Fourth Sunday Of Advent – Year A

Christmas Masses 2022

St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral

Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December:

6:00pm Mass

9:00pm Mass (Polish)

11:15pm Carols and Readings

Midnight Mass

Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December:

10.30am Mass

12noon (Polish) Mass

6:00pm (Polish) Mass

St Andrew’s Church, Ravelston

Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December:

5:30pm Carols & Readings

6:00pm Mass

Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December:

10.30am Mass

Confessions This Week

Just to remind you that all Catholics are encouraged to make a good confession before Christmas. To enable you to do this there will be two priests hearing confessions at the Cathedral each day this week after the 12.45pm Mass. There will also be confessions after each of our Rorate Masses on Monday and Thursday. This is a good way to prepare for Christmas and will bear fruit in your family celebrations!

Rorate Mass by Candlelight Tomorrow at 7pm

Tomorrow (Monday) we will have our final popular Rorate Mass for Advent by candlelight at 7pm. It is a beautiful way to prayerfully prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas. Do come along!

Final Young Adults Advent Talk – Tuesday at 7pm

Our Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – concludes on Tuesday, 20 December with a talk by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley on ‘The Annunciation’. After Night Prayer in the Cathedral, we will gather at a local pub for refreshments!!

Over Sixties Club

All those 60 and over are welcome to join our Over Sixties Club events:

Tuesday 20th December: Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints, 2.30 - 4pm. This will be the last coffee afternoon in its present format and the last meet up for the year. Hope to see as many of you as possible. Thursday 22nd December: Mercat Cross Tour, 12.45pm meet up at Grassmarket Community Project, Candlemaker Row. Spaces limited, pre-booking is essential. Call Trish on 07541 552070.

The first Coffee Afternoon of 2023 will be Tuesday 10th January usual time and place.

This initiative of the Over Sixties Club has brought our lovely groups together and we hope to continue into the New Year. The funding may have ended, but the groups formed will undoubtedly continue. If you need assistance with any of the future costs involved, please speak to Trish on the number above. We are working on ways to make the projects more sustainable. The Book Club has been revamped and will continue in a different venue. Have a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year!

Hand-Made Knitted Hats and Toys for Sale in Octagon

Beautiful knitted hats and soft toys hand-made by our own parishioners Anne Macaulay and Joanna Kopystynska are available for sale at bargain prices in the Octagon after all Masses. Shop for a Christmas gift for someone you love! All proceeds benefit the Cathedral! The items are also available at

Cathedral Magazine on Sale after weekend Masses for £5

The first edition of the new Cathedral Magazine called Crux, is available for only £5 at the end of all Masses today. Full of interesting articles and beautiful features it is a great way to support the Cathedral. A must-read over the Christmas season!

Catholic Men: Catenians’ Meeting on Wednesday, 21st December

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a Membership meeting Wednesday 21st December, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. We would like to extend our group, sharing friendship and faith in our community. For more information contact John Russell on 01555 728032,

Christmas Gifts at St. Pauls Bookshop: Bibles, Rosaries, DVDs and more!

Our new St Pauls Bookshop offers a wide range of Christian literature, Bibles, rosaries, holy cards, religious objects, music, DVDs and more. Varieties of Christmas cards and crib sets are available. Find your perfect Christmas gift! Hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm, including weekends (closed Mondays). Contact 0131 510 4260 or, or visit

Coffee Saints Café: Enjoy a Coffee, Cake, Lunch or All-Day Brunch

Visit the Cathedral’s award-winning Coffee Saints café where all profits go to charity! Coffee Saints is social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. Every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. You can book online through itison for a Coffee & Traybake or Brunch for two or an Afternoon Tea at View festive opening hours and full menu at

Many Options Available to Support St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish

We are very grateful to all our parishioners who generously donate to help St. Mary’s Cathedral parish. We have a variety of options available for supporting the parish:

  • Contactless: We have two contactless donation devices in the Cathedral, which you may prefer to use instead of handling notes and loose change.

  • Gift Aid: Gift Aid is another way of raising money for the parish. It is a government-led initiative whereby UK taxpayers may register for Gift Aid with the Cathedral and/or with St Andrew’s such that the government will give an additional 25% of the value of donations made during the year to the charity, at no additional cost to the donor. Many of you are already registered, but if not, do contact our finance officer, Caroline, on if you are interested.

  • Online: The Cathedral website also has a ‘donate’ button on our website menu (to see the menu, click on the three lines in the top right corner of the main page) which has the added advantage of allowing you to ‘Gift Aid’ any donations you make at the time that you make them. Become a Friend of the Cathedral: You can find more details about how to become a Friend by going to our website

  • Other: We have a page on the ‘easyfundraising’ website. is a website through which you can shop at various retailers online while simultaneously raising a small percentage for your chosen charity at no additional cost to you! By registering as a supporter of a particular charity (we are listed as St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral), you can then search for your chosen retailer and, if listed, open their website and shop as normal. With Christmas just around the corner, many retailers are offering ‘double-donations’, increasing their usual percentage donation to the selected charity.

Rorate Mass on Thursday at 7pm

Our beautiful and popular candlelight Advent Rorate Masses conclude on Thursday, 22nd December at 7:00pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. There will be confessions after the Mass this week – a great way to prepare for Christmas.

New Year Dates for Your Diary

Some dates for your brand new diaries! From Sunday 15th January there will be a Holy Hour every Sunday from 2pm in St Andrew’s Ravelston which will conclude with Benediction at 3pm. Please do make some time to pop in and visit the Blessed Sacrament. Also, from Sunday 26th February the Youth Group (ages from P3 to S1) will return with its regular Sunday evening meetings, starting at 6pm with games, a chance to learn about the faith and time to prayer. Don’t forget the tuckshop too!

January St. Andrew’s Talk on the Eucharist

Mark your diary for our next talk on Monday 9th January when Fr James Cadman will speak on the Eucharist and especially the beautiful devotion of Eucharistic Adoration. Soup & sandwiches will follow!

Holy Hour 6pm with Archbishop Cushley Tonight at Gillis Chapel

Tonight, Sunday, 18 December, at 6:00pm Archbishop Cushley begins the first in a series of monthly Holy Hours with Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. Holy Hours will be held at the same time and place on Tue 10 Jan, Sun 12 Feb, Sun 12 Mar. No registration required.

2023 Diploma in Catechetics, Begins Thursday, 12th January

Register online today to learn about the richness and depth of the Catholic spiritual tradition with course leader Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM in the 2023 Diploma in Catechetics course which begins Thursday, 12th January. She and a range of guest speakers bring you lectures, with guided reading, conversations, retreats, and supplementary courses available. The year-long course costs £200 (concessions available), with weekly sessions by Zoom webinar on Thursdays at 7:30pm (1hr max) and includes regular one-to-one sessions with Sr Anna Marie or another course leader. To learn more and read testimonials, visit

Online Talk by Sr. Anna Marie on Different Forms of Prayer

Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM hosts the final 30 minute online Advent talk on different forms of prayer on Monday 19 December at 7:30pm. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join: (Zoom event). Catch up with previous talks on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel:

Online Prayer Event for Young Catholic Adults Aged 20-40

Join us for a post-Christmas rosary and reflection via Zoom on Tues 27th December, 8:00-8:30pm. Our events are a great opportunity to meet and socialise with other young adults. For more info and tickets email:

Monthly Chats for Women About Religious Life Begin in January

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 29 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month at the same time/venue: 26 Feb, 26 Mar, 30 Apr, 28 May. To register or find out more, please email

Free Retreat for Married & Engaged Couples on Saturday, 11th February

A free half-day retreat offers couples a chance to reflect on their love and commitment to each other, to God and to their community. It will be led by Annette and Paul O’Beirne, of Equipes Notre-Dame (Teams of Our Lady), which supports married couples in their vocation. They will share some of the stories and tools gathered over their 42 years together. The retreat will be 2-5pm, Saturday 11 February at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Register at

Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine & Co. Mayo, Ireland in April 2023

A pilgrimage to Knock Shrine is being organized in April 2023 for the parishes within Scotland with day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Cost is £699.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight, all transfers, 4 nights in Knock House Hotel with full board. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email

Mary’s Meals – Double the Love, Big Family Christmas Table & Gift Cards

Looking for the perfect present for your loved ones? Say it with school meals for poor children and make a real difference to the lives of children and communities. Until 31 January 2023, donations made to Mary's Meals through all our gift cards, life-changing gifts and Big Family Christmas will be matched by a group of generous supporters, up to £1.5 million. You can transform the lives of two children by sending our popular £15.90 gift card or setting a place at our Big Family Christmas table! Find out more at

Read the newsletter for 18th December (pdf)

Third Sunday of Advent – Year A

Seminarians Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland

Christmas Masses 2022

St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral

Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December:

6:00pm Mass

9:00pm Mass (Polish)

11:15pm Carols and Readings

Midnight Mass

Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December:

10.30am Mass

12noon (Polish) Mass

6:00pm (Polish) Mass

St Andrew’s Church, Ravelston

Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December:

5:30pm Carols & Readings

6:00pm Mass

Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December:

10.30am Mass

Rorate Mass with Archbishop Tomorrow at 7pm

The Archbishop will be the main celebrant at the Rorate Mass tomorrow (Monday) evening at 7pm. After the Mass he will bless the new crib outside the Cathedral and then he will join us in Coffee Saints for Mulled Wine and Mince Pies. It will be a lovely occasion- please join us for the Candlelit Mass.

Chapter Mass – Tuesday at 12.45pm

The Cathedral’s Chapter of Canons will gather on Tuesday, 13th December. Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the Mass at 12.45pm, joined by the other members of the chapter.

Over Sixties Club – Tuesday at 2.30pm

All over 60 are welcome to our wonderful Over Sixties Club events this week including Tuesday 13th December 2.30 - 4pm, Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints, and Wednesday 14th December our last group cinema outing for the year Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical, upstairs in Omni at 1.10pm. Next week will be our final week of activities ‘till the New Year.

Young Adults Advent Talk – Tuesday at 7pm

Our Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – continues on Tuesday, 13 December, with a talk on ‘John the Baptist’ by Fr. Robert and a concluding talk on 20 December by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, ‘The Annunciation’. After Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for refreshments!!

Catholic Men: Catenians’ Membership Meeting on 21st December

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a Membership meeting Wednesday 21st December, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. We would like to extend our group, sharing friendship and faith in our community. For more information contact John Russell on 01555 728032,

Hand-Made Knitted Hats and Toys for Sale in Octagon

Beautiful knitted hats and soft toys hand-made by our own parishioners Anne Macaulay and Joanna Kopystynska are available for sale at bargain prices in the Octagon after all Masses. Shop for a Christmas gift for someone you love! All proceeds benefit the Cathedral! The items are also available at

Light from Light: Schola Cantorum Concerts

The Cathedral’s Schola Cantorum performed marvellously last week in its tour of the Archdiocese with a series of choral concerts by candlelight. The octet will perform its final concert at St Margaret's Memorial Church in Dunfermline on Friday, 16 December at 8pm. We thank Michael, Tom, and the singers as they go out as musical ambassadors for the Cathedral, and continue to treat parish audiences to some of what we are used to enjoying week-on week!

Votive Candles

Please note that only the small candles provided in the box next to the candle stands may be used. Please do not use or leave ANY other candles in the church. Also, please do not put any papers near or in the votive candles since this is a major fire hazard. Thank you for your cooperation.

Going fast!....Last of the 2023 Cathedral Diaries on Sale after Mass

Nearly all the diaries have sold and this weekend is the last chance to support the Cathedral and give the perfect Christmas gift of our 2023 Cathedral Diary! Diaries are priced at a very reasonable £10 each. All proceeds support the Cathedral.

Thank you…

…to our parishioners at the Cathedral and St Andrew’s for the fantastic response to our request for Christmas gifts for the children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison. The gifts are very much appreciated by the prisoners as it allows them to give their children a gift at Christmas. Your continued kindness and generosity is very much appreciated.

Special Cathedral Cleaning Day: Saturday 28th January, 1.30 – 4pm

We intend to have a Spring Cleaning Day on Saturday 28th January, between 1.30 and 4 and are looking for volunteers to help out on a one off basis. If you think you might be able to spare the time, please put the date in your diary. Closer to the time, we will be asking for names and numbers to make sure we have enough cleaning equipment.

Admitted to Candidacy!

Seminarians Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland from our Cathedral parish were among those admitted to Candidacy for ordination to the Diaconate by Bishop Paul Tighe at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome on 7th December. They will both be ordained to the Diaconate on 14th June 2023. Please continue to keep them both in your prayers!

Young People Invited to Set Up Christmas Crib Today at 1:00pm

The outdoor Christmas crib will be set up today at 1:00pm. It is a great tradition that our young people have helped out with this task in previous years, so all are invited to come and help out. Hot chocolate and hard hats will be provided!

Last Youth Group Meeting on Sunday night with Games & Pizza!

Tonight the Youth Group will meet for the final time before the Christmas break. All P3-S1 are welcome at St Andrew’s Parish Rooms, Ravelston from 6-7.30. The evening starts with games, includes activities on the faith and this week will finish with pizza! We look forward to seeing you there.

Thank You…

…to everyone who came out for the celebration of the Solemnity of St Andrew last week. It was great to have so many gather for Mass and then join for a wonderful meal prepared by Mairi-Angela, Kate and Robbie in celebration of our patron. Thanks, too, to those members of the social committee involved with preparing the event which raised £277 for the parish fund. Next date for your diary is Thursday 15th December, when refreshments will be available after the blessing of the Ravelston crib at the end of the Rorate Mass.

Upcoming St. Andrew’s Talk on the Eucharist

Thanks to Sr Miriam Fidelis RSM for her wonderful presentation on the beautiful ‘O Antiphons’ that the Church prayers in the final few days before Christmas and to those of you who turned out. Mark your diary for our next talk on Monday 9th January when Fr James Cadman will speak on the Eucharist and especially the beautiful devotion of Eucharistic Adoration. Soup and sandwiches will follow!

Bacon Roll Charity Thank you!

A huge thank you to our very generous parishioners who supported our Bacon Roll Charity last Sunday for Kindred. We raised a total of £615. Special thanks to the willing and delightful helpers who made it a smooth and fun morning.

2023 Diploma in Catechetics, Begins Thursday, 12th January

Register online today to learn about the richness and depth of the Catholic spiritual tradition with course leader Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM in the 2023 Diploma in Catechetics course which begins Thursday, 12th January. She and a range of guest speakers bring you lectures, with guided reading, conversations, retreats, and supplementary courses available. The year-long course costs £200 (concessions available), with weekly sessions by Zoom webinar on Thursdays at 7:30pm (1hr max) and includes regular one-to-one sessions with Sr Anna Marie or another course leader. To learn more and read testimonials, visit

Let Us Pray: Online Talks on Different Forms of Prayer

Rediscover prayer as we await anew the gift of life in Jesus. Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM leads this series of three 30 minute online talks on different forms of prayers - vocal, meditative, contemplative – 12th and 19th December at 7:30pm on Zoom. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Monthly Chats for Women About Religious Life Begin in January

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 29 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month at the same time/venue: 26 Feb, 26 Mar, 30 Apr, 28 May. To register or find out more, please email

Sunday Holy Hours with Archbishop Cushley at St. Margaret’s Chapel

Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. It takes place at 6pm on the following dates: Sun 18 Dec, Tue 10 Jan, Sun 12 Feb, Sun 12 Mar. No registration required, just turn up and pray.

Save the Date: Valentine’s Retreat for Couples on 11th February

This free half-day retreat offers couples a chance to reflect on their love and commitment to each other, to God and to their community. It will be led by Annette and Paul O’Beirne, of Equipes Notre-Dame - Teams of Our Lady, which supports married couples in their vocation. They will share some of the stories and tools gathered over their 42 years together. The retreat takes place from 2-5pm on Saturday 11 February at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB (free parking onsite). Register at

Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine & Co. Mayo, Ireland in April 2023

A pilgrimage to Knock Shrine is being organized in April 2023 for the parishes within Scotland with day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Cost is £699.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight, all transfers, 4 nights in Knock House Hotel with full board. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email

Read the newsletter for 11th December (pdf)

Second Sunday Of Advent – Year A

Rorate Masses by Candlelight on Mondays of Advent at 7pm

Our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses at the Cathedral begin tomorrow, Monday, 5th December at 7:00pm, and will be celebrated on the following two Mondays. The Mass is accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

New Crib Scene for Outside the Cathedral

For many years we have felt that it would be lovely to have a proper large outdoor crib scene in front of the Cathedral during the Christmas period. Then, out of the blue last year, we “inherited” a full set of crib figures from the parish in Pittenweem. This spurred us into action (!) and we have, in the meantime, commissioned and had built a beautiful (and vandal-proof) Manger which will sit at the top of the Cathedral steps and be visible across the whole of Picardy Place. Hopefully this will add grace and beauty to the city and will help people to realise the true significance of Christmas. To mark the occasion, Archbishop Leo will celebrate the Rorate Mass next Monday, 12th December, at the end of which he will bless the new crib. We will then retire to Coffee Saints for delicious mulled wine and mince pies! This has been a major project (!) so please do come along and celebrate its completion on Monday week.

Light from Light: Our Schola Cantorum is on Tour this Advent!

In the coming weeks, the Cathedral’s Schola Cantorum will tour the Archdiocese with a series of choral concerts by candlelight. This will be the first time the choir has shared its wonderful choral singing beyond the Cathedral walls in quite this way. The octet will perform to audiences in St Francis Xavier's Church in Falkirk on 7 December, St Patrick's Church in Kilsyth on 10 December, and St Margaret's Memorial Church in Dunfermline on 16 December, with all concerts starting at 8pm. We wish Michael, Tom, and the singers all the very best as they go out as musical ambassadors for the Cathedral, and as they treat parish audiences to some of what we are used to enjoying week-on week!

2023 Cathedral Diaries on Sale after Mass

Support the Cathedral and give the perfect Christmas gift of our 2023 Cathedral Diary, which is on sale after all Masses this weekend! This is a very special spiritual and practical gift for Christmas, with all the holy days marked. Diaries are priced at a very reasonable £10 each. All proceeds support the Cathedral. Our wonderful Cathedral Schola Cantorum’s CD With Angels and Archangels is also available — for a special Advent price of £10. The CD includes music by Palestrina, James MacMillan, and our own Director of Music, Michael Ferguson. Both can be purchased online at

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas are on sale after the Noon Mass today by parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Sales will be held on the following two Sundays, as well!

Parish Youth Group Meets on Sunday

All those in P3-S1 are invited to join our Parish Youth Group tonight at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston between 6 & 7.30pm to meet new friends, play, and learn about our Catholic faith! Don’t forget some spending money for the tuck shop! The evening begins at 6pm. Any questions, please speak to Fr. Robert or email Reminder: Next Sunday is our last Youth Group meeting of the year.

Young Adults Advent Talks

Our Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – begin on Tuesday, 6 December with Fr. Albert Robertson, OP, on The Immaculate Conception. Then on 13 December, we will have a talk on ‘John the Baptist’ by Fr. Robert and a concluding talk on 20 December by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, ‘The Annunciation’. As always, after Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment.

Over Sixties Club – Farewell to Graham Burnett on Tuesday, 6 December

On Tuesday 6th December, our Over Sixties Club will host a farewell for Graham Burnett, Engagement Officer for the Over 60s Community, 2.30 – 4:00pm at Coffee Saints. This will be an opportunity to say goodbye to Graham as he not only leaves the Grassmarket Community Project, but also Edinburgh. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. The Over Sixties Club are looking to continue meeting and organising events, so keep an eye on this notice for news. The Book Club will relocate to another venue in the New Year, with news to follow when it has been finalised.

Catholic Men: Catenians’ Membership Meeting on 21st December

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a Membership meeting Wednesday 21st December, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. We would like to extend our group, sharing friendship and faith in our community. For more information contact John Russell on 01555 728032,

St Andrew’s Talk Tomorrow at 6.45pm

Our next talk in our St. Andrew's Talk series will be tomorrow evening, 5th December at 6:45pm with Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM on the beautiful ‘O Antiphons’ that are a prominent feature of the liturgy of the Church in the days closest to Christmas. After the talk there will be soup and sandwiches and a chance to discuss.

Ravelston Rorate Masses Begin this Thursday, 8th December

This week we begin our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses at St. Andrew’s, scheduled on Thursdays at 7:00pm starting 8th December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Rorate Mass originated during the course of the Middle Ages as one of the various popular Advent devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Do come along and bring your children!

We are in need of helpers for the Rorate Masses to set up the candles around the church and to tidy them up after the Mass! If you can assist for any of these Masses, then please sign up on the sheets at the back of church or contact

Young People Invited: Christmas Crib Set Up Sunday 11 December 1:00pm

The outdoor Christmas crib will be set up next Sunday, 11th December at 1:00pm. It is a great tradition that our young people have helped out with this task in previous years, so all are invited to come and help out. Hot chocolate and hard hats will be provided!

Today after Mass: Bacon Roll Charity to Support Kindred

Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass today at our Bacon Roll Charity for Kindred, a charity that helps families who have a child with complex needs. Any donation on the day will be appreciated! Vegetarian option available.

2023 Diploma in Catechetics, Begins Thursday, 12th January

Register online today to learn about the richness and depth of the Catholic spiritual tradition with course leader Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM in the 2023 Diploma in Catechetics course which begins Thursday, 12th January. She and a range of guest speakers bring you lectures, with guided reading, conversations, retreats, and supplementary courses available. Modules cover the Sacraments, Scripture, Christology, Moral Theology and more. The year-long course costs £200 (concessions available), with weekly sessions by Zoom webinar on Thursdays at 7:30pm (1hr max) and includes regular one-to-one sessions with Sr Anna Marie or another course leader. To learn more and read testimonials, visit

Let Us Pray: Online Talks on Different Forms of Prayer

Rediscover prayer as we await anew the gift of life in Jesus. Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM leads this series of three 30 minute online talks on different forms of prayers - vocal, meditative, contemplative - on Monday 5, 12, and 19 December at 7:30pm on Zoom. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Online Advent Rosary for Life at 7:45pm on Wednesdays

Join people from across the Archdiocese to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all pro-life intentions. Includes a reflection from a priest of the Archdiocese each week. Each Wednesday in Advent, 7:45pm – 8:20pm. Register at (Zoom event).

Explore God’s Will for You: Sunday Chats for Women on Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 29 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month at the same time. To register, please email

Make Your Voice Heard: Government Survey on the Future of Education

Make sure Catholic voices are heard in the national discussion on the future of education in Scotland! Submit your response to the Scottish Government’s 10-question survey by 5 Dec at

Free Hot Food This Winter for People on Low Incomes

LifeCare Edinburgh’s Meals on Wheels service offers fresh, hot meals delivered for those over 50 on Universal Credit or Pension Credit in north Edinburgh. The Warm Space café has free soup and hot drinks available 3:30pm-6:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays at the LifeCare Centre in Stockbridge,

2 Cheyne Street. For more information call 0131 343 0940 or visit

Blessing of the “Bambinelli” on Sunday 18th December

The beautiful Advent Tradition, Bambinelli Sunday, was instituted by Saint Pope John Paul II during his Papacy. The tradition follows that on the last Sunday of Advent children and adults bring their Baby Jesus figures from their homes to Mass where they are blessed.

Parishes around the world now join in the celebration, encouraging young children to make the connection between the Nativity set at home and the local church where they worship each weekend.

Pope Francis says: “It helps children and young people to prepare for Jesus.”

This year we will celebrate 'Bambinelli Sunday' on December the 18th. Please remember to bring your baby Jesus figures to Mass that Sunday for blessing.

Stella Maris Carol Concert in Leith on 7th December

Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) is holding a carol service on Wednesday 7 December at 7pm in St Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution St., Leith, followed by a reception at 8 pm. All are welcome.

Read the newsletter for 4th December (pdf)

First Sunday Of Advent – Year A

St Andrew’s Vigil and Feast Day at the Cathedral This Week

Join us to celebrate the feast day of our National Patron on Tuesday 29th November for the Vigil of the Feast of St. Andrew at the Cathedral. We will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 7pm which will conclude with Evening Prayer I of the feast at 8pm and Benediction. All are welcome! On the Feast Day itself, Wednesday 30th November, Archbishop Leo Cushley will celebrate 12.45pm Mass.

Young Adults: Social After St. Andrew’s Vigil, Advent Talks

All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to join us for a social in 63 York Place following the St. Andrew’s Vigil on Tuesday, 29th November. The following week our Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – begin on Tuesday, 6 December with Fr. Albert Robertson, OP, on The Immaculate Conception. Then on 13 December, we will have a talk on ‘John the Baptist’ by Fr. Robert and a concluding talk on 20 December by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, ‘The Annunciation’. As always, after Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment.

Parish Youth Group Meets Tonight

All those in P3-S1 are invited to join our Parish Youth Group tonight at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston between 6 & 7.30pm to meet new friends, play, and learn about our Catholic faith! Don’t forget some spending money for the tuck shop! The evening begins at 6pm. Any questions, please speak to Fr. Robert or email

St. Pauls Bookshop Now Open!

Our new St Pauls Bookshop is now open at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm, including weekends (closed Mondays). Come and shop at the only Catholic bookshop in the East of Scotland. The shop offers a wide range of Christian literature, cards, religious objects, music, DVDs, visual resources, religious education materials and more. Find your perfect Christmas gift!

2023 Cathedral Diaries and Cathedral Schola CDs on Sale

Our 2023 Cathedral Diary is on sale after all Masses this weekend! This is a very special spiritual and practical gift for Christmas, with all the holy days marked. All proceeds support the Cathedral. Priced at a very reasonable £10 each. In addition, the CD With Angels and Archangels by the Cathedral’s Schola Cantorum is also available for a special Advent price of £10. The CD includes music by Victoria and Palestrina, Lotti, Rheinberger, Duruflé, James MacMillan, and Michael Ferguson. Both can be purchased online at

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas are on sale after the Noon Mass today by parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Sales will be held after the Noon Mass on 4 December, 11 December and 18 December.

Rorate Masses by Candlelight on Mondays: 5th, 12th, 19th December

We will have our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses at the Cathedral on Monday nights at 7:00pm on 5th, 12th and 19th December. The Mass is celebrated accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

Outdoor Crib Blessing on Monday, 12th December

His Grace, the Archbishop, will be here on Monday, 12th December to celebrate the Rorate Mass at 7:00pm and then immediately following the Mass to bless our new outdoor Christmas crib. Mulled wine and mince pies will be on sale in Coffee Saints after the blessing. Plan to come along!

Helpers Needed: Rorate Masses & Christmas Masses

The Cathedral is in need of helpers for the 7:00pm Rorate Masses (5th, 12th and 19th December) to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the Masses and tidying up afterwards. You would need to be available from 6.15pm. Helpers are also needed for our Christmas Masses to welcome people, to serve as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Readers and taking up the collections. If you can assist for any of these Masses, then please contact Elizabeth Andrews at or sign up on the sheets at the back of the Cathedral.

Crux Magazine of Friends of the Cathedral Available Today

Pick up your limited edition first issue copy of Crux today. At only £5, with all proceeds benefitting the Cathedral, enjoy articles and features written by Archbishop Cushley, Fr Jamie and some of our own pilgrims who journeyed to the Holy Land earlier this year. Crux is a must-read over the Christmas season for you and your family and the perfect keepsake for Cathedral visitors. Crux is the new magazine for all Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral, who receive this magazine straight their door. Join at

Final Collection of Christmas Gifts for Prisoners’ Children

This is our last weekend for collection Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton). We ask that gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. A collection box will be at the back of both churches.

Over Sixties Club

All those 60 and over are welcome to join our Over Sixties Club. Upcoming events are Tuesday 29th November, 2.30 - 4pm Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints, Thursday 1st December 1.30pm, trip to Jonny Walker Experience, meet at 1:45 Princes Street (old House of Fraser at West End).

Catholic Men: Catenians’ Membership Meeting on 21st December

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a Membership meeting Wednesday 21st December, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. We would like to extend our group, sharing friendship and faith in our community. For more information contact John Russell on 01555 728032,

First Saturday Devotions

Next Saturday, 3 December, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Second Collection Today for Catholic Education

A second collection will be taken up today for the Scottish Catholic Education Service. Thank you!

Final Chance! Tickets for Supper for Feast of St Andrew at Ravelston

Come and join us for a St Andrew’s supper on the feast day of the parish patron, Wednesday 30th November in the parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass at 6pm and then join for supper at 7pm. Supper will be a sit-down meal. Bring a bottle! So we can cater correctly, please pick up your tickets after Mass this weekend. Final chance!

Rorate Masses by Candlelight on Thursdays, Crib Blessing 15th December

We will have our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses on Thursdays at 7pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on 8th, 15th and 22nd December. The Rorate Mass originated during the course of the Middle Ages as one of the various popular Advent devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Do come along and bring your children to these beautiful liturgies of Advent! Mark your diary – on Thursday, 15th December there will be a blessing of our beautiful outdoor crib immediately following the Mass.

Helpers Needed for St. Andrew’s Rorate Masses

We are in need of several helpers for the 7:00pm Rorate Masses on Mondays, 8th, 15th and 22nd December to set up the many candles around the church for these beautiful Masses, welcome people who attend, as well as tidy up the candles after the Mass. Families are most welcome to come along as helpers! If you can assist for any of these Masses, then please sign up on the sheets at the back of church or contact If you can help before Mass, please be available from 6.15pm, or if you can help after Mass, please plan to stay until about 8:15pm.

St Andrew’s Talks: O Antiphons –Announcing the Long-Awaited Messiah

Our next talk in our St. Andrew's Talk series will be on Monday 5th December with Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM on the beautiful ‘O Antiphons’ that are a prominent feature of the liturgy of the Church in the days closest to Christmas. After the talk there will be soup and sandwiches and a chance to discuss. Please RSVP at or phone 0131 556 1798 if you plan to attend!

Bacon Roll Charity on Sunday 4 December

Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass on Sunday, 4 December at our Bacon Roll Charity for Kindred, a charity that helps families who have a child with complex needs. Any donation on the day will be appreciated! Vegetarian option available.

Fabric Update: Side Gate

The side gate at Ravelston is fully functional again. This will only be open around Mass times. Thank you for your patience.

Sunday Holy Hours with Archbishop Cushley

Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. It takes place at 6pm on the following Sundays: 18 Dec, 8 Jan, 12 Feb, 12 Mar. No registration required, just turn up and pray.

Light from Light: Choral Music for Advent by Candlelight

This December be uplifted with a candlelit Advent music concert from our own Schola Cantorum of St. Mary’s Cathedral at one of three upcoming concerts in the Archdiocese:

  • St Francis Xavier's in Falkirk on Wednesday 7 December

  • St Patrick's in Kilsyth on Saturday 10 December

  • St Margaret's in Dunfermline on Friday 16 December

All concerts 8pm. Pay at the door on the night or get your £5 ticket (family ticket £10) at

‘Entering Advent with Isaiah’ with Fr Jamie McMorrin

Join an online talk titled ‘Entering Advent with Isaiah’ with Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s in Davidson’s Mains on Monday 28 November at 7:30pm-8:30pm. Register now at

Advent Talks with Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM

Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM will give a series of Advent talks at 7:30pm on Monday 5, 12, and 19 December. No registration required, just join any of the talks at

Advent Rosary for Life

Wednesday, 30th November, 7.45pm online with Fr John Deighan, Parish Priest at SS John Cantius and Nicholas in Broxburn and also Vicar Episcopal for Education. Register:

Explore God’s Will for You: Sunday Chats for Women on Religious Life

Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 29 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month at the same time/venue: 26 Feb, 26 Mar, 30 Apr, 28 May. To register or find out more, please email

Read the newsletter for 27th November (pdf)

Solemnity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ King Of The Universe – Year C

St. Pauls Bookshop Grand Opening next Saturday!

Our new St Pauls Bookshop will open here at St. Mary’s Cathedral this Saturday, 26 November. Come and shop at the only Catholic bookshop in the East of Scotland which will offer a wide range of Christian literature, cards, religious objects, music, DVDs, visual resources, religious education materials and more. Buy the perfect Christmas gift! Hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm, including weekends (closed Mondays). Thank you to Fr. Baji and Fr. Shinto of the Society of St Paul for all their hard work!

Young Adults Talk: ‘I Believe in the Life of the World to Come’

The final talk of our Young Adults series on the Creed will be this Tuesday, 22nd November. All those age 18-35 are very welcome. Our speaker will be Fr. Andrew Garden on ‘I Believe in the Life of the World to Come.’ We’ll meet 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. After Night Prayer in the Cathedral, we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment.

Young Adults Advent Talks: ‘Images of Advent’

Our Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – begin Tuesday, 6 December with Fr. Albert Robertson, OP, on The Immaculate Conception. On 13 December, we will have a talk on ‘John the Baptist’ by Fr. Robert and a concluding talk on 20 December by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, ‘The Annunciation’. As always, after Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment.

Parish Youth Group Meets Tonight

Thanks to so many who joined us last week for our Youth Group visit to St. Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains last Sunday! All those in P4-P7 are invited to join us between 6 & 7.30pm to meet new friends, play, and learn about our Catholic faith! Don’t forget some spending money for the tuck shop! The evening begins at 6pm. Any questions, please speak to Fr. Robert or email

Advent Faith Sharing Group

We are holding a small Faith Sharing Group to help us prepare for Christmas at 63 York Place on the five Saturdays before Christmas. The group will meet on Saturdays 12:30pm-2:00pm to pray together and share our Faith journey in the light of scripture readings. If interested, please contact Lis at

St Andrew’s Vigil and Feast Day at the Cathedral

Join us to celebrate the feast day of our National Patron next week! On Tuesday 29th November for the Vigil of the Feast of St. Andrew at the Cathedral there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 7pm which will conclude with Evening Prayer I of the feast at 8pm and Benediction. All are welcome. On the Feast Day itself, Wednesday 30th November, Archbishop Leo Cushley will celebrate 12.45pm Mass.

2023 Cathedral Diaries on Sale Next Weekend

Our 2023 Cathedral Diary will be on sale next weekend after Masses! This is a very special spiritual and practical gift for Christmas, with all the holy days marked, and prayers and quotes from saints included in each month. All proceeds support the Cathedral. Priced at a very reasonable £10 each.

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale after the Noon Mass next Sunday by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at

All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. In addition to next Sunday, sales will be held on 4 December, 11 December and 18 December.

Thank You from Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter

“Thank you so much for the wonderful send-off last Friday - it was lovely to be back at the Cathedral and see so many familiar faces. Thank you for your cards and kind words and for all the happy memories I take with me. Thank you in particular for the extremely generous gift. It's my intention to have a Marian vestment made which will help me to remember with sincere gratitude my time at the Cathedral and all of you. Thank you!” Fr. Jamie

“Dear All, Thanks for a lovely evening. I sincerely thank Monsignor Patrick Burke and team for arranging this wonderful surprise party and farewell gift. I have enjoyed my time at this great company – such a wonderful group of people of St. Mary’s Cathedral and St. Andrew’s Ravelston. I will miss you terribly and thank you for the period we were together and ask you to keep praying for me as am praying for you. With gratitude,” Fr John Peter

Volunteers Needed: Flower Arrangers and Cleaners

We are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our flower arranging teams. There are currently four teams, who meet either mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday and each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier! In addition, we are looking for more cleaning team members for our Cathedral. The cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean our lovely Cathedral. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated! To find out more about volunteering as a flower arranger or cleaning team member, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at or sign up on the clipboards at the back of church this weekend.

Rorate Masses by Candlelight on Mondays: 5th, 12th, 19th December

We will have our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses at the Cathedral on Monday nights at 7:00pm on 5th, 12th and 19th December. The Mass is celebrated accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

Helpers Needed: Rorate Masses & Christmas Masses

The Cathedral is in need of helpers for the 7:00pm Rorate Masses (5th, 12th and 19th December) to assist in preparing the Cathedral (laying out candles, welcoming people, etc) prior to the Masses and tidying up afterwards. You would need to be available from 6.15pm. Helpers are also needed for our Christmas Masses, to welcome people, assist with Communion, Reading and Money collecting. If you can assist for any of these Masses, then please contact Elizabeth Andrews at or sign up on the sheets at the back of the Cathedral.

Christmas Gifts for Prisoners’ Children – Last Collection is Next Weekend

We are collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison this weekend and next weekend, which will be our last collection. We ask that gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. A collection box will be at the back of both churches both this weekend and Saturday 26th /Sunday 27th November.

Coffee Saints Receives “One to Watch” Scottish Social Enterprise Award

Earlier this month, Coffee Saints won the "One to Watch" at the Scottish Social Enterprise Awards. Catherine Jones, Social Enterprise Director also picked up the award for "Social Enterprise Champion." As Scottish award winner for the one to watch, Coffee Saints has gone through to the UK finals on 8th December in London. Visit the award-winning Coffee Saints! You can book online through itison for a Coffee & Traybake or Brunch for two or an Afternoon Tea at

Over Sixties Club: Coffee Afternoon, Cinema Outing and Book Club

We warmly welcome anyone 60 and over to join us in our Over Sixties Club. This week’s events are:

  • Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints Tuesday 22nd November, 2.30 - 4pm

  • Cinema Outing, Wednesday 23rd November. Meet upstairs at Omni Centre at 1.10pm for `The Banshees of Imisherin’

  • Book Club, Thursday 24th November, 2.30 - 4pm at Coffee Saints

SSVP Christmas Mass and Lunch – RSVP by Thursday, 24 November

The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP) Christmas Mass and lunch preparations are well underway.

If anyone who comes to the Over Sixties Club events would like to attend the 12Noon SSVP Mass and lunch following in Coffee Saints on Saturday, 3 December, please contact Trish on 07716963215 to get details and a sign up form. All forms must be received by Thursday 24th November.

Catholic Men: Catenians’ Membership Meeting on 21st December

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a Membership meeting Wednesday 21st December, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. We welcome visitors to come along and join us at our meetings and take part in our informal chat with Members and visitors alike. We would like to extend our group, sharing friendship and faith in our community. You can look us up on for more information contact John Russell on 01555 728032 or email John at

Parish Mass and Supper for Feast of St Andrew at Ravelston

Come and join us for a St Andrew’s supper on the feast day of the parish patron, Wednesday 30th November in the parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass at 6pm and then join for supper at 7pm. Supper will be a sit-down meal. Bring a bottle! So we can cater correctly, please pick up your tickets after Mass this weekend.

Rorate Masses by Candlelight: Thursdays, 8th, 15th and 22nd December

We will have our beautiful and popular candlelit Rorate Masses on Thursdays at 7pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on 8th, 15th and 22nd December. The Rorate Mass originated during the course of the Middle Ages as one of the various popular Advent devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Do come along and bring your children to these beautiful liturgies of Advent!

Bacon Roll Charity on Sunday 4 December

Come and enjoy a late brunch, stay or take away, in the Parish Rooms at Ravelston after 10:30am Mass on Sunday, 4 December at our Bacon Roll Charity for Kindred, a charity that helps families who have a child with complex needs. Any donation on the day will be appreciated!

Ravelston Friday Café Paused

Our weekly café on Fridays is now taking a break. Thanks to all who have attended over the past months.

Sunday Holy Hours with Archbishop Cushley

Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. It takes place at 6pm on the following Sundays: 18 Dec, 8 Jan, 12 Feb, 12 Mar. No registration required, just turn up and pray.

Light from Light: Choral Music for Advent by Candlelight

This December be uplifted with a candlelit Advent music concert from our own Schola Cantorum of St. Mary’s Cathedral at one of three upcoming concerts in the Archdiocese:

  • St Francis Xavier's in Falkirk on Wednesday 7 December

  • St Patrick's in Kilsyth on Saturday 10 December

  • St Margaret's in Dunfermline on Friday 16 December

All concerts 8pm. Pay at the door on the night or get your £5 ticket (family ticket £10) at

‘Entering Advent with Isaiah’ with Fr Jamie McMorrin

Join an online talk titled ‘Entering Advent with Isaiah’ with Fr Jamie McMorrin of St Margaret’s in Davidson’s Mains on Monday 28 November at 7:30pm-8:30pm. Register now at

Advent Talks with Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM

Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM will give a series of Advent talks at 7:30pm on Monday 5, 12, and 19 December. No registration required, just join any of the talks at

Second Collection Next Weekend for Catholic Education

A second collection will be taken up for the Scottish Catholic Education Service next weekend.

Read the newsletter for 20th November (pdf)

Thirty-Third Sunday Of The Year – Year C

St. Pauls Bookshop

Grand Opening!

Saturday, 26 November, 10:00am

After many months of trials and tribulations I am delighted to announce the opening of our new bookshop here at St. Mary’s Cathedral. It is (more or less) the only religious bookshop in the East of Scotland and will offer a wide range of Christian literature, cards, religious objects, music, DVDs, visual resources, religious education materials and more. Shop for the perfect Christmas gift and find your perfect stocking filler! Hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm, including weekends (closed Mondays).

Advent Faith Sharing Group

We are holding a small Faith Sharing Group to help us prepare for Christmas at 63 York Place on the five Saturdays before Christmas. We will have our first meeting on Saturday, November 19th, 2022, 12:30pm-2:00pm. We will pray together and share our Faith journey in the light of scripture readings. Everyone is most welcome whatever your age or background. If interested, please contact Lis at

Youth Group Tonight: Visit to St. Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains

Tonight’s Youth Group meeting will be at St Margaret’s, Davidson’s Mains, Main Street, Davidson’s Mains, EH4 5AD. The change is venue is to do with the upcoming feast of St Margaret. This evening the young people will learn more about this great Queen and Saint of Scotland and have the opportunity to pray before her relic. The evening begins at 6pm and will finish with a pizza supper at 7.30. We look forward to seeing you there! Any questions, please speak to Fr. Robert or email

Young Adults Talk 15th November: ‘I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins’

All those age 18-35 are very welcome to join our Young Adults Group for our next talk this Tuesday, 15th November as we continue our series on the Creed. Our speaker will be Fr. Edward Toner on ‘I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins.’ We’ll meet 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. After Night Prayer in the Cathedral, we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment. The final talk in this series will be next week, 22nd November!

Young Adults Advent Talks: ‘Images of Advent’

….and we will have a series of Young Adults Advent Talks – ‘Images of Advent’ – beginning Tuesday, 6 December with Fr. Albert Robertson, OP, on The Immaculate Conception. Then the following week on 13 December, we will have a talk on ‘John the Baptist’ by Fr. Robert and a concluding talk on 20 December by His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, titled ‘The Annunciation’. Don’t miss this opportunity to contemplate these beautiful images of Advent! As always, after Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment.

St Andrew’s Vigil and Feast Day at the Cathedral

Make time in your diary this year to celebrate the feast day of our National Patron. At the Cathedral there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the Vigil of St. Andrew on Tuesday 29th November from 7pm which will conclude with Evening Prayer I of the feast at 8pm and Benediction. All are welcome. On Wednesday 30th November, Archbishop Leo Cushley will celebrate Mass for the Feast at 12.45. It was Andrew who, famously, brought Peter to Jesus – this feast day is your opportunity in a special way – to go to Jesus, through Andrew.

Online Talks for Advent

‘Entering Advent with Isaiah’ with Fr Jamie McMorrin

Mark the beginning of Advent with an online talk titled ‘Entering Advent with Isaiah’ with Fr Jamie McMorrin, of St Margaret’s in Davidson’s Mains, Edinburgh. It takes place on Zoom, Monday 28 November at 7:30pm-8:30pm. Register now at

Advent Talks with Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM

Join Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM for a series of 30-minute Advent talks at 7:30pm on Monday 5, 12, and 19 December. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Christmas Gifts for Prisoners’ Children – This Weekend and Next

We are collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison this weekend and next weekend. We ask that gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. A collection box will be at the back of both churches for the depositing of gifts both this weekend and Saturday 19th /Sunday 20th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

Volunteers Needed!

Cathedral Flower Arranging Team

As we hope you have noticed, we always have a beautiful display of flowers in the Cathedral. These are prepared by wonderful teams of volunteers who take it in turn to meet on a Friday to arrange the flowers in preparation for the weekend Masses. We are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our teams. There are currently four teams, who meet either mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday and each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier!

Cathedral Cleaning Team

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean our lovely Cathedral. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated!

To find out more about volunteering as a flower arranger or cleaning team member, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at or sign up on the clipboards at the back of church this weekend.

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

Over the next few weeks, Knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale after Mass in the Cathedral and in Ravelston by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at

All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Sales will be after the Noon Mass at the Cathedral, on Sunday, 27 November, 4 December, 11 December and 18 December.

Over Sixties Club: Coffee Afternoon and Dynamic Earth Outing

Anyone 60 and over is welcome to join our Over Sixties Club for coffee and cakes at Coffee Saints on Tuesday, November 15th at 2.30pm. Come along for an outing to Dynamic Earth on Friday November 18th. Please meet outside the Scottish Parliament (where the flag poles are!) at 1.30pm. No pre-booking.

Want to be Catholic?

Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is meeting weekly on Tuesdays for all those interested in learning about how to become Catholic. Join us in Cathedral House, 61 York Place each Tuesday 7:00pm-8:30pm. To register, please contact

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses are 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November 2022; Saturday, 28th January 2023; and Saturday, 20th May 2023. To register, email

Noon Rosary at the Cathedral

Join us for a Noon Rosary at Our Lady’s Altar from Monday to Friday each week. All are welcome!

St Mary's Playgroup for Children Ages 2 to 7, Monday-Friday Mornings

St Mary's Playgroup at St Mary's RC Primary School, East London Street, Edinburgh; welcomes children from two and a half years old, up to entry to Primary school (during school holidays we can take children up to 7 years of age). Term Time & School Holidays: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 12 Noon (Playgroup closes for 2 weeks at Christmas). Price: £11 per child per day. For information contact, 0131 556 1634 or visit

‘Mercy Behind Bars’: Scottish Catholic Magazine’s 11th November Issue

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 11th November issue has arrived, with the cover story ‘Mercy Behind Bars’ featuring our own parishioner Barbara Dickson on “the faith that inspires her fight for prisoners.” Copies are available for just £2 on the table in the Octagon. Get yours while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral.

Mark Your Diary! Mass and Supper for Feast of St Andrew

You are welcome to join us for a St Andrew’s supper on the feast day of the parish patron, Wednesday 30th November in the parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Come along and celebrate this important day in the calendar of our community and country with Mass at 6pm and then join for supper at 7pm. Supper will be a sit-down meal. Please bring your own bottle for drinks! So we can cater correctly, please pick up your tickets after Mass this weekend.

St Andrew’s Talks

Thanks to everyone who turned out on Monday evening for our latest talk in the St Andrew’s Talks series from Sister Roseann Reddy of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. Our next talk will be on Monday 5th December. Please do come along and hear from Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM about and learn of the beautiful ‘O Antiphons’ that are a prominent feature of the liturgy of the Church in the run up to Christmas. After the talk there will be soup and sandwiches and a chance to discuss these beautiful antiphons which all relate to the identity of Christ.

World Day for the Poor

Today World Day for the Poor. This year’s theme is “For your sakes Christ became poor” (2 Cor 8:9). Pope Francis asks us to pray for those facing poverty in our communities and across the world. You can also show practical support by supporting a charity that serves the poor, such as the Society of St Vincent de Paul ( or SCIAF (, the official aid and development agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland.

Sunday Holy Hours with Archbishop Cushley

Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. It takes place at 6pm on the following Sundays: 18 Dec, 8 Jan, 12 Feb, 12 Mar. No registration required, just turn up and pray.

Cost of Living Help & Advice Drop-In Events, Friday 18 November

Deidre Brock MP and Ben Macpherson MSP are hosting a joint ‘Cost of Living Help & Advice Event’ in their capacity as representatives of Edinburgh North and Leith. There will be two drop-in sessions on Friday 18th November: 10.00am-12.00noon at Leith Community Centre, 12A Newkirkgate, EH6 6AD and 2.30pm-4.30pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, 11 Pilton Drive North, EH5 1NF

Light from Light: Choral Music for Advent by Candlelight

This December be uplifted with a candlelit Advent music concert from our own Schola Cantorum of St. Mary’s Cathedral at one of three upcoming concerts in the Archdiocese:

  • St Francis Xavier's in Falkirk on Wednesday 7 December

  • St Patrick's in Kilsyth on Saturday 10 December

  • St Margaret's in Dunfermline on Friday 16 December

All concerts 8pm. Pay at the door on the night or get your £5 ticket (family ticket £10) at

Read the newsletter for 13th November (pdf)

Thirty-Second Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Rite of the Signing of the Cross

Today we celebrate the Rite of the Signing with the Cross of those children preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in February. Please keep them in your prayers throughout these coming months!

Farewell Celebration for Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter

This Friday, 11th November, Tickets On Sale After Masses Today

We will say farewell to Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter this Friday, 11th November at 7:00pm in Coffee Saints. Come along and join us for a festive evening with wine and delicious nibbles. Tickets are available for sale after Masses this weekend for only £5 (or £10 for a family ticket). Please put the evening aside for what will be a lovely event to express our thanks and to wish Frs. Jamie and John Peter well!

Tom Wilkinson Organ Recital & CD Sales: Today, 1:30pm

To celebrate the launch of his new CD, Bach Trio Sonatas BWV 525–530, our Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform a short recital after the 12 noon Mass on Sunday 6 November, beginning at 1:30pm. Copies of the new CD will be available to buy. Tom's new disc is already gaining critical acclaim: ‘Organist Tom Wilkinson… does an excellent job distinguishing and delineating the three distinct contrapuntal voices at all times. The recorded sound is crisp and clean, practically sitting you at the keyboard… This recording definitely belongs in each and every organ music enthusiast’s collection.’ (Classical Music Sentinel). For a magnificent preview, listen at

Parish Youth Group Meets Tonight!

The Parish Youth Group meets tonight at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All those in P4-P7 are invited to join us between 6 & 7.30pm for an opportunity to get together, play, and learn about our faith! Don’t forget some spending money for the tuck shop! To join, please arrive from 5.30pm for registration (cost £1.00), or collect a form from the back of the Cathedral or at St. Andrew’s. Any questions, please speak to Fr. Robert or email him at

Young Adults Talk 8th November:

‘I Believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church’

For the Solemnity of All Saints our Young Adults Group will be on break this week, but we will resume meeting to continue our series on the Creed on Tuesday, 8th November. All those age 18-35 are very welcome. Our speaker will be Fr. Joseph McGill, on ‘I Believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.’ Join us at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. After Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment

Catholic Men: Catenians’ Meeting on Wednesday, 9 November

The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a membership meeting Wednesday 9th November, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. Visit for more information or contact, 024 7622 4533.

The Crisis for the Church in East Asia

Wednesday, 9th November at 7.30pm Friends Event Open to Parish

Dr John Newton from Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will come from London to give a talk at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral on 9th November on The Crisis in the Church in East Asia at 7:30pm in Coffee Saints. The event is hosted by Friends of St Mary's Cathedral and is a not-to-be-missed pre-Red Wednesday event. The talk is open to the whole parish. Please RSVP by 7th November to

Advent Faith Sharing Group

We are holding a small Faith Sharing Group to help us prepare for Christmas at 63 York Place on the five Saturdays before Christmas. We will have our first meeting on Saturday, November 19th 2022, 12:30pm-2:00pm. We will pray together and share our Faith journey in the light of scripture readings. Everyone is most welcome whatever your age or background. If interested, please contact Lis at

Christmas Gifts for Prisoners’ Children – 12th-13th and 19th-20th November

As always, we will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison over the next few weeks. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts over the weekends of Saturday 12th/Sunday 13th November and Saturday 19th /Sunday 20th November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley at Noon on Saturday 12th November

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley here at the Cathedral at Noon on Saturday 12th November. During the Mass, the Archbishop will bless an altar crucifix that has been donated in his memory and will dedicate a plaque in his memory for the sacristy. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that many of you will want to be present to pay tribute to a man who played a huge part in the life of this Cathedral over so many decades. As many of you know, Joe dedicated almost his entire adult life to St Mary's Cathedral, serving for nearly 50 years as MC and sacristan.

No Adoration on Saturday 12 November

Please note that there will be no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturday 12 November. Confessions times will be as normal, 10:30am-12Noon.

Over Sixties Club Events

All who are 60 and over are welcome to attend our Over Sixties Club events: Tuesday 8th November, Coffee Afternoon, at Coffee Saints, 2.30 -4pm; Wednesday 9th November, cinema outing, ‘The Lost King,’ meet upstairs at Omni 1.40pm; and Thursday 10th November, book club, 2.30 -4pm at Coffee Saints.

Want to be Catholic?

Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is meeting weekly on Tuesdays for all those interested in learning about how to become Catholic. Join us in Cathedral House, 61 York Place each Tuesday 7:00pm-8:30pm. To register, please contact

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November 2022; Saturday, 28th January 2023; and Saturday, 20th May, 2023. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Annual Mass Attendance Census

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken this weekend Saturday, 5th November and Sunday, 6th November.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Children Ages 3 to 6+

Children grow in love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about the Bible, the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. The program is offered free of charge at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part! Tuesdays: 10:30am - 12:30pm, 3-4 year olds, Fridays: 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 5-6 year olds, Fridays: 3:00pm - 4:30pm, 6+ year olds. To register, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at

St Mary's Playgroup for Children Ages 2 to 7, Monday-Friday Mornings

St Mary's Playgroup at St Mary's RC Primary School, East London Street, Edinburgh; welcomes children from two and a half years old, up to entry to Primary school (during school holidays we can take children up to 7 years of age). The playgroup has a lovely bright colourful playroom where we provide a number of activities. Term Time & School Holidays: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 12 Noon (Playgroup closes for 2 weeks at Christmas). Price: £11 per child per day. For information contact, 0131 556 1634 or visit

Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Cathedral News: Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website or bookmark the Newsletter in your browser at

Archdiocesan News: For a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, subscribe at (scroll to bottom of page).

St Andrew’s Talks with Sr. Roseanne Reddy Tomorrow Evening!

The next talk in the St. Andrew's Talk series will be on Monday 7th November after 6pm Mass in the rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Sr Roseann Reddy of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life will join us to talk about their work creating a civilisation of love, supporting the fundamental belief that every person is a unique individual, with infinite dignity and created in the image and likeness of God. It is sure to be an interesting talk and you are all welcome. Please RSVP to

Big Clean - Saturday 12th November

Don’t miss our busiest all-parish event! The Big Clean is happening this Saturday, 12th November, 10:00am-4:00pm and your help is needed. Please sign-up to help 'deep clean' the church and rooms before Advent and Christmas. Sign-up sheet is at the entrance to church.

Upcoming Events for Your Diary

Thanks to the social committee at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston for their efforts to develop a social calendar of events to be hosted at St Andrew’s. On Wednesday 30th November, following Mass for the Feast of St Andrew, we’ll have a social evening in the Parish Rooms. Following the Rorate Mass on 15th December, we will bless the crib, sing some carols and heat up with some festive refreshments in the Parish Rooms. That will be closely followed by a festive toast following Mass on Christmas Eve. Then, on the Feast of St. Patrick (17th March 2023), all will be welcome to a gathering in the Parish Rooms. Please mark your diary!

Sunday Holy Hours with Archbishop Cushley

Join Archbishop Cushley for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” as part of the Synod 2023. It takes place at 6pm on the following Sundays: 18 Dec, 8 Jan, 12 Feb, 12 Mar. No registration required, just turn up and pray.

Prisoners’ Week

Prisoner’s Week begins on Sunday 20 November. A launch service takes place at Bishopbriggs Community Church that day at 5pm. For full details and resources please see

Read the newsletter for 6th November (pdf)

Thirty-First Sunday of the Year – Year C

Holiday of Obligation: Tuesday

On Tuesday, 1st November, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints. This is a holiday of obligation in Scotland, meaning that Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on this day. Masses will be at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:45pm and 7.30pm in the Cathedral, and at 6:00pm in Ravelston.

Welcome to 14 Candidates for Full Communion with the Catholic Church

At the 12 noon Mass today, we will receive 14 people into the order of Catechumens! Please pray for these friends as they journey towards full communion with the Church. Over the coming months they will continue their religious instruction, preparing to receive Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation at Easter 2023. May God bless our new Catechumens!

November Lists

During the month of November, we pray especially for the faithful departed. Please take a November List from the back of church to fill out with the names of those friends and family members who have passed away and return it to the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston by placing them to the marked box found at the back of both churches. Please try and return them before the 1st of November, but you can take them throughout the month of November.

Farewell Celebration for Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter

Friday, 11th November, 7:00pm

Tickets On Sale After Masses Today & Next Weekend

We will say farewell to Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter on Friday, 11th November at 7:00pm in Coffee Saints. Come along and join us for a festive evening with wine and delicious nibbles. Tickets are available for sale after Masses this weekend and next week for only £5 (or £10 for a family ticket). Please put the evening aside for what will be a lovely event to express our thanks and to wish Frs. Jamie and John Peter well!

Tom Wilkinson Organ Recital & CD Sales: Next Sunday, 1:30pm

To celebrate the launch of his new CD, Bach Trio Sonatas BWV 525–530, our Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform a short recital after the 12 noon Mass on Sunday 6 November, beginning at 1:30pm. Copies of the new CD will be available to buy. Tom's new disc is already gaining critical acclaim: ‘Organist Tom Wilkinson… does an excellent job distinguishing and delineating the three distinct contrapuntal voices at all times. The recorded sound is crisp and clean, practically sitting you at the keyboard… This recording definitely belongs in each and every organ music enthusiast’s collection.’ (Classical Music Sentinel). For a magnificent preview, listen at

Parish Pilgrimage to Rome: Book by Monday, 31 October

Our Parish Pilgrimage to Rome from 12th -16th June 2023 is filling up very quickly! If you would like to come, e-mail today to request a booking form, due by Monday, 31 October. To secure flights we need a final count of pilgrims by tomorrow. This will be a wonderful pilgrimage with the centrepiece being the ordination to the diaconate of Paul Henderson, on June 14th 2023 at the Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome. Paul is one of our parishioners here at the Cathedral who is studying for the priesthood. We have secured lovely accommodation in the very centre of Rome and the packed programme of sightseeing will, of course, include an audience with the Holy Father. Pilgrimage cost will be around £750 per person, (depending on the cost of flights when we book), which includes all transfers, flights from Glasgow and B&B accommodation. Join Fr. Patrick, Fr. Robert and your fellow pilgrims for these special days in the Eternal City! If you have any questions, please speak directly to Fr Robert or contact him at

Ministry Meeting for Readers on Saturday, 5th November

Our meeting for the ministry of Readers will be on Saturday, 5th November at 1:30pm. Whether you are new or have been a Reader for years in the Cathedral or Ravelston, please do come along. The meeting will be in 63 York Place. Any questions, please contact

First Saturday Devotions on 5th November

Next Saturday, 5th November, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Young Adults Talk 8th November:

‘I Believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church’

For the Solemnity of All Saints our Young Adults Group will be on break this week, but we will resume meeting to continue our series on the Creed on Tuesday, 8th November. All those age 18-35 are very welcome. Our speaker will be Fr. Joseph McGill, on ‘I Believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.’ Join us at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. After Night Prayer in the Cathedral we will gather at a local pub for some refreshment.

Want to be Catholic?

Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is meeting weekly on Tuesdays for all those interested in learning about how to become Catholic. Join us in Cathedral House, 61 York Place each Tuesday 7:00pm-8:30pm. To register, please contact

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November 2022; Saturday, 28th January 2023; and Saturday, 20th May, 2023. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Tickets Available for 9th November Friends Event Open to Parish

Talk by Dr. John Newton: The Crisis for the Church in East Asia

Dr John Newton from Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will come from London to give a talk at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral on 9th November on The Crisis in the Church in East Asia at 730pm in Coffee Saints.

The event is hosted by Friends of St Mary's Cathedral, and is a not-to-be-missed pre-#Redwednesday event. Th etalk is open to the whole parish, please RSVP by 7th November to Join Friends at

Parish Youth Group Meets Tonight!

The Parish Youth Group meets tonight at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All those in P4-P7 are invited to join us between 6 & 7.30pm for an opportunity to get together, play, and learn about our faith! Don’t forget some spending money for the tuck shop! To join, please arrive from 5.30pm for registration (cost £1.00), or collect a form from the back of the Cathedral or at St. Andrew’s. Any questions, please speak to Fr. Robert or email him at

Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley at Noon on Saturday 12th November

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley here at the Cathedral at Noon on Saturday 12th November. During the Mass, the Archbishop will bless an altar crucifix that has been donated in his memory and will dedicate a plaque in his memory for the sacristy. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that many of you will want to be present to pay tribute to a man who played a huge part in the life of this Cathedral over so many decades. As many of you know, Joe dedicated almost his entire adult life to St Mary's Cathedral, serving for nearly 50 years as MC and sacristan.

Over Sixties Club – Visit to Royal Scottish Academy!

Tuesday 1st November , NO COFFEE AFTERNOON due to Coffee Saints being closed for electrical works.

Wednesday 2nd November, Visit to the Royal Scottish Academy for an Impressionism Exhibition. Pre booking required

Thursday 3rd November, Visit to the Scottish National Gallery, No booking required

Both the RSA and National Gallery are located at the bottom of the Mound. For both visits on the 2nd and 3rd Nov we will meet at 1.30pm in Contini's Scottish Cafe, which is situated between the RSA and the National Gallery, on the subterranean level and accessed via the Prince St Gardens. Contact Graham on 07568 202 547 for further info.

St Mary's Playgroup for Children Ages 2 to 7, Monday-Friday Mornings

St Mary's Playgroup at St Mary's RC Primary School, East London Street, Edinburgh; welcomes children from two and a half years old, up to entry to Primary school (during school holidays we can take children up to 7 years of age). The playgroup has a lovely bright colourful playroom where we provide a number of activities. Term Time & School Holidays: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 12 Noon (Playgroup closes for 2 weeks at Christmas). Price: £11 per child per day. For information contact, 0131 556 1634 or visit

Annual Mass Attendance Census

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken next weekend Saturday, 5th November and Sunday, 6th November.

Coffee Saints Closed This Week for Electrical Works

Please note that our Coffee Saints café is closed for electrical from today to Sunday, 6 November inclusive, and will reopen for business as usual on Monday, 7th November.

St Andrew’s Talks with Sr. Roseanne Reddy on Monday 7th November

The next talk in the St. Andrew's Talk series will be on Monday 7th November after 6pm Mass in the rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Sr Roseann Reddy of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life will join us to talk about their work creating a civilisation of love, supporting the fundamental belief that every person is a unique individual, with infinite dignity and created in the image and likeness of God. It is sure to be an interesting talk and you are all welcome. Please RSVP to

Big Clean - Saturday 12th November

Our busiest all-parish event! The Big Clean is back and your help is needed. Please sign-up to help 'deep clean' the church and rooms before Advent and Christmas. Sign-up sheet is at the entrance to St Andrew’s Ravelston.

Upcoming Events for Your Diary

Thanks to the social committee at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston for their efforts to develop a social calendar of events to be hosted at St Andrew’s. Wednesday 30th November, following Mass for the Feast of St Andrew, we’ll have a social evening in the Parish Rooms. Following the Rorate Mass on 15th December, we will bless the crib, sing some carols and heat up with some festive refreshments in the Parish Rooms. That will be closely followed by a festive toast following Mass on Christmas Eve. Then, on the Feast of St. Patrick (17th March 2023), all will be welcome to a gathering in the Parish Rooms. Please mark your diary!

Two Talks for Catholics on Family Life: 11am-2pm Saturday 5th November

Professor Stephan Kampowski, a world-renowned expert on marriage and the family in a Catholic context, is visiting the Archdiocese from Rome to give a series of talks on Saturday, 5th November, 11:00am-2:00pm. Talk 1: To Promise & To Forgive: Establishing and Healing the Bond between Persons and Talk 2: Family Relationships and Personal Identity. All of you are invited to attend his talks at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB . Please register at

Job Opening: Full-time Administrator

The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint an Administrator. The position is full time (Mon-Fri) and the annual wage is £21,000 per annum. Full details at

To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to by Monday 7 November.

Learn About the Catholic Media Office & Catholic Parliamentary Office

What does the work of the Scottish Catholic Media Office (SCMO) and Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office (SCPO) involve? Find out in Catholics: Faith and Engagement in Scotland, a webinar featuring Peter Kearney of the SCMO and Anthony Horan of SCPO. Two optional dates: 1-2pm Wednesday 2 November, register at or 7:30-8:30pm on Thursday 3 November, register at

Read the newsletter for 30th October (pdf)

Thirtieth Sunday of the Year – Year C

Noon Mass for Missio Scotland 100th Anniversary

His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will preside today at the Noon Mass to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Missio Scotland, the official mission aid agency of the Catholic Church. Fr Vincent Lockhart, National Director of Mission Scotland, will concelebrate the Mass. The second collection today will be for the work of Missio Scotland.

Young Adults Talk 25th October: ‘I Believe in the Holy Spirit’

On Tuesday, 25 October, our Young Adults Group will meet to continue our series on the Creed. All those age 18-35 are very welcome. Our speaker will be Fr. Martin Delaney, on “I Believe in the Holy Spirit.” Join us at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. We will conclude with Night Prayer in the Cathedral and then head over to a local pub.

Extra Dates for Ministry Meetings: 29th October and 5th November

Thank you to everyone who has attended the meetings for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers so far. For those who haven’t been able to make any dates yet we would like to invite you along to a meeting for Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday, 29th October at 1:30pm and for Readers on Saturday, 5th November at 1:30pm. Whether you are a new member of these groups or have been a Reader or a Eucharistic Minister for years in the Cathedral or Ravelston, please do come along. The meetings will be in 63 York Place. Any questions, please contact

November Lists

During the month of November we pray especially for the faithful departed. Please take a November List from the back of church to fill out with the names of those friends and family members who have passed away and return it to the Cathedral or St Andrew’s, Ravelston by placing them to the marked box found at the back of both churches. Please try and return them before the 1st November, but you can take them throughout the month of November.

Parish Pilgrimage to Rome in June 2023 – Registration By 31st October

We’ve had a great response for our Parish Pilgrimage to Rome! Thanks to so many who have already contacted us for a booking form. If you want to go, you need to get your form in very soon. To secure flights we need a final count of pilgrims by 31st October, so if you would like to come e-mail

As you know, on June 14th 2023, Paul Henderson, one of our parishioners here at the Cathedral, will be ordained as a deacon at the Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome. Our Parish Pilgrimage to Rome from 12th -16th June 2023 will celebrate this wonderful event. We have secured lovely accommodation in the very centre of Rome and the ordination will be the centrepiece of a packed programme of sightseeing including, of course, an audience with the Holy Father. Cost of the pilgrimage will be around £750 per person, (depending on the cost of flights when we book), which includes all transfers, flights from Glasgow and B&B accommodation – not to mention the sparkling company of Fr. Robert and myself…! If you have any questions or need any other information, please speak directly to Fr Robert or contact him at

Parish Youth Group Meets Next Sunday

We are delighted to announce that beginning next Sunday, 30th October, the Parish Youth Group will return to St Andrew’s, Ravelston. If you are in P4-P7 you are invited to join us between 6 & 7.30pm for an opportunity to get together, play, and learn about your faith! To join, please arrive from 5.30pm on 30th October for registration, or collect a form today from the back of the Cathedral or at St. Andrew’s.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514

Eucharistic Adoration on Saturdays 10:30am-12Noon

As we profess in our Creed, we believe “in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,…” Come and adore the Lord Jesus during some time of Eucharistic Adoration after the 10:00am Mass on Saturdays here at the Cathedral. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. Saturday morning Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Over Sixties Club – Coffee Afternoon, Cinema Trip, IT Clinic and more!]

The Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club welcomes all who are 60 and over to join them for this week’s events:

  • Tuesday 25th October - Coffee Afternoon at Coffee Saints 2.30 - 4pm

  • Wednesday 26th October - Cinema Trip “Emily.” Meet upstairs at Omni centre 2.35pm.

  • Thursday 27th October - IT clinic at Coffee Saints.11.30 - 1pm, any IT issues will be looked at, please come along if you have any problems with laptops, tablets, iPads or mobile phones.

  • Thursday 27th October - Book Club at Coffee Saints 2.30 - 4pm

Tom Wilkinson Organ Recital: Sunday, 6 November, 1:30pm

To celebrate the launch of his new CD, Bach Trio Sonatas BWV 525–530, our Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform a short recital after the 12 noon Mass on Sunday 6 November, beginning at 1:30pm. Copies of the new CD will be available to buy. Tom's new disc is already gaining critical acclaim: ‘Organist Tom Wilkinson… does an excellent job distinguishing and delineating the three distinct contrapuntal voices at all times. The recorded sound is crisp and clean, practically sitting you at the keyboard… This recording definitely belongs in each and every organ music enthusiast’s collection.’ (Classical Music Sentinel). For a magnificent preview, listen at

Farewell ‘Do’ for Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter - Friday, 11th November

Mark your diary for our Farewell Celebration for Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter – which will be on Friday, 11th November at 7:00pm in Coffee Saints. Please put the evening aside for what will be a lovely community event to express our thanks and to wish them both well!

Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley at Noon on Saturday 12th November

His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Joseph Gilhooley here at the Cathedral at Noon on Saturday 12th November. During the Mass, the Archbishop will bless an altar crucifix that has been donated in his memory and will dedicate a plaque in his memory for the sacristy. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that many of you will want to be present to pay tribute to a man who played a huge part in the life of this Cathedral over so many decades. As many of you know, Joe dedicated almost his entire adult life to St Mary's Cathedral, serving for nearly 50 years as MC and sacristan.

Want to be Catholic?

Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is meeting weekly on Tuesdays for all those interested in learning about how to become Catholic. Join us in Cathedral House, 61 York Place each Tuesday 7:00pm-8:30pm. To register, please contact

Message from Alice – Our Complex Manager

“Just to keep you up to date on what is going on fabric-wise in the Cathedral:

Over the last month we have managed to complete a number of small jobs - such as the removal of the remains of the screen outside the bookshop and the installation of a new drain to prevent water ingress under that door. We have also replaced the old-style bulbs in the hanging lanterns along the two side aisles with LEDs, and we have had all the fire extinguishers in the complex serviced. And those of you who have visited the Café recently may also have noticed that work has been undertaken to make the taps in the toilets all work in a similar manner!

All in all – we are continuing the battle to keep things wind and watertight – and making some progress!

Thank you to all of you who have reported fabric issues to me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you see anything that needs attention or if you have any brilliant suggestions!”

Alice Harrison, Complex Manager

Friends of the Cathedral

Aid to the Church in Need event on Wednesday, 9th November

The next Friends event is The Crisis for the Church in East Asia by Dr John Newton from Aid to the Church in Need on 9thNovember. Friends who wish to attend this event must RSVP by 7th November to The talk is free for Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral. Join today at to attend this and other events. By joining, you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. Many thanks to Melanie McDonagh who came all the way from London to give a wonderful talk on Catholic Converts: from Oscar Wilde to Muriel Spark last Friday to an audience of Friends of the Cathedral.

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November 2022; Saturday, 28th January 2023; and Saturday, 20th May, 2023. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

A Big Thank You… the four wonderful young men who did an excellent job cleaning the church rafters last Saturday in preparation for our new lighting work. Special thanks, as well, to the generous donor of our new interim sanctuary curtains!

Daily Rosary After 6pm Mass in October

All are welcome to pray the Rosary with us at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston after the 6pm weekday Masses during October. As we honour our Lady in this special month of the Rosary, we join together in this prayer of meditations on the mysteries in the life of Christ.

Tell MSPs to Oppose Gender Recognition Reform Bill for Teens

A debate is set for 27th October in the Scottish Government over the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill which aims to lower the minimum age from 18 to 16 for when someone can apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate. The Bill raises serious concerns about religious freedom, the safety, health and wellbeing of children and vulnerable people, and safe spaces for women and girls. A briefing providing the Catholic perspective is available online from the Catholic Parliamentary Office at and further information is available from the Christian Institute at Please contact your MSPs today and tell them to oppose the Gender Recognition Reform Bill.

Two Talks for Catholics on Family Life: 11am-2pm Saturday 5th November

Professor Stephan Kampowski, a world-renowned expert on marriage and the family in a Catholic context, is visiting the Archdiocese from Rome to give a series of talks on Saturday, 5th November, 11:00am-2:00pm. Talk 1: To Promise & To Forgive: Establishing and Healing the Bond between Persons and Talk 2: Family Relationships and Personal Identity. All of you are invited to attend his talks at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB . Please register at

2nd November All Souls’ Day Mass at Mount Vernon Cemetery

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place at 10am on Wednesday 2 November (All Souls' Day) in the Mount Vernon Cemetery Chapel.

Read the newsletter for 23rd October (pdf)

Twenty-Ninth Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Pastoral Letter & Petition on Assisted Suicide

Archbishop Cushley has written a pastoral letter about the immorality and the dangers of legalising of assisted suicide in Scotland. It is available at the back of the church – please take a copy home with you.

Proposed legislation coming before the Scottish Parliament shortly seeks to legalise assisted suicide in this country and will, thereby, undermine the provision of palliative care to the terminally ill. Care Not Killing (CNK), an organization supported by the Catholic Parliamentary Office, has launched a petition which aims to stop these plans to legalize assisted suicide in Scotland. You can sign the petition which aims to stop plans to at the back of the church or sign online at

The ‘Catenians’

This week we welcome some members of The Catenian Association – who will be making an appeal for new members at all Masses this weekend. The association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. All are welcome to a membership meeting Wednesday 9th November, from 7.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m. in 63 York Place, EH1 3JD. Visit for more information. To learn more, speak to one of the representatives after Mass or contact, 024 7622 4533.

Over Sixties Club – Coffee Afternoon and Gallery Visit

The Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club is hosting its weekly Coffee Afternoon on Tuesday 18th October, at Coffee Saints 2.30 - 4pm, and on Wednesday a visit to the National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen Street; meet at Coffee Saints at 2.30pm before walking along to the Gallery.

Farewell ‘Do’ for Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter - Friday, 11th November

Mark your diary for our Farewell Celebration for Fr. Jamie and Fr. John Peter – which will be on Friday, 11th November at 7:00pm in Coffee Saints. Please put the evening aside for what will be a lovely community event to express our thanks and to wish them both well!

Next Sunday’s Noon Mass for Missio Scotland 100th Anniversary

Archbishop Cushley will preside at the Noon Mass next Sunday to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Missio Scotland, the official mission aid agency of the Catholic Church. Fr Vincent Lockhart, National Director of Mission Scotland, will concelebrate the Mass. The second collection next week will be for the work of Missio Scotland. To learn more Missio’s work, please visit

Parish Youth Group

We are delighted to announce that the Parish Youth Group will return to St Andrew’s, Ravelston on Sunday evenings from the 30th October! If you are in P4-P7 you are invited to join us between 6 & 7.30pm for an opportunity to get together, play, and learn about your faith! To join, please arrive from 5.30pm on 30th October for registration, or collect a form today from the back of the Church.

Extra Dates for Ministry Meetings

Thank you to everyone who has attended the meetings for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers so far. For those who haven’t been able to make any dates yet we would like to invite you along to a meeting for Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday, 29th October at 1:00pm and for Readers on Saturday, 5th November at 1:00pm. Whether you are a new member of these groups or have been a Reader or a Eucharistic Minister for years in the Cathedral or Ravelston, please do come along. The meetings will be in 63 York Place. Any questions, please contact

Parish Pilgrimage to Rome in June 2023

On June 14th next year Paul Henderson, one of our parishioners here at the Cathedral, will be ordained as a deacon at the Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome. In order to celebrate this wonderful parish event and to support Paul we are organising a Parish Pilgrimage to Rome from 12th -16th June 2023. We have secured lovely accommodation in the very centre of Rome and the ordination will be the centrepiece of a packed programme of sightseeing including, of course, an audience with the Holy Father. The cost of the pilgrimage will be around £750 per person, (depending on the cost of flights when we book), which includes all transfers, flights from Glasgow and B&B accommodation – not to mention the sparkling company of Fr. Robert and myself…We need to know definite numbers by 31st October in order to secure the flights, so if you would like to come e-mail to find out more and receive a booking form. If you have any questions or need any other information please speak directly to Fr Robert.

Young Adults Talk 25th October: ‘I Believe in the Holy Spirit’

Our Young Adults Group is on a midterm break this week, but do plan to join us again next week on Tuesday, 25 October as we continue our series on the Creed. All those age 18-35 are welcome. Our speaker will be Fr. Martin Delaney, on “I Believe in the Holy Spirit.” Join us at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees followed by the talk at 7:30pm and a short group discussion. We will conclude with Night Prayer in the Cathedral before we head over to a local pub.

Tom Wilkinson Organ Recital: Sunday, 6 November, 1:30pm

To celebrate the launch of his new CD of Bach Trio Sonatas, our Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform a short recital after the 12 noon Mass on Sunday 6 November, beginning at 1:30pm. Copies of the new CD will be available to buy. Tom's new disc is already gaining critical acclaim: ‘Organist Tom Wilkinson… does an excellent job distinguishing and delineating the three distinct contrapuntal voices at all times. The recorded sound is crisp and clean, practically sitting you at the keyboard… This recording definitely belongs in each and every organ music enthusiast’s collection.’ Classical Music Sentinel

Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral

Aid to the Church in Need event on Wednesday, 9th November

The next Friends event is The Crisis for the Church in East Asia by Dr John Newton from Aid to the Church in Need on 9th November. Friends who wish to attend this event must RSVP by 7th November to

The talk is free for Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral. Join today at to attend this and other events. By joining, you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community.

Many thanks to Melanie McDonagh who came all the way from London to give a wonderful talk on Catholic Converts: from Oscar Wilde to Muriel Spark last Friday to an audience of Friends of the Cathedral.

Want to be Catholic?

Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is meeting weekly on Tuesdays for all those interested in learning about how to become Catholic. Join us in Cathedral House, 61 York Place each Tuesday 7:00pm-8:30pm. To register, please contact

2022-2023 Marriage Preparation Courses

The next Marriage Preparation courses will take place 10am-5pm on Saturday, 19th November 2022; Saturday, 28th January 2023; and Saturday, 20th May, 2023. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Join Us for the Rosary after 6pm Mass

Join us at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston in praying the Rosary after the 6pm weekday Masses during October. The Church traditionally dedicates the month of October to the holy Rosary since the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is October 7th.

Music Day on Saturday, 22nd October at Gillis Centre

Join fellow musicians and singers from across the Archdiocese for a Music Day at 10:30am on Saturday 22 October at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. The event is for anyone interested or involved in music in the liturgy. Light lunch provided. Free parking onsite. Register now at

“To Promise and To Forgive” Lecture by Prof. Kampowski – 11am Saturday 5th November

Professor Stephan Kampowski, a world-renowned expert on marriage and the family in a Catholic context, is visiting the Archdiocese from Rome next month to give a series of talks. All of you are invited to attend his lecture entitled ‘To Promise & To Forgive: Establishing and Healing the Bond Between Persons’ at the Gillis Centre. on Saturday 5 November at 11:00am. If you would like to attend, please register at

Annual Divine Mercy Conference: Saturday, 29 October in Coatbridge

The annual Divine Mercy Conference takes place at St Augustine’s, Dundyvan Road, Coatbridge, ML5 1DQ, on Saturday 29 October from 9am-6pm. Workshops available on the Eucharist, Divine Mercy and Our Lady. To view the full schedule and to register, visit

Pray, Sing, Learn: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Children 3 to 6+

Children ages 3 to 6+ are invited to pray, sing, learn and work in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in a child-friendly space called an atrium at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. By developing their relationship with God through works that include guided, hands-on activities, children learn about how much God loves them. All sessions are free of charge: 3-4 year olds on Tuesday, 10:30am - 12:30pm, and for 5-6 year olds on Fridays, 1:00pm - 2:30pm, 6+year olds at 3:00pm - 4:30pm. To register and for a schedule of dates, please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at Children from any parish can attend and families are very welcome to wait in St. Columba’s parish hall while their children work in the atrium.

2nd November All Souls’ Day Mass at Mount Vernon Cemetery

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place at 10am on Wednesday 2 November (All Souls' Day) in the Mount Vernon Cemetery Chapel.

Cost of Living

The Scottish Government has launched a new website that brings together in one place information on support, grants, benefits and advice, in order to help people find what support they may be entitled to. Please visit

Job Vacancy with SPUC

The Scottish Society for the Protection of Children (SPUC) seeks an Executive Assistant (Public Affairs and Legal Services). It is an opportunity to use and develop your administrative, project management and communications skills in a dynamic, friendly, positive and fast-moving team committed to making abortion unthinkable. The role will be full-time (part-time considered) and have a salary of c.£25,000. For further information and to apply, please email

November Retreats: Craig Lodge House of Prayer

Craig Lodge is delighted to announce some wonderful weekend retreats to refresh and encourage you, including ‘Be Transformed’, Friday 11th November-Sunday 13th November to focus on the freedom and abundance the Lord wants for us as we put on the mind of Christ, and ‘By His Wounds We Are Healed’, Friday 25th November-Sunday 27th November, to encounter the healing love of Jesus as we bring our wounds to Him who was wounded for our sake. Suggested donation for each event is £145 (£160 for a single room). To book your place, email: For more information, visit Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, 01838 200216.

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Enjoy being a pilgrim in Scotland! Try one of the eight great pilgrim ways wending their way quietly through Scotland’s diverse and scenic landscape to St Andrews. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. To plan your pilgrimage route and get more information please visit

Read the newsletter for 16th October (pdf)