29th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Young Adults Group – Tuesday 7pm

This Tuesday, there is no talk but there will instead be an Italian social night. Tickets cost £5 for three courses and a free glass of wine. Please purchase these after Mass this weekend! Talks will resume next week. 

New Parish Youth Group – Starting Next Sunday

We’re putting the finishing touches on plans for our new parish youth group and will be ready to start after the October holidays, on Sunday 27th October at 6pm at Ravelston! Speak to Fr Jamie for more information.  

Quiz Night – 1st November in St Mary’s Cathedral Hall, 7pm-11pm

Together with the Cambodia Project, the Cathedral is raising funds to help support the poorest people of Cambodia by organizing a Quiz Night. So please brush up your general knowledge, message all your family and friends, put a team together (or join up with others) and come along for a fun evening for a worthy cause. Tickets are £10 per adult, including pizza, email Kate on togetherwithcambodia.twc@gmail.com.

Fabric Works in the Cathedral

We are now taking quotes for installing a Fire Detection system in the Cathedral – which we have never had! The kneelers in the St Andrew’s aisle are being repaired and a roof inspection has recently been carried out. Thank you for your generous support in caring for our Cathedral!

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for the 20th October (doc)

Download the newsletter for the 20th October (pdf)