Rediscovering Catholicism

A Short Course in Theology on Zoom Wednesdays at 7pm

One of the things that is often said by our regular (older) parishioners is that they would like to have talks and discussions like those organised for the young adults’ group. Well, now is the time!

If you would like to know more about your faith, if you would like to delve a bit deeper into the theology of the Church, why not join Fr Patrick for a series of talks and discussions on the faith on Zoom? This course is open to parishioners of all ages.

Fr Patrick will give a presentation on a different topic each week that will be followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Meetings will take place, at least initially, via Zoom video conference on Wednesdays at 7pm beginning on the 24th of June.

For more information or to sign up, email

A short talk on Prayer

Fr Patrick has recorded a very short talk on prayer entitled: “Journey to the Heart of our Being.” In these days when we have a bit more time to pray and given that we will be opening the churches again soon for personal prayer, you might find the talk helpful.