Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Ash Wednesday

Just to remind you that this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent. It is a day of Fasting and Abstinence – which means that all Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat and those aged between 18 and 65 are obliged to fast. Ashes will be distributed at all the Masses and the Mass times are as above.

Stations of the Cross

It is a good and pious tradition to pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent. This year we will have Stations every Tuesday evening at 7pm and every Friday immediately following the 12.45pm Mass. The Stations are a beautiful devotion – please think about making the commitment to come every week and especially those of you with children why not think about introducing your children to this lovely form of prayer this Lent? 

Young Adults’ Group – This Wednesday

The Young Adults’ Group got off to a great start this week with around 40 of our young people gathering to grow in their faith and their friendships. This Wednesday Fr Michael John Galbraith will talk on the “Priesthood in the Life of the Church”. Ash Wednesday mass is at 7pm, and the talk will follow in the hall immediately afterwards.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, Deacon Peter and Sr Mary Cora

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