Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

Winter Conference for Young Adults, 2nd-4th January 2024

This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Tuesday 2nd January to Thursday, 4th January. The conference will be held at the Emmaus Youth Village, Consett, and the theme is “The God Who Speaks: ‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.’” Fr. Patrick will also be going, as will Sr. Miriam Fidelis, RSM. The conference is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 25 and attracts scores of young Catholics from all over Britain with a unique blend of catechetical, spiritual and social activities in a relaxed holiday atmosphere. The cost of the conference for students is £110. If you are interested – please speak to Fr. Robert or Fr. Patrick.

Recordings of Scripture Event – Now Online

If you were not able to come along for all of the Scripture Event “Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark” by Professor James Edwards and would like to listen or if you couldn’t come to the whole thing and would like to catch up with the evenings you missed… you can view it all at and Share the link with your family and friends!

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) sunday night

The Youth Group return tonight at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Children from P3 to P7 are welcome to join between 6 and 7.30pm for an evening of games, an opportunity to learn something about our faith, prayer and the tuck shop to finish things off. If you haven’t registered, please pick up an invitation card with the QR code or you can fill out a form on the night. There is a £1 registration for the whole year. Come along!

Young Adults Group Talk on Tuesday by Fr. Mark O’Donnell

This week, Fr. Mark O’Donnell will speak about “Salvation for All and the Second Vatican Council” at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Parish Pilgrimage to Salamanca & Santiago 2024 Only a Few Spaces Left!!

We’ve had a tremendous response so far for our Parish Pilgrimage! Very few spaces remain, so if you are interested, please contact Alba Tours today to book your place. Just e-mail or write to Anne Marie Cairns at Alba Tours, 40 Chestnut Grove, Motherwell, ML1 3JF. You will then receive a booking form which you should return with the first deposit of £500. As this is the quieter season Alba Tours closes between the 11th and 28th November inclusive, but they will get back to you as soon as they can.

Advent Candlelit Concert - Friday 8th December

The Cathedral's Schola Cantorum will perform a special candlelit concert on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. On Friday 8 December at 8pm the group will sing a one-hour programme of Advent and Christmas music in the warmth and intimacy of St Andrew's Church in Ravelston. Tickets are £6 standard or £12 family and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Space is limited in St Andrew's Church, and tickets have been selling well, so advanced booking is advised to avoid disappointment! Book here:

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

At the end of November, knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale after Mass by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at

All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Sales will be after the Noon Sunday Masses at the Cathedral on 26th November, 3rd December, 10th December and 17th December.

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon, Trip to Living Memory Association

Join us for our Coffee Afternoon, old and new friends welcome, Tuesdays 2.00pm till 3.30pm at Coffee Saints, with 20% discount on food and drink bought during the meeting time. A visit to The Living Memory Association has been arranged for Friday 17th November at 11.00am. Meet at Ocean Terminal 10.50am. Details to follow on reserving a place. Spaces need to be pre-notified and can be reserved by calling or texting 07541 552070, emailing or seeing Trish at the Friendship Group coffee event. To learn more, visit

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children This Weekend and Next

It’s that time of year when parishioners of the Cathedral & St Andrew’s, Ravelston, donate gifts to be distributed to the children of adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts. The box will be available at the Vigil Masses and the Sunday Masses over this weekend and Saturday 18th/Sunday 19th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years.

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses are on Saturday 18th November 2023 and Saturday 2nd March 2024 at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

No 10am Mass on Friday 17 November

Many of our clergy will be attending an Archdiocesan Assembly of Clergy next week, so the 10am Mass will be cancelled on Friday, 17th November. Thank you for your understanding.

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm

World Day for the Poor Collection Next Weekend

Next Sunday is World Day for the Poor. A second collection will be taken at all Masses next weekend. Monies received will go to the Fife Furniture Project, run by volunteers in the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

Remembrance Day Display in Ravelston Parish Rooms

On this Remembrance Day, please stop into the parish rooms to see the display prepared to remember those of St Andrew’s who died at war. There will be a blank notebook in this year's display for those who have any memories of their Ravelston families from the 1940s.

Kathedral Knits on Sale at Ravelston Next Sunday After Mass

Knitted goods for Christmas will be sold after 10:30am Mass at St. Andrew’s next Sunday, 19 November by Cathedral parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. All proceeds support the parish! Also available at Find the perfect gift for someone special!

Children Invited to Help with Outdoor Christmas Crib at Ravelston

After Mass on Sunday 26th November, children of the parish (and parents, too!) are invited to join us to set up our outdoor crib in preparation for Christmas. Then before 10:30am Mass on the First Sunday of Advent, 3rd December, the children are invited to help us place the statues of Mary, Joseph, the shepherd and the empty manger as we look forward to Jesus' birth at Christmas.

St Andrew’s Talk on the Prophecies About the Coming of the Messiah

The final St Andrew’s talk of the year will be on Monday 27th November straight after Mass. In preparation for the start of Advent, Sister Miriam Ruth RSM and Sister Paul Miriam RSM will present the Messianic prophecies, Scriptural texts that point to the coming of Jesus Christ. The talk will provide a fascinating insight as we begin the season of preparation for Our Lord’s coming at Christmas. As usual, soup and sandwiches will be provided afterwards so you can sit and chew over the significance of these prophecies.

Parish Mass and Supper for Feast of St Andrew – Tickets Available

Come and join us for a St Andrew’s supper on the feast day of our patron, Wednesday 30th November in the church rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass at 6pm and then join for supper at 7pm. Supper will be a sit-down meal. Bring your own bottle! For catering purposes please pick up your tickets – one per person - after Mass this weekend. Cash or cheque donations welcome at the supper with all funds raised going to the Parish Rooms project.

Ravelston Pastoral Outreach

Thank you to all who have indicated they would like to help in supporting those parishioners who are sick and housebound through a telephone apostolate. We will be in touch soon with the next step of the process. If anyone else wants to join in, please contact Fr Robert by calling the Cathedral Office or e-mailing

Become an Altar Server

We have a dedicated group of servers in St Andrew’s, but we are always looking for more to join our ranks. If you have made your First Holy Communion, please speak to Father Robert about serving at the altar during Mass. Adults as well as children are welcome!

Helpers Needed: Setup and Cleanup for Candlelit Rorate Masses

Please consider helping us to setup and cleanup for the beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses, scheduled for 7pm on Mondays, starting 4 December and concluding 18th December. We need helpers for each Mass to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, then please see Fr. Robert or contact

Archdiocesan Youth Day on Saturday, 25th November

The Archdiocesan Youth Day will be a day of faith and fun for P4-P7s on Saturday 25 November, 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Join us as we come to know Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. We will have games, talks, sweets, Confessions, Mass and more! Speak to the parish priest to register.

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Speak Out: Say ‘No’ to Assisted Suicide in Scotland

Later this year, Liam McArthur MSP is expected to publish proposals to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. If assisted suicide becomes legal, vulnerable people will be put at risk and pressure inevitably will increase on the vulnerable, disabled or elderly to end their lives prematurely. To let your voice be heard, visit the website of Care Not Killing or follow the Catholic Parliamentary Office link to write your MSPs

Read the newsletter for 12th November (pdf)

Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

Rite of the Signing of the Cross

Today we celebrate the Rite of the Signing with the Cross for those children preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in February. Please keep them in your prayers throughout these coming months!

Prof. Edwards Talks on YouTube!

Our October series of talks “Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark” by Professor James Edwards will be available shortly on YouTube! All you need to do is tune in to the YouTube channel of the Archdiocese at

Schola Cantorum Advent Concert at Ravelston, Friday, 8th December

Last Advent our Schola Cantorum toured parishes in the Archdiocese with a popular series of candlelit concerts. This year the choir will perform one special concert, this time for home audiences, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. On Friday 8 December at 8pm the group will sing a one-hour programme of Advent and Christmas music in the warmth and intimacy of St Andrew's Church, Ravelston. Tickets are £6 standard or £12 family, and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Space is limited in St Andrew's Church, and the concert is likely to be popular, so early booking is advised to avoid disappointment! Book here:

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Returns Tonight

The Youth Group return tonight at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Children from P3 to P7 are welcome to join between 6 and 7.30pm for an evening of games, an opportunity to learn something about our faith, prayer and the tuck shop to finish things off. If you haven’t registered, please pick up an invitation card with the QR code or you can fill out a form on the night. There is a £1 registration for the whole year. Come along!

Young Adults Group Talk on Tuesday by Fr. Piotr Wygnanski

This week, Fr. Piotr Wygnanski will speak about ‘The Role of the Individual for Authentic Development of Dogma in the Thought of John Henry Newman’ at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details

Parish Pilgrimage to Salamanca & Santiago 2024

Following numerous demands for another Parish Pilgrimage, Fr. Robert has agreed to lead one to Salamanca and Santiago de Compostela (in Spain) from the 21st – 28th October 2024. The group will stay for 6 nights at the Royal Scots College in the beautiful city of Salamanca and visit surrounding towns such as Segovia, Avila and Valladolid as well as enjoy an overnight in Santiago de Compostela, an ancient site of pilgrimage for hundreds of years and the end point of the famous Camino. The price will be in the region of £1000 (cheap! -Ed) which includes transfers from the Cathedral to Edinburgh Airport and back, direct flights to and from Madrid and all transfers in Spain. The accommodation is on a half board basis, with bed, breakfast and evening meals provided. This will be a very popular pilgrimage - so to avoid disappointment – register your interest asap by e-mail to

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

“The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith….” St. John Paul II

Please RSVP for Mass for the Sick – Saturday, 11th November, 1:00pm

Mass will be celebrated for the sick of the parish on Saturday 11th November at 1pm. We ask that you RSVP to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to attend the Mass and reception following. Please email or phone 07541 552070, or speak to one of the SSVP members who will be available this weekend after the 6pm Vigil Mass and Sunday 9am and 12:45pm Masses. Transport can be arranged for infirm parishioners wishing to attend, but we must be pre-notified at least 3 days prior to the Mass. Tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes will be served after the Mass, but you must prebook for the refreshments.

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon, Trip to Living Memory Association

Join us for our Coffee Afternoon, old and new friends welcome, Tuesdays 2.00pm till 3.30pm at Coffee Saints, with 20% discount on food and drink bought during the meeting time. A visit to The Living Memory Association has been arranged for Friday 17th November at 11.00am. Meet at Ocean Terminal 10.50am. Details to follow on reserving a place. Spaces need to be pre-notified and can be reserved by calling or texting 07541 552070, emailing or seeing Trish at the Friendship Group coffee event. To learn more, visit

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children Starting Next Weekend

It’s that time of year again when parishioners of the Cathedral & St Andrew’s, Ravelston, donate gifts to be distributed to the children of the adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas.

We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated.

There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts. The box will be available at the Vigil Masses and the Sunday Masses over the weekends of Saturday 11th/Sunday 12th and Saturday 18th /Sunday 19th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years.

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses are on Saturday 18th November 2023 and Saturday 2nd March 2024 at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

November Lists

During the month of November, we pray especially for the faithful departed. Please take a November List from the back of church to fill out with the names of those friends and family members who have passed away and return it to the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston in the marked box found at the back of both churches. You can return them throughout the month of November. You may email your list to

Primary Schools Registration

A reminder for parents of children who start school in August 2024: You will be required to register your child for school shortly (please check with your local school). If you intend for them to go to a Catholic school, they should be baptised before registration takes place. This will ensure they are given a place in cases where spaces are limited, as children who are baptised Catholics will take priority. This is also the case for Catholic secondary schools.

Annual Mass Attendance Census This Weekend

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken this weekend Saturday, 4th November and Sunday, 5th November.

Ravelston Pastoral Outreach

We are looking for some help in supporting those parishioners who are sick and housebound through a telephone apostolate. All that would be involved is a few minutes of your week to make a regular call to one or more parishioner who can no longer make it to Sunday Mass. If you’d like to support those parishioners who are prevented by illness or infirmity from coming to the celebration of Mass, please contact Fr Robert by calling the Cathedral Office or e-mailing

St. Andrew’s Convent: Open House & Holy Hour on 11 November

Come and pray with the Religious Sisters of Mercy on Saturday, 11 November at St. Andrew’s Convent, Ravelston. The Sisters will host an Open House from 4:15pm, including a Holy Hour 5:15pm-6:15pm with Vespers as part of their 50th Jubilee Year events, and also to mark the death day of their Foundress, Venerable Mother Catherine McAuley in 1841. The Holy Father has granted the opportunity for a Plenary Indulgence for anyone who prays in one of the Sisters’ chapels during their Jubilee Year and fulfils the usual requirements. Come along for a cup of tea with the Sisters, see the convent and join for Holy Hour. To help with planning for this event, please RSVP:, 01313433380.

St Andrew’s Social Calendar

  • St Andrew’s Supper on 30th November. To celebrate the National and Parish patron you’re invited to a celebratory supper in the parish rooms following 6pm Mass. More details soon!

  • Christmas Eve Social on 24th December: Following Carols & Vigil Mass, all are welcome to the parish rooms for our Christmas Eve social.

  • National Bard with Burns Supper on Friday 26th January, 2024: We are delighted to team up with St Margaret’s in Davidson’s Mains to celebrate this event.

We look forward to seeing you at these various events. The social team are always looking for new volunteers to help support the social life of the parish! Please speak to Fr Robert if you’d like to help out. Keep an eye on the newsletter for additional social events during the course of the year.

Archdiocesan Youth Day on Saturday, 25th November

The Archdiocesan Youth Day will be a day of faith and fun for P4-P7s on Saturday 25 November, 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Join us as we come to know Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. We will have games, talks, sweets, Confessions, Mass and more! Speak to the parish priest to register.

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Job Opening: Administrator for Chancery and Catechetics Departments

The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint an Administrator to provide support to the Chancery and Catechetics departments at the Gillis Centre, Edinburgh EH9 1BB. The role holder should have administrative experience, strong communication skills, good attention to detail, efficient IT skills and an ability to prioritise work, while supporting other team members as required. Salary £23,000 per annum, 35 hours per week. To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter detailing how your skills and experience make you suitable for this role to by 8 November 2023. Interviews scheduled for Friday 17 November 2023. For details visit,

Be a Mentor with LINKnet

We all have expertise in one field or another and may be able to help someone. Be a Mentor! LINKnet in Edinburgh can connect you with someone in need of mentoring to find a job or educational opportunities, grow in personal development or gain English language skills. As a mentor, you will meet or talk online with your mentee once a week for 1 to 2 hours for about three to four months. To help, please e-mail Afaf at by email with your phone number. For details visit

Read the newsletter for 5th November (pdf)

Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year A

What a Great week…! 

Just a word of thanks to the hundreds of you who turned up every night last week to listen to Professor James Edwards taking us deeply into the New Testament and into the Gospel of Mark. It was a remarkable week and there was a remarkable response from all over the city, and beyond, to this initiative. Thanks to Professor James, who was both compelling and inspiring, and to all the many helpers who made the whole event go so smoothly. Please God, many of us will deepen in our relationship with the Lord Jesus as a result of these memorable evenings.

All Saints – Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation

This Wednesday, 1st November, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints. This is a holiday of obligation in Scotland, meaning that Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on this day. Cathedral Masses will be at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:45pm. An evening Mass will be celebrated in Ravelston at 6pm.

Sunday Noon Mass: Rite of Entrance into the Catechumenate

At the 12 noon Mass today, we will receive 15 people into the order of Catechumens! Please pray for these friends as they journey towards full communion with the Catholic Church.

November Lists

During the month of November, we pray especially for the faithful departed. Please take a November List from the back of church to fill out with the names of those friends and family members who have passed away and return it to the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston in the marked box found at the back of both churches. Please try and return them before the 1st of November, but you can take them throughout the month of November. You may email your list to

Friends of the Cathedral Event with prof jamews edwards This Monday at 7.30pm in Coffee Saints

After his excellent series of talks on the Gospel of Mark, Prof James Edwards will speak to Friends of the Cathedral on the life and death of the German theologian, Ernst Lohmeyer. Prof Edwards is the author of Between the Swastika and the Sickle: The Life, Disappearance, and Execution of Ernst Lohmeyer which tells the moving story of Lohmeyer’s principled and courageous stand against both Nazism and Communism. Friends are asked to RSVP to book their place.

The event is also open to non-members and tickets can be obtained on a first-come-first-served basis by emailing:

Young Adults Group Talk on Tuesday by Fr. Joseph McGill

This week, Fr. Joseph McGill will speak about ‘Continuing Catholic Tradition in Post-Reformation Scotland’ at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Parish Youth Group Returns 5th November.

The Youth Group is on its holidays due to the Mid-Term break this weekend. It will return on Sunday 5th November at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Children from P3 to P7 are welcome to join between 6 and 7.30pm for an evening of games, an opportunity to learn something about our faith, prayer and the tuck shop to finish things off. If you haven’t registered, please pick up an invitation card with the QR code or you can fill out a form on the night. There is a £1 registration for the whole year. We look forward to seeing you all back on Sunday 5th November.

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm. "Adoration is the first act of the virtue of religion. To adore God is to acknowledge him as God, as the Creator and Saviour, the Lord and Master of everything that exists..." (CCC 2096)

Please RSVP for Mass for the Sick – Saturday, 11th November, 1:00pm

Mass will be celebrated for the sick of the parish on Saturday 11th November at 1pm. We ask that you please RSVP to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul attend the Mass and reception following, by emailing or phone 07541 552070, or speak to one of the SSVP members who will be available on the weekend of 4th/5th November after the 6pm Vigil Mass and Sunday 9am and 12:45pm Masses. Transport can be arranged for infirm parishioners wishing to attend, but we must be pre-notified at least 3 days prior to the Mass. Tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes will be served after the Mass, but you must prebook for the refreshments.

The Friendship Group (formerly ‘Over Sixties’)

The Over Sixties coffee afternoon have rebranded: Our new name is The Friendship Group and our new meeting time is Tuesdays at 2pm - 3.30pm in Coffee Saints. Please come along to meet old and new friends. All other details remain the same, including 20% discount on food and drink bought during the meeting time.

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses are on Saturday 18th November 2023 and Saturday 2nd March 2024 at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Christmas Gift Collection

It’s that time of year again when parishioners of the Cathedral & St Andrew’s, Ravelston, donate gifts to be distributed to the children of the adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas.

We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated.

There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts. The box will be available at the Vigil Masses and the Sunday Masses over the weekends of Saturday 11th/Sunday 12th and Saturday 18th /Sunday 19th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years.

Annual Mass Attendance Census

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken next weekend Saturday, 4th November and Sunday, 5th November.

Rosary Before Mass During October

During the month of October, the rosary will begin at 5:30pm before Mass at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and on Wednesday will be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. This is a beautiful and prayerful devotion to undertake during the month of Our Lady.

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

St Andrew’s Talk Tomorrow by Director of Catholic Parliamentary Office

Join us tomorrow Monday, 30th October, 6:45pm with Anthony Horan, the Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office, to discuss the work of the office and the representation of our faith in the political forum. As always soup and sandwiches will be served after the talk.

All Saints Day: Relics in Convent

After 6pm Mass on the Solemnity of All Saints, Wednesday, 1 November, all are welcome to visit the St. Andrew’s Convent chapel to venerate the relics of St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Bede, St. Thérèse of Lisieux and several other saints.

Monthly 'Knit and Natter' on First Friday – 3rd November.

St Andrew’s has a 'knit and natter' afternoon on the first Friday of every month and the next will be on Friday 3rd November, 2:00pm-4:00pm in the parish rooms. There is no need to do any knitting!! All crafts are welcome, however, and if you would like to learn a craft, hopefully someone can help you!! Join us for a cup of tea! If you would like to be involved or learn more, contact Marie McQuillan or Pat Hernandez.

The Big Clean on Saturday, 4th November – Sign Up Today!

We need your help to get the Ravelston church and rooms ready for Advent and Christmas! The Big Clean is happening on Saturday, 4th November, 10:00am-4:00pm, so please come along and help with this annual 'deep clean' of our beautiful church and parish rooms. You can add your name to the sign-up sheet which is at the entrance to church today or email

Ravelston Pastoral Outreach

We are looking for some help in supporting those parishioners who are sick and housebound through a telephone apostolate. All that would be involved is a few minutes of your week to make a regular call to one or more parishioner who can no longer make it to Sunday Mass. If you’d like to support those parishioners who are prevented by illness or infirmity from coming to the celebration of Mass, please contact Fr Robert by calling the Cathedral Office or e-mailing

All Souls’ Day

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year. It takes place on All Souls’ Day, Thursday 2 November at 10am in the Chapel at Mount Vernon Cemetery, 49 Mount Vernon Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6JG. All welcome.

Archdiocesan Youth Day on Saturday, 25th November

The Archdiocesan Youth Day will be a day of faith and fun for P4-P7s on Saturday 25 November, 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Join us as we come to know Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. We will have games, talks, sweets, Confessions, Mass and more! Speak to the parish priest to register.

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Job Opening: Administrator for Chancery and Catechetics Departments

The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint an Administrator to provide support to the Chancery and Catechetics departments at the Gillis Centre, Edinburgh EH9 1BB. The role holder should have administrative experience, strong communication skills, good attention to detail, efficient IT skills and an ability to prioritise work, while supporting other team members as required. Salary £23,000 per annum, 35 hours per week. To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter detailing how your skills and experience make you suitable for this role to by 8 November 2023. Interviews scheduled for Friday 17 November 2023. For details visit,

Read the newsletter for 29th October (pdf)

Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ Begins on Monday!

Our Gospel of Mark event begins on Monday evening at 7pm and continues form Monday to Friday!

If you haven’t yet booked your tickets you can still do so - either by putting “Searching for Jesus Eventbrite” into Google or by following the link at Tickets will also be available at the door each evening.

And remember to forward the promotional video to anyone who you think might be interested:

St Pauls Bookshop: “Gospel of Mark” books in Stock!

Coming along to the Gospel of Mark event this week? Books by our speaker, Professor James Edwards, including The Gospel According to Mark, are now in stock in St. Pauls Bookshop! Looking for a Bible to read the Gospel of Mark? A wide selection of paperback and hardcover Bibles are available – stop in and make your choice as you get ready for the talks. Other books by Professor Edwards are available such as The Hebrew Gospel & the Development of the Synoptic Tradition, Is Jesus the Only Savior? and Between the Swastika and the Sickle: The Life, Disappearance, and Execution of Ernst Lohmeyer. The shop will be open every evening next week until 9:00pm.

Noon Mass Today: 100th Anniversary of the Knights of St. Columba

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the Noon Mass today for the 100th Anniversary of the Knights of St. Columba, the largest Catholic fraternal service organisation in the UK. The organisation is dedicated to the work of the Lay Apostolate and to the virtues of unity, charity and fraternity.

November Lists

During the month of November, we pray especially for the faithful departed. Please take a November List from the back of church to fill out with the names of those friends and family members who have passed away and return it to the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston by placing them to the marked box found at the back of both churches. Please try and return them before the 1st of November, but you can take them throughout the month of November.

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament offers us with a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. You are welcome to join us every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm for this beautiful time of adoration. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more to adore the Lord in His Body shared for us. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

"The Lord, having loved those who were his own, loved them to the end....In order to leave them a pledge of this love, in order never to depart from his own and to make them sharers in his Passover, he instituted the Eucharist as the memorial of his death and Resurrection...." (CCC 1337)

Young Adults Group this Tuesday at 7pm with Fr. Joseph McGill

This week, Fr. Joseph McGill will speak about ‘Continuing Catholic Tradition in Post-Reformation Scotland’ at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Parish Youth Group Returns 5th November

The Youth Group is on its holidays due to the Mid-Term break this weekend. It will return on Sunday 5th November at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Children from P3 to P7 are welcome to join between 6 and 7.30pm for an evening of games, an opportunity to learn something about our faith, prayer and the tuck shop to finish things off. If you haven’t registered please pick up an invitation card with the QR code or you can fill out a form on the night. There is a £1 registration for the whole year. We look forward to seeing you all back on Sunday 5th November.

The Friendship Group

The Over Sixties coffee afternoon have rebranded: Our new name is The Friendship Group. There will also be a new meeting time, 2pm - 3.30pm. Please come along to meet old and new friends. All other details remain the same, including 20% discount on food and drink bought during the meeting time.

An outing to the Omni Cinema at Greenside has been organised for Thursday 26th October. Programme starts at 2.10pm, meet upstairs at Omni cinema 5 minutes before. Tickets can be bought online, cheapest option, or we can purchase on site.

Christmas Gift Collection

It’s that time of year again when parishioners of the Cathedral & St Andrew’s, Ravelston, donate gifts to be distributed to the children of the adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas.

We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated.

There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts. The box will be available at the Vigil Masses and the Sunday Masses over the weekends of Saturday 11th/Sunday 12th and Saturday 18th /Sunday 19th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years.

Rosary Before Mass During October

During the month of October, the rosary will begin at 5:30pm before Mass at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and on Wednesday will be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. This is a beautiful and prayerful devotion to undertake during the month of Our Lady.

The Big Clean!

We need your help to get the church and rooms ready for Advent and Christmas. The Big Clean is happening on Saturday, 4th November, 10:00am-4:00pm, so please come along and help with this annual 'deep clean'. You can add your name to the sign-up sheet which is at the entrance to church today.

Ravelston Pastoral Outreach

We are looking for some help in supporting those parishioners who are sick and housebound through a telephone apostolate. All that would be involved is a few minutes of your week to make a regular call to one or more parishioner who can no longer make it to Sunday Mass. If you’d like to support those parishioners who are cut off from the celebration of Mass, please contact Fr Robert by calling the Cathedral Office or e-mailing

St Andrew’s Talk by Director of Catholic Parliamentary Office

Join us Monday, 30th October, 6:45pm with Anthony Horan, the Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office, to discuss the work of the office and the representation of our faith in the political forum.

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

All Souls’ Day

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year. It takes place on All Souls’ Day, Thursday 2 November at 10am in the Chapel at Mount Vernon Cemetery, 49 Mount Vernon Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6JG. All welcome.

Archdiocesan Youth Day on Saturday, 25th November

The Archdiocesan Youth Day will be a day of faith and fun for P4-P7s on Saturday 25 November, 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Join us as we come to know Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. We will have games, talks, sweets, Confessions, Mass and more!. Speak to the parish priest to register.

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Primary Schools

A reminder for parents of children who start school in August 2024: You will be required to register your child for school shortly (please check with your local school). If you intend for them to go to a Catholic school, they should be baptised before registration takes place. This will ensure they are given a place in cases where spaces are limited, as children who are baptised Catholics will take priority. This is also the case for Catholic secondary schools.

Vocations Retreat

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young women at a retreat in Edinburgh led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the Archdiocesan Director for Religious Vocations. It takes place from 3-5 November 2023 at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street, EH91SN. Email

Vocations Mass

The next Mass to pray for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the Archdiocese is on Tuesday 31 October at 7pm at St Margaret’s, Drip Road, Raploch, Stirling, FK9 4UA.

There is a second collection today at all masses for Missio Scotland

Read the newsletter for 22nd October (pdf)

Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’

Our Gospel of Mark event opens one week from Monday. If you haven’t yet booked you tickets - now is the time to do so! Either just put “Searching for Jesus Eventbrite” into Google or follow the link at

Remember to forward the promotional video to anyone who you think might be interested:

Young Adults Group this Tuesday at 7pm with Fr. Robert Taylor

This week, Fr. Robert will speak about ‘Bellarmine & Borromeo: Countering the Reformation’ at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Youth Group Every Sunday at Ravelston

The Youth Group meets every Sunday evening at St Andrew’s, Ravelston 6 to 7.30pm. Register using the QR code on the postcards or posters around the parish or by turning up on the night and filling in a form. It is a one-off £1 registration fee for the year and every evening involves games, activities to learn about the faith before prayer to conclude the night. Don’t forget some spending money for the tuckshop too.

Noon Mass Next Sunday: 100th Anniversary of the Knights of St. Columba

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the Noon Mass next Sunday, 22 October, for the 100th Anniversary of the Knights of St. Columba, the largest Catholic fraternal service organisation in the UK. The organisation is dedicated to the work of the Lay Apostolate and to the virtues of unity, charity and fraternity.

Relics of St. Andrew, St. Columba & St. Margaret - 17th to 20th October

The Knights of St. Columba, who proudly safeguard the relics of St. Andrew, St. Columba and St. Margaret of Scotland, will bring these sacred relics to the Cathedral as part of their National Tour of the relics this year. From the morning of 17th October to the morning 20th October, the relics will be present in the Cathedral.

Catenian Association Meetings for Catholic Men on 18th October

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next meeting on Wednesday, 18th October, at 7.00 pm in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon

Join us for the Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon on Tuesdays 2.30 pm till 4pm in Coffee Saints. All newcomers are very welcome!

St Pauls Bookshop: New Icons, 2024 Diaries and More!

Our St Pauls Bookshop has new icons available of St Andrew, St Joseph, Our Lady of Walsingham and others, as well as Catholic diaries for 2024, and the Magnificats with daily Mass readings for November and December. Christmas cards are already in stock, too! The shop is open 7 days a week, 10am-5pm.

Rosary Before Mass During October

During the month of October, the rosary will begin at 5:30pm before Mass at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and on Wednesday will be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. This is a beautiful and prayerful devotion to undertake during the month of Our Lady.

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

St Andrew’s Talks

Join us Monday, 30th October, 6.45pm with Anthony Horan, the Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office, to discuss the work of the office and the representation of our faith in the political forum.

Ravelston Fabric Update

The disabled access issue has been resolved with a permanent access ramp now in place at the sacristy door. Please do take care on it in wet conditions. Meanwhile, the porch and the sacristy painting has been completed. We anticipate the completion of the sanctuary shortly with news of the carpets arrival imminent!

Second Collection for Missio Scotland Next Weekend

A special collection will be taken up at all Masses next weekend to mark World Day of Prayer for the Missions. Funds raised will go to Missio Scotland.

All Souls’ Day

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year. It takes place on All Souls’ Day, Thursday 2 November at 10am in the Chapel at Mount Vernon Cemetery, 49 Mount Vernon Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6JG. All welcome.

 Archdiocesan Youth Day on Saturday, 25th November

The Archdiocesan Youth Day will be a day of faith and fun for P4-P7s on Saturday 25 November, 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Join us as we come to know Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. We will have games, talks, sweets, Confessions, Mass and more!. Speak to the parish priest to register.

“Monastery Days” for Catholic Young Adults

YouCAN, a religious group for practicing young Catholic adults, have been working closely with a number of monasteries in the UK to organise “Monastery Days”. This is a unique opportunity for Catholics aged 18 to 45 to spend the day at several monasteries across England and Scotland, to pray together, attend Mass and enjoy time together socially. To attend “Monastery Days” contact And for more information, visit the YouCAN website at

Hyning Monastery, Lancashire, 21 October

Bernardine Cistercian Sisters of Esquermes,

Ampleforth Abbey, York, 21 October

Benedictine monks,

Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin, 28 October

Benedictine monks,

New CD Recording from Old Saint Paul's Church

Our friends at Old Saint Paul's Scottish Episcopal Church in Edinburgh are about to release a new CD of their choir entitled “Sancte Paule Apostole”. The music comprises anthems, motets, hymns and liturgical settings, much of which has specific connections with Old Saint Paul's Church. The album was engineered by Matt Norriss from our own Schola Cantorum and will be available from 25 October on CD and via streaming.

Read the newsletter for 15th October (pdf)

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’

It is only two weeks now until our Gospel of Mark Event. If you haven’t yet booked you tickets - now is the time to do so!! Either just put “Searching for Jesus Eventbrite” into Google or follow the link at

And remember to forward the promotional video to anyone who you think might be interested:

Young Adults Group this Tuesday at 7pm with Fr. Matthew Jarvis, OP

‘Is Pagan Philosophy Part of Christian Tradition?’ Find out at this week’s Young Adults Group talk by Fr. Matthew Jarvis, OP. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Youth Group Every Sunday at Ravelston

The Youth Group has returned! It meets every Sunday evening at St Andrew’s, Ravelston from 6 to 7.30pm. You can register today using the QR code on the postcards or posters dotted around the parish or by turning up on the night and filling in a form. It is a one off £1 registration fee for the year and every evening involves games, activities to learn about the faith before prayer to conclude the night. Don’t forget some spending money for the tuckshop too.

Thank You for Big Clean!

A massive thank you to all those who turned out last Saturday afternoon to help to deep clean the areas of the Cathedral which are difficult to do on a regular basis. I think the results of their efforts should have been obvious to anyone visiting the Cathedral this weekend. Every chair was polished, cobwebs were banished from windows and the kneelers were all washed and rubbed down amongst much else. We were at least 11 nationalities and ranged in age from 12 – 80 something. It was really uplifting to be part of such a cross section of our wonderfully diverse community joining together with a common aim. A special thank you to all the regular cleaning volunteers for coming in for a second time in a week to lead the efforts and organise us all. Alice

Catenian Association Meetings for Catholic Men on 18th October

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next meeting on Wednesday, 18th October, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

First Reconciliation Classes Begin Today, Class Diary Dates

First Confession/ Reconciliation classes start today from 9:30am in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Mark your diary with class dates for the year.

All Classes take place at St Andrews, 77 Belford Road EH4 3DS during school term times

  • First Reconciliation 8 Oct 2023 – 4 Feb 2024 Sunday 9:30am – 10:15am

  • First Holy Communion 25 Feb 2024 – 2 June 2024 Sunday 9:30am – 10:15am

  • Confirmation 28 Jan 2024 – 12 May 2024 Sunday 5pm-6pm

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon and Outing to Earl Haig Poppy Factory

Join us for the Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon on Tuesdays 2.30 pm till 4pm in Coffee Saints. All newcomers are very welcome! Also, we will have an outing to Earl Haig Poppy Factory on Wednesday 11 October 1.30-3pm, Logie Green Road, with coffee at a local café afterwards. If you’d like to come along contact Trish on 07716 963215 or sign up at the Coffee Afternoon.

Teams of Our Lady to Help Married Couples, Tuesday, 10th October

Teams of Our Lady is a worldwide lay movement within the Catholic Church that aims to help married couples grow in their love of Christ and each other, recognising that Christian marriage is a precious gift that we need to nurture. Teams consist of four to six couples and a spiritual counsellor, often a priest, who meet roughly once a month in each other's homes becoming, over time, a strong supportive group. If you would like to find out more there will be an open information evening on Tuesday 10 October, 6:30pm-7:30pm in Ss John Cantius & Nicholas church hall, Broxburn, EH52 5RJ

Fabric Update from Alice

Since I last wrote an update on fabric matters, glazing has featured quite large in my life with the return to site of the windows repaired thanks to your Lenten giving. The internal stained-glass window in the Octagon has been lit from behind so that it glows to match its pair, and some of you may also have noticed that the window featuring St Stanislaw Kostka in the left aisle of the Sanctuary has been repaired, and the saint has regained his feet after many years without them. This repair was carried out thanks to a substantial donation for this purpose, and we have also been the beneficiaries of another thoughtful gift in the shape of a wheelchair for use in the Cathedral. Both donors wish to remain anonymous, but we are most grateful for their great generosity. If you have used the Coffee Saints café toilets, you will have seen that the tidying up work to the taps and basin areas have been completed, and at York Place the roofs of 61 and 63 received an overhaul during August and early September. Although there is progress, my to do list of jobs large and small is sitting at around 125 items, so I anticipate remaining busy! Thank you for all your assistance in spotting things that need doing. – Alice


Safeguarding is the shared responsibility of everyone to ensure the safety and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults. It is also about ensuring the safe behaviour of everyone who has a duty of care within our Catholic communities, whether they are ordained or lay, and whether they work in a paid or voluntary role. Safeguarding is not only a way to respond to harm, but must be proactive in the prevention of any form of abuse or harm. You can find more information on the posters in church, online ( or contact Chris McCabe, Parish Safeguarding Convenor (, phone: 0131 556 1798). All volunteers must follow the approved recruitment process before they can start their volunteer role. If you have not completed and obtained written approval as part of your volunteer role, then please contact Chris McCabe. The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has a mandatory Reporting Policy which requires all safeguarding allegations to be reported to Police Scotland, whether the accused is alive or deceased.

Rosary Before Mass During October

During the month of October, the rosary will begin at 5:30pm before Mass at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and on Wednesday will be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. This is a beautiful and prayerful devotion to undertake during the month of Our Lady.

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

St Andrew’s Social Calendar

The parish’s social team met this past week and confirmed the following dates for upcoming events:

• St Andrew’s Supper on 30th November. To celebrate the National and Parish patron you’re invited to a celebratory supper in the parish rooms following 6pm Mass. More details soon!

• Christmas Eve Social on 24th December: Following Carols & Vigil Mass, all are welcome to the parish rooms for our Christmas Eve social.

• National Bard with Burns Supper on Friday 26th January, 2024: We are delighted to team up with St Margaret’s in Davidson’s Mains to celebrate this event.

• Afternoon Tea on Friday, 26th April – Join us for a lovely afternoon tea. More details to follow.

• Annual Parish Barbecue on Sunday, 1st September – Our parish BBQ gathering will be held in the grounds of St Andrew’s.

We look forward to seeing you at these various events. The social team are always looking for new volunteers to help support the social life of the parish! Please speak to Fr Robert if you’d like to help out. Keep an eye on the newsletter for additional social events during the course of the year.

St Andrew’s Talks

Our next talk will be on Monday, 30th October from 6.45pm with Anthony Horan, the Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office, to discuss the work of the office and the representation of our faith in the political forum.

Synod Prayer

Archbishop Cushley encourages us to pray for the success of the Synod of Bishops, which is taking place in Rome throughout October: We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.

All Souls’ Day

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year. It takes place on All Souls’ Day, Thursday 2 November at 10am in the Chapel at Mount Vernon Cemetery, 49 Mount Vernon Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6JG. All welcome. 

Vocations Retreat

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young women at a retreat in Edinburgh led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the Archdiocesan Director for Religious Vocations. It takes place from 3-5 November 2023 at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street, EH91SN. Email

Vocations Mass

The next Mass to pray for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the Archdiocese is on Tuesday 31 October at 7pm at St Margaret’s, Drip Road, Raploch, Stirling, FK9 4UA.

Tea Dance at Coffee Saints

Coffee Saints is hosting a Tea Dance on Wednesday, 22 November, 2:00pm-5:00pm. Grab your dance partner and join in for cake, tea and dancing to some fantastic live music! Tickets at Coffee Saints, £15pp.

Read the newsletter for 8th October (pdf)

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ Watch the video…! 

In anticipation of the forthcoming ‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ event, our own Michael Ferguson has produced a wonderful video.

Watch the film here and why not help us publicise the event by sending the link to a friend or relative who might be interested.

Tickets are available at There is a modest cost to attend the talks – but if there is anyone out there who would like to come but cannot afford it – a generous benefactor has offered to subsidise anyone who needs help. All you need to do is speak to me (Fr. Pat) or write to me at the Cathedral House address and I will arrange for you to receive tickets.

Welcome to Those Received into the Church and Confirmed 

Congratulations and welcome to those received and confirmed into the Catholic Church on Saturday, 30 September. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, contact the parish office at to learn more.

Young Adults Group this Tuesday at 7pmwith Fr. Jamie McMorrin

This week the Young Adults Group welcomes back Fr. Jamie McMorrin who will speak on ‘The Benedict Option: Handing on the Faith in the Dark Ages’. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Youth Group Every Sunday at Ravelston 

The Youth Group has returned! It meets every Sunday evening at St Andrew’s, Ravelston from 6 to 7.30pm. You can register today using the QR code on the postcards or posters dotted around the parish or by turning up on the night and filling in a form. It is a one off £1 registration fee for the year and every evening involves games, activities to learn about the faith before prayer to conclude the night. Don’t forget some spending money for the tuckshop too.

Crux Magazine on Sale This Weekend

The latest edition of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine will be on sale after all Masses this weekend. This issue includes features on our upcoming series of talks on the Gospel of Mark with Professor Edwards, the memorable parish pilgrimage to Rome for the ordinations of Deacons Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, and the Friends of the Cathedral’s Tea with the Archbishop and much more! Join the Friends at

Schola Cantorum at The Cumnock Tryst Festival next Sunday 8 October

Next Sunday 8 October, our Schola Cantorum will appear at Sir James MacMillan's The Cumnock Tryst international music festival at 11am Mass at St John’s Church, 92 Glaisnock Street KA18 1JU. All are welcome. Each year the opening service of the festival is hosted by a different denomination, and this year it is the turn of the Catholic Church to offer up its best! It is a great honour for our Schola Cantorum to have been invited by Sir James MacMillan, Director of The Cumnock Tryst and our Patron of Music, to be the choir for the opening Festival Mass. The octet will sing Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli and We shall walk through the valley arranged by Undine Smith Moore, which you can hear at this Sunday's 12pm Mass. (See for more details about the Festival Mass.) After the opening service, the Schola Cantorum will perform a programme of Scottish songs at the Festival Promenade Concert in the beautiful Dumfries House, including So Deep composed by MacMillan himself. (See for more details) 

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open 

We are registering children now for catechism classes in preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and at 9:30am Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston beginning Sunday, 8th October.  Please visit the following links for registration:

Those who have registered will be contacted from mid-September with details about the next step.

First Reconciliation Classes Begin Sunday, 8th October

First Confession/ Reconciliation classes start on Sunday 8th Oct from 9:30am in the Parish Rooms at St Andrews. We look forward to meeting our new registrations there 

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon and Outing to Earl Haig Poppy Factory

Join us for the Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon on Tuesdays 2.30 pm till 4pm in Coffee Saints. Also, we will have an outing to Earl Haig Poppy Factory on Wednesday 11 October 1.30-3pm, Logie Green Road.  Please make it know at the Coffee Afternoon if you’d like to attend or call 07716 963215.

Catenian Association Meetings for Catholic Men on 18th October

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next meeting on Wednesday, 18th October, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support.  For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses are on Saturday 18th November 2023 and Saturday 2nd March 2024 at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

St. Pauls Bookshop Open 7 Days a Week, 10am-5pm

Our St. Pauls Bookshop is now open 7 days a week, 10am-5pm. Stop in any day to shop for Catholic Bibles, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Daily Missal, books, holy cards, rosaries, medals, greeting cards, diaries, posters, statues and a variety of children’s Bibles and books! Contact, 0131 510 4260,

Rosary Before Mass During October

During the month of October, the rosary will begin at 5:30pm before Mass at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and on Wednesday will be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. This is a beautiful and prayerful devotion to undertake during the month of Our Lady. 

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

St Andrew’s Talks

Thanks to everyone who turned out for the latest St Andrew’s Talk on Monday night with Fr Andrew Garden. Our next talk will be on Monday, 30th October from 6.45pm with Anthony Horan, the Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office, to discuss the work of the office and the representation of our faith in the political forum.

Ravelston Social Committee Meets on Wednesday, 4th October

The Social Committee will meet on Wednesday 4th October to plan the social events for the next year in St Andrew’s. Everyone who is interested in helping at these events are most welcome to meet with Fr Robert at the meeting, which will begin at 6.30pm in the parish rooms. If you can’t make it, but have an idea to put before the committee, please e-mail

Monthly 'Knit and Natter' on First Friday

We are planning a 'knit and natter' afternoon on the first Friday of every month, starting this Friday 6th October, 2:00pm-4:00pm in the parish rooms at St Andrew’s.  There is no need to do any knitting!! All crafts are welcome, however, and if you would like to learn a craft, hopefully someone can help you!!  If you would like to be involved or learn more, contact Marie McQuillan ( or Pat Hernandez. 

Ravelston Fabric Update 

As part of our ongoing maintenance programme, the leak in the roof above the sanctuary has now been repaired; and the external window frames are in the process of being repainted, along with the entrance porch and sacristy. In approximately 6-8 weeks’ time, the new sanctuary curtains and associated changes should be ready to install, along with the new carpet. The sanctuary will then be a truly worthy home for the Lord. We are extremely grateful to the anonymous donor whose generosity has enabled these sanctuary improvements. Nearer the time, we will be looking for volunteers to assist with moving larger items off/on the carpeting – so watch this space!

Thank You from the Sisters!

Thank you to so many of you who joined us for our Open House and Holy Hour on our patronal Feast Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy 24th September. It was wonderful to welcome you at the start of our Jubilee Year. We have scheduled more Open Houses and Holy Hours including Saturday, 11 November, 4:15pm Open House, 5:10pm Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration.  To attend, RSVP at or call 0131 343 3380. Postcards are available at the back of church with details and future dates. 

All-Day Adoration with Missionaries of Charity on Saturday, 7th October

In celebration of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, on Saturday 7th October, the Missionaries of Charity will have all-day Eucharistic Adoration in their chapel. This day is also a day of thanksgiving for the Missionaries of Charity - since on this day in 1950 the religious community was official established in the Archdiocese of Kolkata. Adoration begins at 9:00am and concludes just before 5:30pm with Benediction, immediately followed by Mass. All are welcome! Stop by the convent, just a 12-minute walk from the Cathedral, at 18 Hopetoun Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 4AY.

Free2Pray Webinar 

The Scottish Parliament is considering a proposed Bill to ban peaceful prayers and offers of help near abortion clinics in Scotland. Join a webinar titled ‘Free2Pray’ to find out what you can do to make your voice heard. It takes place on Tuesday 3 October at 7:45pm and is organised by the Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office. Register at

Tea Dance at Coffee Saints

Coffee Saints is hosting a Tea Dance on Wednesday, 22 November, 2:00pm-5:00pm. Grab your dance partner and join in for cake, tea and dancing to some fantastic live music! Tickets at Coffee Saints, £15pp.

Explore Retreat for Women to Find Out More about Religious Life

The Archdiocese’s EXPLORE retreat is for women to learn more about a vocation to the religious life, Friday 3 to Sunday 5 November at St Columba's, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1SN. Join other women to reflect and pray, led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO. Contact

Read the newsletter for 1st October (pdf)

Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

Red Mass at Noon this Sunday

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Red Mass at Noon today at the Cathedral. The Mass will see members of Scotland’s legal profession come together to mark the start of the new Legal Year. This year, we are very pleased to welcome a group of American judges and lawyers who are visiting Scotland under the auspices of the American Inns of Court and who will be present.

Crux Magazine on Sale This Weekend

The latest edition of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine will be on sale after all Masses this weekend. At only £5, with all proceeds benefitting the Cathedral, this issue includes a very special feature on our upcoming series of talks on the Gospel of Mark with Professor Edwards, the memorable parish pilgrimage to Rome for the ordinations of Deacons Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, the Friends of the Cathedral’s Garden Party with the Archbishop and much more! Join Friends of the Cathedral at

‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ Watch the video…! 

In anticipation of the forthcoming ‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ event, our own Michael Ferguson has produced a wonderful video.

Watch the film here and why not help us publicise the event by sending the link to a friend or relative who might be interested.

Tickets are available at There is a modest cost to attend the talks – but if there is anyone out there who would like to come but cannot afford it – a generous benefactor has offered to subsidise anyone who needs help. All you need to do is speak to me (Fr. Pat) or write to me at the Cathedral House address and I will arrange for you to receive tickets.

Parish Retreat in Kinnoull This Weekend

25 of our fellow parishioners are attending our Parish Retreat this weekend run by Friends of the Cathedral at St. Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull. Please pray that it will be a blessed and spiritually fruitful time for all!

Parish Youth Group Tonight at Ravelston

The Youth Group will returns tonight, Sunday 24th September, in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All those in Primary 3-S1 are welcome! The Youth Group meets from 6pm until 7.30 and includes a mixture of some games and activities, learning more about the faith, a time of prayer and the tuckshop! Register for the new session for just £1 per child and don’t forget spending money for the tuckshop. Please pick up one of the cards with a QR code to register after Mass today or see the poster for more details.

Quiz Night Friday 29th September

Thanks to all who purchased tickets for our Parish Quiz Night coming up on Friday 29th September at 7pm. Tickets are now sold out! We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Young Adults Group on Tuesday at 7pm

The Young Adults Group will meet again from Tuesday, 26th September. Join us for a talk by Fr. Malcolm Hutchison on ‘The Development of Sacred Tradition in the Church Fathers.’ All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Welcome to Those Being Received into the Church and Confirmed

At the 10am Mass on Saturday, 30 September, six people will be received into the Catholic Church and seven people will receive the sacrament of Confirmation, following their completion of the Summer Sacraments Class with Fr. Robert, Deacon Peter and seminarian Matthew McCafferty. Congratulations to each of them on this special day in their lives of faith. Please keep them in your prayers! If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, contact the parish office at to learn more.

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open

We are registering children now for catechism classes in preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and at 9:30am Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston beginning Sunday, 8th October. Please visit the following links for registration:

Those who have registered will be contacted from mid-September with details about the next step.

Catenian Association Meetings for Catholic Men

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next meeting on Wednesday, 18th October, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses are on Saturday 18th November 2023 and Saturday 2nd March 2024 at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Open House & Holy Hour with the Sisters this sunday

Come and pray with the Sisters in celebration today at their Open House at 2:00pm to learn a little about their community, followed by Holy Hour with Vespers at 3:50pm. Today, the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, the patroness of their community. This year they are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of their community’s founding. To help with planning for this event, please RSVP:, 01313433380.

St Andrew’s Talk Tomorrow on ‘Angels and Archangels’

Join us tomorrow at 6:45pm in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston for our St. Andrew’s Talk with Fr Andrew Garden on “Angels and Archangels”, what they are, what their significance is in the faith and how we recognise them today. Come along for Mass at 6pm and then the talk, followed by some refreshments and a chance to discuss the subject.

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Children Begins Monday

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. Free of charge at Iona Atrium, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathhearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB. Children from any parish welcome! Sessions begin for 3-4 year olds on Monday, 25 September, 10:00am - 12:00pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Friday, 29 September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6-9 year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm. To register, please contact Sister Miriam Ruth Ryan, RSM at, 07933928211.

Assisted Dying Forum on Wednesday, 27 September

The Assisted Dying Bill will go to the Scottish Parliament soon. To become better informed about this important issue, register for the Assisted Dying Form on Wednesday, 27 September 7:30pm-9:00pm at Barclay Viewforth Church, 1 Wrights Houses, Edinburgh EH10 4HR. This free event will have four speakers who will each present their side of the argument. Email your questions before the event to: For the Bill: Liam McArthur MSP and Fraser Sutherland (Humanism Scotland). Against the Bill: Dr Gillian Wright (Our Duty of Care); and Dr Gordon Macdonald (Care Not Killing). Entry will be by pre-booked ticket only. To register please visit

Our Lady of the Rosary: All Day Adoration with Missionaries of Charity

In celebration of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, on Saturday, 7th October, join the Missionaries of Charity Sisters for all-day Eucharistic Adoration in their chapel. Adoration begins at 9:00am and concludes just before 5:30pm with Benediction, immediately followed by Mass. All are welcome! Stop by the convent, just a 12-minute walk from the Cathedral, at 18 Hopetoun Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 4AY.

Make Your Voice Heard: Abortion Services Bill to Be Debated in Holyrood

The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill, tabled by Gillian MacKay MSP, will soon be debated in Holyrood. If the Bill is passed it will remove a lifeline for women who want to keep their babies but feel they have no other choice than abortion, and will introduce so-called buffer zones around abortion clinics, meaning that even silent prayer or witness would not be allowed. Anyone taking part in a pro-life vigil in Scotland would be subject to a six-month prison sentence for a first offence, and up to two years for subsequent breaches. Make your voice heard by contacting your Members of the Scottish Parliament. Use this easy webtool to email them:

Free2Pray Webinar

The Scottish Parliament is considering a proposed Bill to ban peaceful prayers and offers of help near abortion clinics in Scotland. Join a webinar titled ‘Free2Pray’ to find out what you can do to make your voice heard. It takes place on Tuesday 3 October at 7:45pm and is organised by the Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office. Register at

Retreat in Daily Life

Fr David Stewart SJ leads a four-week Retreat in Daily Life from 1 October to 5 November. You can make this individually guided retreat without leaving your home, just attend the welcome gathering at the start, and a similar shared closing at the end at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. For an application pack and more details email

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life Edinburgh

Pray for an end to abortion with 40 Days for Life between 27th September and 5th November on the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information, contact or to sign up for prayer vigil hours visit

Information Meeting on Teams of Our Lady to Help Married Couples

Teams of Our Lady is a worldwide lay movement within the Catholic Church that aims to help married couples grow in their love of Christ and each other, recognising that Christian marriage is a precious gift that we need to nurture. Teams consist of four to six couples and a spiritual counsellor, often a priest, who meet roughly once a month in each other's homes becoming, over time, a strong supportive group. If you would like to find out more there will be an open information evening on Tuesday 10 October, 6:30pm-7:30pm in Ss John Cantius & Nicholas church hall, Broxburn, EH52 5RJ.
Read the newsletter for 24th September (pdf)

Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year A

Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 

As you all know, at the end of next month (23-27th October) Professor James Edwards will be visiting the parish to help us to get to know Jesus better, specifically through the Gospel of Mark. This will be a unique opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading biblical scholars in a mini-course which will run from 7pm-9pm each evening Monday to Friday. The event begins 23rd October. Tickets and details are available at

In order to prepare for this important event, each one of you has been given a prayer card today and I am asking you to join us (the Cathedral clergy) in praying each day for the success of this event – that many people will take this valuable opportunity to sit with the Lord and get to know Him better.

Please think about joining in in this event (you don’t have to come to the whole thing – although it will undoubtedly be better if you do!) and please think about spreading the word and inviting any friends or family who might be interested.

There is a modest cost for this event – but if there is anyone out there who would like to come but cannot afford it – a generous benefactor has offered to subsidise anyone who needs help. All you need to do is speak to me (Fr. Pat) or write to me at the Cathedral House address and I will arrange for you to receive tickets.

This is a big initiative – please help to make it a success by joining in and by spreading the word. 

10am Mass Resumes This Week, Blessing of Window on Thursday 

The 10am Mass will resume this week. Please join us for the 10am Mass on Thursday when we will have the blessing of the newly repaired St. Stanisław Kostka window. 

Young Adults Group Begins Again on Tuesday at 7pm

The Young Adults Group will meet again from Tuesday, 19th September. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings, where we will be learning about “Sacred Tradition”. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

Quiz Night Friday 29th September at 7pm 

Our Parish Quiz Night is coming up on Friday 29th September. The night will run from 7-10pm and will include a bar, with nibbles provided. Come as a team (up to a max of 6 persons) or play it solo and win undying glory! There will be an amazing prize for the winner/team.

Tickets priced £10 are on sale today after the 9 am and noon Masses. Any other requests for tickets should be made directly to Deacon Peter Traynor at

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses are on Saturday 18th November 2023 and Saturday 2nd March 2024 at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register. 

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open

We are registering children now for catechism classes in preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and at 9:30am Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston beginning Sunday, 8th October.  Please visit the following links for registration:

Those who have registered will be contacted from mid-September with details about the next step.

Red Mass at Noon on Sunday, 24 September 

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the annual Red Mass at Noon on Sunday 24 September at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. The Mass will see members of Scotland’s legal fraternity come together for the Mass, marking the start of the new Legal Year.   

Parish Youth Group Sunday 24th September at Ravelston

The Youth Group will return from Sunday 24th September in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All those in Primary 3-S1 are welcome! The Youth Group meets from 6pm until 7.30 and includes a mixture of some games and activities, learning more about the faith, a time of prayer and the tuckshop! Register for the new session for just £1 per child and don’t forget spending money for the tuckshop. Please pick up one of the cards with a QR code to register after Mass today or see the poster for more details.

St Andrew’s Talks

Thank you to everyone who turned out for the first in the new series of St Andrew’s Talks. The next one will be given by Fr Andrew Garden on 25th September in the Parish Rooms. At that time in the liturgical year of the Church we celebrate angels – both arch and guardian. Fr Andrew will, therefore, be talking “Angels and Archangels”, what they are, what their significance is in the faith and how we recognise them today. Join us for Mass at 6pm on Monday 25th September and then the talk starting at 6.45pm, followed by some refreshments and a chance to discuss the subject.

Open House & Holy Hour with the Sisters: Sunday, 24 September

Come and pray with the Sisters in celebration! On Sunday 24 September the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, the patroness of their community. This is a very special feast day for the Sisters, since this year they are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of their community (1st September 2023-1st September 2024). The Holy Father has granted the opportunity for a Plenary Indulgence for anyone who prays in one of the Sisters’ chapels and fulfils the usual requirements. Come for the Open House at 2:00pm to talk with the Sisters, see the convent, and learn a little about their community, followed by Holy Hour with Vespers at 3:50pm. To help with planning for this event, please RSVP:, 01313433380.

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

 Ravelston Summer BBQ 2023 

Following our most successful summer BBQ on 3rd September, we have now collated all the ticket monies and proceeds from sales on the day, as well as any expenses and can confirm that a net total of £1,424 was raised!  This is a fantastic achievement and huge thanks once again to all involved. 

Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage Today at St. Patrick’s

The 2023 National Pilgrimage to pray for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair is today (Sunday 17 September) at St Patrick's Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1NA. 12:30-1:50pm Refreshments and sale of candles & goods; 2:00pm Holy Hour with Rosary, Confession, Silence, Hymns & Benediction; 3:00pm Reflection & Novena Prayers; 3:30pm break for refreshments and sale of candles & holy items; 4:30pm Holy Mass.

SCIAF Event on Catholic Social Teaching in Action

Mark Booker from SCIAF hosts a two-part workshop on 21 and 28 September, 7-9pm at Sacred Heart Church, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. It is titled ‘Catholic Social Teaching in Action: The SCIAF Approach’. It will highlight the charity’s work and how Catholic Social Teaching can be put into action in the light of the Gospel. Register at

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Children Begins 25th September 

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. Free of charge at Iona Atrium, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathhearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB. Children from any parish welcome! Sessions begin for 3-4 year olds on Monday, 25 September, 10:00am - 12:00pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Friday, 29 September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6-9 year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm.  To register, please contact Sister Miriam Ruth Ryan, RSM at, 07933928211.

Retreat in Daily Life

Fr David Stewart SJ leads a four-week Retreat in Daily Life from 1 October to 5 November. You can make this individually guided retreat without leaving your home, just attend the welcome gathering at the start, and a similar shared closing at the end at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. For an application pack and more details email

Mass for Young Adults

A Mass for Young Adults takes place each Sunday at 7pm at Sacred Heart Church in Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. The new Young Adults Ministry programme for 2023-24 is available at the Church or via

Free2Pray Webinar – Make Your Voice Heard 

The Scottish Parliament is considering a proposed Bill to ban peaceful prayers and offers of help near abortion clinics in Scotland. Join a webinar titled ‘Free2Pray’ to find out what you can do to make your voice heard. It takes place on Tuesday 3 October at 7:45pm and is organised by the Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office. Register at

A View from Within: Life Inside Scotland’s Prisons

Those with experience of what life is like inside Scotland’s prisons – including prison chaplains – share their stories at this free event to mark Prisoners’ Week. It takes place on Saturday 7 October from 10:00am- 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Details and registration at

Information Meeting on Teams of Our Lady to Help Married Couples 

Teams of Our Lady is a worldwide lay movement within the Catholic Church that aims to help married couples grow in their love of Christ and each other, recognising that Christian marriage is a precious gift that we need to nurture. Teams consist of four to six couples and a spiritual counsellor, often a priest, who meet roughly once a month in each other's homes becoming, over time, a strong supportive group. If you would like to find out more there will be an open information evening on Tuesday 10 October, 6:30pm-7:30pm in Ss John Cantius & Nicholas church hall, Broxburn, EH52 5RJ.

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life Edinburgh 

Pray for an end to abortion with 40 Days for Life between 27th September and 5th November on the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information, contact or to sign up for prayer vigil hours visit

Pregnancy Support 

Help is available to women with unplanned pregnancies, or women who have had an abortion.  Connect with free and confidential resources including Stanton Healthcare (, St. Margaret’s Children & Family Care Society (, or Abortion Recovery Care & Helpline (

Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

Quiz Night, Friday 29th September at 7pm

On Friday 29th September we will be having one of our very popular Parish Quiz Nights. The night will run from 7-10pm. There will be a bar, and nibbles will be provided. Come as a team (up to a max of 6 persons) or play it solo and win undying glory! There will be an amazing prize for the winner/team.

Tickets priced £10 (cheap – Ed!) are on sale after Mass today. Numbers are limited – so snap them up quickly while still available!!!

The Cathedral Big Clean Saturday 30th September at 2pm

On Saturday 30th September we will be having another “Big Clean” in the Cathedral from 2-4pm. Jobs on the list including moving all the chairs to clean underneath them and wiping down the kneelers, cleaning behind the curtains in the Sanctuary and around the edges of the Cathedral where it is harder to get at. We need approximately 25 volunteers to complete the tasks within the time and so far we only have 5! This is something that you can do which really makes a difference. A gift of time – far more valuable than money. Please consider signing up after Mass or email me on

Want to Become Catholic? RCIA Begins on Tuesday at 7pm

If you, or someone you know, would like to become Catholic, or simply learn more about the Catholic faith, the way to do it is through our Cathedral RCIA course. The group meets every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm at 61 York Place - beginning this Tuesday, 12th September. For more information and to register, call in the parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Open

We are registering children now for catechism classes in preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and at 9:30am Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston beginning Sunday, 8th October. Please visit the following links for registration:

Those who have registered will be contacted from mid-September with details about the next step.

Young Adults Group begins again on Tuesday 19th September at 7pm

The Young Adults Group will meet again from Tuesday, 19th September. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings, where we will be learning about “Sacred Tradition”. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster at the back of the Church for more details!

Red Mass at Noon on Sunday, 24 September

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the annual Red Mass at Noon on Sunday 24 September at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. The Mass will see members of Scotland’s legal fraternity come together for the Mass, marking the start of the new Legal Year.

Parish Retreat at St Mary's Monastery, Kinnoull

Thank you to the parishioners who are attending the parish retreat that Friends of St Mary's Cathedral has organised at St Mary's Monastery, Kinnoull on Friday 22 - Sunday 24 September,. Please get in touch with or the Cathedral Office if you have not had confirmation of your place yet.

Parish Youth Group Sunday 24th September at Ravelston

The Youth Group will return from Sunday 24th September in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All those in Primary 3-S1 are welcome! The Youth Group meets from 6pm until 7.30 and includes a mixture of some games and activities, learning more about the faith, a time of prayer and the tuckshop! Register for the new session for just £1 per child and don’t forget spending money for the tuckshop. Please pick up one of the cards with a QR code to register after Mass today or see the poster for more details.

Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses are on Saturday 18th November 2023 and Saturday 2nd March 2024 at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Cathedral Flower Arranging Team Seeking New Volunteers

We are always looking to recruit more volunteers to join our flower arranging teams. There are currently four teams, who meet mid-morning on a Friday and each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested in providing this ministry. If you would like to join team of flower arrangers, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth at; or call her on 0131 553 1510.

Comings and Goings…

Matthew McCafferty, the seminarian who was in his summer placement here for the month of August, has returned to seminary in Rome. Please keep him in your prayers as he continues his studies. You may also have noticed a few new Sisters around. Sister Miriam Ruth, RSM is the new Catechetics Advisor for the Archdiocese, taking over from Sister Anna Marie McGuan. Sister Paul Miriam, RSM is a second-year novice and has been sent to assist Sister Miriam Ruth with the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. They are both exited to serve the archdiocese. Sister Ilse, from the Netherlands, is a postulant with the community (one of a class of 11 postulants!) and will be traveling to the Motherhouse for her time there in preparation for entering the novitiate. Please pray for them and make sure to meet them!

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone that helped to make the annual summer BBQ such a wonderful event last weekend! We were very fortunate to have sunshine and clear blue skies all afternoon, as well as a great selection of books, bric-a-brac and plants, a tombola, a sweet stall and, of course, fabulous food! Particular thanks go to Phil for organising, John for endless barbecuing(!) and to all our volunteers who helped run the stalls as well as all those who brought salads, cakes and desserts! A great time was had by all! Although we have collected in the majority of monies that were taken on the day, we are still collating final expenses and hope to confirm final figures next weekend for what was definitely a most successful and enjoyable afternoon!

Open House & Holy Hour with the Sisters: Sunday, 24 September

Come and pray with the Sisters in celebration! On Sunday 24 September the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, the patroness of their community. This is a very special feast day for the Sisters, since this year they are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of their community (1st September 2023-1st September 2024). The Holy Father has granted the opportunity for a Plenary Indulgence for anyone who prays in one of the Sisters’ chapels and fulfils the usual requirements. Come for the Open House at 2:00pm to talk with the Sisters, see the convent, and learn a little about their community, followed by Holy Hour with Vespers at 3:50pm. To help with planning for this event, please RSVP:, 01313433380.

Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession

Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!

St Andrew’s Talks

Thank you to everyone who turned out for the first in the new series of St Andrew’s Talks. The next one will be given by Fr Andrew Garden on 25th September in the Parish Rooms. At that time in the liturgical year of the Church we celebrate angels – both arch and guardian. Fr Andrew will, therefore, be talking “Angels and Archangels”, what they are, what their significance is in the faith and how we recognise them today. Join us for Mass at 6pm on Monday 25th September and then the talk starting at 6.45pm, followed by some refreshments and a chance to discuss the subject.

Free2Pray Webinar – Make Your Voice Heard

The Scottish Parliament is considering a proposed Bill to ban peaceful prayers and offers of help near abortion clinics in Scotland. Join a webinar titled ‘Free2Pray’ to find out what you can do to make your voice heard. It takes place on Tuesday 3 October at 7:45pm and is organised by the Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office. Register at

A View from Within: Life Inside Scotland’s Prisons

Those with experience of what life is like inside Scotland’s prisons – including prison chaplains – share their stories at this free event to mark Prisoners’ Week. It takes place on Saturday 7 October from 10:00am- 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Details and registration at

Information Meeting on Teams of Our Lady to Help Married Couples

Teams of Our Lady is a worldwide lay movement within the Catholic Church that aims to help married couples grow in their love of Christ and each other, recognising that Christian marriage is a precious gift that we need to nurture. Teams consist of four to six couples and a spiritual counsellor, often a priest, who meet roughly once a month in each other's homes becoming, over time, a strong supportive group. If you would like to find out more there will be an open information evening on Tuesday 10 October, 6:30pm-7:30pm in Ss John Cantius & Nicholas church hall, Broxburn,EH52 5RJ.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Children Ages 3 to 9

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. Free of charge at Iona Atrium, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathhearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB. Children from any parish welcome! Sessions begin for 3-4 year olds on Monday, 25 September, 10:00am - 12:00pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Friday, 29 September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6-9 year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm. To register, please contact Sister Miriam Ruth Ryan, RSM at, 07933928211.

Read the newsletter for 10th September (pdf)