Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Adult Confirmation Class

If you are an adult who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil, the preparation course starts on 26 February and lasts 5 weeks. If you would like to sign up for the course, email Fr Nick at

Young Adults’ Group

The first talk of the Young Adults’ Group will take place on Wednesday 7th February at 7pm in the Hall. The winter/spring series will explore the nature of the Church and all the many different things which make the Church to be the living body of Christ. As a little warm-up to the series, there will be a cheese and wine social evening in the Hall this Monday 29th Jan from 7pm. All under-35s welcome.

Fabric Works in the Cathedral

As you know, we will be beginning work on the flat roofs of the Cathedral soon. This work will cost £20,000. In addition, it will be necessary in the near future to renew many of the gutters and downpipes on the Cathedral which are currently broken and which are causing damage to the building.

Rat Infestation at 63 York Place!

Unfortunately during the week we also discovered an infestation of rats in the cellar of 63 York Place. Obviously we have had to deal with this – also at considerable cost…

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, Deacon Peter and Sr Mary Cora

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Adult Confirmation Class

If you are an adult who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil, the preparation course starts on 26 February and lasts 5 weeks. If you would like to sign up for the course, email Fr Nick at

Young Adults’ Group

The first talk of the Young Adults’ Group will take place on Wednesday 7th February at 7pm in the Hall. The winter/spring series will explore the nature of the Church and all the many different things which make the Church to be the living body of Christ. As a little warm-up to the series, there will be a cheese and wine social evening in the Hall on Monday 29th Jan from 7pm. All under-35s welcome.

Fabric Works in the Cathedral

Just to draw your attention to the fact that we have a number of significant leaks in the roof of the Cathedral which are in urgent need of repair. These are almost entirely in the flat roof section on either side of the building which needs to be replaced. Having taken quotes and with the permission of the Diocese we have, therefore, given the go-ahead to the builders to replace the flat roofs. This will cost in the region of £20,000. This is money that we do not really have – however the works need to be done and we have been advised that it will be detrimental to the fabric to delay. The work will begin in the next couple of weeks.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, Deacon Peter and Sr Mary Cora

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Farewell to Simon Nieminski

After 10 years of wonderful music-making, today we say farewell to our fantastic organist, Simon Nieminski. Simon has beautified our liturgies and helped us raise our hearts and minds to God over the past decade and we are so thankful to him for this. We will miss him around the Cathedral and wish him all the very best for his future at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney!

Rite of Illumination

Next week we welcome in a particular way the children of Primary 3 who are preparing for first confession and who will take part in the Rite of Illumination. Please keep our children in your prayers as they prepare to meet Jesus in this beautiful sacrament.

Divine Mercy Holy Hour

Today at 3pm, the Divine Mercy Group will hold their monthly prayer service in the Cathedral. It is a beautiful time to spend before the Blessed Sacrament, with music and readings from Scripture and the writings of St Faustina to guide our meditation. Confessions are also available during this time. Why not make another new year’s resolution to make this monthly time of prayer part of deepening your relationship with the Lord in 2018?

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, Deacon Peter and Sr Mary Cora.

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Happy New Year

From all of us at Cathedral House, we want to wish you a happy new year. If, perhaps, you might be looking to make a new year’s resolution, you might think about volunteering in the parish. There are many opportunities available; passkeeper, reader, children’s liturgy, music, cleaning, teas and coffees. If you would like to be more involved and give a little extra back to the parish, see Deacon Peter after Mass or email him at

Divine Mercy Holy Hour

Next Sunday at 3pm, the Divine Mercy Group will hold their monthly prayer service in the Cathedral. It is a beautiful time to spend before the Blessed Sacrament, with music and readings from Scripture and the writings of St Faustina to guide our meditation. Confessions are also available during this time. Why not make another new year’s resolution to make this monthly time of prayer part of deepening your relationship with the Lord in 2018?

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, Deacon Peter and Sr Mary Cora

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Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]