Third Sunday of Easter - Year C

40 Hours Devotion – 10th-12th June

Please remember to put in your diaries that “40 Hours” at the Cathedral will take place this year on 10th-12th June. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed all day for adoration and each day will finish with a Holy Hour and Benediction at 7pm. This is a lovely devotion and something to bring your children and grandchildren to experience.

Talks on the Eucharist

In preparation for the “40 Hours” we will have a series of talks on the Eucharist on 20th and 27th May and 3rd June which will explore the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist. Each talk will begin at 7pm at the Parish Rooms in St. Andrew’s Ravelston and will be followed by soup and sandwiches.

Interested in helping fellow parishioners attend Mass?

The SVDP is looking for volunteers to take housebound or disabled parishioners to Mass. You would be part of a Rota with Cathedral conference members and other volunteers. Please contact Nicola on 07943 691517 if interested or email You don’t have to join the SSVP conference to do this, but you would of course be very welcome if you wanted to!

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 5th May (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 5th May (.pdf)