
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Winter Issue of Crux Magazine on Sale Today!

The new and exciting Winter issue of the Friends of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine is on sale after Masses today for just £5 per copy. Pick up a copy and read fascinating articles on the Gospel of Mark event with Professor Edwards, the parish retreat to beautiful St Mary's Monastery, Kinnoull, and Fr. Robert’s look at the ins and outs of the liturgical year. Get a copy or more to share with family and friends. All proceeds support the Cathedral!

Next Weekend: Stella Maris Woolly Hat Appeal

Seafarers, men and women, come to our shores without warm clothing and welcome the gift of a woolly hat. The Stella Maris charitable organisation does its best to supply them but needs your help! If you can donate a woolly hat, either new or lightly used, Anne Marie Stephen will be in the Octagon to collect them after all Masses next weekend. Learn more about how Stella Maris supports seafarers, fishers, and their families in the UK and around the world at

Parish Lenten Book Club

Join us for a Parish Lenten Reading Project! During the six weeks of Lent (14 Feb – 31 March) each one of us clergy will be leading an on-line reading group which will meet once every week during Lent to discuss our Parish Book – “The Path of Life” by Cyprian Smith OSB. If you would like to participate in this “Parish Book Club” for Lent then all you need to do is contact Darlene on and she will send you the various days and times that the groups will be meeting. You then pick which group you would like to join, get hold of the book (which is available in St. Pauls Book Shop). I think this is a great idea!! It will give us all a simple, practical way to do something really good for Lent, it will draw us together as a parish and (hopefully) it will help us all to come closer to Christ. Why not think about it – and if you want to participate drop Darlene an email as soon as possible. Fr. Patrick

First Reconciliation on Tuesday, 7:00pm

Children of St. Mary’s Primary School will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Tuesday evening at the Cathedral at 7:00pm. Please keep them in your prayers!

Fr. James Cadman to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

Our series of talks on Christian Friendship in a secular world continues this week on Tuesday, 6 February when we welcome Fr. James Cadman who will speak on ‘Our Friendship with Jesus Christ.’ Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us.

Tickets on Sale Today! Adult Quiz Night Friday, 9th February

Tickets are on sale again today after the 9am and Noon Masses for our Adults Quiz Night in Coffee Saints this Friday 9th February at 7pm with a cash bar and nibbles provided. Tickets are £10 per person with all proceeds to Cathedral funds. Ticket sales are brisk, and you are advised to get your tickets at your earliest opportunity, either at the Masses above or by email at

Children’s Catechism for First Holy Communion

Classes in preparation for First Holy Communion are open to all children in Primary 4 and above who have received First Reconciliation and will begin on Sunday, 26 February. Prior registration is essential! Register online at For more information contact the parish office at

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 6th February at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60, if you’re thinking of coming along, please join us.

Catholic Men's Group Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next monthly meeting on Wednesday, 21 February at 7:00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet to offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or Other meetings will be 20th March, 17th April, 15th May and 19th June.

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

No Wednesday 10am Mass Until 13th March

Due to electrical circuit safety testing within the Cathedral, café and bookshop area, there will be no 10:00am Mass on Wednesdays until 13th March, except for Ash Wednesday on 14 February.

First Reconciliation on Monday, 6:45pm

Children of St. Andrew’s, Ravelston will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time tomorrow evening at 6:45pm. Please keep them in your prayers!

Parish Youth Group

This Sunday is the final Youth Group meeting before a two week break over the mid-term school holidays. The group will resume on the 25th February at 6pm. Tonight, pre-empting the start of Lent a little, the group will be enjoying a pizza and film night. The group is open to P3 upwards.

Each Wednesday at St. Andrew’s 5:00pm Adoration and Confession

Don’t forget to make some time to come before Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Wednesday evening from 5pm with Confession available 5pm-5:45pm.

Burns Night

Thank you to everyone who turned out to support our joint Burns Supper with St Margaret’s, Davidson Mains. It was a great night enjoyed by all, with some great entertainment and delicious food. A very big thank you to everyone who helped organise it, especially Marie and Patricia at Davidson Mains. Next year is already being planned for Friday 25th January!

Parish Rooms Renovation

Thank you to everyone who took part in the voting for the renovation of the parish rooms, that concluded last weekend. We have a clear direction to proceed now and will report back with more details in due course along with plans for the work that will be undertaken in the course of the next few months.

Lourdes Mass 3pm Today at St. John’s, Corstorphine

The February Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes takes place at 3pm today, Sunday 4 February, at St John the Baptist Church, 37 St Ninian’s Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 8AL. The Mass is organised by the Edinburgh Lourdes Pilgrimage team. Refreshments in hall afterwards. All welcome.

Online Bioethics Talks Begin on Monday

Starting tomorrow, Monday, 5 February, a seven-week series of online bioethical talks for university students in health and social care begins to discuss the Catholic response to ethical issues including conscience and conscientious objection, organ donation and brain death, IVF and reproductive technology, and much more. Talks are Mondays, 7pm-8pm on MS Teams. Register with King’s Catholic Chaplain for Guy’s Campus, Laurence Jasper, at

Saturday Valentine's Day Mini-Retreat for Married & Engaged Couples

A Valentine's mini-retreat for married couples and those preparing for marriage will take place on Saturday 10 February, 2pm-5pm. The event will include talks, time for couples to talk, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and guided prayer with readings and prayers relevant to the vocation of marriage. Doors open from 1:30pm. Location is St Kentigern's, Parkgrove Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 7QR. Crèche available for children of primary school age and older. The event is organised by the Marriage & Families Commission of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh. For more information, contact To register online for this FREE event please visit

World Day of the Sick – Sunday, 11 February

The World Day of the Sick on 11th February was introduced by Pope St John Paul II to help us remember to pray for all those who are ill and for their caregivers. He chose this day because it coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lourdes being a place of pilgrimage renowned for healing. Please pray for the sick of our parish and the family members, friends and professionals who help them.

Youth 2000 Edinburgh Retreat for Young Adults

The ARISE retreat on Saturday 24 February, 9:00am-9:00pm is for 16-35 year-olds across Scotland to gather for a full day of faith, fun and friendship at St Albert’s Chaplaincy, George Square, Edinburgh. The day includes Mass, Adoration, talks, small group discussion, opportunities for Confession and more. Tickets are £15 which includes lunch & dinner. Questions? Contact Register online at

Free Places at Pro-Life Youth Conference

SPUC's Youth Conference is a weekend which brings together 200 like-minded young pro-lifers to learn effective strategies and fuel your passion for defending the most vulnerable among us – unborn children and their mothers. The Conference runs 23-25 February at Yarnfield Park Training Centre in Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 0NL. The Archdiocese has five fully funded places available, including travel. To apply: or contact the Pro-Life Office:

Archdiocesan Online Stations of the Cross

Join people across the Archdiocese each Monday throughout Lent for our annual Stations of the Cross. It takes place on Zoom at 7:45pm, beginning on 19 February, and lasts around 30 minutes. We will be praying for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Register at

“We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.”

Is God Calling Me? Explore the Vocation to Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the next meeting takes place Sunday 25 February, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. The series continues same time/venue: 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email

Remembering Service for Those Suffering Loss of a Child

A service for those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing. Sunday 3 March, 5:00pm at St John the Baptist RC Church, 37 St Ninian’s Rd, Edinburgh, EH12 8AL. Ecumenical and open to all.

Archdiocesan Day for Catechists

If you are involved with RCIA, children’s liturgy, sacramental preparation or any other catechist role, register for the Archdiocesan Day for Catechists at Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, Saturday 9 March, 10:30am-3:00pm. In workshops and talks, we will highlight baptismal and sacramental preparation, children's liturgy, lesson plans and resources...and lots more! There will be a bookstand featuring titles for children & adults. Visit

Jubilee 2025

The Holy Father has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee. The theme is Pilgrims of Hope. For more information, visit the official website A Facebook page has been set up that will highlight resources and events in Scotland - search ‘Holy Year Scotland 2025’. To help us prepare, the Holy Father has established 2024 as a Year of Prayer dedicated “to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer, prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church, prayer in the world”.

Read the newsletter for 4th February (pdf)

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Parish Lenten Book Club

As a new initiative this year we, (the Cathedral clergy), are inviting all of you, (the parishioners), to join us in a Parish Lenten Reading Project! During the six weeks of Lent (14 Feb – 31 March) each one of us will be leading an on-line reading group which will meet once every week during Lent to discuss our Parish Book – which this year is going to be “The Path of Life” by Cyprian Smith OSB. If you would like to participate in this “Parish Book Club” for Lent then all you need to do is contact Darleen on and she will send you the various days and times that the groups will be meeting. You then pick which group you would like to join, get hold of the book (which is available in St. Pauls Book Shop), and the rest is plain sailing! I think this is a great idea!! It will give us all a simple, practical way to do something really good for Lent, it will draw us together as a parish and (hopefully) it will help us all to come closer to Christ. Why not think about it – and if you want to participate drop Darlene an email as soon as possible. Fr. Patrick

Crux Magazine on Sale Next Weekend!

Please note that the Winter issue of the Friends of the Cathedral’s Crux magazine will be on sale after Masses next weekend for just £5 per copy (i.e. remember to bring an extra fiver – ed!). Read articles on the Gospel of Mark event with Professor Edwards, the parish retreat to Kinnoull and Fr. Robert’s look at the ins and outs of the liturgical year.  All proceeds support the Cathedral.

Rite of Enrolment for Confirmation

Today at 9am Mass at the Cathedral and 10:30am Mass at Ravelston, we welcome the children who are preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation (along with their families) as they are formally enrolled for the sacrament. Please keep them in your prayers.

Tickets on Sale Today! Adult Quiz Night Friday, 9th February

Tickets are on sale again today after the 9am and Noon Masses for our Adults Quiz Night in Coffee Saints on Friday 9th February at 7pm with a cash bar and nibbles provided. Tickets are £10 per person with all proceeds to Cathedral funds. Ticket sales are brisk, and you are advised to get your tickets at your earliest opportunity, either at the Masses above or by email at

Prof Biello to Speak at the Young Adults on Tuesday at 7pm

Our series of talks on Christian Friendship in a secular world continues this week on Tuesday, 23 January when we welcome Professor Stefany Biello from University of Glasgow who will speak on ‘Community: The setting of true friendship.’ Professor Biello is Professor of Neuroscience and Biopsychology. Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude.

All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7)

The Youth Group meets at St Andrew’s, Ravelston tonight. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets between 6 and 7.30 at St Andrew's, Ravelston. Come to learn about the faith, socialise and enjoy the tuck shop! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon 

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 30th January at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60, if you’re thinking of coming along, please join us.

Children’s Catechism for First Holy Communion

Classes in preparation for First Holy Communion are open to all children in Primary 4 and above who have received First Reconciliation and will begin on Sunday, 26 February. Prior registration is essential! Register online at For more information contact the parish office at

Catholic Men's Group Meeting in February

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next monthly meeting on Wednesday, 21 February at 7:00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet to offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives.  For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or Other meetings will be 20th March, 17th April, 15th May and 19th June.

First Saturday Devotions

On Saturday, 3 February, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

No Wednesday 10am Mass Until 13th March

Due to electrical circuit safety testing within the Cathedral, café and bookshop area, there will be no 10:00am Mass on Wednesdays until 13th March, except for Ash Wednesday on 14 February.

Ravelston Parish Rooms Refurbishment Voting Slips Due Today 

The parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston are due to be refurbished. Please complete a voting slip to provide your input on the refurbishment and return it to the back of church by today, Sunday 28 January. 

Parents’ Meeting for First Reconciliation

A reminder to parents of First Reconciliation pupils: The final parents meeting via Zoom is on Monday 29 January from 7pm. Please check your email from Fr Robert of 9 January for the link.

Each Wednesday at St. Andrew’s 5:00pm Adoration 

Don’t forget to make some time to come before Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Wednesday evening from 5pm.

Lourdes Mass on Sunday, 4 February 

The February Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes takes place at 3pm on Sunday 4 February at St John the Baptist Church, 37 St Ninian’s Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 8AL. The Mass is organised by the Edinburgh Lourdes Pilgrimage team. Refreshments in hall afterwards. All welcome.

Free Event: Valentine's Day Mini-Retreat for Married & Engaged Couples

A Valentine's mini-retreat for married couples and those preparing for marriage will take place on Saturday 10 February, 2pm-5pm. The event will include talks, time for couples to talk, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and guided prayer with readings and prayers relevant to the vocation of marriage. Doors open from 1:30pm. Location is St Kentigern's, Parkgrove Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 7QR. Crèche available for children of primary school age and older. The event is organised by the Marriage & Families Commission of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh. For more information, contact To register online for this FREE event please visit

Join Women’s Chat About Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place today Sunday 28 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. The series continues same time/venue: 25 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email

Let Us Pray Scotland: Speak Out for Religious Freedom

As the Scottish Government launches a consultation on banning what it refers to as “conversion practices,” the Catholic Church has expressed serious concern at the nature and scope of any such legislation. Details at Join over 2,000 others in signing a letter prepared by The Christian Institute to the Equalities Minister highlighting concerns that the bill threatens to criminalise aspects of the ordinary work of churches. Sign online

Soprano and Bass Wanted

Our Cathedral is seeking a soprano and a bass to sing in the Schola Cantorum octet. The choir sings weekly at the 12 noon Mass in the Cathedral, and at other services and concerts throughout the year. Alongside its core liturgical singing, recent highlights for the group have included singing as part of the Cathedral's pilgrimage to Rome in 2023, "Light from Light" candlelit concerts in the Archdiocese in 2022, and singing at the Festival Mass of the Cumnock Tryst in 2023. To apply or for more information, please contact Michael Ferguson, Director of Music, by 29 January:

Job Vacancy: Justice and Peace Scotland

The Bishops Conference of Scotland Justice and Peace Commission (Justice and Peace Scotland) has a job vacancy for a Campaigns, Communications and Events Coordinator.  The position is 24 hours per week and will require a degree of flexibility as some travel, evening and weekend work is required. Salary is £21,000 and closing date for application is Monday 5th February 2024. To express interest in the post and for a full job description please email the Chairperson, Jill Kent,

Job Vacancy: Cook

The Jesuit Community at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston, is seeking to employ a cook for 2 hours a day Monday to Thursday and Sunday, 11am to 1pm.  More information from

Remembering Service

A service for those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing. Sunday 3 March, 5:00pm at St John the Baptist RC Church, 37 St Ninian’s Rd, Edinburgh, EH12 8AL. Ecumenical and open to all.

Retreat for Young Adults

The ARISE retreat on Saturday 24 February, 9:00am-9:00pm is for 16-35 year-olds across Scotland to gather for a full day of faith, fun and friendship at St Albert’s Chaplaincy, George Square, Edinburgh. The day includes Mass, Adoration, talks, small group discussion, opportunities for Confession and more. Tickets are £15 which includes lunch & dinner. Questions? Contact Register online at

Online Bioethics Talks for University Students of Healthcare Professions

Beginning Monday, 5 February, a seven-week series of online bioethical talks are scheduled for university students in health and social care on the Catholic response to difficult ethical issues including conscience and conscientious objection, organ donation and brain death, IVF and reproductive technology, and much more. Talks are Mondays, 7pm-8pm on MS Teams. Register with King’s Catholic Chaplain for Guy’s Campus, Laurence Jasper, at

Colloquium: ‘The Role of Religious Experience in Interreligious Dialogue’

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland Committee for Interreligious Dialogue hosts its Annual Colloquium Residential 5:30pm, Friday 23 February to 3:30pm on Saturday 24 February 2024 at the Conforti Centre, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge, ML5 4JS. The event is a faith-formation opportunity for Catholics interested in or active in the work of interreligious dialogue. To register, email Interfaith Officer, Joe Sikora: Visit for details.

Order of Malta Fundraising Ball 20th April

The Order of Malta, the Catholic Church's largest and oldest charity, supports the disadvantaged in Scotland and 120 other countries. On Saturday 20th April, the Order will host a fundraising Ball at Prestonfield - dinner, reeling to the Infamous Grouse band, and opportunities to donate towards the work of volunteers in Edinburgh, Coatbridge and Falkirk, and Beregovo, Ukraine where the Order runs a centre for severely disabled children. Email for details.

Read the newsletter for 28th January (pdf)

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Overwhelming Generosity!!

My Dear Friends,

After totalling up a flurry of large donations at the end of the year/start of the New Year, together with Christmas donations, which far exceeded what we could have imagined, the final figure for the Roof Appeal is an astounding £42,149.54! This response to our Appeal is an enormous testimony to your generosity and also to the value you place on our Cathedral as a place of peace and prayer at the very centre of the city. As you know, the amount will be match funded by a very generous benefactor – which means that not only can we press ahead with the replacement of the roof of Sacristy One but we can also address the roof issues over the St. Andrews Altar as well. I am, for once (!), slightly dumbfounded and find myself searching for superlatives to express my thanks to all of you. Suffice it to say that I m truly grateful and will ensure that this money spent judiciously and well for the future of the Cathedral. Fr. Patrick

“Lord, teach us to pray….”: Prayer mini-course begins Thursday

Many people have already signed up so far for our short and simple 3-week mini-course on prayer– but there is no limit so there is still plenty of time to register. The course will happen on Zoom and will take place at 7pm on three consecutive Thursdays before the beginning of Lent: Thursday 25th January, Thursday 1st February, and Thursday 8th February. Each meeting will have a different theme and will build up week on week. Each meeting will last about an hour. If you would like to join – then just email Darlene on and she will send you the link. Fr. Patrick

Tickets on Sale Today! Adult Quiz Night Friday, 9th February

Tickets are on sale today after the 9am and Noon Masses for our Adults Quiz Night in Coffee Saints on Friday 9th February at 7pm with a cash bar and nibbles provided. Tickets are £10 per person with all proceeds to Cathedral funds. Our quizmaster has compiled cunning questions on categories including literature, film, science, history, music and more! Come as a team (up to a max of 6 persons) or play it solo and win undying glory. Buy your tickets today or email

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

“I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.” (John 6:51)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Confirmation Classes and Parents’ Meeting

Tomorrow, Monday 22 January, a short Zoom meeting will be held for the parents of those children who are enrolled to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024. The classes begin, for those who do not attend St Mary’s Primary School, next Sunday, 28 January at 5pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Please keep an eye on your e-mails for the Zoom link to join the meeting.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7)

The Youth Group meets at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday night. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets between 6 and 7.30 at St Andrew's, Ravelston. As always come to learn about the faith, socialise and the tuck shop! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Tuesday Young Adults Talk on Christian Friendship

Our series of talks on Christian Friendship in a secular world continues this week on Tuesday, 23 January when we welcome Professor Stefany Biello from University of Glasgow who will speak on ‘Community: The setting of true friendship.’ Professor Biello is Professor of Neuroscience and Biopsychology. Come for teas and coffees at 7:00pm and then the talk at 7:30pm, and Night Prayer and pub discussion to conclude.

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 23rd January at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Open to all over 60, if you’re thinking of coming along, please join us.

SSVP Burns Supper

A reminder to all those who have signed up for this event in Coffee Saints café on Saturday 27th January, 1.30pm till 4pm. The event includes a piper, recitals, and traditional Burns Fayre. If you’d like to sing or recite a piece, let us know on the day. Looking forward to seeing you all.

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

2024 Archdiocesan Directories

A few copies of the Archdiocesan Directories are still available! Packed with information on parishes, schools, organisations and groups, the new edition of the is available for only £3.00 each.

No Wednesday 10am Mass Until 13th March

Due to electrical circuit safety testing within the Cathedral, café and bookshop area, there will be no 10:00am Mass on Wednesdays until 13th March, except for Ash Wednesday on 14 February.

6:00pm Mass Cancelled on Monday

Due to unavoidable circumstances, I am afraid we just can’t do the 6:00pm Mass tomorrow, Monday, 22 January, at Ravelston. Mass will be as usual the rest of the week.

Each Wednesday at St. Andrew’s 5:00pm Adoration

Don’t forget to make some time to come before Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Wednesday evening from 5pm.

Become an Altar Server

We have a dedicated group of servers in St Andrew’s, but we are always looking for more to join our ranks. If you have made your First Holy Communion, please speak to Father Robert about serving at the altar during Mass or email Adults and children are welcome!

Ravelston Parish Rooms Refurbishment Voting Slip

The parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston are due to be refurbished. Please complete a voting slip to provide your input on the refurbishment and return it to the back of church by Sunday 28 January.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

During this week of Prayer for Christian Unity we are asked to meditate on this year’s theme: ‘You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbour as yourself’ (Lk 10:27) and ensure we extend the hand of friendship and hospitality to our brother and sisters of different Christian denominations, as well as those of all faiths and none, in our community.

2024 Diploma in Catechetics Starts Thursday: Sign Up Today!

This coming year, why not make a resolution to learn more about your Catholic faith and discover its treasures? A wonderful way to do this would be sign up for the Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics. Sister Miriam Ruth Ryan, RSM and a range of guest speakers bring you online lectures each Thursday, guided reading, one-to-one support, retreats and supplementary courses on Zoom and YouTube. All sessions are recorded so you can watch at your convenience! The Diploma in Catechetics lasts one year, begins this Thursday, 25th January 2024 at 7:30pm and costs £200. Bursaries are available. Registration is now open at Questions? Email

Calling All Singers and Musicians!

The Archdiocesan Music Day is on Saturday 27 January 2024 at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. It is a free event for those who contribute to the liturgy in their parish through music and/or singing, as well as for anyone interested in finding out more about sacred music. Register at

Soprano and Bass Wanted

Our Cathedral is seeking a soprano and a bass to sing in the Schola Cantorum octet. The choir sings weekly at the 12 noon Mass in the Cathedral, and at other services and concerts throughout the year. Alongside its core liturgical singing, recent highlights for the group have included singing as part of the Cathedral's pilgrimage to Rome in 2023, "Light from Light" candlelit concerts in the Archdiocese in 2022, and singing at the Festival Mass of the Cumnock Tryst in 2023. To apply or for more information, please contact Michael Ferguson, Director of Music, by 29 January:

Job Vacancy: Archdiocesan Finance Officer

The Archdiocese is looking to recruit a Finance Officer (full-time). The role holder should have accountancy experience with relevant qualifications and training. For details and how to apply visit Closing date is Friday 26 January.

Is God Calling Me?: Women’s Chat About Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 28 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. The series continues same time/venue: 25 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email

Valentine's Day Mini-Retreat for Married & Engaged Couples

A Valentine's mini-retreat for married couples and those preparing for marriage will take place on Saturday 10 February, 2pm-5pm. It will be held at St Kentigern's church, Parkgrove Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 7QR. (St John the Baptist & St Kentigern RC Parish, Edinburgh). It is an ideal way for couples to spend time together in quiet reflection and prayer, in thanksgiving to God for each other and all the positive things that spring from your relationship. Crèche available for children of primary school age and older. For more details and to register for this FREE event please visit

Pregnancy Support Available

Do you know anyone who may need help during pregnancy? SHE Pregnancy Care gives support and confidence to expectant mothers. Baby materials & equipment are available. Text / WhatsApp: 0752 648 0578 or email: For a list of pro-life and pregnancy support organizations, visit

Starting at School

A reminder for parents of children who will start school August 2024: If you intend for your child to go to a Catholic school, they should be baptised before registration takes place. If you have already registered them, it is not too late to have them baptised. This will ensure they are given a place. Where places are limited, baptised Catholic children will take priority. For Catholic Secondary, this is also the case.

Free Places at Young Pro-Lifers Annual Conference in Staffordshire

SPUC's Youth Conference is a weekend which brings together 200 like-minded young pro-lifers to learn effective strategies and fuel your passion for defending the most vulnerable among us – unborn children and their mothers. The Conference runs 23 - 25 February at Yarnfield Park Training Centre in Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 0NL. The Archdiocese has five fully funded places available, including travel. To apply: or contact the Pro-Life Office: Application deadline is 5th February.

March Pilgrimage to Knock and County Mayo

Knock Pilgrimages is hosting an escorted tour to Knock & Co Mayo, departing Edinburgh 10th March 2024 and returning on 15th March. Cost is £899.00 pps. including flights, 5 nights’ in 4-star Castlecourt Hotel, Westport with dinner, bed & breakfast. Visit Knock, Galway City, Kylemore Abbey, Croagh Patrick & Ashford Castle. Contact 01268 762 278, 07740 175557 or email

Read the newsletter for 21st January (pdf)

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

“Lord, teach us to pray….”

Many people have spoken to me in recent months about prayer! Specifically, people often ask for guidance about how to pray. In response to these requests, and if you would like a little help especially in learning about silent prayer, I would like to invite you to join me in a short and simple 3-week mini-course on prayer. The course will happen on Zoom and will take place at 7pm on three consecutive Thursdays before the beginning of Lent: Thursday 25th January, Thursday 1st February, and Thursday 8th February. Each meeting will have a different theme and will build up week on week. Each meeting will last about an hour. If you would like to join – then just email Darlene on and she will send you the link, Fr. Patrick

2024 Archdiocesan Directories on Sale Today

Just what you have all been waiting for – the must-read book of 2024!!… Packed with information on parishes, schools, organisations and groups, the new edition of the Archdiocesan Directory is on sale after Masses for only £3.00 each. Get your copy today!

First Confession Rite of Illumination at Mass this Sunday

Today at Mass we welcome in a particular way the children who are preparing to make their First Confession in early February. They will participate in a brief Rite after the homily at the 9am Mass in the Cathedral and at 10.30am Mass in Ravelston. Please keep them, their parents and teachers in your prayers as the children prepare to meet Jesus in this beautiful sacrament of the Lord’s forgiveness.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Returns

The Youth Group returns at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets between 6 and 7.30 at St Andrew's, Ravelston. As always come to learn about the faith, socialise and the tuck shop! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Young Adults Talks on Christian Friendship Begin Tuesday, 16 January

The Young Adults Group meeting will resume on the 16th January. The next session of talks will be on Christian Friendship in a secular world. Our first talk is with Fr Thomas Thérèse Merrion OP at 63 York Place from 7.30pm. The talk will be followed by Night Prayer and time to discuss in the pub.

Confirmation Classes and Parents’ Meeting

Remember there will be a short meeting next Monday, 22 January for the parents of those children who will be preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024. The classes begin, for those who do not attend St Mary’s Primary School, on Sunday, 28 January at 5pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Please keep an eye on your e-mails for the Zoom link to join the meeting.

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

No Wednesday 10am Mass Until 13th March

Due to electrical circuit safety testing within the Cathedral, café and bookshop area, there will be no 10:00am Mass on Wednesdays until 13th March, except for Ash Wednesday on 14 February. Thank you for your understanding!

Friendship Group: Coffee Afternoon, Cinema Outing, Book Club

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon will resume as normal on Tuesday 16th January at 2:00pm-3:30pm in Coffee Saints. Come along and join us! Cinema Outing Wednesday 17th January, ‘One Life’, showing is at 1.30pm at Omni, Greenside. Meet upstairs at Omni five minutes before. Join us for our Book Club, 2.30pm Thursday 18th January at McDonald Road Library and the book for discussion is “Where the Crawdads Sing”. The new book to be reviewed will be issued on Thursday.

SSVP Burns Supper

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will host a Burns Supper in Coffee Saints café on Saturday 27th January, 1.30pm till 4pm. The event includes a piper, recitals, and traditional Burns Fayre. Contact Trish for details and tickets: 07716963215, Booking ends Tuesday 16th January.

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Save the Date: Adult Quiz Night Friday, 9th February

Following the success of our “Starter for Ten” quiz night last September, our first parish social of 2024 will be another Adults Quiz Night in Coffee Saints on Friday 9th February at 7pm with a cash bar and nibbles will be provided. Tickets will be £10 per person with all proceeds to Cathedral funds. Our quizmaster has compiled cunning questions on categories including literature, film, science, history, music and more! Come as a team (up to a max of 6 persons) or play it solo and win undying glory. Tickets will be on sale after Sunday Masses next weekend (20th January) until the 3rd of February or email for ticket reservations.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Emmy - 07879074240.

Each Wednesday at St. Andrew’s 5:00pm Adoration & Confession

Don’t forget to make some time to come before Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Wednesday evening from 5pm. Confession is available, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and see Him!

Last Chance! Final Sale of Burns Supper Tickets Today

Today is the last chance to buy tickets for our Burns Supper with St Margaret’s, Davidson Mains on Friday 26th January in the Parish Hall at St Margaret’s. Tickets are £15 per person. This includes a 3-course meal, please bring your own bottle. There will be a small raffle and prizes are needed!!! If you are interested in donating a prize, please speak to Marie McQuillan.

Ravelston Parish Rooms Refurbishment Voting Slip

The parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston are due to be refurbished. Please complete a voting slip to provide your input on the refurbishment and return it to the back of church by Sunday 28 January.

Justice and Peace Scotland at February St. Andrew’s Talk

St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 26th February when we’ll welcome Anne-Marie Clements, the Catholic Social Teaching Officer of Justice and Peace Scotland. Anne Marie will speak about the justice and peace work of the organisation. Learn more at

Catholic Networking Group, Ages 18-45 After Noon Mass Today

YOUCAN Scotland, a Catholic networking group for ages 18-45, is hosting a coffee/lunch after 12.00 Mass on Sunday 14th January at St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. Anyone interested can either meet at Mass or at Coffee Saints next to the Cathedral. Please contact Marie Mailley to confirm attendance, on 07963788087 or email

2024 Diploma in Catechetics Starts 25th January: Sign Up Today!

This coming year, why not make a resolution to learn more about your Catholic faith and discover its treasures? A wonderful way to do this would be sign up for the Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics. Sister Miriam Ruth Ryan, RSM and a range of guest speakers bring you online lectures each Thursday, guided reading, one-to-one support, retreats and supplementary courses on Zoom and YouTube. All sessions are recorded so you can watch at your convenience! The Diploma in Catechetics lasts one year, begins Thursday, 25th January 2024 at 7:30pm and costs £200. Bursaries are available. Registration is now open at Questions? Email

Archdiocesan Music Day: Calling All Singers and Musicians!

Come along to learn new music and deepen your musical knowledge and skills at the Archdiocesan Music Day on Saturday, 27 January 2024 at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. The event is for all who contribute to the liturgy in their parish through music and/or singing, as well as for anyone interested in finding out more about sacred music. Your expert guides for the day are the Cathedral’s own Director of Music, Michael Ferguson, and the Choral Director for the Diocese of Motherwell, James Greechan. If you play an instrument, bring it along (e.g., acoustic guitar, woodwind, strings). Free limited parking onsite. With sign-in from 10:00am on the day, the event begins at 10:30am and will conclude with a music-filled Mass in beautiful St. Margaret’s Chapel on-site at 2:00pm. Light lunch provided of sandwiches and fruit (veg options for sandwiches available). Please bring packed lunch if you have food allergies/intolerancies. Register today at It is a free event!

Job Vacancy: Archdiocesan Finance Officer

The Archdiocese is looking to recruit a Finance Officer (full-time). The role holder should have accountancy experience with relevant qualifications and training. For details and how to apply visit Closing date is Friday 26 January.

Right to Life: Just Say ‘No’ to Extreme Abortion Amendments

Right To Life UK has launched a tool on its website that makes it easy for you to email your MP to ask them to oppose the two extreme abortion up-to-birth amendments and sign Early Day Motion 131 to stop abortion pills being sent out without an in-person medical appointment. Please visit to contact your MP now. It only takes 30 seconds.

Let Us Pray Scotland: Speak Out for Religious Freedom

As the Scottish Government launches a consultation on banning what it refers to as “conversion practices,” the Catholic Church has expressed serious concern at the nature and scope of any such legislation. Details at Join over 2,000 others in signing a letter prepared by The Christian Institute to the Equalities Minister highlighting concerns that the bill threatens to criminalise aspects of the ordinary work of churches. Sign online at The Catholic Parliamentary Office will publish a guide on how to respond to the consultation, which closes on 2nd April, in due course.

Is God Calling Me?: Women’s Chat About Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 28 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. The series continues same time/venue: 25 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email

Colloquium: ‘The Role of Religious Experience In Interreligious Dialogue’

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland Committee for Interreligious Dialogue hosts its Annual Colloquium Residential from Friday 23 February to Saturday 24 February 2024 at the Conforti Centre in Coatbridge For details visit

Order of Malta Fundraising Ball 20th April

The Order of Malta, the Catholic Church's largest and oldest charity, supports the disadvantaged in Scotland and 120 other countries. On Saturday 20th April, the Order will host a fundraising Ball at Prestonfield - dinner, reeling to the Infamous Grouse band, and opportunities to donate towards the work of volunteers in Edinburgh, Coatbridge and Falkirk, and Beregovo, Ukraine where the Order runs a centre for severely disabled children. See Chris Sibbald, Andrew Milligan or email for details.

Read the newsletter for 12th January (pdf)

The Solemnity Of The Epiphany of The Lord – Year B

Christmas Thank You!

Sincere (and somewhat belated!) thanks also to everyone who helped to make our parish Christmas celebrations so beautiful! A special word of thanks to all those who cleaned and prepared the church, arranged the flowers, volunteered to read and assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. The pass-keepers ensured a warm welcome to all, the altar servers did their duties with grace and decorum, while our wonderful singers and musicians sounded so lovely at our carols service and Masses. The Cathedral Pastoral Team are very grateful for all your gifts, cards and kindness during the Christmas season and wish you a blessed New Year!

Parish Roof Appeal

I am delighted to let you all know that, although the exact figure has yet to be finalised, the Advent Roof Appeal incredibly raised over £27,000! This is a huge testament to your generosity and to the value you place on this Cathedral as a place of peace and prayer in the centre of Edinburgh. As you know, this amount will now be match funded by a very generous benefactor, and so I am delighted to let you know that we are now in a position to go ahead with the replacement of the roof of Sacristy One. Thank you so much to all of you who contributed so generously.

Young Adults Talks on Christian Friendship Begin Tuesday, 16 January

The Young Adults Group meeting will resume on the 16th January. The next session of talks will be on Christian Friendship in a secular world. Our first talk is with Fr Thomas Thérèse Merrion OP at 63 York Place from 7.30pm. The talk will be followed by Night Prayer and time to discuss in the pub.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Returns Sunday, 14 January

The Youth Group returns on at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday, 14 January. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets between 6 and 7.30 at St Andrew's, Ravelston. As always come to learn about the faith, socialise and the tuck shop! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Confirmation Classes and Parents’ Meeting

Remember there will be a short meeting on Monday, 22 January for the parents of those children who will be preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024. The classes begin, for those who do not attend St Mary’s Primary School, on Sunday, 28 January at 5pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Please keep an eye on your e-mails for the Zoom link to join the meeting.

No Wednesday 10am Mass until March

Due to electrical circuit safety testing within the Cathedral, café and bookshop area, there will be no 10:00am Mass on Wednesdays until March, except for Ash Wednesday on 14 February. Thank you for your understanding!

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon will resume as normal on Tuesday 9th January 2024. A huge thank you to the wonderful staff at Coffee Saints for making us feel welcome, see you all in the New Year.

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Children’s Catechism Classes: Dates for your 2024 Diary

For children registered for First Reconciliation in 2024:

Sunday, 7 Jan - First Reconciliation Classes at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston recommence

Sunday, 14 Jan - Rite of Illumination: 9am Mass (Cathedral)

 10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Monday, 29 Jan, 7pm - Final Parents Meeting on Zoom

Sacrament of First Reconciliation services:

Monday, 5 Feb after 6pm evening Mass (St Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Tuesday, 6 Feb at 6pm (Cathedral)

For children registered for First Holy Communion in 2024:

Monday, 19 Feb, 7pm - Initial Parents Meeting on Zoom

Sunday, 25 Feb, 9:30am - First Holy Communion Classes start at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

 Enrolment Mass: 9am Mass (Cathedral)

10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Sacrament of First Holy Communion Masses:

Saturday, 8 June - 11:00am Mass, St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Sunday, 9 June - 11:00am Mass, Cathedral

St. Pauls Bookshop in the New Year: Calendars and more!

Start your New Year off with a 2024 calendar from the St Pauls Bookshop or pick up a copy of the monthly publication Magnificat with daily and Sunday Mass readings. Browse a full selection of Catholic children’s books, gifts for First Holy Communion, Mass cards, Bibles, rosaries, religious art and more! Hours are 10:00am to 5:00pm, including weekends. Contact 0131 510 4260 or, or visit

Burns Supper Tickets on Sale

St Andrew’s, Ravelston is delighted to team up with St Margaret’s, Davidson Mains to host the Burns Supper on Friday 26th January in the Parish Hall at St Margaret’s. Tickets will be available today at £15 per person. This includes a 3-course meal, please bring your own bottle. As this is a joint effort with the parish at Davidson Mains we are looking for some volunteers to toast the haggis and other Burnsian activities. If you are interested in taking part, please speak to Marie McQuillan over the next weeks.

RAVELSTON Parish Rooms Refurbishment Voting Slip

The parish rooms are due to be refurbished and you are asked to complete a voting slip to provide your input on the refurbishment. Please take a slip home with you after Mass and return it to the back of church by Sunday 28 January.

Justice and Peace Scotland at February St. Andrew’s Talk

St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 26th February when we’ll welcome Anne-Marie Clements, the Catholic Social Teaching Officer of Justice and Peace Scotland to St Andrew’s. Anne Marie will speak about the work of Justice and Peace as well as address specific issues that Justice and Peace are dealing with.

“Cor ad Cor” Meeting for Women Thursday 11 January at 5.30pm

All women in the parish are invited to a special evening of reflection with the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew's, Ravelston on Thursday 11 January. The evening will begin at 5:30pm with Vespers, followed by Mass. Then after dinner together there will be a time of reflection on the Gospel reading for the following Sunday. All women are welcome and if you would like to come, please RSVP by Monday, 8 January at

Religious Sisters of Mercy 2024 Open Houses

The Religious Sisters of Mercy will have their first Open House of 2024 on Saturday 13 January, at St. Andrew’s Convent, Ravelston. The Open House will begin at 4:15pm and will end with a Holy Hour and Vespers from 5:15pm-6:15pm. As part of their 50th Jubilee Year events – there will be further Open Houses on Saturdays: 9th March, 20th April, 11th May and 24th August. Everyone is most welcome to come along, to meet the Sisters, learn about their mission and work and pray together with them. Please come along!! RSVP either with an email to or by phoning on 0131 343 3380.

New Year’s Resolution: Discover the Treasures of Your Catholic Faith!

This coming year, why not make a resolution to learn more about your Catholic faith and discover its treasures? A wonderful way to do this would be sign up for the Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics. Sister Miriam Ruth Ryan, RSM and a range of guest speakers bring you online lectures each Thursday, guided reading, one-to-one support, retreats and supplementary courses on Zoom and YouTube. All sessions are recorded so you can watch at your convenience! The Diploma in Catechetics lasts one year, begins Thursday, 25th January 2024 at 7:30pm and costs £200. Bursaries are available. Registration is now open at Questions? Email

Here's what Diploma participants said about the course:

“A life changer, I learnt so much and it really deepened my faith. I can’t recommend it enough.”

“The Diploma in Catechetics is invaluable. There is no one who I wouldn't recommend this course to!”

“I recommend this course to anyone who will listen; it has given me a thirst for knowledge and, hopefully, has made me a better person.”

“Our faith explored. Go deeper with this highly enjoyable course.”

“The Diploma in Catechetics really stirred up my faith and has given me a thirst to delve even deeper into the riches of our beautiful catechism.”

“Inspirational. You won’t want to miss a session. Please give it a go - it’s a course for everyone.”

YOUCAN Scotland Catholic Networking Group, Ages 18-45

YOUCAN Scotland, a Catholic networking group for ages 18-45, is hosting a coffee/lunch after 12.00 Mass on Sunday 14th January at St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. Anyone interested can either meet at Mass or at Coffee Saints next to the Cathedral. Please contact Marie Mailley to confirm attendance, on 07963788087 or email

Is God Calling Me? Women’s Chat About Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 28 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues same time/venue: 25 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email

Archdiocesan Music Day

The Archdiocesan Music Day is on Saturday 27 January 2024 at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. It is for those who contribute to the liturgy in their parish through music and/or singing, as well as for anyone interested in finding out more about sacred music. Details to follow soon. 

Valentine’s Retreat for Married and Engaged Couples

The Archdiocesan Valentine’s Retreat for Married and engaged couples will take place at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh, on Saturday 10 February 2024. Details to follow soon.

Bible in a Year Podcast

In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing thoughtful commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way. To sign up to listen to each 20-25 minute episode, visit Why not try it?

Read the newsletter for 7th January 2024 (pdf)

Fourth Sunday of Advent – Year B

Cathedral Roof Appeal

Thank you to so many of you who have contributed so generously to our roof appeal! To date, we have raised an amazing £19,500! – and remember that we have a very generous donor who has offered to double everything that is donated for this appeal. Again, this week, we will have a second collection at all Masses today. To donate, visit or contact our Finance Office, We are making great progress!

Please Note:

No 7:30pm Mass on New Year’s Eve

Mass on New Year’s Day at 11:00am

Next Sunday, 31 December (New Year’s Eve) Masses will be 9am and Noon only. Please note there will be no 7:30pm Mass next Sunday. The following day, Monday, 1st January, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and New Year’s Day, Mass will be at 11:00am at the Cathedral and 11:00am at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston.

No Weekday 10am Mass or Weekday Confessions Until 8 January

Please note there will be no 10:00am weekday Mass or Confessions from Tuesday 26 December to Friday, 29 December and from Tuesday, 2 January to Friday, 5 January. Confession will be available following 10am Mass on Saturday 30 December, 10.30am-12noon and 5.00pm-5.45pm. The weekday 10am Mass will resume Monday, 8 January.

Click here for Mass times between Christmas and New Year

Young Adults Talks on Christian Friendship Begin Tuesday, 16 January

Fr Thomas Thérèse Mannion, OP, The Young Adults Group meeting will resume on the 16th January. The next session of talks will be on Christian friendship in a secular world. Our first talk is with Fr Thomas Thérèse Merrion OP at 63 York Place from 7.30pm. The talk will be followed by Night Prayer and time to discuss in the pub.

Confirmation Classes and Parents’ Meeting

Remember there will be a short meeting on Monday, 22 January for the parents of those children who will be preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024. The classes begin, for those who do not attend St Mary’s Primary School, on Sunday, 28 January at 5pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Please keep an eye on your e-mails for the Zoom link to join the meeting.

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Returns Sunday, 14 January

The Youth Group returns on at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday, 14 January. All P3-7's are welcome to join the group which meets between 6 and 7.30 at St Andrew's, Ravelston. As always come to learn about the faith, socialise and the tuck shop! There is a one off £1 registration fee for the year.

Cathedral Flower Arranging

We are still short of Flower Arrangers!! If you are interested in flowers and would like tom join one of our teams, or just find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at; telephone: 0131 553 1510.

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon

The Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon will resume as normal on Tuesday 9th January 2024. A huge thank you to the wonderful staff at Coffee Saints for making us feel welcome, see you all in the New Year.

Fabric Matters

It has been a trying period of a number of heating, hot water, electrical and roof issues both in the Cathedral and York Place. The heavy rain has continued to cause a proliferation of buckets in Sacristy 1 and the Octagon skylight has started to leak from the centre onto the new piece of furniture there. The rain has also tested the roof at York Place – a test it failed. Works are planned, but they require slightly improved weather! The failure of a pump on the boiler for 63 York Place led to a chilly week for occupants and users of 63, who had only just begun to enjoy hot water again after a period without due to the need to replace a malfunctioning fan on that boiler. The café has also experienced some hot water and heating issues. Annual portable electrical appliance testing has just taken place and next year we need to conduct a number of electrical circuit safety tests within the Cathedral and Café and Bookshop area. This will unfortunately mean that there will be no 10 o’clock Masses on a number of Wednesdays as the electrician works his way around the Complex.

When not dealing with this kind of problem, health and safety matters have taken up a certain amount of time. The safe conduct of any candle lit Masses requires a bit of forethought as to how to mitigate the risks involved. We have also had our Fire Risk Assessment review, which flagged up the number of improvements we have made over the last year, but inevitably did not give us a totally clean bill of health. More positively, the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that the Victorian replica of Van Eyck’s Ghent Altarpiece which sits in the south aisle of the Sanctuary and has been away for repairs, has returned. This had been missing the images of Adam and Eve and these have been digitally produced to scale and now give the appearance of completeness. It is good to be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas, by having the stable outside the Cathedral again. I hope yours is a Happy Christmas and New Year wherever you are spending it and a huge thank you to all those who have helped me out this year. It is much appreciated. Alice

Children’s Catechism Classes: Dates for your 2024 Diary

For children registered for First Reconciliation in 2024:

Sunday, 7 Jan - First Reconciliation Classes at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston recommence

Sunday, 14 Jan - Rite of Illumination: 9am Mass (Cathedral); 10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Monday, 29 Jan, 7pm - Final Parents Meeting on Zoom

Sacrament of First Reconciliation services:

Monday, 5 Feb after 6pm evening Mass (St Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Tuesday, 6 Feb at 6pm (Cathedral)

For children registered for First Holy Communion in 2024:

Monday, 19 Feb, 7pm - Initial Parents Meeting on Zoom

Sunday, 25 Feb, 9:30am - First Holy Communion Classes start at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Enrolment Mass: 9am Mass (Cathedral)

10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Sacrament of First Holy Communion Masses:

Saturday, 8 June - 11:00am Mass, St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Sunday, 9 June - 11:00am Mass, Cathedral

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Holiday Hours for Coffee Saints Café

Every time you make a purchase at the Cathedral’s award-winning Coffee Saints café you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. Plan ahead for 2024 and book online through itison for a Coffee & Traybake or Brunch for two or an Afternoon Tea at The café will be closed 24th, 25th and 26th December, and 1st and 2nd January, and will reopen for normal hours on 3rd January, 9am-4pm. Coffee Saints is social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project.

St Pauls Bookshop: Hours for Christmas and New Year’s Season

Shop St Pauls Bookshop for cards, Catholic books for children and adults, Bibles, rosary beads, holy images, Catholic calendars, medals, statues and lots more. Holiday Hours:

24 Dec 2023 — 10 am to 4 pm

25 & 26 Dec 2023 — Closed

27 to 31 Dec 2023 — 10 am to 5 pm

1 Jan 2024 — Closed

2 Jan 2024 — 10 am to 5 pm

3 Jan 2024 — Closed for Stock Taking

Normal hours resume from 4th January, 10am-5pm

After Christmas No 6:00pm Masses at Ravelston Until 8th January

Please note that there will be no weekday 6:00pm Masses at Ravelston after Christmas until Monday, 8th January.

Hogmanay Holy Hour at St. Andrew’s

The Religious Sisters of Mercy will host the Hogmanay Holy Hour at St Andrew’s Church, 77 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DS, beginning at 11:00 pm on Sunday, 31 December. Fr. Robert will preside at Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Office of Readings will be chanted and the Sacrament of Confession will be available. Benediction will be offered about 11:55 p.m. A reception follows in the parish hall.

Parish Project

Thank you to all of you who cast your vote for the new Ravelston parish project 2024-2027. Your votes have now been counted and there has actually been a tie for ‘first place’. Fr Binu’s seminary in India drew with Edinburgh Direct Aid. This is an unprecedented result so it is proposed that in order to honour your votes, these two charities will become joint ‘Parish Projects’ for the next 12 months, with effect from 1st January 2024. We will then hold another vote (as this year) at the end of 2024 between these and another(s) charity to take forward from 2025. Therefore, all amounts raised and donated for the benefit of the church’s Parish Project 1st January to 31st December 2024 (incl.) will be split equally between these two beneficiaries. Any amounts received on or before 1st January 2024 will, however, be given to Fr Binu in full as our current project.

Religious Sisters of Mercy 2024 Open Houses and Holy Hours

On Saturday, 13 January, the Religious Sisters of Mercy at St. Andrew’s Convent, Ravelston will host an Open House from 4:15pm, including a Holy Hour 5:15pm-6:15pm with Vespers as part of their 50th Jubilee Year events. Additional Open Houses & Holy Hours are on the following Saturdays: 9th March, 20th April, 11th May and 24th August. Please RSVP: 01313433380. Come along!

New Year Dates for Your Diary

  • We are delighted to team up with St Margaret’s, Davidson Mains to host the Burns Supper on Friday 26th January in the Parish Hall at St Margaret’s. Tickets will be available from the 6th January at £15 per person. This includes a 3-course meal, please bring your own bottle. As this is a joint effort with the parish at Davidson Mains we are looking for some volunteers to toast the haggis and other Burnsian activities. If you are interested in taking part, please speak to Marie McQuillan over the next weeks.

  • Our St Andrew’s Talks will resume on Monday 26th February when we’ll welcome Anne-Marie Clements, the Catholic Social Teaching Officer of Justice and Peace Scotland to St Andrew’s. Anne Marie will speak about the work of Justice and Peace as well as address specific issues that Justice and Peace are dealing with.

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Mass with Archbishop for Feast of the Holy Innocents

Join Archbishop Cushley, priests and people of the Archdiocese to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents at midday Mass on Thursday, 28 December at St Margaret’s Chapel, The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Please register to attend at

Read the newsletter for 24th ~December (pdf)

Third Sunday of Advent - Year B

Obligation for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Please note that next Sunday (24 December, Christmas Eve) is the Fourth Sunday of Advent and all Catholics are obliged to attend Mass for that Sunday as well as for Christmas. Mass times for next Sunday will be as normal except that (obviously) there will be no 6:00pm Mass in Polish and no 7.30pm Mass on Sunday evening.

Christmas Masses 2023

St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral

Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December:

6:00pm Mass

9:00pm Mass (Polish)

11:15pm Carols and Readings

Midnight Mass

Christmas Day, Monday 25th December:

10.00am Mass

12noon (Polish) Mass

6:00pm (Polish) Mass

St Andrew’s Church, Ravelston

Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December:

5:30pm Carols & Readings

6:00pm Mass

Christmas Day, Monday 25th December:

10.00am Mass

Cathedral Roof Appeal

A massive thank you to all of you who have responded so generously to our roof appeal! To date, we have raised an astonishing £12,000 – and please remember that we have a very generous donor who has offered to double everything that is donated for this appeal. Again, this week, we will have a second collection at all Masses today. If you would like to donate online please visit, or contact our Finance Office,

Rorate Masses

Our beautiful Advent Rorate Masses conclude this week on Monday at 7pm at Ravelston and on Thursday at 7pm at the Cathedral. These are candlelit Masses and are the perfect way to prepare spiritually for Christmas. The Cathedral bookshop will also stay open until 8pm on the evenings of the Rorate Masses at the Cathedral.

Confessions During Advent

Make time to receive the Lord’s healing and forgiveness this Advent. Going to Confession is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas. Two priests will be available for Confession at the Cathedral every day next week at 1.15pm and on Saturday 23 December from 10:30am until 12:00pm and from 5pm until 6pm. Please note, there will be no Confessions next Sunday, 24 December.

Volunteers required for Christmas and New Year Masses

We are still looking for volunteers to assist at our Christmas and New Year’s Day Masses. If you are staying in Edinburgh and would be able to help at any of the Masses please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Kathedral Knits on Sale Today

There are still some beautiful, knitted goods available from Joanna and these will be on sale (for the last time this year) in the Octagon after all Masses today. Also available at

Catenians Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 20th December, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Informal chat to follow in a local pub. Join us! The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon Resumes 9th January

The Friendship group will resume as normal on Tuesday 9th January 2024. A huge thank you to the wonderful staff at Coffee Saints for making us feel welcome for our coffee afternoons. See you all in the New Year.

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Cathedral Flower Arranging

We are still short of Flower Arrangers!! If you are interested in flowers and would like tom join one of our teams, or just find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Children’s Catechism Classes: Dates for your 2024 Diary

For children registered for First Reconciliation in 2024:

Sunday, 7 Jan - First Reconciliation Classes at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston recommence

Sunday, 14 Jan - Rite of Illumination: 9am Mass (Cathedral); 10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Monday, 29 Jan, 7pm - Final Parents Meeting on Zoom

Sacrament of First Reconciliation services:

Monday, 5 Feb after 6pm evening Mass (St Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Tuesday, 6 Feb at 6pm (Cathedral)

For children registered for First Holy Communion in 2024:

Monday, 19 Feb, 7pm - Initial Parents Meeting on Zoom

Sunday, 25 Feb, 9:30am - First Holy Communion Classes start at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Enrolment Mass: 9am Mass (Cathedral)

10:30am Mass (St. Andrew’s, Ravelston)

Sacrament of First Holy Communion Masses:

Saturday, 8 June - 11:00am Mass, St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Sunday, 9 June - 11:00am Mass, Cathedral

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Day and Vigil Mass times for our parish and all churches in the Archdiocese can be viewed at

Faith Winter Conference for Young Adults: ‘The God Who Speaks’

This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Tuesday 2nd January to Thursday, 4th January. The conference will be held at the Emmaus Youth Village, Consett, and the theme is “The God Who Speaks: ‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.’” Fr. Patrick will also be going, as will Sr. Miriam Fidelis, RSM. The conference is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 25 and attracts scores of young Catholics from all over Britain with a unique blend of catechetical, spiritual and social activities in a relaxed holiday atmosphere. The cost of the conference for students is £110. If you are interested – please speak to Fr. Robert or Fr. Patrick.

‘Buffer Zone’ Bill Consultation: Deadline for Responses 20th December

A new bill proposes criminalising prayer and offers of help to women in designated ‘buffer zones’ around abortion centres in Scotland, including inside private homes within a 200m zone. Please respond to the government consultation which ends on 20 December at Please also write to your MSP to express your concerns. Visit for more information on what you can do to stop this disproportionate and intolerant law being introduced, including help with responding to the consultation and writing to your MSP.

Donations for Holy Land

Archbishop Cushley is encouraging us to consider donating to Friends of the Holy Land in Advent. A donation page has been set up for the Archdiocese at Find out more about its work at

SCIAF Real Gifts for Christmas

Real Gifts donated through the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) make a world of difference! Unique and impactful, they’re the gifts that keeps on giving, supporting those most in need in communities around the world. No fancy frills: watering can, soap, counselling for survivors, wheelchair, sewing machine, and loads more practical gifts to help support people during emergencies, to grow food and earn money to support themselves and their families. Shop today at

St Pauls Bookshop

For Christmas gift ideas, crib sets, Christmas cards, Bibles, prayer books, rosary beads, holy images, calendars and lots more, visit St Pauls Bookshop. The shop is open seven days a week 10:00am to 5:00pm.

Catholic Families for Life

The first issue of the newsletter from the Bishops’ Commission for Marriage, Family & Life can be downloaded at

Mass with Archbishop for Feast of the Holy Innocents

Join Archbishop Cushley, priests and people of the Archdiocese to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents at midday Mass on Thursday, 28 December at St Margaret’s Chapel, The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Complimentary refreshments and social afterwards. Please register to attend at

Explore God’s Will: Monthly Chats About Women’s Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 28 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues same time/venue: 25 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register email

Archdiocesan Music Day

The Archdiocesan Music Day is on Saturday 27 January 2024 at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. It is for those who contribute to the liturgy in their parish through music and/or singing, as well as for anyone interested in finding out more about sacred music. Details to follow soon.

Save the Date: Valentine’s Retreat for Married and Engaged Couples

The Archdiocesan Valentine’s Retreat for Married and engaged couples will take place at St Kentigern’s Church, Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, Edinburgh, on Saturday 10 February 2024. Details to follow soon

Read the newsletter for the 17th December (pdf)

Second Sunday of Advent - Year B

Cathedral Roof Appeal

There has been a tremendous response to our roof appeal – so profound thanks. So far we have raised an incredible £5,000 and remember a very generous donor has offered to double everything that is given for this appeal. The second collection at all Masses today will be for the appeal. If you would like to donate online please visit , or contact our Finance Office,

Cathedral Calendars

As part of the Roof Appeal, we will be selling Cathedral Calendars after all Masses this weekend. These are really beautiful and are an IDEAL Christmas gift for that difficult aunt (!) – or for students to take home to their mums to show they have been at Mass!! Priced at only £10 they are a bargain and should be purchased quickly while stocks last…

Rorate Masses

Our beautiful Advent Rorate Masses continue this week on Monday at 7pm at Ravelston and on Thursday at 7pm at the Cathedral. These are candlelit Masses and are the perfect way to prepare spiritually for Christmas. The Cathedral bookshop will also stay open until 8pm on the evenings of the Rorate Masses at the Cathedral.

Extra Times for Confessions in Advent

Going to Confession is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas. Two priests will be available for Confession on Saturday mornings from 10:30am until 12:00pm and extra time for Confession will be available on Sundays from 7:00pm. Make time to receive the Lord’s healing and forgiveness this Advent.

Volunteers required for Christmas and New Year Masses

We are looking for volunteers to assist at the Christmas Masses and the Mass on New Year’s Day. If you are able to help with any of the following Ministries – Reading, EMHC, Passkeeping, Welcoming or Money collecting, please sign up on the sheets at the passkeepers’ table or contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Kathedral Knits on Sale Today

Joanna Kopystynska’s beautiful, knitted goods will be on sale in the Octagon after all Masses today. The items are also available at

Thank You

Thank you very much to our parishioners at the Cathedral and St Andrew’s for the fantastic response to our request for Christmas gifts for the children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison. The gifts are very much appreciated by the prisoners as it allows them to give their children a gift at Christmas. Your continued kindness and generosity are very much appreciated.

Tonight is Last Youth Group Meeting Before Christmas

The Youth Group will have its last meeting before Christmas tonight at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Children from P3 to P7 are welcome to join between 6 and 7.30pm for an evening of games, an opportunity to learn something about our faith, prayer and more! Pick up an invitation card with the QR code or you can fill out a form on the night. There is a £1 registration for the whole year. Come along!

2024 Marriage Preparation Courses

Our next Marriage Preparation courses will be in 2024 on the following Saturdays 2nd March, 1st June 24th August and 23rd November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email to register.

Catenians Meeting

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting on Wednesday, 20th December, at 7.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. Informal chat to follow in a local pub. Join us! The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For information 01555 728032 or

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon

Last group meet up this year will be Tuesday 12th December, 2pm - 3.30pm. The group will resume as normal on Tuesday 9th January 2024. A huge thank you to the wonderful staff at Coffee Saints for making us feel welcome, see you all in the New Year.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society had the annual Christmas Mass and lunch 2nd December. The event was well attended and a wonderful lunch was had by all. Thank you to Fr Robert for leading a wonderful Mass. Thank you also to the Young Adult Group and The Legion of Mary for their wonderful support, help with the lunch and their amazing carol singing. If you or someone you know is an older member of the parish and would like to join in with the SSVP events, contact the Cathedral office or speak to a SSVP member when we resume collections in the New Year.

Volunteers Needed!

Cathedral Flower Arranging

We ask that you please consider volunteering to assist with arranging of flower displays around the Cathedral. We are very much in need of additional volunteers. Four two-person teams meet once every four weeks, mid-morning on a Friday. Lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested, as one of the two-person team is an experienced volunteer. To join a team of flower arrangers, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Cathedral Rorate Masses

Volunteers are needed to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the candlelit Rorate Masses and tidying up afterwards. The Rorate Masses will be celebrated on Thursdays 14th and 21st December. The Masses start at 7pm. You would need to be available from 6pm. If you can assist, then please e-mail Elizabeth Andrews at with a note of your availability.

Bacon Roll Donations

Thank you to all our generous parishioners who donated this weekend and to our great team of workers and cooks who made it a fun and successful morning. We raised just over £430 which will go to an Edinburgh based charitable organisation who feed the homeless all year round.

Helpers Needed: Setup and Cleanup for Ravelston Rorate Masses

Please consider helping us to setup and cleanup for the beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, scheduled for 7pm on Monday 11th and 18th December. We need helpers for each Mass to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, please contact

Become an Altar Server

We have a dedicated group of servers in St Andrew’s, but we are always looking for more to join our ranks. If you have made your First Holy Communion, please speak to Father Robert about serving at the altar during Mass. Adults as well as children are welcome!

Parish Project: Voting Slips Available

Please pick up your voting slip today for our Parish Project. Parish Project. As most of you will know, our current ‘Parish Project’ is the Rosminian Mission, Fr Binu’s seminary in India. It is, however, time for this to be reviewed such that either Fr Binu’s seminary will continue as our Parish Project for three more years (commencing 1st Jan 2024) or that another charity will take its place after the end of this year.

As before, the Parish Council would like the parish to vote on this and therefore, today, voting forms will again be handed out at Sunday Mass allowing you, our parishioners, to vote. Brief details of the charities that are listed on the voting forms are on the noticeboard in the Parish Rooms. Please do take this opportunity to cast your vote – a polling box will be at the back of the church in which to place your completed forms and votes will be counted over the coming days. Thank you!

Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Day and Vigil Mass times for our parish and all churches in the Archdiocese can be viewed at

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Faith Winter Conference for Young Adults: ‘The God Who Speaks’

This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Tuesday 2nd January to Thursday, 4th January. The conference will be held at the Emmaus Youth Village, Consett, and the theme is “The God Who Speaks: ‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.’” Fr. Patrick will also be going, as will Sr. Miriam Fidelis, RSM. The conference is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 25 and attracts scores of young Catholics from all over Britain with a unique blend of catechetical, spiritual and social activities in a relaxed holiday atmosphere. The cost of the conference for students is £110. If you are interested – please speak to Fr. Robert or Fr. Patrick.

‘Buffer Zone’ Bill

A new bill proposes criminalising prayer and offers of help to women in designated ‘buffer zones’ around abortion centres in Scotland, including inside private homes within a 200m zone. Please respond to the government consultation which ends on 20 December at Please also write to your MSP to express your concerns. Visit for more information on what you can do to stop this disproportionate and intolerant law being introduced, including help with responding to the consultation and writing to your MSP.

Donations for Holy Land

Archbishop Cushley is encouraging us to consider donating to Friends of the Holy Land in Advent. A donation page has been set up for the Archdiocese at Find out more about its work at

Explore God’s Will: Vocation to the Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 28 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. Meetings at same time/venue: 25 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr, 12 May and 22 June. To register, please email

St Pauls Bookshop

For Christmas gift ideas, cards, bibles, rosary beads, holy images calendars and lots more, visit St Pauls Bookshop at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh (beside John Lewis). It is open seven days a week from 10:00am to 5:00pm.

Read the newsletter for 10th December (pdf)

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – Year A

Solemnity of Christ the King

This Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King and marks the end of the liturgical year. At the end of each Mass, we will solemnly dedicate ourselves, our parish and our world to the Lord – especially this year imploring Him for peace in the world and particularly in Ukraine and the Holy Land.

Thursday – Solemnity of St. Andrew

This week, we celebrate the feast day of our National Patron whose relics are preserved here in the National Shrine of St. Andrew. On the Vigil of St. Andrew, Wednesday 29th November, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin at 7.30pm, concluding with sung Evening Prayer at 8.15pm and Benediction. On Thursday 30th November, the first Mass will be at 10am, followed by Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley at 12:45pm, and evening Masses will be 7:30pm at the Cathedral and 6pm at Ravelston. After every Mass, there will be an opportunity for veneration of relics. It was Andrew who, famously, brought Peter to Jesus – this feast day is your opportunity in a special way – to go to Jesus, through Andrew.

Cathedral Advent Appeal Begins Next Weekend

As you know from last week’s newsletter, we will begin our Advent Appeal for the Roof Restoration next week. I am delighted to inform you that, once again, a very generous donor has offered to match fund whatever we manage to raise in this short appeal. This makes it even more important that we do all we can to capitalise on this incredible opportunity. I want to thank all those who were in touch over the last week with ideas and suggestions. We will, of course, be looking into grants to help us with this work, but whatever grants we are able to secure will almost always be dependent on proof that we ourselves have undertaken substantial fundraising in advance.

I have put out a few copies of the original 88-page Adams Napier Report for those who are interested, and there is also a very well complied summary of the report in pamphlet form available for people to take away. If you would like to donate please visit or contact our Finance Office,

Kathedral Knits on Sale Today

Today after the Noon Mass, knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at

All the profits go to the parish! Sales will also be on 3rd December, 10th December and 17th December.

Blessing of the Cathedral Crib on 7th December

Archbishop Leo will celebrate the Cathedral Rorate Mass at 7:00pm on Monday, 7th December, at the end of which he will bless the outdoor crib. Do come along!

Cathedral Schola Candlelit Advent Concert at Ravelston 8th December

A week from Friday is the Cathedral's Schola Cantorum’s special candlelit concert on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Friday 8 December at 8:00pm, in the warmth and intimacy of St Andrew's Church in Ravelston, reminiscent of the crib in Bethlehem. The group will sing a one-hour programme of Advent and Christmas music. Tickets are £6 standard or £12 family and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Space is limited in St Andrew's Church, and tickets have been selling well, so advanced booking is advised! Book here:

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon

Join us for our Coffee Afternoon, old and new friends welcome, Tuesdays 2.00pm till 3.30pm at Coffee Saints, with 20% discount on food and drink bought during the meeting time.

Archbishop Leo to Speak to Young Adults Group on Tuesday

This week, His Grace, Archbishop Leo, will speak about “Sacred Tradition: What is our Contribution to Be?” at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub.

Volunteers Needed!

Cathedral Flower Arranging

We ask that you please consider volunteering to assist with arranging of flower displays around the Cathedral. We are very much in need of additional volunteers. Four two-person teams meet once every four weeks, mid-morning on a Friday. Lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested, as one of the two-person team is an experienced volunteer. To join a team of flower arrangers, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at; telephone: 0131 553 1510.

Cathedral Rorate Masses

Volunteers are needed to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the candlelit Rorate Masses and tidying up afterwards. The Rorate Masses will be celebrated on Thursdays 7th, 14th and 21st December. The Masses start at 7pm. You would need to be available from 6pm. If you can assist, then please e-mail Elizabeth Andrews at with a note of your availability.

Congratulations! One-Year Anniversary of St. Pauls Bookshop

We are happy to announce the one-year anniversary of the grand opening of our beautiful St Pauls Bookshop — the only Catholic bookshop in all of east Scotland! Just one year ago today, 26 November 2022, His Grace, Archbishop Leo, blessed St Pauls Bookshop and the shop opened its doors – now open daily, 10am-5pm. Thank you Fr. Alex, Fr, Jereus and Emma for all of your hard work!

A Big Thank You to Fabric Helpers!

A new carpet has been installed across all carpeted areas in St Andrew’s, Ravelston The statues have been cleaned and tired wood refreshed. An extra special thank-you to those who volunteered their time and skills to enable this transformation! Thank you!!

Children to Help with Christmas Crib after Mass this week

After Mass today, the children of the parish are invited to join us to set up our outdoor Christmas crib. Come along and lend a hand! Then, before 10:30am Mass next Sunday, 3rd December, the children are invited to help us place the statues of Mary, Joseph, the shepherd and the empty manger in the crib. Adults and children please practice singing 'Away in a Manger' for 3rd Dec!

St. Andrew’s Talk: Scriptures Pointing to the Coming of Jesus Christ

The final St Andrew’s talk of the year will be tomorrow evening straight after 6pm Mass. In preparation for the start of Advent, Sister Miriam Ruth RSM and Sister Paul Miriam RSM will present the Messianic prophecies, Scriptural texts that point to the coming of Jesus Christ. The talk will provide a fascinating insight as we begin the season of preparation for Our Lord’s coming at Christmas. As usual, soup and sandwiches will be provided afterwards so you can sit and chew over the significance of these prophecies.

Ravelston Bacon Roll Morning Sunday 3rd December

Come along to our bacon roll morning after Sunday Mass on 3rd December in aid of the homeless at Christmas. Donations for a charity that feeds them will be collected. Please support this effort for a vulnerable group of people.

Parish Mass and Supper for Feast of St Andrew on Wednesday

A few tickets are remaining for our St. Andrew’s supper! Come and join us on the feast day of our patron this Wednesday 30th November in the church rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Join us for Mass at 6pm and then supper at 7pm. Supper will be a sit-down meal. Bring your own bottle! For catering purposes please pick up your tickets – one per person – after Mass this weekend. Cash or cheque donations welcome at the supper with all funds raised going to the Parish Rooms project.

3rd December Christmas Run: From the Pew to the Track - for All Ages!

Join us for the St. Andrew’s, Ravelston Christmas Run on Sunday 3rd December at 11:30am – for all ages! Come along after Mass and choose from three options: 1) Walk round the grounds, 2) Dean Gallery circuit or 3) Ultimo – Cathedral and back (approx. 5 km) Funds raised will be divided equally between Marie Curie and Bethany Christian Trust. Donations sought (£20 suggested). St Andrews Church, Sort code 83-06-08, Account number 10402444. Thank you in advance for your generous participation!

Helpers Needed: Setup and Clean-up for Ravelston Rorate Masses

Please consider helping us to setup and clean-up for the beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, scheduled for 7pm on Mondays, starting 4 December and concluding 18th December. We need helpers for each Mass to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, please contact

St Andrew’s, Ravelston Parish Project

As most of you will know, Ravelston’s current ‘Parish Project’ is the Rosminian Mission, Fr Binu’s seminary in India. It is, however, time for this to be reviewed such that either Fr Binu’s seminary will continue as our Parish Project for three more years (commencing 1st Jan 2024) or that another charity will take its place after the end of this year.

As before, the Parish Council would like the parish to vote on this and therefore, next weekend, voting forms will be handed out at Sunday Mass allowing you, our parishioners, to vote. Brief details of the charities that have been put forward by members of the Parish Council that you may consider voting for will be on the noticeboard in the Parish Rooms. These will be listed on the voting slip next week, along with Fr Binu’s seminary if you would like to vote to continue the seminary as our Parish Project for a further three years.

Become an Altar Server

We have a dedicated group of servers in St Andrew’s, but we are always looking for more to join our ranks. If you have made your First Holy Communion, please speak to Father Robert about serving at the altar during Mass. Adults as well as children are welcome!

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at Questions? Email

Faith Winter Conference for Young Adults: ‘The God Who Speaks’

This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Tuesday 2nd January to Thursday, 4th January. The conference will be held at the Emmaus Youth Village, Consett, and the theme is “The God Who Speaks: ‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.’” Fr. Patrick will also be going, as will Sr. Miriam Fidelis, RSM. The conference is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 25 and attracts scores of young Catholics from all over Britain with a unique blend of catechetical, spiritual and social activities in a relaxed holiday atmosphere. The cost of the conference for students is £110. If you are interested – please speak to Fr. Robert or Fr. Patrick.

Mary’s Meals: Your Donations to Help Hungry Children Doubled!

From now until 22 January 2024, donations made to Mary’s Meals will be doubled by a group of generous supporters, up to £1 million. Thanks to Double the Love, your donations bring hope to desperately hungry children and their families around the world. There are many ways to give, including gift cards and e-cards. Donate or find out more at

Read the newsletter for 26th November (pdf)

Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

Cathedral Advent Appeal

Dear Friends – please read about the state of the Cathedral roof. I am really sorry to have to share this with you – but I am afraid that we have reached the point at which we can no longer ignore this issue. As you will read – we will have an Advent Appeal next month (consisting primarily of second collections) to try to raise the money necessary for Phase One of the roof restoration. But if you have any other ideas about fundraising, please come forward and share them urgently!

Cathedral Schola Candlelit Advent Concert at Ravelston 8th December

In the warmth and intimacy of St Andrew's Church in Ravelston, reminiscent of the crib in Bethlehem, the Cathedral's Schola Cantorum will perform a special candlelit concert on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. On Friday 8 December at 8pm the group will sing a one-hour programme of Advent and Christmas music. Tickets are £6 standard or £12 family and are available from Eventbrite or on the door. Space is limited in St Andrew's Church, and tickets have been selling well, so advanced booking is advised! Book here:

Parish Youth Group (P3-P7) Tonight

The Youth Group return tonight at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Children from P3 to P7 are welcome to join between 6 and 7.30pm for an evening of games, an opportunity to learn something about our faith, prayer and the tuck shop to finish things off. If you haven’t registered, please pick up an invitation card with the QR code or you can fill out a form on the night. There is a £1 registration for the whole year. Come along!

Young Adults Group Talk on Tuesday by Fr. Brian O’Mahony

This week, Fr. Brian O’Mahony will speak about “Mary, Mother of God in the Mystery of Christ and the Church” at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!

29th-30th November: St Andrew’s Vigil and Feast Day at the Cathedral

Make time in your diary this year to celebrate the feast day of our National Patron here at the Cathedral where we have the National Shrine of St. Andrew and his relics. We will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the Vigil of St. Andrew on Wednesday 29th November from 7.30pm which will conclude with sung Evening Prayer of the Vigil at 8.15pm and then Benediction. All are welcome. On Thursday 30th November, Archbishop Leo Cushley will celebrate Mass for the Feast at 12.45. It was Andrew who, famously, brought Peter to Jesus – this feast day is your opportunity in a special way – to go to Jesus, through Andrew.

Concluding Weekend for Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

This is the time of year when parishioners of the Cathedral & St Andrew’s, Ravelston, donate gifts to be distributed to the children of adults who are prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison at Christmas. Thank you to so many who have contributed gifts for Prisoners’ Children so far! This is our concluding weekend for collection of gifts. We ask that gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. A collection box is placed at the back of both churches for the depositing of gifts. The box will be available at the Vigil Masses and the Sunday Masses over this weekend. Please be as generous as you have been in past years.

Next Sunday Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

Next Sunday after the Noon Mass, knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at

All the profits go to the parish! Sales will also be on 3rd December, 10th December and 17th December.

Friendship Group Coffee Afternoon

Join us for our Coffee Afternoon, old and new friends welcome, Tuesdays 2.00pm till 3.30pm at Coffee Saints, with 20% discount on food and drink bought during the meeting time.

Save the Date: Blessing of Cathedral’s Outdoor Crib on 7th December

Archbishop Leo will celebrate the Cathedral Rorate Mass at 7:00pm on Monday, 7th December, at the end of which he will bless the outdoor crib. Do come along!

Winter Conference for Young Adults, 2nd-4th January 2024

Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Tuesday 2nd January to Thursday, 4th January at the Emmaus Youth Village, Consett, and the theme is “The God Who Speaks: ‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.’” Fr. Patrick will also be going, as will Sr. Miriam Fidelis, RSM. The conference is open to anyone age 16 and 25 and attracts scores of young Catholics from all over Britain with a blend of catechetical, spiritual and social activities in a relaxed holiday atmosphere. The cost of the conference for students is £110. If you are interested – please speak to Fr. Robert or Fr. Patrick.

Volunteers Needed for Cathedral Rorate Masses

The beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses will take place at the Cathedral on Thursdays 7th, 14th and 21st December. The Masses start at 7pm and we are looking for volunteers to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the Masses and tidying up afterwards. You would need to be available from 6pm; if you can assist, then please e-mail Elizabeth Andrews at with a note of your availability.

St Pauls Bookshop: Advent Wreaths, Crib Sets and Christmas Cards

Prepare your home for the coming Advent season with Advent wreaths and candles, and a crib set to prayerfully prepare for the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Stop in St Pauls Bookshop where you will find these items, along with a beautiful selection of Christmas cards to send to family and friends. Advent calendars and 2024 diaries are in stock, too! The shop is open daily 10am-5pm.

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

Saturday morning Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, from 10:30am-12:00pm. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour…or more! Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm. “Christ…is the way by which we journey, the eternity at the journey’s end; He is the spotless way, the blessed dwelling-place.” Blessed Guerric of Igny

World Day for the Poor Collection This Weekend

This Sunday is World Day for the Poor and a second collection will be taken for the Fife Furniture Project, run by volunteers the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Thank you!

New Keys for the Sacristy

In an effort to improve our security and gain more control on who has access to the rear of the Cathedral, new locks will be installed on all the Sanctuary doors on Wednesday, 22 November. If you are a volunteer requiring access, you should have already been contacted with details of how to get your new key.

Kathedral Knits on Sale at Ravelston Today

Knitted goods for Christmas will be sold after 10:30am Mass at St. Andrew’s today, knitted by Cathedral parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. All proceeds support the parish!

Fabric Works This Week at ravelston — Help Needed!

Holy Hour and Mass Cancelled Wednesday 22 November

Due to works in the church to fit new carpet on Wednesday 22 November, the evening Holy Hour and Mass will be cancelled. In preparation for the carpet fitting, strong helpers are needed at the church between 1:00pm-5:00pm tomorrow, Monday, 20 November to clear the furniture and statues currently located on top of all carpeted areas in the church. In addition, assistance would be very welcome for statue-cleaning and woodwork (sanding and staining) on Wednesday 22 November 1pm-5pm in the parish rooms. Finally, physical help is required anytime on Saturday 25 November 10am-3pm to reinstate furniture and statues onto the new carpet. If you are able help, please come along! Also, please note that all week there will be no heating in the church because of the works.

Next Sunday: Children Invited to Help with Ravelston Christmas Crib

After Mass next Sunday, children of the parish (and parents, too!) are invited to join us to set up our outdoor crib in preparation for Christmas. Then before 10:30am Mass on the First Sunday of Advent, 3rd December, the children are invited to help us place the statues of Mary, Joseph, the shepherd and the empty manger as we look forward to Jesus' birth at Christmas.

Last Few Tickets Remaining for Supper for Feast of St Andrew

We’ve only a few tickets left for our St Andrew’s supper on the feast day of our patron, Wednesday 30th November in the church rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Get your ticket today! Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass at 6pm and then join for supper at 7pm. Supper will be a sit-down meal. Bring your own bottle! For catering purposes please pick up your tickets – one per person - after Mass this weekend. Cash or cheque donations welcome at the supper with all funds raised going to the Parish Rooms project.

St Andrew’s Talk on the Prophecies About the Coming of the Messiah

The final St Andrew’s talk of the year will be on Monday 27th November straight after Mass. In preparation for the start of Advent, Sister Miriam Ruth RSM and Sister Paul Miriam RSM will present the Messianic prophecies, Scriptural texts that point to the coming of Jesus Christ. The talk will provide a fascinating insight as we begin the season of preparation for Our Lord’s coming at Christmas. As usual, soup and sandwiches will be provided afterwards.

Ravelston Pastoral Outreach

Thank you to all who have indicated they would like to help in supporting those parishioners who are sick and housebound through a telephone apostolate. We will be in touch soon with the next step of the process. If anyone else wants to join in, please contact Fr Robert by calling the Cathedral Office or e-mailing

Ravelston Bacon Roll Morning Sunday 3rd December

Come along to our bacon roll morning after Sunday Mass on 3rd December in aid of the homeless at Christmas. Donations for a charity that feeds them will be collected. Please support this effort for a vulnerable group of people.

Ravelston Rorate Masses: Helpers Needed for Setup and Cleanup

Please consider helping us to setup and cleanup for the beautiful candlelit Rorate Masses, scheduled for 7pm on Mondays, starting 4 December and concluding 18th December. We need helpers for each Mass to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, then please see Fr. Robert or contact

Archdiocesan Youth Day Next Saturday, 25th November

The Archdiocesan Youth Day will be a day of faith and fun for P4-P7s on Saturday 25 November, 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Join us as we come to know Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. We will have games, talks, sweets, Confessions, Mass and more! Speak to the parish priest to register.

Diploma in Catechetics 2024

Explore the richness and depth of our Catholic faith – all from home – with the Diploma in Catechetics from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led by Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM. Tune in each Thursday at 7:30pm for an expert-led Zoom Webinar (or watch the recording at your convenience), and further enjoy guided readings, regular one-to-one support, and an in-person retreat. The Diploma in Catechetics begins on Thursday 25 January 2024. Concessions available. Registration and info at
Questions? Email

Read the newsletter for 19th November (pdf)