members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre here in the Cathedral on Saturday, 13th April at 1:00pm.

Young Adults Talks on the Prophets Begin Tuesday, 16 April

The Young Adults Group meeting will resume on the 16th April. The next session of talks will be on the importance of Prophets in the Faith. Our first talk is with Canon Luiz Ruscillo on the Prophet Isaiah at 63 York Place from 7.30pm. The talk will be followed by Night Prayer and time to discuss in the pub.

Catenians Meeting on Wednesday, 17th April at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 17th April, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Informal chat to follow in a local pub. Join us! The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Returns Sunday, 21 April

The Youth Group is on break just now and will return on at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday, 21 April. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets between 6 and 7.30 at St Andrew's, Ravelston. As always come to learn about the faith, socialise and the tuck shop! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be on the following Saturdays: 1st June, 24th August and 23rd November. The courses are at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.

St. Pauls Bookshop: First Communion & Confirmation Gifts

The season of First Communions and Confirmations is coming up in the weeks ahead and you’ll find a wide variety of lovely gifts, books and cards in the St Pauls Bookshop for those you love who are receiving these sacraments. Contact 0131 510 4260, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk The shop is open daily 10am-5pm.

Save the Date: Organ Performance of L’Ascension

On the Solemnity of the Ascension, Thursday, 9 May, at 8:15pm Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform L’Ascension (1934) a meditation on Christ’s Ascension, by arguably the greatest twentieth-century composer of organ music, Olivier Messiaen. Duration: 30 minutes. Retiring collection for Cathedral music.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Paella Night at Ravelston

Join us for a delicious paella dinner on Saturday, 20 April at 6:00pm in the Parish Rooms to fundraise for the renovation of the parish rooms and enjoy a lovely evening with friends and family. Tickets on sale after Mass at St. Andrew’s from this weekend at £5.00 per person. Bring your own bottle. Come along!

Save the Dates: St. Andrew's Talks in April and May

The St Andrew’s Talks will return at the end of April. Darlene Newman will speak on 29th April about how liturgical reforms over the years have led to changes in church architecture -- for good or bad! The final talk will be 27th May when Anne-Marie Clements will join us for the delayed talk on the work of the Justice and Peace commission in Scotland. Talks begin at 6.45pm with refreshments available afterwards.

Religious Sisters of Mercy 2024 Open Houses

The Religious Sisters of Mercy invite all to their next Open House on Saturday, 20th April at St. Andrew’s Convent, Ravelston. The Open House will begin at 4:15pm and will end with a Holy Hour and Vespers from 5:15pm-6:15pm. As part of their 50th Jubilee Year events – there will be further Open Houses on Saturdays: 11th May and 24th August. The Holy Father has granted that a plenary indulgence may be gained by praying in the Sisters’ chapel during this special Jubilee Year, with the usual conditions for an indulgence. Everyone is most welcome to come along, to meet the Sisters, learn about their mission and work and pray with them. Please come along! RSVP either with an email to edinburgh@almamercy.org or by phoning on 0131 343 3380.

Mass Today with the African & Caribbean Community

The monthly Mass with the African & Caribbean community takes place at St Cuthbert’s, 104 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1PT, today, Sunday 7 April at 2pm. All welcome.

Tickets Available for 20th April Order of Malta Charity Ball

All parishioners are invited to support the Order of Malta, one of the church's oldest, global charities, as it raises funds for projects in Ukraine and across Scotland. Details about a fund-raising Ball at Prestonfield House on 20th April are at https://www.orderofmaltascotlandball.co.uk/

Is God Calling You to Religious Life? Come Along for our Chat!

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women for prayer and discussion in monthly get-togethers led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO from 4pm-7pm at St Columba’s,

9 Upper Gray Street on the following Sundays: 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register or find out more, please email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk. Watch Sr. Mirjam’s short video, “'How do I discover God's plan for me?” at https://bit.ly/GodsCallforYou

Archdiocesan Event on Catholic Devotions: ‘Deeply Devoted’

Explore the rich history of Catholic Devotions at a special event on Saturday 27 April 11:00am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Deeply Devoted features inspiring talks and a free light lunch. Details and registration at https://bit.ly/deeplydevoted

Webinar on MA in Theology Programme

Join a webinar about the MA in Applied Catholic Theology course offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. The webinar is Wednesday 29 May (6-7pm). To book, visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/applied-catholic-theology scroll down to “Upcoming Event” and select Book Now. SAAS funding is available from April for all Scottish students taking the MA in Applied Catholic Theology course 2024/25.

Read the newsletter for 7th April (pdf)

Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of The Lord – Year B

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Cathedral Team, I would like to wish you all a happy and truly blessed Easter. I hope that you will be able to celebrate with your loved ones. Thank you all for participating so generously not just over the last week, but throughout the whole of Lent. I would like to thank especially all those who have worked so hard to make our celebrations so beautiful; the Servers, the Musicians, the Flower Arrangers, the Church Cleaners and the Passkeepers, and I would like to thank Fr. Robert for coordinating the liturgies so well. It has been a wonderful Holy Week and we, the Cathedral clergy, wish you all a very Happy and Holy Easter. May the Risen Lord Bless You All, Fr. Patrick

Request Recital and Demonstration of the Organ by Cathedral Organist, Tom Wilkinson

Have you ever wondered how the Cathedral organ works? And do you have a favourite piece that you would like to hear played on the Cathedral organ? If so, this event is for you. Join us at 1.30pm, Sun 21 April for a Request Recital and Demonstration of the Organ by Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson who will explain and demonstrate what the mighty machine can do. A video link will enable you to see Tom’s fingers and feet in action. Please submit requests for pieces to be played by Sunday 14 April to organist@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Retiring collection in aid of Tom’s attendance at an international conference on the music of J. S. Bach, at which is presenting some of his research into the composer.

Sir James MacMillan talk: “Chant, the Music of Faith, and Its Influence on the History of Music”, Tuesday 23 April, 7:30pm, in the Cathedral

Join Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral for a rare opportunity to hear insights from the Cathedral’s Patron of Music, Sir James MacMillan, one of the world’s most acclaimed composers, and one of the Church’s great musicians. All are welcome! You can book free tickets to attend this popular event here: https://bit.ly/StMarysM

Friends of the Cathedral should have received an invitation and are to confirm by emailing ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

Feast of Divine Mercy Holy Hour

Join us for our celebration for Feast of Divine Mercy, in English and Polish, here in the Cathedral at 3:00pm on Sunday, 7th April, Divine Mercy Sunday, including a Holy Hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for Confession.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 2nd April at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60. Please come along and join us!

Recording of Talk on the Study of the St. John Passion

If you missed Fr. Patrick’s Zoom talk from Palm Sunday on the Passion as recounted in St. John’s Gospel, you can watch it online any time on the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel bit.ly/ArchYouTube. Email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to request a copy of the handout used for the talk. John is by far the most subtle and deep of the evangelists and his account of the Passion is incredibly carefully and beautifully put together. Watch the video to learn more!

Young Adults Talks on the Prophets Begin Tuesday, 16 April

The Young Adults Group meeting will resume on the 16th April. The next session of talks will be on the importance of Prophets in the Faith. Our first talk is with Canon Luiz Ruscillo on the Prophet Isaiah at 63 York Place from 7.30pm. The talk will be followed by Night Prayer and time to discuss in the pub.

Catenians Meeting on Wednesday, 17th April at 7.00 p.m.

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 17th April, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Informal chat to follow in a local pub. Join us! The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Returns Sunday, 21 April

The Youth Group is on break just now and will return on at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday, 21 April. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets between 6 and 7.30 at St Andrew's, Ravelston. As always come to learn about the faith, socialise and the tuck shop! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be on the following Saturdays: 1st June, 24th August and 23rd November. The courses are at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.

St. Pauls Bookshop: First Communion & Confirmation Gifts

The season of First Communions and Confirmations is coming up in the weeks ahead and you’ll find a wide variety of lovely gifts, books and cards in the St Pauls Bookshop for those you love who are receiving these sacraments. Contact 0131 510 4260, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk. Please note Easter Sunday hours: 10am-3pm. Normal hours resume Easter Monday, 1 April with the shop open daily 10am-5pm.

Save the Date: Organ Performance of L’Ascension

On the Solemnity of the Ascension, Thursday, 9 May, at 8:15pm Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform L’Ascension (1934) a meditation on Christ’s Ascension, by arguably the greatest twentieth-century composer of organ music, Olivier Messiaen. Duration: 30 minutes. Retiring collection for Cathedral music.

Wednesday Adoration and Confession

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Come and spend some quiet time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and take the opportunity for Confession.

Paella Night at Ravelston

Join us for a delicious paella dinner on Saturday, 20 April at 6:00pm in the Parish Rooms to fundraise for the renovation of the parish rooms and enjoy a lovely evening with friends and family. Tickets on sale from this weekend at £5.00 per person. Bring your own bottle. Come along!

Save the Dates: St. Andrew's Talks in April and May

The St Andrew’s Talks will return at the end of April. Darlene Newman will speak on 29th April about how liturgical reforms over the years have led to changes in church architecture -- for good or bad! The final talk will be 27th May when Anne-Marie Clements will join us for the delayed talk on the work of the Justice and Peace commission in Scotland. Talks begin at 6.45pm with refreshments available afterwards.

Religious Sisters of Mercy 2024 Open Houses

The Religious Sisters of Mercy invite all to their next Open House on Saturday, 20th April at St. Andrew’s Convent, Ravelston. The Open House will begin at 4:15pm and will end with a Holy Hour and Vespers from 5:15pm-6:15pm. As part of their 50th Jubilee Year events – there will be further Open Houses on Saturdays: 11th May and 24th August. Everyone is most welcome to come along, to meet the Sisters, learn about their mission and work and pray with them. Please come along! RSVP either with an email to edinburgh@almamercy.org or by phoning on 0131 343 3380.

Speak Out for Religious Freedom

Please respond today to the Scottish Government’s ‘Ending Conversion Practices’ Consultation. The Catholic Church has expressed serious concern at the nature and scope of any such legislation. Loving parental guidance and the day-to-day pastoral work of churches is at risk of being criminalised. The consultation closes on 2nd April. A full guide including tips on responding to the consultation is online at https://rcpolitics.org/conversion-practices/

Act Now to Stop DIY Abortion Up to Birth

Diana Johnson MP has tabled an amendment (New Clause 1) to the Government’s Criminal Justice Bill, which is coming up for Report stage in Parliament in early March. This amendment seeks to change criminal law so that “no offence is committed by a woman acting in relation to her own pregnancy” at any gestation. This means that a woman who induced her abortion at home using pills (or any other method) at any stage of pregnancy, including just before natural birth, would commit no offence. This is dangerous for women and lethal for unborn babies. Please contact your MP urgently, asking them to oppose this extreme and barbaric proposal at https://www.spuc.org.uk/abortionamendments. Please pray for the defeat of this amendment, for protection of unborn babies, and help and comfort for mothers in need.

Mass with the African & Caribbean Community

The monthly Mass with the African & Caribbean community takes place at St Cuthbert’s, 104 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1PT, on Sunday 7 April at 2pm. All welcome.

Tickets Available for 20th April Order of Malta Charity Ball

All parishioners are invited to support the Order of Malta, one of the church's oldest, global charities, as it raises funds for projects in Ukraine and across Scotland. Details about a fund-raising Ball at Prestonfield House on 20th April are at https://www.orderofmaltascotlandball.co.uk/

Thank You from Archdiocesan SSVP President

“On behalf of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, I thank all parishes for their generosity in raising £17,673 in the Day of the Poor collection in November for the Fife Furniture Project. Your support will allow us to help many people across the Archdiocese. Thanks to Archbishop Cushley for allowing the project to be the beneficiary.” – Haydn Carr, SSVP President, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh

Archdiocesan Event on Catholic Devotions: ‘Deeply Devoted’

Explore the rich history of Catholic Devotions at a special event on Saturday 27 April 11:00am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Deeply Devoted features inspiring talks and a free light lunch. Details and registration at https://bit.ly/deeplydevoted

Summer Family Retreats at Craig Lodge House of Prayer, Dalmally

Families have always held a special place in the life of Craig Lodge and we love welcoming them into our House of Prayer. This summer, beginning 8-12 July, we are running 3 weeks for young families who want to equip themselves spiritually. Activities for children allow parents to attend teachings on the importance of worship and the renewal of our minds. We will pray together, adore Jesus together, have fellowship together and find refreshment and strength in the Lord. To book your place, visit https://www.craiglodge.org/events For more details, please contact mail@craiglodge.org, 01838 200216, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR.

Funding to Study Theology

SAAS funding is available from April for all Scottish students taking the MA in Applied Catholic Theology course 2024/25. The course is offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. To register or enquire please visit

https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/applied-catholic-theology A webinar will be hosted by the Archdiocese on Wednesday 29 May (6-7pm) for prospective students. Details to follow.

Pro-Life Chain, Edinburgh

SPUC's Pro-Life Chain will be the main event of Edinburgh's Festival of Life on Saturday 27 April at 11:00am on Lothian Road. It will be preceded by the Rosary at 10:00am at Sacred Heart Church on Lauriston Street.

Read the newsletter for Easter Sunday (pdf)

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – Year B

Tonight: Study of the St. John Passion

As you know, I am doing a Zoom talk this evening about the Passion as recounted in St. John’s Gospel. John is by far the most subtle and deep of the evangelists and his account of the Passion is incredibly carefully and beautifully put together. It merits a special look and I assure you that if you are interested in the story of Jesus – you will not find this boring!! Why not join me at 6:00pm tonight? It will only take an hour and it will be a great way to prepare for Holy Week. Watch at home by registering at https://bit.ly/passionevent2024 Or if you would like to watch with other parishioners – come along to the Parish Rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Fr. Pat

Holy Week and Easter

This is the most sacred week of the year. On Tuesday at 7:00pm His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Chrism Mass with priests from throughout the archdiocese. This is a beautiful Mass at which the oils that are used for the sacraments throughout the year are blessed and consecrated.

The Sacred Triduum begins on Thursday. While Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday are not holy days of obligation, all are encouraged to attend these special liturgies in preparation for Easter.

On Holy Thursday, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper is at 7:00pm and is followed by a procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose, with watching until Night Prayer at 11:00pm.

Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence which means that all Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat, and all adults between 16 and 65 are obliged to fast. The Passion Liturgy will be held at 3:00pm and for those who cannot attend, there will be Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm.

On Holy Saturday His Grace will celebrate the Easter Vigil Mass at 7:00pm and 19 catechumens and candidates will be received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at this Mass.

Easter Sunday Masses will be celebrated at the usual Sunday Mass times. All Mass times are here.

We wish you all Blessed Holy Week!


Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts. There will be additional priests available this week for Confessions Monday-Wednesday after the 12:45pm Mass and on Good Friday after the 3:00pm Passion Liturgy. Please note: No Saturday evening Confessions will be available on Holy Saturday.

Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral on Sale Today

Easter-themed knitted gift items are on sale today in the Octagon. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska. Knitted items are also available online at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KathedralKnits. Support the Cathedral and give a lovely Easter gift!

2024/25 Gift Aid Envelopes Available This Weekend

Weekly gift aid envelope sets for all current users are available for collection at the back of the church from this weekend. As you know, one-off gift aid envelopes are available for visitors to the Cathedral, but if you use these on a more regular basis (ie: more than a couple of times a year), please contact our Finance Officer, Caroline Reid, at finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk She will be able to help you register for gift aid and allocate you your own personal set of gift aid envelopes to use whenever you visit. This will not only ensure we are able to include your donations in our gift aid rebate claim, but will also save you from having to complete the back of the envelope each time you give!

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be on the following Saturdays: 1st June, 24th August and 23rd November. The courses are at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.

St. Pauls Bookshop: Easter Cards, First Communion & Confirmation Gifts

Send Easter greetings to family and friends with the beautiful selection of Easter cards at St Pauls Bookshop. Stop in today! The season of First Communions and Confirmations is coming up in the weeks ahead and you’ll find a wide variety of lovely gifts, books and cards for those you love who are receiving these sacraments. Contact 0131 510 4260, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk Please note Holy Week and Easter hours: Good Friday 29/3 – CLOSED; Holy Saturday 30/3 – 10am-4pm; Easter Sunday 31/3 – 10am-3pm; Normal hours resume Easter Monday, 1 April with the shop open daily 10am-5pm.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 26th March at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60. Please come along and join us!

Sir James MacMillan talk: “Chant, the Music of Faith, and Its Influence on the History of Music”, Tuesday 23 April, 7:30pm, in the Cathedral

Join Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral for a rare opportunity to hear insights from the Cathedral’s Patron of Music, Sir James MacMillan, one of the world’s most acclaimed composers, and one of the Church’s great musicians. All are welcome! You can book free tickets to attend this popular event here: https://bit.ly/StMarysM Friends of the Cathedral should have received an invitation and are to confirm by emailing ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

Holy Week and Easter at Ravelston

Palm Sunday, 24 March


Tuesday, 26 March

No 6pm Mass

Holy Thursday, 28 March

No 6pm Mass

Good Friday, 29 March

3pm Passion Liturgy

Easter Sunday, 31 March


Opportunity for Confession Before Easter

On Monday and Wednesday of this week, a priest will be hearing Confessions at Ravelston from 5:00pm-5:45pm. Take this opportunity to make a good Confession before Easter. If you haven’t been for a while, please take one of the ‘How to Go Confession’ cards at the back of church. Also, on Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration beginning at 5:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass, and immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us!

Final Fundraising Run Today

Thanks to all who have supported our fundraising run! At 11:30am today we will have our final fundraising run/walk from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km). To sponsor us, please take a form at back of Church to enable us to claim Gift Aid, then give your form and money to Fergus or Caroline. Or you can pay direct to St Andrews Church – account number 10402444 – sort 83-06-08 (ref SUNDAY RUN).

Save the Dates: St. Andrew's Talks in April and May

The St Andrew’s Talks will return at the end of April. Darlene Newman will speak on 29th April about how liturgical reforms over the years have led to changes in church architecture -- for good or bad! The final talk will be 6th May when Anne-Marie Clements will join us for the delayed talk on the work of the Justice and Peace commission in Scotland. Talks begin at 6.45pm with refreshments available afterwards.

St. John’s Passion – 6pm Sunday in Ravelston Parish Rooms

The Alma Mercy Sisters invite anyone who would rather not navigate Zoom (!), or who would just like to watch with other parishioners – to come along to the parish rooms at 6pm this evening to watch Fr. Patrick’s presentation on St. John’s Passion. Or you can watch at home by registering at http://bit.ly/passionevent2024

Speak Out for Religious Freedom

Please respond today to the Scottish Government’s ‘Ending Conversion Practices’ Consultation. The Catholic Church has expressed serious concern at the nature and scope of any such legislation. Loving parental guidance and the day-to-day pastoral work of churches is at risk of being criminalised. The consultation closes on 2nd April. A full guide including tips on responding to the consultation is online at https://rcpolitics.org/conversion-practices/

Neocatechumenal Way Easter Vigil Mass

On Holy Saturday, the 30th of March, at 10:00pm, the Neocatechumenal community from the Cathedral will celebrate Easter Vigil in the Church Hall of St Margaret’s, Davidson's Mains, Edinburgh EH4 5AD. We will celebrate the Easter Vigil like the early Church used to do - all through the night until the rising star appears in the sky - with songs and hymns. There will be two baptisms by immersion. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Alexander Mileto at 07424938885 or alexander.mileto@gmail.com

Cabrini Movie – Edinburgh Showings

The powerful new film about Italian missionary Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini is showing in Edinburgh during Holy Week at Vue Ocean Terminal EH6 6JJ: Mon. 25th March at 1.40pm; Tues. 26th March at 1.30pm; Wed. 27th March at 1.50pm; Thurs. 28th March at 2.40pm. In this compelling true story, Mother Cabrini, foundress of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, travels to New York from Italy in 1889 where she convinced the hostile mayor to secure housing, healthcare and schooling for the city's destitute orphans. Book tickets online at https://bit.ly/CabriniMarch2024 (go to Quick Book at the bottom of the screen).

Funding Support to Study Theology

Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) funding is available from April for all Scottish students taking the MA in Applied Catholic Theology course 2024/25 offered by St Mary’s University, Twickenham in partnership with the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh.

To register/enquire visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/applied-catholic-theology A webinar will be hosted by the Archdiocese on Wednesday 29 May (6-7pm) for prospective students. Details to follow shortly.

Summer Family Retreats at Craig Lodge House of Prayer, Dalmally

Families have always held a special place in the life of Craig Lodge and we love welcoming them into our House of Prayer. This summer, beginning 8-12 July, we are running 3 weeks for young families who want to equip themselves spiritually for ‘such a time as this’. There will be activities for children to allow parents to attend teachings on our identity as sons and daughters, on the importance of worship and the renewal of our minds. We will pray together, adore Jesus together, fellowship together and find refreshment and strength in the Lord. To book your place, visit https://www.craiglodge.org/events.

For more details, please contact mail@craiglodge.org 01838 200216, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR.

Tickets Available for 20th April Order of Malta Charity Ball

All parishioners are invited to support the Order of Malta, one of the church's oldest, global charities, as it raises funds for projects in Ukraine and across Scotland. Details about a fund-raising Ball at Prestonfield House on 20th April are at https://www.orderofmaltascotlandball.co.uk/

Read the newsletter for 24th March (pdf)

Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year B

Study of the St. John Passion

As I was telling you a couple of weeks ago – I have been doing some work on St. John’s version of the Passion of Christ and – because I have been so taken aback by what I found when looking at it a bit more deeply – felt moved to share this with you!!

So, I am inviting you to join me at 6pm on Palm Sunday on Zoom for a deeper look at St. John’s Passion (the one we read on Good Friday). I hope it will be a good way to enter into Holy Week and it would be lovely to see you there. Watch at home by registering at bit.ly/passionevent2024.

Or if you would like to come along and watch the presentation live in the Parish Rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, please email cathedralhouse@stmarycathedral.co.uk by Friday, 22 March. Fr. Pat

Buy a Bouquets of Roses to Support Cathedral!!

(Wonderful) Anne McAuley is selling beautiful rose bouquets after all Masses this weekend to support the Cathedral Roof Appeal. Why not surprise someone who you love with a gift of roses today?!

Holy Week Volunteers Needed! Please Sign Up at the Back of Church

If you are a Passkeeper, Reader or Money Collector and attending any of the Masses during Holy Week, including the Easter Vigil, please sign up on the sheets at the back of the Cathedral if you are willing to help in any of these ministries. Alternatively, e-mail: Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Holy Week and Easter at the Cathedral

Sunday 24 March: Palm Sunday

6.00pm (Vigil Mass on Saturday)

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6.00pm

Tuesday 26 March: Chrism Mass

9.00am (Polish)

10.00am & 12.45pm

No 6 pm Mass

7.00pm: Chrism Mass

The Sacred Triduum

Thursday 28 March: Maundy Thursday

No 6 pm Mass

7.00pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper

followed by watching at the Altar of Repose and Night Prayer at 11.00pm

Friday 29 March: Good Friday

3.00pm: Passion Liturgy

5.00pm: Passion Liturgy (Polish)

7.00pm: Stations of the Cross

Saturday 30 March: Holy Saturday

Polish Food Blessing: 12Noon, 3.00pm and 5.00pm

Easter Vigil

7.00pm: Easter Vigil Mass (Saturday)

Easter Sunday

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6:00pm

Confessions during Holy Week at the cathedral:

Monday to Wednesday from 1.15pm onwards

Between 5.00pm and 6.00 pm (Polish)

Holy Thursday from 1.15pm onwards

Following the Passion Liturgy on Good Friday to 7.00pm

Holy Saturday morning from 10.00am-12 Noon

Please note: There will be no afternoon or evening Confessions on Holy Saturday 30 March.

Friday Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday morning during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.

Sacrament of Confession in Lent

Please take the time in Lent to go to Confession to help you prepare for Easter. Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to Confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts. Priests are available to hear confessions Monday-Friday after the 12:45pm Mass and Saturdays 10:30am-12Noon and 5:00-5:45pm.

Easter Postcards: Invite Others to Good Friday and Easter

At this most important time of the church year, we can all do more to reach out to people who have perhaps, for one reason or another, stopped coming to Mass and to invite them to return. Take some Easter postcards at the back of church to share with family, neighbours, coworkers!

Last Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) on sunday Until After Easter

The Youth Group will meet tonight Sunday 17th March, at St Andrew’s, Ravelston –our last meeting before the Easter break and then will resume on Sunday, 21st April. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets 6:00pm-7:30pm in the parish rooms. Come along to learn about the faith, play games and meet new friends! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 19th March at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60. Please come along and join us!

Catholic Men’s Group Meeting on Wednesday

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to join them at its next regular meeting this Wednesday, 20th March, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Why not come along for a friendly chat over a coffee and meet us. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com

2024/25 Gift Aid Envelopes Available Next Weekend

With the new tax year 2024/25 just around the corner, we will shortly be allocating weekly gift aid envelope sets to all current users. These will be available for collection at the back of the church from next weekend (23rd March 2024). As you know, one-off gift aid envelopes are available for visitors to the Cathedral, but if you use these on a more regular basis (ie: more than a couple of times a year), please contact our Finance Officer, Caroline Reid, at finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

She will be able to help you register for gift aid and allocate you your own personal set of gift aid envelopes to use whenever you visit. This will not only ensure we are able to include your donations in our gift aid rebate claim, but will also save you from having to complete the back of the envelope each time you give!

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be on the following Saturdays: 1st June, 24th August and 23rd November. The courses are at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.

Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Parish on Sale

Easter-themed knitted gift items are on sale today at St. Andrew’s. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska. Knitted items are also available online at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KathedralKnits Support the parish and give a lovely Easter gift!

Holy Week and Easter at Ravelston

Palm Sunday, 24 March


Tuesday, 26 March

No 6pm Mass

Holy Thursday, 28 March

No 6pm Mass

Good Friday, 29 March

3pm Passion Liturgy

Easter Sunday, 31 March


Confessions During Holy Week:

Monday-Wednesday from 5.00pm

Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us!

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

At 11:30am today we will have our 4th fundraising run/walk from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km). To sponsor us, please take a form at back of Church to enable us to claim Gift Aid, then give your form and money to Fergus or Caroline. Or you can pay direct to St Andrews Church – account number 10402444 – sort 83-06-08 (ref SUNDAY RUN).

St. John’s Passion – 6pm on Palm Sunday

The Alma Mercy Sisters invite anyone who finds technology difficult (!) or who would just like to watch with other parishioners – to join them in the parish rooms at 6pm on Palm Sunday evening to watch the presentation on St. John’s Passion. If you would like to come along, please email cathedralhouse@stmarycathedral.co.uk by Friday, 22 March. Or you can watch at home by registering at bit.ly/passionevent2024

Ravelston Fabric Update

The necessary fire exit signage improvements are underway. There will be CCTV installed on the Ravelston site over the next week or so to provide additional protection for our priests, parishioners and property (and bring us into line with Cathedral security!). Work on the parish rooms refurbishment is in early stages - outline quotes are being gathered to inform the fundraising target and approval process. Effort will be made to declutter the parish garage and rooms in the near future - required in advance of refurbishing the main rooms. That said, refurbishment of the toilets is likely to be the first phase. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!

Save the Dates: St. Andrew's Talks in April and May

The St Andrew’s Talks will return at the end of April. Darlene Newman will speak on 29th April about how liturgical reforms over the years have led to changes in church architecture -- for good or bad! The final talk in this year’s series will be on the 6th May when Anne-Marie Clements will join us for the delayed talk on the work of the Justice and Peace commission in Scotland. All talks start at 6.45pm with refreshments available afterwards.

Job Vacancy: Chief Operating Officer

The Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a Chief Operating Officer (COO). Reporting to a Board of Trustees, the COO is responsible for the overall leadership and line management of support services teams. An empathy for the work of the Catholic Church in Scotland is crucial. The role is based at the Archdiocesan Offices, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Applicants should submit a CV with a covering letter outlining their interest in and suitability for the role to recruitment@staned.org.uk. Enquiries can also be emailed to recruitment@staned.org.uk. Closing date: 5:00pm, Friday 22 March 2024. Details at https://archedinburgh.org/vacancy-chief-operating-officer/

Meeting on sunday for Women Discerning a Call to Religious Life

What is God’s will for you? Could it be the religious life? This evening, 17th March, women are invited to meet other women who are discerning God’s call to religious life. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, Director for Religious Vocations, the meeting takes place 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. Refreshments served. To register, email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

An Evening with Martha Hennessy, Granddaughter of Dorothy Day

Martha Hennessy, the granddaughter of Dorothy Day, the iconic 20th century Christian Activist in the fields of social justice, workers' rights and non-violence, will speak at an event on Friday, 22 March, 6:00pm-7:30pm at Christ Church (Scottish Episcopal Church), 6a Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4DD. Martha will speak on ‘Speaking Truth to Power: Dorothy Day - Christian Activist’. Martha’s sister and published author Kate Hennessy will also be present. Admission is free. Please register online at https://bit.ly/48NIIww

Tickets Available for 20th April Order of Malta Charity Ball

All parishioners are invited to support the Order of Malta, one of the church's oldest, global charities, as it raises funds for projects in Ukraine and across Scotland. Details about a fund raising Ball in April are at: https://www.orderofmaltascotlandball.co.uk/

Funding Support to Study Theology

Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) funding is available from April for all Scottish students taking the MA in Applied Catholic Theology course 2024/25 offered by St Mary’s University, Twickenham in partnership with the Archdiocese at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. To register/enquire visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/applied-catholic-theology A webinar will be hosted by the Archdiocese on Wednesday 29 May (6-7pm) for prospective students. Details to follow shortly.

Be a Mentor: Help People Search for Employment and Education

Would you like to help people in their search for employment, education, and personal development? Are you able to use online communication tools (e.g. WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom) and can commit 2 hours per week up to 6 months? Volunteer with LINKNet to be a mentor! LINKNET is a mentoring organisation serving minority ethnic individuals including refugees and asylum seekers. Contact LINKnet Mentoring at linknet2@linknetmentoring.com or 0131 261 4463.

The Newsletter for 17th March 2024 (pdf)

Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year B

Palm Sunday Meditation on the Passion Narrative of St. John’s Gospel

Join Fr Patrick to meditate on the Passion of Christ as written in the Gospel of St John. This Zoom event takes place at 6:00pm on Palm Sunday (24 March) on Zoom. This is a good way to start Holy Week in a spirit of reflection and to discover some insights into Christ’s Passion. Register at https://bit.ly/passionevent2024

Friday Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday morning during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.

Sacrament of Confession in Lent

Please take the time in Lent to go to Confession to help you prepare for Easter. Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to Confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts. Priests are available to hear confessions Monday-Friday after the 12:45pm Mass and Saturdays 10:30am-12Noon and 5:00-5:45pm. ‘How to Go to Confession’ cards are available by the Confessionals or at https://bit.ly/HowtogotoConfession For further information on the Sacrament of Confession, visit https://goodconfession.com/m

Holy Week and Easter at the Cathedral

Sunday 24 March: Palm Sunday

6.00pm (Vigil Mass on Saturday)

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6.00pm

Tuesday 26 March: Chrism Mass

9.00am (Polish)

10.00am & 12.45pm

No 6 pm Mass

7.00pm: Chrism Mass

The Sacred Triduum

Thursday 28 March: Maundy Thursday

No 6 pm Mass

7.00pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper

followed by watching at the Altar of Repose and Night Prayer at 11.00pm

Friday 29 March: Good Friday

3.00pm: Passion Liturgy

5.00pm: Passion Liturgy (Polish)

7.00pm: Stations of the Cross

Saturday 30 March: Holy Saturday

Polish Food Blessing: 12Noon, 3.00pm and 5.00pm

Easter Vigil

7.00pm: Easter Vigil Mass (Saturday)

Easter Sunday

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6:00pm

Confessions during Holy Week at the cathedral:

Monday to Wednesday from 1.15pm onwards

Between 5.00pm and 6.00 pm (Polish)

Holy Thursday from 1.15pm onwards

Following the Passion Liturgy on Good Friday to 7.00pm

Holy Saturday morning from 10.00am-12 Noon

Please note: There will be no afternoon or evening Confessions on Holy Saturday 30 March.

Easter Postcards: Invite Others to Good Friday and Easter

Reach out to your neighbours, family and coworkers to come back to church this Holy Week and Easter. Take along some postcards from the back of church and give them to anyone you think might be interested in or just put them into the letter boxes of any people who may appreciate an invitation. At this most important time of the church year, we can all do more to reach out to people who have perhaps, for one reason or another, stopped coming to Mass and to invite them to return. Consider who you might be able to reach out to this year, pray for them and invite them!

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Sunday night!

The Youth Group will meet on Sunday 10th March, at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets 6:00pm-7:30pm in the parish rooms. Come along to learn about the faith, play games and meet new friends! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year. We’ll meet again next Sunday, 17th March before the Easter break and then will resume on Sunday, 21st April.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 12th March at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60. Please come along and join us!

Dr Thomas Anderson to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to come along to our Young Adults talk on Tuesday, 12th March. Dr Thomas Anderson will speak on ‘What is Man? Faith and Medicine.’ Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude.

Catholic Men’s Group Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to join them at its next regular meeting on Wednesday, 20th March, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Why not come along for a friendly chat over a coffee and meet us. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com.

Help Needed: Passkeepers for All Masses and 7:30pm EMHC and Readers

We need Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Readers for 7:30pm Sunday Mass, and passkeepers for all Masses to help greet people. If you can help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Want to Grow in Love and Service of God? Join the Team of Altar Servers

Serving at the Altar is an important and worthy way of helping the Parish and a great way to grow in your love and service of God and the Church. All of you who have made your First Holy Communion and are eligible to take up this venerable ministry!! Why not think about joining the team of Altar servers here at the Cathedral? If you would like to know more, speak to Fr. Robert or Wojtek.

This Weekend: Special Collection for Papal & Episcopal Charities

This weekend at the end of all Masses there will be a special collection for Papal & Episcopal Charities including the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF).

Rose Bouquets Sale to Support Cathedral After Masses Next Weekend

Beautiful rose bouquets will be on sale for a donation after all Masses next weekend to support the Cathedral. Give a gift of roses to someone you love and support the Cathedral. Thank you for your generosity!

Tuesday Evening Scripture Reflection Meeting for Women

All women in the parish very welcome to a special evening of Scripture reflection at the convent of the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew's, Ravelston this Tuesday 12 March, beginning at 5:30pm with Vespers, followed by 6pm Mass at the church. Then after dinner there will be a time of reflection and discussion together on the Gospel of John reading for the upcoming Fifth Sunday of Lent: “Unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.” (John 12:24) Please RSVP by Monday, 11 March at edinburgh@almamercy.org or call 01313433380. Come along and join us for this Lenten Scripture reflection and discussion.

Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us!

Next Sunday: Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Parish

Easter-themed knitted gift items will be on sale next Sunday, 17th March after Mass. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska. Knitted items are also available online at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KathedralKnits Support the parish and give a lovely Easter gift!

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

We have completed the first 3 runs for our fundraising run/walk! Many thanks to all who have participated. At 11:30am today and every Sunday in Lent we will have a fundraising run/walk from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km). Think about sponsoring us! Please take a form at back of Church to enable us to claim Gift Aid, then give your form and money to Fergus or Caroline. Or you can pay direct into the Bank: St Andrews Church – account number 10402444 – sort 83-06-08 (ref SUNDAY RUN). Thank you for your support! Funds raised will be for the refurbishment of the parish rooms at St Andrews.

Holy Week and Easter at Ravelston

Palm Sunday, 24 March


Tuesday, 26 March

No 6pm Mass

Holy Thursday, 28 March

No 6pm Mass

Good Friday, 29 March

3pm Passion Liturgy

Easter Sunday, 31 March


Confessions During Holy Week:

Monday-Wednesday from 5.00pm

Monday in Lent: Pro-Life Stations of the Cross

Join the Pro-Life Stations of the Cross online every Monday in Lent at 7:45pm, praying for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. The schedule includes:

11-Mar-24 Fr James Cadman (SS Mary & David, Hawick)

18-Mar-24 Fr Michael Carrie (St Mungo’s, Alloa, Diocese of Dunkeld)

25-Mar-24 Archbishop Cushley

Register at https://bit.ly/lentstations

Webinar on Euthanasia: A Warning from Canada

A 30-minute Zoom webinar, ‘Euthanasia: A Warning from Canada’, will be held on Wednesday 13 March at 7:45pm, hosted by Care Not Killing Scotland in association with The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh. The speaker is Alex Schadenberg, is one of the world’s premier opponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide, and producer of the documentary ‘The Euthanasia Deception.’ To register visit https://bit.ly/EuthanasiaWeb-13March24

Free All-Day Forum on Catholic Social Teaching and Poverty

A free event on Catholic Social Teaching and Poverty titled ‘Pathways of Hope’ takes place next Saturday 16 March 10:30am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Come along and learn about Catholic Social Teaching, poverty and its causes, structures and effects; and how to take action on poverty and injustice. See the schedule and register at https://bit.ly/pathwaysofhopeevent

Job Vacancy: Chief Operating Officer

The Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a Chief Operating Officer (COO). Reporting to a Board of Trustees, the COO is responsible for the overall leadership and line management of support services teams encompassing Finance, Safeguarding, Property (including Mount Vernon Cemetery), Health and Safety, Communications, Chancery and Education. An empathy for the work of the Catholic Church in Scotland is crucial. The role is based at the Archdiocesan Offices, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Applicants should submit a CV with a covering letter outlining their interest in and suitability for the role to recruitment@staned.org.uk. Enquiries can also be emailed to recruitment@staned.org.uk. Closing date: 5:00pm, Friday 22 March 2024. Details at https://archedinburgh.org/vacancy-chief-operating-officer/

Seeking God’s Will: Discerning a Call to Religious Life

What is God’s will for you? Could it be the religious life? Open your heart to God’s plan for your happiness! Next Sunday, 17 March women are invited to meet other women who are discerning God’s call to religious life. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, Director for Religious Vocations, the meeting takes place 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. Refreshments served. To register, email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Read the newsletter for the 10th March (pdf)

Third Sunday of Lent – Year B

Easter Postcards

Holy Week and Easter are coming soon, which is a good time of year to reach out to people who have perhaps, for one reason or another, stopped coming to Mass and to invite them to return to church. For precisely this reason last year we initiated a “Postcard Campaign” – in which we asked you to take a bundle of postcards and either give them to any friends you might know who have stopped coming to Mass – or just to put them into the letter boxes of any people who think might be interested. Because it went so well last year, we have done the same again this year, so please pick up a postcard at the back of church and think about who you might be able to reach out to this year!

10am Wednesday Mass Resumes This Week

The testing of the electrical circuit boards in the Cathedral is now complete and the 10am Mass on Wednesday will resume as of this week.

Friday Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday morning during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.

Palm Sunday Meditation on the Passion Narrative of St. John’s Gospel

Save the date for Fr. Patrick’s Holy Week reflection on the incredible and moving Passion Narrative of St. John’s Gospel. It will be on Zoom at 6pm on Palm Sunday, 24th March. Details to come!

Holy Week and Easter at the Cathedral

Sunday 24 March: Palm Sunday

6.00pm (Vigil Mass on Saturday)

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6.00pm

Tuesday 26 March: Chrism Mass

9.00am (Polish)

10.00am & 12.45pm

No 6 pm Mass

7.00pm: Chrism Mass

The Sacred Triduum

Thursday 28 March: Maundy Thursday

No 6 pm Mass

7.00pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper

followed by watching at the Altar of Repose and Night Prayer at 11.00pm

Friday 29 March: Good Friday

3.00pm: Passion Liturgy

5.00pm: Passion Liturgy (Polish)

7.00pm: Stations of the Cross

Saturday 30 March: Holy Saturday

Polish Food Blessing: 12Noon, 3.00pm and 5.00pm

Easter Vigil

7.00pm: Easter Vigil Mass (Saturday)

Easter Sunday

9.00am, 12 Noon and 7.30pm

Polish: 10.30am and 6:00pm

Confessions during Holy Week at the cathedral:

Monday to Wednesday from 1.15pm onwards

Between 5.00pm and 6.00 pm (Polish)

Holy Thursday from 1.15pm onwards

Following the Passion Liturgy on Good Friday to 7.00pm

Holy Saturday morning from 10.00am-12 Noon

Please note: There will be no afternoon or evening Confessions on Holy Saturday 30 March.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) on Sumday

The Youth Group will meet on Sunday 3rd March, at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets 6:00pm-7:30pm in the parish rooms. Come along to learn about the faith, play games and meet new friends! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Bishop John Keenan to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to come along to our Young Adults talk on Tuesday, 27th February. Bishop John Keenan of Paisley will speak on ‘What is Man? Faith and Reason.’ Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon & Cinema Outing

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 5th March at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60. Please come along and join us! The cinema outing on Wednesday 6th March is 'Wicked Little Letters' showing at 11.45am. The film is rated 15 and contains some adult themes. Meet upstairs at Omni, Greenside 5 minutes before. Cheapest way to book is online, 8 seats reserved via online, text if you’d like to reserve one. 07541 552070

Calling All Singers: Open Rehearsal of the 9am Sunday Choir 13th March

The 9am Sunday choir is looking for new members. If you are interested in joining this friendly group, or if you are simply curious about what goes on behind the scenes, you are warmly invited to an open rehearsal on Wednesday 13th March at 7.00pm in the Cathedral. Why not come along and give it a try!

Help Needed: Passkeepers for All Masses and 7:30pm EMHC and Readers

We are in need of Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Readers for 7:30pm Sunday Mass, and passkeepers for all Masses to help greet people. If you can help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Want to Grow in Love and Service of God? Join the Team of Altar Servers

Serving at the Altar is an important and worthy way of helping the Parish and a great way to grow in your love and service of God and the Church. All of you who have made your First Holy Communion and are eligible to take up this venerable ministry!! Why not think about joining the team of Altar servers here at the Cathedral? If you would like to know more, speak to Fr. Robert or Wojtek.

Message from our Finance Officer

Firstly, a huge thank you to all of you who have chosen to gift aid donations to the parish! Many of you are registered for gift aid with the Cathedral and make a regular donation via standing order or use weekly gift aid envelopes when contributing to the offertory collections. Several of you also use the ‘one-off’ gift aid envelopes that are available at the back of the Church. This is a great way to show us that you would like us to include your donation in our annual gift aid rebate claim. However, HMRC advise that these envelopes are intended for donations that are more ‘one-off’ in nature – for example, people visiting Edinburgh, rather than regular parishioners. Registering for gift aid does not mean that you need to change the amount you give or how often you give, but it does help ensure that we can claim the gift aid rebate on donations that you do make, after the end of the tax year. To find out more or to request a gift aid registration form, please contact Caroline Reid at finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk Thank you!

Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us!

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

At 11:30am today and every Sunday in Lent we will have a fundraising run/walk from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km). Think about sponsoring us! Funds raised will be for the refurbishment of the parish rooms at St Andrews. Details of how to sponsor will follow. As the weather improves and spring days draw nearer, come along and join in!

Holy Week and Easter at Ravelston

Palm Sunday, 24 March


Tuesday, 26 March

No 6pm Mass

Holy Thursday, 28 March

No 6pm Mass

Good Friday, 29 March

3pm Passion Liturgy

Easter Sunday, 31 March


Confessions During Holy Week:

Monday-Wednesday from 5.00pm

Next Saturday: St. Andrew’s Convent Open House & Holy Hour

All mothers and daughters are especially welcome to come to the Open House and Holy Hour with the Religious Sisters of Mercy next Saturday, 9 March at St. Andrew’s Convent, Ravelston! The Open House with teas and coffees is from 4:15pm and Holy Hour 5:15pm-6:15pm with Vespers. This is the Sisters’ community’s 50th Jubilee Year and the Holy Father has granted the opportunity for a Plenary Indulgence for anyone who prays in one of the Sisters’ chapels during the year and fulfils the usual requirements. Please RSVP to edinburgh@almamercy.org 01313433380.

Scripture Reflection Meeting for Women

All women in the parish are invited to a special evening of Scripture reflection with the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew's, Ravelston on Tuesday 12 March. The evening will begin at 5:30pm with Vespers, followed by Mass. Then after dinner together there will be a time of reflection on the Gospel reading for the following Sunday. All women are welcome and if you would like to come, please RSVP by Monday, 11 March at edinburgh@almamercy.org or call 01313433380.

Bacon Roll Fundraiser Rescheduled to Sunday, 5th May

Our Bacon Roll Fundraiser for the parish rooms renovation is now rescheduled for Sunday 5th May. Please do plan to come along and enjoy a delicious late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass. Any donation on the day will be appreciated!

Pro-Life Stations of the Cross

Every Monday in Lent at 7:45pm, praying for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. This Monday (4 March) includes a reflection from Fr Jonathan Whitworth of the Diocese of Paisley. Register at https://bit.ly/lentstations

Archdiocesan Day for Catechists

If you are involved with RCIA, children’s liturgy, sacramental preparation or any other catechist role, register for the Archdiocesan Day for Catechists at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, Saturday 9 March, 10:30am-3:00pm. In workshops and talks, we will highlight baptismal and sacramental preparation, children's liturgy, lesson plans and resources...and lots more! There will be a bookstand featuring titles for children & adults. Visit https://bit.ly/dayforcatechists

Pathways of Hope: Forum on Catholic Social Teaching and Poverty

A free event on Catholic Social Teaching and Poverty titled ‘Pathways of Hope’ takes place on Saturday 16 March 10:30am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Come along and learn about Catholic Social Teaching, poverty and its causes, structures and effects; and how to take action on poverty and injustice. See the schedule and register at bit.ly/pathwaysofhopeevent

Catholic Families for Life

The latest issue of newsletter from the Bishops’ Commission for Marriage, Family & Life can be downloaded from 1st March at https://marriagefamilyandlife.org.uk at News & Events.

Coffee Saints Afternoon Tea for Mother’s Day!

How are you celebrating your MUM this Mother’s Day? On Saturday 9 March or Sunday 10 March, treat her to a delicious afternoon tea at Coffee Saints, with a glass of bubbles, freshly cut finger sandwiches, choice of homemade cakes, macarons & scones served with jam & cream, breakfast & fruit teas, and a gift for mum! Just £21.95 per person, with a minimum of two people. Book online at https://coffee-saints.resos.com/

Next Weekend: Special Collection for Papal & Episcopal Charities

Next weekend at the end of all Masses there will be a special collection for Papal & Episcopal Charities including the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF).

Read the newsletter for 3rd March (pdf)

Second Sunday of Lent – Year B

Ask Your MP to Support the Abortion Time Limit Reduction Amendment 

An amendment to the Abortion Act is currently before Parliament to reduce our abortion time limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks. This is a reasonable and winnable proposal which is supported by medical science and common sense. Please use the postcard in this newsletter or take one from the back of church to mail to your MP to support an amendment. Research indicates that a significant number of babies born at 22 or 23 weeks can now survive outside the womb, leaving a contradiction in our abortion law. Take action: Collect a postcard today from the back of the church and post it to your MP urgently in support of this amendment!

Lent 2024

Friday Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday morning during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.

Sacrament of Confession in Lent

Please take the time in Lent to go to Confession to help you prepare for Easter. Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to Confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts. Priests are available to hear confessions Monday-Friday after the 12:45pm Mass and Saturdays 10:30am-12Noon and 5:00-5:45pm. ‘How to Go to Confession’ cards are available by the Confessionals or at https://bit.ly/HowtogotoConfession. For further information on the Sacrament of Confession, visit https://goodconfession.com/

Rite of Enrolment for First Holy Communion

Today at 9am Mass at the Cathedral and 10:30am Mass at Ravelston, we welcome the children who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion (along with their families) as they are formally enrolled for the sacrament. Please keep them in your prayers.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Returns

The Youth Group returns on Sunday 25 February, at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets 6:00pm-7:30pm in the parish rooms. Come along to learn about the faith, play games and meet new friends! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Fr. Gerard Hatton to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to come along to our Young Adults talk on Tuesday, 27th February. We will welcome Fr. Gerard Hatton who will speak on ‘What is Man? The Problem of Sin.’ Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude.

Help Needed: Passkeepers for All Masses and 7:30pm EMHC and Readers

We are in need of Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Readers for 7:30pm Sunday Mass, and passkeepers for all Masses to help greet people. If you can help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Why not be an Altar Server?

Serving at the Altar is an important and worthy way of helping the Parish. All of you who have made your First Holy Communion and who can still walk and talk (!) are eligible to take up this venerable ministry!! Why not think about joining the team of Altar servers here at the Cathedral? If you would like to know more, speak to Fr. Robert or Wojtek.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 27th February at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60. Please come along and join us!

Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us!

St. Andrew’s Talk! Join Us for Justice and Peace Scotland

Join us tomorrow, Monday 26th February, for our next St Andrew’s Talk in the Parish Rooms from 6.45pm. Anne-Marie Clements, the Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer for Justice and Peace Scotland will speak about the work of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland Commission and how it is all underpinned by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. This is a great opportunity to find out more about how we can enact the words of Pope St Paul VI, “If you want peace, work for justice”. The talk will be followed by some light refreshments.

Fundraising Run (or walk!) Sundays in Lent

At 11:30am today and every Sunday in Lent we will have a fundraising run/walk from St. Andrew’s, Ravelston to St. Mary’s Cathedral and return (approx. 5 km). Think about sponsoring us! Funds raised will be for the refurbishment of the parish rooms at St Andrews. Details of how to sponsor will follow. As the weather improves and spring days draw nearer, come along and join in!

St. Andrew’s Convent: Open House & Holy Hour

All mothers and daughters are especially welcome to come to the Open House and Holy Hour with the Religious Sisters of Mercy on Saturday, 9 March at St. Andrew’s Convent, Ravelston! The Open House with teas and coffees is from 4:15pm and Holy Hour 5:15pm-6:15pm with Vespers. This is the Sisters’ community’s 50th Jubilee Year and the Holy Father has granted the opportunity for a Plenary Indulgence for anyone who prays in one of the Sisters’ chapels during the year and fulfils the usual requirements. Please RSVP to edinburgh@almamercy.org 01313433380.

Scripture Reflection Meeting for Women

All women in the parish are invited to a special evening of Scripture reflection with the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew's, Ravelston on Tuesday 12 March. The evening will begin at 5:30pm with Vespers, followed by Mass. Then after dinner together there will be a time of reflection on the Gospel reading for the following Sunday. All women are welcome and if you would like to come, please RSVP by Monday, 11 March at edinburgh@almamercy.org

Bacon Roll Fundraiser on Laetare Sunday/Mother’s Day

Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass on Laetare Sunday/Mother’s Day, Sunday, 10 March at our bacon roll fundraiser for the parish rooms renovation. Any donation on the day will be appreciated!

Sr. Roseann Reddy Reflection on Pro-Life Stations of the Cross

Om Monday at 7:45pm on Zoom, Sister Roseann Reddy, a Sister of the Gospel of Life, will offer a reflection during the Archdiocese’s online Pro-Life Stations of the Cross. Every Monday in Lent, join the Pro-Life Stations of the Cross praying for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Please be sure to sign up at https://bit.ly/lentstations

Lent Video Reflections

Join Canon Hugh White each week in Lent as he reflects on the ‘Challenge of the Gospel’, in weekly videos posted each Monday on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel: bit.ly/ArchYouTube

This Evening: Explore the Vocation to Religious Life

Is God calling you to be a religious Sister? Come along this evening, Sunday 25 February, for a chat about women’s religious life. At this meeting, young Catholic women have an opportunity to chat and explore God's will for their vocation to serve the Church. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the meeting takes place 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. To register, please email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Job Vacancy: Estates Surveyor

The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint an Estates Surveyor to support the Director of Property in all aspects of property management, development, letting, acquisitions, and sales of property. The role holder should have significant property related experience and ideally be RICS qualified. Salary: £31.5-35K dependent on qualifications/experience. To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter detailing how your skills and experience make you suitable for this role to recruitment@staned.org.uk by Friday 1 March 2024.

World Day of Prayer Service

A World Day of Prayer service will be held Friday, 1 March, 11:30am-12:30pm at St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. The programme was written by an ecumenical group of Christian Palestinian women with the theme “I beg you… bear with one another in love,” from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 4:1-3. The service will be followed by refreshments in Walpole Hall, where Palestinian handcrafts will be on sale from the Edinburgh shop Hadeel http://www.hadeel.org

Archdiocesan Day for Catechists

If you are involved with RCIA, children’s liturgy, sacramental preparation or any other catechist role, register for the Archdiocesan Day for Catechists at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, Saturday 9 March, 10:30am-3:00pm. In workshops and talks, we will highlight baptismal and sacramental preparation, children's liturgy, lesson plans and resources...and lots more! There will be a bookstand featuring titles for children & adults. Visit https://bit.ly/dayforcatechists

Called to be Saints - Youth Day for S1-S4

A day of inspiration, friendship and prayer for S1-S4 pupils that asks the question 'what does it to be a saint in the modern world?' Run by Fr Robert Taylor and Fr Martin Eckersley, it features talks from guests including Judith Ralston, BBC Scotland weather presenter. It takes place on Saturday 23 March, midday to 4:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, EH9 1BB. Register at http://bit.ly/calledtobesaints

Remembering Service for Those Suffering Loss of a Child

A service for those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing. Sunday 3 March, 5:00pm at St John the Baptist RC Church, 37 St Ninian’s Rd, Edinburgh, EH12 8AL. Ecumenical and open to all.

June 2024 Brecbannoch Pilgrimage: Walk from Oban to Iona Abbey

This year's, Brecbannoch Pilgrimage, a walking pilgrimage from Oban to Iona Abbey is 7 to 10 June 2024. The purpose of the pilgrimage is to pray and do penance for the evangelisation of Scotland and for the sanctity of her priests. Pilgrims will walk for 3 days, carrying the relics of St Columba across the Isles, until they reach Iona Abbey, where Holy Mass and a Solemn Procession will take place on the Solemnity of St Columba. Booking online at https://www.brecbannoch.org/ Deadline is 29 February 2024.

Catholic Union General Election Survey 2024

The Catholic Union urges Catholics across the country to have their say on what matters most to them ahead of the next General Election, expected later this year. The Catholic Union has launched a new survey seeking people’s views on the policy areas where Catholic voices are most needed. The results will inform the Catholic Union’s interventions in the election campaign, including publication of a “Catholic Manifesto” to be sent out to candidates ahead of polling day. To complete the online, anonymous survey, please visit https://bit.ly/CU2024election-survey It takes 2 minutes!

“And finally Esther…”

That dates me, doesn’t it? Just to say that I have been doing some work on the Passion narrative in St. John’s Gospel (which is just incredible…) and I thought I would offer to share this with you as a kind of Holy Week Meditation – just if you are interested and would like to understand it more. I am going to do it as a Zoom at 6pm on Palm Sunday (24th March). So just to give you advance warning and an opportunity to put it in your diaries. I think you will find it as incredible (and as moving) as I have…Fr. Pat

Read the newsletter for 25th February (pdf)

First Sunday of Lent – Year B

Roof Update

Just to let you all know that since the end of the Advent Appeal a great deal of work has been going on behind the scenes to move the first phase of the roof repairs to the Cathedral forward. Given the extremely generous response to the Appeal, this first phase will encompass more than originally envisaged and the intention is to carry out all the works needed to Sacristy 1 and the area around it. A project team has now been formed, which will be led by Lorcan Mooney, Director of Property for the Archdiocese, with Chris Prentice of Adams Napier (Chartered Building Surveyors) acting as project manager. They are joined on the team by a number of other external professionals. Meanwhile I am working hard on accessing additional grant funding. The next stage is the development of a scope of works followed by a tendering process. It is difficult at this point to be precise about timings, but we hope to be underway by the Summer. Phase two is likely to be the area of small-pitched roofs over Sacristy 2. Completion of all the works needed seems likely to be the work of years. The works will bring significant challenges to how the Cathedral operates and require careful planning, but it is good to be underway and will be a pleasure to say goodbye to the first of the buckets!

Rite of Election at Noon Mass Today

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Noon Mass today with the Rite of Election in which he will accept those preparing to be received into the Church at Easter. Please keep all of them in your prayers.

Friends Event with Prof. Stephany Biello

Divine Sight, Sisterhood, and Courage: Women's Stories in the Old Testament

The Old Testament is full of stories of remarkable women, join Friends of the Cathedral on Wednesday, 21st February, 7.30pm in Coffee Saints to hear Prof Stephany Biello talk about their courage. There are a limited number of places available, please contact ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to let Friends know you would like to come. You can find out more about and join Friends of St Mary's Cathedral at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/friends

Lenten Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.

Adult Confirmation Classes Begin Wednesday

This Lent, the Cathedral will run a six-week course for adults to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 31st March. Classes start this Wednesday 21st February at 7pm with an in-person meeting at 61 York Place, followed by four on-line meetings and concluding with the last meeting on Wednesday, 27th March at 7pm. If you have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation and would like to register, contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Fr. Jonathan Whitworth to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to come along to our Young Adults talk on Tuesday, 20th February. We will welcome Fr. Jonathan Whitworth who will speak on ‘What is Man? Created in the image and likeness of God.’ Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude.

Children’s Catechism for First Holy Communion

Classes for First Holy Communion are open to all children in Primary 4 and above who have received First Reconciliation and will begin on Sunday, 26 February. Prior registration is essential! Register online at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion. For more information contact the parish office at cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk. Please note that the First Holy Communion parents meetings will take place just after mid-term on Mon 19th Feb. Those parents who have registered their child for First Holy Communion will receive an email with details and the online link for the meeting.

Sacrament of Confession in Lent

Please take the time in Lent to go to Confession to help you prepare for Easter. Remember that it is a Precept of the Church that all Catholics should go to Confession at least once a year, at Easter or thereabouts. Priests are available to hear confessions Monday-Friday after the 12:45pm Mass and Saturdays 10:30am-12Noon and 5:00-5:45pm. ‘How to Go to Confession’ cards are available by the Confessionals or at https://bit.ly/HowtogotoConfession. For further information on the Sacrament of Confession, visit https://goodconfession.com/

Help Needed: Passkeepers for All Masses and 7:30pm EMHC and Readers

We are in need of Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Readers for 7:30pm Sunday Mass, and passkeepers for all Masses to help greet people. If you can help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Altar Servers Needed

All those who have made their First Holy Communion are encouraged to consider becoming an altar server. The Cathedral needs more altar servers for all Sunday Masses, but especially at the 9:00am Mass. If you would like to learn more about altar serving and want to sign up, speak to Fr. Robert or Wojtek.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon and Cinema Outing

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 20th February at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60, if you’re thinking of coming along, please join us. Cinema outing Wednesday 21st February, film is ‘The Zone of Interest,’ showing at 1.20pm, meet upstairs at Omni, Greenside. Cheapest way to book is online. Trish has booked 6 seats via online, text her to reserve 07541 552070.

Catholic Men’s Group Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next monthly meeting on Wednesday, 21 February at 7:00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet to offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com Other meetings will be 20th March, 17th April, 15th May and 19th June.

Thank You for Woolly Hat Donations

The Stella Maris organisation is very grateful to the parish for a generous response to the woolly hats appeal. Thank you! Warm hats are much appreciated by seafarers! The donated hats will be passed on to the seafarers by chaplains and ship visitors. Learn more about how Stella Maris supports seafarers, fishers, and their families around the world at https://stellamaris.org.uk/

Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Every Wednesday we have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us!

Justice and Peace Scotland at February St. Andrew’s Talk

The next St Andrew’s Talk will take place in the Parish Rooms on Monday 26th February from 6.45pm. Anne-Marie Clements, the Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer for Justice and Peace Scotland will speak about the work of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland Commission and how it is all underpinned by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. This is a great opportunity to find out more about how we can enact the words of Pope St Paul VI, “If you want peace, work for justice”. The talk will be followed by some light refreshments.

Ask Your MP to Support the Abortion Time Limit Reduction Amendment

Support an amendment to reduce our abortion time limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks. Research indicates that a significant number of babies born at 22 or 23 weeks can now survive outside the womb, leaving a contradiction in our abortion law. Take action: Collect a postcard today from the back of the church and post it to your MP urgently in support of this amendment!

Youth 2000 Edinburgh Retreat for Young Adults

The ARISE retreat on Saturday 24 February, 9:00am-9:00pm is for 16-35 year-olds across Scotland to gather for a full day of faith, fun and friendship at St Albert’s Chaplaincy, George Square, Edinburgh. The day includes Mass, Adoration, talks, small group discussion, opportunities for Confession and more. Tickets are £15 which includes lunch & dinner. Questions? Contact events@youth2000.org. Register online at https://www.youth2000.org/events/Edinburgh

Explore the Vocation to Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the next meeting takes place Sunday 25 February, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. To register email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Archdiocesan Day for Catechists

If you are involved with RCIA, children’s liturgy, sacramental preparation or any other catechist role, register for the Archdiocesan Day for Catechists at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, Saturday 9 March, 10:30am-3:00pm. In workshops and talks, we will highlight baptismal and sacramental preparation, children's liturgy, lesson plans and resources...and lots more! There will be a bookstand featuring titles for children & adults. Visit https://bit.ly/dayforcatechists

Pathways of Hope: Catholic Social Teaching

A forum on Catholic Social Teaching and Poverty titled ‘Pathways of Hope’ takes place on Saturday 16 March 10:30am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Register at https://bit.ly/pathwaysofhopeevent

Called to be Saints - Youth Day for S1-S4

A day of inspiration, friendship and prayer for S1-S4 pupils that asks the question 'what does it to be a saint in the modern world?' Run by Fr Robert Taylor and Fr Martin Eckersley, it features talks from guests including Judith Ralston, BBC Scotland weather presenter. It takes place on Saturday 23 March, midday to 4:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Register your child for this FREE event at https://bit.ly/calledtobesaints

Job Vacancy: Estates Surveyor

The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint an Estates Surveyor to support the Director of Property in all aspects of property management, development, letting, acquisitions, and sales of property. The role holder should have significant property related experience and ideally be RICS qualified. Salary: £31.5-35K dependent on qualifications/experience. To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter detailing how your skills and experience make you suitable for this role to recruitment@staned.org.uk by Friday 1 March 2024.

Support Church in the Holy Land

Aid to the Church in Need is working with Church partners to help Christians in the Holy Land receive water, food, medicine, rent and other essentials as families in the region face desperate need amid the ongoing conflict. To donate, please visit https://acnuk.org/our-campaigns/holy-land/

Remembering Service for Those Suffering Loss of a Child

A service for those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing. Sunday 3 March, 5:00pm at St John the Baptist RC Church, 37 St Ninian’s Rd, Edinburgh, EH12 8AL. Ecumenical and open to all.

June 2024 Brecbannoch Pilgrimage: Walk from Oban to Iona Abbey

This year's, Brecbannoch Pilgrimage, a walking pilgrimage from Oban to Iona Abbey is 7 to 10 June 2024. The purpose of the pilgrimage is to pray and do penance for the evangelisation of Scotland and for the sanctity of her priests. Pilgrims will walk for 3 days, carrying the relics of St Columba across the Isles, until they reach Iona Abbey, where Holy Mass and a Solemn Procession will take place on the Solemnity of St Columba. Booking online at https://www.brecbannoch.org/ Deadline is 29 February 2024.

Read the newsletter for 18th February (pdf)

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Message for Lent from Archbishop Leo

My dear friends, Ash Wednesday is this week and marks the beginning of Lent. It is a day of fasting and abstinence as we head into six weeks of spiritual preparation for Easter Sunday. I want to offer three things we can do in Lent.

1. Receive your Ashes. Make every effort to get your ashes on Ash Wednesday and embrace this day of prayer and fasting. The ashes signify repentance and death. When the priest places the ashes on your forehead, he says: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. Or he will say: “Repent and believe the Gospel”. So, it is a chance to come before God in humility and to say sorry for our sins.

2. Take time out for private prayer. Pope Francis has suspended his busy schedule for the first week of Lent to dedicate himself to private, prayerful spiritual exercises. He is putting prayer first, and we can follow that example. Whether that means getting up a little earlier to spend time with God, or switching off the TV or radio, let us prioritise prayer each day in Lent.

3. Make sacrifices. Often, we resolve to ‘give up’ something in Lent, such as chocolate, alcohol, caffeine. Done in the right spirit, with an intention to get closer to God, this is a good thing. Let us also make small sacrifices for others, to help them, especially when it may be inconvenient to ourselves. That way we can imitate Jesus who sacrificed His life for us all. Please also read the Holy Father’s message for Lent 2024 at https://bit.ly/popelent24. God bless you!

Ash Wednesday Mass Times





6.00pm (Polish)




Lenten Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.

Woolly Hat Donations Collected Today for Stella Maris Appeal

Anne Marie Stephen will be in the Octagon after all Masses this weekend to collect either new or lightly used woolly hats to be given to seafarers, men and women, who come to our shores without warm clothing. The Stella Maris charitable organisation does its best to supply them but needs your help! If you can donate a woolly hat, please do so today. Learn more about how Stella Maris supports seafarers, fishers, and their families in the UK and around the world at https://stellamaris.org.uk/.

World Day of the Sick

Today, Sunday, 11 February, the Church marks the World Day of the Sick which was introduced by St John Paul II to help us remember to pray for all those who are ill and for their caregivers. He chose this day because it coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lourdes being a place of pilgrimage renowned for healing. Please pray for the sick of our parish and the family members, friends and professionals who help them.

Parish Lenten Book Club

Take up some good spiritual reading this Lent and join us for a Parish Lenten Reading Project! During the six weeks of Lent (14 Feb – 31 March) each one of us clergy will be leading an on-line reading group which will meet once every week during Lent to discuss our Parish Book – “The Path of Life” by Cyprian Smith OSB. If you would like to participate in this “Parish Book Club” for Lent then all you need to do is contact Darlene on data@stmaryscathedral.co.uk and she will send you the various days and times that the groups will be meeting. You then pick which group you would like to join, get hold of the book (which is available in St. Pauls Bookshop). Fr. Patrick

Fr. Jean Gové to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

Our new series of Young Adults talks begins Tuesday, 13th February on “What is Man?” when we welcome Fr. Jean Gové who will speak on ‘What is Man? Faith and AI.’ Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us.

Divine Sight, Sisterhood, and Courage: Women's Stories in the Old Testament

The Old Testament is full of stories of remarkable women, join Friends of the Cathedral to hear Prof Stephany Biello talk about their courage. There are a limited number of places available at the event on Wednesday, 21st February, 7.30pm in Coffee Saints, please contact ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to let Friends know you would like to come. You can find out more about and join Friends of St Mary's Cathedral at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/friends

Adult Confirmation Classes Begin 21st February

This Lent, the Cathedral will run a six-week course for adults to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 31st March. Classes start on Wednesday 21st February at 7pm with an in-person meeting at 61 York Place, followed by four on-line meetings and concluding with the last meeting on Wednesday, 27th March at 7pm. If you have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation and would like to register, contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Children’s Catechism for First Holy Communion

Classes in preparation for First Holy Communion are open to all children in Primary 4 and above who have received First Reconciliation and will begin on Sunday, 26 February. Prior registration is essential! Register online at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion. For more information contact the parish office at cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk. Please note that the First Holy Communion parents meetings will take place just after mid-term on Mon 19th Feb. Those parents who have registered their child for First Holy Communion will receive an email with details and the online link for the meeting.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 13th February at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60, if you’re thinking of coming along, please join us.

Catholic Men's Group Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next monthly meeting on Wednesday, 21 February at 7:00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet to offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com Other meetings will be 20th March, 17th April, 15th May and 19th June.

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Communities in Rwanda

SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal this Lent is for communities in Rwanda where people are still recovering from the 1994 genocide that afflicted their country and the trauma it left behind. Your donations help provide communities with needed resources. Pick up a Wee Box today at the back of church.

Christian Meditation During Lent

During the solemn season of Lent, Christian Meditation offers us a profound way to deepen our relationship with God, drawing closer to the Divine through the silence and simplicity of contemplative prayer. This practice encourages us to quiet our minds and hearts, making space for the Holy Spirit to speak within us, thus fostering a more intimate experience of God's presence and love. We meditate in person at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH3 5AD, on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom and you can join from anywhere. The up-to-date schedule is here: https://www.meetup.com/Christian-Meditation-Group/events/ Contact info - mobile: 0771 777 2614 Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1cuO5QJ

Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross

Draw closer to Christ in Lent! At St. Andrew’s on Wednesdays during Lent, beginning on 14 February, we will have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass. Immediately after Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross 6:30pm-7:00pm. Come and join us! You are also welcome to walk and pray the outdoor Stations of the Cross around the lovely garden path at Ravelston anytime.

Justice and Peace Scotland at February St. Andrew’s Talk

The next St Andrew’s Talk will take place in the Parish Rooms on Monday 26th February from 6.45pm. Anne-Marie Clements, the Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer for Justice and Peace Scotland will speak about the work of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland Commission and how it is all underpinned by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. This is a great opportunity to find out more about how we can enact the words of Pope St Paul VI, “If you want peace, work for justice”. The talk will be followed by some light refreshments.

Stand Up for Religious Freedom: Just Say ‘No’ to Buffer Zone Bill

Gillian Mackay MSP has published a Bill which would introduce ‘safe access zones’, or buffer zones, around abortion centres in Scotland. The law, if passed, will be the most extreme of its kind in the world. The Bill proposes a jail sentence of up to 2 years for anyone who even silently prays near an abortion clinic. Catholics in England have already been arrested under similar laws there. If the principle is established in this Bill, it could easily be applied to Corpus Christi processions or other forms of Catholic social justice work if politicians decide they don't agree with what is happening. It is vital that as many Catholics, and all concerned for freedom of speech and assembly, make a response to this dangerous Bill. Take a leaflet at the back of church and write your MSP today at https://www.writetothem.com/

Youth 2000 Edinburgh Retreat for Young Adults

The ARISE retreat on Saturday 24 February, 9:00am-9:00pm is for 16-35 year-olds across Scotland to gather for a full day of faith, fun and friendship at St Albert’s Chaplaincy, George Square, Edinburgh. The day includes Mass, Adoration, talks, small group discussion, opportunities for Confession and more. Tickets are £15 which includes lunch & dinner. Questions? Contact events@youth2000.org Register online at https://www.youth2000.org/events/Edinburgh

Archdiocesan Day for Catechists

If you are involved with RCIA, children’s liturgy, sacramental preparation or any other catechist role, register for the Archdiocesan Day for Catechists at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, Saturday 9 March, 10:30am-3:00pm. In workshops and talks, we will highlight baptismal and sacramental preparation, children's liturgy, lesson plans and resources...and lots more! There will be a bookstand featuring titles for children & adults. Visit https://bit.ly/dayforcatechists

Called to be Saints - Youth Day for S1-S4

A day of inspiration, friendship and prayer for S1-S4 pupils that asks the question 'what does it to be a saint in the modern world?' Run by Fr Robert Taylor and Fr Martin Eckersley, it features talks from guests including Judith Ralston, BBC Scotland weather presenter. It takes place on Saturday 23 March, midday to 4:00pm at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Register your child for this FREE event at bit.ly/calledtobesaints

‘Beginning Experience’ Weekend for Those Suffering Bereavement

The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 5th-7th April 2024 at St. Mary’s, Kinnoull, Perth. For details contact: Louise on 07926 571004 or email: louisep398@gmail.com Completed Applications must be returned by 22nd March 2024.

Archdiocesan Online Stations of the Cross

Join people across the Archdiocese each Monday throughout Lent for our annual Stations of the Cross. It takes place on Zoom at 7:45pm, beginning on 19 February, and lasts around 30 minutes. We will be praying for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Register at bit.ly/lentstations

Is God Calling Me? Explore the Vocation to Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the next meeting takes place Sunday 25 February, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. To register email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Remembering Service for Those Suffering Loss of a Child

A service for those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing. Sunday 3 March, 5:00pm at St John the Baptist RC Church, 37 St Ninian’s Rd, Edinburgh, EH12 8AL. Ecumenical and open to all.

Lourdes Pilgrimage – 5-12 July, 2024

The Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from 5-12 July 2024. To find out more visit https://www.edinburgh-lourdes.com/lourdes24. If you would like to be on the helper team of doctors, nurses, male helpers, lady helpers and youth, please visit https://www.edinburgh-lourdes.com/helpers

Read the newsletter for 11th February (pdf)

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Winter Issue of Crux Magazine on Sale Today!

The new and exciting Winter issue of the Friends of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine is on sale after Masses today for just £5 per copy. Pick up a copy and read fascinating articles on the Gospel of Mark event with Professor Edwards, the parish retreat to beautiful St Mary's Monastery, Kinnoull, and Fr. Robert’s look at the ins and outs of the liturgical year. Get a copy or more to share with family and friends. All proceeds support the Cathedral!

Next Weekend: Stella Maris Woolly Hat Appeal

Seafarers, men and women, come to our shores without warm clothing and welcome the gift of a woolly hat. The Stella Maris charitable organisation does its best to supply them but needs your help! If you can donate a woolly hat, either new or lightly used, Anne Marie Stephen will be in the Octagon to collect them after all Masses next weekend. Learn more about how Stella Maris supports seafarers, fishers, and their families in the UK and around the world at https://stellamaris.org.uk/

Parish Lenten Book Club

Join us for a Parish Lenten Reading Project! During the six weeks of Lent (14 Feb – 31 March) each one of us clergy will be leading an on-line reading group which will meet once every week during Lent to discuss our Parish Book – “The Path of Life” by Cyprian Smith OSB. If you would like to participate in this “Parish Book Club” for Lent then all you need to do is contact Darlene on data@stmaryscathedral.co.uk and she will send you the various days and times that the groups will be meeting. You then pick which group you would like to join, get hold of the book (which is available in St. Pauls Book Shop). I think this is a great idea!! It will give us all a simple, practical way to do something really good for Lent, it will draw us together as a parish and (hopefully) it will help us all to come closer to Christ. Why not think about it – and if you want to participate drop Darlene an email as soon as possible. Fr. Patrick

First Reconciliation on Tuesday, 7:00pm

Children of St. Mary’s Primary School will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Tuesday evening at the Cathedral at 7:00pm. Please keep them in your prayers!

Fr. James Cadman to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

Our series of talks on Christian Friendship in a secular world continues this week on Tuesday, 6 February when we welcome Fr. James Cadman who will speak on ‘Our Friendship with Jesus Christ.’ Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us.

Tickets on Sale Today! Adult Quiz Night Friday, 9th February

Tickets are on sale again today after the 9am and Noon Masses for our Adults Quiz Night in Coffee Saints this Friday 9th February at 7pm with a cash bar and nibbles provided. Tickets are £10 per person with all proceeds to Cathedral funds. Ticket sales are brisk, and you are advised to get your tickets at your earliest opportunity, either at the Masses above or by email at cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Children’s Catechism for First Holy Communion

Classes in preparation for First Holy Communion are open to all children in Primary 4 and above who have received First Reconciliation and will begin on Sunday, 26 February. Prior registration is essential! Register online at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion. For more information contact the parish office at cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 6th February at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60, if you’re thinking of coming along, please join us.

Catholic Men's Group Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next monthly meeting on Wednesday, 21 February at 7:00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet to offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com Other meetings will be 20th March, 17th April, 15th May and 19th June.

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.

No Wednesday 10am Mass Until 13th March

Due to electrical circuit safety testing within the Cathedral, café and bookshop area, there will be no 10:00am Mass on Wednesdays until 13th March, except for Ash Wednesday on 14 February.

First Reconciliation on Monday, 6:45pm

Children of St. Andrew’s, Ravelston will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time tomorrow evening at 6:45pm. Please keep them in your prayers!

Parish Youth Group

This Sunday is the final Youth Group meeting before a two week break over the mid-term school holidays. The group will resume on the 25th February at 6pm. Tonight, pre-empting the start of Lent a little, the group will be enjoying a pizza and film night. The group is open to P3 upwards.

Each Wednesday at St. Andrew’s 5:00pm Adoration and Confession

Don’t forget to make some time to come before Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Wednesday evening from 5pm with Confession available 5pm-5:45pm.

Burns Night

Thank you to everyone who turned out to support our joint Burns Supper with St Margaret’s, Davidson Mains. It was a great night enjoyed by all, with some great entertainment and delicious food. A very big thank you to everyone who helped organise it, especially Marie and Patricia at Davidson Mains. Next year is already being planned for Friday 25th January!

Parish Rooms Renovation

Thank you to everyone who took part in the voting for the renovation of the parish rooms, that concluded last weekend. We have a clear direction to proceed now and will report back with more details in due course along with plans for the work that will be undertaken in the course of the next few months.

Lourdes Mass 3pm Today at St. John’s, Corstorphine

The February Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes takes place at 3pm today, Sunday 4 February, at St John the Baptist Church, 37 St Ninian’s Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 8AL. The Mass is organised by the Edinburgh Lourdes Pilgrimage team. Refreshments in hall afterwards. All welcome.

Online Bioethics Talks Begin on Monday

Starting tomorrow, Monday, 5 February, a seven-week series of online bioethical talks for university students in health and social care begins to discuss the Catholic response to ethical issues including conscience and conscientious objection, organ donation and brain death, IVF and reproductive technology, and much more. Talks are Mondays, 7pm-8pm on MS Teams. Register with King’s Catholic Chaplain for Guy’s Campus, Laurence Jasper, at laurence.jasper@kcl.ac.uk

Saturday Valentine's Day Mini-Retreat for Married & Engaged Couples

A Valentine's mini-retreat for married couples and those preparing for marriage will take place on Saturday 10 February, 2pm-5pm. The event will include talks, time for couples to talk, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and guided prayer with readings and prayers relevant to the vocation of marriage. Doors open from 1:30pm. Location is St Kentigern's, Parkgrove Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 7QR. Crèche available for children of primary school age and older. The event is organised by the Marriage & Families Commission of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh. For more information, contact matthew.meade@staned.org.uk To register online for this FREE event please visit bit.ly/valretreat

World Day of the Sick – Sunday, 11 February

The World Day of the Sick on 11th February was introduced by Pope St John Paul II to help us remember to pray for all those who are ill and for their caregivers. He chose this day because it coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lourdes being a place of pilgrimage renowned for healing. Please pray for the sick of our parish and the family members, friends and professionals who help them.

Youth 2000 Edinburgh Retreat for Young Adults

The ARISE retreat on Saturday 24 February, 9:00am-9:00pm is for 16-35 year-olds across Scotland to gather for a full day of faith, fun and friendship at St Albert’s Chaplaincy, George Square, Edinburgh. The day includes Mass, Adoration, talks, small group discussion, opportunities for Confession and more. Tickets are £15 which includes lunch & dinner. Questions? Contact events@youth2000.org Register online at https://www.youth2000.org/events/Edinburgh

Free Places at Pro-Life Youth Conference

SPUC's Youth Conference is a weekend which brings together 200 like-minded young pro-lifers to learn effective strategies and fuel your passion for defending the most vulnerable among us – unborn children and their mothers. The Conference runs 23-25 February at Yarnfield Park Training Centre in Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 0NL. The Archdiocese has five fully funded places available, including travel. To apply: https://bit.ly/youthconference24 or contact the Pro-Life Office: prolife@staned.org.uk

Archdiocesan Online Stations of the Cross

Join people across the Archdiocese each Monday throughout Lent for our annual Stations of the Cross. It takes place on Zoom at 7:45pm, beginning on 19 February, and lasts around 30 minutes. We will be praying for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Register at bit.ly/lentstations.

“We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.”

Is God Calling Me? Explore the Vocation to Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the next meeting takes place Sunday 25 February, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. The series continues same time/venue: 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Remembering Service for Those Suffering Loss of a Child

A service for those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing. Sunday 3 March, 5:00pm at St John the Baptist RC Church, 37 St Ninian’s Rd, Edinburgh, EH12 8AL. Ecumenical and open to all.

Archdiocesan Day for Catechists

If you are involved with RCIA, children’s liturgy, sacramental preparation or any other catechist role, register for the Archdiocesan Day for Catechists at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, Saturday 9 March, 10:30am-3:00pm. In workshops and talks, we will highlight baptismal and sacramental preparation, children's liturgy, lesson plans and resources...and lots more! There will be a bookstand featuring titles for children & adults. Visit https://bit.ly/dayforcatechists

Jubilee 2025

The Holy Father has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee. The theme is Pilgrims of Hope. For more information, visit the official website https://www.giubileo-2025.it/en. A Facebook page has been set up that will highlight resources and events in Scotland - search ‘Holy Year Scotland 2025’. To help us prepare, the Holy Father has established 2024 as a Year of Prayer dedicated “to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer, prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church, prayer in the world”.

Read the newsletter for 4th February (pdf)